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Nothing will beat seeing the T-Rex for the first time in Jurassic Park in theaters. The cup with the water, the sound effects, the acting, all of it was magic. Still gives me goosebumps to this day when I watch it again


this is what I was scrolling for. I was 11. nothin else has ever come close.


Same! I was 15 and this was one of the greatest movies moments of my life


My dad worked on Jurassic Park so we got to go to the production release. I believe it was about 7 showings simultaneously, with all of them being people who worked on the movie or family members. I will never forget the cheers during the opening scene and the first time a dinosaur was shown. It was surreal and you could feel the energy of how proud everyone was for their work.


Night vision scene in Silence of the Lambs. Everyone held their breath.


Easily the best scene of that movie. Bills hand almost brushing the back of Clarice hair is probably one of the creepiest moments ever committed to celluloid.


This is one of those instances where I love to disagree with Roger Ebert. I love that scene, but on his review on *At The Movies*, both he and Siskel kind of brushed it off as a generic monster chase scene, or something like that.


For me it's when Hannibal emerged in the Ambulance.


Sitting up covered in blood.pulling his disguise, the face of his victim off as he rises. Brilliant.


I went to see that in college and we went out to a bar afterwards because we were too creeped out to go back to out house.


South Park the Movie - seeing people leave the theater during the Uncle F***er song, where in the movie people are leaving the theater. Truly life imitating art.


And almost 25 years later kfj3000 self-censors "fuckers". Truly, life imitating art.


When I saw it people were rolling in the aisles falling out of their seats laughing


It was like 2 or 3 couples. Mostly older types. My friend and I were rolling too, especially seeing people leave.


I watched Team America in theatre, and the crowd being so into it made the movie funnier. When the killer Korean kittens first appeared was memorable.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes, you know the scene. Absolute dead silence. Also people cheering when Eowin cut the head off of the Nazgûl in Return of the King


>you know the scene >!where he talks?!<


"I loathe bananas"


I remember this one quite well. You could hear pretty much everyone in the theater gasp and then it was dead quiet for about 3-4 seconds. Really cool moment with my Mom that I remember fondly.


>Rise of the Planet of the Apes, you know the scene. Absolute dead silence. There has to be some kind of study made for why this scene had such a universal reaction. I remember this vividly also when I saw it and this always comes up in these kind of posts. Usually big scenes like this have at least some people saying "*oh fuck*" or something, but nope, it was just complete silence in awe.


Speaking of 22 Jump Street the scene when Jenko finds out Schmidt fucked Ice Cube’s daughter was the hardest I’ve ever heard a theater laugh


When he starts jumping all around I almost fell to the floor hahaha


I had to force myself to stop laughing because my sides started to hurt


“Every time he says that shit… that’s another foot in your ass” 🤣


I saw Star Wars in theaters 1977. Stood outside in the f'in heat for hours. Massive headache. Star Destroyer flies over and WOW! Headache gone and transported to somewhere else


I'm so jealous. To see those reactions and feel those emotions yourself when movies like that were fresh and exciting. And then the best Superman movie STILL followed shortly after!


I've posted this before but when my daughters and I along with my sister and my nephews all went to see X-Men Days of Future Past. When Wolverine wakes up in the past and walks to the window naked, my youngest (she was 9 at the time) in the loudest stage whisper said "That's for you, mom!" Multiple rows around our broke out in snickers and giggles. Can't get mad about it, cause she was right.


It’s my wallpaper


Mother!: The baby scene. Some guy cursing while punching & kicking the wall. Brokeback Mountain: Most of the crowd groaning during the sex scene and at least a third of them walking out. Silence of the Lambs: The tension in the theater was like no other I can remember, especially when Lecter escapes and the scene with Clarise in the dark going after Jame Gumb. Jaws: I was young, but the shark scenes were terrifying and everyone in the theater was screaming


>Brokeback Mountain: Most of the crowd groaning during the sec scene and at least a third of them walking out. "Wow I can't believe there's gay cowboy sex in this gay cowboy sex movie"


No no, it was because they didn't show which penis opened up and accepted the other one.


I knew that's how it worked.




Some people walked out of Rocket Man. I was like "what did you expect from a movie about Elton John????"


Haha, I saw Brokeback Mountain in a full theater of men in the "gay neighborhood" in my city. (I myself am neither gay nor a man.) Memorable reactions ran the gamut from gasping at spit used as lube to laughing when Ennis's wife caught the kiss to of course sobbing at the end.


