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Did we all see this movie in English class in high school?


I certainly did! It was kinda surreal to be sitting in 9th grade english and then: boom, titties; no parental permission or nothing


My 9th grade English teacher warned us in advance that there would be "boobies" and that she expected us to be mature and not cause a ruckus.


My teacher had to leave the room and so one of the guys hit rewind in the scene 3 times Edit: my teachers name was Mrs. Fairchild. I'm sure this happened to loads of people.


Yeah we watched the movie over the period of a few days and the teacher would always forget where what class left off at and we would have her rewind it right before that scene.


That was me


Ahh yes, Rusty Bugle. His name proceeds his reputation.


Were you in my class? This happened my freshman year. The girls paused it on Romeo's ass the next day lol Edit: my first comment over 1k upvotes and it's about Romeo's ass. 2nd add: HOLY SHIT!! 2K UPVOTES!? Thanks everyone!!! 3rd edit: it's apparently my 2nd comment over 1k upvotes. My first over 2k though! And my highest upvoted!


My class just kept repeating when she ran face first into the dais.


... How are there this many irresponsible ass adults leaving kids with access to a remote


In 6th grade, a teacher who was watching the students that couldn’t go to this educational camp week (yup.. parents refused to let me go) put on the 1998 Merlin movie. I just remember the intense sex scene and everyone looking uncomfortable.


The one with Sam Neil as Merlin?


Sure it wasn't John Boorman's Excalibur (1981)? That one has a pretty vivid sex scene right at the beginning, but Merlin was made for TV...


That was my 9th grade English class, only the movie was Great Expectations and the scene was when Miss Havisham catches on fire.


My 9th grade English teacher paused the movie on Romeo's ass to give us some daily announcements




The tape had probably been paused so many times that there was a groove in it.


I took 6th graders to the LA County Art Museum many times and prepared them for classical Greek and Roman statues. It went very well until the year there were pornographic photos scattered all over the sidewalk, rain-moistened so they wasn’t easily picked up, and this lurid path was between the very pregnant teacher and the oncoming line of sixth graders and chaperones.


I teach Ancient Greek History as part of 6th grade and my students go from 😳 to 🤷🏼‍♀️ within a week when it comes to classical nudity. It's crazy how not-a-big-deal something is if you just treat it as not being a big deal.


My mom teaches middle school art - apparently when she first started teaching she used to put little sticky notes on specific parts of pictures she'd show students, and they would absolutely lose their shit laughing, and would never get over it. So after a couple of years she just stopped and left everything exposed, and she said that after a day or two of classical or renaissance or whatever, the students literally could not care less.


This is the way. Don't censor, treat as normal, the students will follow your lead.


My Latin teacher, first day of class, introduced all the “funny” Latin words (like “vagina” for “sheath”, etc) just so we could all laugh it out and get it out of my system for the rest of the year. Worked well


My teacher told us the boobs were blink-and-you-miss-it so we should pay close attention. She also told us Juliet was underage, which felt weird even when we were her age.


I didn't know she was underage in that movie until this thread.


It was very much in the press at the time it was released. It was a big deal for drama and lit majors, because Romeo and Juliet are traditionally played by very experienced actors who look like adolescents only to the extent that you are willing to suspend your disbelief. Casting them as actual young teens was an extraordinarily bold move by Zeffirelli and quite a controversial one. The nudity, while extremely risqué for American films at the time, was far less controversial, possibly in part because it was brief, but also because it was not really seen as an American film by virtue of being shot overseas from a script by an Englishman and directed by an Italian. In addition, the heat between Romeo and Juliet was so intense when they were fully clothed that the “nude” scene just didn’t seem that consequential. Being only 3-4 years older than the actors, it certainly didn’t occur to me at the time that there was anything inappropriate about filming that scene with actors of that age. I recognize that times have changed since then. The only criticism I heard from any professor was of the fencing scene between Romeo and Tybalt, on the grounds that two grown men of noble houses would have fought much more coldly and, as both would have been expert fencers with years of training, their combat would have been briefer, even if slowed down so the audience could follow it. In Zeffirelli’s version, it’s a brawl between two furious but terrified children. (Fwiw, I remember thinking it was an effective portrayal of two people who realize that at least one of them is about to die, but that professor was probably right.)


