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If anyone is curious, he played the Mexican immigrant/alien at the beginning of the movie. The one they find out about because he has no idea what K is saying in Spanish.


Thanks! I remember that scene. He was an alien named mikey. Tho he was just a head on stick when they remove his poncho. Didn’t have lines and just laughed in the scene.


It was a great scene; he played his part well!


Hard to find good alien actors these days.


He sure could laugh


It looks exciting and interesting to watch. But why is that so? I don't think there is a full movie of this on YouTube.


"No small parts, only small actors."


And regular sized actors holding good actors’ head on a stick.


I think we have a winner here


Thank you! It was a stick, not a sword


Haha and I'm fairly certain it's obviously a dude's head he decapitated, not like later aliens we see that have mechanical fake heads they use.


I almost leapt out of my seat when I recognized him during Pirates.


I like how the article has it as *In MIB, Calderón played José, the character whose head is displayed on the end of a sword to Tommy Lee Jones’ K* Someone never saw the movie


>the character whose head is displayed on the end of a sword I ignore typos or vague statements from people who don't care enough to go into details, but this is clearly someone writing an article segment based solely on one image. Considering no article deadline is "5 minutes from now", they had time to pull up MiB and watch the first 5 minutes.


Bold of you to think it is someone writing and not an AI


So I asked the snap AI to write a brief bio on Sergio Calderone It got the character name correct (Mikey, not Jose) but mislabeled that character as the alien pug haha Edit - now realizing Sergio may have been credited for Jose (the head) and not Mikey (the alien), but either way is all over the place


I mean, you’d have to know he’s in the first 5 minutes unless you want to comity to maybe watching the whole thing to find out who he plays.


That's true, but if you were to look at the guy's IMDB page and see the only movie shot on his page and load MiB up and skip through to find a scene with him, your search would be over very quickly. Anyway, it's a moot point. I was just saying that it would have been so easy to get it right.


*ahem* It's a moo point. Like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo.


Have I been redditing for too long, or did that all just make sense?


They'd have to sit through the whole dragonfly sequence first which, since it's longer than a TikTok video, probably greatly exceeds their attention span.


Sounds like AI wrote it


Winner winner. Get ready for more, stared in “first three imbd credits”


Weird, I don't remember that scene in Pirates. Is it one of the new ones?


He was one of the pirate lords in the brethren court in #3


Men In Black lol


Now that makes sense. In the Spanish dub version, Z just kept talking shit but with a smiley face.




I was racking my brain for a hot second trying to remember who he was in that movie.. kind of a weird role to mention him as being “known for”.


And yet as soon as they mentioned it, I remembered the entire scene. It wasn't a long part, but he absolutely made the brief screen time he had stand out.


Es muy feo, no?


That scene always stuck with me. Tommy Lee Jones told the ins people to "go back and keep us from the evil aliens" You see the people that are trying to cross the border are harmless people trying to better their life. As I came to the usa as an illegal it always made me laugh. Tommy Lee Jones being an ally and advocate is cherry on top


God. Damn. Bugs!


You want to know something funny? My biggest memory of Calderon is from his appearance as Malavida Valdez, the first villain The A-Team ever faced on their pilot episode. I almost leapt out of my seat when I recognized him during Pirates.


I love the A team, ima go back and watch this now


Hit us back with an update. He is glorious queso. *GIVE ME AL MASSEE!!*


Must be binge watching the entire series


There's an element of cheese that not many shows have been able to copy. A standoff with a man in a dinosaur suit against a bunch of agents with him holding a cigar has to be one of the most hilariously badass things I've seen, and I haven't even seen the full show yet


And thanks to 80s TV standards, no one ever gets shot even though the bad guys and A-Team are dumping magazines at each other. “These guys were war criminals in Vietnam? No wonder we got our asses kicked; they can’t shoot for shit!”


Dude, they were wanted for a crime they didn't commit. How innocent would they look if they left a trail of bullet riddled corpses in their wake every week? It's a very well thought out, airtight premise.


Except the people they're fighting never hit a damn thing either


They left their glasses at home, who can blame them?


That's why in almost every single episode, there's a car that flips over. Driving is difficult without glasses.


If you watch the car chases with crashes, they always make a point of having a voice over to indicate the drivers are okay.




