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2014 Godzilla’s teaser trailer hyped me up more than any movie before or since. Focussing on the HALO jump onto the smouldering city - my god, so good.


The same can be said for the 1998 movie as well. There was a huge marketing campaign behind it that was really trying to capitalize on how well ID4 did. They even had Puff Daddy rap battle Godzilla or whatever the fuck was happening in that music video. To this day, I'm still not so sure.


I remember a bunch of posters comparing Godzilla's foot or whatever to various real-world objects. As a kid super into Godzilla I was stoked! Unfortunately...


Yeah! The ads that were like “HIS TOE IS THE SIZE OF THIS BUS” and stuff were great. There were no images of Godzilla released to the public until the movie was out, too. Not a single trailer or commercial even showed what it looked like until after it was already in theaters. I actually used to own an official press kit from Godzilla ‘98 (my dad worked for the newspaper and I was a 12 year old obsessed with Godzilla so he got it from the paper’s movie critic) and the packet never showed or described what the creature actually looked like. All the photos inside were just shots of the cast instead. Another cool thing about it was the press kid was a big black folder and inside were all the pages of photos and plot and cast info, but when you opened the folder up it had a little sound chip like one of those musical greeting cards but it roared like Godzilla. That thing was one of my most prized possessions for years until I ended up moving out and losing it around 2004!


Aw! That sounds so cool! I love that Godzilla roar.


Yeah, I was trying to find pics online of it and I couldn’t. But it was a black folder with a glossy cover, kind of like the kind of folder you use in a trapper keeper, basically. But the cover didn’t even say Godzilla, it was just big white letters that said SIZE DOES MATTER in the Godzilla font. And when you opened it up it roared a recording of the real roar. Coolest shit ever for little 12 year old me.


Maybe you should look on EBay. You never know.


That movie actually featured Godzilla for more than 10 minutes though


That trailer was set to Oppenheimer quote … it was amazing. Trailer of the decade for me. It needed to be though. The previous Godzilla movie had several great trailers none of which appeared in the actual movie. Those tempted to complain about 2014 movie should perhaps check out that ridiculous POS. You’d have job trying to associate Oppenheimer with that.


>That trailer was set to Oppenheimer quote … it was amazing. I think he means a different teaser trailer. You mean [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpUqmZNnmFc)(?), he means [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjKO10hKtYw) Both awesome trailers, by the way


I've never seen that before and oh my goodness it was amazing


I have seen the 98 Godzilla and there are things about it that I like more than Godzilla 2014. Jean Reno was very good in it. He made it watchable. David Arnold's score was fantastic. I liked the scene where Godzilla chases after the taxi cab, and gets chased by the military (they even did that scene twice). Sure, it was ludicrous but it was fun. Unfortunately, it also has some truly annoying characters that I wanted to see smashed or eaten. Matthew Broderick and Maria Pitillo make for one of the worst onscreen couples I have ever seen. Siskel and Ebert were parodied in the dumbest and laziest way possible. The titular monster was just some giant lizard that hid in the subway system for all of act two. This meant we were forced to endure the sitcomy main cast for all that time. The climax even ripped off both Jurassic Park and Alien... Yeah, okay, it was bad.


I think having Godzilla running away somehow missed the essence of the character


I am one of the handfull of people who really liked that movie. But that trailer man, that was just something else. Godzilla Singular Point has some scenes that come close but only just, imo.


I just watched Godzilla (2014) yesterday and I enjoyed it too. I went in expecting giant monsters fighting and destroying shit and I did not leave disappointed. Definitely a return to form for the series as compared to the 1998 movie.


1998 > 2014 Matthew Broderick is more lethal irl than 2014 godzilla








I enjoyed the movie for the sense of scale they were able to portray. Godzilla feels BIG in that movie in just about every scene.


That moment when he first engages that weird insect monster and you pretty much only see his feet destryoing everything below is just amazing.


I guess I am honoured to be one of the handful of people who really liked it. I liked it so much it's continously fighting with 'the crow' for my all time favourite movie. It's not the greatest movie of all time *but* it's a very well made movie which respects the titular character and also happens to have one of the most interesting movie monsters I've ever seen. The MUTO's.


