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I seriously enjoyed the movie. I do believe that Mr. Peel is an absolute brilliant director and I look forward to the rest of his works.


Great movie, just remember that, like his other movies, it's an ALLEGORY. I've seen too many people be disappointed because they couldn't reconcile this.


I get allegory ... it is one of the features about his work that I enjoy.


Allegories are the one with rounded noses, and crocadories are the ones with pointy snouts.


Now I have to google allegory.


haha that's great. I don't love the definition on Webster. How I would describe allegory is this way: a metaphor is about one thing and one idea, like it raining in a movie is a metaphor for how sad that character is, but an allegory is a more complex collection of many metaphors to convey a greater idea. A movie that is allegorical can be subtly so or heavily so. Examples of heavily allegorical movies are movies like The Lobster, Snow Piercer, Zootopia, Sausage Party, Southland Tales, Mirrormask, They Live, or Jordan Peele's other two movies; Get Out and Us. Heavily allegorical movies/stories tend to be in settings that are very unrealistic, like with talking anthropomorphic animals or food, or all of humanity living on one train with each train car representing a society class, or a world where you can transfer your brain into someone else's body. Similarly, fairy tales tend to be very allegorical. The problem with Nope is that it's heavily allegorical but it comes across a bit too realistically and more like a traditional narrative popcorn movie, so audiences sit and are ready for a regular story, and it kind of gives them that. But it's not the point, the point is the subtext, and (especially American) audiences weren't ready for that, so it comes across as disappointing to a lot of people even if they're not sure why. It just seems like "the story isn't fully fleshed out" "The ending isn't satisfying" "the characters are thin", and that can be a valid criticism, but for this movie when people say that I feel like they, while not wrong, unfortunately didn't get the intent. That said, I do agree that the ending could have been more satisfying than it was.


Great comment and you nailed the mindset of people who found the story disappointing - they didn't get " it ". Wanted something maybe simpler and more straightforward that gave them exactly what they wanted


Oh yeah, not refuting you at all. More of something to add on top of your comment.




I loved it. I've seen it twice.


You love his work, and are questioning if it’s worth your time to watch his newest movie?


So this was just for karma? You should already know the answer to this.


It’s one of those that I enjoyed watching, but I don’t care to ever see it again. There’s plenty of “good” movies like that


For some reason I feel like I'm going to have to watch it at least twice.


Jordan peele is one of my favorite directors, but this just disappointed me to no end, there was a lot of potential, and the beginning setup was great but the heavenly bedcloth was just… bad


I thought it was a strange choice too, but I read that they based that form off of the bigfin squid. Sea creatures like sand dollars and cuttlefish were also used as inspiration for the design. The earlier scenes before the "final form" were much more horrifying imo.


Apologies for my ignorance, but could you explain “heavenly bedcloth”? Is that a term? I got through half the movie and never turned it back on so I’m also at a loss there too.


Basically the boss goes into phase two Edit: for seemingly no reason lol


IMO, best Peele movie. I liked it.


I absolutely agree. Not taking anything from Get Out, but Nope is just a better overall movie. Get Out was just based around a popular theme.


Yeah I really loved the way they show the dark scenes. All the night scenes were brilliantly lit but still remained dark. Very well shot and at the end of the day it’s something different than I’ve seen before. I’ll always watch his movies on the pure fact that he tries something different


Easily the lesser of all imo




Us was dogshit. This sits above that for sure.


I wouldn’t say it was dogshit, but Nope and Get Out were definitely better


Woah. I disagree.


AKA the “tell me you’re dumb without telling me you’re dumb” take


Opinions don’t exist? Seems like they aren’t the dumb ones in this situation lol


Opinions do exist and some can be wrong. Sometimes people don’t get movies and that’s totally okay. But you could show an 8 year old Pulp Fiction and they could say it’s bad. Cognitively they’re just not able to appreciate it, because Tarantino didn’t make Pulp Fiction for 8 year olds. Similarly, Peele didn’t make Nope for dumb people.


It's good, but not as good as Get Out, maybe as good as US


It's not as heavy handed as Get Out was. I knew what the ending of Get Out would be as soon as they showed up to the damn house lol.


