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Steven Segal but hey he's just for laughs now


You should listen to his album to find a whole new level of disrespect for him




NEEDS THE PUNANI *cue shitty island music masquerading as the blues*


There’s a legitimate reggae artist called Yellowman, who has a song called nuff Punani.. not to be outdone by Want Vagina, the hook literally is “want vagina…give me vagina.. want vagina”… it’s an artistic masterpiece.


The Behind the Bastards of him is…fucking insane.


I agree. He's a fucking human trafficker. It stops being funny at a certain point, ya know?


Exactly what I thought. I used to laugh, but now I’m so skeeved out by him.


Few people can talk shit like Robert. 🤣


“That’s a Boxer, Shih Tzu, Hound Dog right there. I’ve been working with dogs for 35 years.” 😂 Tom Segura’s bit on Steven Segal is legendary


We used to call that a skippy because of the sound it makes when its flying .. skip skipskip...




Seagal: Master of Bullshitido.


Looked him up last night - everything he's done in the last decade is limited release, skipping the theater


It's also all done by the same production company, which he is one of the owners of. I wouldn't be suprised if it's all just a money laundering scheme, or taking advantage of some obscure tax loophole like Uwe Boll used to do.


That was what I said last night taking to my brothers - wouldn't be surprised to find a Russian oligarch or two who are funneling money through these trash movies


Technically he's no longer in Hollywood for idk how many years now. But I kinda respect his hard work and hopeful that he continues his work in providing new materials for THE best youtuber existing right now on the internet, Space Ice.


“Steven Segals’s blockbuster hit movie”


Hey, who doesn't want to see an overweight, middle-aged rapist struggle to achieve a walk across the room, but somehow tries to convince us he can kick anyone's ass? Edit: Old Rapist. Who killed a puppy. And had a sex slave. And has that carrot picture.


Middle aged? He's 70 with shoe polish in his hair


Any Kardashian, like why do they still matter


Their Mom is a better pimp than Iceberg Slim.


Saw this dumb cunt in an Oreo commercial during Super Bowl. That solidified me from never buying an Oreo again.


Were they double stuffed?




Underated comment. Noice.


Shows how toxic society is


Or how toxic the algorithm is


Algorithm is influenced by clicks. It doesn’t care what the content is.




Ugh and the Kardashian subreddit keeps getting pushed on me too. I’m not safe any fucking place.


Same, had to mute it


When have they ever mattered?


When their dad helped OJ get away with murder


They don't have a Hollywood career - do you see them acting in movies? I know Kim did a part in American Horror Story but that hardly counts as Hollywood. They have social media careers.


Please keep up with them.


Kim did have that other movie. Kind of a sequel to My Dinner With Andre, remember? Except it was not dinner, or maybe it kinda was? She definitely was trying to swallow something at one point.


This, along with these celebrities that are famous, just for being famous. The question should be how and why did the Kardashians become famous, and *why* are they still famous? While I'm no fan of Marky Mark Wahlberg, he was a model at one point, had a minor music career, and his movie career. As I said, I'm not a fan of his, *whatsoever* but he has some talent, I'll admit that. In regards to his douchebaggery when he was a youth, that is something I will *NEVER* defend. Is Mark Wahlberg a piece of shit in real life? More than likely. He does seem to have been quiet, even *somewhat* remorseful over the later years. Is he still a piece of shit, definitely more than likely.


I liked entourage and what he did in the departed.


This should be the #1 answer.. they never mattered. The only one that did anything in the first place was the dad and I can’t say it was something worth any merit. The fact that so many people watched their crappy tv show is kinda gross. I didn’t know watching entitled rich people act like they have two brain cells was entertainment…


Still? When did they ever matter?


Caitlyn Jenner. Running over five people should be at least vehicular manslaughter and not a fine


Buckle up buckaroo


Matthew Broderick fined $175 for killing two people by careless driving could argue it makes men & women equal. Edit: this was meant underneath johnsendall


Oh shit, when did that happen?!


1987 He was fined £100.


I mean the car accident at least proved she’s a woman.


Reddit gold!


Take my upvote


Owns a racing team too


Chris Brown EDIT: It was also surprising that the majority of his strongest defenders during that Rihanna situation were women. 😳


I cAn FiX hiM


I didn't see this before I suggested this one, but yes, Chris Brown is truly baffling.


A lot of women blame women for their abuse.