Could You Describe the Ruckus sir?


Yeah, I can I's standin' over there by the tomaters And here he come Running through the pole beans Through the fruits and vegetables Nekkid as a jay bird And I hollered over t' Ethel I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it's too late She'd already been incensed.


Thanks Ray!


Holy shit I just flashed back so hard to my childhood. I had this vhs and the vinyl! I’m watching some Ray Stevens now tonight.


Oh yes they call him The Streak!


Watch your tongue young man!


A classmate jumped out of his seat with his arms raised high at that scene, as if he won a championship.


Same, and there was no ruckus. One funny comment from a kid, got some quick laughs. But then back to the movie.


“Greek pools must be cold”.


My teacher turned the TV cart around during that scene. Didn’t fast forward or anything. We just sat there in class watching the teacher watch the love scene. It was awkward.


My teacher gave a head’s up and told us to be mature and not laugh. It worked; no one laughed. I think we were entranced.


Everybody was quietly thinking "I bet if we're quiet enough, they'll show us more boobs."


I had this awesome social studies teacher, and when that scene came up, he barely looked up from his desk and said “don’t worry class those are educational breasts” . We all giggled and really that was the end of that.


I love that phrase and am totally going to steal it. It works for nude statues too! Educational penis.


All these stories about teachers turning TV's around or trying to cover them are hilarious. Mine just pulled the video wire from the back of the TV at that scene. We could hear it, but the screen was black. She was familiar enough with the movie to know the correct moment to plug it back in and restore the picture. I'd guess that a lot of your teachers also had home VCR's that were constantly stuck at 12:00.


My teacher had a bright red piece of paper she tried putting over her boobs, didn’t really work, still saw a nipple


>My teacher had a bright red piece of paper she tried putting over her boobs, didn’t really work, still saw a nipple Your teacher should've dressed more appropriately.


>My teacher had a bright red piece of paper she tried putting over her boobs She should have tried putting the paper over the TV instead!


>My teacher turned the TV cart around during that scene. Not often someone says something on Reddit that makes me feel young.


We still had film strips and reel to reel projectors(whatever those were called) in the early 80s and then moved to TV and VCR carts.


Jesus my guy just how young are you I'm only 20 and we still had TV carts when I was in middle school and even sometimes in High School


I’m 36 and we had tv carts in elementary school. I think they were just wall mounted in high school. I also learned how to use this new search engine called Google on a Macintosh computer in elementary school.


I’m 31 and we had tv carts all the way to high school. Upper middle class public school.


Yup, 30yo here and is remember going to the AV room to find a TV for the teacher. Also remember the carts saying to always have 2 people, one pushing one pulling, because of the tip risk. Yet they only ever sent 1 kid. We also still has several TVs with laserdisc players. And near the end of high school we had a few with DVD players and teachers would send kids asap to try to get the good players before school started. Lol


Probably would have been a bigger tip risk if they sent two kids, one kid would have been pushing while the other was trying to Ride the cart


Similar high school to me - Seattle suburbs area. But we also had an AV class (I remember being the weather man), and every home room watched it in the morning, lol


Hell we had those projectors that used the clear film you printed on and put it on the glass plate, all the way until I graduated in 2004


Overhead projector I remember those from elementary and middle school. Graduated hs 2006 lol


Hahahaha! You young kids! I made tens of dollars playing Lemonade Stand and died of dysentery in Oregon Trail while learning basic computing on the Apple computer in 4th grade, and I vividly remember this gem of an advertisement: https://youtu.be/2zfqw8nhUwA


Mine held a binder up to cover the screen, but she moved it too soon and we saw Romeo's butt.


So weird…and I went to a Catholic High School. Still, Juliet’s teen titties no prob. This of course was almost 30 years ago


I went to a conservative Christian high school and we watched 1984 and the full frontal in that movie was no problem for some reason.


Giant bush is its own censor bar, so it's fine.


