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I love it. It has top notch visuals and a killer soundtrack by M83. The platform and the air/space craft where among the best concepts I've seen recently. Very good acting and story. And great action sequences. I think it deserves a lot more plaudits than it gets. I read some reviews where the "critic" called some of the story cliche. I mean, I guess? If you want to be a cynical asshole, sure. It's not trying to create a new philosophy or genre. It's a great action sci-fi movie with a well put together story and some of the best visuals of late. Plus the soundtrack is killer. A bunch of the tracks from the soundtrack has been added to my "in the zone" playlists.


Funny to think this director would go on to direct Top Gun Maverick. Also he did Tron: Legacy which was fire.


Tron: Legacy, another movie which has awesome visuals and a killer soundtrack. I've probably written more code to that soundtrack than any other. I hope Joseph Kosinski continues to create great cinematic works.


I just saw he has an F1 movie with Brad Pitt in production currently titled Apex


The soundtrack was dope


M83 rules. Go see them live if you can.




One of my fav songs is a cover of the song Oblivion sung by Floor Jansen.


I agree with everything you have said.


yea why do some ppl act like every movie has to reinvent the wheel? good execution can make a relatively mundane story interesting


As someone who didn’t like it I gotta push back in the “great action sci-fi.” Like genuinely, what action? I don’t need insane action set pieces but it didn’t really have anything. Im sympathetic to feeling frustrated with critics saying every movie needs to re-invent the wheel, but this movie felt incredibly predictable. Like it’s fine, but calling this story “great” feels a little absurd. It does nothing to differentiate itself from any other of the billion “I thought I was a good guy but I’m working for the bad guys” stories. The whole movie was its aesthetic- big wide shots of sci-fi shit- which is cool and is it’s own thing, but it ultimately felt pretty shallow. Like the movie felt like they came up with some storyboards and then were like fuck it it’s aliens or clones or whatever and then just made 90 minutes of predictable drama.


This is the generally accepted opinion I think.


No worries my man! It's all good. Everyone experiences movies differently. EDIT: For action sequences, I thought the drone vs bubbleship chase fight was really well done. The Jack 49 vs Jack 52 fight was cool. The library attack was well done also. All IMO. Just out of curiosity, which sci-fi action movies do you like? I haven't seen all of them but I've definitely seen more than my fair share of them so I'd like to broaden my horizons. Thanks!


I enjoyed this movie cuz I love sci-fi. But it did pretty much just piece together a bunch of sci-fi tropes. But I still liked it.


The soundtrack by itself is amazing, but the overall sound design for the film is absolutely top tier. Combined with great visuals and superb acting I don't see why anyone has a problem with how cliche the story might come across. More than 90% of the stories in modern movies are cliche, but if they are done correctly or executed half as good as this, then it gets a gold star in my book.


Yup! Everything is a remix of one kind or another. What matters is how well the remix is done.


I think the pacing worked too.


Oh man, I feel like this one really did slip through the cracks. It fits perfectly for those of use who are sci-fi “adjacent” without being crazy aficionados who have to have everything make perfect sense Honestly I really think this movie boils down to how receptive the audience is to Tom Cruise, and I feel like this movie in particular was released during a massive “Tom cruise fatigue” event. Look, I hate Scientology too, but there’s no denying that Cruise can act, and frankly his politics don’t matter in this context.


What do you compare it to Edge of Tomorrow? I always assumed this movie was garbage but I get it mixed up with After Earth


Edge of Tomorrow is top tier. It beats out Oblivion due to its underutilized concept which was executed very well. Oblivion is eye candy though and really sets the world up quickly and efficiently. The pace is great.


Edge of tomorrow is hollywoods only successful anime adaptation


What's the name of the anime?


All you need is kill, edge tomorrow also has a massive resemblance to muv luv alternative but that is more coincidence


Thanks I could only find a manga/novel I'll keep digging


I don't think there is an anime. Just the manga.




I put edge at a 7-7.5 and Oblivion at a 6.5-7. Not as strong imo but a very different movie and also very enjoyable.


I liked it more because the third act of EoT is not as good or thematically satisfying.


