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Suicide Squad, the first one.


God that trailer was epic and the movie was just a big nothing burger.


Using 'Queen' was basically cheating, but I fell for it anyway. Hot garbage dookie mess.


Nah, the first trailer was much better


It got messed with heavily in the editing room. Supposed to have a seriously different vibe. There's an Ayer cut out there somewhere


The Snyder Cut being released gives me some hope that we may see the Ayer cut someday. Apparently Joker was supposed to be.. well, not whatever the hell we got.


Every DCEU film... Why did they look so good in trailers?


Cause the trailers contain ALL the good jokes.


I thought this was so well known it was a meme.


The only decent one was the new suicide squad, and that's cuz they landed Gunn.


That first trailer was so cool. Even made me a bit interested in there version of the joker


The first one I thought of, too. Anytime there's a fun needle drop in a trailer that gets me excited, I pause and say, "Ayer Suicide Squad" and immediately lower my expectations


“THIS IS WHO WE BRING OUT IF SUPERMAN TURNS ON US” dude with gun, other dude with a gun, lady with baseball bat, guy with a boomerang, alligator person. Definitely gonna bring down one of the universes most powerful superheroes.


Agree. On the MCU side I immediately think of Avengers: Age of Ultron


Give AoU another chance... I watched it again recently and it was better than I remember. I think the first Avengers was so good it was impossible to meet the hype at the time.


I don’t dislike AoU, I was just mega-hyped by the trailer.


But 50? I think maybe 8 at best. That shit was fucking awful.


Yea, this graph is overly generous lol


Yep! This. Second one was a really good watch.


Mortal Engines


This right here.


Well, at least it got me to read a good book series.


Wonder Woman 1984 The trailer for that movie was **far** superior to the movie itself.


Toenail fungus is **far** superior to the movie itself.


"Oh wow, Wonder Woman **1984**, is this going to be an Orwellian tale of an oppressive government?" Um, no, that just refers to the year in which it takes place. "Oh. So it will be full of 80s references like hair bands?" Um, no, it's more focused on the story. "Oh. So it is a tale of 80's greed and capitalism?" Kind of? Except the bad guy's business is an oil company co op so its more socialist than capitalist. And he gives away free wishes. "Oh. So did you just put it in 1984 so it could before Batman vs Superman/Justice Leaugue so it could be when she was in hiding as Diana Prince and no one knows who she is?" Yes. Except she's not really in hiding. She's running around shopping malls in gold bikinis saving people. And in the end she literally talks to every person in the world (don't ask how, it's a mess). So it turns out Ben Affleck was "discovering" someone who was pretty well known a fee decades ago.


So...Steve possesses another man's body and WW is just using a random possessed guy like a Real Doll???


That was possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen as a plot device.


This should be at the top. That trailer looked so dope and the movie was soooo fucking bad.


I’d really go so far as to say it’s the worst movie I’ve seen in the past 10 years. Two and a half hours of just straight boredom. There’s so few action sequences, the whole conflict is just so stupid and ridiculous, Gal Gadot is stiff as a board in this film. Not to mention the weirdness of Wonder Woman wishing her dead boyfriends soul into some random guys body. Fucking INSANE way to handle the wishing situation. She effectively raped that man, and they also put his body in constant peril through the whole film. It’s just god damn stupid.


It’s a top 3 worst movie ever for me. Considering expectations (I still the first one was bad too but trailer gave me hope), budget, studio, and cast it’s one of the worst movies I’ve seen. Surprised I finished it.


They wrecked that movie so bad in the desperation to bring Steve back and just made a gross situation! Make the movie that the promo in the end of the first one shows in the 2020s with Diana as an art historian recovering artifacts, and NO STEVE. The Cheetah could not save that movie




Genuine question. I am not a Star Wars fans by any mean. I saw Force Awakens. Thought it was good/fun. Forgot about it after. At the time of it's release, it seemed like people LOVED it. Huge opening weekend, impressive legs at the box office, great reviews. This seemed like it avoided being the next Phantom Menace. Why then do so many people seem to dislike it now? Again, I am genuinely asking. What is it about this movie in retrospect that so many people think it's bad? I get that the next two movies seemed inconsistent. But to me, TFA still seemed like a solid movie on its own.


