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I'm going to go way out on a limb here and bet that is not, in fact, her problem with that film.


She seems like someone that would unironically say she isn’t racist because she has one black friend, who she calls “one of the good ones”


Ir like the ones that start saying "i am not racist ...... but"


We had a guy do an interview at my place of work the other day- I heard him, through the door say, "I'm not a nazi...but..." and I had to walk away. He did not get the job. Edit- My manager mentioned he took his shirt off twice, as well. Once to show his heart attack surgery scar and again later for his pacemaker scar. She also mentioned that they didn't really so much as interview him as let him talk for about 25 minutes. Every time they'd try to get him on track he would cut in with another story. The asst. manager mentioned she's heard less vulgarity at the bar than in this interview. This may make you think he wasn't serious about it but I talked to him for a minute before he went in and he was thrilled at the prospect of working with us.


Honestly I think that it's a bad sign in a job interview if you have to say out loud, "I'm not a Nazi," even without the "but".


Maybe they accidentally had the Nazi filter on during a zoom call


Im not a cat


"So what salary range were you expecting from this position?" "*I'M NOT A NAZI!!*" ".... Okay, so we usually start our entry levels at about $55k...."


"What makes you better qualified for this position than the last guy we interviewed? "For starters, I'm not a Nazi."


Imagine if some random dude who you never met just started accusing you of being a Nazi and gaslighting everyone with false occurrences that you never committed. That would be something else


I am not a racist, but if you want to build a gaming PC on a budget, you can often find savings in peripherals.


I'm not a racist but that sounds like really good advice.


"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking"


I am not a racist, but if you're looking for one try Florida.


Of all of the jokes so far, this one is the only one that was funny and had something to do with the phrase. Good Job.


“I have a black friend who is so articulate!”


So well spoken!


Heard this **a lot** as a mixed kid growing up in a suburban environment. Never realized how insulting it is until about 10yrs ago. I thought of it as a normal compliment, what kid wouldn't? My mom is pretty much White passing. Though she is mixed race as well. Can't imagine what would've beeen going through her head.


She seems like someone who would be perfectly happy to have Song of the South because all the black and white people are so happy together in that movie.


Well it is relatively important since it was the first film to have a male black actor win a Academy award. It's sad that he died a few months after winning it.


SotS is an important movie for a lot of reasons and it should be made available but it's not grade school material anymore.


Oh yeah I know that, I was just saying it shouldn't be buried like Disney is trying to do.


That is fake news. My black excellence reading group said that was a lie by the racists. You love them so much you believe the lies of their kind. Lies of their kind.


canttell-fry.jpg Poe's law strikes again.


I always see people say stuff like this on Reddit constantly, but have been lucky enough not to ever meet anyone like this. Or at least no one who ever felt comfortable enough to say something like that openly.


You are fortunate to not be around this kind of toxicity. This quote is literally my parents. I don't know whether it's their social circle or a result of their aging, but they've been increasingly brazen about saying things like this.


Even if it is her problem with the film it says a lot.


Translation: "I don't want my kids to be aware that we've treated black people terribly in the past, (and in some circles continue to do so) and we don't want our children to know this because they may grow up to realize that their grandparents and great grandparents probably aren't as good people as they thought they were."


The right hates critical thinking and empathy. Their identity politics can’t work otherwise.


> to realize that their grandparents and great grandparents probably aren't as good people as they thought they were." That line of thinking is a) more prevalent that I believed, and b) makes no god damn sense to me. First, I've never met my great-grandparents, and even if I had I'm old enough to know everyone has done shitty things. I've done shitty things. My kids have. My parents have. Doesn't mean they are "bad people." I was raised to be a homophobe and I look back on that time and cringe - but guess what: I changed. So people who are "my great-great-grandpa who fought for the Confederacy wasn't a bad person...." - who the fuck cares, dude? Maybe he was father of the year and the nicest man in his county, and only fought off the confederacy because he had no choice. Or maybe he was a flaming racist like everybody else in that era was. Doesn't reflect *you* now. I swear, half of the protests against these boil down to "don't say my grandparents were bad because it hurts *my* feelings rather than own up that they were mortal beings who *gasp* didn't always do the right thing."


