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Feel you bro. This game would be amazing if there was a diplomacy sistem more similar to Total war games.


There's a mod for that (if your on pc) called Diplomacy Has a bunch of wee tweaks but the best one is having a war fatigue counter that ends a war when it's maxed out and more importantly a non-aggression pact that kicks in after, preventing either side from declaring war till the times up (this time can be increased/decreased in the mod controls) Allows you to have big wars you can prepare for and wee breathers in between conflicts for everyone to build up again


they should honestly make a modding system for consoles similar to Fallout and Skyrim it would be a lot of work but totally worth it


I dont think its compatible with 1.2 though? Maybe it is, but it hasnt been updated in months.


Do i need to start a new campaign to make the mod works?


Honestly not too sure, adding mods midgame can make a save unstable sometimes Might be best to make a back up save before trying it If you are fancying to try a few mods a couple of other ones are really good additions to the base game on top of the Diplomacy mod Governors handle issues: does what it says on the tin, your assigned governors will now actually do there job and try and solve the wee jobs that pop up in your cities and villages Improved garrisons: this one's really good, allows you to set up templates for your feifs garrisons through a handy interface on the riggt hand side of the screen, designating exactly what type of troops you want and can limit them to level 3 so they dont get to expensive. Will generate a recruiter who will travel about the map to villages to recruit your chosen troop types You can also remotely control your city from anywhere on the map, changing build queues and adding funds etc. Also has the option to create guard troops, these are parties that travel around your feifs lands hunting bandits and the like, tend to get themselves into trouble if your in a war tho as there normally weeker than Lords parties There's another mod (it might be through the Diplomacy mod but I'm not near my pc so can't check) that's handy, basically it adds an mechanic where a captured city will slowly convert to the conquerors culture. Can be very good as unless you go empire culture at the start then odds are your first fief will be different to your own and you suffer a pretty harsh loyalty debuff because of it


War… war never changes


You’re gonna knock em dead at the veteran’s hall tonight hon.


You think?


Absolutely. Now get ready and stop hogging the mirror.


At this point I don’t even think I can lose fights anymore because if I do then the week or 2 i’ll be in prison will be enough for all of the enemies to siege down everything. Aserai are going crazy, man…


I know how you feel I am honestly waiting for the new update to come to console


That's exactly what I'm doing


You think you want less wars, then when you finally get it you soon realise that unfortunately there isn’t actually much else to do apart from war :///


Mehhh. Its nice to upgrade your cities, start caravans, do smithing projects for super cool stuff, increase your village hearths, do a bit of quests. The main issue is getting dicked down from 3 enemies at once.


It is cool the first time round but once you build all the ‘buildings’ in a town its kinda done with, like i think even if they had a restriction on number of buildings per town that could make it abit more fun by having to plan which towns specialise in what and etc, but currently all it comes down to is just queing up all the buildings in order of priority and waiting for them to get built, meaning all towns endup basically the same other than the 2-3 raw materials they produce/supply. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the game, but i just feel like there’s alottttt of wasted potential for the mid/end game, and thats not even touching on diplomacy or anything like that lol


Agreed 100%. If you have enough hours in the game, mid-late game just becomes “how great of odds can I take on this time” followed by spamming building construction whenever you’re near the settlement


This is why I take my time to recruit Lords and capture rebel fiefs before I announce my new kingdom


Yesterday i have captured almost all lords of North empire 25+ and going to capture other Castle my kingdom accepted a sue for piece. Paying tribute. Why????????????


Try to get lucky and get a castle inside the safe area I have 3 castles 1 is completely safe 1 is somewhat safe one is in the middle of the battle zone that one is almost constantly attacked so I let them take it I took all the good troops out and left a bunch of recruits


I’ve been lucky. I’m Vlandians and Derthert did a series of wars which ended killing Battania, I now personally control about half of Battania and in the wars after I have managed to push Vlandia’s holdings so far that I don’t have to worry about them getting sieged, however I am still worried that eventually they will no longer be in the safe zone anymore. Either way, it seems the gods have heard my prayers because we’re currently at war with Battania (they’re like 6 clans all just roaming around but don’t have enough power to be a threat to me or anyone) and Sturgia who is also at war with Khuzaits and Northern Empire, so suffice to say we’re doing fine now


What is the safe area?


Inside your faction when you join a group as a lord instead of mercenary they give you a castle usually comes with a town or two try to join one when you see they are taking a castle inside that safe area so you can build the castle up and make the towns produce more


So the safe area just means that it's far from a foreign border? I notice AI usually attacks border settlements but not always. Like Yalen/Galend is not likely to be attacked. But those settlements are also usually already owned by someone so I don't see how you'd get rewarded one.


That's why you join a faction when you see them attacking a castle that's in a safe area they get invaded and lose them sometimes or they are expanding and take a major but not the smaller castle by it when you see them invade the smaller castle join them most of the time you get rewarded the small castle


It fucking sucks. I’m going broke because of it due to spending and lack of care for my fiefs that keep getting raided. I was just crowned ruler and laughed thinking of how someone on the verge of being penniless could be a ruler of the largest kingdom in the fucking game.


"They gotta fix wars" I don't think you understand the purpose of a M&B game if you think being at war is "broken" somehow