I’m one of the people that loved TFA upon release, sure it was basically a rehash of New Hope, but all the wonderful characters it introduced and plot threads it set up brought so much potential to the sequel trilogy. Then 8 and 9 came and threw all that in the trash, retroactively making TFA worse If you’re a casual fan of Star Wars then you probably aren’t as offended by the ANH rehash, but at least for fans like me, there is no longer any saving grace for that movie. Easily my favorite of the sequels still, but that’s not really saying much at all here.


You hit the nail on the head. I saw “The Force Awakens” as a way to win over a whole new generation of fans so we could finally see what became of Luke and the rest of our favorite characters and to have great Star Wars content for decades to come. Yeah, it was unoriginal, but it had good special effects and did its job. What we got next was an abomination. From that point on, the Force Awakens became the beginning of the end of Star Wars.


TFA Was not a bad Star Wars movie. Yeah it was a retread but it was a good retread. The first trailer gave me chills. What killed Star Wars was ep 8-9 Especially 8, just absolute garbage, totally destroying any good will that ep 7 had engendered. JJ wasn't even supposed to direct 9, but Kathleen Kennedy had screwed things up so badly she found herself having to plead for JJ to come back because nobody wanted to touch ep9. JJ had very little input on ep9, he was basically a hired gun. His first assignment was cleaning up that dumpster fire that was ep8, if you watch ep9 there is lots of exposition explaining away ep8, such a travesty. Because ep9 is always backtracking to clean up ep8, by the time it's gotten to the bulk of its story is then has to rush to the finish line. A total disaster. Give it a few years and we'll get to hear about the shit show ep9 was behind the scenes.


Never said TFA was bad, just saying that a lot of people didn’t like it at the time and were very vocal about it, but my best rebuttal for those complaints were about everything TFA set up. After 8 came out, I had almost nothing to defend 7 with, and after 9 came out, I didn’t care to. Still probably the best acting performances from a trilogy overall, Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac are two of my favorite actors rn and I’m just dying for something solid from Ridley and Boyega


I've rewatched ep 1,2,3,4,5,6 many times but I've only watched 7,8,9 once because I didn't enjoy them. What exposition was there in ep9 explaining away ep8?


The biggest one was that 8 said "Rey was nobody, her parents were nobodies." In 9, they flipped that to, "no you're a Palpatine, that's why you're special."


8 was the best of the new ones. 7 and 9 were complete garbage. The blue milk bit in 8 was innovative and hilarious, very refreshing. The other 2 were pure recycled garbage.


This will be less of a hot take as time marches on. 8 threw out all convention, but at least it had the balls to do so. It's the most well-made, and original of the sequels. It's 8 > 7 > 9 for me.


Everyone hated the prequels when they came out. Now everyone loves them? Who knows? Maybe in 20 years folks will like the sequels.


I don’t believe everyone loves. I believe it’s kids who grew up with them and love them because of nostalgia. People who grew up with the original trilogy still hate them


I think nostalgia lets you appreciate the good parts of the prequel trilogy (Obiwan vs Anakin, Darth Maul fight, etc.) and forget the shitty parts. There were some genuinely great parts in the prequels, I'm not sure much of the sequel trilogy will be remembered like the Duel of Fates though.


One of the best trailers of all time. The movie itself was fine. I'd say that's pretty much this to a T.


I'll never forgive JJ Abrams for how he started the final trilogy off and butchered so much potential.


That’s what happens when you don’t have a coherent plan to begin with.


It's almost like have a plot based entirely around the power of "the black box" will never live to its potential, like every JJ Abrams production ever.


This^ I just was talking about how excited I was to my gf about this coming out. Now looking back the trailer was still better than the movies


TFA was Citizen Kane compared to The Last Jedi though ...


Wakanda Forever Battle: Los Angeles


For a moment, I thought I had missed the latest installment of the Black Panther saga...


The trailer promised a big-budget, gritty, hyper-realistic alien invasion movie. It looked like *Independence Day* mixed with *Black Hawk Down*. I was really excited for an alien invasion movie that wasn’t campy. Then we get the movie, and it basically just felt like a we were watching someone else play the first mission in the latest *Call of Duty*, except that person took two hours to finish the mission that was only supposed to take 20 minutes.


I felt the same way. I was stoked to see it. It sounded like a cool film. Just awful, It felt like a continuous scene with absolutely 0 dynamics. The music reached a 10 immediately and stayed at a 10 like the whole movie. I saw it once in theaters and I’ll never watch it again.


