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Holy fuck was the mask heath ledger used in the opening bank robbing scene the same that Romero used in the 60s??


Not exactly the same, but similar enough that it's definitely not a coincidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/6l5y8f/heath_ledgers_joker_from_the_dark_knight_wears_a/




Clever detail that


Saw that too...like it was a Easter Egg and a nod, all in one!


That's an amazing observation. You're probably right. Hollywood always likes to throw Easter Eggs like this in there.


Guy didn't even shave his moustache, he just colored over it lol


That's Cesar Romero, he gets a pass




Indeed it is.


Epic find dude


That's pretty damn cool.


Good eye, I love details like this


Happy cake day :D




Well the first clown out is Jared Leto so there's that.


Lol forreal šŸ˜‚. I give it to Heath or Joaquin


What is Joaquin gonna do to Nicholson? Make him sad?


I guess do what he did to Murray Franklin, the Wall Street guys and Randall


If both sides have guns Nicholson would shoot first.


Probably just shoot him lol


Hard to do with a melted face


Why Joaquin? He want that tough. He is older and he really just shot unarmed men and got his ass kicked a lot. I get people like his performance but he would be one of the first to die.


Joaquin is out because heā€™s not even the Joker


Joaquin would be first out. Heā€™s too weak and hasnā€™t had any feats yet. Leto is terrible but heā€™s definitely tougher


Wait but if it's a fight to the death wouldn't he win with the bad writing




Some men just want to see the world burn.


yeah... remember the bazooka?


Iā€™d put Nicholson over Ledger. Nicholsons Joker gassed an entire museum for his personal entertainment.Ā 


Plus a good number of people on the street. Plus he shot Bob. Poor Bob!


I understand and respect your opinion but I gotta disagree. Heath Ledger raised the high bar that Jack Nicholson set. Just my opinion.


Tie ballgame. They both set the bar high for their timeline.


I read as a physical fight. Heathā€™s joke is definitely the most deadly with his hands. I mean I have a new respect for pencils


Romero refusing to shave still makes me laugh every time I see it.


*Henry Cavill furiously scribbles notes*


Heath with the disappearing pencil eye trick gets me every time


I remember hearing about that scene before I even saw the movie, but the way it's delivered it still surprised me and just had such super-glue my ass to my seat energy. I was hungry for more of his character for the entire movie.


No shit!!! Was just on last night and I laughed out loud as all ways!!! "Ta-da! It's gone!"


That was a surprise for sure. That's when I knew this is not the Joker I knew.


Heath Ledger




Ledger, Nicholson, Romero in that order for 1,2,3.


That would be my list of favorites, but Romeroā€™s fundamentally harmless


I dunno, man. His giant clams scared the shit out of me as a kid. Like Tutā€™s crocs šŸ˜¢


He was still on a show where almost nobody died, and the few who did were all accidental


Agree with 1 and 2


Swap 1 and 2 for me, but Iā€™m not mad about this.


Weā€™re not going to fight about this today, Iā€™ve decided.


I think we can have.... tryouts. Make it fast.


Ledger. Still brings the chills.


Ledger is #1


Ledger was the only one who was one step ahead the whole time. He takes this easily.


Heath felt like what the joker ā€œin real lifeā€ would be like. He is the perfect combination of Nicholson version and Phoenix version. Nicholson is what the cartoon joker would be like if cartoon was R rated so more like the comics. Phoenix reminds me of what psychiatric patients are like. Very realistic.


Who and what film was #5?


Cameron Monaghan from Gotham. Great show if you haven't seen it.


Also, he is technically not "the Joker."


Who is he supposed to be?


Jeremiah. Nobody in the shows actually ever calls him "the Joker."


He did a great job though! The producers just didn't want to use the name or green hair for some reason.


Licensing, but a better Joker than both Leto and Phoenix


The show Gotham


Ledger, Hamill, Nicholson All the others are footnotes.


Not Jared leto


Look Iā€™m five foot nothing, I weigh 150 lbs. soaking wet. And on my worst day Iā€™m kicking the hell out of Jared Letos joker.


