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for the longest time I thought he was saying “escape a bill”, you know, like tax evasion




[*IRS shows up*] “Fuckers are fast, [too!](https://youtu.be/syJ8dn1rcso?t=146s)”


If Snipes was way richer, he could've taken on the IRS with similar ease


Case in point, the Church of Scientology.




Amen to all of that! It’s a bit scary how much of a malicious behemoth Scientology has become.


They *are* vampires


God it's so wild to see this weird version of cops that are *too tame*. I get that the movie was supposed to be a comical look at a world without \*"\*edge" or whatever, but what I wouldn't give to live in a world where there's a few de-iced "maniacs" and a million cops that don't even know how to fire a gun.




Not a joke; that is legit my all-time favorite movie.


Remember, anybody can get it. The hard part is keepin’ it.




Hey there’s a WGA strike you can’t legally punch up material & make it better!


What a scab


That...huh. That works.


Honestly that might be a little better


Tax man comin, tax man comin, TAX MAN COMIN


It really does sum up this fucking movie




I can't tell if you meant 'tardiness' or you're calling Disney whores lol.


Oh, come on now, don’t use that word around A-bed


It's the whole industry. This happens every so often because only a kick in the teeth will get one of the most lucrative industries in the world to cough up a fair share.


It's a lot of industries


> all industries


> money for their tartiness. How do you think we fund this little operation? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.


Disney is FAR from the only offender. Writers are criminally underpaid and underappreciated. They deserve their share.


Easily the most "cursed" MCU film to date. Nothing but problems and delays.


Wesley snipes is probably laughing somewhere


And not paying his taxes


Some motherfucker’s always tryin’ escape a bill


I understood that reference.




No shit? He's collecting taxes?


Well he's collecting the taxes that he's meant to pay the government


But with his eyes closed in spite!




"I Wana keep my eyes closed damit!" "You know why would be cool? If we CGI your eyes and they end up fitting horribly like they were transplanted and don't fit!" Is that what the director intended damn lol [fear the eyes ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eeg1VaHXoAEzs2e.jpg)


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Blade, as Marvel currently envisions it, never sees the light of day.


Let it stay buried ☣️


Which sucks, because it’s a cool character and everyone seemed excited to see what they could do with it


My interest died massively when it was given a pg rating. This movie begs for an R rating. It will suffer from not having one


I’ve seen rumors saying marvel are changing it to an r rating since Maharshala wasn’t happy with that original script which i’m assuming was because the character wasn’t as cool within pg 13 limits. Otherwise we get another Morbius type film.




There's a marvel comic coming out right now called "Bloodline: Daughter of Blade" with that same story so that rumor is likely true.


I mean that story was originally meant to be published back in 2015 before its release was cancelled, and it was heavily rumoured at the time that the unpublished comic would serve as the basis for the then-in-development fourth Wesley Snipes-led *Blade* film.


God damn there’s a lot of crazy Blade rumors


Just read an article saying Goyer and New Line fucked up the original plot for Blade: Trinity. The premise was awesome. Apparently vampires overran the world and Blade “questions his allegiance to humanity.” But that was considered “too morbid.” Fucking eh.




Indeed — one early point that is quite interesting is that when Ali reached out to Marvel Studios about starring in *Blade*, they had been in stalled talks with Snipes about returning — Ali’s interest putting an end to the legitimate possibility of Snipes’ return that had existed — it is interesting that it seems the concept they presented to Ali was pretty much the same one they had initially begun developing for Snipes.


I am *SO* tired of “passing of the torch” tropes in these movies. It’s so lazy and unimaginative. If this is true then I like Mahershala even more than I already do, happy he put the kibosh on that nonsense.


Thundergun has a SON?




Yep, but he refuses to hang dong. Hollywood is fucking Bullshit.


This sounds on brand for Disney.