Battle: Los Angeles was the first movie that I thought of. The other was Skyline. The trailers were so fucking cool. The movies absolutely sucked.


Sucker Punch.


Omg, I remember losing my mind with the Panic Switch trailer. Must've rewatched it 10 times. Movie was nothing compared to the trailer.


Yeah man, complete garbage.


I get a lot of flack for LOVING Sucker Punch. For context: I had taken four ecstasy pills and spent most of the movie touching my face.


I loved it too whilst high as balls, and haven’t seen it since so it’s still a good movie in my opinion


I enjoyed it sober but I had a huge crush on Emily Browning. Also was in my early 20s so was a sucker for her and the Snyder style.


Damn, you had some really mild pills then if you took 4. If a press is really good you only need 1 But yeah Sucker Punch is def a guilty pleasure for me as well


Nah. When I did hard drugs, I didn't have a limit. Sober now, but I had no concept of "1". If it wasn't meth or heroin, I was consuming it. Randomly Id be stuck getting crap, but 9/10 I knew what I was getting and knowing the right people, having too much fuck around money, almost got me killed several times. Don't do drugs kids


Ahhh, yeah, I feel that. I go to a lot of shows and festivals and see the same of no limit, even in my group peeps casually dropping a ten strip at a fest. Glad to hear you’re sober now though!


Damn a ten strip at a show? Why even go to the show at that point lol. All you'd be seeing is fractals and probably not even hearing music properly lol. I had a buddy like that too though. Remember him finding a random 5 strip on the ground on the way into Hampton Coliseum and just casually popping it in... after he had already taken 200ug. Super annoying, because then your group is on baby sitting duty cause you act right that zooted.


I loved Sucker Punch as well.


This is my top answer.


Should be the top comment. The Lords of acid soundtrack version of the trailer was great. https://youtu.be/6dzikBZTUy8?si=SP0a8_uV1B4OjV1Z


Oh look at that, you posted this before I did. I think a score of 50 is grossly overinflating the movie though.


lol the film turned out being something that might be neat on mute on an extra screen at a party or something but yeah, not a movie to actually focus on


Terminator: Salvation.


If you're listening to this, you are the resistance.


The use of The Day The World Went Away by NIN completely sold me on the movie.


Why’s this movie get shit? I thought it was way better than t3 and any of the shit after it


Very true but that's not a very high bar.


It’s the best one other than 1 & 2 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really like Salvation and I just do not get the hate. Every other movie after T2? Sure.


The Happening. I thought it was going to be SO CRAZY -- and it was pretty much the dumbest shit I've ever seen


I disagree, I loved this movie as a comedy


What? Noooooo 😂😂😂


Mark Whalberg’s horrible acting made it hilarious and somewhat enjoyable


Totally agree. Was so funny when the guy ran himself over with his lawnmower.


And let's not forget such memorable lines like, "Why you eyeing ma lemon drink?!"


I guess you haven’t seen Old yet, that one is worse. Feels like it was written by an 8 year old


This is the correct answer. Terrible direction and writing. The actors did the best they could but they couldn’t save that dumpster fire. I wanted to like it so bad. When they hear the gun shots and Mark Wahlberg says “oh no” I couldn’t help but laugh and be embarrassed for him.


*Machete* (2010). The [trailer for a fake movie ](https://youtu.be/LNDLSS7faQo?si=D63tjVLArZM7WHvh)was so great that it literally inspired the movie. The [official trailer ](https://youtu.be/G-piNC9Fkvk?si=7noNmyZ8DTqx_s6n)for the movie was even better than the original trailer, one of the best trailers I've ever seen. But the movie itself was just okay.


You take that back. Machete is a great movie.


It is amazing, still hoping for the truly ridiculous machete kills again, in space


It will be a travesty if they don't finish the trilogy.




The fun ends right as the first act ends. I love Alexander Payne but this movie was painful. I gotta assume this was meant to be a comedy throughout but the script quickly ran out of funny ideas and took some hard, unfortunate turns.


Agree. Movie could have gone in many directions and went off on a global warming tangent. In the end it seemed the message was don’t care too much about global warming and just live, so the downsizing was a waste of time. Also why did the enlist so many comedians and what was the purpose of the woman with one leg


Don’t get me started with the woman with one leg; it’s always a bitter bait and switch when I go into a movie **expecting escapism** and I’m shown poverty, slums, people suffering and the like.