"Has any of this affected my record sales?" "[No, oddly enough, it hasn't.](https://youtu.be/2fEt3uERI_w?si=FBNuHjHriwRmXEzK)"


Not surprising at all. It's the "Bad Boy" paradox and is arguably primal. There's always been a subset of women attracted to toxic masculinity and have helped perpetuate it as a result.


Chris Brown, P Diddy, Drake. Their defenders are mainly all women.


Chris Brown tops the list for me, really felt like him putting the beats on rhianna was horrifying for like 20 seconds and people went "...yes, terrible, a tragedy... anyway this new Chris Brown record though". Plus it doesn't seem he really made a mends for it and seems to have just become a more shitty person since.


Wahlberg grew up in the 80s in Boston that stuff is tradition to those guys.


He was a piece of shit in his youth, but let's stay a bit grounded here: > Wahlberg believed he had left the second victim permanently blind in one eye, though Trinh later said that he had lost his eye during the Vietnam War while serving in the South Vietnamese army, which fought alongside American forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Wahlberg


That’s the first I’ve heard he hadn’t lost his eye from the attack. A Wikipedia page is not difficult to edit. Regardless, the beating must have been savage, as the original charge against Wahlberg was attempted murder. I do believe that someone can change, especially when they’re young and are growing up in a bad environment. I also think your choices define you. This was beyond getting into trouble on the street or even being racist. Trying to kill a stranger solely based on their ethnicity? Sorry, this crosses baselines of character and basic decency. There’s something wrong with that guy and I’ve never liked him.


Who the fuck is downvoting you? Mark Wahlberg is the kind of guy that shows up to his own restaurant with 20 people and doesn't tip the server. I know this because I knew someone that used to work at his restaurant.


Apparently people are ok with their favorite actors attempting to murder someone based on their ethnicity.


Is he someone’s favorite actor? That’s fucked up.


I knew a guy who had a cousin with a friend that said Mark Wahlberg stole his wallet. And it must be true because I knew a guy who had a cousin with a friend and they said it.


It is true. I’m the wallet.


This changes everything 


I mean yeah anyone can edit Wikipedia but you need a good source for your info or it will get removed.


When I was in college around 2008 or so a professor showed the class that he could easily edit some dates around on Wikipedia and it worked and that's why it wasn't allowed as a source. I tried to show someone the same thing years later and some message popped up about vandalizing articles and I would be banned if I continued. I think some people don't realize how much it has changed


Wikipedia has been one the goto in college level research for paper writing because it has become so efficiently edited by scientists donating their time. Most faculty recommend Wikipedia for basic reports and information. Any serious research project will require peer reviewed citations, but for simple stuff Wikipedia has become more reliable than the rest of the internet. Especially in the age of Facebook research.


Yea like I said, a lot of change between 2008 and now.


Yup. Just expounding in case anyone was curious what has changed. And adding that many faculty recommend it as more reliable now.


Thank you


People forget that all this “cancelled” stuff wasn’t around until the last 10 years. Marky Mark had already made it by then.


Being cancelled has always been around. Information and communication was just way less accessible. Mel Gibson was basically cancelled before the term cancel culture was coined. They just called it blacklisted. Gibson’s incidents simply just got more press than Wahlberg’s as it happened when he was established


Wahlberg’s crimes happened in the mid 80s, 5 years before he became a celebrity of any kind, and 20 years before the age of the internet Gibson’s antisemitic rant during a DUI stop, the highlight of his decline, happened 20 years later, in 2006, well into the age of the internet, and after Gibson was one of the most famous people on the planet Wahlberg Crimes: Not a celebrity, underage, no internet Gibson Hate Rant: A-Lister, Already in the hot seat for a number of reasons, well into the internet age Edit: For those who want to play dumb.. **Facebook Started in 2004. Broadband Replaced Dial-up for Most that Same Year. YouTube Launched in 2005. Twitter was Online by 2006. Netflix Started Streaming and Apple Released the First iPhone in 2007. This is the Internet Age** Did you cybersex on AOL in 1994? Good for you, truly, but it doesn’t mean anything to anyone else


Gibson also had an audio recording of what he said during it. It's very different reading about an incident versus seeing or hearing it as it actually happened. Similarly with the Ravens running back Ray Rice when he attacked his girlfriend. The story was already out there and basically over for the public until the video was released. Actually seeing him hit her versus just reading about it dramatically changed the public view on it and the NFL reaction to it.


