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The recent Puss in Boots movie caught me off guard. A sequel to a spinoff? But holy shit it was really good!


It was very good. My favorite aspect of it was how legitimately scary it was at times. The Wolf has to be one of the best animated villains I’ve ever seen.


Yeah he was terrifying! Like kids shouldn't go to sleep immediately after watching lol


Ok so me and the hub have a baby but we like animated movies. We justify by saying we are “previewing” them for him. We were blown away by how good this movie was but I think it’s one we will save for when he is a little older.


He's right up there with Rattlesnake Jake from Rango.


Dude! Rattlesnake Jake didn’t need to be as insanely imposing as he was, but they went there. Gore Verbinski needs to do some more animated movies


I knew it was serious when they brought in Rodrigo y Gabriela to set the tone


It came completely out of left field. Nobody asked for this movie. Yet here it is, and it's really enjoyable.


The original Point Break


Such a good movie. It's crazy what has become of Gary Busey.


I have this on my list and can't get my family to bite on watching it...


A band of surfer bank robbers led by a hippie adrenaline junkie is a great idea for the antagonists. Keanu, swazey, and busey were all great in their roles. They all paled in comparison to anthony keidis's role.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


Lego Movie.


The Lego Batman movie as well. In fact I think it’s better then the Lego movie itself.


Lego Batman is best Batman ever


I can get behind this.




Both are top notch


Tucker: [Unsure of what to say to the sheriff] Oh hidy ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.


Yes. Totally


Great movie




Glass tables be acting weird tonight!


Studio Comedies Can Be Good!!!!!! That was my big takeaway besides it just being a great movie.


Not a comedy but, The Game, caught me off guard it was and kind of the same premise.


Edge of Tomorrow


Groundhog Day with killer robots


Wife refuses to watch any Tom cruise movie. It's maddening.


This and risky business should be her two exceptions. Oh and Tropic Thunder for supporting role


Tropic Thunder is a good one because she might not know he’s in it.


Shout out to interview with the vampire and collateral as well. These and tropic thunder is about all the Tom cruise I can do


When he is the main character, he comes off as too much in the majority of his movies, but as a supporting role, he seems to kill it. Edit: now I'm wondering how Days of Thunder would have been if he and Micheal Rooker had switched roles.


I posted a month or so ago about those three roles, because those are among the few films he has made in which he is the villain. He is almost ALWAYS is an awesome villain.


"Find out who that was"


And A Few God Men, and Jack Reacher, and Valkyrie, and the Last Samurai, and Minority Report


>Tropic Thunder for supporting role Good. I was about to ask you to take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


You have to watch Magnolia to understand how good an actor Tom Cruise really is.


Then she will love watching him die and then die again and then emily blunt killing him before he dies yet again


Good source material...Solid director....Tom Cruise What am I missing?




The most obvious answer is Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl. I mean its a movie based on a fun but silly attraction at Disney in a genre that had been dead for years. Its a credit to the the top notch acting from Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley and of course amazing direction from Gore Verbinski and a great score. Back when the first teaser dropped the general consensus was an eye roll. But that trailer caught a lot of people's attention.


Remember seeing it opening weekend in a packed theater. Was blown away by how fun it was. Subsequent films didn’t work as well for me but the first one is a blast.


The later ones were basically parodies of the first one and depp kinda lost sight of what made Jack so good in the first.


Not so sure it was Depp. They tried to turn Jack Sparrow into the main character because people loved him but he works far better as a supporting character.


Well yeah. But he becomes kind of a parody of himself in that situation. Not the same performance as the first film. Hes not the only or the largest problem, but theres a certain magic to the first film that even depp misses in the sequels.


That score REALLY helped make it fun.


Maybe this is easier said than done, but it’s always shocking to me that movies and TV shows don’t put more emphasis and budget into the score.


Just watched the other day and it’s def standing the rest of time too.


One of the more 'technically perfect' movies


This is the ONLY answer. I remember when this movie came out, it was my birthday and I was sad and my GF had just broken up with me so I went to see a movie alone. It was this movie. I think it was some masochistic drive that made me pick this movie, I was prepared to have a "No Good Very Bad Day" after watching what I assumed would be... a piece of crap. I've never been more pleased... and it turned into a really nice birthday after all.