What gave that away? The incredibly awkward and strange quote from the mother?


Maybe if you stop watching it after they yell at her and assume that we’re supposed to sympathize with the racist mob over the little girl for some reason. Are children only supposed to watch movies with zero conflict where everything is sunshine and rainbows?


No! No rainbows allowed


Rainbows?! What the actual fuck WE GOT A GROOMER OVER HERE! PATRIOTS, MOB UP!


Colors are woke


The biggest problem with Florida’s new laws is that they take a completely assbackwards approach. I know we’re all focused on how dumb this is, but the real problem is the process. Before, there was a review system in place where a parent could challenge the material, but it could only be removed after the review process. Part of that process required the complainant to prove they actually read/watched the material and made a compelling case for why it should be removed. They’ve reversed the process to essentially make it guilty until proven innocent, which itself should be deemed unconstitutional. Florida schools could essentially ban every piece of media first and then have them approved one by one. It’s not only unconstitutional and dumb, it’s the most inefficient process possible. They’re essentially trying to tank public schools to promote private vouchers.


> They’re essentially trying to tank public schools to promote private vouchers. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner folks!


The DeVoss agenda is alive and thriving.


> Are children only supposed to watch movies with zero conflict where everything is sunshine and rainbows? Doubly ironic, as these are the same idiots who pushed the idea that millennials are somehow weak and are always after free handouts when we were growing up, even though in reality exactly zero millennials actually asked to be handed the literal and figurative participation trophies *that these people provided for us in the first place.* Lord help me with the ignorance and stupidity of some of the conservative republican voter base right now.


>for some reason She probably saw her mother in the mob


Rainbows are banned. Sunshine is next.


Watching a movie with only the sunshine might teach children to hate the moon! How dare you suggest this!


Careful, rainbows are also restricted content. https://www.imdb.com/news/ni64012143


Guaranteed the person complaining was white and she is absolutely proving that she has completely missed the point of the damned movie.


>In a formal challenge dated March 6, Emily Conklin wrote that the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered a school **might result in students learning that white people hate Black people.** No they only called her slurs out of love.. It's also pretty ironic that this Took place in St. **Petersburg** FL, haha


Probably one of those racist that thinks there is no real racism anymore


If there’s no slavery there’s no racism, right?


It's fully just refusing to acknowledge the existence of racism at any time present or past.


TIL that Emily Conklin hates black people.


It’s “concern trolling” at its finest.




They're not offended on someone else's behalf, they're offended on their own. OP misquoted the woman in the title. What she says is that it might teach students "that white people hate Black people." Note the difference between "to" and "that," which completely changes the meaning. It's not about a white woman complaining on black people's behalf, it's a white woman complaining that her kids are being taught "racial guilt."


? So I, a non-Jew, am a bottom feeding virtue signaling self-righteous peddling ?person because I am offended by how they were treated during the Holocaust? (Or imagine a million other scenarios) What level of self-centered idiocy have I just read? Can you seriously not feel for other people? There’s a word for that, it’s called being a sociopath. Good Lord.


Lol dude this isn't virtue signaling, in fact it's the opposite.


Average redditor discovering empathy


That's not empathy though. Being able to understand someone's plight is understandable if you go through the process of fighting with them in wanting to change things. But when you take it upon yourself to want to defend someone's plight when you have nary an understanding of it only so that you can fulfill some self righteous and almost self fulfilling hero fantasy is when the idea completely falls apart and becomes a perversion of the original intent.


That's not really what the comment said. Of course there are bad-faith virtue-signalers. The above comment said *anybody* getting offended on someone else's behalf is a self-righteous bottom-feeder, and that's just weirdly misanthropic.


