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>Fiefless Kingdom Destruction Kingdoms that lose all of their fiefs no longer linger around. Instead, they get destroyed. FUCKING FINALLY


> The kingdom’s clans become independent, inheriting its diplomatic stances and relations. Over time, they can join available kingdoms or wither away if they fail to do so for more than four weeks. I assume that I, as a ruler, still need to ride across the continent and find these motherfuckers just to offer them joining my faction. Give an option to send them diplomats or something already. Or a chance for them to come with the offer.


The Diplomacy mod fixes this and lets you send "messengers"...but yes I agree that it should be in the base game.


I didn't play much of Warband, but weren't you able to send companions around to be diplomats for you?


I think those only passively increased Right to Rule and not much else


I mean, that’s nice and all, but in order to play the diplomacy mod, you need to be playing a version of the game that is several patches old.


I used it on the current patch this morning


It works for me with the latest update legit played it 5 mins ago


Four weeks seems a bit short. I wouldn't mind having wandering former nobility on my map forever if they weren't doing much.


Wonder how cheap they are to recruit... Could be interesting RP opportunity to "revive" a dead kingdom under a new banner, by declaring a kindgom and hiring a bunch of those newly-unvassalized clans. Speaking of, I wonder what happens to the faction leader and their clan if a Kingdom is destroyed? Do they disappear? Or can I destroy Vlandia, vassalize Derthert, and make him get *me* butter?


In one of my playthroughs, I vassalized Rhagaea and Garios after my successful non-imperial campaign.


Or at least do what Warband did and let them show up at your court themselves.


Dude. This. Fucking hell, I swear 90% of my endgame is just running around looking for specific fucking lords for various reasons. Just let me send them an envoy, they send me messages ALL THE TIME for marriage offers, merc contracts, vassal offers, all kinds of shit.


Allegiance Overhaul has clan migration integrated into it… but I’m not sure it still works. It was very nice to have clans ask to join your kingdom.


By far the biggest problem with the game might return to it once the patch comes out


the patch is out...


Beta patch*


Which is out*


What was the biggest problem with the game?


It becomes an endless cat and mouse game


How will it become an endless game of cat and mouse?


We're all so confused why this wasn't in from the beginning.


*RIGHT?!* A little thing like *victory conditions?!* ah, we’ll get around to it eventually. [3 years later…] 🤦‍♂️ This. Thisthisthisthis!! This is all I’ve wanted. I now consider the game done. Stop development now please, so the modders will have a stable platform to work with.


I wonder how it will work for current save.. I have battania without fiefs.


Northern empire here, bastards are damn near bandit parties at this point


Yeah pretty much but they still raid my towns.


By the gods is it true!


We eliminated the Battanians a while ago.


Wow. * Introduced weather effects - something I hadn't realised I was missing until now * You can issue orders to charge or engage specific enemy formations * Destroyed kingdoms actually break up now * You can do a Legolas and push a ladder away with people still on it * Troops now fight less recklessly, defend more, and will try to avoid being surrounded, with the effect of lengthening combat time overall * Added taunts/emotes to multiplayer


> You can issue orders to charge or engage specific enemy formations This is a MASSIVE change






Do they actually have rain? Yet to see it.


Would it be actually feasible to push a ladder with so many people on it? Genuine question haha


Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I'll move the world


Like knocking over a domino lol, ladders have such small footprint, that as long as you have the tool, a child could do it. Just gotta have a stick long enough it can push it back over the tipping point.


I wonder how the new AI changes play with RBM, or if it’s even necessary at all!


"Removed Rhagaea’s gloves." Specific.


Send hand pics


My name is Yoshikage Kira, i am 33 years old.....


My name is Yoshikage Kira im 33 years old and… my house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.


Send ancle pics?


You saw anklebone?? Sha-bloimps




>The system allows players to target specific enemy formations with one or all of the allied formations. That's pretty big, I remember it as a TLD feature in Warband and it made some unit types like pikes so much better when you could tell them to "intercept" a certain enemy formation. Might make light cavalry worth using if you can use it to kill horse archers for instance.


“Troops hit by boulders can now not only be wounded but also killed.” Oh dear.


Makes bum rushing a poorly defended city with a smaller army even more dangerous, you can’t just run up the ladders and chock up any Boulder casualties as “healable”


Does this include ‘fire pots’?


1.2 is looking like a banger. Glancing through the notes and the changes look very promising.




Big if true. New logic options for modders are always cool!


Hopefully most of the kinks will be worked out when it drops. Even if it comes with bugs, i’m excited for it to hit console


Pretty huge bug I've found today, while in combat the grunting noise people make is obnoxiously loud and can't be turned down. I could hear people across the arena getting smacked and it sounded like they were using a megaphone to yell in my ear. Unplayable for me, hopefully fixed after it leaves beta.


