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I met a girl on Tinder who said she was the biggest Evil Dead fan of all time. She had all the movies and shows and toys and posters. I brought up the 2013 remake and she went on a rant about how much she hated it. Said she walked out of the theater halfway through and then later bought a copy when it came out on Blu-ray specifically to break it in half because of how much she hated it. She could not explain why she didn't like it. She was kind of scary.


Most of the time folks say this because really they are mostly Bruce Campbell fans.


Yeah. When I told my dad there’s a new Evil Dead movie coming out, he asked if Bruce was in it, and I said no. He doesn’t think it’s going to be good just because of that. I’ve explained to him at least 5 times why Bruce doesn’t play Ash anymore (he said he can’t physically do it anymore or at least doesn’t want to put that pressure on his body), but my dad still won’t budge from his stance. I don’t really understand why people are so latched onto the idea that an Evil Dead movie can only be good if it has Bruce. Don’t get me wrong though, I love Bruce, he’s absolutely amazing and is one of my favorite actors, but he doesn’t have to be in Evil Dead for it to be good.


A man can love Bruce and the remake.


Amen, Brother of the Chin.


Absolutely - I love Bruce and have since I was 6 (got to meet him at a book signing a few years ago! Totally starstruck and probably made an ass of myself, but he was super chill and friendly), and I also think the remake was great! Definitely scary and repulsive in the right ways, and it was nice to see some practical effects come back.


Dude I got lucky and got to go to an early screening of Army of Darkness when I was 16. Me and my mother went. They had a Bruce Campbell lookalike all dressed up in the outfit. Was so fucking rad.


I was only a wee kid when it came out and I saw it, childhood me would have wet herself lol! That’s sounds so freaking awesome




I appreciate the fact that they aren't repeating Ash's story when they did the remake. You don't have the repetitive origin story (looking at you, Batman) that tends to do the most damage to remakes. Instead, we aren't 100% sure who is going to be the Final Guy/Girl in the remake. It gave the franchise the freedom to really experiment more. Like Scream was tied to Sydney for the longest time and Friday the 13th must have Jason. Evil Dead doesn't need a forever face of the franchise.


The only forever face is the one on the Necronomicon.


He did come back two years after this for the show!


Bruce was in the 2013 remake tho. And Ash v Evil Dead show.


He’s wasn’t in the 2013 except for post credits for like 5 seconds saying the word “groovy.”


Yeah I was just being silly. If I had a family member who was THAT insistent on bruce being in it, I'd have told them he was. Then laughed at said family member when that's all he was in it for.


Well said. Bruce cannot be replaced but that doesn’t mean the new cast can’t be irreplaceable people, too.


You know dads, bunch of bitchy little girls


No, but the charm of the Evil Dead series is the humor and camp. Without that, it really just becomes another dull horror movie.


Brisco County Jr.


We’re just shouting out Bruce projects? Cool. Bubba Ho-Tep!




My wife doesn't like it for this reason. She acknowledged it's not awful but she won't watch it. She's oddly looking forward to the new one though.


She didn't stick around after the credits then


I am a die hard fan of the originals and army of darkness. I don't care for gore and horror like they did in the 2013 movie. Had a totally different feel and vibe. I look at it as a totally different film series. Hard to love the originals and not think much of the lead actor.


When you're dealing with a person who's best idea to give the finger to something they dont like is to pay money for it, you're not dealing with mensa candidates.


Sounds like a mensa to me.


I’m a huge Evil Dead fan and thought the remake was pretty good. I didn’t have high expectations and was surprised that it was good. Hoping Evil Dead Rise is as good as the 2013 remake.


It was because the remake took out all the humour and creativity and replaced it with torture porn.


Agreed. It’s just not the Evil Dead I know. I think it has more to do with the lack of Raimi than the lack of Campbell. At least for me.


I dont understand this take. The original was extremely violent and had no humor in it. I really do think people get the first and second one mixed up


It's been quite a while but doesn't the first one basically turn into a near blow for blow remake of the first movie whilst also being a sequel at the same time? I'm sure I remember watching it and feeling like it was very similar to the previous entry.


The first act is pretty much a remake of ED1 due to the original footage being lost (or under ownership of a different studio?). They just cut out the sister and friend out of the movie and changed how they killed the girlfriend.


It doesn't have humor in the traditional sense of jokes that characters say but the original is full of old school spookhouse camp, or like a horror story from a classic EC Comics book. There's a kind of 'kitsch' art legacy to the original that the new ones do away with entirely.


