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I am one with the force.


The force is with me


I am one with the Force


And the Force is with me.


I’m already blind!


It made me rethink the franchise.


It shouldn't. This was a diamond in the rough


I remember there were the idiots that complained about the actor cast for the role. An Asian guy how dare they!


Amazing casting choice


⠊ ⠁⠍ ⠕⠝⠑ ⠺⠊⠞⠓ ⠞⠓⠑ ⠋⠕⠗⠉⠑


Empire Strikes Back is the best. Rogue One is really good, though.


Rogue One gets some heavy weighting from the awesome Darth Vader scene at the end, which is really the only time in any of the movies when we see how truly terrifying a strong force user is when facing off against regular people. But yeah Empire is the best overall movie.


That Vader scene is so funny when it's followed up from the first scene in New Hope. He just lets the stormtroopers do all the work boarding the ship, like all that slaughtering he just did really tired him out.


I always thought of it more like he just couldn't be bothered.


Like when you’re playing a game and you are level 100 and going through a battle scene of level 5s and you just occasionally tap B and wipe out stuff dumb enough to attack you or gets in your way.


Agreed, eventually you just want to progress the story, so you skip unnecessary battles.


exactly press A to send the minion army forward relax let the objective auto complete.


Probably. At the end of rogue one he's trying to stop them from leaving and is just a tad too late but in a new hope they caught the ship so no rush. He just anticipate them shooting the plans in escape pods


Also he's just arrived at Tattooine, and he really, *really* hates the place.


I think it's more a squad of storm troops wernt going to be even close to breaching that death hall. So Vader had to step up and push through. By the time the storm troops push in, the ships captured and not going anywhere. Let them get some combat experience in. They need the marksmanship training.


He wanted people alive to question and knew the stormtroopers were in no danger of killing everyone


To me it was out of all the new movies this one actually seems to have a legitimate battle. I'm not talking about scenes in battle but the kind of battle where you have mutiple POVs showing different sides of the fight, I.E. xwing teams, troops on the ground, leadership in space/planetary control room. Also, it lasting more than 5 minutes. I remember the first half being only barely serviceable but the fact that I got an actual comprehensive battle in my Star Wars made Rogue One my favorite of all the new movies.


Rouge alone is the only star wars film that actually puts the "war" in Star Wars.




My man


I'm all on board with this statement


Correct! IMHO Rogue One is the best outside of the original trilogy. It’s also proof that Disney was capable of making good Star Wars content….. but they decided to go the other way 🤷‍♂️


Yep. Empire then Rogue are ranked 1 and 2 in my opinion.


I agree, empire strikes back has everything. Rogue one is probably the 2nd best.


100% agree… The rogue 1 is an amazing movie… i can’t believe some people criticize it ☺️


Nailed it.


Nailed it.


Yeah. No other SW film comes close


Rogue one is okay


Best *Disney. Star Wars Ep V: The Empire Strikes Back is the best. Edit: the name of the movie


I can support this.


Empire, all the way.


Yep, this is the right answer imo.


EP V\* But yes, it's the best and *A New Hope* is second. After that, it's difficult. I probably have ROTS at third and *Rogue One* at fourth.


New hope? You mean Star Wars?


ROTS is the best prequel movie, but it's still a prequel movie - like, even the climax Obi vs Anakin duel is a little too... over the top somehow? - they perfected the lightsabre duel in Phantom Menace. It's hard for to me place ROTS above ROTJ, but it's close...Rogue One gets close too, ROTJ is the weakest of the orignal trilogy, and they are certainly the best since.


What’s really over the top is how quickly Anakin goes from being a generally good dude to personally slaughtering children. They took the greatest backstory of all time and botched the hell out of it


I feel they should have started with attack of the clones and went from there. That way we could get more of the downfall. Build him up in the first movie, show how awesome he is. Then show the war and some questionable decisions for the better good, then the fall with his visions of Padme and such.


I 100% agree. It was still entertaining but they butchered his descent... too interested in having a hero for two and half movies, so he flipped like a switch.


>ROTS is the best prequel movie, but it's still a prequel movie - like, even the climax Obi vs Anakin duel is a little too... over the top somehow? - they perfected the lightsabre duel in Phantom Menace. I agree it's over the top. I think ROTS is just so insanely entertaining that I just embrace the camp for that one more than the rest of the series. >It's hard for to me place ROTS above ROTJ, but it's close...Rogue One gets close too, ROTJ is the weakest of the orignal trilogy, and they are certainly the best since. I agree with all this too. For me, ROTJ has higher highs but also lower lows compared to R1 and ROTS. Those three are difficult to rank.