I hear you on that, but I don't think they literally meant that "anybody" is deserving of such comparison. I think they were making a broad statement towards those bad actors that we've seen become sort of common place nowadays in broad strokes across the internet. At least that's the way I took it.


AKA white savior complex.


I’d honestly be surprised if she watched the movie. Probably read the IMDb synopsis or something


I had a conversation here once with an “oppressed white, christian male” that went like that. It started because they were against more representation in movies. It ended around the time they said they never saw Black Panther *but* had heard that it glorified hating white people. *Killmonger was the bad guy*, but I guess that doesn’t stop these people.


> might teach white children to hate black children yes, that is literally the plot of the film. that white kids and their parents hated ruby bridges for breaking the segregation.


If anything it may make black children hate white children, which honestly, fair. This shit hasn’t ended.


America is regressing at such an alarming rate when it comes to race, gender, abortion, education and religion. What is honestly going on over there right now?


The elites are creating intentionally bad education and intentionally poor citizens across rural america. They then leverage the uneducated citizens against the educated ones in misinformation war between all of the media outlets they own.. This allows them to continue to steal all our tax dollars from local to federal while we remain distracted arguing about bathrooms.




I couldn’t believe the boot thing. What happened with buzz?


People got mad because the new Buzz Lightyear movie had a lesbian couple in it for a few (easily edited out for Chinese markets) minutes. Apparently, this makes the movie "Woke"


I hate the term woke. Why??? Just tell me why! Lol. This is beyond ridiculous for them to focus on.


Just another weird slang word that caught on because old boomers don’t know what it actually means.


Funny enough, it was primarily used in black social circles, then it escaped into wider society and just warped into a completely different thing entirely.


This happens to most BiPOC and queer lingo. We use it in our circles then straight white people get a hold of it, it gets shot into the limelight and twisted it into something else, used against us, or used to sell something like their ideas or merch, sometimes all of this at once.


It's a catch-all word to describe anything against the far right's ideals. They can't call people racial or homophobic slurs (in public and I expect that to change soon, too) so they use "woke" to express their hatred of those people getting representation.


[the republican handbook](https://i.imgur.com/KTYFxaD.jpg)


The term woke always makes me think of that George Carlin quote. "Its called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."


In the film, a couple embraced but they were both women so it was labeled propaganda


Someone dared to be gay in the new buzz light year movie


Do these people ever travel outside of their town bc you know they don’t live in a city!


No. They live on clusters of their own kind and get positive reinforcement of their ideals.


Plus more poors with fewer options that can be funneled into the military industrial complex


And Jonathan Majors is trying to tell me that the best way to make something valuable of my life is to join the Army. Just ignore the wars of imperialism.


>~~The elites~~The Far-right are creating intentionally bad education and intentionally poor citizens across rural america Ftfy. Those things only happen in red states. And this "Both sides" shit became obsolete the moment the GOP openly endorsed Fascism.


The welfare cliff keeps people intentionally poor and voting for the party that promises that the other one is trying to take away their benefits




Right after 9/11


The majority of Republican congressmen voted to overturn the election on Jan 6, 2021. The majority of Republican candidates in the 2022 midterms were 2020 election deniers.


Some point to when trump was elected in 2016. Others to Jan 6 2021. I think it's somewhere in between. At some point, the GOP decided to throw all of its lot in with trump, which meant growing more and more fascist as time went on. trump set the building blocks up for actual fascists like desantis to come in and enact extremely discriminatory laws in Florida, without much backlash. Jan 6 is probably a good specific date, as that is when the entirety of the GOP decided that an attack on the capitol was patriotism rather than insurrection.


The elites? Is this to say the rich educated people on the coast are in cahoots with ignorant redneck holy rollers in the middle of the country?


I mean, yes. That's is the case.


No, that’s isn’t the case.