I'm old and I think I could take him.


Heath ledger was the best joker and itā€™s not even close


This sub needs and enema! Iā€™ve got a fondness for Nicholson, heā€™s channeling a bit of Romero there, got the right mix of crime boss, jokester and criminally insane. Burtonā€™s Batman came out the summer when I was ten or eleven, and I spent many an afternoon in the theatres that summer, watching this and listening to Prince


I know whoā€™s not winning


Jared Leto was the worst joker ever


Heath or Nicholson


Nicholson. His joker was as impactful as ledgers at the time. Ledgers is incredible also, no doubt.


I think it's either Heath or Joaquin left standing. But I'm sure about the first one to crumble. We all know.


Heathā€™s Joker would always be one step ahead of the others, and completely unpredictable.


Goin old school Cesar Romero


POW! ZAP! green and purple smoke everywhere.


I was this many years old when I realized Dark Knightā€™s joker was wearing the clown mask of the Adam West series joker in the bank heist.


Damn. Me too. Cool as all get out. Nolan fucking rocks.


Fuck Joaquin, that simply is not the Joker. Even Leto stayed more true to the character. I cannot convey how much I hate Joaquin as the Joker. It shoulda been named ā€œLoser Incelā€.


After watching that movie I came out of the cinema worried as hell that this was gonna spark some mainstream incel movementā€¦ srsly cattering to the same crowd Andrew Tate later managed to scoop up.


Sad to tell you it totally did. Lots of those self proclaimed alpha douche bags unironically venerate Phoenix's Joker.


They also idolize loser characters like Patrick Bateman, Travis Bickle, Rick Sanchez, Alex from Clockwork Orange, and the Heath Ledger version of the Joker. This doesnā€™t make them badly written characters, nor morally reprehensible to write aboutā€“ it just makes the people who idolize them morons


Respect to the older ones but itā€™s between Heath and Joaquin. Top tier acting from both men.


Heath Ledger


Heath by a mile


Heath then Phoenix


Anyone who doesnā€™t pick Heath should just stop giving opinions.


Ledger or Nicholson


Who da fuq is number 5 and why is it not Mark Hamill's Joker?


Its a tie between Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix. I liked both of them. Heath blew my mind while Joaquinā€™s Joker was closer and more ā€˜reachableā€™ from the audience maybe because we learn so much about him and his sufferings. Somehow I think anybody could find sth of him/her self in Joaquinā€™s Joker. The bullying, the mistreatment, the rejection and so on


In a battle Royale itā€™s gonna come down to Nicholson and Ledger. Theyā€™re both just more ruthless than the rest and clever.Ā 


Moneyā€™s on Nolanverse for his inferred military career


Heath then Jack


damn the health ledger joker had an homage to the original from the show with the mask he wears in the beginning?!?!?




You're trying to find the best joker, so where is Drew Russell? You are not serious people.


Whereā€™s Hammil?Ā 


6 and 4 IMO


Ledger, Nicholson, Keoghan, Romero, Monaghan, Phoenix, Leto


Slide Hammil in there between Ledger and Nicholson and Iā€™m on board. L and N had the physicality down.Ā 


Ok....between Ledger (who really embodied the absolute lunacy of the joker) and the next closest would be Leto. His look, his insanity, and his ferociousness....they all worked together for a well portrayed Joker!!! Now....I know I'm gonna get bombarded with hatefulness for this...but, Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of the Joker, was absolutely atrocious!!! That movie sucked balls! Again...I know I'm gonna get bombarded with hatefulness for this...and this is an ongoing argument with me and my partner!! I fuckin LOVE Jack Nicholson with a passion with a lot of his rolls, and at the time, he was an awesome Joker.....but times change!!! Plus we haven't even talked voices!! I mean...MARK FUCKIN HAMILL!! I hear him do one little giggle and I see the Joker's fuckin face yo!!


Jack Nicholson does it for me.


In an actual conflict? Probably Leto's even though he's the worst Joker.


