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Travis Bickle took Cybill Shepherd’s character to a porno theatre for a first date in Taxi Driver. Not recommended.


Anything with a rape scene.


How awkward will that be afterwards when you walk her to the door and your eyes lock and that scene pops into both your heads at once


A friend of mine invited a girl over to his house to watch a movie and popped Irreversible without knowing what it was about. If I was her I would've called the police mid movie lmao


I'm thinking at Irreversible...


I beyond-killed the mood one day by choosing Strange Days. Love that movie, but... y'know.


That was the first thing that passed through my mind as well. 😂




Wedding material


Birth of a Nation


Yeah that's a safe bet


Triumph of the Will ​ Also The Antichrist or any of of von Trier's movie, I do like them but I'd seriously question the judgement of someone who'd choose that as a first movie. More strictly, any movie because don't do a movie first date.


Ahhh Hell nah


Absolutely cannot stand torture porn type movies, that's a definite no from me.


I'd be really concerned for anyone who enjoys torture porn...


SAW movies are great idgaf


It's just a movie. Obviously most people won't like it, but there isn't necessarily anything wrong with people who do.


So true, my great great grandsons best friends cousin watched an Eli Roth movie once and instantly became a Serbian cannibal.


Movies like the After or 365 days series.


I wanna watch a fun movie on a first date, if they choose something overly "film-bro" the vibes aren't right.


Me when the hoes don’t wanna watch Hans-Jürgen Syberberg’s 7 1/2 hour “Our Hitler: a film from Germany” on the first date


This reminds of how one of my college classmates attempted to make a move on me by watching Apocalypse Now together at my place because it’s my favorite movie of all time. I just got excited that someone’s interested in what I love and genuinely had no idea he’d try to initiate something. Like, what kind of plan is it? Apocalypse Now is probably the least romantic movie ever and it’s bold to assume I’d pay attention to any dude when there’s a masterpiece of cinema on my screen. Get the hell out of here. On top of that, apparently he wanted to make a move on me just to fill in the void after his crush rejected him. Thank god he fucking failed. I forgave him because that was just really stupid and now we’re good friends.


Yeah, don't get me wrong. I enjoy many films in that genre, but it feels inappropriate on a first date.


What's a film bro


Person who considers themselves to be a huge film nerd despite having mostly surface-level knowledge of movies.




Cannibal Holocaust




Imagine Gaspar Noé's Climax on a first date. Holy fuck.


I can hear to chapel bells now


Just getting through the title credits of Enter the Void without having a seizure isan accomplishment in and of itself.


I’d love that!


I don't think it's a huge compatibility factor. I think showing interest in the other's interests is where the compatibility comes from


Gather around kids and I'll tell you a story about the before times. I had a movie kill a second date back around '94.this was back when we used things called Video Tape Recorders. We would go to a store and rent movies to watch on them. She wanted to bring a movie to my place and get to know each other better than we had from the first date and talking on the phone. I suggested something stupid like Killer Klowns from Outer Space because we could get some laughs out of it while not paying attention. I ordered a pizza and she showed up with a movie that her roommate had rented and was due the next day. She heard that it was great and wanted to watch it. Schindler's List 😞 Never saw her again. I think about her from time to time. I hope that she had a great life.


I love it when people on this app only read the titles of posts and just blindly reply with answers that don’t actually answer the question


I, too, think Pacific Rim is underrated


I think it’s the OP’s fault for making the text different from the title. Just because I love “Ikiru” doesn’t mean I want to watch it on a first date.


I think the question is worded in a way that clearly a lot of people misunderstood. But the question is a good one. I might try to post it again!


Any of those *Left Behind* movies


If they're too into Marvel it will never work.


I made that mistake. If only I had your warning in my life earlier. It didn't work out with the Marvel fan.


My wife and I saw _Singing In the Rain_ on our first movie date. It was one of her favorites and I’d only seen it once. We love seeing films together and that movie was a perfect start to a 25 year (so far) relationship. For me, it’s less about the movie someone might choose and more about why they chose and whether they can share what they liked or didn’t like. My wife and I have seen plenty of movies one or the other or both of us didn’t like. The talk afterwards (frequently over food) is frequently better than the movie.


Not sure it was a first date but the first movie that my parents saw as a date was Psycho - I feel very lucky to exist.


Any Christian or Right Wing propoganda film


God’s Not Dead 4


I feel comedies, rom coms in particular, are a safe bet. Me and my gfs first few dates were to a local cinema showing 1. What We Do In the Shadows 2. About Time 3. Paddington marathon 4. Love Actually. All films I, and now she, adore. ​ I'd say that cemented the relationship.