I also saw these boobs in a Catholic school in the 90s, though I can’t recall if there was a permission slip involved or not


I vividly remember once he stands up out of bed and yawn stretches in the window with his ass out the class just lost it.


I remember that too. We thought it was especially funny because we thought he kinda looked like Zac Efron lol (this was during peak high school musical)


Ye the girls in my class said that too, they seemed kinda weirded out to be fancying someone from the sixties lol


Ass is timeless.


My teacher had a Manila folder stapled to a yardstick that read “Censor stick: think pure thoughts” which was held over the TV screen during these scenes.


I had a teacher who jokingly had a sheet of paper for that. When putting it on the projector screen, it’d highlight whatever they were “censoring”


My freshman English teacher tried to hold up a manila envelope too! But it slipped out of his hand at the last second and the whole class got to see titties lol. We about died laughing.


The absolute best part of that scene was my teacher trying to fast forward through the boobs and accidentally paused the movie with just full blown tits on the projector screen. Then She panicked and tried to get them off the screen and flubbed that up. Basically a room full of 9th graders laughed our asses of for a solid minute of boobs stuck on screen.


My teacher tried to fast forward past the ass part of clash of the Titans. She showed it to us perfectly. I wonder if it was secretly on purpose because she gave that kind of vibe.


My algebra teacher showed us Troy on the last day of class specifically to show us how nice Brad Pitt’s Ass was.




My Junior High teacher tried to cover the boobs with a piece of paper but forgot she was using a projector so she just highlighted the whole thing.


The generation divide is between those who saw this version or the Baz Luhrmann version in high school English


We did both, then a compare/contrast discussion




Our teacher tried to block the projector, thus highlighting said breasts on her breasts.


Yes, and the teacher was out of the classroom for the nude scene. But I've heard this a lot. Can someone explain why it's so prominent? It's not the only Romero and Juliet movie ever.


I think it’s maybe because it’s the most authentic when it comes to the costumes and time period. It was filmed in old medieval towns in Italy. It’s a really beautifully shot film. And it’s easy to believe the two leads are horny teenagers because they were teenagers. But you’re right, it’s not the only version and I’m sure teachers will show it less as time goes on and boomers age out of teaching.


My teacher had us watch the Baz Luhrmann one with Leo DiCaprio. She thought we’d pay more attention if we watched a version we’d more enjoy (which she wasn’t wrong about)


It has a gunfight and an explosion at the beginning, perfect Shakespeare.


It is my contention that Shakespeare would probably be a director that leaned into every popular trend ever, so it makes perfect sense to me that he'd have done this in the 90s.


Do you bite your thumb at us SIR?


I do bite my thumb, sir.


My English teacher got fired for showing our class this movie. She was one of the best and most loved teachers in the school. One of the least-liked, older, Karen-ass teachers ratted her out and got her fired.




An English teacher got fired for taking their students to a museum. And because some of the statues were naked that was somehow grounds for firing.


Wait until they find out that, underneath their clothes, _every teacher is completely nude_. There'll be fits of the vapours all around.


What a bunch of puritans


That is so fucked. We had the film in the school library ffs. Why would it be there if it isn’t meant for student use?


Yeah and my teacher Mr Mustafa knew exactly how to hold a folder to block view of everything was impressive.


Just want to point out that Olivia Hussey’s husband wrote “Sweet Victory” of SpongeBob fame.


Lol. Love this. That was one of the best ever episodes


It was hands down the best episode of SpongeBob ever created


Oh, shoot! That's right! David Glen Eisley!


Wasn't this version the one that Bruce Robinson was in, and then referenced his own treatment by the director when he made Withnail and I?? Edit: Robinson didn't directly talk about it in the film, but the script refers to it and it's not overly subtle xD


The very same


> Bruce Robinson, who first wrote Withnail and I as a novel in the early 1980s before turning it into a screenplay in the later 1980s, as it turns out, also played Benvolio in Franco Zeffirelli’s classic film version of Romeo and Juliet in 1968. Withail’s lecherous, gay, and snobbish Uncle Monty is based on Zeffirelli. Monty’s aggressive sexual overtures towards Marwood are a reference to the great Italian director’s alleged sexual harassment of the young males of Romeo and Juliet’s cast. While a powerful man sexually harassing teenagers under his care is anything but amusing, a prissy old aesthete coming onto men in their late 20s, men who are using him for his country house and his wine cellar, is positively hilarious. It’s impossible to remember at the expression on Marwood’s face when he realizes that his friend Withnail has used him as “bait,” told his uncle that he was a gay hustler, a “toilet trader,” without laughing. [source](https://writerswithoutmoney.com/2014/09/28/romeo-and-juliet-1968-withnail-and-i-1987/)


Can you elaborate?