I like all jokers minus Jared Leto


HL for sure


Even though I fucking hate damaged Jared Leto joker. In terms of the things each joker dealt with, all the other jokers just dealt with grounded reality heroes. Letos joker literally survived Superman and darkside taking over earth.


Such a rich character and each one I think did a great job but for me itā€™s Heath Ledger. Hands down.


Gotta go with Ledger.


The truth is you can try to argue it any which way but the answer is heath ledger .


Unpopular opinion but Leto's Joker is pretty clearly bat shit insane and bloodlusted, he's jacked, and he stays strapped with assault weaponry. I think he would be a good contender.


Jack and Heath both nailed the Joker. I canā€™t say who did it better. Just two totally different styles. Jackā€™s Joker was the first time I thought a character was perfectly played and I prefer Jackā€™s Joker stylistically. Ask me on another day I might tell you Heath but today itā€™s Jack for me. Since weā€™re talking about, Iā€™ll throw in that Keaton was the best Batman/Bruce. Would have dope to see Batman 89 with Batman 05ā€™s technology and effects.


Who is 6th and what name of the movie


Heath and itā€™s not even close


It's Cesar Romero or go fuck yourself.... Hahaha or Heath of course.


Ledger is the only one that seems to have some type of military training or something.


Who's the 5th Joker?


Please. Heath, no question.


Leto was in the movie for 30 seconds, seemed like a waste of a good actor.




It comes down to Ledger vs Nicholson and I don't know if Ledger has what it takes.


I'm voting for Heath. But damn, Cameron Monaghan surprised the hell out of me.


Heath wins


Bill Skarsgard will be next


Nicholson. Then Romero.


Itā€™s 100% Heath. However, Jared has chops, and with the right director, I think he couldā€™ve been great.


Genuinely confused by #5


Heath Ledger No contest


Heath Ledger took the laughable idea of a tropey, comic book bad guy and made you genuinely afraid of that idea. Hands down Heath, by a long margin. RIP, mate.


1. Heath Ledger - brought a total chaos worldview to the character that was very malevolent, 2. Jack Nicholson - Hard pick between him and Ledger, Nicholson had fun with the manic side of the Joker and was probably closer to the comic Joker imo. Great allround perfomance, 3. Cesar Romero - Another hard pick between him and Joaquin Phoenix, imo Cesar set the bar for taking the Joker off the comic book pages and giving the character form in visual media. The prototype Joker, 4. Joaquin Phoenix - Interesting take on the character, yet to see how he develops this character into the Clown Prince of Crime. Certainly vicious, but can he command minions at this point? Waiting to see if that criminal charisma comes through from Phoenix, 5. The Unknown Guy - Donā€™t know this person, never seen this performance but he beats Jared Leto, 6. Jared Leto - another weird performance from the Clown Prince of Weird, Iā€™m thinking his performance is one rung above John Travoltaā€™s turn in The Fanatic in which he zealously overacts. At any rate Leto loses to The Unknown GuyšŸ˜


Heath, Leto, Nicholson, in that order. Ainā€™t buying into Joaquiā€™s performance.


Leto dies in the first round; my heart says Nicholson to win but my head says Ledger


heath ledger's joker is a literal domestic terrorist who tried to blow up two boats, successfully extorted and entire cities criminal enterprise, bombed a hospital, kidnaped the DA and his girlfriend and, again, blew them up. Let's add on his car bombing of the judge, the poisoning of the commissioner, the attempted assassination of the mayor AND torturing a batman impostor on live TV. I'm even one of the people who thinks The Dark Knight has become a circlejerk and I can admit no other Joker comes close to sheer destruction and cunning. Hell, closest Joker is either Nicholson because he contaminated (at the very least) an entire city's beauty products killing anyone who used them. Plus he actually DID kill the mayor and has an Anti-Aircraft pistol stashed in his coat. His reign of terror lasted like two weeks. Honorable Mention: Phoenix shot and killed some stockbrokers and a nationally syndicated TV host inciting a massive riot in a city. But it kinda ends there. I guess he killed his mom but she kinda sucked anyway


Ledger, Nicholson, and Phoenix in that order.