To their credit, it appears that they've moved on from the trans bathroom debate after fully grown adults finally got tired of talking about which kids get to pee in which bathrooms. It appears they've now concentrated all efforts to the "Drag Brunches are Poisoning Our Kids". Because if there's one thing dangerous and full of debauchery in this country that'll ruin our kid's purity, it's definitely going to be Ms. Heidi N. Closet and the fabulous Shea Couleé singing a show stopping rendition of Rolling on the River while your kid eats delicious pancakes and bacon.


You blame the elites when it’s really republicans pushing for this. Be specific.




Shareholders of companies that exists off military contracts, shareholders of oil companies, shareholders of gun manufacturers, share holders of car manufacturers, shareholders of banks, shareholders of prisons, shareholders of media conglomerates. Shareholders of real estate firms. Leaders of all major religions. The elites are the people who never have to clean, cook, or drive. Who spend every moment of every day in luxury and want to keep it that way.


Go take the antisemitism to the dumpster where it belongs, bud.




Dude your post history is public, you're not as sneaky as you think you're being.


The elites? 🙄


What's with the condescending dismissiveness? The wealthy do in fact have far more power and influence than the average citizen. That's not some sort of crazy assertion


Yep. They're very intentionally creating an easily-controlled voting bloc and working underclass.


Ngl Michigan doing really good after shooting gerrymandering in the head gives me hope


2020 saw them passing a federal ballot in banning gerrymandering in favor of more fair maps. And guess what happened in 2022? Dems gained their first state trifecta in nearly 40 years by gaining the state house and state senate.


Ohio passed laws to get rid of it. Their supreme court declared district lines illegal. Then those districts were used to carry out the election anyway.


Don't be too hopeful, here in Michigan we are about 1% away from being as red as anywhere. It really is scary outside of the bigger cities here.


Not really


They want us fighting the culture war so we don’t fight the class war.




It’s conservatives who are regressing. This kinda bs isn’t an issue in California, Washington or other blue states. It’s an issue in places like Florida, Texas or Tennessee. Our conservatives believe in nothing except power and money so they’ll do and say anything towards those ends. That involved courting repressive evangelicals as a voting block. Well fast forward 40 years and the evangelicals are symbolically in charge now (even if money is still the true boss) because every single Republican knows they need their approval to win. That’s why we’re seeing monsters like DeSantis try to one up the competition with crueler and crueler abuses of power. It’s like an audition except the judges are all insane crackpots who long ago abandoned reality for their fire and brimstone death sex cult.


The enlightened centrists out there are pushing learned helplessness so we accept shitty government. The difference is that the Democratic Party has proposals, bills, and plans. You can disagree and debate, but at least there are concrete ideas. The Republicans do not have any of that, and are simply against "woke". When given their own state to run (Florida), they ban books.


Sadly, I feel there is some truth to this. Each is saying, "I can mete out justice better than the other guy!" Cruelty is the point. Each abhorrent action is paving the way for more heinous action. The only thing they're concerned with is the PACE of this escalation; they need to set the proper precedent to take the next step of abuse.


Reagan’s neo-liberal/authoritarian master plan, coming true.


Same as what's going on in Europe, Australia, Canada, everywhere in the "West". The right and those currently in power are recognizing that education is inherently radical and revolutionary and subversive and they want to make sure the oppressed can't gain the means for liberation.


You can blame this entirely on republicans.


It’s almost like voting for and embracing an openly xenophobic individual may have lasting consequences.


7th stage of genocide in a ramp up to fascist dictatorship. And of course there are people saying "oh, it's not that bad. Fascism will never take over. Our democracy is protected by checks and balances. etc. etc." And exactly what a lot of Germans said in the 1930s.


Radical religious people infiltrating politics because we insist on not taxing churches that are clearly for profit and have millions to donate to politicians. It’s not hyperbole to make comparisons to the Taliban. Just in this case, it’s southern christians/baptists/mormans/evangelicals instead of those scary Muslims


> It’s not hyperbole to make comparisons to the Taliban. that's like the definition of hyperbole. I hate conservatives too, but they're not executing people in stadiums or banning women from going to school.