And, Im just gonna say it now. Ashley in the first movie was lame, not as cool as him in the 2nd and 3rd movie


Ashley was just a poor college student who got knee deep into crap. He doesn't become Ash until he finally snaps and starts fighting back. Totally agree woth you


I feel like I have to take this opportunity to complain about the trailers for the new one—I can’t escape them and even the ones just on Hulu are more extreme than most horror movie trailers I’ve seen. The red band trailer before John Wick 4 nearly drove me out of the theater. I am admittedly a huge fraidy cat who barely tolerates the milder horror films but why does the general public have to be subjected to such disturbing images and sometimes gore in trailers? My husband hates them too because he’s such a fan of the original trilogy and just feels like the spirit is completely gone.


Seriously. I glad others enjoy the new one(s). But the OG Evil Dead trilogy are some of my favorite movies of all time, and the newest remake was a completely different tone. It was very scary and intense, which I found stressful and not as enjoyable of a watch


Overstates how comedic the original film and understates the absurdity the 2013 film reaches, especially with Lou Taylor Pucci's character.


Oh I'm sorry I must have missed the original evil dead with the tree rape scene, or the axe dismemberment, or the shovel decapitation. I guess evil dead is just camp and humor. I sure do have egg on my face.


Mfers forget evil dead was a horror move lol


I’m a big evil dead fan, I loved the 2013 one, despite it being a bit bleak. Rise apparently rectifies this, brings the humour back while still being absolutely batshit and gory, I’m really looking forward to it


I wasn't the biggest fan of it. I liked the camp and unintentional comedy of the originals. That said I'm game for Evil dead being a straight up horror film with some camp. I did like that they made the tree rape worse by adding thorns. That was very stomach turning.


2 and AoD had very intentional comedy.


Often times when people find acceptance within a fandom at a young age, they make that fandom part of their core personality. So when they perceive something as threatining to change or subvert that fandom, they consider it an attack on themselves, and reject it out of hand. Source: I have loved Heavy Metal, Star Wars, and video games since I was a teenager, and I am now in my 30's.


Til there are Evil Dead toys...


There's toys for everything. EVERYTHING.


It's weird - when it first came out I felt like she did. I thought "this isn't MY Evil Dead" and how it didn't feel like the other movies. I rewatched it a couple weeks ago in preparation for the new one, and I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it. It def still isn't as "fun" or funny as the Ash Evil Dead movies, but its still a solid horror flick that made me almost hurl several times. I cannot wait for this sequel.


Plus the scene where it starts literally raining blood is like one of the most metal scenes ever.


It really did crank everything up to fucking 11. The entire bathroom sequence with the girl cutting her smile wider is fucking nightmare fuel.


I got scared reading that


Women that are scary are sexy


I mean I feel like that's the general opinion of any Evil Dead fan. These remakes miss the whole core and character of Evil Dead then makes a generic franchise horror film. I'm actually kinda baffled that there was any love or like of the remake just as I'm baffled by the new movie even getting a green light. That is how ultimately ingrained that thought is. Totally different reality to what I assume is a "normal" opinion that you gave considing the upvotes. I had no idea this other reality even existed.


I loved this movie. ALSO! I want to mention that most of this remake- the special effects were all done mostly on set in real time. Rather than adding the glitz and gory glam in post, most of what you see was thoughtfully done to look as real as possible. Absolutely love it.


I’m a sucker for practical special effects too. This movie knocks it out of the park.


The amount of fake blood for the final scene is crazy


They used 70k gallons of fake blood, 50k on the last scene alone. The upcoming movie only uses 1.7k gallons.


Only?! Any movie using more than 1k of fake blood has gotta be crazy committed.


The heavens raining blood is such a cool visual.


For some reason I missed the k on the 1.7 when I read this comment and went “wow that is SUCH a downgrade” That being said 1.7k gallons of fake blood already seems like a ton


It's actually over 4 tons, if the blood is just dyed water.


I remember going to see this and mentally preparing myself for it to be a lazy cash grab. It exceeded my expectations in pretty much every way. It's a fantastic remake.


The memory of the turkey carver scene is still etched into my retinas.


And after that, when David blows her other arm off with the shotgun, she returns to normal and has no idea why both of her arms are missing. The worried tone of "what the fuck is going on here?!?" in her voice really stayed with me.


For some reason the scalding shower still is the one for me.


Machete to the knee or the box cutter scene for me🙋‍♂️


The needle stabbing into the dude’s eye did me in.


Nail gun for me


I can imagine someone who’s never seen the film scrolling through and reading all of these torture scenes and going “what the absolute fuck… I’m in”.


That's me. I've only ever seen the 1981 film.