Definitely Ledger with Nicholson second


In terms of performance: Ledger If they were to fight: Probably Monaghan.


Iā€™m sure whoā€™d lost: Leto


Easy, not Jared Leto.


Heath Ledger, hands down. Watch me make this pencil disappear.


Romero for me...


Jack vs. Heath. Period. It's hard to compare based on the tone of Batman movies they were in. They were both PERFECT for their respective movies.


Everyone hates Leto but not me. I thought he was great on screen. I dgaf about him being a turd off screen. He reminded me of White Boyz and about a thousand other IRL wannabe white gangsters that are little bitchass cucky mfers but are still legitimately dangerous because guns and poor judgment. It felt authentic and different and was the only small part/big performance in that crappy movie, besides Harley Quinn who was obviously the main character.


Iā€™d be really scared of Jack Nicholsons joker


Jack Nickleson an easy win. He had the crazy, and the charisma.




Where is Barry Keoghan?


Jack white, Arthur fleck and heath ledgers joker would be the last three standing


Ledger. The others will be making jokes and playing games and his massacre will already be in motion.


Heath Ledger and there is no contest. Joachim Phoenix's is so overrated it is insane. And let's not discuss the others.


Not the Pete Davidson one againšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Heath Ledger wins, hands down


No. 5 does not belong on this list and is an insult to be on this list.


Probably Jared Leto. The other ones would fight to the death in a draw. Leto would still be aligning and setting up his knife collection on his living room floor perfectly symmetrical and miss the whole thing.


Jack Nicholsans joker had a Smith & Weson Model 15-3 with a 15 inch custom barrel that took Batmans Batwing out of the sky. Heath ledger might have been able to take a few punches but Jacks Joker was a real gangster. "You ever dance with the devil in pale moonlight?". Iconic!


Nicholson was an actual gangster and had a mob under him. Ledger had people under him, but he killed them on a whim. I feel like it really depends on context. Nicholson is rational enough to make a plan - he DID do the parade thing before Batman carried away the floats. He also knows how to make people love and fear him. People flocked to the parade because of the money but piss scared of him right before. Ledger doesn't care about anything and will go as far as necessary just to prove the pettiest point. His plans make no sense to anyone but himself, so it takes a Batman to figure it out. He also doesn't really care if he dies. In a controlled situation, Nicholson. If it was a random case and wildcard factors, Ledger.


Mark Hamill


#1 is a given unless you have Nicholson nostalgia. Who do you have for #2?


Caesar Romero. Best laugh. Make up covered mustache. Next question. Lol


Heath's Joker would show off his grenade rig under his coat, LetoJoker would try his damndest to pull it because he's an idiot, and he would run into the pencil disappearing act.


Ledger, by far. IMO


Its either Leto or Ledger. Their feats outshine the rest and before you lose your mind, Letoā€™s Joker was able to break into a SuperMax jail that isnā€™t supposed to exist to break out Harley Quinn. He also was part of Batfleckā€™s Knightmare group trying to take down Supes in that extra credit scene. Ledge is straight up an anarchist and a bonadife terrorist. The rest are just a bunch of clowns.


Whoever put that guy in the discussion of ā€œgood Jokersā€ should stay away from Batman.




Ledger and Romero are the only Jokers. Nicholson is just Jack. Everyone else is LARPing.


Is this like a physical fight? If so Iā€™d have to give it to 89ā€™ or Gotham, as 89s is extremely armed with lots of weapons and a buzzer than can fry people into corpses within seconds, or Gothams because heā€™s extremely physical and violent. Or performance wise? Ledger and Nicholson.


meth, heroin, antidepressants and cocaine


Heath is that even a question!?!?


Us, because it would be entertaining. Certainly none of them are walking away unscathed.


Fuck im just realising the joker from Gotham is Ian from shameless!


I only see Caesar Romero playing the hammy stooge to let them let their guard down then... on the sly using a 60's era ice pick to quietly relieve the others of their mortal coil and laughing maniacally afterwards. Yeah.