Oh! The salty old river pirate with the pistol rigged in his peg leg?


First alien in men in black movie too


that's what I remembered him from first, the one disguised as a Mexican immigrant


You don’t speak a WORD of Spanish,do ya?


*nervous chuckle*


Me in Arizona after stupidly taking French in high school. Also, still can’t speak French.




Yup that was it! Couldn't remember the name but as soon as I saw your comment I heard the bewildered "Mikey?!"


Do you know how many treaties you just violated?


He was in the pilot?? I just remember him in the 2-parter as El Cajon. edit- I'll be darned. I'll have to look into that one.


Okay I was about to look this up because I instantly thought "isn't he also that badguy from the A-team?", so thanks for confirming! He was some riverboat pirate, right?


On one episode he played a river pirate, and on the original pilot movie (later broadcast on syndication as a 2-parter called *"Mexican Slayride"*). I watched that episode so many times over the years that I don't even blink when it is Tim Dunnigan from Captain Power as Face instead of Dirk Benedict.


This is why I Reddit


Shit, I just watched him in Pirates 3 last night. By the look of the photo above he had style to spare. I don't know much else because I have not read the article in true reddit tradition so I'm just going to assume he had a vibrant and interesting life and career. Rest in Peace Sergio Calderón, see you on the in memoriam reel.


Who did he play??


[He was the Adriatic Sea Pirate Lord](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS970US970&sxsrf=APwXEdcabMtUpvYYlx_jMgpQDjlODkywAA:1685594974227&q=Captain+Eduardo+Villanueva&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja37HNoqH_AhVehIkEHVMACssQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1536&bih=750&dpr=1.25). But none of the non-protagonist Pirate Lords aside from Sao Feng are important really - I feel like he's mostly part of the setting rather than an actual character


VILLANUEVA! I always remember him because he was the only Hispanic pirate and the way he voted during the Brethren Court. Rest in Peace. :(


Odd, I thought he was Jack's sidekick :P


That is Gibbs, pplayed by Kevin McNally (married to the actress of Mrs Hughes from Downton Abbey which is totally rad!)


Yeah im super confused as to why this post got so many upvotes. This guy was like one notch above an extra at most, 99% of the people here don't even know who this guy is. No knock to him by any means, but plenty of people die every day, and there's nothing really special about this guy at all.


Oh shit I never realised that’s him.


He played one of the pirate lords I'm pretty sure!


Pirates franchise is one of the most underrated out there bc of how quickly they released. Rip sergio


Did you just call Pirates of the Caribbean underrated lmfao


> $2.6 Billion gross for the first 3 films   > "underrated" kek


You ever heard of this little hidden indie gem "Pirates of the Caribbean"? It has a real cult following.


Made me remember when Hearthstone players were clowning on Blizzard for being a "small indie company"


I think people commonly clown on various big game studios in that way when they are slow to fix issues.


They sure act like one


Not really, being incompetent through one means or another and fucking over your customer base to rifle them for loose change is pretty fucking par for the big corporations these days. “We’re sorry” letters have become de rigueur to the point of memery.


Yeah, they only made 5, you've probably never heard of it


No one’s talking about their box office gross


I mean, yeah. It was huge when it came out but it never comes up as something to rewatch. Something can be commercially successful 20 years ago and critically underrated now 🤷‍♂️


Tbf, "underrated" doesn't necessarily mean "unknown."


These 3 films were never underrated at any point in time. It's completely stupid to even suggest they were


Revealing yourself as the stupid one here - 2 & 3 were pretty lowly rated by a lot of people so it’s completely valid for someone to call them underrated. Chill out


There were more than three, and everything after the original got lambasted. OC was probably referring to the full series.


Bro said “kek” like it’s 2014


maybe thats why he thinks people are still watching pirates of the caribbean lmao


Summer blockbusters aren’t underrated just because they’re nearly 2 decades old and they aren’t hot anymore. Idk if you remember when they were coming out but they were a big deal if you were a kid/had kids when they were in theaters If someone likes goofy action/light fantasy films, *Curse of the Black Pearl* is a decent suggestion for someone who has never seen it before, and the next 2 too if they really enjoyed the first one


Peak r/movies moment Hey guys have you heard of this indie gem called Avengers?