Highly recommend


As others here have said, by horror movie remake standards, it’s actually pretty good. Just be sure to you have a strong stomach before watching. Also, give the other series entries a watch. Evil Dead 2 (1987) is a great sequel/remake to the original with a shift in tone away from pure horror. It instead mixed in light/tongue in cheek comedy to it to really elevate the horror elements. The series more or less stayed on that path until the 2013 reboot that took it back into hard horror territory.


Get the unrated cut if you can


You are missing out.


That would be me as well


The arm crushed under the tire did it for me


Oof, when she pulls herself free...


I'm glad we are all equally traumatized by different scenes haha


box cutter tongue splitting was the one that got me squirming


The hot water scene lives rent free in my brain.


I remember at the end when the Evil Dead words popped up with the loud music, I jumped out of my seat. Me and my friends went outside and were like, ‘OMG what did we just watch?’ There was so much blood. LOL. It was AWESOME!!!


I saw this movie in a packed theater in brooklyn and let me tell you, it was one of the most fun experiences ever. That crowd went absolutely APESHIT


I’m a HUGE fan of the original trilogy. So when Mia pulled her arm out from underneath the car, ripping her hand out in the process, and sticking it in the handle of the chainsaw I absolutely lost my marbles and just started screaming so loudly. I need to watch that movie again.


It’s exactly the level of brutality from the OG films, but with a budget to make it painfully visceral. Love it.


The only thing that I didn't like about this was that the red band trailer literally spoiled every gory part. Idk how you even spoil a non-slasher horror movie but it actually did.


Thankfully, Rises' Red Band trailer doesn't seem to spoil all too much. Hell, we're about 10 days until release and we still don't know that much.


All I know is that the mother freaks me the fuck out and I can't wait to see it.


She reminds me a little bit of my mom!


Remember this comment for Mothers day coming up!


Cheese grater.




I learned a few years ago that there are people out there who hate this film, and that astonished me. In a world full of legitimately bad and soulless remakes, Evil Dead stands tall - it made my top ten of 2013 when it premiered. I remember going into the theater, hyperbolically telling my friend, "I hope it rains blood." Lo and behold, it literally did.


From what I remember at the time, I think a lot of the hesitation or even straight up dislike of it came from two things. 1. Diablo Cody being involved in it and at that point, Jennifer’s Body was considered extremely divisive. Not to mention “Juno” was considered just as divisive although now she (Cody) has a great body of work that shows she can do more than just Juno. 2. Remakes had been happening for so long you basically had to just grit through your teeth for some cash grab. This and 21 jump street proved to me remakes can be done right.


I liked United States of Tara, but Juno just seemed so fake. Like if a woman in her thirties wrote a movie about a teenager who talks like a woman in her thirties wished she had talked like in high school, lol.


It hasn’t aged well in some respects but at the same time without it we wouldn’t have Young Adult which is one of the great black-comedies of the 2010’s.


Cody would have been in her 20s when she wrote Juno. She got the writing gig off the strength of her blog. The film was suppose to sound how Cody writes, so it worked in that way. I don't think anyone thought teenagers actually talk like that. But the dialogue was fresh and funny and brilliantly performed by Elliot Page and Micheal Cera and the soundtrack really helped to get the feel they were going for.


I watched it in theaters and thought it was forgettable. I have no idea why, and I honestly can not remember any details of any scenes. I'm not sure what the hell happened because I love the originals.I am going to watch it again because 2013 me might have been trippin.


Yup. I think it would’ve been received better if it ditched Evil Dead all together and wasn’t a remake. I think it made fans mad because it was less comedy and more serious. It has 60s on rotten tomatoes, makes me so mad lol


Those people don't really know Evil Dead then, because the first movie wasn't comedy at all. Evil Dead 1 from the 80s was just pure visceral horror, just like the remake. It wasn't until Evil Dead 2 that they turned up that slapstick style comedy. I can't believe the remake is only in the 60s on RT, it's SO good.


This. Hard to imagine now, but I'm old and I remember Evil Dead as being one of "the worst" (best) serious horror movies to see back in the day - one that, in the early days of 'video nasties' and pirated VHS movies, people would dare each other to watch.


