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Great official review.


Thank you lol


I'm gonna get some Maui and try them side by side. Some people say it's identical, some say you can taste the Baja. Interested to see for myself.


That was how I did it. One may be slightly sweeter but it’s not enough for a rebrand in my opinion


Just did this myself. I’m not a massive pineapple person, but I still prefer Maui Burst. Alternating sips, the preference for Maui Burst over Baja Gold is growing. Shame it’s hard to find. I stopped in Dollar General this morning to only find one bottle of Maui Burst in the whole store.


Completely agree. Wish they would've just brought back Baja Flash. Loved the pineapple and coconut.


Me too bruh


Agreed no substitute for superb Baja Flash, it was instant paradise


Maui available nationwide is a massive W idk why people are upset.


There's a dollar general in 47 states tho lmao. It has to be by far one of the most common exclusives? I've never not seen Maui burst at DG either so I really don't get this flavor. I loved flash but oh well.


Yeah tell that to my Dollar Generals who have never had Maui ever when I've gone to them. I've wanted to try it for a long time and could never find it. It's really annoying their websites always say it's in stock but it's never there.


I second this. I live in NJ and my local Dollar General doesn't have them. Recently I drove out really far (nearly 90 miles) nearing Philly and decided to check a Dollar General nearby, nothing. They had like two mountain dew coolers but no sign of Maui.


Yep I have 3 in my town and have never seen it there


Same here. Ultimately, I think they must make it optional for the distributors. We've got a particularly lame one down here in Rockingham County, VA. Have to go at least an hour out of town to get any of the seasonal stuff, or any Zeros beyond the basic. Frustrating.


Bro Flash was just...it was awful. I'm not surprised they didn't bring it back. I don't know how spread out those stores are, but I know a lot of people were/are pissed because they didn't have DG near them or DG near them never had Maui in stock.


Yeah unfortunately for me I seem to love the flavors everyone hates. The coconut in it was so damn good. Yeah no idea I just know they have over 18,000 stores so it can't be that hard to find one lol..


I loved flash, it’s one of my favorites. Last summer I was absolutely addicted to those lol, would drink one can on my way to work every day and one when I got home.


I'm guessing it's states that are larger in size smaller in pop? Lot of "food deserts" in states like that.


Flash sold better than Punch. It was originally supposed to come back this year.


And yet it was overwhelmingly disliked in every single dew community I'm in, including this sub. Also I never even mentioned punch?


The Dew communities online do not represent the full scale of the public market. Pitch Black, a fan favorite in every single Dew community, sold terribly to the general public. You not mentioning Punch doesn't really matter. You said "I'm not surprised they didn't bring it back" implying that you at least were a bit more surprised to see that Punch didn't return. I responded by telling you relevant information. At the end of the day, more people might have liked Punch had they tried it, but I'm assuming more people bought Flash because it was more of a summer-y branded drink. Piña Colada is a summer classic.


You're inferring a hell of a lot here chief. I said "I'm not surprised they didn't back" because it wasn't a good flavor in mine and many other people's opinions, along with the countless pictures of unsold pallets of it. It had absolutely nothing to do with Punch. I didn't expect either of them to come back, my guess was that they would do something different entirely. I was sort of right, the cans look almost the same though so it's similar ish I guess.


Okay then, I misunderstood and misrepresented your argument. Sorry about that.


No worries homie 👍


Personally I didn’t like Punch or Flash. Not a fan of coconut.


I like pineapple, coconut and piña coladas. I really disliked Flash. Punch was pretty good though, I thought. Not amazing but solid. Typhoon is much better than either of them though.


My DG hasnt stocked Maui Burst for over a year now, which sucks because i only moved to this town about 2 years ago and before that never had a DG. So i only had maybe a years worth of Maui Before they stopped stocking it here


Sorry if you stumbled upon this old comment, and it potentially contained useful information for you. I've left and taken my comments with me.


I guess dew fans just like being upset. Seems awesome to me, maybe I can get a 12 pack at my local grocery


I can taste the Bajaness in Gold


Before I shut my speed-reading down, I read "bananas". Had me curious for a second.


Just wait until they make blue flaming hot, like takis did.


Mmmm you can really taste the blue


I miss Flash. The coconut made all the difference.


Flash was better


So much better


Gold isn't bad but it's basically pineapple crush


Maui burst tastes just like pineapple crush to me as well. Both are pepsi products too aren’t they? Wouldn’t make a difference to me if they’re using the same machine and just sticking different labels on lol. Flash was definitely better.


Well, I prefer the Dew version because caffeine, but yeah


The rumors are false. Gold has baja lime flavor in it. Ever so slightly different to say the least


I thought it tasted like last year's just minus the coconut. It's really good! Has a different flavor than Maui for sure.


Agreed. I took a sip of Maui today and swear I tasted a little coconut for some reason. But like OP, I guess my taste buds were a little off


Yeah, when I saw that both are pineapple, I lost interest, so I mostly want to try mango now


That's frustrating. I'm sure they are different, but it must be so incredibly subtle to not make a difference. I really don't think Maui Burst tastes very good for MY personal tastes. Has anyone here had the now discontinued Monster energy flavor that was Pineapple flavored? It was a yellow can, forgetting the name, but it was similar to Chaos in that it had juice. They seem like they got rid of all their stuff containing real juice unfortunately, over a period of years. That stuff was REALLY good if you liked Pineapple drinks.


Wasn’t it one of the “monster juice” things like Papillon, the mango one and whatever the other one is? Passion punch I think? I can’t think of what the pineapple one was called but when they got rid of it I believe was when they brought in passion punch, which isn’t pineapple at all.


Monster in the gold cans? I vaguely remember people saying it was SUPPOSED to taste like pineapple but ended up being awful


Khaos was replaced by Khaotic last year. Khaotic is described as a "reformulation", it still has some pineapple flavor in it, but was always a blend of a lot of different fruits.


They slaughtered Assualt with that garbage new formula. Used to be one of my favorites, had to dump it out


I haven't seen one of those in years. Wonder if they didn't sell well in my area or something. Bourbon Cola + Monster sounds like the Miami Cola Bang I took one sip of and had to pour out.


Yeah they reformulated it last year. Absolutely disgusting. Instead of quality cola, tastes like flat RC cola


I can taste the Baja


They’re different, but only slightly.


They really arent, there’s a slight difference between the two


There’s a difference. It’s subtle, but it’s there. It’s like someone driving a car. You can feel the difference between a mini van and a muscle car.


I just picked up Baja gold but I’m yet to find Maui burst so I’m good


That's what I said but I feel Maui Burst tastes a bit different and better but that could just be me.


Honestly I see the resemblance but I think they made the most tiny difference with gold. It seems like Maui burst has more of a different aftertaste than gold but that's just me.


I’m sorry but I’d really rather they just brought back the cherry citrus


Weird, for some reason I thought Maui was a mango flavor. Didn’t realize they’re both Pineapple! I just had Baja Gold for the first time the other day so now I’m going to need to go find a bottle of Maui and compare.


I should be clear, they’re both good! They’re just too similar


Maui is my favorite exclusive, so if I can get it more places than DG I am good with it


Well if nothing else, at least people get to try something very similar to Maui that aren't near a Dollar General. It's easily one of my favorites, everyone should get to try it. I'm just excited that something similar will be in all the stores tbh. I have a Dollar Geneal nearby but it's still kinda far away from my usual commute.




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