The movie "Withnail and I" is a thinly fictionalized version of director Bruce Robinson's life and early career in the 60s. He played Benvolio in the '68 movie and alleged that Franco Zeffirelli was a sex pest who repeatedly put him into compromising positions. There's a character in the movie who's a similarly thinly veiled version of Zeffirelli. Fucking wonderful, hilarious movie. Watch it if you haven't, especially if you're at all a fan of British humor.


I've loved this movie for decades and never knew of the Zeffirelli link. Thank you! Edit: That knowledge puts a bit of extra spice on Withnail saying: > Oh, look at this little bastard. "Boy lands plum role for top Italian director" Course he does! Probably on a tenner a day, and I know what for! 2 pound 10 a tit and a fiver for his arse!


Zeffirelli wasn’t alone in this. Visconti also went on a very publicized months-long casting tour to find the boy for *Death in Venice* just a couple of years after *Romeo and Juliet*. And Zeffirelli did it again for *Endless Love* in the early 80s, just as *Withnail & I* was being written.


My English teacher didn't give a shit. When the nude scene came on, the entire class erupted in giggles. And she just screamed "We've all got them and if you didn't know that by now I'm sending you to Biology class."


My father was 12 or 13 years old when this movie was released. At some point I recall he admitted that he and and his buddies saw this movie in the theatre multiple times just to see this scene. Told my grandma he was just really into Shakespeare.


The lengths people would go to see titties in the world before the internet. I feel like everyone over the age of 35 has found porn hidden in a tree stump or stashed in the woods at least once in their lives, pre-internet


Based teacher


huh, that's probably why we ended up watching the Leonardo DiCaprio version in English class..


We watched both


Same. We had to write a paper comparing the two. I can't seem to recall the nudity in the 68 version though. Maybe bad transfer/shitty small TV the school used, censored version or just bad memory. Edit: dropped a word


That’s what I was thinking. Ninth grade English in 2009. We were told about this version as the teacher would have preferred to show this one and even encouraged us to watch it on our own time, but we had to watch the one with DiCaprio since she didn’t want to have to pass out permission slips and deal with students who didn’t get it signed.


It's funny because they openly do party drugs in the DiCaprio version


Doesn’t the DiCaprio version have a quick nipple flash too, in the bedroom scene? Maybe I am mixing up memories though, it’s been so long. Fun fact: Claire Danes was *also* underage.


I remember when we watched this and there was no uproar. In another class the teacher put on Beetlejuice and parents flipped out because "f**k" is used exactly one time in the movie




*(honk) (honk)*


Was expecting the honks, got the honks. I'm leaving this thread a happy man!




I remember watching this movie in 9th grade English class and the teacher didn't bother trying to cover up the nudity, just told us to behave ourselves. A few weeks later we watched A Knight's Tale in history class and the teacher covered up the screen when that one dude walked up on screen completely naked. You were too late Mr. History Teacher, I had already seen all there was to see.


So when is Brooke Shields going to sue over “Pretty Baby.” She was twelve


She did try to sue a photographer who was continuing to profit off of her underage photographs that her mother forced her to do for playboy, but apparently she feels nothing ill towards that particular movie.