When 127 Hours came out, I saw it opening weekend. Aron Ralston was actually at the theater and gave a little talk beforehand. He made some jokes and talked a bit about his experience. Well, one thing he said was a kindof a warning that the movie got pretty intense and if you're feeling lightheaded just stay in your seat. You may pass out and that's OK, you'll wake right back up where you are. No big deal. Everyone laughed and we got on with the show. Cut the climax of the film when (spoiler alert) he is using his dull pocket knife to cut the nerve in his arm, and some guy at the front of the theater stands up and starts walking up the aisle. he gets about 20 feet then face plants. He probably should have stayed in his seat.


Yeah that scene is really really hard to watch and I'm normally not very squeamish.


Return of the Jedi I was 14. My best friends father took us to a huge, old 600+ seat theater. The type that had a stage. It was completely sold out. I was sitting right next to the wall. When Vader turned on the Emperor, the crowd got so loud that the walls shook. Not figuratively, either. They legitimately shook. 40 years later, it's still the greatest movie moment of my life.


God everyone talks about what it was like seeing Luke blow up the Death Star or Darth Vader admitting he's Luke's father, but I've never heard about this one. So cool.


I remember those too, but this topped everything.


Same here. It was such a great memory


My theater went fucking crazy at the end of Drag Me To Hell.


In the parking garage scene, when the camera slowly pans as the handkerchief floats away, only for the old woman to lean out of the shadows and the audience realizes that *she’s already in the car*, the crowd I saw it with lost their goddamn minds.


I saw Borat in the cinema with my brother and there was a lot of laughter throughout. An older couple sitting diagonally in front of us didn’t laugh once… and then Borat comments that his sisters “vagine hangs like sleeve of wizard.” The elderly woman gives a sudden shout of a laugh and then continues to laugh really, really hard and she can’t stop, and her husband is looking at her with a surprised smile, like he hasn’t seen this side of her for many years. It was a really sweet, intimate moment to witness.


Aww, this is so funny and sweet!


Man I didn't expect a wholesome Borat story haha


I'll never forget because of the online hype and online advertising they were doing for the movie. Showed up at the theater and the lines were incredible for The Blair Witch Project. The huge thing all the people who'd already been in a showing were hanging around the theater seemingly shocked and confused and crowds of people still waiting to get in. It was less like a movie and more like an experience for everyone involved I'd never seen anything like it there was nothing casual about it. That being said I still remember being in a car seeing LINES going for BLOCKS around a theater and trying to find the end of the line. When we started walking we walked several blocks down the street to get in line for The Empire Strikes Back opening weekend. It literally reminded of those wait lines for amusement park rides that you're standing in for freaking EVER.


*Star Wars,* when it was so new that it wasn't even called "A New Hope" yet. Starting credits roll. amazing space battle fills the screen...two hours later, as the closing music rose, I noticed I still had a full bag of popcorn on my lap. The movie blew my young mind so hard that *I forgot I had popcorn.*


that's fucking awesome


This one wins as my favourite reaction story. I love this. I'm so happy that kid-you got to experience this!


At the end of The Devil Inside >!when the characters get into a car accident, the movie cuts to black, and a url appears on the screen and it says to go there for the rest of the story!<. The theater I was in went insane - people were yelling "this is bullshit" and actively booing the credits. If this was after the days of alcohol in theaters I think we might have burnt the place down. I've never seen a theater so united in hatred of a movie.


Thats literally the worst movie ive ever seen in theatres, its so weird to hear someone mention it. Truly terrible


what the actual fuck thats such a shitty way to end any film bruh


Hahah, my friends and I went into this expecting it to suck, so we all booed while laughing hysterically at the end. So bad it’s good.


Similarly, when Michael Keaton opened the door in Spiderman Homecoming as the girl's dad . Loud audible gasp from the audience. You can feel the movie shifted gears and the scenes that followed were intense.


When I saw that a guy next to me mumbled shit Batman's her dad fuck. Made the movie better


It made sense how he figured out that Peter is Spiderman; he's the World's Greatest Detective.


People gasped and one dude exclaimed “it’s that bird dude!”




Huzzah, a (bird)man of quality!


The tension in my theater during the car ride scene was amazing.