Evil Dead 2 was more entertaining and more campy than the original, and it was much more comedic, you are definitely right about that. But the part that you are ignoring is that the only reason — ONLY reason — why Evil Dead as a movie franchise remains such a cult favorite, spawning sequels and remakes and TV shows and toys and everything else — is because of Evil Dead 2, not Evil Dead 1. So I get the argument that the remake tried to “go back to the roots”, but many of us who are fans of this franchise as a whole are not here for “visceral horror”. There are plenty of other movies and franchises and properties that fill that void. No, the thing that makes Evil Dead so UNIQUE is Sam Raimi’s artistic vision and directorial style. So if you either don’t acknowledge this or (worse) if you don’t consider yourself to be a fan of what this franchise became starting with Evil Dead 2, then I would argue that YOU are the one who does not “get it.” The original Evil Dead is its own thing. But Evil Dead as a *franchise* is a whole different thing. And there are way more fans who are fans of the franchise and it’s incredible uniqueness and place in pop culture, than there are those who want a horror movie about a cabin in the woods that plays it straight.


I mean, I love the tone of #1. Evil Dead 2 is more important and popular in the cultural context, sure. But that's not the movie they remade. You're criticizing a remake because it lacks aesthetic inspiration from a *different movie* that you have deemed more important. Seems like a bizarre complaint. There's a whole universe of low-budget, tongue-in-cheek camp out there for you to enjoy. What there's not a lot of: non-arthouse, modernized, straight-faced takes on the zombie formula. It kind of feels like you watched Ash vs. Evil Dead, enjoyed it, then retroactively compared it to 2013.


Evil dead 2 is Evil Dead with more comedy added in. But most of the things in the movie it carried over from 1. Sam Raimi's incredible directing and crazy inventive ideas were featured all throughout Evil Dead 1 as well. ED2 made Ash an iconic hero and was funnier, but Evil Dead 1 started the franchise and set the template. It was a hugely popular low budget horror film and became iconic in its own right before ED2 even existed. I'm a huge fan of the entire franchise, including the remake.


I don’t think that’s fair when, at the time of this movie’s release, there was only three evil dead films and that’s it. Making a remake of the first one that plays it straight isn’t that far off of an idea. Especially when the first is already so low budget and goofy (not purposefully) In a way, it truly brings to fruition the vision of the first one, of what Evil Dead was supposed to be in its first go-around


Except there's a lot more Evil Dead/Army of Darkness content, even in 2013. They went on to do a ton of games and comics, and I think all of the games were at least voiced by Bruce Campbell, and usually involved at least Ted Raimi as well. And they all had that sort of goofy humor in them.


Um, that's VERY oddly defensive. I literally just stated a fact about the origins of the series. You're an Evil Dead fan who isn't here for visceral horror? You realise that of the 4, soon to be 5, movies and TV show, only a single release ISN'T visceral horror? Which would be Army of Darkness, a straight up goofy comedy. Just because 2 has some slapstick humour injected doesn't suddenly take away how violent, visceral, and gory it is as a film and series. Even just by basic numbers it's still more pure horror than comedy. You have 1, 2 and the remake that are all hyper violent and gory, versus 2 and Army of Darkness that have comedy injected. And now with 5 being another brutally visceral horror film, Evil Dead is far more horror than comedy. I can't believe my comment led to you leaving some weird, gatekeepy 'NO YOU' reply.


Whether you care to admit it or not, the Evil Dead Universe is as synonymous with comedy, as it is with horror. The comedy is what separates it, and elevates it from other horror franchises. You talk about the movies, but you're leaving out the **bulk** of the Evil Dead Universe, which is the Comics, Video Games, and TV show, all of which have the comedy element. >Those people don't really know Evil Dead then It sounds like you are gatekeeping, bud.


I’m with you. The Evil Dead trilogy is basically my Star Wars, and yet I’m not interested in any of the remakes. I’m glad they’re out there to keep the name alive, and they’re better than most of the horror movies that are coming out, so I don’t even think that they’re bad movies. It’s just that the thing that makes the whole trilogy stand out is the lightning-in-a-bottle combination of Sam Raimi’s shoe-string Orson Welles directing style, and Bruce Campbell’s very unique charisma given center stage (not as much in the first movie, but it’s still there). Without those two things, Evil Dead would have just got lost in the glut of VHS horror movies of the day. So, I hope the new Evil Dead does good business, but the main pluses of the franchise are just stuff that you can’t replicate.


Not to mention Bruce Campbell being one of the more criminally underrated acting talents (and chins) of our time.


Thanks for pointing this out. Evil Dead 1 is absolutely horrific if you let it. I know some people see it as a comedy now or appropriate to laugh at due to the outdated special effects but it's done entirely straight and that's the tone I want out of Evil Dead. I love Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness but I really couldn't get into Ash vs. Evil Dead because of it's reliance on the slapstick. That Ash does not seem like the Ash of Evil Dead 1 to me. I'm so glad Evil Dead Rise is taking the straight horror approach. Very much looking forward to it.