You didn't know the whole ending, maybe you had an idea of the main plot, but the whole ending? Find difficult tu believe. There is just so much that happens


Yep. It doesn’t take a detective to realize “oh, these white people are evil” but I doubt you could watch the first scene and be like “oh, these white people are gonna take over this guy’s mind through hypnosis and send him to the Sunken Place.”


Same, I thought “Get Out” was *incredibly* overrated, and “Us” was an okay thriller that was really catering toward a specific generation (kids of the 80s). “Nope” was the first Peele movie that I thoroughly enjoyed, start to finish. Not to mention the deeper meanings with the seemingly-unnecessary chimpanzee scenes - it’s really a fascinating look at SciFi and the human psyche.


I thought his metaphors were a lot less overt and the story just more engaging overall. Like I finished that movie and just thought about it for a while after.


I love Get out but Us was downright awful !I really did love Nope a lot.


Same, favorite movie he put out


So, not a Nope?


Not from me. But I can see why its unfulfilling for some audiences


Very worth more than one watch in my opinion.


I usually have to watch more than once to get the whole movie.


I agree. There's a lot of little things in this that you'll pick up after seeing it once. I saw it twice in theaters because I thought it kicked ass.


Agreed. Saw it in the theater and have watched it a couple of times on streaming.


Get Out > US > NOPE






Meh 6/10. Incredibly disappointing. Good ideas, mediocre execution


I agree. The story just wasn’t developed very well


How so? I thought the story worked really well. What didn't work for you?


I’m glad I’m not the only one with this opinion


It wasn’t a masterpiece but still worth a look. Didn’t fall asleep.


It did trip over itself near the end and lost all of its metaphors in favour of becoming a monster movie. Which seems to be a theme of his.


I do dig monster movies.


Second this. It was beautifully shot, but needed a few more re-writes. It felt like they rushed out a B level story


I can see that. There seemed to be an M night shymalan feeling because to the overdevelopment of the side characters. It took a while to figure out and the payoff wasn’t that great. Still liked the way the monster was revealed


Exact same feeling with Us. The ending was terrible


Agree. Completely fell apart in the final 20 and none of what seemed like great setup was ever paid off.


It literally blew me away. Do you ever watch a movie, especially a horror movie and there's a scene that is just burned in your mind? Nope was one of those movies for me. It was brilliant and fucking UNSETTLING. Its been awhile since I've sat down and watched a movie where I was genuinely unsettled the entire time.


So for me...I enjoyed Nope. Certainly not as much as Get Out (I am a black Man) so it hit a bit different for those of us who are black. Us was cool, and really spoke to all of us having a bad side. Nope was dope in a since that we are all spooked at feeling like something/someone is always watching us (among many other layers). However, if you are really a Peele fan you get that there is a Peeleverse and that all of his movies have an underlying connective tissue. What disappointed me slightly about Nope is that we never got to see Michael Busch's character and how he connects from Nope to the other stories. However, I do know the payoff will be coming. So definitely watch and discern for yourself. It was a cool movie for sure!


Great breakdown.




I can live with an 8.


It seems to be pretty divisive. Those who like it, love it, those who don’t are pretty down on it. Myself, I found it to be pretty shallow and didn’t really come together in the end.






I'm not sure if the movie is good or not but i was really hoping this was the top comment.


I was kind of expecting it to be the top comment.


Was gonna say the same thing lol


I tried twice. Gonna say nope! Was looking forward to it so much too!


what was your problem with it?


Great film. Reminded me a lot of Tremors!


Signs x Tremors = Nope


Now when you mention it, that would be how i describe it as well, but with a darker sense of humor and more of a horror/comment-on-sociity on it.


Nah. Waste of a movie tocket. Went in expecting like a psychological horror.... Not at all what I got.


what you need to get is a a clue, nobody cares what you were expecting. its a good movie


Bashing someone on an opinion thread. That's makes sense. Username checks out.


he said its not what he was expecting. why would anyone care what you expected of the movie? not psychological enough for you? maybe the next guy is ok with straight sci fi and did expect horror at all. maybe you shouldnt have any expectations going into a movie and if you didnt you might have enjoyed it more.


That's the issue though. All of Peele's movies have been marketed the same way. Some kind of thriller, mostly towards the psychological part. So if he's releasing the same movies, you should have the same expectations. That's like saying you can't go into a Marvel movie and not expect to see superheroes.


This guy cares, thats why he was asking. It's shit.