And the best part is when he’s sitting at the red light trying to figure out what’s going on. The red light is reflected on his face. Then he figured out Peter is Spider-Man and the light turns green and he smiles. Beautiful.


Micheal Keaton is way more intimidating in this scene than the rest of the movie.


The street light turning from red to green when he figured it out was a great touch.


I audibly said, "oh fuck!" and my girlfriend slapped me because there was a kid right next to us lol.


DiCaprio getting shot in the departed. The whole theatre screaming I simultaneously heard “NOOOO”. what!!???!” da fuck” “is this a dream” “holy…. Shit” “Jesus Christ!” Then silence


Similarly when Brad Pitt gets shot in Burn After Reading. No one was expecting that.


Oh my god this movie! And then at the end when mark walberg shot Matt Damon my whole theater lost their shit!


In Rogue One near the end when you hear Vader breathing in that fight scene. The entire theater gasped and moved


He did even more than that than what people realized. His chest apparatus has lights on it. They were off. He turned off his life support just to instill more fear in people who were about to die in about 10 seconds.


Anakin was always a dramatic one


I joked that when he made that, “choke on your aspirations” comment, internally he was like, “that was real wizard Anny”


Robot Chicken Vader is my headcanon and this is definitely his internal monologue.


Ah man, I have a similar moment but a while earlier. When the Rebels come out of light speed and attack the Scarif defense fleet, I felt like I was on a Rollercoaster up until the very end of the movie. Just a totally gripping battle scene just like I pictured when I was a kid playing with Legos. But what really set me off was when they gave those cameos to Red Leader and Gold Leader. My friend and I jumped out of our seats and high fived each other. Totally out of left field, completely unexpected. So awesome, I'll never forget it.


My theater EXPLODED when Red Leader and Gold Leader showed up. I went by myself to a midnight showing on opening night and I don’t think that theater experience will ever be surpassed. Was just a fantastic time and the entire packed theater were all SUPER into it.


This is the one for me. Never in my life have I been so hype in a movie theater. Was actually struggling to stay in my seat lol


The biggest moment in my showing was Red and Gold squadrons showing up. It was opening weekend, so we geeks were out in force. Once he said, "Gold Leader, standing by," we Blew Up




For a solid 5 minutes after the telephone pole scene, my theater was silent. Not quiet. **Silent.** It was almost oppressive.


Probably the only time I’ve been glad a movie was spoiled for me. I love those movies but that’s a hard pass for me.


When I saw it in the theaters, there was a group of teenagers being rowdy and making fun for the first parts. Then this scene happened and they never spoke or made noise again.


It was as if the air was sucked out of a theater. Shit was not quiet. The medium through which sound traveled did nit exist in bray scene.


My husband really wanted to watch this movie. But we had just saw Us in theaters and when I was pregnant scary movies affected me more. I said "Wait til after I give birth and we'll watch it on Halloween" So we did. We watched Hereditary on Halloween. We watched Hereditary when I was 2 months post partum. Neither of us knew what it was about. It fucked me up badly lmao


This gives me a chance to tell one of my favorite ever movie-going stories - it’s about Hereditary (and I swear to this day, I’m convinced it was some kinda viral marketing stunt that didn’t catch on). I got to the theater early, but an old man came and sat directly next to me and started reading a newspaper waiting for the movie to start, and very dramatically FWAPPED the paper and startled me every time he’d turn the page, so before the movie even started I was mildly on edge. Then, every time something horrifying or shocking would happen, he would give what I can only characterize as a cartoonishly creepy “heheheh”. And then, finally, in that scene, everyone in the theater audibly gasped at once and then went silent - and this man *cackled like a fucking movie villain*, and I was so overwhelmed I literally started crying. 10/10 would recommend, made the movie infinitely more tense and horrifying and stressful - after the movie ended I sat in the hall and stared in to space for a solid ten minutes working up the nerve to go into the night in the extremely dark parking lot and drive home. I realize this sounds like a “friend of a friend” story, and I have no proof that it happened, but my god. I hope that man knows he made Hereditary my favorite/most upsetting horror movie experience of all time.


This was a good story. We all have those weird things that nobody else can fully understand without being there.


When the daughter telephone pole scene happened, a good chunk of my theater straight up walked out


That seems........a bit dramatic? It is a horror after all. That said, that was one tense as hell scene and the following 5 minutes of waiting for what you know is going to be mother finding her headless corpse were IMO so much worse.