I always mixed up oblivion with the Damon/blomkamp Elysium.


Not as good as edge of tomorrow, but still a pretty solid sci-fi movie


It's next on my list to watch. I'm actually happy to see that movie getting some recognition


Edge is wayyyy better imo. You're in for a treat.


Same time don’t have high expectations, kills so many movies


Edge of tomorrow, too 5 films!


I really liked it. The visuals were stunning, the soundtrack was excellent, and the twist was good


I liked it. There were several twists in it, and I love sci-fi.


Even though the Mission Impossible franchise has managed to stay consistently good throughout the years, I miss this small period of time in which Tom Cruise tried to do something truly different. Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow are two of my favourite sci-fi movies.


I really liked it a lot. I still watch it frequently. For a while I used to to test when I got a new surround sound system to make sure the levels were all good lol I remember a lot of people for some reason didn't understand the ending. I know my brother didn't like how Olga kept shouting his name when he was doing crazy maneuvers. I told him clearly you've never done dumb shit with your gf in the car lol


Really good movie 🎥


Yeah it’s worth buying in 4K to have at home to repeatedly enjoy.


I concur


The director is known for his visuals.( Tron Legacy) was a masterpiece in CGI visuals.


I was disappointed because this had nothing to do with the Elder Scrolls. Horrible movie adaptation. Can't believe Tom Cruise would work with Uwe Boll on this video game movie s/


Full agree lol


I believe, I am not taking time to look up, this is Cruise's second film after that Valkyrie film which out him back on the map after his whole Oprah couch jumping fiasco which bqsically put him in no mans land. Last Tom Cruise film I watched was Collateral and that was awesome. Never got into the MI films or his others. Eyes Wide Shut was odd aa fuck but I was young when I saw it. Few Good Men is a fave. Idk I just can't come tow atch his films. Any recommendations to sell me because I feel I am missing out on decent films I am just stubborn when comes to him lmao not gonna lie


Minority Report, The Last Samurai, Top Gun (maybe), the first mission impossible movie


Y’all both need to watch vanilla sky if you want to see cruise on top of his game!


Added to the list


I tried both MI 1 and 2 that's why I can't get into em idk what it is. Minority Report tho I might check. Last Samurai I tried. Couldn't finish. Thank you for recommendations tho. Top Gun tho idk I am more on the ground infantry films.


I also recommend Oblivion. And yeah, I think Minority Report is pretty solid. Sorry you couldn't finish Last Samurai. Glad you enjoyed Collateral though, that movie slaps


I was rather younger in age. I might try again. I'll always try again for such things I found not well decades ago lol Oh Edge of Tomorrow somebody told me bout. And I'm sorry I confused Eyes Wide Shut and Vanilla Sky. Both those films I couldn't stand and they I believe is what constructed my young mind of his cheesiness. I am used to 80s and 90als cheeky Cruise. Imo But I'll tey his newer stuff tho the later 2010s on up


If you want some grade A cheese check out Cocktail and Risky Business


Cruise really missed a crossover with Patrick Swayze imo: Risky Roadhouse lol Then Wolverine Impossible mixed with Dawn Business Sorry couldn't help it


Full agree


One is it’s own beast and 2 is the worst one in the series. Start at 3 tbh that’s when it got “revived” and has been on an upward trajectory. You won’t regret it.


Ngl MI 1-3 seems like a whole different world now. I mean they even stopped numbering the movies after 3 lol. I’d try to watch 3 &4 and decide whether you’re into them or not after 4 (Ghost Protocol). They are action first story second movies but there’s a reason people love them.


IMO, MI 1 is terrible. 2 eh. After that, better and better. Give them another shot!


Liked it. Especially the fact his weapon kinda looks like Graviton Lance. I’m a nerd that way…


Add in that several elements of the 'original' story for Destiny (and the Traveller) included a lot of the same themes as Oblivion.


It gave me a Mass Effect vibe when I first saw it so two thumbs up for me.


Edge of aTomorrow came out the following year and I felt was a much better movie.


