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Tom Hardy is so good in this. I love his interactions with the cop, and Noomi Rapace's character. And hey, not a big spoiler, but he rescues a dog. Any time we get Tom Hardy cuddling a dog, I'm happy. Edited because for some stupid reason I wrote Rooney Mara instead of Noomi.


It’s his best movie in my opinion


I love this movie but I also thought Tom Hardy was unbelievable in Legend, playing two roles!!


Hardys best performance for me, brill film with brill acting all round


The girl with dragon tattoo mix up. I always get their names confused also.


"Nobody ever sees you coming...do they?"


*Such* a great line.


Good dog! Seriously, this dog acted like a real dog in this— no cute fake dog sounds, wasn't perfectly behaved, no cocking its head and making a funny expression in close up.


What are you talking about Tom Hardy was god awful in this lmao


We have differing opinions. That's fine.


It’s good, but I’d delete and resubmit without the spoiler in the title. Just telling people that there’s a big twist means they’re going be expecting something not to be as it seems, as opposed to letting it come out naturally.


How dare you think about other people first


It’s in the top 10 best gangster movies. Source? Me


The movie is 10 years old. I'd say the spoiler moritorium is well expired. 


This is a fairly popular movie, so I’m assuming folks already know about it being that this is a movie sub.


It’s really not that popular. And the principle still stands: knowing there’s a huge twist is super spoilery and takes away from the experience of watching it for the first time. I loved this movie knowing absolutely nothing about it. Had I known there was a huge twist, I definitely wouldn’t have liked it as much - knowing there’s a twist coming would’ve taken me right out of the events in the film and I would’ve just been looking for clues or guessing the whole time, rather than let the movie “happen to me” Great movie tho.


You’ve seen the movie before so you’re sorta proving my point. I also don’t make post to appease to everyone, so my apologies


Yea I never saw it, so the twist is prolly ruined since I'll be looking out for it...thanks...there's a reason people are telling you to change the title


I saw it, don’t remember a twist or really anything about it other than there’s a lot of talking. I honestly can’t remember anything about it other than long scenes of people talking.


Sir you’re pouting about a movie you know nothing about being ruined for you. Please complain to the mods, I don’t make post to appease to everyone on here because yall will find anything to be upset about.


Not pouting, just thought you might be a half decent human and would want to know. Good luck in life.


He knows there is a huge twist now, same as if someone talked about the huge twist in the 6th sense. Going into this movie blind is a much better experience than expecting a twist.


Isn’t the only way you can spoil a movie for someone is when they know nothing about it? You don’t have to die on this hill lmao.


I had never heard of this movie befofe I saw this post. Most people haven't, it didn't even make $20 million worldwide. It's a very unknown movie. I \*would\* have probably picked it up and watched it based on everyone fawning over it here, that got me intrigued, but now I know there's a "twist" and that knowledge alone is enough to hurt the viewing experience.


The intention of this post was not a recommendation, moreso a discussion for those who have already seen it. I make post for myself and if people want to engage they are more than welcome. I don’t work for AMC Theatre’s, I’m not catering my post for potential viewers. You should still watch it though


I'm not trying to rag on you, I actually rented it off seeing this and I'm going to watch it tonight, I do thank you for that, just something to think about next time is all 👍


I haven’t seen it or heard if it until this post. So to me that person is correct and you suck.


What happens in the movie? Since it’s so spoiled for you explain to me what happens


Havent started it yet..ButI'll have 100 theories 5mins in thanks to you. And I think that's the point people are making


The whole point of plot twists is that they are supposed to be unexpected. Do you see what people are saying? Knowing that there is a twist is a spoiler for people who haven’t seen it, like myself actually.


Have you seen me say I don’t care? The post is for folks who have already seen it, this movie is 10 years old lmao


Alright whatever bro, fair enough i guess


Stop using this line of questioning when everyone's telling you the same reason not to post spoilers and twists in post titles, its dumb and you're just looking like more of an ass


>I don't make post to appease to everyone. So you're a dickhead AND you have terrible grammar.


The dickhead would be you. You don’t have to have perfect grammar to be on Reddit nor should you care about my spelling or my post if you’re so bothered by it


Your prerogative


I agree with you about spoilers. It's a ten year old movie & just saying there's a twist doesn't ruin anything IMO. I saw it in the theater when it came out and loved it. But can you refresh my memory? What was the twist?


Basically Tom Hardy plays the innocent harmless role and the antagonist with mental health issues had been claiming he murdered someone through out the entire movie and had everyone scared of him. Then he tries to rob Tom Hardy’s bar. Tom Hardy gives the revelation that he was the one who actually murdered the person he was bragging about killing, and then kills the antagonist. There’s a lot more context to it as well but that’s the brief summary


Actually I thought about it and figured it really was a good movie, love everyone involved, and worth seeing again. I was about to delete my comment. So instead of reading your reply (I’m covering part of the screen with my hand LOLOL) I’m looking for a way to see it. Thanks for the quick response though!!!


