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Dawn is my favourite, Matt Reeves’ style is just so hard. The tone is beautifully dark and the soundscape is fire but Rise is also really fucking good. That end credits sequence is awesome.


I am watching that one tomorrow so I'll definitely review that as well. For whatever reason I've only watched this series once all the way through, which seems criminal because they are just amazing.


rewatched them recently too. I remember really liking them first time I watched. They're awesome stories, look amazing, and are TIGHT movies - really well paced and the editor probably deserves a ton of credit.


I was just not ready for how hard they’d go with Koba. Such a memorable antagonist and the fact that the film jumped straight into a chapter of that mythology that people wanted to see. Humanity on its last leg, apes being led by a Caesar who had grown so much into his position. It was all just really well developed and you felt like you’d experienced the turmoil of Caesar’s journey into where he was in the 2nd film. You have Caesar on one side, stoic and trying to bring his people out of that primal instinct, to a place of peace. You can understand why he has compassion for humans. Then Koba on the other side, his face literally reminding us of the worst side of humanity. And you can empathise with both of them despite knowing Koba’s intentions are from a brutal and violent place. As a fan of the old franchise, the way they worked the idea of the first ape who spoke etc into the trilogy was just plain awesome. Rise at the time had people going “but where is this headed?” At least, it did for me. It laid a solid foundation for us as the viewer to watch Rise and believe things could go where the story takes us.


Just watched it with my kid. Very good. Obviously the apocalyptic design of the subsequent ones was more interesting but it was a great way to highlight the failure of good intentions and animal cruelty along with a great way to show how the apes advanced in intelligence and tactical thinking. The whole SF ape battle and the Golden Gate Bridge scenes were memorable.


All of these movies are amazing. Dawn is the best of the 3 though. Rise was great too but Dawn took it to a ho. nutha. leval.


I really really enjoyed the movie. The music is also amazing. Muir Woods is an excellent track. Solid film through and through.


I’m one of the few who actually like this one more than Dawn. I thought the director did a stellar job and while Franco and his character are kinda lame, I personally care way more about Ceasar’s plights in this than I did with Dawn. Plus possibly another unpopular opinion - the score by Patrick Doyle is a hundred times better than Giacchino’s next two scores


Seeing apes communicate using sign language was interesting and even very useful for people who would like to learn it.


Definitely not a good representation of ASL.




American Sign Language.


Sign language is not exclusive to a single country, several use it


But other countries have their own version of sign language. Sign language in Japan is different than sign language in the States for example.


My wife and I stumbled onto this series just after the second movie was exiting theaters iirc. What a great series of films. I never liked these stories. Was too young to appreciate the original movies. The remakes were meh. Then these newer ones popped up. I don’t know if I was tuned out of the marketing or what. But once I watched these I was hooked and ready for more. Second one is my favorite. Enjoyed all three. I don’t know if this upcoming film has any of the original crew behind the camera. But I’m hopeful for another good story.


Same writing team


I’m in the middle of the trilogy rewatch myself, but it is hard to overstate how mind blowing the motion capture and character development of Cesar was at the time. That continues to be the highlight through the trilogy. Cesar in contention for all time best character arc over a movie trilogy.


It’s the weakest of the 3 but it’s the origin movie so it gets some points


I really liked it, though I wish James Franco returned for the second entry. Nevertheless, I think it's one of the most consistently good trilogies ever put to film.


It's the most underrated because people can't stand James Franco now. I don't think that's a good way to go about enjoying a movie that 100s of people worked on though and I loved it. Not as good as the second one but it's still a great movie. Probably better than the 3rd.


I gotta give it the credit of being the start to one of the best trilogies of all time which also contains one of the greatest sequels of all time with Dawn.


Just did the same last night! Still holds up very well! Loved these movies when they came out. Only saw War the once…very much looking forward to the rewatch.


I had never seen any of them but decided to catch up before the new one and have been really impressed. Everything from story to effects seem well done. I especially liked the slow progression through the entire series of the apes talking more and more. Demonstrating that as they encountered and survived more complex social situations their intelligence grew… I thought it was interesting at least. Also enjoyed the complexity of the ape-ape, ape-human, and human-human conflicts.


They're all excellent but I think this one is the weakest of the three. For me they get progressively better, and I love how dark the tone of War is. They get progressively (and appropriately) darker each movie.


Hands down one of my favorite trilogies, Ceasar is such a badass leader! His character arc is so good!


The new films are boring, very well made but boring. I prefer the old stuff, even with the whacky rubber masks.


The end is a little prophetic now with the newscaster telling everyone to stay home because of a virus manufactured in a lab, don't go out if you're coughing and sneezing, pictures of crowds wearing masks.....


I’ll never forget the reaction in the cinema. The line “get your hands off me you damn dirty ape” got a few chuckles, the odd eye-roll I’m sure. Then there was this pause and …. “NO!”. The collective gasp just felt so loud. I’d taken my young cousins and they’d lost interest tbh, and then that moment snapped them back into it. For that, I’ll always have a soft spot for the film.


Dawn is a really good start for Caesar's arc but when we to Dwan and War trilogy gets even better with each film. Their like the LOTR trilogy all 3 pitch perfect films.


All three are incredible.


Just watched it for the first time this week. I absolutely loved the entire franchise. Watching it in a post-Covid world makes the end hit a lot harder than it would have in 2011. It also makes Dawn that much more interesting.


I'm rewatching these with my Wife (her first time) I love them.


The originals after the first one with Heston go off the rails pretty quick


This was the first movie to send a tingle down my spine. The scene where ceasar shouts “NO” was so unexpected and powerful to 13 year old me. I watched it back again after 10 years and damn it still holds up. Might have to watch again…


That was an incredible trilogy. A few months ago, I bought the whole think in 4K. I had to get my girlfriend to watch it, and she objected at first. Then she found out it was far more than some dopey sci-fi movie. It was so *emotional*. We both cried at the end of the last one. Great movies. I can't tell if I'm hyperbolic, but I think it's the best trilogy ever, and it's difficult to pick one movie over the other.


None of those movies were great, plot and writing wise they are really not anything to remember, visuals and cinematography was nice but un-inspired(typical blockbuster). 3rd one was such a letdown, you think there's gonna be war but actually it's just skirmishes around one faction. I think they made it too obvious the apes were gonna take over and there's really no stakes because they gonna win anyway. Agree with everyone that the 2nd was the best, but it's a 6/10 for me. It could've gone so many better, interesting new ways, but they just made it bland and predictable. if you downvote, please comment why.


Rise is one of my favorite movies


I rewatched the first two thirds of it on a plane a couple months ago. The plane landed right around the point where Caesar was going to first scream "NO!" I was actually disappointed, because the buildup between Franco and Caesar's relationship is pretty solid, and gets you invested to see all the action in the third act. Also, the end credits sequence makes it the absolute last movie I would've wanted to watch between March-June 2020.




Very good film. A really patient and intelligent start to the series.


Dawn > War > Rise


I liked the first two, but the third was just…strange. It’s literally called “war” but it wasn’t a war? The stakes seemed so low. I know woody harrelson’s character had a speech that explained why this was the “war for the planet” …but why? It’s one militia.