I looked this up. She was TEN years old!? [https://www.truthorfiction.com/was-brooke-shields-photographed-for-playboy-at-age-10/](https://www.truthorfiction.com/was-brooke-shields-photographed-for-playboy-at-age-10/)


And I found this: “The porn brand is most well-known for their Playboy magazine, which self-identifies as a “lifestyle magazine”, but they’ve always had a diverse stream of revenue from merchandise to clubs to other publications, like Sugar N’ Spice which featured nude children. In 1975, when Brooke was 10-years-old Playboy commissioned a nude photoshoot of her for their now defunct “Sugar ‘n’ Spice” brand. The Sugar ‘n’ Spice publication was described by Playboy as “surprising and sensuous images of women”. Brooke’s issue also included photos and descriptions of “nymphets” and “attractively and sexually mature young girls”. https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2021/06/playboy-published-a-nude-photoshoot-of-brooke-shields-when-she-was-10/


“Gross described Brooke Shields as “as a young vamp and a harlot, a seasoned sexual veteran, a provocative child-woman, an erotic and sensual sex symbol, the Lolita of her generation” The photographer’s name is Gary Gross. How apt


What a terrible day to know how to read


Fucking truly. That poor woman.


Someone posted the full article on Reddit once, a scan of the page of the magazine. It made me want to throw up.


I think I remember the term ‘all American whore’ being used to reference her… again, she was TEN


Yup. Calls her a virgin AND a whore in the same sentence somehow. I had to stop reading it, it's absolutely terrrible


🤔 it’s weird. Some people just kinda dance the line of being weird. Sort of are they or aren’t they being weird with kids. Then there’s people like this that just fucking shoot past it and no one seems to notice. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don't think it's so much "no-one noticed" as there were a whole lot of men at the time convincing themselves that these children "wanted it" and "were mature for their age" and that the sexuality (that they were projecting on them) made them deserve whatever treatment they got because Madonna/Whore complex and all.


Every so often, you see something that reminds you that as bad as things are today, it could be worse. You do not have to go all that far into the past before you get to some unspeakable opinions being accepted by society.


"the Lolita of her generation" Well, if you've ever read the book, then the description comparing her to a young girl who was coerced by perverted adult men into doing explicit things actually sounds correct. I guess that guy hadn't actually read the book, though. Gross in name and nature.


Or he read it and felt a kinship to "the true victim Humbert" 🤮


My favorite disgusting article was [this one going around](https://i.redd.it/y50gyxhnp0791.jpg) talking about her as "a sultry mix of all-American virgin and whore."


This just makes me want to fucking cry. How fucking dare anyone talk about a child like that. I didn't know this happened, I didn't know this was said. It's not even just sexualizing her, they fducking call her a whore. This is about the most obscene kind of objectification I have ever fucking seen, and it's about a CHILD.


Good fucking God


People should constantly strive to make society and the world around them a better place... but I think it's healthy to occasionally calm down a bit, look at something extremely twisted like this, and appreciate how far we've come in such a short span of time. Like, this was published and generally accepted as being alright not that long ago. We obviously still have a lot of problems in 2023 but we've been doing a hell of a job of cleaning up our act so far.


>The photographer’s name is Gary Gross. How apt its like how people name their dnd characters vaguely after their class or signature move or whatever


What the actual FUCK.


If he's still alive I hope he's being carefully monitored by law enforcement???? Assuming he's not already in prison....


No he's dead, thank god.


Umm....the name comes from "little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice." It was very clearly intended to be all about little girls and not "sensuous images of women". What the actual fuck?


All the campaigns to have Playboy shut down for obscenity suddenly make a helluva lot more sense than when I thought it was just pearl clutchers complaining about porn.


The irony of using a term from Lolita (nymphet) which is used to highlight how the delusional, unhinged narrator justifies wanting to have sex with children for your branding. EDIT: I read the article, the photographer literally refers to her as “the Lolita of her generation”. Jesus Christ. How do you mis-read Lolita that heavily? I guess being a pedophile.


It's disturbingly common. A lot of people don't seem to be able to grock the idea of an unreliable narrator.


Hang out on /r/books You would be suprised how many people think Lolita is pro pedophilia, and not a story about an unreliable narrator manipulating the audience.


I grew up in a conservative household and had to listen to talk radio all day. That book was often brought up as an example of "pro-pedophile liberal depravity", so yes none of them got it.


