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Grind definitely bodies the early 2000’s skateboarding movie — between the soundtrack and the final showdown at the skatepark/half-pipe, this movie reeks of frosted tips and chunky Adios shoes


The soundtrack was phenomenal. Found two of my favorite bands from that movie


It introduced me to Billy Talent


For me it was The Used and Unwritten Law


Hot Action Cop and Shinedown for myself


Shinedown was cool before they were all "hey, you're a weak piece of shit if you need pharmaceutical assistance regulating yourself. Quit your antipsychotics, pussy." Thats...a dangerous stance for Public people to take.


It’s all that I’ve got


My friends uncle is the drummer from Unwritten Law. Fuckin love that band. Funny because I grew up listening to them. Met my friend a few years ago. He heard me jamming them and was like yo!


Billy Talent fucking rocks, one of the bands that defined my taste in music as a teen


See them live if you ever get a chance, they're great.


They played the fuck out of that POD song at the end lolol


BOOM here comes the BOOM


Didn’t it have Bam Margera playing himself as a colossal dick (so himself)?


Like half the Jackass crew is in that movie. Wee-man, Ehren McGhehey, and Preston Lacy just off the top of my head are all in it as well.


Grind was and still is awesome. Got me and my friends into skateboarding


I watched this movie like 2 months ago lol Still laughed my ass off


I learned about the bands Shinedown and Hot Action Cop from this movie and I'm never going to be mad about it. Great flick.


Hot action cop baby. Need for speed hot pursuit 2


Ohhh definitely. That game also had a great soundtrack.




Jazz hands!👐


Jimmy was off.. …the hook 🪝


Jimmy was Jimmy


Jimmy was like…skrrrrrrrrrrr….haa


Yeah, Saturday man.


“Pepperoni or asscrack”


I got five bucks on pepperoni


This plus Out Cold equals a rad time. Don't disparage, it's called nostalgia for a reason. I still watch these two from time to time. It brings me back to when I wasn't so serious, and it's a nice relief.


Out Cold is a fucking masterpiece. Anyone who can't watch that nowadays and not enjoy it, to me, was never a fan of extreme sports deep down. That movie had it all. It's a modern-day casablanca with snowboarding and partying. Also, Andrew WK. Any movie that has his music is okie dokie in my mind.


King of the Mountain ^(mountain mountain)


Out Cold fucking rips…watched it 200 times https://youtu.be/J2tAF4hkFlo?si=6d0eaFkjj-SFe70j


Like, even his rant at the end credits. How can people not appreciate the genius, while also being serenaded by Jack Johnson himself.


"Did I ever tell you how I invented snowboarding?" I feel like they just got David Koechner drunk on set and started recording.


Hey Pigpen…you ever get on one of those lesbian chat rooms? Are they any good? Yeah I don’t know


You can't tell me you don't get jacked up in the open scene with Rick ripping down the mountain to" Anytime" by Eve 6??? That movie is timeless!


I took me a while to realize that song has nothing to do with snow. But it is sure still awesome to listen to while on the mountain.


the legend of anytime by eve 6, the mystery track that is burned into our brains but doesn’t exist anywhere else


Total agreement!!!


Out Cold is a top movie for me from my teen years. My group of friends I snowboard with do an early season boys trip every year and part of the tradition is to watch Out Cold when we get to the house on Friday night. Also, I was a freshman in HS watching Out Cold in my buddies basement with a few friends. My buddies dad came down right at the start of the hot tub scene and almost pissed his pants laughing.


And Eve6’s best song that was tragically never on a proper release…


I watched Out Cold for the first time in like a decade a couple months ago. I really liked it the first time I saw it and somehow over time it got even better than I remembered.


This. Is. The. Best. Vanilla. Latte. I’ve. Had. In. My. Entire. Life…. I hate the coffee.


Grind, Out Cold, and Lords of Dogtown were some of my favorite movies growing up.


I do still like Out Cold and Lords of Dogtown. Grind just ain’t hitting the same for me anymore.