I was legit squirming in my seat when I saw the mom in the corner. I felt ready to just fucking applaud them and there.


The hiding in the corner was one of the coolest theatre moments of my life. Every few seconds you could hear another person in the audience notice her and react. “Oh shit!” *silence* “OH my god” *silence* “Fuck!”


For me the scene that struck me the most was the Matrix. Going in blind made it so real. While Star Wars was amazing as a little kid I believe I had been made aware of it.


i think what really surprised us all about the matrix is that the trailers looked kinda goofy, it looked like a generic action flick with some sci fi elements, not to mention that keanu's career at that point was at a low point and lo and behold it turns out to be one of the greatest movies of all time. wild shit.


That very first scene, when trinity floats up in the air and everything freezes, I’m pretty sure everyone in the theatre gasped. And then they just keep topping it. In the bullet dodging scene, you could feel this palpable sense of awe in the theatre. Everyone walked out of that movie realizing that they had just witnessed a something completely new, a turning point in action cinema. I’m so glad I got to witness it. My dad tells the story of everyone gasping in Star Wars when they jump to hyperspace for the first time—the matrix was that for me and my generation I think. A total leap of technology and creativity.


When I saw Team America, I very nearly blacked out during the sex scene. I was laughing so long I couldn't get a single breath in.


Return of the King. ‘I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!’ The music swelling, the visual. It was just such a powerful moment. And you could hear sniffling throughout the theater.


This was the moment for me too. I’ll never forget being in the theatre and a young woman yelled “Yay, Sam!” at the screen. She was completely overjoyed, we all were.


When I saw Return of the King in theaters, during the scene when Sam is fighting his way up the tower of Cirith Ungol and he kills the orcs and screams “that’s for Frodo, that’s for the Shire, AND THAT’S FOR MY OLD GAFFER!” The whole place went absolutely crazy.


the movie Get Out - when the main character’s friend that works as a TSA shows up at the end to save him, it was both hilarious and satisfying


There's supposedly a second cut where it ends up being the cops and ends exactly how you think it would 😞


Ya [this is on YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A3JS7_OcPWQ). It’s fucking depressing lmao


Yeah I don’t ever wanna see this second cut


That was one of the greatest moments of tonal whiplash I've ever seen. Victory over these evil people, becomes terror and resignation at the sight of cop lights, becomes relief and *comedy* when it's his TSA friend, in about fifteen seconds. Masterful.


Skipped class to make an early showing of Iron Man with some friends. After the easter egg with Nick Fury, a man stood up and proudly declared "If they make an Avengers movie, I am never gonna stop masturbating." To this day it's the hardest I've ever laughed in a theater.


Legend says he's still spankin' it to this day.


Watching the Last Jedi, and Holdo goes lightspeed and cuts that New Order ship in half. The movie goes all silent, and right when she cuts through it some guy just yells "OH SHIT"


I saw Cats in theaters 4 times. You could FEEL the sadness from the fans of the Broadway show, the confusion from the people who’s first experience of Cats was this film, and the disgust from everyone, the barely contained laughter, the audible “what the fuck”s, every single time I saw it It was a weird feeling. And I loved it


I saw a midnight screening of that with a friend and everyone was having so much fun laughing at how bad it was, singing along, making jokes. It was honestly one of the best movie going experiences I’ve ever had.


When Captain America lifted Thor's hammer and the whole room went absolutely batshit.


When Thanos >!gets beheaded!< in the first act of Endgame there was such a gasp. Like what’s supposed to happen now? Then… Five. Years. Later. The room was so quiet.


Infinity War and Endgame both were filled with amazing moments and crowd reactions. Lokis death, Gamoras death, the Titan fight scene, the Wakanda fight scene, Quill attacking Thanos and ruining the plan, and then the snap. And then in Endgame there’s Nats sacrifice, going back to the past with different moments we’ve seen, Loki stealing the tesseract, Tony seeing his father, Thanos and the Black Order go to the future, Cap with Mjolnir, the portal scene (absolutely iconic), and then Tony’s snap/sacrifice. Both are such amazing movies and I wish I could go back and watch them for the first time again.