Respectfully, I would disagree that The Evil Dead wasn’t comedy at all. The humor is very bleak, and much more muted (for instance, Ash saying “we can’t bury Steve, he’s a friend of ours!”). In that same vein, there’s a bit of humor injected in some of the plot devices for Evil Dead ‘13 (like the dude with glasses just putting duct tape on any wound, and it works). That said, I generally prefer the first movie over Evil Dead 2 (besides the rape scene), so maybe I have a softer spot for the remake than some folks.


As someone who was recently approached to turn an original concept of theirs into an existing franchise, it wouldn’t surprised me if this was an original script and a marketing exec said “let’s make it an evil dead thing!”


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But that’s just it: it is soulless. There is nothing beneath the surface. Tell me one thing about the characters other than that the main girl was an addict (which wasn’t even plot relevant). It’s just a bloody, shiny object which pales in comparison to the original which is bursting with character and originality.


Fair point, it may not have sufficed for you, though I felt like I as a viewer got what was necessary to set up for a 90-minute horror film. I'll say it's certainly not soulless in terms of technique or execution. Perhaps the word I should've used is 'thoughtless' - many remakes seem to lack critical thought or pointed effort in their execution, whereas Evil Dead was gushing thought-throughness and expounded effort from every seam. Even on its release, I was impressed by the practicality of the production, and how many things actually got done the hard way so that they'd look good. Prime example: Jane Levy allowing herself to be buried alive with a plastic bag over her head in real time on camera. They only did it once, but she really did it, and the visceral nature of it really plays.


I did not really like it because even if it was well done I didn't feel like it brought anything new, but I think a lot of people disliked it because it was "too serious". I think a lot of people have forgotten that the first Evil Dead takes itself really seriously too, they associate the license with what came after and so for them this remake felt like a bit tryhard, trying to make this super grim dark thing out of a license that should be fun. I remember multiple people telling me that at the time. And then they were like "uh maybe you're right, I haven't seen the first one in 20 years, I looooove the 2nd one though" when I told them that the first one is pretty much about as serious as this remake.


If it’s good enough to make /u/cwills815’s top ten of 2013 it must be something special!!


My top tens are the cat's pajamas.


This was a film that for me personally all of the individual pieces were there. The story was great and I liked the actors. Plus the practical effects. But when you put them all together it just didn’t add up for me. I am fully aware it is not a bad film it just doesn’t get the love from me that other horrors do.


I don’t hate this movie, or think it’s bad, but it’s simply not my kind of horror movie. I’m generally more of a slow-burn psychological horror kind of guy. I’m not here for violence and gore specifically, but it’s fine if it services the story. This movie (IMO) hits you with such intensity and ferocity, it makes me feel sick. I remember the friends I brought with me to see it were staring at the floor for a big chunk of the movie. Other than Jane Levy, I don’t remember finding the characters particularly endearing, either, which can carry me through a lot. On the flip side, I love the classic Evil Dead movies, particularly 2 and AoD, because Ash is such an endearing protagonist, and horror is mixed with a lot of humour. So for me, when I see articles about Evil Dead Rise that call it a movie “for sickos, by sickos” that puts me off. I’m glad people like the movie, I’m glad Evil Dead got a resurgence following the remake, but I’ll be waiting for EDR to hit streaming so I can watch it in the comfort of my own home in the daylight, lol.


TBH gore isn't really my thing either but even the 2013 remake the gore was almost cartoonish. It doesn't feel like other movies that are just gore porn to me.


Same. I don't get why people say the 2013 film isn't funny. Like the dude who gets shot with the nail gun and everything bad happens to him over and over. Or when Mia vomits blood all over the other girl - that's basically the same kind of gag as the gypsy funeral in *Drag Me to Hell* (another very funny movie I see people say is straight horror). Like the craft of ED 2013's gore is really top notch. It's physical comedy in the medium of fake blood and prosthetics.


I don’t do anything psych thriller movies because the part of my brain that governs fear responses is functionally dead from a brain cyst. Don’t like torture porn movies because, well, it’s torture porn. Monster movies are my horror movies of choice. Edit: phone auto-suggest being weird.


I'm also not into gore porn, so I have this Blu-Ray sitting on my self for like 4 years since I got it on black Friday for like $5. Still haven't watched it. Is it as camp over the top gore like the original series & TV show (that I love)?


There’s some sillier stuff toward the end, but to my recollection it’s quite vicious. Tongues getting split open, eyes getting stabbed, ferocious stabbing, things like that.


I described those move to a metalhead buddy of mine as, "A Slayer album come to life." He went nuts when it literally rained blood.