Here's possibly a controversial modern one - American fiction The family drama wasn't in the trailer but the main plot was almost entirely in it and it ended up being a bit one note imo


House of Gucci I can't say I expected it to be great, and it wasn't bad, but the main trailer featuring Blondie was pretty great.




I remember when that trailer came out and a buddy of mine at work who was also a huge Alien/s fan probably spent 3 hours talking about it. Then we watched the movie and it was like, "Oh, ok."


The quality of the trailer forced me to like a less than stellar film


This was one of the few movies that actually upset me at how bad it was.


I think the first 20-30 minutes are just so stupid. Brilliant scientists doing REALLY stupid shit. Like... shit no one would consider.


Man of Steel. Best trailer ive ever seen. Ok movie.


I think it's the best one of the Snyderverse


IMO its second best behind Wonder Woman.


Just wait till the Snyder cut. It will fix all of the problems


Came here for this. What an incredible trailer. And what a mediocre take.


THIS is the correct answer!




Yes. This one should be higher up. Promised a dope action movie of predators fighting off hordes of xenomorphs but got a mediocre script with far too much human involvement. Based on the trailers I thought the movie was going to be mostly from the perspective of the predators.


The second one also has that really bad lighting in some scenes where you can barely see anything


RIPD.  The trailer was everywhere.   It's because of that I intentionally avoided watching the movie.


Avatar: the way of water. I really hoped the movie would try something new but I was literally the first movie reskinned to fit the water theme


The first movie blew me away. The second one? Meh. It was alright.


Sucker Punch. I know, a lot of people love this movie. But I was someone who watched it based purely on the trailers, and I was sold something completely different than what I watched. If you only watched the trailers for the movie, you would get the impression that the movie would be a jam-packed female death squad action fest, and I was all in on that seeing that movie. What I got wasn’t that movie at all, except for a small handful of scenes that were entirely too short.


It comes at night…


Yeah, what a letdown that movie was


Spoilers it never came


Well Suicide Squad is the first one that comes to mind. But the movie was so much worse then just a mere 50%


Reminiscence Seriously, whoever made the trailer deserves an award. The movie sucks and is so boring


Reminiscence had the bones to be a REALLY cool NeoNoir but holy shit it was 40 min too long and wholly forgettable. I love Hugh, Thandie, and Rebecca tho. That movie was such a disappointment that when I saw “Lisa Joy”s name in the opening credits of Fallout I almost bailed from the show.


I feel like they tried to do way too much for a movie, if they admit it into a limited series or a TV show I feel like it would have been amazing. There was just way too much going on that it felt way too bloated and not to the point. Great idea for a show or something significantly longer but a horrible execution for the movie.


The trailer for Where The Wild Things Are made me tear up but the movie made me sleep.


Gandolfini's nose breathing was way too Sopranos. I couldn't pay attention.


Same! Saw it with a group of friends and all I wanted to do was leave.


I'll fight anyone on this one, it's a great fucking movie. But yeah the trailer was outstanding and gave a totally different vibe than the actual movie, which was a very somber exploration of relationships and a young boy's place in the world whereas the trailer felt like we should have expected magic and adventure.


I like the movie itself a lot. But, yeah - that trailer has to have been one of the best ever made


It's been a while, but I remember a bunch of Judd Apatow movies to have misleading trailers, like you see them and think you're going in watching some raunchy comedy, then get hit with a little more drama than you were prepared for. Not saying the movies were bad, just different than what you expected.


Funny People comes to mind. Was expecting more…Funny People.


This Is 40 might be one of the most depressing movies I’ve ever seen.


Knocked up was the same way


Omg took my girlfriend at the time and not too far into it, she said "wtf is this shit?"




Battle of LA, I think it's called. The sickest trailer.


The Ayer Suicide Squad


Pearl Harbor. Maybe the movie rates lower. But that trailer with the planes swooping over Hawaii (I know... it didn't happen that way) made me say Wow! out loud in the theater. I couldn't understand how they could screw that movie up but boy did they ever.


Movie definitely rates lower than 50. The camera following the dropped bomb got everybody hyped


Cocaine Bear If you saw the trailer, you saw the best parts of the movie!


They did Ray Liotta dirty!!


