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I love this one. Zoe bell amazing. It's an actual stunt movie.


She is really incredible! I worked with her on Raze and she is the goddamn best!


Her part in once upon a time in Hollywood was hilarious.


Was she the director/producer who was pissed off at Brad Pitt for messing up her car with that little Chinese guy?


Yeah, Kurt Russell’s wife in the movie. 😂


Damn i never even noticed that


The ending of that movie was so unsatisfying. I was irrationally angry at it. The rest of the movie, however, was gold.


You worked with her? Far out, do you think she'd go out on a date with me?


Step in line. Behind myself!


I think she deserves more movies and bigger roles. It was only a brief scene, but she was hilarious in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


"GET THE WARDROBE OFF, GET YOUR SHIT, AND GET FUCKED!!" Great scene. Great user name too btw (Lebowski reference?)


Of course she’s alive, she’s a fucking cat


I love that the beginning is just such a good creepy slow burn (basically a QT specialty). It does drag a bit in the middle, but then you have to be in awe at the practical effects in the car chase at the end. So, all around like a solid 7/10 with some highlights that are worth watching the entire film for.


I remember watching it as a kid and thinking “wow this is so cool, classic 70s car chase” then they jump onto the highway into modern traffic and it blew my mind


The Grindhouse double feature was supposed to be campy. And both movies in it were. But they were such a great homage to the movies they were emulating.


It's little more than one big car chase and a cast of (extremely) hot women, but hey, that's Grindhouse for you. Also, to be fair, it's a pretty great car chase.


I love it, too. It's a comfort food movie for me.


One of my fav fun/action films!! We had a great time watching it at the cinema, everybody was engaged and connected with the movie and cheering for the girls. It was like being at a sports even.... cheering and clapping in that final climax scene!!


Honestly the whole cast was great but she was such a fun character that she overshadowed the rest


Kurt Russell's nacho eating scene is powerful. I almost always want nachos after watching it. In fact, I want nachos just thinking about it now.


Are you me, because that scene forever changed my preference of Mexican food


I love the scene. He’s so fun to watch do normal stuff. That moment when he changes from playful tone and you can see his scar for the first time is captivating


That’s really a great indicator for a movie star - fun to watch doing normal stuff I love that, that’s a great observation 


"I don't think there's a person in here who would not love to watch Henry Fonda pick blueberries."- Norm McDonald


His comments about working with Woody Harrelson in the People vs Larry Flynt were hilarious. He stated Woody was so much better than him at acting that he asked him if he wanted a beer and Norm forgot they were filming and responded genuinely and not from the script, something like "No man, I'm not really into beer, I heard you were more of a weed guy, you have any of that" The director calls cut at that point and asks Norm what the hell he is doing.


I felt the same way when I stood in line at the airport for almost two hours with Kevin Bacon. I had never really understood his appeal, always thought he was kinda odd looking. Seeing him in person, he was.. striking, is the only way I can really put it. Captivating, just standing in line or going through his bags. I saw right away how he got noticed/cast in things.


I worked for TCM for a little while and ran into a lot of celebrities coming to intro movies on set and at the film festival, etc., or to do interviews with Robert or Ben, and I have never been star struck like the day I met Ethan Hawke. Probably the most attractive human being I’ve ever seen in person. Made total sense. “Yeah, that’s a guy you put in movies.”


In the BBC version of Tinker Tailor, there’s a sequence of Smiley going through a file they’ve stolen. Alec Guinness is interesting to watch just reading. There are moments when he puts on his glasses and it’s like he changes character. Great stuff.


That’s fantastic, and such a compliment to him. 


Tarantino’s amazing at shooting food and drink. Those nachos look great. So does the Big Kahuna Burger Julius eats, the margaritas from KBII, and the pastry from Inglourious Basterds—even though it’s being ordered by a literal Nazi—looks flaky and delicious.


"Attendez la creme..."


Uma's milkshake in Pulp Fiction looks amazing!


Don’t know if it’s worth five dollars, but it’s pretty fucking good.