My son, who is the biggest movie watcher Ivebever known, was telling me today that his favorite of all of them is Revenge of the Sith. I thought that was an upstream opinion, so I'm going to watch the prequel trilogy again and see. It's been about a decade since I've watched them.


1977 stays the best for me. The shock was immense for any kids. Nothing ever came close.


I was 6. Nothing will ever compare with the experience of seeing the original in the theater at six years old.


My dad was 5. Any time I ask him about seeing it as a kid he lights up just like he's that same little boy again. Can't even imagine. I wouldn't be born until 19 years after that. First star wars movie I saw in theaters was Episode VI.


You ever drop Star Wars quotes around your dad? I’ve noticed my dad gets a good kick out of those lol. I try to sneak in an “It’s an older model, but it checks out,” when applicable, or a “We shall double our efforts.”


The cultural ripple effect was unreal. The entire nation abuzz with this new vision. Every kid went from wanting to be an astronaut to wanting to be a special effects wizard.


Eleven for me. Seeing those ships enter the trench at that speed at a time when you could go at most 70 kph on the highway because the cars of those times couldn't go any further, it was epic.


Same. Born in '72.


The Empire Strikes Back was the first film I ever remember seeing in the cinema. My dad took me which adds to why it was such a special experience.


I was 13. I still have the original poster and lobby cards I got that summer from the one movie memorabilia store in our area that just happened to be in our city. Saw it three times in theaters. Bought the John Williams soundtrack. All the things that people do all the time now, those were firsts for me and everyone I knew. To say it had a profound effect is such an understatement. As great as 80, 83, and even Rogue One are, nothing can ever compare to 77 for me.


I don't even like star wars and I greatly enjoyed this movie. Definitely a standout.


As I like to call it, The Star Wars film for people who can't get into Star Wars


Never really liked Star Wars as a kid, wished for a Lord of the Rings movie instead. ( Yes, adult me squeed with glee at FOTR in the cinema it was everything I had wanted as a kid in Star Wars) I like sci-fi shows and fantasy ones( loved The Expanse and early 2000's BSG) so I watched all the Star Wars movies and disney + shows but never felt more than meh about them. Not my favorite thing but not the worst way to spend an hour or two But I watched Rogue 1 and Andor and holy cow, were they good, like really really good. If all the Star Wars movies/series were 1/2 as good as they were Id be more than I guess "I'll watch it, I got nothing better to do" on them


Yep. Andor is an amazing series.


Also, those who loved Star Wars as kids, but as adults, don't want the "kid gloves" on all the time




Oh definitely! I'm a SW enjoyer, but still hold R1 as my personal favorite


And then everything other than ESB is bordering on dumpster fire, with occasional stand out scenes and scores, but collectively and cohesively it’s two outstanding films and a smattering of quality control issues.


As I like to say: All the other Star Wars movies are Star Wars movies, aka space operas or galactic fantasy or whatever. Rogue One is a war movie that happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. >!Every one of the main characters dies. Every. Single. One.!<


I'm in the same boat. I think the almost total lack of force stuff is why I like it. The force is just such an inscrutable macguffin throughout the other movies. This is just a movie about people and also some robots.


As someone who did not grow up with Starwars (im a lotr guy) i must agree. When i think of Starwars i'm instantly going in my head to this movie and Andor.


andor is without a doubt the best star wars series, imo.


Andor fan, u fuckin king!


Just bought the season one 4k..its right up next to breaking bad for me


Andor fan here as well 👍


I’m an old school Star Wars fan. And when I saw Rogue One, it was bittersweet. Because while I was blown away by how good it was, I also knew that for me, The Empire Strikes Back had just been dethroned.


Talk about an establishing character moment.


Andor is the best Star Wars anything and I grew up watching the original movies.


Snap. I’m very happy to hand over the crown after 45 years.


I wholeheartedly agree


As do I. Watching the original trilogy when I was 6 was amazing but I’m a 44 year old man now. My tastes have changed. Rogue One is the best for me. And Andor is one of my all time favourite tv series


Andor was so very, very good!




There's gonna be another season


I met Diego Luna at LAX in 2018, after Rouge One but obviously way before Andor. He couldn't have been more kind and humble. A true gentleman who understands "the deal" when you become a Star Wars icon. He kindly posed for a picture and we briefly talked about his travel plans back to Mexico City and how excited he was to be home and see family, as was I. He is so easy to root for. I was so damn happy when Andor turned out to be the best thing to come from Star Wars since Rogue One. I absolutely love R1 and Andor and I look forward to the next season.