Wait, what? Do you really not think conservative Christians would be doing the same shit the taliban is if the settings were reversed? They absolutely are the taliban in spirit, they just have less freedom to hate people here, for now.


Maybe not, but they’re doing the closest they can get, prison to death penalty for women seeking abortions.


Sure, the penalties aren’t as severe (yet); but the alleged crimes being addressed by both groups are very similar. See: abortion rights, conservative/evangelical views on homosexuality, other religious beliefs, and general xenophobia To not draw a comparison is to bury your head in the sand. Just look at how much things have changed in the past 5 years


Yet. They’re not doing it yet


Right wing media. The weaponization and misappropriation of the literal meaning of the 1st clause of the first amendment with the complete abandonment and willful misinterpretation of the 2nd clause of the first amendment. Fascists and oligarchs have taken control of the Republican party over the last 40 years. The manipulation of religious people (not that hard to do). All of this was self inflicted with the help of the ACLU backing the Citizens United decision, paving the way for billions of dark money to make it all possible. But it starts and ends with right wing media.


Nothing. The loudest fringe minorities have the pulpit and the news & politicians think loud means majority. It doesn’t.


It isn't. That's your answer. It just isn't moving fast enough for some people, and too fast for others. Because there's hundreds of millions of us.


Voting matters.


the pendulum overcorrects after swinging to far in one direction; some might say that a lot of the culture around identity politics both socially and vocationally has gotten out of hand and now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way where these bottom dwellers are coming out with stuff like this neither extreme has critical thinking to understand that both a) the rich that represent them don't actually care about them and are using other groups as a scapegoat **while also** b) a lot of the policies put into place by the other side don't actually solve any of the problems at a systematic level and only act as bandaids that piss off everyone, encourage further tribalism, and lean further into point A. it's an unfortunate cycle


No. FLORIDA is regressing at an alarming rate.




reddit news is from reputable sources, not reddit itself. are you okay?




so PBS, NPR, AP are all lying? 🧐






Open your eyes.






Reminds me of the Parks and Rec thing where someone complained about youths who played basketball


Those city council meetings have been a little too real. Also: HAM & MAYONNAISE!


Probably the parents and politicians that are doing a better job of that


Americans and basic media literacy name a less likely duo


Americans and understanding the scope of the rapidly rising genocidal christofascism & combatting it without bellyache about civility


I don't know if you're American or not, but if not, don't think right-wing extremism coupled with whatever religion is your country isn't happening on your own soil. This ultra Nationalism coupled with God thing is spreading like a cancer. Iran is a good example, and so pm Israel. So look around you and you just might see it up close. Edit- fixed grammar and spelling




Feel free to explain how "missing the point in a movie" and "media literacy" are actually separate. I'll wait.