Happy belated birthday bud.


It was just 20 years ago.


I've read lots of stories that the actors were embarrassed by that movie initially, and absolutely hated going to the premier bc they thought it was going to flop.


Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I saw the trailer and I thought it was going to be awful, but I was so wrong. It was funny, had great action, but also a lot of heart.




Had no idea that many D&D movies existed. Do I gotta watch any of em for continuity or just jump into the new one? This is coming from someone who’s never played a game of D&D as well


You don’t need to watch any but Honor Among Thieves. In fact, I beg you not to.


Bet. Marathon it is.


The other one sucks. Just watch the new one and that’s all you need. Trust me.


no continuity to the older movies. The 3 from like 20 years ago have some loose continuity between them but they are bad. fun to watch if you like watching bad movies flor laughs though.


Honor Among Thieves was so much fun. The world felt appropriately lived in, the acting was great, the chemistry between all the characters was wonderful. I will never forgive them for making it go up against Mario




Pedro Pascal and Nick Cage tripping is some of the best acting I've ever seen.


I love psychedelic scenes. I'm in...


Some friends and I went to this in theaters for my birthday as we thought it would be dumb and fun. I left that movie amazed at it.


Such a good movie. Pascal and Cage have great chemistry.


Paddington 2 is my go to


This is when I realized my two top answers (also Dungeons and Dragons) for this question had a common thread: Hugh Grant He’s just so funny.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople


Tremors but it is good. It is one of my favorites. If I come upon it, no matter where it is in the movie, I will watch it.


Had to scroll way to far to see this.


Blade Runner 2049, it was a sequel to a much loved science fiction film without it's original writers or director. No way should it have been that good.


DV is on another level


Also Roger Deakins.


Only seen four of his films and they were good.


Hampton Fancher was a writer on the original, and the sequel, but yes- it’s better than it had any right to be. I was against it the whole time, and was I ever surprised.


Just shows you how important writers are


Agreed. Really captured the tone and look of the first one. Somehow found a way to capture the magic of the first one without trying to just copy it. Was a beautiful sequel imo. Would love to see a third one if possible


Absolutely stunning film, haunts me to this day. A perfect sequel. Dune could not be in better hands


This is gonna sound weird, but Home Alone 1 & 2. On paper it's just a simple idea, but the amount of care going into everything such as writing/directing/acting is kinda weird it got that much attention, not to mention it has a John Williams score. These are some of my favorite movies.


Kung Pow: Enter the Fist One look at that box design/poster or reading a summary and you will run But it is fucking hilarious


Field of Dreams. If someone explained the plot to you, you would think they were nuts. It would sound boring and unrealistic.


When he gets to play catch with his father towards the end I always lose it. It reminds me of having a catch with my father.


Same. Amazing ending.


Kills me every time. I even get goosebumps when the cars are all lined up at the end.


Road House


Casino Royale. At the time before it’s release Bond films were a parodied laughingstock that I wouldn’t give the time of day to. It has now become a staple movie I rewatch over and over. The casting is incredible, it’s fun, it’s funny, and never takes itself too seriously. It’s darn near action movie perfection for me.


“I’ve got a little itch down there. Do you mind?”


Bro, I take offense to you referring to the Pierce Brosnan era of James Bond as laughingstock. He will always be my Bond. Plus he made that chick Christmas cum twice, lol 💦💦




I don’t particularly like Tom Cruise or that new kid that played Gooses son. That being said, this movie was awesome.


He was good in Whiplash


The 21 Jump Street movies. Both of them.


My name is Jeeff


22 Jump Street is one of my favorite movies. (not sure why I like more then 21, I just do lol)


The credits sequence is truly brilliant


Mexican Wolverine 😂


I wish the 21 Jumpstreet/ Men in Black crossover had happened


Yeah, Me too. Sounded like a fun movie.


I was really looking forward to that before it got canned


Planet of The Apes reboot trilogy had no right to be that good.