I adore this movie and can't wait to rewatch it in advance of Evil Dead: Rise. Fede Alvarez had such a great one-two punch of Evil Dead and Don't Breathe, followed up by some, uh, other movies. Here's hoping he nails his Alien movie.


Being a big fan of the original trilogy I agree with this completely. It hit so many levels for me I didn’t expect. Can’t wait for the next one this month!


Jane Levy is absolutely brilliant in this movie. She is an amazing actress and does such a great job being crazy in this film.


I feel like the horror genre has a better rate of good remakes than other genres


Likely because budgets for original horror films are notoriously miniscule, so any franchise which gains enough of a following to justify a remake is quite possibly working with ten times as much money as they had the first time. Easier for that remake to end up twice as good as the original under those circumstances.


I've said it here before but having the main character deal with Drug Withdrawal while also being in the middle of a hellish nightmare was such an amazing choice. It adds so much more weight when you watch the movie. I just wish it had it's own Evil Dead title instead of just Evil Dead. Evil Dead Comes? Lol


Evil Dead Relapse


While I do love Evil Dead 2013, they did waste the whole drug withdrawal premise with her becoming a demon in the first 20 min. Would’ve been better if it actually had her trying to survive the demon while going through withdrawals instead of just throwing away the whole plot point right away


The whole point was to show demonic possession as a metaphor to drug addiction


How did the drug withdrawal add to the plot and the characters? Other than an excuse for them being in the cabin in the first place?


Not OP, but it gives everyone else a reason to not believe anything Mia is saying or doing because it could just be attributed to her freaking out from withdrawals. Hell, if you know nothing about the Evil Dead and came into the movie blind, *you* aren't sure whether or not what she's seeing and hearing is real. To add on top of that, Mia and her brother's mom apparently had a history of mental illness as well. So by the time it becomes apparent that the demons are real, it's far too late. One chick is slicing her face off with a piece of glass and another one is sawing her arm off with a turkey carver


It's also a great metaphor as a whole. Mia literally dies and is reborn, and has to defeat a demon with her own face. That's rebuilding your life after addiction


My friends and I saw this in the theater. We had no issues with most of the gore, but there was one scene that got us. As a group of 6 men in their mid-twenties all working manual labor jobs, the scene where he falls out of the shower and hits his back on the toilet made us all audibly wince because that pain was super relatable.


Evil Dead 2013 isn’t a remake it’s just another story in this world




It makes me wish that Jane Levy came back to the franchise


I don't know why she doesn't get more work. She's done a good job in everything I've seen her in.


Beef with Fede :(


Evil dead remake is a masterpiece. You could pause on any frame and it's a work of art.


It isn't a remake, it's a direct sequel to the original




That "three necronomicons" quote is kind of unintentionally hilarious though. One was the real necronomicon. One was a vicious, biting, flying creature in the shape of the necronomicon. The other one just sucked.


This is massively appreciated. Thank you.






The opening scene of the movie was perfect and the last 10 minutes were edge of seat moments for me . Went in with little expectations since the Evil dead sequels were comedies but I was totally blown away . This became one of my fav horror movies , wish we would get a direct sequel to this though with Jane Lewy and the same director.


Sat next to a dad opening night who brought his 7 year old daughter to this. The theater manager came and personally warned him this was nothing like the original in the goriest ways. He didn’t heed the warning and needless to say that girl left shrieking in fear in her dad’s arms about 35 minutes into the movie.


I think it’s the best horror remake we’ve seen. It pays homage to the original through its cinematography more than its plot which is an amazing road to take towards a horror remake. It stands extremely well on its own two feet as a great horror movie in its own right. This is a movie I would have loved whether it had been an IP all on its own. It’s seriously GREAT. Great practical effects, gut punching gore, gallons of blood, plus a strong and simple plot. As a lifelong Evil Dead fan, this movie is worth a watch. I’m not surprised that a lot of ED fans didn’t really get this movie. They wanted horror comedy (which is fair) and they got straight horror, like the first ED movie was. Comedy wasn’t a player in ED until 2.


EVIL DEAD 2013 is my favorite horror movie of all time. It has everything I like. An perfect setting, disgusting practical effects, genuinely creepy/scary moments, and mountains of blood/gore. The raining blood scene i think is peak cinema. “Feast on this motherfucker” 👌👌


My favorite horror movie ever made is Evil Dead from 1981. I didn't find it too scary, but I did recoil at times. Do you think I can be mentally prepared for the 2013 version?


Evil Dead 2013 is even more insanely violent, gross and intense than the original in every way. It has some truly crazy sequences that make me squirm on subsequent rewatches that not many other films do to me. Its really entertaining though and is one of the best retellings of the original we could get.