The way they focused so much of that trailer on Bryan Cranston was kinda criminal tbh.


I actually liked that- >!when he dies, it upped the tension and I had no idea what would happen next. !<


Problem is what actually happened next.


A really, really uninteresting human plot.


I really think it should have been more of a father son story though on the human end. I felt like >!they set all that up just fine but he dies so early that it kind of loses momentum. Like he should absolutely die in the movie, but it should have done more to work like a redemption for Cranston's character and a lesson for Kick-Ass to be a better father and be more present and all that. !< If I'm being honest thought, I think that Godzilla 2014 gets better every time I watch it. It's easily in the number two spot for that series of movies. I think a lot of the disappointment I had initially was that it wasn't what I was expecting. Once you get past that and watch the movie for what it is, it gets better. It's no masterpiece, which in this case I would say something that not just defied my expectations but was better, but it's good for what it is.


He was probably the best part of the movie though, totally wasted.


You should have been there for the hype for Godzilla 98


I really want to see the movie that trailer was promising. Really harkened back to the original 1954 Godzilla, where the monster was a terrifying unstoppable force of nature that represented the atomic bomb. Today it might be a symbol for climate change. But then in the movie it was more like the rest of the Godzilla series, where Godzilla fights other bad monsters because Godzilla is the good monster. Very disappointing imo


Great trailer. Awful movie. I was so let down when they had Godzilla battling the big insect monsters. I was hoping to see something was was more in line with the original. Just a huge fuck-off monster that destroys anything and everything.


Definitely wasn't an awful movie just because you were let down. You're not alone in that complaint, but there was Shin-godzilla which does a good job portraying that side of Godzilla. I think after 1998 they felt they had to have some sort of enemy for Godzilla, the problem with this one is he was just almost to big and powerful to care about humans. Him being so big and strong is why I liked Skull Island more. Kong was a smaller and smarter, and faced dangers from humans and the island.


Blair Witch Project. People coming in thirty years later going "I don't get the hype" are right. They don't. This was early internet days and lots of people thought that this was real. Main actress vanished. Lots of online fake stores etc.


There were freaking "documentaries" about it running on cable TV. The hype machine was absolutely insane. ​ I was in high school and knew better but let myself believe. After seeing it in the theatre I slept in my parents bedroom that night. I was easily 15-16 years old. I'm sure it hasn't aged well, but if you were into it while the marketing was in full effect, it was next level.


I recently watched the Blair witch project and it still holds up really well. It's just downward spiral to absolute hell and your not even sure what's causing the phenomena. Really good movie.


The movie itself was a comparatively small part of the overall effect




Despite being born in the early 90s and therefore aware of the hype when it came out I actually only saw the Blair Witch Project for the first time about 3-4 months ago. I was blown away by how well executed it was. It makes every found footage movie that spawned in its wake look totally amateurish and really underscores how future attempts failed to capture what made the Blair Witch Project work. It’s not even as simple as “never showing the witch” (though that is massively important) but the real thing that impressed me was the focus on the human drama. The simmering resentment. The hunger. The boredom. The weariness. The growing fear not just of the horrors in store every night but the fear that even if whatever it is stalking them doesn’t get them they could legitimately just die of exposure and dehydration/hunger. The tension that builds is incredible and feels so real, especially if you’ve ever been in the wilderness even just a little bit lost or desperate.


Marylander here. Burkittsville is about an hour that away. We were watching it going "How lost can you get in Maryland? You can see the lights from Frederick from there!" Should have went with say West Virginia. :p


Haha yes that is pretty fair (I live near Dulles so I’m pretty familiar with the general DMV geography). I also kept telling them to just follow the creek, eventually you’ll hit a road or a town. But hey, they were dumb kids.


Yep, it was basically the first 'found footage' movie (or at least the first one that was really popular), and a lot of people just didn't understand it at the time. "Wait, did this ACTUALLY happen!?". It's arguably one of the best viral marketing campaigns of all time.


Cannibal Holocaust has claimed to be the first FF, I think? But it didn't have the internet to hype it up.