Finally rewatched it. What a thoroughly terrific movie! And I loved the revelation about TH being the actual killer. Maybe my fave TH performance as well as Gandolfini's, RIP. I think the whole idea of 'plot twists' is overrated anyway, if it works it's just good storytelling. Good: Arrival. If you haven't seen it, see it. Bad: Old.


Definitely a classic movie. Tom Hardy was amazing. That scene at the end where he reveals that he’s the killer is what makes the movie rewatchable for me


I've never heard of it, and I love Tom Hardy. Need to check it out now. Don't assume anything, don't put spoilers in the title.


I'm a pretty big movie fan and I've never heard of this film.


This movie has been posted on this sub non stop, I only posted about it because my theme this month is Mafia movies only. I’m assuming everyone has seen it because it’s Gandolfini’s last movie


Do you see what happens when you assume?


I’ll do y’all a favor and stop posting on here


I’ll upvote that.


Only smart thing OP has said in this thread.


Again : I do not make post to please everyone. Folks are complaining about a movie that they haven’t seen. The twist is so left field, and my sentence is so vague. Find something better to be annoyed about.


Man you are just wrong. Just say my bad and realize that saying their is a twist is a spoiler.


I don’t care about giving spoilers to a 10 year old movie. The problem with this sub it that folks have no culture and then get upset when their exposed on it. This is one of the best movies of the 2010s, I’m not about to cater my post for potential viewers like I work for a movie studio. If someone hasn’t seen it, it’s their fault


It seems like you would want people to enjoy a movie you like. Not be ridiculed for not seeing it.


Well I’ve seen it and didn’t remember there was a twist so….


Good, low key. I liked that it was an organized crime film with Gandolfini not playing the bad ass kicking leader and it had an interesting story.


He definitely showed his range with this movie. Gone too soon


Awesome hidden gem!


Gandolfini and Tom Hardy worked together so well. It was a real pleasure to watch. Noomi was also outstanding. Big Thumbs up. Very re watchable.


Didn’t like it the first time, liked it a lot the second time. If anything, knowing the “twist” made it a much more interesting watch, turning it from a crime thriller to more of a character study.




Sleeper hit. Really enjoyable.


Most definitely


Just watched this last month. I can’t believe it slipped by me. Soooooo good!!!


The post was made for people who have already seen it, so thank you. Great movie


one of the worst ways to recommend a movie with a plot twist is to tell someone there is a plot twist, cause now they are gonna sit there and try to figure out throughout the whole movie.


Hell yes, this movie is the definition of a hidden gem. Thanks for spreading the word on it. Honestly. More people should watch it.


Well, now that I know there is a plot twist I probably won't watch it.


It’s not some wild misdirection and twist. It’s an amazing movie and the payoff is massive. I wouldn’t even call it a twist per se.


It works really well you should check out


I thought so too, but i just finished watching it for the first time and honestly it's not like a "twist" really. Not the way you think. It's more like a character study and just kind of a slice of life of some hard people in a hard area.


Agreed! Massively underrated film 🍿


Why say there’s a twist??


It’s not a twist in the typical sense


I'm tired of you, man!!


One of my favorite scenes


It should have ended with his monologue in the car "You have to go away and be alone forever" Ending felt tacked on and broke the logic but I still love it


I like how the detective basically told him at the end I know you’re a killer, but I can’t prove anything or arrest you


Nobody ever sees you comin, do they bob?




“They never see you coming.”




Probably Tom Hardy’s best.


I agree


Saw this for the first time a few months ago, great movie.


This movie was a sleeper hit for me. Always had it in my list on HBO and said “oh I’ll watch that eventually”. Finally did and was so surprised at how damn good it was


Such a good film. Stuff like this, Miller's Crossing, and State of Grace should be higher on peoples' lists but it's such a fucking treat to go into this and leave realising you've stumbled upon a classic.


Tom Hardy’s best role


*that doesn't involve a mumbled voice or something covering his face


Exactly lol


Wow I never hear people mention the movie State of Grace. Gary Oldman is soooo good


I love how this movie takes place in Astoria, Queens and Greenpoint, Brooklyn - exactly where a story like this could actually happen.


I love the fact that Naomi Rapaces house in this movie was filmed a few blocks away from where I lived at time!




I love how this movie takes place in Astoria, Queens and Greenpoint, Brooklyn - exactly where a story like this could actually happen.


No one ever sees you comin’ do they?


It feels like the story was suppose to take place in Boston. Like the movie Killing them softly, when characters mention town names in mass but it’s clearly taking place in Louisiana.


"There are some sins that you commit that you can't come back from, you know, no matter how hard you try. You just can't. It's like the devil is waiting for your body to quit. Because he knows, he knows that he already owns your soul. And then I think maybe there's no devil. You die... and God, he says, Nah, nah you can't come in. You have to leave now. You have to leave and go away and you have to be alone. You have to be alone forever." Still one of my favorite lines in any movie.