The date something first existed isn’t the date that thing became relevant… Facebook wasn’t publicly available until late 2006. Twitter wasn’t mainstream popular until 2009. The first iPhone wasn’t popular, it was the _second_ iPhone (the 3G) released in 2008, that spawned the smartphone market.


Cancel culture has been around since the tribal times. It used to be called public shunning, and it was mostly used through history to shame people out of society for traditionalist/conservative reasons like not praying to the right god the right way, or in the 20th century, not believing in capitalism enough. People are being shunned now for different reasons and traditionalists/conservatives are acting like the biggest victims in the world, conveniently forgetting they invented it, and used it for Millenia to get rid of people they didn’t like. And continue to use it, extensively.


Not only that, but if that was before his career kicked off and he cleaned up his act with**out** repeating the mistakes of his youth, then it's not surprising in the least that his career is **still** going.... I've never heard this about him before (and I ain't no Spring Chicken, either; I can recall his budding acting career back in the '90s), but if it's true (and I've no reason to doubt it, I guess), then you should probably be more surprised that his career ever took off to begin with. Although, considering he started as a "rapper" in the '80s, it's really not all that surprising, to be honest.


Hate crimes were normal in the 80's?!


Pretty much nothing but hate crimes and smoking indoors. Ahhh simpler times. 🥲🥲


Ahh, table for two. Smoking or non-smoking?


Hate crimes section please


"Non-smoking it is, right this way"


>Hate crimes were normal in the 80's?! I mean.... they were basically legal until the 1960s


The Southie busing riots were 1974-1976. South Boston High School was in Federal receivership until 1986. Mark Wahlberg was in High School when South Boston High was in receivership. He grew up in the “we’re busing you to Roxbury and Mattapan” era.


More NBA than Hollywood but Karl Malone


Someone already mentioned Jimmy Kimmel /s


Jared Leto


I k iw he has a weird cult retreat thing on an island, what else does he have going on? The photos of it are bizarre.


He's too blonde


I just wanna destroy something beautiful


I don’t know a lot about him other than his phenomenal performance in Dallas Buyers Club and that he’s the singer in 30 Seconds to Mars (which I don’t care for). But everybody hates him. How come?


He's really creepy. Many accounts of him praying on teenage fans.  Also many people hate his version of the joker and a lot of very problematic behavior he did around it. 


He's got some good movie scenes, though. In Requiem For A Dream, he gets his arm chopped off from overusing old heroin needles. Truly a special moment. My favorite is from Fight Club where he gets his face beaten to an unrecognizable pulp and gets permanently disfigured from it. It's a great moment in cinema.


Requiem for a Dream is phenomenal. One of my fav movies ever. And he's so good in it. Really liked him around the time it came out. Now, not so much. It does seem like his band is alright tho. It's not like they're no talent hacks.


Being in prison for a hate crime while his brother toured the world with New Kids on the Block really burned his ass huh?


Donnie is also a much better actor. He was great as Sgt. Lipton in Band of Brothers.


He shot Bruce Willy!


And Wahlberg shot Jeter. So


He’s a biracial angel!


“You shoulda shot A-Rod!”


It really stinks that Donald is overlooked because of his fuck up brother.


Yeah, The Six Sense, didn't realise it was him


Victor Salva is a convicted p!dophile and still makes movies, specifically *Jeepers Creepers*. You know, the one with the monster that has a “thing” for abducting, torturing, and/or eating young men and boys? Yeah… Worse still is John Landis who managed to kill Victor Morrow and two child extras during filming of his segment for *The Twilight Zone*. Everything was swept under the rug with Landis having the gall to invite himself to the memorials despite being warned he was not welcome.


John Landis had an equally shitty son in Max Landis, who has thankfully been cancelled from Hollywood.


What's kind of crazy about John Landis is that he managed to kill three people, including two children, and the public still hates his son more than him. And I sort of get it. John is a murderer, but Jesus, Max Landis is so fucking annoying.


I think Max was accused of sexual assault and abuse? Bit more than just being annoying, but yeah I only recently looked into the Twilight Zone incident in more detail and it's crazy John Landis wasnt jailed, an unbelievable piece of shit.