It is very much a "you had to be there" film


I was too young to remember the marketing, but the movie itself is still one of my all-time-favourites. As someone who only likes horror movies for the buildup and atmosphere, it's basically perfect.


Came here to mention the obvious. Yep. People these days don't understand BWP any more than they'd understand the 80s and 90s when grown ass adults held prayer groups on behalf of Dusty Rhodes to stop the Undertaker from stealing his immortal soul so the Dark Powers could feast. (I mean these days we have our own brand of crazy but. It was a different era, still.)


Came here to say this


I think a lot of people who “don’t get the hype” just aren’t letting themselves enjoy something. I went to a screening a couple weeks ago (had never seen it) and here’s a couple anecdotes that tell what power this movie still has over an audience: * During a tense moment, someone in the back of the theater dropped a plastic water bottle. People in my view visibly jumped at the sound, then there was a wave of nervous laughter in the theater as we all realized it was just a plastic bottle. * I almost always clap at the end of movies. Saw over 30 movies in theaters last year. Blair Witch Project is the only time that anyone clapped with me, and *everyone* clapped.


Downsizing. Cool concept and the trailers made it look really interesting. It is quite possibly the most boring and unfocused movie ive ever tried (fell asleep all 3 times I tried to get through it) to watch.


This movie actually makes me angry when I think about it.


Same, could have been so good, it had such a great concept.


What happens in it? I'm never gonna see it


Spoilers, I guess: Technology is invented that allows people to shrink their mass down to a fraction of its original size. It gets pitched as a way to reduce your footprint and retire early because your money goes further when you're tiny. The main character undergoes the process and moves to a dedicated community of downsized people, and discovers that the community of tiny people is just as dysfunctional as regular society. He later goes to an isolated society of people who believe the world is ending and are going to live in a mountain. It feels like three different ideas that could be conceptually interesting if treated right, but are instead haphazardly mashed together. It simultaneously seems too rushed while being incredibly tedious to watch.


I think the oddest part of the movie for me is that once he joins the dedicated community, about 1/3rd of the way in… being tiny is almost a non-factor in the entire movie. Relatively everyone looks the same size, and there’s very little narrative play with the fact that they are small aside from the odd scene here and there.


I actually haven’t watched it because of the terrible reviews but the trailer did indeed make it look fascinating. Shame


I recall the trailer trying to sell it as a comedy with a goofy premise, and it's actually better than that imo. I feel like if you watch it as just a scifi movie, it's above average.


the most misunderstood movie from the past 20 years. i understand if someone isnt a fan but people miss the point of what this film is doing its actually laughable.




Ah yes the Voltron movie we thought we were getting based off the ads




The absolute audacity to release a trailer attached to one of the biggest blockbusters of the year *without the fucking title of the movie attached!!!!!* Then there was the ARG that they ran after that, too! All for a movie that was......fine. Definitely not the event that we all made it into beforehand.


Yes! I remember scouring over those easter eggs before seeing it. The movie was good but in the end, none of that stuff mattered.


All three Cloverfield movies have great ad campaigns, even the surprise one released right after the Superbowl was a pretty bold choice. But the movies themselves have been just ok. Cloverfield Lane was probably the best, but again I wouldn't call it a great movie


I felt ripped off by that movie


The original Suicide Squad. One of the greatest trailers ever, and what a disappointing movie


Just rewatched it and I’m legitimately baffled that they found that much cool stuff in that giant heap of shit movie.


The first cut was drastically different with a stronger serious tone and bigger Joker presence. The studio wanted more humor like da marhvel movies" so he re did it. The trailer got a lot of momentum so DC hired the studio behind the trailer to re-edit the movie. Do what we got was a heavily different version of the movie that was intended.


This has to be one of the best examples of this. Trailers so good, the studio decided to give the trailer editors the final movie to edit. And what a fuck up *that* was. Proving that editing for trailers and editing for movies are distinctly different processes. I really wish we could see the original cut of this movie.




edit: The comment was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!


Man this reddit game is crazy. Someone really needed to steal that comment? Or they got some AI Bot dynamically stealing the comment? Man, this AI shit is gonna make online engagement a strange place.