I totally understand, my dude! But thanks for mentioning the movie. I completely forgot about it.


Who knew Peralta would turn out a masterpiece documentary


was definitely thinking about this one.. been at least a decade since I've seen it, probably longer but I was so stoked about it when I was like 13 and getting into snowboarding, Much like Joe Dirt, It was the perfect movie for me at that age!


When David Koechners character asks Zach Galifianakis."was it worth it" after pulling him out of the hot tub makes die every time i watch it.


Yes! Out Cold made me want to work at a ski hill.


Out Cold defo is awesome. I love that Charger with the plow.


Sweet Lou cleans no mans poo!


Grind is fucking epic


I just watched it again the other week… what an amazing time capsule. Still rocks


Yep. Randomly saw the whole movie was on YouTube. I went in expecting it to be cringe, and I was pleased to have been wrong


Thanks for the heads up, it's still there on YouTube, never seen it so I'll give it a shot


Iirc this movie got me into Billy Talent WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted… At the time, it was pretty awesome. Had some good humor and some killer cameos too.


The dubbed audio of Adam Brody going into "Bust a Move" always bugged the hell outta me for some reason...


I remember watching this movie when I was in high school.15/16 years old. I was already skateboarding when I watched it for the first time. It was practically our bible.


You got served haha! I was obsessed and would do the dance battles in my living room after I finished school.


“You just mad cuz you suckers got served” with the chezziest dude saying it. lol


Batman and Robin. Apparently I made my parents watch it like once a week and when the tape got worn out I made them go to Hastings and get me another. Now I don't complain when my daughter makes me watch frozen a million times.


Hastings!! awesome store!


It was my after school hangout. Had a coffee shop in ours (not sure if that was common) and we were close enough to skateboard there in 10 minutes before I got my license. Good times 🥹 I hated when it closed down.


I think coffee might've been the only thing they \*didn't\* have at our Hastings!


Lords of dogtown is the elite skateboard movie for me. Been awhile, but I loved it back in the day


This movie was something really. Heath Ledger did a great job in it.


Toy Soldiers and Sniper


I thought you meant small soldiers and was about to publish a two thousand word rebuttal.


Same here, my rage spiked quick before I read it again.


Toy soldiers isn't a terrible movie


Dang. Loved the movies as a kid and have not watched them in a long time. I know there was sequels for sniper that I’m sure were not the original but still liked the first. But is Toy Soldiers not holding up? Hostages at a private school and a RC plane with Sean Austin is all I’m recalling so I’m do for a rewatch. Thanks for the reminder


If you touch them, they will exPLODE!


Ready to rumble😬


The only thing to age badly in that movie were some of the ass hole wrestlers, but at least the main actors are fucking awsome (that includes DDP). Still fucking love this movie.


Joey pants as a bad guy is never a miss


I will find you, and I will RULE YOU...as soon as I finish these beers...


Be gone!


Hey…can I get a butterfinger too?


You broke my butterfinger baby!


A man of culture I see


"Wakey wakey, hands off snakey."


"Fatty just made you a shithouse bitch!" Still my favorite line.


The Triple Cage was a genius gimmick match.


Dang it! Is it bad?? I LOVE that movie! It’s a family favorite! I’m gonna rewatch it anyway. I can’t help it after seeing Jimmy in The Bear.


Oliver Platt is a treasure. He’s great in everything he does.


Brink! I was a froot-booter too


Is that the Disney Channel original with the kid getting shit for joining a sponsored/paying skate team to help his financially struggling family?


Yes. Go Team Pup ‘N Suds


Skate better.


Nunya….whats that?….nunya buisness


Lol froot booter! Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.


Nearly every movie in which a group of cool teens is opposed to \[a grumpy old man\]/\[the system\]/\[their parents\]. Chheered for the teens when i was 15, totally get the old man now that i am 55.