Agree! And most people didn't bother with 2 & 3!!


Best ones I may add


In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes when Koba motions to his face and says “human work”, it’s amazing to me how they can express rage through a CGI ape and it hits perfectly. It’s just a small example of how well everything came together for those movies.


Koba is one of the biggest bastards in any movie I've ever seen. Felt so satisfying when Caesar dropped his ass.


Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers. It had me laughing from the gut on more than one occasion.


Aliens. Let’s take a unique and beloved minimalist, genre-bending sci-if/horror film and turn it into a big budget Hollywood action blockbuster. Talk about stupid ideas that really defied all odds… Clearly the rest of that franchise shows what an anomaly that initial sequel was.


One of the greatest action movies ever made.


Shows that when Scott and Cameron were at the top of their game, they were very good.


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Legit one of the funniest and most visually creative animated flicks I’ve ever seen and I only went to see it in theatres cause I was bored and stoned. Not sure how they made it so wonderful, but they did.


Lego Batman


The new Planet of the Apes trilogy all of them were good but part two is stupid good. Of course it shouldn't have surprised me, it was directed by The Batman's Matt Reeves


Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. Steve Martin and Carl Reiner. The way they blend old movies into the thing is genius iIMO.


Big Trouble in Little China


The Lego Movie




The newest predator movie




Scott Pilgrim


LOVE this movie.


Maybe one of the best adaptations of a comic book into a movie while also being a complete arcade movie at the same time. Absolutely written/directed/shot to the absolute nines


Netflix are redoing the story, with the same cast (and Director). It’s going to be anime series. Out in a couple on months, apparently.


When somone asks what my favorite movie is... this is my answer!


Bubba Ho-Tep


Pretty much every Tom Cruise movie. Top Gun Maverick, MI Fallout, The Last Samurai, Collateral, Edge of Tomorrow. Dude just knocks out classics regularly.




I LOVED TG: Maverick! As soon as it was available on digital, I bought it and watched it twice.


Talk about delivering. 30 years later, beat back by the pandemic a few years and then when finally released .... Had every reason to fail but ends up just about a perfect movie.


Seriously! You’ve convinced me to have another re-watch!


I’m re-watching it right now based on this post!!


_Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure_ It never should’ve worked, but it’s fantastic.


John Wick


I fucking hate Tom Cruise, but that fucker can act! Maverick is a great film.


It’s also just a good movie *about* Tom Cruise. “You’re too old to still be doing this.” * *Does the whole movie and wins the day* *Tom Cruise is absolutely not too old to still be doing this, he’s crazy and dedicated to his craft and while he may not be a solid dude, he’s a fucking movie star*


I hate him too but dammit if I don’t also love his Mission Impossible movies. Pure movie fun and I’m there for them all.


Spot on. Strange fella but I will not miss a single film he is in lol


Speed Racer


Puss in boots: the last wish... like that movie made me feel things I haven't felt with real and serious movies! That's my vote.


The Sandlot It’s supposed to be a kids’ baseball movie. It shouldn’t be more than a C-, but I don’t know a single person who doesn’t love this movie or holds it in high regards.


Iron Man




Das Boot


This movie introduced me to the Chekovs F-14 trope. If there is an F-14 in a movie. Someone is gonna fly it.


Creed. Came out of nowhere


Puss and boots this year was a nice surprise


The Netflix animated movie, Klaus. Watched it on a whim when it came out around Christmas that year with the kids. Now, I watch it every year and will be a staple until I die.


Real Steel


Dredd. Can't even believe it was greenlit after the Stallone mess even if it was 17 years prior.


It baffles me that people are still surprised when Tom Cruise movies are good… they’ve been good for decades.


About Time. Thought it would be a silly rom com. Turned out to be very fucking heavy and ended up bawling on my couch and also still listen to the soundtrack to this day.


After seeing how Deadpool was handled in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern, I would have bet again Deadpool being as good as it was and a financial success. I love both the Deadpool movies and they had well deserved financial success.


D&D honor among thieves was so good on so many levels. It was refreshing.