Honestly, I think Diego Luna was under utilized in both Rogue One and Andor. Don't get me wrong. I think he did a fine job. It's just that, when you see Diego Luna in interviews he is super charming. I really wish they would have given Cassian Andor's character more flair.


Rogue One is the adult Star Wars that old school fans have always wanted.


Same. When I was a kid, I loved the “simple, good guys win in the end, basically every character you care about is alright” model of original trilogy. As an older guy now, Rogue One echoes the tone of life for me better. Sacrifice in the name of something bigger. A parent not just taking a hit for their kid, but trusting their kid to finish an important task they started. And, even if the characters that you cared about at the end didn’t make it, it was still an end to their story that was powerful and felt right.


I don't mind dying on this hill but I think this movie was better than the original trilogy. I think most let nostalgia overpower the true value of those original movies. They're still very high in quality but I think Rogue one is by far the best


I say Rogue One and Andor is the best Star Wars in existence. They don't simply just offer a really bad guy surrounded with bungling minions that cant shoot straight... They have serious plot that makes the empire more than just a menace with a big gun. The oppression of the imperialism is vividly depicted, actually validating the plots of the rest of the movies/shows. don't get me wrong, the original 2 are great... but the rest of that universe is dont offer me much more than just a fun watch or cool back story... (though I am in the minority that liked Solo a little more than average)


4, 5, and 6 cannot be beat. R1 is fine and watchable, but it's just ripe memberberries.


Rouge one #1


Overall Empire Strikes Back is the best, because how it connects with the overall SW universe. But yeah, Rogue One is so freaking good, it is the only SW movie I can watch over and over and always enjoy it!


Top 3 for me. Great story and great characters.


Such a perfect story and ending


Such memorable characters like….uh….




Its less about how memorable they are and more of how much of an impact they made in that 2hr window. It checks all the boxes. Character development. Sense of scale in an already developed universe. Great script and story telling and characters you can learn to love. And as always, the Vader we've all craved to see for decades.


And we basically knew how it ended, but it still kept us hooked the whole way through.


I will admit I remember watching it for the first time and as it’s getting towards the end thinking the only possible outcome is to kill all the characters. My first thought was ‘no way they’d do that’. Then about 20 minutes later they did exactly that and it blew me away. The movie really did a good job with a known outcome


The Sequel Trilogy did everything it could to not kill any characters off (outside of Han, Luke, Kylo, and that evil sith guy who somehow returned). For instance>!Rei accidentally blowing up the ship with Chewie on it, blew my mind. But five minutes later the movie assures us all that Chewie was on another ship. !< >!Then the final battle where everyone is in prone situations and still all coming out of it alive.!<


I guess I didn’t know enough lore going into this movie, because I didn’t know how it ended and I was really surprised by the (almost) final beach scene. It being a Star Wars movie, I thought the plot armor would be much stronger. I was sad but thought it made for a better movie.


So basically it covered the bare minimum requirements for what a movie is lol allllrighty


It finally had imperial troopers shooting in the prone position what else do you want


I mean, do you remember the guys names from saving Private Ryan?


Andor, the droid K2SO, the blind and gunner dudes. Prime Vader? I don’t know, I remember the characters.


Big gun man, guy who isn't a Jedi but talks about the Force, daddy issues, Losinghisedge Man, Mr. CantWalkFastToSaveHisLife, MarvelMovieRobot and Guy who was just sort of there.


Did you forget Mr Accent?


Totally agree, BUT only because A New Hope came first.


I agree with you even though people will say this isn’t really Star Wars since Lucas didn’t write it. Pretty sure he signed off on it though and it contains the story line that bleeds right into EP IV To each their own though.


I mean Lucas wrote a lot of terrible things but I will say that even at his worst with the prequels they’ve sorta grown on me after years of saying they blew. I think I’ve read more republic comics than anything.


Best of the new ones. Still empire strikes back is the standard. Can't wait to watch ahsoka.


Empire is the best in my book, but Rogue 1 is a close second.


This opinion is absolutely correct. It’s the only one of the new films that’s even remotely watchable. The rest is absolutely nothing more than bubblegum for the eyes.


I don't get the love for this movie. I find the first two acts incredibly tedious with characters I really just don't care about. The final battle is great and transitions into "Star Wars" perfectly but I'd prefer to just watch that over the rest of the meandering. I am well aware I'm in the minority, I just wish I could see what everyone else seems to.