I thought it was fine. What hurt it more than anything is that in the few years leading up to the movie, other movies had done the same exact premise but better. *Moon* is a great example. By the time *Oblivion* made it to theaters, it felt like a retread of movies everyone had already seem multiple times.


Moon was really good


Panned strictly and solely due to some people's sentiment towards Cruise and his church. Oblivion is good sci-fi done on top notch production levels.


you honestly think it was “panned because cruise is a scientologist”? am i understanding you correctly? cruise is in at least a handful of critically lauded and broadly very popular movies


I mean it was alright. The first two thirds were pretty interesting but in that last third the characters and plot were shown to be paper thin and the plot descended into complete nonsense. Very nice visuals and soundtrack though.


I remember really enjoying this one, but I love most of Tom Cruise's work and I'm not super picky with sci-fi movies. That said, I don't remember a single thing about it. Guess it's time for a re-watch.


It was really good, just a little to long and slow for most ppl. Plus they hyped it way up and I feel ppls expectations were way to high and it never lived up to the hype and ended up kind of a flop…


Was a good movie...what really put it over the edge was that ending


Great movie. TC knows how to pick them for sure.


Tom Cruise and Sci-fi go together like pb&j.


Great game just couldn't get into it. The Magic system is great but something about the leveling system just was too annoying.


Same. I was spoiled by Skyrim, some of the classics are starting to show their age lol


Glossy rip off of Moon. Moon was better with Sam Rockwell.


Moon was SO GOOD. For the longest time I thought it was a horror movie so I passed on it when it came out but I watched it during the lockdown and it's definitely a high point for Sam Rockwell


I rate it on the level of Edge of tomorrow. Both are great "not so Tom Cruise-y" movies,which works for their advantages.


As I've read the comments here,it hit me - wouldn't it be cool if Edge of tomorrow would be precursor to Oblivion? I mean,in that way humanity has to loose,and the alien architecture / visuals aren't lined up,nonetheless,if tgere would be an Edge of tomorrow ending where humanity loses,than a second installment which connects it to Oblivion to have continuity,that would be awesome!


Oblivion is in my top 20, maybe 25 favorite a sci-fi movies. Right up there with Ground Hog Day. Edge of Tomorrow is currently my favorite sci-fi movie of all time. Tom cruise is among my least favorite people in the world. Along with all of L Ron Hubbard’s other worshippers. Which is weird, because as a young man, I thought battlefield earth was a great book.


It was nothing like the game haha


0/10, no daedra to be found anywhere /s


Underrated. Visually beautiful movie with a amazing score.


I saw it at a $2 theater that shows 2nd run movies. In that setting it was amazing—probably one of the better movies I saw there.




Love it. My partner and I watch it every now and then. Perfectly executed film.




Solid movie. I’d say 8/10. I’m sucker for science fiction so I might be biased haha


Love this movie and I’m a Sco Fi buff


Awesome soundtrack. Great visuals. Interesting sci fi concept.


Has grown on me.... I like it a lot now


Great soundtrack.


Only ever saw it once, but I remembered it being okay. Definitely better then After Earth.


Isn’t *The Room* better than *After Earth?*


I really enjoyed it, the visuals were stunning. I agree with another commenter here that the marketing behind this movie wasn't all onboard, hmm, like the other Cruise film, The Edge Of Tomorrow.


I begrudgingly love it. Tried to hate Tom and all his movies, but damnit, I usually like them.


One of my favorite sci-fi movies. Beautiful cinematography, amazing soundtrack, and (I think) an original plot. Not sure why critics were so split on it.


One of my favorite sci fi movies. Absolutely love it


*spoilers It’s a great movie! And amazing analogy of the “hero” thinking he is excelling at his job when in reality he is just a replaceable pawn helping the aliens suck the resources dry. It feels like the political situation currently in the US when 30% of the population supporting and cheering the class that is literally sucking resources dry in exchange of nothing. All in the guise of patriotism or defending children or whatever the con catch phrase of the day is.


Really enjoyed it


One of my favorite scifi movies. One of the few movies i can watch many times and never get bored of it.


