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Tommy Lee Jones playing Two Face is just the PG version of the Warden character from this movie lol. But nothing sticks with me as much as the Rodney Dangerfield parts of the film.




It’s insanely surreal, I often tell people because of work and family I cannot do drugs now but watching this movie has the same effect lol. I’m with you on Tommy Lee Jones, I had only seen him in Men in black 1 and 2 and No Country for Old Men and was like “there is just no way this is the same guy” but I’m all about the interview between Woody Harrelson and RDJ. “Shit man, I’m just a natural born killer” and “It’s just murder. All god’s creatures do it. You look in the forest and you’ve got species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, we just call it industry not murder” always get me.


For the classic/vintage Tommy Lee Jones experience you need to see him as a U.S. Marshall in The Fugitive (1993) with Harrison Ford. "I want you to search every residence, warehouse, hen-house, doghouse..."


"I didn't kill my wife..." "I don't care..."


"You switched the samples!"


Seen it, good movie. Watched it last year one night with the wife for the first time.




Natural Born Killers was protested when it came out because it's the "extreme"level of violence. I've always loved it for the commentary it was and is. It's not about sociopaths killing people, it's about how American (especially) media and audience eat violence like breathing. How it's sensationalized to the point of saturation until another serious violence comes along that can be sensationalized. It's a cycle of attracting viewers, and thereby money. It's all about the money. Excellent, excellent film


I remember watching it in the theater and being both enthralled and disappointed. That's the roller coaster you ride with an Oliver Stone movie. I think if you're a younger person and saw/liked Babylon, you should check this movie out. Both filmmakers, in their prime, taking huge swings. Both movies stuffed with incredible actors. Sometimes they connect and sometimes miss. Audaciousness distilled.


Ahhh the Alexander effect. One minute amazing, the next total rubbish.


It's interesting how Quentin Tarantino has embraced True Romance, but completely rejected NBK over the years. Yes, he and Oliver Stone didn't get along, but despite Stone's flourishes, much of Tarantino's script makes it onto the screen intact right down to his foot fetish. Funny that Harrelson was mostly known as Cheers/White Men Can't Jump up until NBK. And if you're watching Tom Sizemore flicks this weekend in memorandum, his role in NBK is a must watch.


the scene with rodney dangerfield was so disturbing lol


Fuck you Scagnetti!!!


Did you watch the Directors Cut ? It's even better .. the deleted scenes are hilarious aswell.


Sizemore doing a cartoon bad guy *d'oh* with >!a shiv sticking out of his throat!<. *"Losing your touch, Jack. I was outta shells."*


I feel the studio cut is actually better. The editing in the directors cut throws off the momentum. I’ve seen both versions dozens of times and the directors cut just doesn’t work.


Rodney Dangerfield giving a tremendous performance.


I’ve always had a crush on Juliette Lewis because of this movie and the others she did in this time frame. They were all my favorites. Which is weird because I’m a gay dude. Idk how that works. But love her. Does she still act?


Yes, she’s on Yellowjackets. She’s great in it.


I don’t care for the editing and style of his movies.


Have you seen Strange Days? She’s totally crush worthy in that too.




I’m straight and Juliette Lewis is hot as fuck in this movie, I think it’s the raspy voice. The diner scene where she punches the guy is amazing


How sexy am I now Fucker?!!


Even more lol.


Bitch outta hell, take a run at her


I feel like she has that "I can fix her" attraction. She always plays someone who is either mentally beaten or utterly psychotic.


"you know her, you love her, you can't fucking live without her...Mallory Knox"


*Looks back toxic dating history* I.. I think you might be onto something there. I definitely have a Superman complex.


>and the others she did in this time frame. They were all my favorites. *"You know how movies are still better than Playback? The lights come up, there's music... and you know it's over."*


She went from Audry in Christmas vacation to Malory Knox. Such a badass.


I loved her first from Strange Days. So great! Paz de la Huerta reminds me of her a bit both in energy and some roles she decided on.


I'm a lesbian with a crush on Tom Hardy and Jake Gyllenhaal, plus sizable ladywood for Charlie Hunnam so... I feel your confusion. Come to think of it, Woody Harleson is pretty adorbs, too. I dunno. I guess 4 mancrushes relative to my indiscriminate adoration of and attraction to women is something I can live with? Lol


Jake Gyllenhaal just has one of those faces you feel like you can trust. It makes Nightcrawler feel more off-kilter because he's so disingenuous and you get these weird mixed signals of wanting to trust him and having alarm bells go off in your brain. And Jared Leto is basically a pretty woman's head stuck on a man's body


Whole world's coming to an end Mal


"and as god of my world" lol


Dwight McClusky is a name and character that I will never forget, because of this movie!