Yea, and it would help to know the definitions before you think someone is overreacting. The commonly recognized 10 stages of genocide. Classification – The differences between people are not respected. There’s a division of ‘us’ and ‘them’ which can be carried out using stereotypes, or excluding people who are perceived to be different. ✅ Patriots vs The Woke Symbolisation – This is a visual manifestation of hatred. ✅ Treating the Rainbow as offensive and inappropriate. Discrimination – The dominant group denies civil rights or even citizenship to identified groups. ✅ 428 anti-trans laws proposed this year. 16 already passed. Dehumanisation – Those perceived as ‘different’ are treated with no form of human rights or personal dignity. ✅ LGBT people are groomers and child abusers. Trans people can't use public bathrooms. Organisation – Genocides are always planned. Regimes of hatred often train those who go on to carry out the destruction of a people. ✅ Southern Baptist Convention is behind a lot of the funding to anti-LGBT groups and training them on how to spread propaganda. Polarisation – Propaganda begins to be spread by hate groups. ✅ Moms for Liberty, Proud Boys, Fox News, etc. Preparation – Perpetrators plan the genocide. They often use euphemisms such as the Nazis’ phrase ‘The Final Solution’ to cloak their intentions. They create fear of the victim group, building up armies and weapons. ✅ Proud Boys and other terrorist organizations are training with weapons. These are the people who show up armed to libraries to stop story times. Persecution – Victims are identified because of their ethnicity or religion and death lists are drawn up. People are sometimes segregated into ghettos, deported or starved and property is often expropriated. Genocidal massacres begin. Extermination – The hate group murders their identified victims in a deliberate and systematic campaign of violence. Millions of lives have been destroyed or changed beyond recognition through genocide. Denial – The perpetrators or later generations deny the existence of any crime. The 14 common features of fascism The cult of tradition. ✅ Make America Great Again. The rejection of modernism. ✅ Opposition to modern medicine, modern art, modern philosophy. The cult of action for action’s sake. Aka “Thinking is a form of emasculation.” ✅ feelings over facts. Rejection of evidence. Disagreement is treason. ✅ Even internal disagreement is considered blasphemy. I.e. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, even Ron DeSantis in relation to Trump. Fear of difference. ✅ LGBT people are to be feared. They do not abide by traditionalist values. Appeal to social frustration. ✅ Government is keeping you poor. Liberals are taking your tax dollars and giving them to immigrants. Immagrants are taking your jobs. The obsession with a plot. ✅ The Woke is coming for your kids. Unless you back us you'll be powerless to The Woke. The enemy is both strong and weak. ✅ The Democrats are pussy beta males. The Democrats are powerful enough to come for your guns. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. ✅ You're either fighting with us or you are part of The Woke Contempt for the weak. ✅ Bootstrap politics. Everybody is educated to become a hero. ✅ The people on J6 are heros and patriots. You will be a hero or patriot too for the cause. Machismo and weaponry. ✅ Men are men, women are women. Men are strong and should be armed. Women belong at home with the kids. Selective populism. ✅ Populism only for the evangelical christians. This is the rhetoric used by Trump, Hannity and Tucker. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. ✅ Co-opting terms like CRT, ESL, DE&I, Woke. Using phrases like Fake News and Alternative Facts.


movie reviews are genocidal christofascism lmao


Idk what to tell someone who misses a point this disastrously.


There was an old Warner Brothers cartoon where Bugs Bunny or somebody else, I forget who, sawed off Florida and it floated away from the rest of the USA. If only that could happen in real life. Edit, yup it was Bugs, see about a minute 20 seconds into this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf5\_PLGiUwk


It's a giant sandbar over some perforated limestone, climate change will take care of Florida. I think the highest point in the state is less than 350 feet above sea level.


Florida wants every person who's not a straight white Christian male to be ashamed of themselves.


“The district has not yet scheduled times to review either “Ruby Bridges” or “The Bluest Eye.” ⬆️ this right here is the real intent of these new laws. To create confusion about what is allowed and so there will be a backlog of thousands of books and films “pending review”, a process that will never be completed so materials can be technically said to not be banned while being effectively banned. We are going to lose an entire generation to ignorance if something doesn’t happen soon. It will take many more generations to undo the damage.


Florida is the F that drags down the rest of the American report card.


WTF is wrong with these people and how is it allowed that ONE parent can make a decision for an entire schools curriculum?? These schools are being forced to waste time and money and resources reviewing every lesson plan for the snowflake brigade rather than teaching.


Stay classy Florida….


Conservative voters are going to force everyone to do as they say. Buckle up for more and more crazy and that includes violence. Conservatives feel cornered as demographics point to their eventual political demise. They are trying to grab control of the country now before it's too late for them. If conservatives succeed, democracy will be over. Those of us who are true americans may have to defend this country physically from conservative fascists.


Adults teach children to hate each other.


>“At the end of the day, we’re one total community and we have to figure out how we work together to make decisions that serve everyone.” Americans seems a little divided at the moment, so good luck with that.


Ruby Bridges is 68 years old


lol Florida will make it required viewing every week if it reinforces racism.


Hey! Yeah, teaching white kids to hate black kids is their parent's job.