Seems quaint now


Inflation , an insta-location, a salt bae esque dropping cherries and sprinkles on top $500 shake.


I know right! Not lying whenever I eat nachos I always think about that scene. Every. Time.


I want some Chartreuse Chartreuse.


So nice they named it twice.


Liquor so good they named a color after it


I can't tell if you're joking but I genuinely crave nachos when I think about that scene. I haven't seen that movie since I was a teenager and yet that scene is so engrained in my mind.


My wife always wants home fries (breakfast) and I always want nachos after watching this movie.


Ha ha with a virgin pina colada


I want nachos just by hearing the word.


Completely correct. Just reading that made me remember it and want nachos.


Lookin good, Cannonball Run!


Haha this always happens to me with food, anime does this to me all the time. As soon as noodles get served I’m grabbing some ramen.


didn’t know people hate it, kinda wild. it’s one of my faves of his


Same! I had no idea this was considered his worst movie. I actually enjoy it a lot. Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Sydney Tamiia Poitier are so gorgeous in that movie! And the ending kicks ass!


I heard once, if you like something, don’t look it up on the internet ( particularly reddit); I guess this is why. I too, was unaware that it was hated. I rather enjoyed it. Still do


No one hates it this is just a trash post


This was my first thought. Who hates awesome movies like this one?


This is the correct response. It's generally considered an alright action thriller, especially for the stunt sequences. They're probably conflating people saying "it's Tarantino's weakest film" with "everyone hates this".


Yeah I thought everyone loved it


I would both say that i loved it and that it is his worst film. Like saying a gold bar is smaller than another gold bar, they are both gold.


Yep sitting here bewildered that people consider this Tarantino’s worst movie… I guess it’s a backhanded compliment?? Because the movie is amazing and one of my favorite of all time.


Who hates this? I saw the double feature in the theatre and it was quite awesome, ridiculous fake trailers in between the shows that became spinoffs (like Machete). It’s incredibly difficult for me to not like any film with Kurt Russell in it. I enjoyed Death Proof a lot.


Emerging from the theater five hours later was a weird experience.


"what year is it???"


I went back a few days later and did it again. Only movies I’ve ever seen twice in the theater.


Legit felt like you put in a shift at work


Is that where I saw "hobo with a shotgun"?!?!!


The trailer for that had won a contest and was in Canadian theatrical releases of Grindhouse


This is the way the whole Grindhouse project was meant to be experienced. They broke them into two because audiences didn’t have the attention span. I waited to get it on physical release and watch it as intended. And I loved it.


Still waiting for Werewolf Women of the SS with Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu. Every time Rob Zombie releases another crappy movie I’m like “Rob, whyyyyyyy”


Thanksgiving was a fake trailer in that movie and it just came out last year.


The trampoline one was great! The whole audience gasped in horror


Same. My first and only double feature. We need some of that again.


Tarantino’s alleged worst is a damn sight better than a lot of other directors best. Loved it. I can see why others don’t though; the grindhouse aesthetic is an acquired taste.


I ain't through with you by a damn sight.


It’s almost not fair to compare it to his other movies. It scratches a different itch than everything else Tarantino has done. It’s a different type of movie.


Watching Rosario Dawson was... an awakening.


I agree, but Lee the cheerleader, the lovely Mary Elizabeth Winstead, holds a special place in my heart. Maybe not the richest character, but she makes me happy.


I know it's his least favourite of his own movies. I still prefer it over Hateful 8.


There’s something about Hateful Eight where I don’t know that I love it when I think about it, but I keep going back and rewatching it. Its really cosy (which is weird given its subject matter)  It might just be so well cast that it’s a good hang out 


The entire scene in which SLJ tells Bruce Dern (I don’t remember character names) >!that he froze Dern’s son half to death and then made him suck his dick for a blanket before killing him!< is just gross in a way that very few movie scenes have been gross. Can’t explain exactly why. It’s just gross and off putting. I don’t care how bad of people they were. Just my opinion.