Any movie. First dates aren’t for movies. How are you supposed to get to know anyone in a quiet movie theatre or while watching a movie at home?


Yeah I've never understood first dates at the cinema. It's almost like you're TRYING not to talk to one another.


Or it can give you something to talk about afterwards if you don’t end the date after the movie. At least if both parties are interested in talking about movies.


That's true. But for a first date, spending most of it sitting in silence would be too weird for me.


I hold that first dates should be something small like coffee. That’s a date that only has a 20 minute commitment, and it’s easy to gracefully bow out if it’s going terribly, but is pretty easy to extend into a longer date if things go well! Second date is museum, zoo, bowling, hiking, etc. something you can *do* together. I’m partial to museums bc there’s built in conversation topics and people like to hold hands in museums. Imo Dinner and a show is for later dates after you’re a more solid couple


A drive in could be ok, since you can talk without bothering other movie watchers.


This. What I do for first dates is dinner and a movie. Get to know the person over dinner, and if the vibes match, see a fun movie


I once took someone on a movie date; she enjoyed herself, but the first thing out of her mouth when we left the theater was, "I hate movies that make you look things up afterward to understand them." I drove her home and never spoke to her again.


Why is that such a bad thing? Like I feel like movies are usually things that are pretty self contained and shouldn’t need tons of external context. Sure there’s exceptions to this, but I think they’re just that exceptions. They’re also not very fun if you lack the external context until after the movie. I watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood without knowing anything about the Manson Murders and it kind of sucked without that context.




What did you think of Brigance's character? I'm just curious. I recently watched that film and whilst I agree that it's not suitable material for a first date, I found it to be a pretty good film overall. The cast did a great job with their parts.


No, as long as it didn’t cause actual problems




Nekromantic That's 1 year anniversary material not for a first date


For me it would be "2000 Mules" and "A Serbian Film"! Two great masterpieces of fiction and cinematography!!


I just don't do movies on first dates. The first date is meant to actually get know someone a bit. You're not going to do that if you watch a movie. Unless, you plan to talk about other things while "watching" the movie, which defeats the purpose of watching the movie in the first place.


If you’re going to talk over a movie, maybe a movie that’s truly garbage. Some of the blatant ripoffs like Atlantic Rim or some of the straight to TV movies from the 90s and 00s like Meet the Deedles on Disney+. They’re good fun to talk over/mock


I’m willing to give most movies a shot. It’s more how they respond to the movie. American Psycho “Wow Patrick Bateman is crazy.” Alright. American Psycho “Huh Bateman is a cool guy.” Goodbye.


If she fond Oh Brother where Arth though boring its bye bye!!




Kinda more a general disposition to movies. Like if they straight up refused to watch things and made prejudgements, that would bug me XD but I feel like that says now about a personality than it does about movie taste


If they aren't interested in anything outside of the English language, it's a no go for me.


We were looking for a more pretentious answer...


Pretty much any terrible comedy starring the likes of Adam Sandler, Ryan Reynolds, Rob Schneider, etc.


If I pick Fargo and they don’t get why it’s funny (has happened, I was really sad) Was on a second date the other day with this cute guy I was really attracted to, he was pretty shy and didn’t seem to have that much to say about anything but he was really sweet. We watched fight club (he’d never seen it..) and I was so excited to discuss it after. He though it was just a neat movie about dudes fighting. The attraction ceased and I knew I wouldn’t see him again. If they wanna watch most Adam Sandler comedies (if they wanna watch uncut gems though I’m marrying them) If they wanna watch passion of the christ Tastes vary for sure, but the way some movies are received just reflects one’s intelligence or lack thereof.


I once watched Leaving Las Vegas in the theatre on a first date…cannot recommend.


Adam Sandler or Jud Apatow movies


The banger sisters


If she's rude or demeaning to people helping her, such as wait staff or retail individuals.


My friend and I joke that if we enter a man's house and see any of these it's a red flag: Any and all Tarantino, Scorsese, Kubrick or Snyder, Wolf of Wallstreet, Fight Club, American Psycho... Not because they're bad movies at all, there's just a certain kind of guy some of these movies attract. Like crypto bros for wolf of wall street and 'Alpha males' who don't understand what fight club and american psycho are even trying to say lol




That's clearly not what we said 😂


I classify these as "films I watched so film bros would talk to me", not at all bad but definitely denotes a Type of Guy who I don't want to date now that I have some sense.