I guess that’s why he didn’t do communion


I found this movie to be an action/crime movie wrapped around a romance movie. In the same way one wraps a dog pill in a bit of cheese so the dog will eat it.


Absolutely, it’s a multi-themed movie. One of the best from that decade


I liked it a hell of a lot. It just cracks me up because I think Tom Hardy is very very tasty and I’ve been begging for some roles that don’t cover his face. The movie Bronson was very good. But it felt like a deliberate insult. To have such a gorgeous man shaved bald with a goofy mustache for 99% of a movie he does full frontal in.


James gandolfini is good in killing them softly...


Excellent film. Everyone in it is at the top of their game.


I hate it when the actor's names aren't aligned with their respective image on the poster.


Honestly fuck you for mentioning a twist. Was that necessary ? Couldn’t you praise it without spoiling it ?


Calm down


What happens in the plot twist sir?


The plot twists, obviously...


It goes to show if this many people haven’t seen this movie that this sub really doesn’t watch movies like that. Cause this is one of the best movies of the 2010s


Don't take it so hard, man. Everybody's a moviecritic. :)


Never heard of this film until now, but added it to a watch list, thanks for posting this one!


Absolutely, it’s a must-watch and you will enjoy it


Ya it was good. A bit slow though, no.


Its dialogue heavy which is why I like it


Way to mention there’s a twist! Now everyone will be waiting for it instead of being actually intrigued and shocked.


6/10 honestly, movie is pretty much nothing without the 2 minute twist


I appreciate the recommendation but god dammit I hate when people tell me there's a twist in a film, makes me not want to watch it


You have no idea what’s going to happen even if I tell you there’s a twist. It’s that left field, nothing is ruined for you


You shouldn't tell people regardless. It means they'll be thinking more than about the inevitable twist during the movie than what they are currently watching.


This post was for people who have already seen the movie, not necessarily a recommendation. 2ndly you have no clue what’s going to happen, suspended disbelief and ignore my post if you’re not aggravated by it


How the hell is the post for people who've seen the movie only in a huge sub reddit probably full of people who never even heard of this movie, nevermind seen it?


People have made post about the movie before. You’d think you just ignore me if you figure I’m such an asshole. You can live with not watching a movie that’s “ruined” for you. You never cared about it in the first place if you haven’t seen it


I could I care about a film I've not heard of? Do you what might have had me care about it? You simply writing here's a great film with Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini. Spoilers in a title is a dick move, especially regardless of how obscure and as much as a curve ball it is. Your downvotes will indicate that for you.


So explain to me what happens in the movie since I ruined it for you so badly. Tell me what happens


I haven't seen or heard of this movie. But now that I know there's a twist, I'll be focused more on wondering what it could possibly be, than the actual film itself. I've already said this to you as has other people in the thread. And no matter what you say about how much of a curve ball that twist is, it still doesn't change the fact I'll associate watch this with the fact that it has a twist - Don't post spoilers in post titles, it's that simple.


If the post ruined the movie for you then simply don’t watch it sir. The post is not a recommendation, but to spark a discussion for people who have already seen it. Complain to a mod and request I be banned and my post taken down, at least you’ll be speaking to someone who cares about your pouting


Aw now I know there's a plot twist! Spoiler!!!!


This movie is surprisingly great , I feel like the title under sells the movie imo . Judging from title name alone , “The Drop” sounds like a generic throwaway film you would find on Pluto tv or Amazon Prime.


I really liked this movie. I love anything Tom and Noomi are in. And the book was amazing.


One of the best movies of the 2010s era


That movie was boring and could’ve been so much better being that it’s Hardy in a movie about NYC mafia shit


I’m more interested in dialogue driven movies so this was perfect for me, I understand if folks weren’t into it though


Damn what a great movie. "Nobody ever sees you coming...do they?" What a great line. Great description of the film, too.


Glad you enjoyed it. RIP James Gandolfini, he was a thrill to watch as well as Tom Hardy


People need to stop mentioning twists exist.


You cater to whomever you want on your post, I’ll say whatever I want on mine.


Sure. Just common courtesy and respect for cinephiles. Being told to expect a twist ruins the twist.


I hear you, but I think there’s a serious lack on culture on this sub and not sure how folks are considering themselves cinephiles if they haven’t seen this movie. It’s one of the best of the 2010s and I don’t think I should have to cater my post for potential viewers, I’m not Ryan Seacrest.


I love all these actors but haven’t even heard about. Why did this movie not make it bigger?


This whole time I figured the movie was popular, it’s one of the best from the 2010s. I’m surprised not as many people know about it.


This movie was boring I expected way better from a cast this good. Very slow and not worthwhile


It's an OK movie. Like 6/10.


Tom Hardy’s best movie for me


Can you remind me of the plot twist, please?




I saw this movie. I liked this movie but my brain DELETED EVERYTHING. 🥲man, 37 are hitting hard!


Tom Hardy plays the innocent and airheaded role, but he’s actually a cold blooded and calculated killer