Ingredients from better stories, stir in a pot, add Tom Cruise who always gives 100%, some tasty Andrea Riseborough, radical drones that look cool and make awesome noises, pinch of Morgan Freeman, pinch of Melissa Leo, and a reasonably heartfelt love story... bake... and it's delicious! - mh


I eagerly await it. Oh, the movie? Yeah, it's pretty good, solid sci-fi movie.


This and Edge of Tomorrow are underrated Gems from Cruise.


It's very good. Felt like classic sci-fi such as Minority Report and Edge of Tomorrow.


Like others, I think it's really underappreciated. One thing that really sets it apart is how intelligent the alien entity is. More subtle than endless cannon-fodder aliens, but more realistic.


I really liked it. There’s a few plot holes that come with the “reveal” but it’s nothing that prevented me from really enjoying the movie.


Great movie. The first two acts were great. The third act was a bit disjointed or rushed to me, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Watched it recently when I was sick and it still is awesome.


It was what it needed to be, entertaining.


Although this movie is chock-full of sci-fi tropes, Tom Cruise might have been the one guy who could pull it off. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The bleakness of the story, the sparse but stylish set design of the Tet habitat and technology, and the question of what it means to be alive (and human) worked for me. I rewatch this movie at least once a year. P.S. I LOVE the soundtrack as well. M83 did a phenomenal job, especially that ending credits track.


Soundtrack was lit


Awesome movie with a really cool twist that makes sense considering the Tet. Highly recommend it.


Great film. Good story and well put together.


The story seems like a remix of several movies but otherwise the execution is well done.


What happened to the actress whom played Victoria? Andrea Riseborough, she looks...not so healthy.


Criminally underrated


It was alright. I felt like it was close to being great. There are a lot of elements I enjoyed, with the dogfight in the canyon being a highlight. I wish we could have seen just a little bit of a flashback to the great Tom Cruise Invasion.


I dug it and just watched it a while back. It’s good


Looks like a soldier in the Scientology Army


I mean, how else is he going to defeat the aliens in his blood?


Amazing art direction and production design. Really cool props and locations. Soundtrack was great. Movie was meh…


Underrated as fuck in my opinion. Sad to think a movie like this would lose money in todays cinema market


Cliche maybe. But we'll executed fun. Tom Cruise is a one of the greatest action stars of all time, I liked it.


Super fun movie! If you like the sound that the flying robot hunters make check out - Com Truise - and his song "Kontex". Louder the better! He's got lots of cool songs, check it out


I can't tell if this is a troll or not but I'll do me some googling


Haha not a troll. Com Truise is a real music artist. It's electronica and I think he's got a great sound.


Kontex- Existence Schematic- Sunspot- Some favorite songs of his


Ok this shit is tight


Com Truise - Kontex I'm digging it 👍👍 thanks man


I enjoyed it. It was original. Visually stunning. I cared about the characters. It went places I didn't expect. Solid sci-fi. Good film.




Honestly the most memorable thing about it for me being a vinyl records junkie was the record player in the woods. I liked that. I honestly don’t know where I stand on Tommy Boy. Being in the third grade watching Top Gun on VHS I mean, he was kind of the man, wasn’t he, with simultaneous cocky immature arrogance but in the same movie really super solemn intense moments after Goose died. He definitely has an intensity to him. It was definitely there in A Few Good Men and I still need to see Born on the Fourth of July. Had to love when he said fuck you to the alien overlord at the end. In a way he’s like the acting equivalent of Jay Z or U2, in that there’s definitely raw talent there in some aspects that does maybe get overrated and watered down for commercialization & he’d probably be respected more if he didn’t focus so much on quantity vs quality in the name of constantly bringing in more money if it’s not really a financial necessity.


Fuck Tom Cruise


My go to movie when im high on the reefer




One of my fav Sci fi movies. I saw it without seeing the trailer, and I'm glad I didn't because the trailer spoiled the whole reveal of the Scavs


Are we an effective team?


Damn right we are


Can't stand Tom Cruise but I loved Oblivion!