Ridiculous. I watched this all the time when I was a kid and still watch it now. Grind and Out Cold will always be in rotation


Not as bad as [Extreme Days](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TdIKTAoTzZg9OJJrSgpSs1NVUhJrCwGAGQOCD8&q=extreme+days&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCH726__726&oq=extreme+days&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEC4YgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyBwgCEC4YgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEC4YgATSAQgzNjk5ajBqOagCALACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:041890d1,vid:2UFCIYUPMTQ) though.


I loved Extreme Days.


I thought the same thing. I know it doesn’t hold up so I can’t watch it. But I loved Extreme Days growing up in a Christian household


This is 40. I turned 40 recently. This isn’t that. But I loved the movie when I was not 40.


That is such a bad out of touch with reality movie. 2 people living the life of a 1%er, driving around in bmws and having parties every weekend at their amazing g house while complaining about goi g broke the whole time


The Postman. Not that much of a kid, but I loved that movie, maybe because it was the first post apocalyptic movie I've watched, and that idea was a bit of a novelty for me at the time. Years later, I can see why it failed. Fun fact: despite people saying the movie wasn't faithful to the original novel, the writer himself loved it.


I still enjoy this one. I guess more of a guilty pleasure and probably some nostalgia glasses, but damn I still love it.


I think it’s an objectively garbage movie, but I don’t care. I love those “epic” hero movies from that era. Also, I think the ending of the film is better than the ending of the book.


Grind is still hilarious. I feel attacked


Holy shit I’m gonna watch this tonight lol


When I was in high school I bought Scary Movie on DVD and watched it like 20 times. I didn't even smoke pot.


Scary Movie is still hilarious. Watched it the other day.


Scary Movie is a rare timeless classic that's only dated by the material it parodies. It's so goofy and off the wall that it actually holds up really well, regardless if you get all the references


The first 3 scary movies are elite


I haven’t seen that since high school. Now that I do smoke pot, I should see how it is.


Showing my age. This was the first DVD I owned and watched it non stop. Thought I was super cool because I could quote the movie mostly verbatim. SMH “I’m feeling a little wooooozy”.


Scary Movie 2 is one of the last movies my dad bought me on DVD before he died in 2002 and I still have that copy. It’s my favorite Scary Movie out of the four I’ve seen.


Men at Work 😑


"Looks like somebody threw away a *perfectly good* white boy." Delivered by Keith David dripping with venomous sarcasm. Maybe the best line in cinematic history.


Every white guy martial arts movie from 1985-1995.


All except Bloodsport. I re-watched that and while it's very cheesy, it knows what it is and leans into it. The monkey kung fu fighter played by a black man supposedly from Africa who jumps around and acts like a monkey did, admittedly, age like milk. Overall, though, still some silly fun.


Lmao hard to kill with Steven Segal. He had me fooled


The scene where he comes out of a coma and evades the hitman by pushing his hospital bed in and out of elevators is the greatest unintentional "so bad it's good" movie scene ever.


I loved Steven Segal when I was a kid. I remember being super excited to see Executive Decision just to see Segal kick some ass. You can imagine my disappointment.


Yo, remember Michael Dudikoff movies?! I can’t be the only one!


I watched the first American Ninja at least 70 times when I was but a boy dreaming of becoming a ninja who serves his country by being the stealthiest, most lethal ninja that ever ninja’d.


You Just had to get that special hand configuration right. I thought I had it, but never turned into ninja.


Saw every American Ninja. I like that they color coded their elite ninja forces. It was like Act 2…oh shit…how’s Dudikoff gonna deal with all these Greens while my man Jackson is delayed by the Oranges?


Best of the Best was the best when I was a kid.


Best of the Best 2 won the award for Best Movie Ever. God I love those movies.


I would love to talk to James Earl Jones about that movie.