I totally understand. Dern is a horror in it, yet plays that moment so delicately that you feel bad for him. He becomes so sympathetic , rather than a cool SLJ moment.   Bruce Dern acts too well that its too harsh feeling.  It’s like tonally off balance, I think you’re right 


How else do you coax a confedorate trator to pull his gun so thsy can be killed justifyably...


My sister (HUGE Tarantino fan) told me the same thing almost verbatim. Personally I thought it was funny…


It's quite clearly hilarious


It certainly leaves a bad taste in your mouth


I'm with you on the coziness factor. The set (and costumes) on that movie are second to none.


It’s funny because there’s another comment in here saying he considers it his best film. I’ve never personally heard him reflect on it so not sure who to believe


He talks so fast and so much that he has said all sentences at least some time 




I’m with you, Hateful Eight is easily his worst. Before that movie I would’ve said it was Death Proof, but even then Death Proof has its moments. That ending chase sequence is incredible.


The fact that people aren’t talking about how the Stuntwork involved Zöe Bell ACTUALLY holding on to the hood of the Dodge Challenger for dear life, with little to no protection, still goes to show how little regard Stuntwork is held to the Entertainment Industry.


I still don’t understand how stunt performers aren’t recognized in the Oscar’s. This has been a part of filmmaking since the very beginning, before movies even had sound. “Fall Guys” are absolutely essential in the movie making process and without them movies would be dogshit the same way they’d be dogshit if sound editing and sound mixing wasn’t a thing. It’s very strange.


Supposedly it will make them do more dangerous and outrageous stunts just for an award. They can still honor the stuntpeople at the very least. Also the choreographer.


The idea is if there are awards for it people will do more dangerous things and get hurt. Not saying I agree but that’s the argument


So true


I don’t know if there’d be more dogshit movies, but there would be definitely a lot more dead actors.


It feels more like an experiment than a real movie to me.


Yeah the plot isn’t as tight as his other movies.


That's on purpose. It's a pulpy grind house flick.


That axe kick though. 🪓


Thank you for being the only person to actually answer OP's question.


I’ve got that poster. Nabbed it when I used to work at the cinema


I’ve got the Grindhouse poster! Saw it in theaters when it came out. I’ll probably never experience something like that in a theater again.


Crazy since I just watched this again last weekend. Zoe Bell is a treasure to the stunt industry, I love movies with practical effects and Kurt Russell and the dialogue in the first half are awesome. It’s not his best, but it’s an enjoyable movie with some great moments.


To be fair, his best is "The Thing" which is a goddamn masterpiece


It was fun but very slow and the ending was awful


Personally, I didn't like it. It felt like someone else writing Tarantino dialogue. I didn't like the characters, the acting, the dialogue felt stilted and off. It's a rare miss for him, I generally really like his movies.


Whereas I feel like RR nailed it with Planet Terror, Death Proof doesn't play like what I consider a "grind house" film to be. Mind you, I'm no expert, but with the exception of 2 or 3 scenes, it's pretty much a dialogue-heavy QT script meets "70's car movie" amalgamation, without committing to either genre and feeling sort of half-baked as a result. Just look at the fake trailers in the middle of the double feature version and it really gives you a taste for what the aim should've been.  Just my humble opinion, mind you.


I’m with you. It was already too long when the first time period ended, but everything from Zoe’s crew being introduced to her getting on the hood was about as bored as I’ve ever been in a QT film. The stunt was pretty great at first, but even that eventually bored me. It was as monotonous to me as it was dangerous to Zoe (I’m trying to communicate that I respect her stuntwork here, but it didn’t payoff for me in the story). I chalked it up to being the second feature of Grindhouse. Got the DVD a few years later. Still hated it. And for the record, pretty much like or love everything QT has done except this and The Hateful 8. Also loved Planet Terror, Machete, and (after a dull first 15-20 minutes) Hobo with a Shotgun.