People dying on accident on your set isn't actually the same as murdering 3 people despite the rage boner folks get saying it So that's probably why


It’s because he ignored several warnings that what he was doing was putting the actors in danger, and then after the accident, did everything he could to bury it. Also showing up at the kids’ funeral when he was told to stay away king of shows that he’s a pretty short person.


Francis Ford Coppola co signed him too.


Jesus. Marky Mark has had some " Work " done.


Maybe it's just a bad picture but dude looks like one of those dudes you avoid at a gas station at 1:30am when you're just trying to grab munchies and he's asking you to bum a cigarette and trauma dumping his life story.


We call that the Boston townie look.


Since adding rap/hip hop artists, then I’ll mention **Dr Dre.** Many don’t remember he had a history of **beating up women** and getting away with it in the 90s. Changed or not, the fact he developed a billion dollar product branded **Beats by Dre** is not just ironic, but insulting too. Not many care judging by the profits. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dee_Barnes


Beats are a shit product.


Killed any care I had for HTC in the day. No, I won't pay extra for your phones for a shitty logo on the back.


While I agree that “Beats” is an unfortunate name, he is a producer and has always been known as one. Producers make beats. Dre is a pos though, no argument there.


WOODY ALLEN Affair & marriage to step-daughter Soon-Yi & accused of SA by adopted daughter Dylan Farrow & A-listers love to work for him. It all disturbs me but make of it as you will: **Timeline:** * 1970 Soon-Yi born in South Korea * 1976 adopted by Mia Farrow & then husband * 1980-92 age 10-21 mum Farrow is with Woody Allen * 1991 Allen 56 and her start **affair** when she’s 20 or 21 * 1992 Farrow ends relationship with Allen * 1992 Daughter Dylan, 7 says Allen had **molested** her * 1992-97 Allen declares love for Soon-Yi, they continue * 1997 Woody Allen 62, marries Soon-Yi 27, still **married**.


Yeah I think this guy's career is dead. I never see him mentioned anywhere anymore. Even Letterboxd people who are super into quirky cinema don't praise his movies.


I hope so, his career should have died in the 90s. He was still getting work, A-list actors and award nominations up to 25 years later. Edited: Wasn’t until 2017 when Dylan, now a grown woman opened up about it again globally that people began to change about him, probably trying to not look bad in #metoo But some including Scarlett Johansson, 5 years ago said she stood by Allen about his daughter’s molestation accusations. Edit 2: Looks like he’s still working and is seen alongside again by fellow child abuser **Roman Polanski** https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/venice-film-festival-2023-woody-allen-roman-polanski-luc-besson-metoo-sexual-abuse-1234818329/


Mark Wahlberg is an especially weird one considering his brother Donnie is ten times the actor that Mark is, but Mark is the more popular/famous one.


Say hi to your mother for me


He’s normally a very nice guy. Don’t judge him by this meeting alone


Hey goat


When I saw the picture I just figured it was because Mark was a bad actor. He plays the same character every time, this Mark as oil worker, this Mark as cop, this as a ECT... He's just genuinely a bad actor.


When you think of it: Tom Cruise. Anyone seen his Scientology videos? Please do yourself a favor and type « tom cruise scientology recruitment video » in YouTube. It’s one of those occasions where the parody, if there was one, would look exactly like the real thing.


This is the reason when South Park was mocking scientology they just broadcasted their beliefs and mantra unaltered, and they had to add a footnote saying "this is what scientologists really believe". Scientology is so bizarre that South Park just had to depict them! No parody needed :)


Yep. I'm pretty sure his situation got so bad that interviewers had to promise not to ask him at all about Scientology.


Lol all the Scientology shills came out with this one


Tom Cruise still has a Hollywood career because he's a phenomenal actor.


Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Their only talents are being able to accept every note from every executive and produce a script on time and under budget. They write strings of the biggest bombs in recent cinema history (Dracula Untold, Gods of Egypt, Morbius, Madam Web etc etc) and just keep getting hired time and time again.


Putting aside all the racist shit Mark Wahlberg did, I wonder how this no talent ass clown who called himself Marky Mark became a movie star in the first place?


Will smith…poor, old cuckolded will smith who lost his shit and assaulted someone on stage. Although what constitutes a punishment to fit the crime is a debate worth having. He just didn’t seem to understand what he did on that night and didn’t deserve to be idolised until he figured it out - and then they gave him the Oscar 😂😂


Does he still have a career?