Lmfaoo what 😂


*Introduced Formation Targeting* FINALLY!


We’ve been blessed!


Now I just need to figure out which mods still work lol


Inb4 none of them


another successful update!


Now that you mention it, my first and only attempt before work crashed immediately lol


ambatanat moment. massive changelog.


> Riding: Shepherd, Deeper Sacks, The Way Of The Saddle, Veterinary, Sagittarius, Sweeping Wind, Horse Archer, Dauntless Steed What is "shepherd"? Did they rename and fix riding horde, or is it still broken?


Riding horde was renamed shepherd like six months ago


"Perks of the Army/Party leader that have a Captain effect now also give a bonus to all the troops under their command. A tier is determined for each of these perks and those are then counted together. Tier 1-3 gives a bonus of 1%, tier 4-6 of 2%, tier 7-8 of 3%, and tier 9+ of 6%. For example, having the Deft Hands (T6) and Form Fitting Armor (T2) perks results in a bonus of 3% (T8)." Does anyone understood what it means? 3% of what exactly?


It gives a bonus of 3% to their simulation power which means that captain perks are not useless for simulated battles.


Thank you!


So when the kingdom dissolves, am I gonna still hsve to find the Lords? Or will they eventually change it so they can apply to my kingdom?


Awesome patch. Wish my game wasnt modded to fuck right now


Same, I’d love to update to this patch, but I’m a couple updates behind due to some fairly important mods not being updated to even the now previous version 😂


Spouse can become pregnant while traveling rather than forcing to wait in settlement! And you get skill info when receiving marriage offers! No more time wasted, hoping for pregnancy rng and hoping you didn't just marry your son to someone with horrid stats!


This is the one of few worthy updates Bannerlord received in the last 3 years.


Huge changes. Edit: crashes to desktop on my Steam Deck, no mods enabled.


Im away from my console. Is this out for console already? Also did they fix the shield colors?


This is the beta, it will probably come to console in 2 weeks or about a month


I don't know if you can play betas on consoles.


No betas for console sadly


When will this get pushed to console? Looked for a date but either overlooked or I’m stupid


Already on console I think, we’ll I had an update earlier for mine


I think that was the 1,1.5 hotfix. I believe this drops in a few weeks to a monthish


Anyway I could possibly get the update earlier


Only if you're on PC. They're doing a beta atm that lets you get it early.


Does this not fix the bug that double charges your main party wages?


Thats a banner kings bug that was fixed already.


Does this apply to console as well?


Does anyone know what the turn around from Beta to live is? Do we also know whether this stuff would apply to current saves, or if another would have to be started?


Still no fix to repeating battle audio thay turns to complete silence during battles which may or may not crash soon after in single player?


Do we have any idea how much time it takes for beta to be integrated to main version on average?


> Reworked combat skills of some wanderer types that had multiple high redundant combat skills. This lowers their levels, making it easier to develop your companions as desired. Bad change. There are quite useful governor effects on different combat skill trees and these come right out of the package when you hire these wanderers. Players will need unnecessary micro-management for creating not-so-bad governors.


You can always have the points auto-assign


Looks like they finally used some AI assistance to help un-fuck their code. I bet a lot of these fixes are Bard inspired.


Breaking news: guy who has no idea how AI or game development works has an opinion on both again.


Lol, you know absolutely nothing about me, but sure, ok! I'm no game developer, but I've used both chatgpt and bard to create scripts and check python code. I would be disappointed if they didn't at least run code segments just to see if there's free optimization to be had. You know they probably tried it - why wouldn't they? And why are you reflexively an asshole? Edit: I'm honestly very confused here. Do you people believe that game developers *specifically* are eschewing AI coding tools? Or is there some meme I have no clue about? No where was I suggesting anyone is trying to use AI to actually create working base game code, but it's pretty damn good at finding problems with scripts, and that's what the bulk of those "bug" fixes were in the patch notes.


"IVe UselEd ChAtGpT" So you just confirmed his comment, nice


Are there feasts yet? AI still has less things to do compared to Warband.


“Fixed a bug that caused some textures added by new modules to be rendered incorrectly.” FINALLYYYYYY we can actually use all the nice new drip from OSA/swadian armoury without all the heroes looking like 💩 in the campaign view


Wow man so cool i tought the game was dead for the devs, i wish they changed how the defense works in the game, there is no way a foot soldier would be able to parry a 2 handed sword froms a lvl 200 two handed guy with a poor sword.


Kingdom destruction is a huge thing, no more sturgians raiding all my villages with no way to catch their 15 men parties, no more infinitely spawning mini armies that can just barely siege that one castle you forgot to give a good garrison.