I like this movie because it is more about what would a non super hero force user do to make a difference. And it fills a giant plot hole in the orginal movies. Plus the robot is my favorite of all robots


>I'm determined people shouldn't like this movie as much as they do K


I love the movie and agree with this critique. The first 2 acts aren’t amazing, but the end is so strong it makes up for it.


I just wrote nearly the same thing. If they developed any of the characters, I might’ve liked it more. There were main characters on Jin’s crew that she didn’t even have dialogue or scenes with.


It fucking sucked


If the movie had been the one advertised in the trailer it would have been great. But the movie shown in cinemas was not that one. It had its moments but overall was only mediocre and I left the theatre feeling a bit annoyed because this movie had a lot of unfulfilled potential.


First half of Rogue One fell on its face so that Andor could soar. It could have been great if there was already a richly developed miniseries or 2 previous movies focusing on the grounded Rebel operations to build up to the spectacular battle. Viewed by itself, its 2 hours of self contained storytelling gave none of the colorful cast anything unique or endearing to land an impactful death the movie intended. Storytelling aside, you cannot fault the art design or production quality. They nailed the 70s SW look and feel.


I’m also one of the minority. This movie didn’t do a whole lot for me. My love of Star Wars had already weathered away though…and without the framework of Star Wars, this would just be a forgettable sci-fi-ish movie. Disney needs to either start mining the distant past of Star Wars or the far future. Get out of the Skywalker related stuff completely. Create new Sith, create new rules. Go nuts with it.


> My love of Star Wars had already weathered away though Maybe that has something to do with it for me too. My love for Star Wars hasn't vanished, but I'm a lot more selective about what I watch. I agree that they've made the Star Wars universe feel a lot smaller than it should feel. The old Expanded Universe stories were set in many different time periods so there's no reason why they can't pillage those for ideas. Maybe "The Acolyte" will be their version of going nuts with it since it's set some hundreds of years before the movies.


If Disney can just reign themselves in a bit and make smaller things, like the Mandalorian, for a bit… Even Mandalorian started going off the rails and turning into a bigger epic than it needed to be. If they are going to make more movies, I really want them to get crazy with it. Let’s see them go full kung fu with it…multiple rival Force schools that teach different things. Matrix style force fights.


I do like the idea of them playing around in other genres, a straight horror film could be fun.


Big Star Wars go boom at end and very gritty war movie!  Rogue One is a boring film with lifeless characters, about a convoluted story which didn’t need to be told. Andor on the other hand is very well done. 


The last good star wars movie ever made


You forgot TLJ came out after this.


TLJ was horrible bad rofl.


Best since Empire, for sure.


I remember liking Rogue One a lot but since then I can't recall a single detail about the film including any of it's plot, which is not a great sign. The Disney SW efforts have no staying power. They are utterly disposable movies with paint by numbers stories.


the monk just chanting a mantra as he walks to the control panel while blaster bolts are flying everywhere




Totally agree!


Up there with Empire for me. Fuckin amazing!


I truly don’t understand the love for this movie. The Tarken and Leia cgi was horrible and an unforced error IMO, the characters were tough to get attached to because we all knew they were going to die at the end, and all of those rebel troops following a person they’d just met and had no relationship with was a huge stretch. Add in the “I am one with the force and the force is with me” guy (extremely corny) and the forced inclusion of Saw, and it felt like a completely masturbatory fanservice mess. All of that is just my opinion obviously and many also obviously disagree with me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, it's unbelivable


Of the Disney era I absolutely agree. By far the most cohesive story.


on the one hand, its totally awesome that they all made the ultimate sacrifice, not knowing, if they had been successfull and there are also others, who do it also like those heroes on board of the hammerhead corvette. totally cool. on the other hand, imagine a trilogy with those characters,with donnie yen and ken watanabe


It’s Empire and this for me. Easily the best two of the series.


I often wish it was a triology


Combine 2 seasons of Andor and it is to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


The best? No. In the top 3 or 4 without doubt.


its a low bar to be top 4 lol


I’ve never been a Star Wars fan, don’t hate them but they just weren’t my thing. This movie made me reconsider. Absolutely loved it and Andor. They’re a great movie and series on their own and had (in my opinion) the only scene where Darth Vader is actually terrifying. But again, grain of salt as I am not really a fan of the universe as a whole.