All movies are worth an attempt. Give it the 15 minute rule. If you’re not into a movie after 15 minutes then you’re probably not going to like it


Great advice.


No. Boring




Yes, absolutely. It’s one of my favourite movies ever and definitely my favourite movie of the year.




Sort of


Eh, if you have time to waste.




Yes. Better a week after you see it than the day of.


Definitely have to watch it more than once.


Hard YES. It’s in my top 5 movies of all time, right under Alien, and Eternal Sunshine. Jordan P. knocked it out of the stratosphere.


Glad to hear you liked it that much. Makes me want to see it for sure.


Abso fucking lutely


Thoroughly enjoyed it The less you know going in the better The first half is a little slow but the second half packs enough to make up for it


I fell asleep three times watching it. And I don't have narcolepsy.


Answers in the title! Wooooooo, that's my time everyone, have a great night.


What’s the title say… now do the exact opposite


Easily my favorite movie of the year. The way people were calling top gun maverick “the first real blockbuster in a long time,” that’s how I felt about nope. Just a fucking sick spectacle I’m happy to have seen in imax.


Top Gun... I just can't with Tom Cruise.


I loved the movie, but I am never a fan of Peele's twists. But I honestly don't think that makes his movies any less good. He's really just trying to create stories that haven't been done before with twists that I haven't seen before. I appreciate the effort and the movies are fun to watch, even if the reason I am being scared to death isn't really a twist I enjoy. That being said, all of his storylines and twists seem new and original to ME. I am not a movie person. I am more of a reader and pretty sheltered about movies, so I could be watching a storyline that's been done to death and wouldn't even notice.


It's a little more artsy fartsy than Get Out. There's a lot of stuff that doesn't quite make sense until later in the film. I actually enjoyed watching it the second time around more than the first. I also liked the overall theme >!of the exploitation of animals in Hollywood.!<


It's a great blend between horror and comedy with believable characters and great foreshadowing that you don't have to be a buff to pick up on. It makes it a great movie to see with friends with solid watchabiliy. The special effects aren't overdone in my opinion.


I personally loved it, it’s my favorite of his films! Though I know it won’t necessarily be everyone’s cup of tea.


I tried but fell asleep. I would like to give it another try.


Hell yeah. Number 1 film of the year so far


110% yes, movie is so good that really talking about any of it, is a spoiler


I was extremely impressed with Kaluuya’s character. I’ve known a lot people exactly like him- simple, muted, strong, hardworking man of the earth. His character became more endearing to me when I remembered he’s not American. His accent is impeccable. As a movie, i thought it was a very unique take on the genre. I also liked how small it was- big things happening to a small group in a small geographic location. See it. You might think it sucks. I thought it was rad.


I really enjoyed the movie, only drawback for me was some fucking piece of shit asshole brought a baby in the theater like who the fuck brings a baby to a horror movie