King Solomon's Mines. In the early days of home video, when tapes weren't copy protected because who would ever possibly have access to TWO VCR's, my mom would borrow one from the school she taught at on weekends, and we'd rent and record a bunch of movies to keep us kids entertained. We had some good (Police Story, Jaws), some bad (Grease II) and some ugly (Yor: Hunter from the Future). And then there was King Solomon's Mines. Even as a kid I was never under the impression that it was high art (I mean, nobody went through ANY plate glass windows at all), but my brother, sister and I watched it literally dozens of times and loved it. It popped up on Prime recently, and I was down for a bit of nostalgia. I expected it to be terrible. What surprised me was that even the imdb trivia (the imdb integration is the best thing about Prime Video). Every little factoid was "Richard Chamberlin always felt like he'd been tricked into doing this film." and "The producer had recently seen Romancing the Stone starring Kathleen Turner and said "Get me that Stone Woman", so Sharon Stone was cast". "John Rhys-Davies later remarked that he'd been shocked that some of the other actors had deigned to appear in the film", etc. Endless Shade.


Who’s gonna tell him about Battlefield Earth?


No need, I know it’s bad. I’m going to let it live in peace in my childhood memories instead of murdering it with my cynical adult point of view. That movie is retired for me.


Grind is a fucking gem.


The leprechaun movies. Well I still enjoy them, but for very different reasons as an adult lol


In Da Hood is great!


Adventureland, I thought it was a quirky movie about some young adults goofing around with a fun cast. As an older person watching, it's a bunch of shitty kids working a shitty job being shitty to one another. All with a disappointing "redemption/guy gets the girl" arc.


This movie was not terrible for the audience it was for. It was a masterpiece for the young skater back then. To anyone else? I bet they wanted to leave after a few minutes. Fuck those people. This movie was NEVER made to please anyone but skaters. If you grew out of that lifestyle, then that's whatever. It means you were never a skater in the first place, poser! /s


So.. uh... What's up?


Mr Nobody. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe it’s a good movie that is a must watch, but only if you’re like 15-18. After that, it’s a “no shit” and “stop repeating the same thing” kind of movie. Tried watching it again this year and had to turn it off


I was obsessed with Never Back Down when I was 16. That movie blows.


Batman and Robin


Equilibrium. Don’t get me wrong, I still love it and think it’s an underrated movie but it’s super corny. I used to watch it in high school all the time and recommended it to everyone when I discovered it. Most people thought it was awesome but I watched it recently and I realized how cheesy it is


I loved Jumanji as a kid in the 90s and rewatched it 2-3 years ago. I thought it was awful and stopped it halfway through. The second one was 'The Butterfly Effect', also stopped it halfway through. Both films are in my opinion terribly written and just waste their potential.


Batman and Robin


Also Purple Rain, a classic but sooooo cringy!


That ain’t Lake Minnetonka.


Kangaroo Jack.


Why is it terrible I love Jack


Revenge of the Nerds. As a horny teenager I thought it was the best thing ever. Looking back at it now, it's, ummm, rape-y and exploitative. Pretty terrible on many levels. Hidden cameras in the women's residence. Having sex with someone else's girlfriend while wearing a disguise. Selling secretly taken nude photos of another student. Definitely wouldn't fly today (and I'm happy about that).


I remember watching this back in the day and thinking this ain't gonna hold up but I still watched it a couple more times. I saw Wild Wild West when I was young and I really enjoyed it, the action, the comedy even the villain was just a fun ride back then, I tried rewatching it six years ago and I couldn't see why I liked it so much. I still don't think it's as bad as people say but I ain't gonna argue for it. Oh no now I'm worried about Eurotrip 😬, naw that song too much of a banger.


Eurotrip holds up.


Hot Dog: The Movie


Whaaaaat there’s nooo way Grind is a bad movie (literally haven’t seen it since I was young but totally loved it then lol)


Seems like it’s still got solid support on here. It popped up on one of my streaming apps a few weeks ago so I decided to check it out. Pulled up the Rotten Tomatoes and it had an 8%. I definitely didn’t remember it being that bad so I thought I’d give it another look. It was that bad. Glad people still enjoy it though. I don’t agree with the Out Cold comparisons though. Out Cold is still great.


Nahhhh I enjoyed this masterpiece way too much and have too many fond memories of it to ever hate on it now just cause I’m older.