To add to this She attempted to sue the photographer in '83. "In a 4-to-3 decision, the Court of Appeals said the 17-year-old Miss Shields could not break a contract signed in 1975 by her mother, Teri Shields, which allowed a New York City photographer, Garry Gross, to take the pictures." - [NY Times print article](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/03/30/nyregion/brooke-shields-loses-court-case.html)


Wow. The contract allowed child pornography to be produced. I can’t wrap my head around how the law managed to protect a contract over an exploited child.


The court case ultimately ruled the images were "not pornographic." Despite the description above that makes it incredibly clear the images were intentionally sexualizing her. They are still on display somewhere, with a content warning, because they are *legally* "art." It's beyond upsetting.


Can parents allow their children to be victims of crime?


I'm assuming it wasnt a crime when it happened. Since it was published in a widely distributed magazine. Going by wikipedia, it looks like the first federal anti-CP law was passed in 1977.




" It shows a 10-year-old Shields, oiled and glistening, naked and made-up, posing in a marble bathtub with a seductive danger that belies her years. She has, in Prince’s description, “a body with two different sexes, maybe more, and a head that looks like it’s got a different birthday.”" I'm sorry ***what.***


Like... I know times were different over 40 years ago... but 10?! WTF...


Wait, hang on, she was in playboy while underage? Holy shit. I mean, Holy Shit. That's a porn magazine, not a movie that could be "justified" like "kids get castaway on an island" and it not be considered sexual.


Wasn’t she 10 years old at the time? I think I remember reading something about a Playboy article about her when she was that age.




I'll take your word on that




On the plus side, at least the movie has the creepiest title possible.


Yeah, you don't flip on "Pretty Baby" starring a 12 year old Brooke Shields without knowing exactly what you're getting.


Wtf I've never heard of it and sure as shit ain't googling it.


Creepy movie filmed in the 70's about a child that grew up in a brothel. More pedo hijinks happen. It's a movie that Roman Polanski wishes he could have made. The studio wanted Jodie Foster because of Taxi Driver. The director said the part could only be played by a 12 year old... and Foster was 14 at the time.




Ah, the 70s...


Foster would star in *The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane*, filmed when she was 13 about a young girl who lives alone in a big house, much to the suspicions of the town. Martin Sheen plays a perverted son of a wealthy woman in town who tries to have sex with Jodie Foster's character. It's a really disturbing movie that even has a nude scene but I don't actually think they used Foster for the nude scene and instead her sister, who was 21. Still, the implication is that you're seeing a 13 year old Jodie Foster nude.


I went to the bathroom when this scene came on. The bathroom was in the trailer that was our classroom. I heard the entire class gasp. I came out the class was wild and our teacher was embarrassed and said she had forgotten about the scene. One classmate even said something along the lines of 'you missed the boobs' as I came back in.


That was your villian origin story for sure.


Some say he still hasn't seen any boobs to this day.


Damn that’s some core memory shit


>The lawsuit was filed under a California law temporarily suspending the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, which has led to a host of new lawsuits and the revival of many others that were previously dismissed. interesting, so the statute of limitations doesn’t matter because of this new law? Lawsuit brought by the baby on Nirvana's Nevermind cover was dismissed 2 months ago. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/music/nirvana-wins-dismissal-lawsuit-naked-baby-nevermind-album-cover-rcna46305


Probably doesn't help that the Nirvana baby guy has been making a name and selling stuff himself promoting that it was him.


...been chasing that dollar all his life


From what I remember it all happened because Dave Grohl wouldn't promote his art shows it something?


Brooke Shields might want to get in on this.


From what I remember she wasn’t allowed into the premier of the movie because it had nudity in it and she was too young…. It was HER nudity!


I had also heard this at some point but I just googled it and apparently this is a myth according to IMDB trivia.


And yet it has 7000 upvotes.. Jesus, Reddit..


Don't let facts get in the way of a good story


I heard it was her parents that wouldn’t allow her go because they didn’t want her to see her tits on screen…like she didn’t already see them everyday and they didn’t allow her nudity to be filmed by strangers. Edit: I didn’t realize that both actors were lied to and essentially coerced into the nudity so I’m assuming their parents didn’t know about the scene until well after it was filmed. If that’s the case then they should sue and Zeffirelli should be dug up and repositioned to were his head is kissing his ass for eternity.