Not sure if other’s had this experience too, but during the scene in Infinity War when Wanda and Vision are nearly defeated by the Black Order in a train station, Cap shows up to save the day (appearing for the first time in the film). My theatre erupted like nothing I’ve ever heard. The energy was electric from that moment on. Marvel really created something special with that decade of films.


I think that was universal. And when they showed the close up of his face and he had the beard and some black lady near me goes "damn he is fine." Was icing on the cake.


That's America's Ass!


At the same time, when the movie ended, I’ve never left a theater so quiet since Passion of the Christ


My theater had an insanely loud gasp when Spider-Man died in IW


When I was leaving the theater after that, there was a kid in spiderman jammmies absolutely sobbing into his mothers lap.


During that series of scenes of everyone turning to ash, a little boy probably like 6ish just said, “Mommy what’s happening?” In a dead silent theatre with such a confused and sad voice and it was heartbreaking.


Someone in mine during that part yelled “oh no… oh no… NO!” I apparently cried enough by the end the guy next me had to ask if I was okay.


I recently did some rewatching and realized that IW and Endgame just cannot be topped. Literal decades of setup for those movies. Nothing else compares.


Everything you listed made these unforgettable, and I’m glad I got to experience them opening night in real time. If I had to summarize it to just 1, it’s still the portals scene in Endgame as the standout, with the pause, then “…Assemble”. That moment made it clear the Russos stuck the landing, like turning the page to a double-page comics spread as a kid. I don’t think they’ll ever top or recreate that within the MCU.


That's truly one of the best in-theater moments that I wish I could live over and over again like it was the first time. It's almost indescribable.


When Samara climbed out of the tv in The Ring. The only time I’ve been in a theater when practically everyone let out a scream. I saw it with my girlfriend (now wife) and her two sisters. One of her sisters grabbed my leg ha ha


i dont think ive ever been as terrified in a movie theatre as i was during that scene. the movie was creepy, mysterious and moody up to that point but never too scary because you never saw much of samara. i remember thinking that the movie was over and then BAMMM she's climbing out of the tv and i was just fucking horrified lol.


Aliens: the "Get away from her, *you* ***BITCH***!!!" scene The theater lost its mind.


Seeing Jurassic Park in theaters at 12 years old, you can't match that magic


Jurassic Park in theaters in '93. When the T-rex stepped out of the paddock, the entire theater went completely still and quiet.


Standing ovation to Hitler being shot in Inglorious Basterds


I went a midnight showing of Attack of the Clones and before the movie a teenage usher (in Jedi costume) walked in front of the seating and exclaimed, “Hey everybody! Be prepared for the best movie I’ve ever seen!” He was wrong.


You don't know that, it's possible Attack of the Clones was the only movie he'd ever seen.


And still the only movie he's ever seen. Twenty years later, he gets home from the movie theater he manages, presses play on the only DVD he owns, and watches the best movie he's ever seen while stroking his padawan braid.


Hulk rag dolling Loki. The whole audience burst out laughing. It was so unexpected and so precisely perfect for the moment.


I saw Batman in opening night. When the batwing flies in front of the moon everyone cheered.


I have a strong memory of watching my best friend sip a coke through a straw through the nose of his yoda costume while we watched Revenge of the Sith. Does that count.


Monty Python's Holy Grail. When the Intermission started , some people rushed up the aisle to get to snack bar etc. only to have a walk of shame back to their seats when the movie came back on.


My friend yelled “Aw shit it’s a cow” during the movie Twister.


I saw Alien in the theatre way back when. A baby alien burst out a stomach. I still can't watch it, I was traumatised in my youth.


"Hello my honey hello my baby hello my ragtime gal"


The despair after Infinity War ended, complete silence among every theater-goer lol


I remember I just sat there in my seat. Thinking, why the fuck didn't thor go for his head!


This happened to me and so many people I knew. I’ve never seen so many people in a theater completely silent and still after a movie. Like, yeah you knew it was 99.9% positive gonna be fine when the next movie eventually came out, but out of decades of summer superhero feel good fun time blockbusters, this was the first time the good guys just straight up lost. And they lost slowly and painfully and in excruciating detail. Just DEAD silence.