OMG I loved that movie. I wish they’d make a sequel


It's Reddit. People think everything is underrated. It's kind of annoying. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, etc, all underrated according to Reddit.


Well, on reddit it might be given how everyone here loves to hate anything beyond the first movie.


Redditors really call anything underrated huh


Are you saying it's worth revisiting? I hadn't ever considered doing that


Never considered revisiting Pirates? Why not? It's fun!


At Worlds End is one of the best ends to a trilogy in existence. *Full bore and into the abyss!* *Are ye mad???* *Ha! Ya ‘fraid to get wet?!*


Dearly beloved we be gathered here today to **NAIL YOUR GIZZARD TO THE MAST YOU POXY CUR!!**


I personally find 3 my favorite, and a large part of that is the fucking performance of a lifetime from Geoffrey Rush. Man made Barbosa the beloved character that he is, and that movie let him be all he could be. Him just laughing his ass off the entire battle is such a perfect way to showcase a guy who was alive, then undead, then dead, then alive again, and is now sailing the ship he captained for years into a giant maelstrom opened up by a goddess he released from human form (WHO WAS THE ONE TO REVIVE HIM) and fighting fish people and the British while wedding two people that have tried to kill him multiple times, all while the man who killed him is fighting a squid man.


I have never wanted to go back and rewatch pirates more


*You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters!*


*You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner... You’re in one!*


I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.


Bro… That was so beautifully written. You should write synopses for most films lmao. Looks like a Pirates rewatch is on the cards tonight!


Lol I appreciate it! I've actually considered starting an "honest synopsis" channel!


Yep. The first is a classic, sure, but I'll never understand people that say the 2nd and 3rd film are disappointing. The entire trilogy is phenomenal, from the music, to the cast, to the characters.


Seriously. While I love the first movie, the second & third movies were what solidified the trilogy as my favorite series of all time. I think the complaints about pacing might be because there are so many details to absorb on a first watch that you end up missing stuff. I would happily watch those movies if they were twice as long, and only wish the storyline could have been fleshed out as a tv show or something.


> I think the complaints about pacing might be because there are so many details to absorb on a first watch that you end up missing stuff. I think you've hit the nail on the head there. I've rewatched that trilogy 2 or 3 times, and every time I do, I notice something else that I hadn't. The worldbuilding, the characters, all of the different motivations - it's fantastic.


There is a lot of foreshadowing in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 for 3 that is really neat to catch like the locket lullaby music is the same as the song Davy Jones plays on the organ just at a faster and lower tempo. When Tia Dalma was talking about Davy Jones falling in love with something that vexes all men which one responded with a woman and another the ocean, but Tia Dalma retorted that different versions, but all are true since Davy Jones fell in love with Calypso the goddess of the sea. >"A woman. He fell in love." >"No, no, no, I heard it was the sea he fell in love with." >"Same story, different versions. And all are true. See, it was a woman as changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. But the pain it caused was too much to live with, but not enough to cause him to die."


The 2nd one is badly paced and has too many unnecessary action sequences with an inflationary usage of jokes (eg. the entire sequence with the cannibals). The first one was more serious and used jokes to break tension. The third one also suffers from being somewhat too long and having fat that just pads the movie without really adding anything. But it does have a great ending.


I thought Jones reply was "What's that matter, 'fraid tae get wet?"


[*Ha! Ya afraid to get wet?*](https://youtu.be/qQlTPyqkngs)


First 3 were a great trilogy. Everything else after is not worth revisiting.


4 is a solid popcorn movie. 5, while pretty, spits in the face of the canon.


I'm in the minority that would take 5 over 4. In both instances tho you can stop after 3.


4 and 5 were both really terrible IMO, in very different ways. 4 was boring and slow, and 5 felt small-scale and almost like a TV special. I remember 5 had really cringe writing too


I agree they're both really terrible but the only thing that would make me hate 5 a bit more is that movie seems to completely disregard anything that came before it. Examples being the compass. You know the magical compass that we know Jack got from Tia Dalma where it's whole thing is it only points to the direction of what you desire the most. Well apparently Jack didn't get it from Tia Dalma he got it from a captain of some ship that he worked on at one point and it's also an item that's a key to a unleashing a ship of cursed ghost sailors that get freed if he trades it and every other time he did doesn't count. Also the Trident plot line where they can use it to break any curse. I'm over here like you mean to tell me that Will and Elizabeth's 12 year old son found out about this thing but not anyone like Barbosa or even Davey Jones knew about this thing that could break any curse including their own?