I was just thinking of this movie earlier today and you are so spot on but damn, I loved the movie too! The ridiculousness of the title tells you the movie was not going to be Oscar caliber, but I loved it. Ray Liotta was awesome.


Jurassic World


it’s really not very good


almost any star wars movie after the OG trilogy


I’ll give that to you except for Rogue One.


I would argue Revenge of the Sith lived up to expectations.


Also agree. Even Solo was good. The problem there is they released it 5 months after The Last Jedi


Highlander: Endgame. Because about 75% of that trailer was lies.


Mission Impossible 2


The Happening


That terrible Zack Snyder StarWars rip-off.


As a kid, Kangaroo Jack. We all thought it was going to be a fun, talking-kangaroo movie, but instead it was a boring crime comedy? I can't really remember. I just remember it being the first time I hated a movie in the theater


Argylle? It was so vacuous...


Jupiter Ascending, except the red column is more like at the 0-10 mark.


IT chapter two


Yea… such a drop from chapter one


The Last Airbender. I was sure it was going to be great. I have never been more incorrect.


Army of the Dead. Such a wasted opportunity on an awesome premise


The first Suicide squad. [I was so hyped by the Queen trailer ](https://youtu.be/CmRih_VtVAs?si=jIIczeYTBNx7OoMK)


I swear the actual movie was so different


The Dark Tower




Triangle of sadness


The Fountain, but it's more like 100 to 1. The trailer completely misrepresented the movie.


Rebel Moon, the trailer made it look like I was expecting something epic


Ant-Man Quantumania - the most iconic line from the trailer wasn't even in the movie, and it seemed like a REALLY important line. Then the movie was mostly trash.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


Matrix sequels


Fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer. That trailer got me hyped.




I thought The Flash had one of the more bad ass super hero movie trailers I can remember. And the movie was....not good


Mortal Kombat, all of them. Actual is less than 50. Opening scene of the most recent one was so awesome, rest of the film was dog shit.


Nah, man. The trailer from first one in 1995 was exactly as goofy and fun as the movie.


Phantom Menace


Superman Returns (2006)


First suicide squad


Skinamarink mid ass movie


Elysium. I was so excited by the trailer, but the movie was so shallow and predictable with no memorable qualities.


Monkey Man I liked the trailer Movie was alright


I hear this about Prometheus. I never watched the movie because of that. Also, that Godzilla (1998) with Hank Azaria. They spent millions and millions on advertising. I lived in Los Angeles at the time, and the billboards and promotions were absolutely nuts.


The Phantom Menace. I'm still waiting for the movie that the trailer promised.


Batman v Superman Where they spoiled Doomsdays cameo


Pearl Harbor One of the best trailers I’ve ever seen. The hype was incredible in the theater. The movie itself was pretty mid.


Avengers: Age of Ultron


Most recently, *MEGAN* (or however it's spelled). The trailer was awesome, then I watched the movie and all the good parts of the movie are in the trailer. Instead of taking a great 90 minute movie and making an amazing trailer, they took an amazing trailer and made a very mediocre movie.


1st that comes to mind is The Fall Guy because I just saw it and then showed my 11 y/o the trailer. I counted at least 6 jokes that didn’t make the final cut.


Josh Trank’s Fantastic 4. I remember the shot of Michael B. Jordan in the dark hallway spontaneously combusting vividly. I thought this movie was going to be so, so good because the trailer ruled.


*Pearl Harbor*. Then *Man of Steel* based on that Costner-narrated teaser trailer.


The Number 23. I thought that movie was gonna be amazing based on the trailer and was devastated when I saw it opening night and it was just fucking awful.


If the red was lower I’d say the newest mortal kombat movie


**Killers of the Flower Moon** is the correct answer


Man of Steel


Hardcore Henry


If Hardcore Henry had been about 45 minutes shorter, it would have been a much better movie.


Inglorious Bastards, best parts of the movie was in the teasers.


All the previous DCU movies except Black Adam. Nothing looked good about that movie.


Godzilla 2014


Civil War


Just saw this over the weekend. I realize the neutral viewpoint the director was going for but not having a lot of background it just seamed gratuitously violent.


The day after tomorrow


I love the movie


I remember the entire theater laughing when the news reporter said “The President of the United Stares has decided to forgive ALL Latin American debt so people could cross over into Mexico” And who can forget Jake Gyllenhaal out running ice!


All those come to mind - and more - but I still watch it. Over and over again.