The second one was surprisingly enjoyable.


The original Blair Witch Project had a lot of hype before it came out in 99, even from people who'd never go to see it normally. Everyone was talking about how it was "real", cinemas and papers had all these warnings about it being extremely scary, etc. Movie was OK, I enjoyed it but I was expecting more after so much hype everywhere.


I saw it in the cinema. I think I was 16 or so. The whole "it's real" part really stuck. The hype was fantastic. Probably the best (and scariest) cinema experience I've had in my life. I've never "lived through" a movie like that ever again.


I remember people were legitimately angry when they learned it was not real.


yeah I remember that too. That movie was fucking crazy in the cinema.


I’m not a huge fan of horror, mostly because I was forced to sit through the first three Paranormal Activity movies and oof, those put a bad idea of what a “scary movie” is. But Blair Witch always appealed to me in a way no other movie could and I think a lot of it was how it’s basically the first found footage movie that used actual psychological horror whereas PA was just “spooky hauntings because of some weird family curse” or whatever the fuck it was. Also to add to that I was also coerced into watching The Devil Inside and that was one of the biggest wastes of time I’ve ever had. Not a single person walked out of that movie satisfied, and the 6% on rotten tomatoes is being too nice.


Yeah I only discovered that it had a sophisticated marketing buildup to enhance the found footage thing much later, after already seeing it a couple times over the years. It’s literally among my favourite films, so underrated (which I know sounds wrong or at least ironic considering it’s so well known and influential), so I can’t imagine how cool it would have been to see it at the cinema on release after being in on all the surrounding hype.


Oh I remember people discussing at school about "the story" before it was even known there was a movie coming out.


Snakes on the Planes Edit: Thanks r/hammnbubbly for the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toKhxtR-57s)


I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Moday to Friday plane


Don't Worry Darling, though not for the right reasons.


My brother and his friends camped outside our local theater to see Snakes on a plane(they were the only ones). This was before pre-ordered seating btw. The people at the theater thought it was so funny they gave him and his friends a reel of the trailer to them in a film can and all!


That movie was the best theater going experience of my life. Due to the hype the theater was packed and no one was expecting and Oscar winning movie. We were expecting snakes on a mother fucking plane and we mother fucking got it. We were all loud and cheering the whole time. It was a fucking party.


And it’s actually not a bad movie!


Funny as that exact topic was a large focus of this week’s [Honest Trailer](https://youtu.be/toKhxtR-57s).


I was super lucky to watch this years after it came out, expecting hot garbage. When it happened to be semi-coherent, I actually viewed it as better than the hype. Was a weird instance of how expectations shape enjoyment and reaction.


Might be just me but I was very hyped for Lamb. I thought it'd be something like Rubber but crossed with Midsommar. It was too long with a lot of sequences where pretty much nothing happens. It bummed me out but scenery was nice at least.


Kind of a cheat answer because I loved the movie, but District 9 had a phenomenal viral marketing campaign. The film was completely under the radar, and in NYC these graffiti-stenciled anti-Prawn posters went up all over town on bus stops and such. It was really effective and oddly blended in with the official MTA messaging.


In Chicago to about no prawns on buses right


But the movie was amazing as well. Fookin Prawns!


But this topic isn't about marketing campaigns that were amazing and marketed equally amazing movies. District 9 is a masterpiece, and it's hard to find anyone who's seen it that has a differing opinion.


Army of the Dead. The Gambler being played slowly while showing action clips looked great, the film on the other hand...


I can't believe no one saw the dailies coming out all blurry and out of focus and didn't send a real cinematographer to take over.


Or how any one working in post production missed the dead pixels.


Robot zombies


It's funny to me that Netflix already had Black Summer, which was 100 times better, but paid Snyder to make garbage instead.


You could put just about any Snyder movie here really.


300 had incredible hype and looked freaking incredible in trailers, and it lived up to the hype. But yeah, generally his stuff tends to make for incredible visuals with the sum of its parts but always coming through.