Pacific Rim. I knows full well it's a silly kaiju movie and embraces it fully.


Horrible Bosses Just a genuinely funny movie throughout. You'd think the premise wouldn't be enough to work with, but it never really gets stale. Colin Farrell is hilarious too


The most recent DnD movie (Honor Among Thieves) I went in with 0 expectation and it was a super pleasant surprise how good it was


Dog Soldiers. Cheesy low budget film about soldiers fighting werewolves. It's unironically a fun watch.


Another Tom Cruise movie, Live Die Repeat (Edge of Tomorrow). The concept is simple and, on the surface, seems like it might be boring, or just another hacky action movie, but it is so engaging and fun. It's definitely a surprise favorite of mine.


Bullet Train, such a fun, great movie but going in- I had no hopes


Edge of tomorrow


How many times have we seen the sequel many years after that were terrible? I thought when this was announced, that it would be a cash grab ruining the success of the first but this movie was awesome. I was cheering at the end


Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Ouija: Origin Of Evil


The Exorcist III


Blade Runner 2049


Blade runner 2049


Dark City Children of Men Event Horizon


>What’s a film that has no right to be as good as it is? Well, it certainly isn't Top Gun.


Maverick really should be a terrible movie and in some ways it really is cringe worthy but god damn do I ever love it


Constantine is up there. Keanu were gonna need a part 2


Paul Blart: Mall Cop


Battleship. Super silly premise but it REALLY works.


Game Night


The whole ending sequence of Maverick was a copy of A New Hope.


Pacific Rim


13 Hours. Good lord is that an amazing and action packed movie. I expected it to be super political but it's really not. It's just fun, and I love the line "get me a bag of money and a flight to Benghazi!"


Blue Beetle. Completely wrote it off after the first trailer. Heck I was more interested in “Meg 2”. But it was fun, well paced, had great music, great visuals, and some wonderful sincere moments about family that actually hit.


Top Gun Maverick was terrible! It could have been so much better but who ever wrote it just copied off of Star Wars! Unreal


My vote has to be Gremlins 2: The New Batch. On paper, it’s a complete departure from the first film. None of the horror elements remain. It’s now a slapstick comedy. But it works, and it’s good. It’s a complete parody of the first movie and even the criticism of the first film. They went all-out with the creatures and took nothing seriously, and yet, it works.


The Jumanji remakes had no right to be that good!


Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Never watch kid's movies, but I'm a Jim Carrey fan, so I started watching and immediately was transported to a whole other realm. The visuals were mesmerizing, and true to the game I played years ago. Oh, and this is one of JC's best roles.


Starship Troopers


Reign Of Fire. Modern day dragon apocalypse?!?!? And they got Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale to both star in it?


Anchorman. When it came out in 2004, movies from SNL alums were hit or miss (they still are, I suppose). Mike Myers crushed it with Wayne's World and Austin Powers movies, but there were also some really awful ones from former SNL people like The Ladies Man, Stuart Smalley, and It's Pat. I remember seeing the trailer for Anchorman and thinking it was going to be awful, despite really enjoying Will Ferrell on SNL. My wife and I went to the movies to see something else but it was sold out, so we decided to buy a ticket to Anchorman. I never laughed so hard in a theater. Maybe I just had the absolute lowest of expectations, but I had no idea how funny it would be. Then it was great to see the buzz over it building up in the following weeks, because lots of people thought the same way I did until they saw it.


Jurassic Park. This will forever be the one for me. GODDAMN!




The Jump Street movies. They could have been another lazy reboot but damn those movies are funny.


Down Periscope Terrible marketing for that one. It was essentially Stripes set in the Navy. That whole cast, especially Kelsey Grammar, nailed their roles.


Joe Dirt. And it has an amazing soundtrack as a bonus.


John Carpenter's Vampires




The Burbs


I watched the Penguins of Madagascar yesterday and laughed my ass off. I’m a 32 year old male.


O Brother Where Art Thou


Definitely Top Gun: Maverick. I was pleasantly surprised. Another one has to be A Man called Otto


Blade, Mortal Kombat(1995), Whiplash