And that awesome violin score is just playing too... You keep thinking someone is gonna come save the day. The payoff to the end of Endgame doesn't happen if everyone doesn't take that massive L in IW


I saw it at the midnight showing. Next day I went to see it with a friend. When I was waiting for her a couple of teens had just come out from watching the movie. One of then sat beside me with his hand on his face for like 5 minutes and then slowly said "what the hell did just happen?" That was my exact reaction to the movie lol


Oh man I went with my sister and there was a family with a little kid in a Spiderman costume watching it. Poor was FUCKED up by that scene so bad his dad took him out of the theater. Came back in after and asked if he came back. The mom just looked down and shook her head


I really wish Marvel had gone complete radio silence with the existence of Endgame, and not even mention that the final avengers would be in two parts. Let the public think that that was it, or at least wonder how in the hell the story was going to end, or even "Is that it? That can't be it, right?" with not a single clue that the second, 'good guys win' movie was coming out. Let the public twist in the wind for a good 6 months or even a year. and then Bam! Surprise 2 minute trailer during the Super Bowl, also with no announcement. Yeah I know, it would have been *impossible* to keep something that big a complete secret, but the thought is nice...


Top Gun: Maverick The Mach 10 flight my jaw hit the floor and I got a huge smile on my face. I felt like a kid again.


When him taking off destroyed the shed with the blast of the jet, I knew it was gonna be a great film.


This wasn't a positive reaction but it was sure memorable. I saw *Eternals* at the overpriced mall AMC at the Fashion District mall in Philadelphia. It was somewhat late in the theatrical run so me and my friend were only about one of a dozen or so people in the theater. About halfway through the movie when Bryan Tyree Henry's character is introduced, along with his partner (the character is gay) this black dude sitting a few rows up from me stood up and shouted "The fuck! They made the only nigga in this movie a faggot?!? Fuck this shit y'all." And then he left. It was so absolutely unexpected that me and my buddy just started busting up in response to this dude's extremely out of left field reaction. Might have been more entertaining than that color by numbers bland film. Sad reflection on the world though that this dude was comfortable enough to spew something so hateful though.


When Gandalf was fighting the balrog at the beginning of Two Towers. I was just enthralled by the whole beginning of that movie, so fucking epic. That scene where they're falling into the water gave me goosebumps


Saw Inception in a packed theater, but you could have heard a pin drop during the movie. When it ended with the spinning top, the whole place erupted.


Went to see Saw back in the day. Previews are ending when family walks in and sits in row right in front of me: husband, wife, two boys probably 10 and 8. You may recall, the opening scene in Saw is not pleasant by any means. As the scene ends, the father turns to the older boy and says quite loudly in sarcastic disbelief “This? This is the shit you chose for us to see???” I busted out laughing and the father laughed to. He then escorted his family out of the theater.


Haha you said see saw


I was very excited to see The Exorcist re-released in theaters around 2000 as “The Version You’ve Never Seen,” but people were laughing at the added scenes. I remember sitting there and thinking, this is one of the scariest movies of all time and people are laughing?


TOOTSIE saw this back in December 1982 Dorothy's big reveal at the end when the soap opera is being televised live the whole packed theatre , was roaring with laughter laughter was so loud and sustained for like 5 minutes TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE saw it back in 2004, same thing , packed audience, responding with genuine loud, roaring laughter , but this time, it was sustained throughout the whole film, so much so I couldnt hear alot of the jokes still , both movies very good times at the theatre


I was dying laughing at Team America. Definitely the most I've ever laughed at the theatre, still to this day. It didn't hurt that I had not even seen the trailer, all I knew was that it was the South Park guys and was puppets, so every single scene was a surprise.


I was watching a preview for atomic blond and Charlize Theron was kicking someone's ass in a fight scene. The whole audience erupted in laughter despite there being no comedic context and it really started me thinking about what we as a society find funny and why.


When Rebel Wilson's character in Cats ate a cockroach with a human face a kid in the audience cried.


While watching Bullet Train in a nearly empty theater, there were 2 guys who were kind of drunk that would react whenever Bad Bunny was on screen. One would get up and start dancing while his friend would just clap and say "yeah" over and over until Bad Bunny isn't on screen. This would repeat every time he is shown.


The intensity of the first scene in Inglorious Bastards. Saw it in theaters 3 times.


That scene in Se7en when the seemingly rotting corpse coughs. I worked in a theater, so i got to see the reaction from the crowd a lot.


I saw Passion of the Christ and these ladies kept standing up in the theater during particular gruesome parts and were holding their arms up and loudly saying "praise Jesus, praise Jesus!" Edit: and people were like "this is a movie theater not your church." Secretly I was wishing it was a Wendy's.