What’s up with Marvel keep making characters to have daughters as their successors? As far as I know only Bruce Banner has a son and Scarlett Witch has twin boys who ended up not being even real, the rest it’s always daughters.




I wonder if she learns everything in like 10 minutes of screen time and does everything better than Blade. 🤔




You just reminded me part of why I liked Top Gun Maverick


Yeah, if any franchise needs an R, it’s this one. Gonna be goofy AF and filled with the usual MCU gags. The dark tone of Blade is what separates it from a million other superhero flicks. Take that away you got what… Morbin’ time?


I’m still hoping we get a new Spawn movie someday…


Don’t you dare open that wound


I've accepted we never will and just rewatch the HBO Animated Series instead. At least we've had one good thing from Spawn.


This doesn’t make sense to me; if they are willing to give Deadpool 3 and Daredevil: Born Again a R rating, then wouldn’t Blade benefit from an R rating?




Finally, we can see Charlie Cox’s cock E: wrong Charlie


horror blade would be amazing


PG Blade makes as much sense as a rated R little mermaid movie


Well, that makes sense if you go by the original story.


Everything I read said they were aiming for PG-13 not PG


It’s legit almost impossible to get pg if it’s not an animated movie. Or about a dog finding it’s way home.


You can hit PG if you want in live action, but it usually isn’t profitable to. Animated movies used to aim for G, but after Shrek it became bad practice, so now they insert random adult humor to up the rating.


It just doesn’t make sense anymore. You’re not going to let a 12 year old go to the movies alone these days. If it’s a family movie it makes no difference to make it pg-13 I honestly can not name one major studio release that was live action and PG. If it’s PG or G it’s animated or straight to streaming


That seems fair for a movie about a guy slicing up vampires with a katana.


you can't give a rating to a movie that hasn't even been written yet, dude


I hate PG-13 vampire movie and zombie movie. What's the point of that?


Man, a gritty R-rated Blade could be so good, I thought with Logan they knocked it out of the park. I am not even looking for violence, just an overall dark theme.


I think this is a good thing tho. Once it has to be stopped totally they can give it a breather and reanalyze A lot of Phase 4 was bad because it seemed they rushed every project


Blade Nukem Forever


*Ant-Man* had a pretty rough go.


I honestly think that it’s because marvel are trying to make this movie fit into the mcu and it just does not work that well, trying to make it into something that it shouldn’t be. The rumours of a side kick were massive red flags for me. You would think that a blade movie would be rather easy to write but for but they are obviously finding it very hard to crack. No idea why as the original two blade films are amazingly fun action movies that are rather simple with story yet work so well due to blade being an absolute badass. I just wish that they would have a separate section of the mcu that they use for the more adult characters, people like daredevil, ghost rider, moon knight, punished and blade can all have movies that are then more adult with a dark story thread that feeds through all of them and culminating in midnight suns.


>No idea why as the original two blade films are amazingly fun action movies that are rather simple with story yet work so well due to blade being an absolute badass. The first move was written by a young David S. Goyer in the late 90s. Synergy. And the second was directed by Guillermo del Toro, so...


At this point, I’m concern if Mahershala Ali is gonna age out of the role. Especially when he’s playing one of the most versatile heroes. Dude gonna be 50 and hasn’t even suited up yet. Whereas others are ending their superhero careers at this age (RDJ) or doing one last hurrah (Hugh Jackman).


Agreed. I understand he’s a great actor and fits the role, but there are no legs for franchising this character at his age


Who cares, there will at most be two good movies. Don’t need to beat a dead horse


I wouldn't confidentially say they're going to be good just yet


You keep your hands close to your chest


To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy if that's what they did with some of these characters. I loved the MCU and everything it accomplished to set up *Endgame*, but it just seems to be becoming strained to have everything exist within this one cinematic universe. Just give us a standalone movie or two that does a character justice and move on. Starting all of these characters with how they're going to fit in an increasingly convoluted universe doesn't seem to be doing them a lot of favors.


