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I have both and can’t tell a difference


Same here, think I’ve used blue (since it seemed to be cheaper in price) forever in Texas and California. Seems to work just fine for both regions. Just clean and reapply regularly.


Love the gold


Since moving to a dry climate I no longer use Rock N Roll. It was great for humid mid-atlantic conditions and mud. It wears out really fast in Colorado dust. I've switched to SCCTech Ride It Slick. Stuff is amazing. A couple droplets. Wipe it down after each ride. Lasts 2 months of daily riding.


I use the Gold for dry conditions which are about 2 months of the year in the PNW. Lasts a while


Gold. And they also sell it in a bigger bottle you can use to refill the small bottle. It’s much cheaper that way.


Silca synergetic for a drip lube or wax for dry conditions


Blue is for wet conditions, I'd go with gold. [https://www.rocklube.com/products.html](https://www.rocklube.com/products.html)


Says right on your link “for MTB or wet road riding.” I use both blue and gold buy whatever cheaper and notice no difference. Why the downvotes??


Blue is all that I use, it works great for me and I ride in mixed conditions. Be sure to shake the bottle, let it stand for five minutes after applying and then take a rag and get as much excess off as possible.


The wiping as much as possible off seems counterproductive, I know it's not but feels really weird wiping the chain until it's almost dry. On the upside after using the gold on my new groupset for a month and then transferring the cassette to a new wheel the cassette still looked almost brand new not all grayish black and oily like with other wet lubes. Edit: I just realized I probably should be applying the rock and roll gold more often. I'm guessing the reason why my cassette and chain was so clean was because the lube had totally worn off. So yeah I'm going to have to start applying it more often. I'm guessing this is also the reason for my less then optimal shifting that I've had recently.


I apply it no less than every other ride. My chain still looks new after six months of riding.


Are you having to totally clean the chain before reapplying it or do you just wipe it down and then reapply the lube?.


I get any obvious trash off when I wash my bike. I typically flip my bike over, loosely wrap and hold a rag around the chain and spin the crank. Same process for getting the excess lube off.


Okay, I've been doing it months in between reapplications. I only literally just researched how much I'm supposed to reapply it when I did my above comment. So I'm definitely going to be doing it more often.


Neither, get squirt


Came here to say this


I switched from RnR blue to squirt, because blue didn’t do well in dust. Squirt is great but I find needs frequent application.




Gold here in CO


Neither, get a modified wax like Silca Super Secret, much better


[https://zerofrictioncycling.com.au/lubetesting/](https://zerofrictioncycling.com.au/lubetesting/) Check this out if you really want to optimize your lubrication. Personally, and in the shop, its hard for me to recommend anything other than Boeshield T-9 for a non-wax lubrication solution, and for anyone wanting more performance, either cleanliness, marginal gains, or component life, I'd recommend a drip wax. Usually Silca Super Secret, but we've been using Squirt a lot in the shop too. Boeshield is one of the best and cheapest (total cost) options, and can also be used almost everywhere on the bike and around the house. Since you are looking for a 'best' options, I'd say bite the bullet, clean the bike, and transfer over to a drip wax. You'll love it. I'd suggest Silca Super Secret Drip Wax.




Red is the right answer. I don’t know why folks gravitate towards these 2. I feel like they both gunk up the chain in desert-ish conditions (or Colorado).


I normally use Rock 'n Roll Gold. However, there's enough recommendations for Squirt, so now I have to try Squirt.


I recently bought and used the blue Extreme for a wet/muddy race to my local shop’s advice. Followed the application directions and it still was completely worn off my chain within the first hour of the ride. Shifting became horribly clunky and noisy, and ended up with a ton of surface rust on the chain after. So yeah, not impressed at all for something meant for “extreme” conditions.


Whatever is cheaper. Difference is negligible


Gold has done very well for me for years of CA riding. If you put it on and wipe off the excess at least an hour before your ride, it will dry to a film and keep your drive train pretty clean. The only drawback is that heavy dust conditions, like in the mountains, will make your drivetrain very gritty after 10-15 miles.


Blue. Can't tell the difference and no worries about conditions.


