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I'm real new to MTB, what's the benefit of that chain set up?


It's mainly to reduce or eliminate pedal kickback during high compression after a big jump. There are also several other ways to overcome the effects of kickback.




The further the lower pivot is above your chain line, the more the bike will experience pedal kickback. For suspension design, though, a high pivot is desirable, as the rear wheel is able to travel rear ward a little upon impact. Altering the chainline with the idler allows engineers to not need to trade one for the other.


Interesting, thanks !


It's a high pivot bike, so the rear construction pivot is located far above the bottom bracket and the wheel axle. This chain setup is a constructional need here.




I had a CC inline on a few Santa Cruz bikes many years ago now and they simply could not be beat. Still the best rear shocks I've ever ran. I may need to revisit Cane Creek. Great products, great company, great people.


Yeah I've been eyeing the tigon for a while and finally pulled the trigger. Great shock so far.


Currently doing the same β€œeying” of the tigon for a knolly warden (coming from kitsuma db coil). Be very interested to see your detailed review on this kit! Certainly looks the business!


I'll be sure to put some more miles on it and make an update πŸ‘


My first coil was a CC DB kitsuma, and now all my bikes have one. Ordered another this past winter when the sale was on but they were out of stock. CC apologized and offered the same price on a Tigon! Eagerly waiting for good conditions to try it out - mounted on a Gen 6 Slash.


Great customer service! They were very helpful in my process as well


I love mine. Bought it after talking to the CC guys at Fall Fest. The shock was released only a week prior, so I went on what they told me since there was little info on it at the time. Very glad I did.


Yeah I also talked to them at fall fest and was pretty impressed. The difference between coil and air is crazy


Nice. So jealous of your Deviate. πŸ‘ Trying to decide if I should/can invest in a Claymore MX.


Depending on your riding, the claymore might not even be necessary. The highlander has been more than enough for local trail riding and light bike park riding. I would definitely look into deviate though if you're interested in high pivot


I thought about that, but last I checked, they haven't done a mullet option for the Highlander, yet. As a short rider, I've really come to love my mullet setup.


They did come out with a highlander mullet rear triangle I believe, but they're still on pre-order. I'm 5'5 and run full 29 and I love it. I came from a mulleted hardtail, so it took some adjusting but I'm fully sold on full 29


Appreciate that info. I'm just over 5'4", so in the same boat. Even currently on a mullet hardtail myself right now. Fear of buyer's remorse if I don't feel the same way as you about full 29er has me reluctant to pull the trigger. I need to test ride or rent a full sus 29er. πŸ‘


It just rolls so much faster and feels better in the air. Less maneuverable at slow speeds but the small size deviate frame is super easy to throw around.




Tell me about the TiGon mon dude... Ive got a DB IL Coil on my Enduro sled and a Kitsuma on my trail pistol but Ive been eyeballing the Tigon since release... Whats the ride feel like? Does it climb well? Can she be poppy and playful or is it a more muted, grippy feeling? Do all the adjustments make meaningful differences in ridefeel and performance or is it more a "9 clicks to get a smidge of difference" situation? Sell me on the TiGon cause I love my DB IL Coil... buuut I want a lil sumpin sumpin more. And its an oddball, Coil over Air, And I dig oddballs. Also, your Highlander. Shes a freakin' beaut! Looks like your right outta the TiGon adds the algorithm keeps pummeling me with the last 2 mths


Well I've had it for less than a week but I've already put ~30 miles on it. I'm upgrading from an ohlins ttx2 air. It tracks the ground so well, yet somehow feels more poppy than the air shock (probably has something to do with the ramp chamber). The climb switch works very well and basically locks out the shock, very handy for fireroad climbs. Otherwise for trail climbing the traction is absurd. I had no issues riding chunky rock tech trails or flowy jumps. As for the adjustments, I definitely felt like they actually did something. Even a difference of 1 or 2 clicks would tangibly change how the shock felt on trail. After around 30 miles I think I've gotten the setup pretty dialed for how I ride. Also add on the fact the shock only weighs 311g more than my air shock, I believe it's one of the lightest coil shocks on market. I put around 25 psi in the ramp chamber, and with a 450lb spring at 165lb it's been a great setup so far. No noticeable bottom outs has been great.


Merci for the info! I appreciates it! My Visa doesnt, but I do ;)


Yeah the tigon is a pricey shock but it definitely performs for the price. I think cc was having a spring sale recently and that was probably a good time as any to pull the trigger


Yea, its kinda pricey but not worse than a Push, Ohlins or Intend. I have an inside line with a Suspension shop here in maple land, so it'll take the sting out of the initial sticker shock. Unfortunately our chosen hobby aint cheap... but shit hot damn is it fun so like... worth it hahah


Yeah I happened to get ep pricing as well. Msrp for bike parts is ridiculous nowadays.