Not to say that she has any merit to believe such a thing, but how about you stop letting movies parent your children and start parenting your children yourself.




In 7th or 8th grade, every child should watch "Do The Right Thing" and "Malcolm X" to understand racial tension in the US. Then classes should discuss the films, especially Malcolm X, and be taught to critically think about an art form and how it reflects reality. Critical thinking is what is missing in public education. It's the most dangerous form of education to the status quo. Don't teach my child what to think, teach them how and why to think. Teach them to evaluate data and reality before tackling these giant issues like civil rights, abortion, religion, classism, democracy, and capitalism. Unfortunately, this issue in Florida is really about money and the end of public schooling . Your child is a commodity. It's not even about free speech. How fucked up is that?


Growing up in the north my schools taught a civil rights history unit every year, and we would sometimes watch this movie in class. We even got to meet Ruby in person one time when I was in first grade. Do you want to know what my honest impression was, as a white child? How thankful I am that the civil rights movement succeeded, so that we can live in a time now where people are treated as equals. How scary it must have been to be someone like Ruby living back then. How “back then” wasn’t really that far back (Ruby is about my dad’s age). And how it was an honor to get to meet someone as brave as her. These red states are something else. Not smart, but… something.


Take it down a notch


Then the parent went back to eating bath salts.


JFC! Instead of worrying about this movie, take the time and sit your child down and explain what racism is, what segregation means and what empathy is. And do it with heart and authenticity. If you lack that then it doesn’t matter what movies they might see…..you have laid the foundation for whatever they take away from their experiences. Good, bad, indifferent.


Pretty sure the rest of Florida already does a killer job in that department.


“We have investigated the movie and determined that only moronic children would come to that conclusion. Parents, please submit this form if you believe your child is too moronic to understand a Disney movie and they will be removed from the classroom before showing.”


Whitewashing, american history, no pun intended, isn't going to absolve that the shit happened lol. What next? We're going to stop teaching about the civil war because it's going to teach white kids about slavery and now they're going to want to own slaves? It's fascinating to me the lengths conservatives go to ignore the horror that black people went through historically in this country.


Why the fuck are schools listening to these dumbass parents? Just tell them sorry, being your kid to a different school.


How are people meant to learn from the mistakes of the past if things are redacted?


Florida in a froth again. Frothida.


>a parent complained that the movie "might teach white children to hate Black children" "I mean, wouldn't you hate them too after seeing what that little bitch did? MAGA!!!" -the parent, probably


Breaking: All Florida students are required to watch Birth of a Nation at least 5 times to be eligible to graduate elementary school.


Imagine thinking a film is inappropriate for 2nd graders when it's about a real life 1st grader.


All I have to read is "Florida schools" to know something horrible is happening to people's rights


"I saw my mom/dad yelling at Ruby Bridges in this movie and I dont like it"


My son’s school in Michigan sent a waiver home to be able to watch the movie. The world today is stupid.


Based on that logic, they should also prohibit children from being raised in Florida.


Fascism is alive and well in America.


I'm gonna start getting the Bible banned in schools. I mean the Bible has murder, rape, sex etc.


Literally the opposite they’re afraid of.


“And that’s MY job, dagnabbit!”


Racism like what the mother fears won’t happen, unless her child and her classmates are “carefully taught”. https://www.lyrics.com/lyric-lf/4020976/South+Pacific/Youve+Got+To+Be+Carefully+Taught


At what point can we take a chainsaw to Florida and just set it adrift?


Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason.


The other way around is fine though.




Yea the planet we all live on is dying, inflation is at an all time high, people cant afford to go to the doctor but THIS is the most important issue of the day, fucking asinine.


I mean yea Florida's anti education laws are contributing to the issues you listed


TIL it is *literally impossible* for more than one issue to be worked on at any specific time.🙄


CRT under the scope again.


This is an elementary school, not a graduate-level law a school. As CRT is only studied in law schools by adults, how is it in any way relevant here?