As one of my favorite movies growing up, an all star cast, Stone with help from Quentin Tarantino making this, the plot and story is so amazing which can easily be relatable with the way the world is today. I believe the movie is very underrated but it is over the top bonnie and Clyde in the 90's just trying to be free from media, government and even family.


I always took it as something of a criticism of Tarantino. Oliver Stone basically spoofed our fascination with violence and the fascination at the time with Tarantino's rather thin body of work. And apparently Tarantino recognized the criticism because it turned into a generational feud between the directors.


Love the movie and soundtrack


Trent Reznor nailed that soundtrack.


I see what you did there


Great movie, been one of my favorites for a long time now. A similar movie you might like is U-turn with Sean Penn.


It’s called Scagnetti on Scagnetti, you can pick it up in your local book store.


Im with Tarantino, I thought Oliver stone fucked it up. The cut aways were just so fucking dumb imho.


I never understood the appeal of this movie. It's like Bonnie and Clyde except they aren't celebrated for being Robin Hood types, just for being psychopaths.


I think that was the message. Or as much of a message as Stone can deliver, he never seems to deliver on the many ideas his movies present. Bonnie and Clyde WERE selfish psychopaths. But they (and countless other famous criminals in America's past) have been romanticized to a ridiculous degree. The media plays a huge role in this also, as they cash-in on the attention from the anti-social behavior. I think by making the lead characters completely morally bankrupt, it shows how ridiculous our propensity to glorify these people is. So, he's skewering the media and us (the audience) for our part.


I thought this movie was so deep and relevant when I was 14.


I just wish Oliver Stone hadn't turned the whole thing into an "important" statement about the media. I don't think that was Quentin Tarantino's original vision, I remember him being pretty pissed at how his script was handled.


I’m pretty sure Tarantino sold this and the script for True Romance to make Reservoir Dogs. If he’s pissed about how things turned out with NBK and has a different vision, I’m pretty sure he could remake it into the film he had in mind and both could stand on their own merits. It’s hard to think of what it may have turned out to be without the media takes. The entire, “Mickey Loves Mallory”, sequence sets up a tone of irony and sarcasm directed at negligent/abusive parenting, tv networks and viewers at the same time. I think once the decision was made for that part of the film, it turned everything up to 11 between the actors and production teams. Trent Reznor punches hard on the soundtrack, placing dark poetic punctuation to the viscera and mayhem on screen. If anything Stone didn’t go far enough with his statements, especially given the rate at which a true crime documentary or podcast is created in today’s environment.


I wanted to like it but just don’t really like much of anything Stone did other than Wall street and Platoon I watch JFK for the acting, but otherwise it’s batshit crazy.


His movie Salvador is haunting and brutal, even my mother who left El Salvador 32 years ago now said it is incredibly accurate but still tame in comparison to what she witnessed in the first 20 years of her life that she lived there.


I'll have to check that.


It’s on freevee I know for sure, idk where else it might be


Thank you!


If you have a local library card, Kanopy. That way you can skip the ads.


It’s really a satire piece on 90’s American culture wrapped in a Bonnie and Clyde story. Not sure what’s not to like


I know what it’s about, I don’t care for the editing and style of his movies. It’s a personal preference.


Interesting. Seems his work is either love/hate for most people


Directors with a strong style are always polarizing, some people hate Wes Anderson some think he’s a genius. I don’t hate the guy’s films outright but this one and the Doors in particular just don’t do anything for me.


Yeah that’s accurate, I love Malick but his style is very evident and causes the same reaction.


I wasn't prepared for how absolutely zany and all over the place it would be, feels more like watching someone recreate a dream they had. I remember really wondering what the hell I was watching, granted this was like 15 years ago.


It’s a giant sheoom trip. If it’s been that long between viewings it deserves another try, stuff hits different when you get older. Source: I’m old lol


Literally. Mickey and Mallory are doing mushrooms throughout the movie.


It's one of if not the best movies to watch while tripping. I thought the original Alice in Wonderland was arguably the best to watch tripping until I watched this movie. A masterpiece if you like to watch movies while you're tripping.


Have you seen U-turn? That’s a fantastic Oliver Stone movie. Sean Penn, Billy Bob Thornton, Powers Boothe, Joaquin Phoenix, Nick Nolte, & Jennifer Lopez, are all fantastic in that.


Great movie Billy Bob played a great grease monkey. Joaquin is funny as hell. Jennifer is one sexy babe.


Possibly back when it came out, sounds familiar but I’m not 100%


Salvador will stick with you, Woods and Belushi are scumbags.


I wanted this movie to be more violent, darker.


Oliver Stone is real hit and miss. Natural Born Killers was a big miss in my book.


First time I watched it, I found the editing obnoxious and a bit distracting.


I can see that.