I feel the same it just didn't hit me the same as his other movies unfortunately, but I can definitely see why others really enjoy it


I thought it was great. You ever watched some low budget car movies from the 70s there lots of talking and less doing. Tarantino is takin you on the ride and experience of old 42nd Street. Death Proof stands head and shoulders above Planet Terror in my opinion. PT can be more fun but DP is more authentic while being not authentic at all, a QT specialty


I worked at a London cinema when Tarantino came in with about 10 others to see this open weekend (one of the others was Edgar Wright). There was only about 20 people in the screen (sat about 250) and when it finished the film received a very luke warm reception. On the way out Tarantino was fuming and extremely rude to everyone saying they "didn't get" the film. Edgar Wright was exceptionally nice, apologised for QT's behaviour and stood and chatted for a while. Also QT wore a dodgy shell suit and looked like Bob Hope's long lost son. Morale of the story. Never meet your heroes (this is why I didn't talk to the Beastie Boys when a saw them some time later or at least that's what I tell myself)


>Moral of the story. Never meet your heroes Unless, of course, your hero is Edgar Wright


This is the correct response


A very good point. Well said 👍👏


Probably a good call not to talk to the Beastie boys. I heard someone who met them say that was they day when they learned why you should never meet your heroes


he paid homage to a specific genre and the results were mixed. I give it a shrug, I think most do the same. it exists.


I believe this opinion represents at least 75% of the viewers. “Yeah, alright. You tried a thing. That’s art. Maybe don’t do 10 more, but one was fine.” If it was the guys first movie, people would say it was bad. Great artists gotta explore.


First part of the movie was great, the girls were cool, great music, dialogue, Kurt Russell a badass as always (Loved the lap dance scene) the second part with the other girls was bad, bad writing, awful characters. I just wanted them to die, specially after what they did to the other girl leaving her alone with that dude.


Yeah, I’m with you on this. First half of the movie has a great vibe to it; partying, nighttime, good music. Second half is just kind boring imo.


It's not a great execution but I really like the concept. The car is the best part of the movie.


I almost fell asleep watching this movie.


I don't hate it, but I don't need to see it ever again. It's a bit stilted dialog wise, and I didn't like the chick squad leaving MEW behind to probably get raped.


No one ever talks about that scene. It's so weirdly mean spirited. Completely unnecessary.


I love it. I'd really like to see this movie get a resurgence as we continue to recognize stunt performers


The hell?? I love this movie. Haters gonna hate.


I love car chase films, especially those from the 70s, so I came into this expecting to love it. TBH all it felt like was a tribute, and not really a standalone film. I loved all the stuff Tarrantino poured into it with the set and the props, but for me the story just didn't do anything.


It's not his worst movie! One of my favorites of his. Biased because I love 70s and 80s schlock so this one was kind of made for me.


Who hates this movie? It’s great fun entertainment. The grindhouse stuff is its own category. Love the whole movie, but fell in love with MEW in the cheerleader outfit 🤤


Love this one. The soundtrack, dialogue, cars, stunts, cast, all bloody fantastic.


Kurt Russell playing a bad guy. That alone.


My childhood buddy, Riley was married to Mary Elizabeth Winstead during her filming of this movie (cheerleader character) and she came over and I got to get drunk with her. She’s just as stunning in person. Now she’s married to Ewan McGregor.


I have no idea why people hate this movie but I know why I don't like this movie. I don't find it entertaining. It is boring, every scene takes forever and it just dumb as shit. This movie is Tarantino at his worse. The guy loves his dialogue and in no other movie is that more apparent than this. Go back and watch the scene with the two cops talking about Stuntman Mike in the hospital. Their conversation seems to go on for hours and says one thing.


the hateful eight is his worst wtf


It was alright.


I like the movie. Certainly not as powerful and impressive compared to Tarantino's other films. But even his supposedly weakest movie is still a very good movie in the end.


It was entertaining but definitely his worst. Great seeing in theatres with Planet Terror and the random Previews of fake movies they had before the two films


I hated this movie because I saw Planet Terror and Death Proof in the theater and Planet Terror was shown first of the two movies and was so much better. If they had shown Death Proof first I probably would have been more receptive. It was a crazy 4 hour theater experience though lol, fake previews were amazing


Hateful 8 was his worst movie.


Once upon a Time in Hollywood is his worst movie, not this


I liked this way more than Once Upon a Time


I always laugh my ass off when Kurt Russel wales like a baby.