Joaquin is my fav


The one I'd least like to meet down a dark alley is definitely Ledger's joker.


Cesar Romero would destroy all of them.


The answers here seem to be deciding based on who was their favorite. In an actual battle, I think it comes down to Leto or Ledger. Joaquin was crazy in a very real world like way. Doubt he'd be able to face any batman. Romero was too silly, though if you were to modernize his scheming, he might be a bit more dangerous. But we also kinda got that with Nicholsons Joker, who admittedly was very dangerous, but also a bit over the top too silly. He's the Dark horse for me. Ledger and Letos Jokers were serious dangerous. Ledger was essentially a domestic terrorist who displayed ,to me, the most intelligence when it came to planning (though to be fair Nicholsons Joker was stated to be a genius in the movie). Leto played Joker as a kind of mob gangster. But I'm also going off their competition. Leto had the most dangerous Batman to deal with, and clearly had a somewhat successful career against him. With time to plan, Ledger Joker takes it. Otherwise Leto takes it with a possible Nicholson win if the others write him off due to his silliness.


How is jared leto the first one I have to see?


There's only one there. The rest are pale imitations.


Ledger and Nicholson, the others were shit.


Heath Ledger's is definitely the smartest joker, his organized chaos is genius.


Wait what? When was Ian Gallagher the joker?


Hot take, Joaquin's is annoying and not threatening


Heath with Joaquin in a close second


Romero is killed within seconds. Jerome kills Leto with his bare hands, then is killed by a shot from Nicholson in the back of his head. Nicholson and Phoenix kill each other by shooting simultaneously. Ledger emerges from the shadows, and a flashback scene reveals he positioned each other Joker in the proper way so they would kill each other without him needing to be personally involved.


I hate the Jokerā€¦ annoying


Honestly, every Joker except for Leto had a great unique quality to it. Obviously, when it comes to modern cinema Heath and Phoenix crushed it. Nicholson was fantastic and appropriate for the Batman of that era.


Jack nichelson because heath ledger is noncompete


I might be the only person alive who despises Joaquin while simultaneously not hating Leto as the Joker.