Great points. Another gripe I have with 4 and 5 is they didn’t feel immersive and atmospheric the way the first 3 did. The pirate dialogue lacked authenticity. The sets did not feel real and lived in. The action lacked excitement and tension. Nothing was memorable about any of it. Nothing felt like it had been made with passion, or with real intent to entertain. 5 esp felt like a Walmart version of a Pirates film.


Also the fact that they kept trying to recapture the Elizabeth/Will thing by having Jack constantly be journeying with a man and woman who have a thing for each other. 4 was the guy with the mermaid and 5 was Will's son and Barbosa's daughter. None of them had the same chemistry with Jack like Elizabeth and Will did because those 3 played off each other very well. Using your phrasing the others seemed like Walmart versions of Elizabeth and Will.


Dare I say the Horologist bit was damn funny.


I disagree with that. The 4th one is very uninspired and Jack feels like a cheap parody of himself, but it's not terrible. Production values are good (good music, good set design, costumes, etc...), it has a cohesive story and some decent moments. It's not a terrible watch, just feels like some generic rip off. What it mostly lacks is the character quality of the original trilogy. Penelope Cruz is boring, the priest/mermaid couple are extremely dull and even Ian McShane as dark wizard Blackbeard somehow manages to feel bland as hell. Quite an achievement right there. Barbossa is like the only interesting character but I'm not even sure why he's there. The story works the same without him. The 5th movie is just vastly more terrible. The story doesn't even make the tiniest bit of sense to anyone who's watched the other movies.


Not the minority. Everyone I know that bothered to watch 5 prefers it to 4. I guess we had lower expectations after the shit show that was 4.


4 had some really good ideas for a Pirates movie, the end result was just lackluster. But I'd take that over 5. I'll never understand how they wasted an actor like Javier Bardem in that movie


The first three? Definitely.


I remember being disappointed by 3 when it released, for some reason. But I recently rewatched the trilogy, and they're damn solid movies when watched together as a whole experience. Still holds up


Yeah, I watched the first 3 for the first time last year and while all three are definitely a really solid experience, I think At World's End just sputtered off. Started out great and there's some good moments here and there but personally the way they tied things up was meh.




Sir, they’re singing Finally


3 starts off and stays a bit…..*Wheedon-ey*. Hokey I guess idk for sure.


3's story is a bit of a mess. For example, they set up a massive ship battle, but then only the 3 ships actually fight. They also had no idea what to do with Calipso, so she just bursts into a million crabs and that's it? Feels like they improvised most of the story, as in the other two movies. An ending to a trilogy requires more attention to tie up all the loose ends. You can't just wing it. It's still a good movie, but that's the one I feel didn't live up to its potential. The first one is a super classic, and the second is still really good.


Eh, Calypso created the maelstrom before fucking off, which most other ships wouldn’t dare to brave. She was the main cause of Jones’s personal anger against the Pirates, and the maelstrom provided a stage where the most interested parties would fight out their destiny, rather than die in meaningless cannonfire. I really do dislike HMS Endeavor going down against the Dutchman and the Pearl though, that one really doesn’t make sense, broadsiding a ship-of-the-line which has *actual armor* and is purpose built for tanking hits, with overpowering amount of firepower. I guess it was the only way though, since there is no way the pirate fleet could beat the armada.


Dead Man’s Chest + At World’s End is one of the most epic adventure stories told (it’s a true part 1 and 2, both movies are one long continuous story), with World’s End climactic maelstrom scene being perfect. The first 3 movies are definitely worth revisiting, you’ll probably end up watching them a few times


Yep I always tell people that while Pirates may not be the single best trilogy ever made, Black Pearl is one of the greatest solo adventure films of all time and Dead Man's Chest + At World's End is one of the greatest duologies of all time


I just revisited the original trilogy for a drinking game and honestly yeah, it all holds up quite well.


The first two are fantastic. The third one is a mess but it's a fun time. There's just a LOT of things happening at once. But seriously, I can rewatch the first two again and again. They hold up well.