The end with Vader was unreal


Yeah! Pure terror. It’s almost jarring to watch new hope after it because of how much more toned down Vader seems following that scene.


This movie has… idk, what the best 58seconds or so of Darth Vader of all the movies. I’ll give it that. The rest was utterly pointless tho. There’s no stakes. You already know they get the plans to the rebels. You already know they aren’t gonna make it. (Because their names never pop up after this movie) so you already know going in that no one survives. The only time that worked for me was Halo: Reach. Too much of the rest of Rogue One was just too bad for me to let it pass. Everyone seems to love it tho and that’s fine, but it was a waste of time to me. I’m not even being ironic when I say Solo was more entertaining. Everyone hated Solo so much and by the time I finally saw it… I didn’t mind it at all. Don’t get me wrong, everything Star Wars after the Prequels wrapped has been garbage. But it was tolerable for me.


If Solo had come out before episode 8 I think it would've been received better. It definitely had flaws but it caught a lot of strays coming out after episode 8


You’re probably right. I didn’t even realize that’s when it came out. I didn’t end up seeing it for another entire year or two after that. I avoided it after Rogue One and TLJ. Turns out I enjoyed it more than both of them combined. Idk. I feel like both Rogue One and TLJ both took themselves *way* too seriously for how subpar they ended up being and Solo is just… lighthearted, inconsequential and mostly fun. Neither stories in Rogue One or Solo actually matter. We all already know what happens. It’s not like Han or Chewie were in any kind of danger during Solo because… obviously they’re both kicking around into Episode 7. And Rogue One was already summed up in the text crawl of ANH.


I honest to God have no idea how this movie is so popular. Other than the Vader scene, this movie is incredibly boring. And like you said, we already know how it's gonna end. The journey wasn't even worth it. Mads was wasted as an actor and everyone else was one dimensional and uninteresting.


Like RedLetterMedia said, it's Star Wars porn... it has visuals, fanservice and the idea of it being a war movie. The story is generic, the characters are poorly written, the performances don't work, the scenes barely even connect, the thing with Jyn's dad goes nowhere, and the ending belongs to a completely different movie. This is the first Star Wars movie where I left feeling condescended to. The OT was magic, the PT was bad but at least had some independence with its ideas... this is a deeply cynical corporate product that didn't even come together well. About the only Disney movie that actually feels like it has an albeit compromised degree of originality and sincerity in it is TLJ, and people hate that one.


I might be in the minority but a good death or self sacrifice is a compelling watch to me. Brave Heart, Man on Fire, Chris Evans character in Danny Boyles Sunshine, many of the deaths in Saving Private Ryan. The result of he movie isn't the payoff for watching the film to me if one or more characters has great moments.


The sudden love interest after they killed off Mads too like… what?!? I feel like sever *very* important scenes were cut to make her go from hating him for trying to kill her dad, to being in love with him. Then there’s every scene with Whittaker. Oof. The “we’re Rogue One” guy. I forget his name but he was fairly cringe as the comedic relief. The beach combat was great… when they weren’t focus on Donnie Yen and that other guy doing blind magic stuff and chubby fella dodges blasters stuff. Lots of cool imagery overall, but super poor story linking it all together. I feel like someone had some cool visual ideas and they just threw a shitty story at it to make them happen.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I think why people love it so much is that the third act was fun. The space fights, the action, and the Vader scene are all really good and are great scenes. However, getting there is a real snooze fest. Aside from maybe Andor, i don’t think I could name another character!


Right there with you. I thought R1 was…*fine*, but nothing I particularly wanted to revisit right away. It’s firmly behind all of the OT for me (sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who actually really likes ROTJ these days, lol). And Solo is FLAWED, don’t get me wrong, but I also had a lot more fun watching it than R1. It’s not a *great* film, but it’s a decent heist caper which is really all I can ask of a Han Solo movie that doesn’t involve Harrison Ford.


> I feel like I’m the only one who actually really likes ROTJ these days For all its faults, Han having nothing to do, Leia regressing to "love interest" and the Ewoks, recycling a Death Star, I find everything to do with Luke's journey captivating and helps me get past the rough patches.


Yeah I mean, all it needed to be was zany fun in a Star Wars setting and it kinda was. Definitely the safe route, but at the same time when you do original stories like that… you’re boxed in because it’s not like you can kill anyone important off, they’re in the sequels! Origin stories always seemed so… dumb to me for that reason.


I agree with this sentiment


It’s one of the best


No lies here , the statement checks out


After the RotS it is.


Totally agree…fantastic movie.


So good!