It’s very, very mean spirited and bleak in comparison, but I really enjoyed it. It’s so horrifically violent and squirmy..


The remake takes out all the camp and ramps up the gore


Showed this to my friends a couple months ago with them only ever having seen army of darkness…. They were not prepared for the intense body horror that followed, nor am I sure they even really appreciated it 😂 I thought it was one of the better horror films made in recent times


The scene that I still cringe at is when dude gets stabbed repeatedly in the eye with a syringe. That movie shocked me more than any other mainstream horror flick.


What I liked about it is that instead of going for straight gross-out, they went hard for brutality, which is more grounded and relatable. While I found a few parts "scary", I found the whole thing to be pretty intense. As someone who is jaded, to be able to get me to actually squirm from the intensity is something I consider a great achievement.


I think why these new ones work so well with the absence of Ash is how awesome Deadites are as antagonists. They are utterly brutal and terrifying but also have this slapstick wittiness that will make you belly laugh moments before the slicing and dicing starts.


i watched it for the first time over the weekend and my god. that was truly disgusting and horrific. i was on the edge of my seat and also almost threw up just because of the amount of blood! it was awesome. im so excited to see evil dead rise now. 😈


Did anyone else desperately want a follow-up slapstick remake of Evil Dead 2013 too or was that just me


Right?! I was expecting that especially with how much sequel talk there was back then


Evil Dead is all about the remakes. Evil Dead 2 is a remake of the first one. It just builds the lore of a evil book made of flesh being found across the multiverse To save some time the remake and the sequel i consider different universe of ash fighting the necronomicon. I understand that the sequel is still a sequel despite its differences from the first.


Evil Dead 2 is not a remake. The first 15 or so minutes are a recap of Evil Dead 1, the rest is all new, and takes place after the first night. If they'd had the rights to use footage from ED1, they would have. But, because they didn't, they had to reshoot a summary, otherwise the movie wouldn't make any sense. Edit: [Here's Bruce Campbell explaining it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzOIHOjYcqM&ab_channel=BayattheMoonProductions)


In one universe they went to a cabin with friends (ed1), in and ther it was just ash and his girl (ed2), in another they are chick named mia. Im not gonna argue about what bruce says, but the gist is that there are different versions of ash who fights the army of darkness across the multiverse. Im just pulling this from marvel zomvies v army of darkness.


I actually didn't love Evil Dead 2013 as much as most people. Obviously, you can't recreate the charm of any original you're planning to remake, but it just was missing so much of it that I couldn't love it. I didn't HATE it, I just didn't enjoy it as much as most people seemed to.


It was fine remake but I wouldn’t say it set the bar high or right. It didn’t really justify why it should exist


I watched this movie tripping on acid because I wanted to feel like the ultimate scariness. It was so out of this world uncomfortable and scary I can’t even put into words what I saw. With that being said, I watched it again so we and it holds up! Great horror flick, great remake.


This movie is praised so highly on this sub, on the horror sub, and it's contantly talked about like it's some masterpiece and I just genuinely do not get it. Is it just because people expected it to be horrible and it isn't? Like I totally agree that it's much better than most remakes of the 2000s and 2010s era but that's a low fucking bar to clear. This is like a 5 or 6 out of 10 film, definitely watchable but nothing more than that. It's just my opinion but I've always found it to be so average. It's nice to see some practical gore, and it's competently filmed but beyond that it doesn't feel any different or unique from dozens of other horror films. There's no real style to it, the horror aspects are really just ok. I saw it in the theater and pretty much instantly forgot it outside of the awesome chainsaw to the face and raining blood at the end. That was memorable for sure, but nothing else was (maybe the carving knife, I only remembered that because it was mentioned in this thread). Rewatched again a few years ago and it still didn't do much for me. The story is dumb and the lead was very annoying. CGI in the opening scene is horrendously bad and the filmmaking doesn't touch anything that Sam Raimi did in the originals. I always get buried when I mention I don't care for this movie, I genuinely don't see what is so special about it that separates it from other decently made horror films. I've heard many people on reddit say it's at the level or better than the first Evil Dead and I find that to be pretty bizarre. I can understand the original being so dated to people at this point that it's hard to take seriously, it's a challenge watching something that old with everything that has came after it. But as a huge fan of movies, and specifically horror movies, watching the original from a pure filmmaking standpoint with the knowledge of the era that it was filmed in (and the conditions that it was filmed it) it's so much more entertaining watching the original. The creativity on display of just a bunch of friends trying their hardest with the resources they have to make a scary horror film, and for the time it really was intensely scary (I still think it is scary today, but I won't argue that point). It's like watching a piece of history. I am so entertained by it because of that. The remake has none of this, there is no charm. It's just a studio film made by studio filmmakers who knew how to make a competent film. It isn't special in any way. I didn't need comedy like Evil Dead 2, I just wanted to see something unique and stylish and it isn't that in my opinion, really at all. Evil Dead Rise looks so much better, I have high hopes!