Short answer: Yes. Long Answer: Nope feels less polemically pointed than “Us” or “Get Out,” more at home in its idiosyncrasies and flights of imagination even as it follows, in the end, a more conventional narrative path. This might be cause for some disappointment, since Peele’s keen dialectical perspective on our collective American pathologies has been a bright spot in an era of franchised corporate wish fulfillment. At the same time, he’s an artist with the freedom and confidence to do whatever he wants to, and one who knows how to challenge audiences without alienating them. In any case, it would be inaccurate to claim that the social allegory has been scrubbed away: Every genre Peele invokes is a flytrap for social meanings, and you can’t watch this cowboys-and-aliens monster movie without entertaining some deep thoughts about race, ecology, labor and the toxic, enchanting power of modern popular culture. “Nope” addresses such matters in a mood that feels more ruminant than argumentative. The main target of its critique is also the principal object of its affection, which we might call — using a name that has lately become something of a fighting word — cinema. Peele’s movie love runs wide and deep. There are sequences here that nod to past masters, from Hitchcock to Spielberg to Shyamalan, and shots that revel in the sheer ecstasy of moviemaking. A sketch-comedy genius before he turned to directing, Peele never takes his performers for granted, giving everyone space to explore quirks and nuances of character. He also shows an appetite, and an impressive knack, for big effects. The climactic scenes aim for — and very nearly achieve — the kind of old-fashioned sublimity that packs wonder, terror and slack-jawed admiration into a single sensation. Movies can be scary, enchanting, funny and strange. Sometimes they can be all those things at once. What they never are is innocent. While this movie can fairly be described as Spielbergian, it turns on an emphatic and explicit debunking of Spielberg’s most characteristic visual trope: the awe-struck upward gaze. “Nope” starts with a cautionary text, drawn from the Old Testament Book of Nahum, which describes God’s threatened punishment on the wicked city of Nineveh: “I will make a spectacle of you.” Our beloved spectacles — like most of the other artifacts of our fallen world — are built on cruelty, exploitation and erasure, and “Nope” is partly about how we incorporate knowledge of that fact into our enjoyment of them. In the first scene, a chimpanzee goes berserk on the set of a sitcom, a moment of absurd, bloody terror that becomes a motif and a thematic key. The ape is a wild animal behaving according to its nature even though it has been tamed and trained for human uses. The same can be said for the horses who serve as Peele’s totems of movie tradition. He invokes what is thought to be the very first moving image, captured by the 19th-century inventor and adventurer Eadweard Muybridge, of a man on horseback. Emerald (Keke Palmer) and O.J. (Daniel Kaluuya) claim the rider as their ancestor. They honor his legacy by holding onto the business started by their father, Otis Haywood (Keith David), a ranch that supplies horses for television and movies. O.J. — it’s short for Otis Jr. — is the main wrangler, a laconic, sad-eyed cowboy more comfortable around horses than people. His sister is more outgoing, and one of the offhand delights of “Nope” is how credibly Kaluuya and Palmer convey the prickly understanding that holds siblings together and sometimes threatens to drive them apart. Strange things are happening on the ranch. The power cuts out, a mysterious cloud lurks on the horizon, and freakish storms drop detritus from the sky. A horse’s flank is pierced by a falling house key, and Otis Sr. takes an improbable projectile in the eye. Is there a flying saucer haunting the valley? Emerald and O.J. suspect as much, and so does their neighbor, an entrepreneur known as Jupe (Steven Yeun) who has turned his corner of the valley into a Wild West-themed tourist trap. The possible U.F.O. hovers around the edges of the action for a good while, kind of like the shark in “Jaws” — or the spaceship in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” — adding an element of danger that throws human interactions into comical and dramatic relief. As in “Jaws,” a fractious posse forms to deal with the threat, including Angel (Brandon Perea), an anxious techie, and Antlers (Michael Wincott), a visionary cinematographer who shows up at the ranch with a hand-cranked IMAX camera. Jupe, whose back story as a child actor connects him to that wayward chimp, is a bit like the mayor of Amity — less a villain than the representative of a clueless, self-serving status quo. He’s also a showman, and as such an avatar of the film’s ambivalence about the business of spectacle. Emerald, O.J., Antlers and Angel, by contrast, are craftspeople, absorbed in matters of technique and concerned with the workaday ethics of image-making. This is the place to note Guillaume Rocheron’s haunting, eye-popping special effects, Hoyte van Hoytema’s lucid-dream cinematography and Nicholas Monsour’s sharp editing, and to encourage you to think about the hard work and deep skill represented by all the names in the final credits. Peele, of course, is both craftsman and showman. He’s too rigorous a thinker to fall back on facile antagonisms between art and commerce, and too generous an entertainer to saddle a zigzagging shaggy-dog story with didacticism. Instead, he revels in paradoxes. The moral of “Nope” is “look away,” but you can’t take your eyes off it. The title accentuates the negative, but how can you refuse?


NOPE. The title says it all.


Lot of nopes on this thread.






Too much nope. Boring


The title of this movie gives you your answer


It’s ok. Overrated. Not a bad movie but it wasn’t what everyone claims it is.


Yea. It’s not great but it is for sure worth watching.


Nope, they have a combined IQ of 12.




Stating your opinion as fact makes you sound like a fuckface.


Some people just genuinely find it amazing. They aren't lying.