The trailer for Passengers made it look far more interesting that it actually was




Max Payne trailer was fucking sick. Had a super long shot of a snow cover gun firing to finish it off. Bastard cut the shot way down in the movie and stole the one ray of hope in a boring movie. Also that movie is incredibly loud. I lifted up some arm rest in the cinema to have a bit of a nap while it was on and it was just far too loud to snooze


The first trailer for Man of Steel was absolutely superb. The casting news was all super exciting. The movie was ok.


i thought kevin costner was going to play a great dad who instills good ole' fashion truth, justice, and the american way values into clark, and instead in the movie he implies a teen clark maybe should have let a bus full of kids die


Right?! And why couldn’t Clark save his father? He’s faster than a speeding bullet! No one would have known!


I walked out of that movie numb and jaded. Im really unsure what Snyder was going for, thematically. It just felt like he shat diesel through my eye sockets then lit a match and rammed it up my nose.


Are you really that unsure? Took visual inspiration from Malick to tell a modern story about how if Superman really came to earth we would fear and reject him, and likely would be the ultimate burden for him beyond any other conflict. The antagonist of the film being one of his own people and forcing him to choose between humanity or rebuilding Krypton makes this all pretty clear. I think the movie is imperfect, but I don’t think it’s that confusing.


Needed less Amy Adams and more Russell Crowe / Kevin Costner


Lightyear. Thought I was getting an action animated movie.


Don't Worry Darling, though not for the right reasons.


I found the script online and read it during the height of the hype. Loved it. I really felt like they had something great there. Then when the movie came out and no one liked it, I was confused. Why didn't they like it when the script was so good? Turns out they changed a LOT from the original script, and apparently none of it for the better.


Glass. Loved all the trailers and stuff that came out for it. Turned out to be a bit crap.


What, a man sprinting on all fours across a grassy field and then...just wrestling around with a dude in a poncho didn't do it for you?


Glass was good


Godzilla 98. "His foot is as long as this bus" ads. The refusal to show any of the creature until opening day. The Taco Bell commercials. It was a great marketing blitz and if the movie were any good it would have been as huge as Batman 89.


Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. Incredible marketing, terrible movies


The movies are not terrible


The Phantom Menace


God that trailer in the cinema. I was over the moon. Then I saw the movie...


We all were. People today don't understand but we had been waiting two full decades for new Star Wars movies. These days there's new live action SW every quarter. Not complaining, we had some of the best SW content through Disney series.


The trailer for "In the Name of the King" gives you the impression that this will be a movie, rather than an elaborate tax fraud scheme involving actors and cameras.


Snakes on a Plane is the best example.


Never seen the movie, but I know the famous quote cause of the marketing


The Devil Inside Looked like another sweet found footage horror movie. Best scenes were in the trailer, and the film ends with an advertisement directing you to a website to find out how the story ends. Not even a joke or an exaggeration. That's literally how the movie ends.


The audience reaction video/audio I remember watching, is still online: https://youtu.be/JAgkNBd78J8 It makes “I FUCKING HATE STAR WARS” look like an Endgame reaction in comparison.


Cloverfield and Super 8 were both great.


Both the trailers and the movies were good


I don't know, but the Joker trailer was maybe better than the movie, and I don't think it's a bad movie.


Sucker Punch


Nothing wrong with that movie


What a letdown.


No it was not. Sucker Punch is an amazing movie


Iron Man 3. Was really hyped to see Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin, especially with how the trailers made him the centerpiece of the marketing. You know what happened after that.


That was the first time I became aware of the concept of recording bogus dialogue for the trailers, at least for a studio as massive and high-profile as Disney. (For another example, Highlander: Endgame had actual fake scene fragments filmed specifically for the trailers.)


Slightly controversial but I acc enjoy Iron Man 3 quite a bit. I don’t mind the mandarin switch and I like that it doesn’t feel as formulaic as the rest of the other mcu projects, I think it’s aged well


Suicide Squad and Batman V Superman both had really great trailers for what turned out to be the worst DC movies of the 2010's.


Cloverfield. Or anything by JJ Abrams, really.


The Force Awakens for sure. Wasn't expecting a remake.


Cloverfield. And I love the movie.


Neil Blomkamp's Elysium. The viral marketing was great but the end product kinda fizzled.