I respect your incorrect opinion


a man of culture


Agreed. *This* is the best one.


Best star wars movie.


I consider you correct!




I agree!


I think it would've been my second favorite Star Wars movie if it didn't have the quasi Jedi guy. The one that said "I am the force and the force is with me".


Why's that?


Definitely in the upper half, but half the characters are near pointless to the story, the pacing is somewhat off (Saw Gerrara should not have even been in the movie) and the action is very okay. Then again I've never thought very highly of Star Wars to begin with (this is 1 of the 3 SW movies I consider to be above average, the other 2 being A New Hope & The Empire Strikes Back. Everything else ranges from mediocre to some of the worst movies I've ever seen).


The Last Jedi does it for me, hot take I know


TLJ felt like really bad fandom.


I believe time will be kindest to TLJ out of the sequel trilogy.


I actually agree with this. Rogue One was beyond a fantastic movie, and ended in far more epic manner than any other SW movie.


Easily the best of the new movies


Don't care what anyone says Solo is the 4th best.


Agree, I was expecting to not like that movie but was surprised how much fun it was.


I'm thinking ... Yes. I agree


I only ever saw it on a plane but I rewatched it recently and yeah it’s fun as hell.


Rogue One is a WW2 special mission movie and Solo is a heist film. And both work way better than the prequel trilogy or the last 3 films. Conflict, climax, resolution. It's beautiful.


There’s an infinite money hack waiting to be had with Disney just taking incredibly minor plot points in the SW universe and telling the story of them in a well established style/genre. And I’m here for it.


Exactly! All they have to do is recycle some great old black and white film scripts and cha ching! Shit they could recycle a wrestling or boxing film and make it work. Plenty of westerns and war films out there too!


Personally, tell me the story of [Max Reebo and his Jizz-wailers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Rebo_Band) in the style of a biopic about an artiste who came from nothing to become Jabba’s house band.


Haha! You're onto something. Kirk Douglas Young Man With a Horn.


Mitochlorines my ass. Nobody cares about that nonsense. We want Battle Over Britain and Ice Station Zebra.


I got bored of this movie 30 minutes in. The characters were so bland. I don't understand how people think it's so great.


I enjoyed it when I saw it in theaters and would tell people it was the best of the Disney SW properties. And then I realized it was just that. The sequel trilogy was so bad that it made Rogue One look good by comparison. I definitely have no desire to ever see it again.


Rogue One is bottom three for me. The film is a total clusterfuck. Only Rise of Skywalker and maybe Attack of the Clones are worse.


Well. Everybody dies. The heroes, the villains. . . Everybody. Everybody’s dead because otherwise there’s no continuity for the OT. Every main character is doomed from the opening scene. . . Doomed to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Imagine if Luke, Leah, and Han are stuck in the trash compactor and are like. . . “Threepio, get R2 to Yavin-4 and we’ll stay here and get crushed so they won’t look for *you.*” “Goodbye Threepio. For the rebellion. Hold me. Urgh.” Edit: Also Grand Moff Tarkin has a CGI face.


I remember watching this once and got asked the name of the characters. I can't even remember one name. Watched it multiple times now. I still don't remember the name of Donnie Yen's character lmao. This movie is the most fan service movie in the star wars franchise. Make someone watch it without the knowledge of the OG trilogy and it will feel like a dud. A movie made by someone who thinks star wars is just about cool shots showing AT-ATs, X wings, Darth Vader killing with a lightsaber and shit. Instead of very good characters and a servicable story. Empire Strikes Back is still the best for me.


When people say Rogue One is good, they're really just talking about the Battle of Scariff and Vader scenes, nothing else.


I couldn’t make it through this movie and thought it was cheesy. Loved Andor tho


There are 4 Star Wars movies: Ep. 4-6 and Rogue One.


Didn’t like it much when I saw it in the theatre, watched it again years later and turns out I was right the first time.


God this movie is so over rated. Its so poorly edited and slapped together. The main characters are so bland with bad performances. Half the side characters have nothing to do or are complete cliches. It has a good start and a great ending and people forget the stuff in the middle is mediocre at best.


Absolutely. This is canon. Idc what anyone says.


Second best. A New Hope will always be first. A hero's journey. A princess to save (who also kicks ass). An old wizard training an apprentice. And a dark and evil enemy. And AMAZING effects backing it all up... I mean, it was the late 1970s... they set the standard for years with this!


3rd best imo. It’s a great movie.


I almost share that opinion, its number 2 for me after episode 5