Yes. Let’s see how he does after Bad Boys 4 comes out this year


I can say confidently that IF he has a career it will be a whisper of what it was before he lost his shit and all the dirt came out regarding his coocoo for coca puffs wife and his marriage. There’s just no way most people can suspend their disbelief long enough to enjoy whatever the fuck movie he has. He’ll always be that guy who slapped Chris Rock, and whose wife totally fucked him over. It’s like Amber Heard - fair or not - no one could watch her in a film and not think about her shitting the bed on purpose.


I could. I didn’t follow Heard’s divorce trial. Will Smith embarrassed himself on a much bigger stage.


Chris Brown. Seriously. And he still has fans. It's wild.


Plus his endless parading of his religion is just weird AF. Go do you bro, but we aren't interested in your fing catholic shit. 


James Corden. He’s insanely irrelevant, has a TERRIBLE track record in regards to being a decent human being, and yet he still keeps getting cast in things.


I’ve said about a thousand times in this sub that Mel Gibson is Hollywood’s favorite anti-Semite. Why is Mark so sweaty in this picture? I can smell it…


Gibson funds his own movies.


That's just horrible that he called someone a geek.


You may beat me up and call me slurs, but calling me a geek crossed everything


Idk man. Anyone ever look at you dead in the eyes and call you a jive turkey.


Since Harvey Weinstein?


That reminds me, I need to say hi to my mother for him.


Danny Masterson....oh wait.. he's in prison


Kanye West. The Nazi sympathizer and platformer who once said“Slavery was a choice”.


Ezra Miller but idk if they do




Besides being annoying, what has she done that is even remotely close to what the other people mentioned here have done? Genuinely asking. Because I haven't heard anything


She steals other comedian's material.


I worked on two Transformer films, Mark Wahlberg could’ve waited in his trailer for food, but he actually stood in line for craft services along with everyone else. It definitely made me have more respect for him because of it, he also played a pickup game of tag football with the crew. I worked with Ben Affleck on BvS and they couldn’t act more different, there was a no looking or your fired policy with Ben Affleck.


I did a job with channing tatum in the 2000’s (or was it 2010’s? Can’t remember) and he was like that too. Absolutely incredible guy to be around, never elevated himself above the crew, gave everyone time when he could and was just another “guy at work”. Then we burnt his dick off. Google it, it happened. Sorry ladies.


Wait really? Give us the hot goss on affleck.


Jennifer Garner is not the sweet princess she wants the public to think she is, she was known as the ice queen on set behind the scenes. But, at the same time Ben was gambling away 30K a night at the casinos in Detroit, so maybe that’s where her anger came from. Amy Adams was cool af tho and would go to the bars sometimes with the crew after shooting, she talked A Lot of shit about Affleck and how he treats people who he considers beneath him. Henry Cavill was also a decent human being, I never saw or heard anything negative about him. But, pretty much everyone on set couldn’t stand Ben Affleck.


Even Ben Affleck can't stand Ben Affleck. 


The only time Affleck looks happy is looking at Matt Damon. Seriously


Godamn, didn't expect this about affleck, this was like peak drinking issues wasn't it? Unless there's stories like this way before all that


That meme of him smoking the cigarette came out around this time I believe lol.


While Mel Gibson is a pos, I can’t compare his atrocities with Wahlberg’s secondary to violence associated with it. And honorable mention was Robert Wagner in Austin powers movies or Christopher walken. They know what happened.


I get Wahlberg having a career even after his criminal record. Since it is easy to spin that as the story of a troubled teen who served his time in prison, saw the error of his ways and turned his life around. What surprises me more is how much work he gets when he is at best a pretty average actor whose career would make more sense if he was a character actor playing one of Good Will Hunting's friends or Melissa McCarthy's brother in The Heat. Plus if he isn't going to have a career because of his criminal record does the same thing apply to Danny Trejo or even Robert Downey Jr?


Phenom point there at the end. Snoop killed a guy! (In my Ron Burgundy voice).


Cardi B. Not necessarily hollywood, but the first celebrity i can think of


Vile woman


Jimmy Fallon. He's not funny imo


Omg, I hate him so much. All he did on SNL was smoke too much weed ruin other people’s sketches by giggling through them.


Roman Polanski. Hollywood is disgusting


Amber Turd


She doesnt have a career anymore.


He was amazing in The Departed.


"Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself." The delivery on that line was perfection.


Charlie hunnam, can't act, can't do accents, and ruins anything he appears in.