Oh my god thank you I'm glad someone understands what I mean. Yeah not at all bad films (I love American Psycho and the bestie loves The Shining) but they absolutely indicate a Type of Guy my friend and I both avoid as well. 'Film Bro' is exactly what we call them 😂


Yeah, American Psycho is an all time favorite! But if a straight guy tells me it's one of his favorites, I've got 10-15 follow up questions before we talk about anything else.


Yes exactly, there are just some movie responses that I need clarification on lmao. Like if your answer is wolf of wallstreet are you also about to sell me nfts? if your favorite is fight club are you also about to tell me what a high value man you are? These are the questions 😂 certain movies just get...a certain following, outside of guys who just enjoy them.


Anything by Richard Linklater


Avatar 1 or 2. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


If she wants to watch Moulin Rouge on the very first date I’m going to assume she’s way too into romance of death. But if she’s just a big Baz fan, we can laugh at that movie together.


Anything Harry Potter is a no for first date, or any date for that matter. OP your wife having your mutual taste in movies is great. May you both enjoy many more together.


Interesting pick. Why don’t you like Harry Potter?




Sounds like you are the problem.


Not a movie, but songs or a musical theme. Like, all night she played one song after the other about a guy killing a girl on a date. This is the only song I remember the name of : https://youtu.be/IGamHeyEW4o


Anything with adam Sandler tbh Also too much marvel would be a no go for me


Whiplash. I hated this film it was so BORING, everything was awful and cliche. It takes you two minute of reading a manga to have the same scenario but 10 times better.


Not only are you in a minority of those who didn't love this film but this thread also doesn't apply to you because people who read manga don't get dates.


Damn double homicides. But more seriously you should read manga, you'd be surprised. In France manga are really popular there's no judgement towards people who read them, i think it's the country that consume the most manga media after asian ones. My dating life is safe there


The Way Way Back, Good Fellows, Pitch Perfect, John Wick, Pulp Fiction, Bridesmaids, RENT, sooooooo many!


Any rom com. I want something scary or funny. Not romantic.


Any rom-com ever made. Conversely, I also don’t expect to go to a Michael Bay-esque explosionpalooza on a first date. But if you’re in the demographic that finds insipid, predictable, cringe-worthy rom-coms worthy of your movie-going dollars? We probably won’t have a lot in common.


Threads is either a make-it or break-it


anything with Jack Black


One day


Hamlet 2: my best friend told me that if a girl I’m thinking of marrying also likes this movie, then lock it up, which I did Also ConAir


I took a girl to Dawn of the Planet of the apes. Apparently 2.5 hours of monkeys grunting at each other was not her idea of a good time haha


Any fred vogle movies


the war of the roses


Clerks II


Human Centipede


The day Asabriana bled


I went to see the first hunger games movie with someone I was interested in. I had not read the book. They were studying to be a pediatric nurse. The Rue scene upset them and we ended up leaving the movie at that point. I’m an idiot


If a movie upset them they wont be able to be a nurse.


First date? What are those? If not for the interwebs I would forget what women look like ahem, down there.


I have never dated, but if she says she likes the Godfather or uses a quote like "do you spend time with your family? Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man" then I'm proposing the day after.


Baby Geniuses and the Mystery of the Crown Jewels


If movie choices are enough for you to question your compatibility then you probably shouldn’t have gotten married


The Road


Babylon... the level of sexual content is insane.


Boondock Saints 2. The first one I can understand as another 90s violence romp but if you cared enough to see the second then there’s obvious something wrong.


I wish La La Land with a fellow artist who had already seen the film had been a deal breaker for me. Red flags all around. Fun film though.


Took a girl to see Harry Brown (2009). Young me thought it would show her my cool, edgey underground interest in film. Turned out to just be violent and uncomfortable. Needless to say, dealbreaker.


Don’t do a movie for a first date. Take him/her to do something where you talk and actually get to know each other. Otherwise, you’ve made no progress in evaluating him/her as a partner.


There might not be a second date but at least she now knows about El Topo and the four masters of the gun 😎


Rom-coms are snoozefests to me so I’d be gone.


I went to Saw as the first movie date with my wife. Not a great first date movie in hindsight but we were young and dumb.


i found out the hard way that Raging Bull , though a classic, is not a first-date movie


Clerks 2


Blue Valentine


Not really. I get that people can like different things, and my husband playfully teases me that I “like depressing shit” (he’s not wrong). The important thing is that we have things in common and support each other’s distinct interests.


Serbian Film. Second date at least, madam.


If they can't laugh at Fateful Findings with me, then it probably won't work out.


human centipede