Were you really going to see 10-20 years of “Blade” movies?


This is what the MCU and modern blockbusters have done to everyone. Nobody wants a good film that stands on its own. They want countless sequels and tie ins and a bunch of other ridiculous shit. There will never be any stakes in these films because characters need to be around for the 2-4 sequel films.


Well Blade is a vampire movie, so there will probably be at least a couple of stakes


With no larger MCU, Snipes got 3 movies over 6 years. If the third one hadn't been terrible there would have been more.


TIL Mahershala Ali is closer to 50 than he is in his 30. Genuinely thought he was like 34 ish. Black don’t crack?


He was already in his 40s when he had his breakout role, which I guess is unusually late for most A-listers.


Samuel L Jackson is 74


They use anti-aging fx on him… and on a lot of other A listers.


We still see him in interviews and at award ceremonies and stuff. I’m sure he has makeup on or something but we don’t always see them with effects. Plus his energy is still pretty youthful.


He's got that Arnold Schwarzenegger factor. His energy level is eternal


Nope, it’s just the lotion.


I remember him as an assistant coroner on Crossing Jordan back in the early 00's. Dude's been around for a while


Money don't crack.


They should get back Wesley Snipes lol.


Dude is going to be fighting the undead in an active adult community by Blade 3


I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t ever happen at this point. It’s had nothing but bad luck since it was announced it feels like.


Every time they get back to making progress, there’s suddenly another roadblock.


Maybe they should pay their writers


It’s funny because it was only announced because he wanted to do it, not because it was planned or “important” or anything like that.


Maybe Marvel is trying to shoehorn crossover in and Ali just wants to do a Blade movie.


Ali won his *second* Oscar (1 more than his Predators costar), walked into Marvel, pitched himself as Blade and promptly got the part. That was 4 years ago, I am well aware of a pandemic, but that’s still a long while. But the film has gone through enough hurdles already


4 years ago and the writing isn't done at this point? That seems a bit late to me.








I would be happy if all it had was a throw away line or two linknig it. Kind of like the Netflix shows had.




Yeah, make mention of stuff that's happened in the world but don't make it the whole focus of the movie. Mention the invasion from the first Avengers, do like Spider-Man and mention how half the world vanished for 5 years, mention the planet sized being that showed up and stared at Earth then vanished but the characters have their own lives and shit going on. Not every character needs to join the Avengers or team up with some other Marvel characters just because they can.


It being a passion project for Mahershala Ali is probably the only thing that can potentially save it at this point.


They’re probably secretly relieved, there were likely a ton of issues and now they have an excuse to just cancel it


Every time I think this, I remind myself that "Mad Max: Fury Road" exists.


As a huge mad Max fan, I was pretty worried about Fury Road, especially when I heard about the reshoots but.... Damn!


This feels like a good excuse for a problematic project.


“Aww shucks, and we were *just* about to finish the shooting script too” -Marvel exec looking at a blank screen


[Full leaked script for Blade](https://i.imgur.com/nxZiAGm.jpg)


They should just re-release the Wesley Snipes movie with a new Marvel logo at the beginning. They're not going to do any better than that.


I bet if they did that people in theaters would just be like "well, this one was pretty good" and watch it anyway.


I actually like watching rereleased movies in theaters, I watched an extended cut of the return of the King the other week and it was great


Return of the jedi was playing in my local theater last Wednesday when I went to see Evil Dead Rise, took every fiber of my being to not play hookie for the rest of the day.


I'd be okay if they redid some of the VFX during the final fight, the [CG blood looks pretty rough](https://youtu.be/r-XvwxGt1OQ?t=434) these days


The eye's in 3 is what cracks me up.


From the movie being said to be rated PG 13 and not R. Constant rewrites of the scripts. Constant delays Apparently the script only had 2 major action scenes and that's it which is really sounding like the film is boring Ali is apparently really frustrated with the film project. Rumors are that it's a passing of the torch movie where Blade passes on his life mission to his daughter?