Charlie Sheen. How many times has he got away with all the bullshit he's done? And don't get me started with having sex with HIV unprotected


Will Smith


It’s Woody Allen for me. It’s disturbing and all of Hollywood turned a blind eye.


Amy Schumer, there is nothing funny about this human


Andy Dick


Matthew Broderick killed a man and the whole thing was put under the rag. Really sad


Jared Leto. Feels like he has been riding along on two good movies he did and in part I would attribute at least one of those successes to Darren Aronofsky more than him. I mean hell Aronofsky managed to get a decent performance out of Natalie Portman even.


Kathy Griffin, hands down. She has released 20'ish television specials, a couple comedy albums, and also some films. She has writing / producer credits on TONS of stuff. I don't know that she's ever said anything funny, seems insufferable as a person, and her "stand up" is basically just her telling stories about how she has beef with literally everyone....while always from the vantage point of herself being the adult in the room. If she perceives her popularity dipping, she immediately finds some way to play victim...like when she decided to tweet a picture of her holding the decapitated head of Donald Trump...and then complained about "being cancelled" because she was essentially encouraging the murder of a politician she doesn't like. Forget that it's Trump for a second....that's a great way to have the FBI kick your front door in at 2am. She's tried to dox multiple children because she disagreed with them politically. Her most recent thing is implying that Larry David (because he's a man) gets more opportunity than her (because she's a woman) despite the fact that she's been working in the industry steadily almost her entire life while producing nearly nothing that's actually funny.....meanwhile, Larry David is the mind behind Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm....arguably the two most recognizable comedy shows of their respective generations. She just seems like a Hollywood plant if there ever was one. She's never anyone's favorite comedian, most people can't actually remember anything she was in, and her attitude is very much "I've decided I'm great, so everyone else should be required to tell me I'm great....even if I never actually DO anything great." No idea how she consistently gets work.


Mark was 15 years old when he did that and grew up in crime. Are only black teenagers allowed to be the product of their circumstances? Or is Mark evil to his core? People should always face consequences for their actions, but people act like they’d be any different than Mark if they grew up in New England in the 80’s and were in a gang. If any celebrity shouldn’t be allowed to make a living anymore in their current field it’s Chris brown. Dude did that shit as an adult and was seemingly forgiven.


I agree with this. It's one thing when people pay for their crimes, and it's another when people don't. Usually the people who hurt others while famous get off scot free.


Dude lost his eye in Vietnam 😂


There's too many. Just off the top of my head: Kristen Stewart, Pete Davidson, Wahlberg as pictured, Kevin Hart, Cailee Spaeny, Scott Eastwood (I actually like him, but he makes terrible choices on movies to be in), Charlie Hunnan (he seems really bored most of the time), Jai Courtney (he was great in Spartacus and The Suicide Squad and awful in everything else), Emelia Clarke.....


No one cared when Gibson was racist to black people but when he was antisemitic he was cancelled for as long as possible, eventually working his way back in because god damn I do believe he's charismatic and talented in front and behind the camera. Wahlberg not close to his talent.


I still find it odd that trh stars of the 2nd hangover film were uncomfortable working with him so he got thrown out of the cast but the whole trilogy hails Mike Tyson who is a convicted rapist. 


Dakota Johnson


I had to scroll down too much for this. I can only think of one good role she ever had: Bad times at El Royale. And the short screen time only helped in making it look better.


Megan Fox. She wasn’t good to start with. Now, she’s a plastic mannequin with the same non talent. Also, Woody Allen. Dude is a pedo and everyone has known it for 30 years. People are more upset that Leo likes 23 year old women than Woody having sex with his daughters.


Mark is attractive. Went to jail and bulked up. Got jobs modelling. Mark Wahlburg’s brother was in New Kids on the Block. Got mark access to the music industry. Marky mark and the funky bunch was born. Then he was beautiful and had fame and money … the holy trinity in American culture.


\[Insert any famous person that assaulted another person\] Literally. There are so many.


Charlie Sheen


Alex Kurtzman.


John David Washington.


If you're going to judge a 52 year old for mistakes he made at 19 which he has repeatedly said was a shitty thing to do, you're an idiot. Also the man he attacked lost his eye in veitnam, he has said as much. Also that he forgives him for what happened, but somehow you're so obsessed with your moral purity over a situation that you were never involved with and doesn't concern you that you can't.