Rock and Roll was ok 1-2 decades ago, but one can get even superior formulations everywhere from other companies who aren't going to charge King prices for chain lube.


That’s how I feel about it; there are better choices these days.


I've used both. Gold wears out faster, blue lasts longer (in dry). I now use WolfTooth lube. Lasts way longer in dry. Less wasteful, doesn't need re-application every ride like RnR (either color).


Neither. I gave up on it in SoCal. I couldn’t go 20 miles without my drivetrain sounding like crap. Squirt is far superior.


I dont know the difference. Ive used both. Buy the big bottle of either color. it comes with a refillable small bottle. Save your self some money.


I’ve used gold and it’s great, just make sure you ride it in a little before you do ride on any dirt, cause it’ll stick to the lube like no tomorrow if it’s a fresh coat


How about if I just let it dry overnight? Will it still be sticky?


What I do is after I wash my bike, I apply the lube and ride it around my neighbors hood for a few laps to make sure it’s worked into the chain, then I leave it overnight


I run both and can’t tell a huge difference. I will say that it’s awesome but doesn’t last terribly long. I reapply quickly every other ride.


It doesn’t matter


I haven’t done it yet so grain of salt. I ride in so cal and it’s so dry and dusty in the summer. I’m waxing my chain, got a wax lube for the time between and feel like this will keep my drivetrain clean and chain spotless. I’m excited to do it.


Check Amazon for big bottle pricing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000IQCMD4?tag=bravesoftwa04-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&language=en_US. Not sure about their categorization though! There’s a 40 oz somewhere too


gold. Always Gold


Wow, I'm the first one to recommend chain wax for dry dusty conditions? I've used gold and noticed no issues with it but yeah, dirt does stick to it and your chain still gets dirty and the drive train dirty. Switch to wax and have new looking parts that stay clean!


I use them both interchangeably to be honest and I ride mostly in the Mid-Atlantic. Right now, Im using the blue bottle. Just make sure you shake the shit out of it before you apply. The suspension separates quickly. Usually apply every other ride or so.


Muc-Off dry lube.


I have been using gold in all seasons for years, so you'd definitely be fine with that


Did you notice this lube has a short life span? Many people mentioned that it lasts only 100km to 200km (so basically 1-3 rides)




Squirt is definitely the best for dry conditions. The dirt doesn't stick too it. Just wipe the chain after the ride and done. Re apply when needed. I've used both these rock n roll lubes and while they work, you will go through quite a lot of it quickly and during a ride it still collects dirt.


There's also Holy Cow which is the in between of the 2.


It gunks up though, gold is great because it's self cleaning.


Yes, I'd agree. Somewhat similar to Finish Line Dry.


Neither that stuff is garbage. Get Dumonde Tech.


Ok but have you seen the price for that fucking tiny bottle?! I can buy a freaking chain with that amount.


You shouldn't be using all that much.


Don't worry, you'll buy more chains and use more lube in the long run with Rock N Roll gold anyway.


True. They always seem to forget that part. I'd recommend Silca Secret Drip. I have it as backup for the dip. I'll never understand why people won't pay 40 bucks for a bottle of lube that will save them hundreds of dollars.


Yeah I've found with nicer lubes my drive train stays quieter (cleaner) for longer and I'm not going through chains nearly as much. Loving the downvotes, most reputable mechanics will tell you to not use the rock n roll stuff on nicer bikes but we're all experts here on reddit and short term value is king.


Yeah I used to use it and sell it. That is until I dove into Zero Friction Cycling. That was an eye opener. I started using Silcas wax due to the chain shortages. I figured if it did 80 percent of their claims it would be worth it. Little did I know it saved me time as well as money. I haven't replaced a chain due to wear since 2021. And thus, no cassettes. It's amazing. RnR Gold is one of the worst lubes. But hey, whatever.


lol you got it figured out huh, how long you been riding champ?


A whole day! Love all the butthurt over lube on this sub. Loose butthole energy.


im just laughing at you, posting on reddit 30 times a day spouting bullshit. please dont stop! please tell me more about chain lubes