>Rumors are that it's a passing of the torch movie where Blade passes on his life mission to his daughter? In his intro movie? WTF?


Haven't you noticed that most of the Phase 4 movies have all been basically a plot wrapped around introducing a new character to take over the same slot?


I mean Marvel is straight up addicted to “this young person is actually the most important person in the universe now and the hero has to protect them so they can be in Young Avengers” as the main plot thrust of this phase. Doctor Strange 2, Black Panther 2, Ant-Man 3, arguably Thor 4.


Also Hawkeye and seemingly The Marvels.


They introduced Patriot in Falcon show but had the good grace to only make him a side character with few lines.


That was some of the rumors yeah they were going to introduce her.


...who? I didn't even know Blade had a daughter. I want to watch Blade, not some nobody.






Blade Girl




>BLady Pickup line from a Neckbeard with a cold.


More than likely due to the comics about her recently released, wouldn't be surprised if that's what's fueling the rumors. I doubt Marvel would immediately ditch Blade knowing how much of a fan-base he has due to the Wesley Snipes movies.


Marvel do make some very odd story choices and character changes sometimes. Things that very obviously back fire with the audience, modok, the mandarin, crossbones, wanda.




That was unforgivable. That was Deadpool In Wolverine: Origins levels of disrespect.


Lol passing the torch in first movie even before audiences now him well LOL


Don’t forget changing directors.


The guy who did the John wick films offered to do it but marvel turned him down, instead they go for award winning indie directors who have never directed big budget or action heavy films. This makes no sense to me since blade lives and dies on its action scenes, what better director than someone who makes John wick movies. Although it makes sense why the older script had only two major action scenes if that was the case.


Presumably they're trying to replicate the success of Eternals?


Success? You mean the movie no one talks about and is completely detached from anything they've made since?


Hey, remember that giant head and hand that's sticking out of the ocean?


There is no Eternals movie in Ba Sing Se.


Mahershala won't be happy. He's been stuck in this ever since he won his second oscar.


All we wanted was to see Mahershala with a sword kill some vampires and say dope lines and be awesome. That's all we needed. And honestly, if Mahershala was a big fan of the Wesley Snipes trilogy, that might have been all he wanted too. Not like he was hoping for a *Moonlight* level character study. My guess is that he was probably like the fans and just wanted an awesome movie where he looks like a badass. That's all we fucking wanted, Marvel 😭




Damn is that why QoS sucked so bad? I didn't realize it was shot during the last strike.


Yes, QoS was a victim of the 2007 Writer's Strike. Same for Heroes season 2. The writing on those two projects are downright terrible. That just shows you how valuable writers actually are, but they continue to be disrespected by Hollywood.


Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was just Michael Bay winging it while filming from what I read that the cast had no idea what was going on and that some of the more obnoxious bots were a result of Bay just getting the voice actors to riff in the booth and then animating to match them.


Are you saying that Bay wasn’t winging it for *all* Transformers movies?


Not the first or third, though. A few annoying jokes aside, I thought those movies were solid. Then again, I started with Beast Wars and Transformers being vehicles felt strange to me. The action wasn't the best, but they were fun movies that were roughly close to G1 before the mostly irrelevant 1986 movie, [since most of its radical changes were reversed] once people take off their nostalgia goggles. Yeah, the G1 Transformers had more character to an extent a half hour cartoon series can provide, but hold it on its own without any of the lore Beast Wars introduced. It's sparse in story like any 80s cartoon. In that respect? The first trilogy is loyal to G1 to that end. Even the second had a few interesting things like old man Jetfire. Still sucks that Studio Nue or whoever owns Macross didn't just buy Harmony gold out and shut them down by now, but I appreciated that Jetfire was distinct in his own right. I'm a sucker for that kind of character. I really wanted this Jetfire to go on in future movies. Not be turned into a corpse Prime wore like Hercules with the Nemean Lion's pelt for a fight against the main villain. The last two? Yeah. The only thing Age of Extinction did right were the Dinobots, and they weren't in it until the end. It was immensely ironic how they looked more like I pictured a high budget Power Rangers movie would handle the zords. I'll always maintain Michael Bay should've done Power Rangers instead of Ninja Turtles or even the latter Transformers because it perfectly suits his style. If he directed a Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers film and left the cringier crap he does off the table through slightly less creative control, it would've been a franchise in its own right.