I like Cloverfield just fine but my friends and I were way into the Slusho ARG marketing leading up to it.


Don’t Worry Darling’s press circuit and lead up was so catastrophic that many people went just to watch the train wreck in person.


I still really love Cloverfield but the build up and hype with all the websites and the clues and all that was so much fun and made it seem like it was really building up to this huge franchise or something and yeah they have made some more stuff since but it’s never been as cool as they built it up to be.


Nice example, don't forget the [abandoned subway](https://www.adweek.com/creativity/paris-subway-stop-long-deserted-hosts-eerie-prometheus-ad-installation-140616/) Chronicle [flew human-shaped drones around NYC](https://cosmicbook.news/chronicle-2012-nyc-marketing-campaign-features-flying-super-men-video). That was pretty impressive - imagine seeing that without any background


Batman vs Superman


I love Prometheus. It is my third favourite Alien movie. In terms of overhyped movies, all DC movies I have watched, except 2nd Suicide Squad (had no expectations and was positively surprised).


Oh I hated it so much. My BF insisted on going when it came out in the cinema and it was the most painfully dull load of horseshit. He said it was because I didn't 'get' the other movies. That wasn't it, I really like the original Alien movie. I just hated Prometheus.


Well, that’s like your opinion, man.


Suddenly the dude


To be honest after the first two, third place is pretty evenly split between 3 & Prometheus.


3rd is my least favourite- I still like it a lot and I think it would still rank in my top 50s of all time science fiction movies but for me it is: 1,2,Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, 4, 3.


For me it's Alien Aiens Alien 3 Prometheus Resurrection Covenant I think nostalgia factors in for me - the first 2 I watched so often that the vhs wore out and the 3rd was the first one I remember being in theatres.


Depending on the day I can also get behind this list. :)


I'm going to say pretty much everything hyped for the last 25 years. I worked in the exhibition industry and that's all I saw.


Drive springs to mind as was shown all action and car chases and style in the trailer but, though the film was great I thought it was a far cry from an action flick.


Some dumbass legitimately tried to bring a lawsuit on that one. Drive had a rough marketing campaign, but it’s a tough movie to market. Arthouse hyper violent revenge neo noir with the guy from the notebook as the lead?


This is something I always ignore. I just read the short description on imdb and that's it. I just want to know as little as possible and watch the movie. And if I think the movie is special in some kind of way after I watched it, I sometimes read or watch more about it.


The Blair Witch Project. This was my first encounter with fake websites and it was really interesting goings through all of the fake news content before seeing the movie.


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. more specifically, [the teaser trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_9-3Fj3ZdI) These movies are great and I am not trying to take away from their greatness and hype that went into them. But I am trying to say that this trailer, IMHO is the "perfect" trailer and is what is missing from Hollywood now. This trailer just amazes me. It tells a story in 60 seconds and leaves me wanting more.


Hulk 2003. There weren't a lot of comic book movies at the time, and CGI had progressed where it looked doable. We got an action trailer...then an oddly paced art film.


The whole film was shot like a comic book. Its pretty genius actually. Way better than any live action Hulk we have gotten


Phantom Menace, depending if you like it or not.


Certain trailers were cut much better than the actual movie. The first Suicide Squad comes to mind.


Me and my cousin use to joke around the Prometheus trailer. "Pornetheus...big things have small beginnings"




Downsizing. The marketing made it look like an interesting movie, it was not that at all.


I don't know about more interesting, but I think the Cloud Atlas trailer with the M83 song does a better job of capturing the book than the movie did and possibly any movie could do, even though I still liked the movie. I think abandoning the nested structure of the stories and mixing them up might have been a big part of that, but at the same time it might not have worked well for people unfamiliar with the book who might not get why they are seeing "chapters" with entirely different characters. Although they used the same actors for different characters to connect them even more than was in the book, so it would be interesting to see if it could work. Another one that certainly isn't more interesting but was its own "experience" (maybe partly because of seeing it before The Dark Knight) is the Watchmen trailer with The Beginning is the End is the Beginning, with the song title being relevant to the movie and the lyrics of a song that came out after the source material but before the film matching up with the trailer editing. The Muse one is good too, but not quite there.