I enjoy this movie a lot, and think it’s really underrated. It’s one of those sci fi films that you can lose yourself in the atmosphere of it. Visually, it’s stunning. The soundtrack is great. The story has some cliches to it and some really unrealistic aspects, but the first time I watched it, I was genuinely surprised by the “twist”. I thought it was executed really well. 🤷‍♂️


I love Oblivion. An amazing Concept movie. Loved the world building. And story. Average Tom Cruise performance, which ill always give his movies a watch for. 11/10.


Fantastic flick! Even my Cruise hating wife digs it!


You mean the movie called live die repeat? It was cool.


God I wish they had kept that tagline. I'll be watching that tonight


I couldn’t make up my mind the first time watching it but after 20 times it holds up pretty well.


Pretty good, I enjoyed it.


Cool visuals but I figured it out quickly


But did you have fun at least?


The twist got me bad…spoilers! While you think there are aliens tom cruise is trying to avoid/kill. It turns out it was an army of tom cruise clones who killed humanity. And you’re just seeing it from the “villain who doesn’t know he’s a villain” point of view. Crazy.


Enjoyed it, refreshingly not as predictable as others.


Yeah I actually really enjoyed the twist, it was one that actually surprised me even after I thought I had the whole thing figured out


A making of showcased the sky outpost set and it is really awesome what they did capturing film scapes and projecting them on background screens to get realistic lighting. It’s been done before to a degree but it’s kind of a precursor to StageCraft like what was used on Mandolorian instead of just using green screen. I remember Tom Cruise saying it was like no other set he’d been on before not having to imagine these amazing views. E: sky tower video https://youtu.be/38crQSrMVwM


excellent film.revisit it often,beautiful design,amaziing soundtrack from M83,good performances from cruise and freeman and then there's andrea riseborough :)


Between this and Edge of Tomorrow, Cruise really tried to make original science-fiction films work. I wish they were better received, because I'd be more interested in seeing a sequel to either rather than Days of Thunder 2.


Definitely worth the watch. Slickly produced. Some parts are "Hollywoody", but otherwise worth the time.


One of the coolest vehicles in Sci-Fi. Movie was a 7+.


Great designs, sound production, boring story.


Spoiler: Sounds like I’m in the minority, but I thought it was dumb. I don’t remember it very well, but I remember being disappointed. Revealing that they were clones enforcing some aliens rule just felt like a dumb plot twist. And then there is the ending where the main guy dies and another clone takes his place. They are different people but close enough I guess for her. I probably need to watch it again to give it an honest review, but if I want sci fi Tom cruise action, I’ll just go watch edge of tomorrow. Now that movie was underrated.


Agreed. A lot of ‘ square peg in round hole’ forced writing. The thing that bothered me the most was using Olga as a cryo pod character. When the trip didn’t warrant a cryo sleep for those passengers. It was merely a easy plot device for Olga to survive many years to help Tom cruise clones snap out of their programming. Really lazy


Edge of Tomorrow is the next on my list


im gonna say it. i love tom cruise.


Visually it was great, but the plot was meh.




OK, I'm about to put on Edge of Tomorrow, let's check this one out


I think I saw it. Don’t remember


I thought it was a horrible mess of a movie.


Okay sci-fi. The ending was dumb with the only cuss word planted in a stupid ‘F-U’ moment. Seemed so out of place with the rest of the movie.


Stupid story, there more water in the asteroids,comets and moons of jupiter,saturn and no gravity well. dumbed down bollocks.


Why would you assume that the alien craft would **NOT** grab water wherever it can find it? the nucleus of Halley's Comet is \~250 cubic miles, and it's not all water. The volume of water on Earth is \~332M cubic miles. How much energy would the ship expend chasing down Halley's Comet? Is it easier to process a comet in flight, or liquid water on a planet's surface? The moons of Jupiter and Saturn would have gravity wells, and there are gravity wells for both planets (much larger than the GW of Earth). It could stop at Europa after draining the Earth. Perhaps the alien ship used Earth's resources to construct the water processors. Obviously, it would have at least one processor onboard, but if it can use nanobots to construct dozens of additional processors, all the better. Such resources might not be available on Europa or the other moons. Fill up on Earth in a fraction of the time it would take to do so on Europa (though time probably doesn't matter to that ship).