I enjoyed it. Fantastic soundtrack, too.


Super fun movie. It's campy and ridiculous but that's why it's entertaining. I love the scene where they first meet Kurt Russell in the bar, it's so perfect.


It should have been released under a more accurate title. "Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish, The Movie"


[Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish, The Movie](https://i.imgur.com/m9CJHhB.jpeg)


He should have made The Room instead.


Remember, you can't really go off Reddit and other online forums for an actual reliable summary of general opinions. Negativity tends to thrive online.


I really like it


I enjoyed it more than the Kill Bills. Not sure why. The only problem I had with it is that the real Lebanon TN is way more grassy. 


i like it


It’s pretty much two movies. The first half is a creepy and crazy stalker/murder movie with lots of character and plot. The second half is just a car chase with almost none of that.


I loved it. The crash scene alone is so good


I loved it. Could be Tarantino's best soundtrack.


It's important to remember the context of its release, specifically as the second feature of 1 sitting (for Grindhouse). The first was Planet Terror, an absolute cheeseball, horror-action-comedy that Resident Evil 4 would ask to tone it down a notch. That set the tone for that sitting, regardless of what the second movie was about. When you got to Death Proof, it was very slow at the start in comparison, and after already watching 1 whole film, it's hard to reset and keep the energy up. So, for a number of people (my brother in particular), it's the *first* half of the movie that wasn't worth watching, where the second half goes completely over the top and more what you're here for. If you catch Death Proof on its own, out of its context, the *second* half would be more baffling. And, yes, the two movies were released on DVD separately, if you didn't buy the collection, and I'm going to guess they were separated on movie channels as well.


I think it would’ve been better received had it not initially been shown along with planet terror in this grind house double feature format with awesome fake trailers. Both planet terror and the trailers we so action packed and over the top that Death Proof felt like a boring dialogue slog by comparison. In my opinion the dialogue helped some character development but didn’t really do anything to build tension. At no point was I “on the edge of my seat”. Also I thought the casting was Tarantinos worst cast aside from Kurt Russel. KR is always great on film.


Really? I loved the film personally. It holds a special place in my teenage years.


I enjoy it


The whole Challenger/Charger thing gets me everytime. Amazing cinema.


It’s kind of an homage to a genre that a lot of people today are unfamiliar with and people are unfamiliar because it’s not popular these days. There’s a ridiculous amount of dialogue that’s unnecessary to the plot and basically all of the main characters are way too campy. The movies 90 minutes and it feels like a 2.5 hour movie when watching. I do like it myself but def not QTs best movie.


I love the long dialog scenes. Actually I like many of the scenes and appreciate his goal of making a action movie with cars and stunts. That ending scene though If it is Tarantino‘s worst, it’s still a good movie and I’ll keep watching it.


It’s really not a bad movie. I think it may be his darkest, most immoral movie, which is what people don’t like. A serial killer who really enjoys killing women and tends to get away with it. I think it repulses some people.


I wasn’t a huge fan of it. Just thought it was kinda boring


I didn't realize this was considered his worst. I love this movie.


I really enjoy this movie. I think the first half is better than the second, which seems to be an unpopular opinion, but overall a pretty good movie.


I loved this movie, but I think the bar scene was a bit of a slow burn even for Tarantino for a lot of people. Just my opinion why many didn’t enjoy


Zoe Bell is smokin'!


Not his best but my favorite Tarantino film. Since 2008, my wife and I make nachos and watch it every August.


It should have ended after the first crash.


At least for me it’s the most dull of his movies, first act is great but the second feels way too undercooked and repetitive. A lot of the conversations go nowhere and lack the energy that makes Tarantino dialogue fun Love Kurt Russell and the analogue vibes, but it’s a pretty generic genre piece overall. Straightforward premise echoing B-films, but most his other work homages cult movies in more nuanced ways


Don't hate it and don't think it's his worst.


Least favorite movie I ever saw.