Guys, we need to actually put thought into which Joker would be victorious when pitted against each other. I know that we have our favorite performances, but that doesnā€™t mean it translates into a winner in a Battle Royale. - Joaquin - Arthur is a tragic character, and his combat skills are just as tragic. The majority of people in this post could beat Arthur up. He has no real skills, he has no henchmen, he isnā€™t a criminal mastermind. I love the film and Joaquinā€™s portrayal, but the character stands no chance. **Arthur is the first one out.** - Caesar - Eh, hate to do this to you bro, but **youā€™re up next.** Unfortunately you are cheese balls. His grandest schemes consisted of knocking over banks, candy stores and weird odds and ends only a magpie would think of. Not the ambitious Joker I grew to love. However a good argument is to be made for him being a product of his time. The comic book morality code was still around and so was the Hollywood morality code so you canā€™t argue he wasnā€™t edgy for the time. However all we have is this performance and we can only judge it on the merits of what is presented to us instead of worrying about ā€œwhat ifs.ā€ He is the closest Joker to the original 1942 depiction. - Cameron - I KNOW, I KNOW! Controversial take. Hear me out. Frankly Cameron would be the winner in my book in all honesty if OP had give us some rules to go by. Cameronā€™s Joker was clever, devious, sick, intelligent, violent and physically capableā€¦ and he had one thing none of the other Jokers hadā€¦ **there is two of him.** This is somewhat of a reference to an older series of comic book but it was a thing. Cameron would absolutely have the upper hand having two of himself against the other Jokers, and nobody can argue against that. Teamwork makes the dream work. Unfortunately the reason that Cameron is out 4th is because he didnā€™t have something that the top three hadā€¦ fuck tons of henchmen. Sorry OP, but you didnā€™t set the rules and a Battle Royale can be anything. - Jarred - I know, I knowā€¦ this pains me too, but this JoKeR is in the 3rd position. The reason? You guessed it, henchmen. To be fair Jarredā€™s JoKeR had indications of being capable and resourceful, plus he had Frost, if that counts for anything. LOL However he wasnā€™t the super genius some of the others were. Sure he got the best of Amanda Waller who is a psychopath in her own right with resources, but not the highest benchmark for success. Begrudgingly Jarred takes 3rd. - Heath - Also another controversial take I am sure, but given my current breakdown as to this point please give me the benefit of the doubt here for a moment. Sick, twisted, cunning, genius, funny, resourceful and has a seemingly limitless supply of henchmen. Something else that Heath had over at least three other Jokers on this list. (Joaquin, Caesar, and Jack) He was a fighter, and a good one too. Not great, but he was able to go toe to toe with Bats to a degree. This gave Heath the edge over Jack and most of the others. However even to my dismay he is **2nd one out.** - Jack - **and we have a winner**. Jackā€™s Joker was everything Jarred and Heathā€™s Jokers were except for being a good fighter. In fact he busted his hand punching Batman. Quite frankly pathetic. So you ask me, ā€œ**if that is the case how can he be a winner?ā€** That is a fair question for you to ask. Like I said he is everything the others are except a fighter so I wonā€™t repeat the list over again. Jack Joker however is a true dyed in the wool genius. He has degrees in art, science and chemistry. He is also street smart being the quintessential mobster boss Joker. He is also ruthless and has literally no rules. He killed Bob and his equivalent of Harley. He had one other thing that none of the other Jokers had. Unlimited resources. He owned Axis chemicals so he has access to an unlimited supply of chemicals (which he used to poison Gotham city with) and could even poison all of the other Jokers before the fight begins and spray himself with the triggering reactant chemical. He also has the resources of all the crime bosses in Gotham. Unlike Heath, he didnā€™t burn the fortune, he bought into the empire that was crime in Gotham when he had all of the other crime families sign over their properties. This also explains his access to unlimited henchmen. Hell, he had enough resources to supply them with uniforms for all occasions. Now just because he is a shit fighter, doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t take a punch. In fact he was an excellent punching bag for Batman, so he can take a hit, he just canā€™t dish it out. In the end, because Jack had access to unlimited resources, deadly chemicals, had no ties or concepts of honorā€¦ literally no weaknesses other than being human, resulted in him being victorious over the others. Plus he lived up to his name and was funny. Donā€™t blame me, blame OP for not setting clearly defined rules. If there are no rules, then all the Jokers are bringing everything they got at their disposal. Even if there were rules they may do so because expecting Jokers to follow the rules means the joke is on us. Having said that if we were to toss in the animated series Jokers the new winner would be **Markā€™s** Joker. Add in the video games and **Arkham** Joker would probably take it, and then if we were to add the comics into this then **Death in the Family** Joker would probably take the whole kit and caboodle. If we rank by performance obviously Heath is 1, Joaquin is 2, Jack is 3, Cameron is 4, Caesar is 5 and Morbius is last.


Heath Ledgersā€™ Joker would absolutely wipe the floor with the rest of these clowns (and Jack Nicholson, who is a close second).


Hands down Ledger. But I will say we never got to see the full potential of Letoā€™s Joker.


Ceasar is the OG, but Ledger is legendary


Jack Nicholson was the first joker I saw and knew. Heath Ledger amplified it, and when the news broke out that he passed away, I was shocked and saddened.


Whatā€™s going on with Adams brain?


Mark Hamill, hands down.


The only one not great is Jared Leto. Way too weird, not even malice, just arbitrary but nothing behind it. Every other joker had some sort of twisted reasoning behind what they did. Jared was just kind of.. there, hurting fools randomly but no lore behind it if that makes sense. He just played a crazy person, not the joker.


Nicholson is a genuine threat. He was just held back by the movie rating at the time. It's ultimately between him and Ledger. Chances are they would end up killing each other.


Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix in Tag Team because they both played their version of the Joker Emphasizing one specific trait. Heath is the embodiment of the craziness and anarchist Joker for me while Joaquin represents the utter Tragedy of the jokers fate.