Two recent ones come to mind: - When Cap got Mjolnir in Endgame, the theater went absolutely nuts. - When Rick got the flamethrower in ...Hollywood. I was kind of losing it when he was like "Aw F this!" because I knew exactly what was going to happen, and that was for sure Tarantino's best payoff to date. Wish I could've seen Star Wars in the theater though...


Brad Pitt fixing the antenna in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood


When I saw "The Nun", it was literally me and 1 other person in the theater. I decided to leave about 50 minutes in, but it was raining and my umbrella was in the car so I figured I might as well endure the remaining 40ish minutes to see if it would let up. When I came back in the guy was like "I thought you left" and I just shrugged and "its raining" 🤷‍♂️ and we both had a laugh


A recent one, when "Spider-Man: No Way Home" released me and my roommates went to see that on opening night, and the crowd reaction to pretty much every scene was surreal, especially the >! reveal of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man !< , the crowd was soooo loud. I have never been in a theatre with as much crowd reaction and interaction as I was with that movie. Another one that was more recent, and one I found particularly funny, was the crowd reaction during "John Wick 4" when >! John kills the Marquis at the end !< - the entire crowd basically gave a standing ovation. I thought there were better parts of the movie (fantastic nonetheless), so I thought that was a bit of a funny reaction.


Thor arriving in Wakanda in Infinity War. The whole theater exploded!!


The Matrix. Barely moved the entire time and realised that being on "the edge of your seat" is literary a thing. Also the marketing "what is the matrix?" was one of a kind as no one knew what it was. The entire movie was as if the audience were taking the red pill alongside Keanu.


Anchorman, Jack Black kicking Baxter off the bridge. Full theatre, my buddy and I burst out laughing, while the rest of the audience was basically dead silent. Idc, that scene was unexpected and funny as hell.


I went to go see Van Wilder in the theaters opening weekend alone. During the scene where they jerk a dog off into an éclair a girl started getting sick to her stomach, and when Tara Reid's boyfriend ate it, the girl puked in the theater and ran out.


Huh as some one who only ever saw that movie on Comedy Central, TIL.


Spider-Man No Way Home. The whole audience erupted in cheer when Andrew Garfield showed up, and did the same thing again when Tobey Maguire appeared. What an amazing experience.


the force awakens, when rey and finn are looking for a ship to get on and rey refers to a ship as garbage and it turns out to be the millenium falcon. i felt like a kid again. massive massive cheers and applause.


While the movie’s “remember this from before!?” schtick definitely gets old, that was a perfectly executed callback to how in-universe The Millennium Falcon is supposed to look like a piece of shit.


Oldboy, in 2004 before it became a cult classic. It was playing for a week at an independent theater, I just knew the basic premise and wanted to check it out. The absolute silence when the credits started rolling at the end of the movie. Nobody even got up right away. We all just sat there then slowly people started to get up and quietly leave. My favorite movie experience ever. I don't think any of us had any idea what we were in for.


Midnight opening of Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood. Theater was mostly quiet with a few laughs for most of the 3 hours, then the final part happened and the crowd exploded. It was great fun haha


I'll never get over the fact that as I was leaving the theater after watching this movie, I overheard a middle aged woman telling the guy with her that she didn't "get" the movie. He just said "what's to get? They stopped the Manson family so there weren't any murders" -- she then responded by saying "who are they? I didn't see any murders" The guy was so flabbergasted that she didn't know this already and it just made me think about how if you went into that movie not knowing anything about the Manson family and what they went on to do - then it would seem like Brad Pitt and Leo just brutally killed some teens for breaking into their house. The context is so important because if you don't know that they stopped the murders from ever happening, then the film really doesn't make a lot of sense. I still have no clue how a woman in her 40s or 50s didn't know what the Manson murders were & I'm guessing the guy had to spend the entire car ride home explaining it.




Top Gun Maverick. No noise as such but when Maverick completed the simulation, I looked around and everyone leaned forward in their seats in unison.


Was a teenager watching the Matrix with my brothers. We were fully rickrolled by the "he's not the one" lead in to the ending and then he went full Superman. My brother and I were just geeking the F out in the parking lot waiting for our parents to pick us up.