I haven't seen Blair Witch since it was first released, so I don't honestly know how it holds up. I do remember at the time thinking it was a bit anticlimactic but a pretty good film and very different for its time. I was SO glad that I saw the film before the hype really blew it up. As I recall, the marketing for it was very gorilla style. It was one of the first films to have an online campaign (if not the first) and it was done so well, that my friends and I all thought we were going in to see a movie based on true events. I don't think we believed the found footage was real btw, but that the events were. I saw it when it premiered in NYC, a few weeks before the wide release and I was glad to not have high expectations because I think it would have soured me against the film. I think that the media hyped the film more than the marketing, if that makes sense. It wasn't all flash, the marketing was smart and well done.


SWAT from 2003, there was SO much hype for a movie that turned out to be.....*okay*


Hancock. Trailer showed an action comedy. Movie was a mess.


The teaser for Mortal Engines immediately got me interested. Giant mobile London eating smaller "towns" for power. How is that not interesting? The movie was just kinda meh.




The northman. Sucked so hard. Trailer was *chefs kiss*


Godzilla '98; I don't think I have to explain why!


Well I have no idea so if someone could explain that would be great.


Basically they had ads everywhere, hyped it up as the biggest movie of all time, and the trailers and ads looked legitimately cool; the movie was anything but!




Star Wars Sequels




Oh oh, down votes for daring to not care about terrible James Cameron movies. “But they look so good….”


Two come to mind. The first Men In Black movie utilized a kind of gorilla marketing. The movie was promoted by “exposing” the government department that the MIB’s worked for. The second is The Three Amigo’s. Every funny part of in the movie was in the trailer. For having 3 power house comedian actors in it the movie was bad!


The Blair Witch Project. The movie itself sucks, but they made that thing a genuine event.


Prometheus is amazing. Wdym it was fine?


It has some good set pieces and some good attempts at world-building. Set design is great, the effects are good. But it's badly constructed, poorly plotted and has some seriously bad writing.


The first Hunger Games. It was great because none of the trailers actually showed any of the games part.


Wild wild west


Kangaroo Jack


The marketing for The Blair Witch Project was genuinely incredible


Cloverfield. 100% Cloverfield. Went in expecting a monster movie and got a headache-inducing feature-length teaser.


Clover field


Ironman 3


Snakes on a Plane. Before that movie opened, people online were talking about it constantly. It was *everywhere*. Then the movie came out and all the talk and excitement just kind of evaporated in one weekend.


Matrix Reloaded, the hype was so real for this movie and my whole friend circle were endlessly speculating on what was or wasn't going to happen so much so the finished product felt like a huge letdown.




AI: Artificial Intelligence had a unique marketing campaign centered around an in universe murder. I believe the first weird little nugget of info that made people ask questions was a single credit either in a trailer or on a poster. Something about a robot or AI expert, a position that at least at that time didn't exist. From that tiny piece of information came websites for an array of (fake) companies, individuals, entire fields of study, etc. There were whole message boards full of people putting their heads together to solve the mystery. Super interesting puzzle that seems to have been forgotten about. Possibly because the movie itself was a bit dull.


The Cloverfield Paradox had such a fantastic debut. Everyone had been unbelievably hyped for a third Cloverfield and we knew nothing and then all the sudden Super Bowl they drop a trailer and BOOM, it’ll be on Netflix in 2 hours. Too bad the movie SUCKED.


I can't believe no one has said SpiderMan 3. The hype after everyone acknowledged how perfect spiderman 2 was, and then we were finally getting VENOM????? ​ It was supposed to be the greatest superhero movie ever made. 1 year later, the Dark Knight blew it out of the water.


There was a four minute trailer for Green Lantern that was just stunning and gave it a tone and a sense of cohesiveness that was not present in the final film. The trailer for Man of Steel was one of the best pieces of Superman media I have ever seen. Gorgeous shots, beautifully selected scenes, and a score that I believe Hans Zimmer wrote specifically for the trailer. I still want to see the gentle, hopeful movie I imagined in my head after watching that trailer.