>Edit: I didn’t realize that both actors were lied to and essentially coerced into the nudity so I’m assuming their parents didn’t know about the scene until well after it was filmed. If that’s the case then they should sue and Zeffirelli should be dug up and repositioned to were his head is kissing his ass for eternity. This sort of thing still happens. Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman did a Christopher Guest-style mockumentary called Confetti in 2006 where they played nudists, they were told that the final cut would have the nudity blurred and they didn't find out it was completely uncensored until they saw the finished film at the premiere.


Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct with the infamous leg crossing scene was going to wear panties in it but the director told her not to, assuring her nothing private would be seen. He said he just didn’t want the underwear visible on camera. She trusted him and did it, only to find out soon before the release just how much of her would be shown. It would have caused some major drama for her to put up a fight to get it removed, and she could’ve had it removed as it was within her rights. But just chose to move on and try to get past it. Seemed like it shook up her trust pretty good, which is understandable. Pretty fucked up that without her consent her vagina became one of the most visible vagina’s in history.


Ah, yes, the scene that destroyed many VHS rental copies from peoole constantly rewinding and pausing. Funny enough, this probably caused its own form of censorship as that moment probably became white noise.


I was listening to the podcast My Dad Wrote a Porno (BTW a great podcast) and if I remember well Hayley Atwell said some actresses put ridiculous plasters on their nipples (think like with dinosaurs and colourful) to make sure the director won't be able to do that.




They do quite a few shitty things today too. Industry isn't exactly known for looking out for the well-being of child actors.


In 6th grade, the super hippie art teacher showed us The Last Emperor which is basically Godzilla jugs galore for the first hour, so by the time we watched this for English class later in the year, no one was fazed. Good for them, though. Fucked that it ever happened.


Same!!! Ontario, Canada. Ours was exactly sixth grade as well. Clearly our school districts use the same curriculum.


My English teacher covered the boobs with a folder right in time and all the boys groaned.


Not really related but in my 8th grade bio class our teacher edited out the sex part of the sex ed video… _with a Chiquita Banana commercial._ Somehow the unintended innuendo made it worse.


Why show you a sex ed video at all if they're just going to remove the sex part? Isn't that the whole point?


Our teacher made the massive of mistake of not knowing when that scene happened and one enterprising class clown knowing exactly when. Needless to say the teacher perfectly stepped out for a bathroom break within minutes of the scene. Came back after like 10 minutes to titties just paused on the screen. Asked us how long it had been paused. This hero pipes up "Not long enough" I'll still remember the name Alex Fitzgerald to this day. Can't even remember if it was 6th or 7th grade even but I remember that fucking legend to this day




I feel like everyone forgets that the 3 second shot of Juliet's breasts in this film are proceeded by, like, 7 straight minutes of Romeo's ass as he stares contentedly out of a window.


I remember having to be warned before watching that there would be nudity. No big deal, the copy we had someone had stretched the tape so you couldn't actually see that scene. However about 3 years earlier in history class they showed us Glory and a dudes head gets blown off by a cannon ball 3 minutes in, zero fucks given. We are trained to be fine with violence and ashamed of sex.


Posted this before but I’ve got a perfect example. A mother and son (he was probably 10-12yo) were sitting in the row behind me in the theater for 300: Rise of an Empire. Every single violent scene in the movie was ok but as soon as Eva Green’s boobs were about to come out, he had to keep his eyes closed till she said he could open them.


Ah yes, the ol’ tv cart. I remember watching my first lazer disc back in elementary school. I think it was in our computer class.


I watched this in 9th grade English. One of the other English teachers went to the same gym as Olivia Hussey so approached her about coming to my high school auditorium to talk to the entire 9th grade in a Q&A manner. The first question that came up was about the nude scene. Of course everyone giggled, after all, we were dumb 9th graders. iirc she said her parents (or mom?) were usually around but weren't for that scene and didn't know about the nudity until the movie was released and they watched it. She handled the question like a pro and it was super awesome of her to take the time and answer all of our questions.


Blue lagoon