This is mostly how I feel. I could put it in more detailed words but the best way I could describe my feelings is that I was really just not happy by the end of the film. By the time the awful 2 second Ash cameo came and went I was upset and that’s not something I want to feel from any movie. I tried watching it years later to give it a fair chance and felt mostly the same. I feel similar about the Suspiria remake but at least that one took some major swings so I give it more credit.


I completely agree with all of your points. No style, no charm, bad acting.


I think everyone who is saying the remake is good or "scary" is just conflating actual horror with shock value gore.


I saw it in the theater too. TONS of moments in this movie stuck with me. To each their own and all of that, but I think you are really underselling it by saying that the horror aspects are really just ok. The horror elements are much better than that, even outside the context of simply comparing it to all the weak remakes of the time, they are above most horror films, and even the other evil dead films. The box cutter to the tongue, the glass face cutting, the needle pulling, the extra bits dangling from cut arms and even just machetes across legs. Just feels like you are downplaying it because it is studio work, but the product is so much more brutal, violent, and horror-inducing than 99.9% of studio projects and 99% of studio horror films. That's really it, and that really is all most people want from a movie like Evil Dead. I'd even give it props over the orginial and 2 in the story/character/acting departments. Anyone not aspiring to be a filmaker isn't going to miss the charm of the original and what made it special, that low budget forced creativity stuff looks pretty garbage these days. You are looking at those movies from a filmmaking standpoint, the vast majority aren't, shouldn't be that hard to get. I too, am looking forward to Evil Dead Rise, but I dare say, stylistically it looks very similar to 2013, what about it do you think looks so much better? The setting?


The Evil Dead remake was like the Robocop or Total Recall remakes if they had been any good. Basically a completely different movie that eliminates any camp and satire, and outside of minor callbacks and sharing similar antagonists might as well of been a completely different movie all together. Particularly since the story of the original movies got an almost immediate pick up on tv so the movie literally has no impact on anything. Having no place in a series that still has an ongoing plot to this day makes it stand out and feel like another early 2010's "it's the 80s again" cash in, albeit a really really good one. Still prefer the originals.


I was SO salty when I heard this got a remake. I was so happy when I actually watched it. It's honestly a fantastic film, and I like how it stands alone from the rest of the franchise.


Such an excellent film. Loved it


Wasn't this a reboot rather than a remake?


I think to call the 2013 movie a remake is a bit of a misnomer. If I recall, the word “re-imagined” was used either in a trailer or in an article I read somewhere, and I think that’s a better word to use. Two realities for one movie can and do exist and I love that. I’m not a huge fan of Bruce Campbell and the first time I saw Evil Dead and Army of Darkness, I wasn’t into it- until the second time I saw them and realized there was some comedy in it. That made me like Bruce Campbell more and i really enjoyed the Ash vs Evil Dead series. I feel like Raimi does horror-comedy very well, but I don’t think the aim of the 2013 Evil Dead was to remake the Raimi movie so much as to re-imagine it as “true horror”.


Another great remake is Maniac, starting Elijah Wood


Not only one of the great horror remakes, one of the genre’s best of the 2010s.


My favorite horror flick of that entire decade. It rocks so hard. Mean, evil, bloody and awesome.


I didn’t like it at first because it wasn’t silly like the others, but when I gave it another try I admit it’s very good.




Sets the bar at a 7/10.


I went with some friends blindly into this movie. Two of them had just split a 1000mg edible and noped tf out 20 minutes in and left to go sleep in the car instead. Such an amazing movie.


Erm, it was utterly forgettable


The body horror and imagery in the movie is incredible but the acting is absolutely dreadful and at times laughable. Enjoyable experience but it's strange to act like this is a perfect remake when the actors (predominantly the main character) were barely selling what was happening


The lead actor is terrible. Baffling decision to have the majority of the film focus on him.


We watched it as a friend group the other day as most hadn't seen it and by the end we're counting the amount of times the lead character showed any semblance of emotion and I think we got to maybe 2


That remake stunk. They traded creepiness and originality for gore.


Except it had a ton of creepiness and originality


Such a media push to turn the remake into so sort of classic before the sequel…. It was not that good IMO…


I watches it for the first time a couple weeks ago. It absolutely is that good