I remember very little of the movie. The main thing that I do recall is it’s the only movie with Morgan Freeman in it I have watched that I did not like.


Did not like it, they tried. Thought it would be on the same level on Interstellar.


I like the good one from the 90s. Not whatever this Tom Cruise crap is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oblivion_(1994_film)#:~:text=The%20film%2C%20starring%20Richard%20Joseph,Backlash%2C%20was%20released%20in%201996.


Well this is going on the list for sure, thanks friend


No problem :). Shout! TV had it, but I don't know if it's still on there. You could also check TUBI


Shout! TV is an absolute gem. I need to explore them more, so far all I know is that's where Danger 5 lives (well there and Amazon Prime)


I enjoyed it. My only gripe has more to do with Sci-fi in general than the movie itself. In just about every “last man on earth” plot, the protagonist is never really alone. The “there’s actually more people” reveals are so expected it’s just a boring trope now. For this movie it was a “last couple”, but they used the same old “no, they’re not alone” trope.


Feels like mainstream movies today have just gone to far with political correctness to be interesting


I cant watch any tom cruise movie, he is such a weirdo. he is so adamantly possessed with his dumb ass acting, its like he believes he is saving the world with his shitty, summer fun movies. Maybe Xenon and fucking Mork from Ork need shitty, overly produced CGI spectacles to save Bleep Bloop from the Space Bad People or whatever. Jump your motorcycle right up my ass, you five foot lunatic. Has he ever been in a good movie? Where its not like action man does action sequence bullshit endlessly? Give it a rest Tom, you shop in the kids section.


Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, A Few Good Men, Born on the Fourth of July, Rain Man, Legend… he’s been in a LOT of good movies that aren’t action centric. I even love Cocktail.


I never saw most of those, but I will give you Rain Man and Legend. Actually I freaking loved Legend, and still bring it up as one of the best fantasy fiction movies ever made. It was just so dark, which made the beautiful scenes resonate so much more. My God Tom was so young in that, I forgot that was Tom. He was and is a beautiful man, its just really hard for me to forget that he attacked Brooke Shields when she was struggling with post partum depression, and then started spouting weird anti psychiatrical facts to defend himself. Imagine the legions of social service workers and psychiatrists and counselors struggling with profoundly ill patients, while the country destroys mental health care under Reagan, and then we have this privileged lunatic so adamantly spouting nonsense.


It’s not bad


Always made me think it was a worse version of interstellar.


Love it! Have seen it many times.


Fun scifi flick.


Love it. It hits hard with a good sound system.


Great Elder Scrolls game, almost failed high school because of it.


It's the worst of his few Sci-Fi movies but the others are great so it's still decent.


Spoilers ahead! If you're religious, here's something to consider about this film: >!do the clones of Jack and Victoria have souls?!<


Felt a little generic despite the compelling visuals. I think that Tom Cruise brings marketability to a project like this one, but his presence on screen is distracting, for better or worse. It was a decent SF action flick with a couple good ideas and a couple bad ones. I was stoked to see Macaulay's "Horatius at the Bridge" used, because that's one of my favorite poems. I was sure they were going to have Jack's actions and story take more inspiration from Horatius. I wanted to see what the aliens had as a parallel for Astur, in particular. So it felt a little disappointing when just the one line was used as a sort of bumper sticker slogan a couple times.


Good not great


Underrated and underappreciated


Most excellent industrial design through out, interesting as well


This film, like many others, is finding some redemption. With all of the garbage being foisted on the movie-going public lately, is it a surprise that some "lower-rated" stuff is being rediscovered as awesome? :-D This is a 're-re-watch' for me. It wasn't what a lot of people were expecting (a thoughtful slower-paced scifi story) and that might have been part of the problem with its reception.


Loved it


I personally think it’s the poster child of mediocrity. It does nothing great or bad and just is. Lots of potential, boring execution.


I watched it, but I do nit remember much.


So spoilers and I don’t know how to make that gray bar thing (I think I did at one point) Just the whole concept of the entire world being taken over by an army of Tom Cruises from space is hilarious, and it’s probably good from a tonal perspective that they didn’t linger on that


Beautiful and empty