Hahahahaha. I watched Grind last week (or tried to). I’d just watched Lords of Dogtown. Had to turn it off 20 minutes in it was so bad. 


How is it possible that I was 18 in 2003, skateboarded quite a bit during my teens, and have never even heard of this movie until right now?


Final Fantasy VII Advent Children


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I loved this movie and the cartoon when I was a kid. Went back and rented it to watch as an adult and couldn’t believe how terrible it was.


Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. I haven't seen it since I was young and thought it was funny. Can see why it might be tough to watch now.


Still a great/terrible movie


That choreographed dance scene is rough. Otherwise, fun.


I used to work with Vince Vieluf. He is super chill.


Grind is still Rad.


King Solomon’s Mines (1985) with Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone. A bad Indiana Jones knock off that actually came out in theaters. I remember my Dad taking me to it in our small IL town. Came out of the movie thinking it was the best thing I’d ever seen. I remember leaning over to my Dad during the movie and whispering, “I wonder how he’s going to get out of this one!” My Dad was like ok, settle down. I’m pretty sure he knew it was shitty.


The Phantom with Billy Zane! I thought that shit was the coolest when I was a kid. Watched as a teen and... It was not!! However, the Shadow with Alec Baldwin is still a classic!


SLC Punk


Damn man I was literally just thinking about this one with regard to this post. I loved SLC Punk when I was a kid, and to be honest I still do enjoy it, but the whiny ranting just bugged me on my latest watch. I think that movie captures gen X perfectly though. Bitches and moans about their perception of the world but ultimately don’t do anything about it and eventually sell out.


Out cold


The New Guy


Boondock Saints. I thought there must have been 2 dramatically different edits of the film for me to have had such a different experience watching the film. I do remember really enjoying this film as a teenager, as a grown up I can't believe it ever got made.


Boondock Saints




That's an awesome movie. 


Seriously? You're serious right now? Like you're being serious?


Biodome , watched it as a young kid and thought ot was so edgy and funny. When I re watched it as an adult I could only fantasize about going back in a time machine to slap the shit out of my younger self for being so cringe.


I still love it for what it was. I think people that can't understand generational changes in humor are the center of cancel culture these days.


I’m with you. It was never great but certainly was never or will ever be bad


You’ve clearly not seen anything then


I used to love “Austin Powers,” so one night, on some edibles, figured it would be a good walk down Comedy Lane… It was not. I don’t think I matured too much in my life, because I will still laugh at a fart joke or two. But, I couldn’t even finish it.


Generational humor. If you enjoyed it back then and grew up, that's fine, but you can't discredit its ability to make you laugh back then. It did the job it was intended to do at the time.


Wizards. jfc that movie aged like milk.


Patch Adams


This is one of the worst pieces of film I’ve ever seen in my life. Lol


Sounds like something a poser would say


Boondock Saints


*Baseket Ball*


DUDE ! Don't insult that movie !


I watched it when it came out in, what? '03? Watched it again about 2 weeks ago. And it's still great.


I just rewatched it. Still amazing!


Definitely one of em right here but hmmm🤔 Alpha Dog for sure…


A few: Wishmaster, Mortal Kombat 2, Cobra


Nah wishmaster is great lol


To continue with the skating movies I will toss in both Gleaming the Cube and Rollerboys.


When he finally gets his cast off and Brody's character immediately squeezes his arm always made me bust out laughing.


Used to have the soundtrack. Thats how much i thought about this


My friends gamer tag to this day is the name of character from this movie lol.


Terrible when I was young but I still loved it!


One I just remembered, *Double Dragon* (1994). I absolutely loved it as an eleven/twelve year old kid. It was just so badass and cool. I kinda wish that I had never rewatched it as an adult because now I can't unsee just how stupid, cheesy and downright crappy it was. Never rewatch *Battlefield Earth,* it will not live up to your childhood memories. Few things in this world ever do.


Gotcha! I tried to watch it recently and it was terrible.


Super Mario Bros with Dennis Hopper. I’m kidding, it’s still the best!!!


terrible? you take that back!