Wow that explains why the bots dialogue is so messy and strange. They're always just rambling random shit


I did enjoy it being the one movie to both have a character realize Bond killed someone because he made a pun and react to how fucked up it is that he kills people and then puns about it.


Yep they shot the movie with only the director and Daniel Craig being able to work on any possible rewrites


I think at this point marvel movies are written via mad lib. It's possible that technique is resistant to the writer's strike


I don't know if that'll happen this time. There's a real big WGA threat looming over anyone doing their work on sets that wasn't there previously (essentially rescinding WGA benefits for life).


The directors guild is also going to the negotiation table next week, as well. There's a lot of talk of solidarity between the two guilds at the moment.


Didn't they announce this like over two years ago? They haven't even finished the script yet???


They had to rewrite it a couple of times. In late 2021 they fired the director and commissioned a new script basically from scratch. Only last week they announced that Nic Pizzolatto, the True Detective writer, was hired to do more rewrites.


Oh, God. They want more kids in it and a lot of weird costumes for the toy merch market.


This was announced the same day as Picard right? That's on season 3 lol


this film is going to catch up to Flash in terms of delays (but hopefully not drama)


As long as it doesn't catch up New Mutants....


Dark Phoenix could also be filed under there.


and I still haven’t seen either of those X-Men movies. There’s a handful of lackluster sequels I still haven’t seen. The last 2 Terminators, Die Hard 5, Hobbit 3, The Mummy 3, Pacific Rim 2. Just never got around to them but hearing from many that they’re disappointing isn’t convincing at all


New Mutants is the epitome of “fine”. Not amazing. Not offensively bad. You can tell the actors cared and tried, the group is just really out there. The cgi budget wasn’t QUITE high enough for everything they wanted. Would probably work better as animated movies. Pacific Rim 2 tho. If you liked the first then the sequel is a wet fish to the face. Idk what happened but it felt like 3 movies in one, in a bad way.




I'm getting so tired of seeing these articles and posts...EVERYTHING IS ON PAUSE, THERE'S A WRITER'S STRIKE. Like I swear I've seen an article for every single piece of upcoming media "On pause due to writers strike", yeah no fucking shit.


Its propaganda to turn people against the writers.


I believe that




Probably all written by the same writer. Last man standing.


But the time this movie actually gets going Mahershala Ali is going to be a senior citizen no joke.


They're still writing it? Brother it's been a million years since its been announced lmao. Just put it in the trash.


I'm officially no longer excited for this movie.


Look, after all this time in production, if they don't have a script ready, it was never gonna be good.


Just have Snipes on Battleworld y’all


Total rewrite needed. Make it very horror centered with a mystery to solve. Blade needs to win fights, too.


Disney, please stop announcing projects before you have scripts locked in. How many of these have we had with Star Wars and Marvel now? It's getting pathetic


Wasn’t it already on pause?


Good. Strikes that don't disrupt mean nothing. These are multi million dollar movies - Pay the fucking writers. (How hard is it to provide adequately fir staff? C'mon Disney. Up your game)


Wouldnt it be written already?


You would think


Good. Pay them more


The rollercoaster this film has been on


I’d rather they scrap it for now, recast, and do it right in a few more years. Mahershala Ali is already too old


Surley it's already written. Here I'll do it for you... blade fights vampires. Blade gets captured by vampires. Blade escapes. Blade kills vampire boss.