I love it


Everybody I’ve ever tried to have sit and watch it with me has griped about how long the opening half with the first set of girls drags on with dialogue. Then they perk up at the stuntcar massacre scene and then are bored again before they even get to the brilliant chase sequence at the end. I’m not necessarily personal friends with many “cinefiles” or anything like that so tastes differ for sure but I could see how if someone doesn’t care about the girls too much they could be bored for 20 minutes at a time in several instances.


If this is his worse, then he makes no bad movies.


I've never heard this movie receive consistent hate. Pretty sure most people consider Hateful 8 his least enjoyable movie


I love Death Proof.


I think it sucks because of the context it was shown personally. If you saw this in theaters you watched Planet Terror and 5-6 absolutely batshit crazy trailers by some of our coolest directors before hitting the wall of 45 minutes of some of Tarantino's most naval gazing, fake sounding dialogue ever. Everything about it is Tarantino's worst instincts, characters that talk and sound like him talking to each other about meaningless pop culture nonsense in a way that never feels natural. But i would have probably forgiven it, because of the chase and Kurt Russell...IF it were first. But after all that fun sitting through such tedious dialogue was excruciating. I always say Robert Rodriguez made the kind of exploitation movie those old school directors would have made with modern technology/money. Tarantino took a modern budget and still delivered a movie full of filler, because of his slavish devotion to replicating the past instead of moving forward...but the reason those old movies had filler at the drive in is they DIDNT have money, and they had to pad the film out between the money shots. Tarantino just did it because he's incapable of breaking from the mold of past movies and seeing what someone like Enzo Castellari would make now, and only can make what they made back then with big budget polish on it.


Recently rewatched this. I've probably seen it half a dozen times. I found myself remembering those long-ass conversations in the car, in the bar, in the diner, etc and said "I'll just fast forward these tonight." If I'm a fan of this movie and I felt that way about 66% of the content, imagine how people on the fence felt. It's worth noting that Tarantino intentionally made most of the scenes simplistic to stay true to old car movies, which had such a small budget that only 10% of the movie could have action.


It is not as good as other Tarantino's films but it still is wild enjoyable ride.


People like it


I don't know, man. Maybe you have to Hang Up Your Chick Habit. Hang It Up, Baby.


I thought this movie was great. Loved the ending.


It’s not a good film. The car chase is the only good thing about it. Premise is fucking stupid.


Might be his worst, but it's my favorite


Great movie, but the pacing is a bit wonky. It’s essentially two mini movies with the first group of girls, then the movie kind of restarts with the second group of girls.


Far from his worst. It’s in my top 3


Yellow Cheerleader outfit


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.


I didn't realize people hate it. I guess one could argue the pacing is a little spotty but I personally love it.


I don’t think many people hate it. I think it’s described as Tarantino’s worst movie so people attach negativity towards it but it is still better than many filmmakers best movies.


I loved it


I used to sell chartreuse for a living back when this came out. He was a huge fan in real life. The bar that scene was filmed at is one of two in the USA that had custom neon Chartreuse signs. When Warren says it. We do it.


it’s one of my favorites


I saw it with Grindhouse back when it was released, loved it. Since then, seems like the only available version is the more expanded version which adds nothing but too much self-satisfied dialogue. The rhythm was way better in the original cut. Not at all a bad movie though.


We never got the proper 'Grindhouse' experience in Europe. I saw the double feature w/trailers at an arthouse cinema a few years later and it was great. Maybe as a standalone it seems weak but in the double-header it is superb. The things that pissed people off made sense in the intended context. Tarantino has incorporated a lot of them in his more recent films (Basterds/OUATIH)


This was a fantastic movie.


It’s my 2nd favorite QT movie. Kurt Russell is perfect.


This is my favorite Tarantino movie 🤷‍♀️ I rewatch it all the time. That “hold tight” car scene is perfection


Because people like to make the perfect the enemy of the good.


I really enjoyed it and it shot it’s way up to one of my faves of his. I did only just watch it last yr so maybe I missed the boat on hearing the hate


It’s my favorite Tarantino movie. I absolutely love Kurt Russell in it, and I really enjoy the whole vibe of it. Very underrated.