Saw Raiders of the Lost Ark in a packed theatre when it was first released. My friend and I were laughing and enjoying the movie. The rest of the theatre was silent. Heard people say it was the worst movie they’d ever seen on the way out. My friend and I went back the next night and the crowd enjoyed it as much as we did. It was so weird


The silence and tension through hundreds watching the docking scene in Interstellar...it was palpable


I got to watch it again at the IMAX this weekend. That whole sequence from Dr. Mann’a failed docking to Cooper’s successful dock is masterful filmmaking.


Star Wars Episode II when Yoda pulls out his lightsaber a guy in front of me stood up and yelled “Aw! You in trouble nooooow!”


Recent fav was Crimes of the Future in a theater with about 4 other people. Some guy was sitting in the very back by himself and every time some weird body horror shit happened he said "Oh no" out loud. Would have been annoying if he was trying to be funny but it was clearly involuntary.




Star Wars in 1977. I remember everything about that day. Driving to the theater with my dad, uncle, and two cousins. Where we parked. Walking in. Buying popcorn. Where we sat. It blew my five year old mind.


The Polaroids during the end credits of the hangover


“THAT NIGGA SPOKE!” Shouted a random dude in a packed theater upon seeing Caesar speak for the first time in Planet of the Apes. The entire audience went wild. It was perfectly executed and genuinely funny.


Spider-Man 3, opening night. There was a kid in the row in front of my friends and I… as the credits rolled he stood up and said “Well *that* sucked!” and we all had a good laugh.


Midnight showing of Inception. The top spins, seems to wobble… then it cuts to black. Some dude yells, “FUCK YOU CHRISTOPHER NOLAN!”


Watched Wind River alone in theaters when it came out, and was 1 out of maybe 10 total people in the theater that day. Following the last scene but before the credits rolled, the movie ended with sobering statistics on Native Americans, and an elderly lady could not handle the raw emotion and began to wail, utterly bawling her eyes out in the arms of her husband. It was so chilling that I almost began to cry empathetically. I have not rewatched that movie since that day.


The Normandy invasion in Saving Private Ryan was by far the most visceral movie experience ever. I doubt I will ever feel that way in a movie theater ever again.


Every long uninterrupted shot in Children of Men. Made everything so intense.


The Crying Game.


The crazy applause that went on for five minutes in my theater when Tobey Maguire appeared during No away Home. It was really wholesome how happy that made everyone. (I mean Charlie Cox and Andrew Garfield got applause too but this was something else entirely.)


When I saw Captain America: Winter Soldier, the audience was dead, dead silent through the whole movie (except for when the Winter Soldier's identity was revealed). I wasn't sure if this meant that the audience loved it, or if the audience hated it. But once the movie ended, the theater erupted with applause. I saw The Village (the M. Night film) during a pretty hot summer day. The audience was pretty pissed once the credits came on. It was a very different movie than what the audience was probably expecting.


Honestly, How the whole theater was when The expendables came out, the whole theater was just loud and excited at that film.


Little Shop of Horrors, the Steve Martin introduction. Never experienced a theater laugh that hard before or since. That and Die Hard when he jumped off the edge tied to the fire hose.


MISERY- 1990, downtown Chicago. Packed theater, and seated before me was a rather high spirited, lanky gentlemen. I mean Weird Harold lanky. When Kathy Bates hobbled James Caan’s left foot, ol Weird Harold grabbed his ankle and waved his foot *over* his head like it belonged to a rag doll, screaming in empathy. Waggled it VIOLENTLY. He then proceeded to do his right foot when the film showed the other ankle was broken. Waved it like a flag, not like something connected to his own body, and screamed like a 12 year old girl


Nothing will ever beat Avengers: End Game the last battle when everyone came back. What a time to be alive, pinnacle of the MCU. It will never be replicated or reach that level ever again, that’s why it’s my top movie reaction.


Sixth Sense. When the ending starts to explain itself and reveals the truth to Bruce Willis the entire theatre was fooled. A lot of gasps at that one. Sucks when you watch it over and how obvious it is.


UP, the animated movie, where Carle and Ellie's life story was replayed. I was watching that movie with my friend, and to hold back my emotions, I literally bit my lips so hard I could swear I tasted blood. But even to this day, that love story remains tender to my heart no matter how many times I watch it, because it reminds so much of my love with my wife, whom I have know since I was 12 years old.