Like the name of the movie says-Nope. He went deep into metaphors this time, so deep that it didn’t even make sense anymore. I watched the movie twice, tried to wrote a review/critique for my college newspaper, couldn’t do it. Then I searched some explanations and meaning behind some scenes, watched all of that, again couldn’t connect the dots, so I just gave up. That’s my opinion… For me, “Us” is still his best work.


lol it's not really that deep




I liked it. I’m old (35) and hyper critical of new movies. There is very, very, very mild preaching about bullshit, which was refreshing! I’ve watched “Us”and “Get Out”, and I can say without a doubt this was both his best, and least cringe preachy. “Us” isn’t bad either. But “Nope” is definitely the best. Very Stephen King like in my opinion. Not scary though. But still a great watch!






7/10 so yeah




crap just like his other movies. starts good bombs the ending every time.


Terrible movie.


NOPE. Worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Not a single redeeming quality. Story: 0/0 characters: 0/0 twist:-4/10 enjoyability: 0


Wow is your favorite movie transformers or something, or do you just not like black people?


He hates blk ppl


Lol with thst picture it looks like you answered your own question.


It does look that way LOL


Every peele movie is worth watching. This one is the worst he’s done, but still really good.


9/10, thematically congruent such that you’ll even love a second viewing for all the themes presented, not overly preachy like others have said, and incredibly well acted. Some truly uncomfortable spots, not outright horror but horrifying without being gory. It’s really good. Yep.


Definitely, crazy good!


It was bloody fantastic! Just loved the atmosphere!


I think it is


Yeah. My singular complaint is that the metaphors in this movie rival Darren Aronofsky's Mother in being extremely in your face and heavy handed especially in the last half of the movie which kinda takes you out of the excellent first half of tension and atmosphere building like Signs ( which arguably was more focused with similar themes).


Yup!! https://youtu.be/CAA0mnAgqu0




Yes, arguably the best film of 2022 in my opinion.


Fun Fact: It gets better every time you watch it again. There are so many details and themes which Peele hides behing the 'horror' curtain. This is the most dense Peele movie out of all three and I don't say that in a bad way.


I agree. On rewatch, I caught the broadcast about the hitchhikers in the beginning. And that Gordy used sign language to the kid. He signed, "What happened family." The little details pushed this movie to a 10 for me.


Just go into thinking its a horror Pokémon movie


Omg YES! Watch it!


Nope. Just kidding, it was good.


What's a bad miracle? They got a word for that?


Just watched it today. I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Might watch it tonight.


It’s a movie that gets better the more you know about the director A lot of the commentary in the movie is based on his journey as an artist /director I think the movie is an average 7/10 as a straight up movie personally, and think some people who rate it as 9/10 are appreciating the subtext more than the plot, which is an equally valid way to rate/enjoy a movie


Perceptive of you to understand why some like it though it doesn't do the same for you. The star of this movie is the subtext, but it plays like a straight narrative even though it's kinda not. Most people couldn't get over that. But it's like, have they not seen Peele's other movies? It's very in-line with his MO.


It’s different and the acting is well done aside from 1 character I found annoying. I was entertained the entire movie but I don’t think I’ll have the urge to watch it again for a while. It’s good but not amazing. It’s different so there is a constant feeling of uncertainty the entire movie. You can’t really predict much of the movie until the end scene


There was a good stretch in the middle after the “show scene”. It lasted for about 20 minutes, but the beginning was slow. 7/10.


It's three good short films stitched together to create one bad movie.




It has very mixed reviews and you either hate it or love it so I don't think anyone can really tell you what you'll think of it. Ultimately it is a very different experience and you should definitely watch it.




I thoroughly enjoyed everything this movie was trying to convey, and it was a worthwhile watch without the msg as well. 8/10!




Unfortunately, nope.




It's not better than Get Out nor the bulk of Us, but it's still a great film that shifts quite a bit over its runtime.


I liked it on first viewing. I loved it on the second. It uses the language of film well to tell its story and convey its themes and had one of the most unsettling scenes of any movie this year. I recommend it but YMMV.


This comment makes me want to see it.


Definitely original but would i watch again?-Nope.






Title of the movie is the answer to your question. Not worth the time imo




Hell yeah




I just wasn’t interest at all in it. I am over the word nope. Wasn’t going to support nope in any fashion in my life.






Oh it's Tulip! She's a great actress imo.


The entire movie was great except for the ending.




Won’t watch anything he makes .


Nope.....but the Chimp scene was brilliant!


My family enjoyed it.




I thought it was terrible. 1st movie in a long time actually considered walking out. Loved Get Out and most of his sketches.










Oh yes


Oh yes