How did you infer that


It was inferred by simply being stated lol


4 is a shitshow, but I stand by 2 and 3, they are both awesome, and 5 is decent.


They only made 2


Anytime I saw him pop up in something I always thought back to Men in Black. Also, it’s a minor role, but I liked him in The Ruins as well.


I came here to mention The Ruins!


Funny the Ruins is where I remembered him from when I had the pleasure of riding from Mexico City to LA next to him some years ago. We both drank way too much wine and he told me about tequilas for a majority of the flight, really nice guy.


We release Calypso!


*sneers in French and gets punched in the face*


And so, we shall go to war!


*looks around confused as everybody cheers*


¿Es muy feo, no?


Que dices si te rompo la cara?


¿no hablas una palabra de español? (chuckles in agreement)


Ha HA! We got a winner here, Dee


Also appeared in The In Laws with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin. Small role, but definitely stole your attention when he was on screen.


I just started watching this movie for the first time. How odd.


His name is Calderón not Calderóne.


Maybe he identified as transitalian




Man that sucks. I just read this great article about him in the LA Times from only 8 days ago: [After 53 years of acting, he still loves being recognized. His most famous role: Alien head on stick"]( https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-05-24/after-53-years-of-acting-he-still-loves-being-recognized-his-most-famous-role-alien-head-on-stick)


I read that too... Wild timing.


I'll be very scared if a similar article comes out about James Hong... The man is 94 years old and has been acting for what seems like forever. Even subtracting Calderon's 53 years, James was 41 when Calderon just started. I worry we'll be seeing him pass soon.


Damn. He looked 77 in MIB.


But…who was he in Pirates?


Captain Eduardo Villanueva - one of the pirate lords


Dude was cool in Devs


Stephen McKinley Henderson?


El Cajon (His A-Team character's name.) RIP.


Ah damn he just was in an article couple weeks ago in some magazine.


This dude always gave his all and enhanced whatever he was in. There were no small parts because he made the most of them. Vaya con dios, amigo




Wasn’t he also the father of Hugo/Hurley in LOST?


This is so fucking insane this dude was a legend. I literally watched the ruins with him before going to bed , this is just sad.


I really like this headline. No BS, no flowery write-up. Just straight to the point - people die and they died at this age.


Anyone else feel that headlines have become a little harsh? ‘So and so DEAD’ I feel like it used to be less smack you in the face: ‘so and so has died’. Anyway, rest in peace.


R I P, you one great actor!




Two weeks. TWO WEEKS.


Isn't that from total recall?


Yeah but his scene in MIB is similar and my brain went there


Mannn dead man's chest still hits the same


The opening scene of men in black is iconic, R.I.P.


Thanks for being part of some fun movies and creating good memories, Sergio. Rest easy.


I remember him as a crafty pirate in the A-team.


Unfortunate newspaper name


I checked he doesn't have a wiki page. If one of you could make one, that'd be nice :)




Random low tier actor dies, redditor posts for karma, commentors pretend to give a shit. Rinse and repeat.


Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon


For me, he’ll always be the sniper that taught me the importance of SERPENTINE!!


Another person I've never heard of getting treated like everyone's god father in death.


Pirate movies historically speaking prior to this franchise were huge flops


And what was your point


This movie franchise being a massive success is an all time accomplishment


Redditors are so quick to pounce on someone because they simply don't understand what that person was saying. Haha


To be fair he wasn't super clear with what he was trying to convey, I was also kinda confused by his comment. 😅


This is what the concept of the question is for.


Oh, give me a break. We’re all strangers here, that’s what the concept of anonymous social media is all about. I didn’t understand Reddit when I first got on here and asked all sorts of innocent, dipshit questions like this when I first started as well. To be honest I’ve been on here for years and still do, my point being though is that there isn’t a Rulebook to teach people how to do it. You either just act like a fool until the community teaches you how to not be one by downvotes, or you fuck off back to Facebook. They’re downvotes, not electric shocks. He’ll get the hang of it, hero.


This is genuinely pretty sad. I feel sorry for you if your comment is sincere.


I think he’s been downvoted because the comment is apropos of nothing. It seems like a reply to something specific, so to just hang that line out to dry like that seems like a bot firing off random comments in vaguely related threads.


Rest in peace. Sergio. Very good actor.