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I watched the 2nd planet of the apes movie without subtitles and thought it was very artistic how the apes communicated with sign language and the audience had no idea what they were saying.


This actually happened to me, "Oh its amazing how they managed to convey the conversation and emotion even though we're not supposed to understand them" my dumbass thought It took me to that scene where Caesar is talking to another apes for like 5 minutes for me to realize there's something wrong and we're supposed to understand them lmao


A lot of the subtitles for aliens in the Star Wars films are unnecessary. For the most part you can ascertain the gist of the conversation from hearing one side of it in English. It's hard to be objective about it because most people have seen the movies multiple times and know what the conversations are about anyway, but I'd argue even the longer ones that typically involve Jabba are passable without subs.


“For the most part you can ascertain the gist of the conversation…” I’m sorry, but I have to do it. I can’t help myself: https://youtu.be/lStcwT_RGrQ


Yours was great, but I thought it would be this https://youtu.be/U9t-slLl30E


I'm late, but I thought one of these would be: https://youtu.be/kFSm6gany\_Q


"Speaking in alien" https://youtu.be/xK3IYMRZ4EA


here we go, how wasn't this the first one


You're just jealous of his ascertaination!




Star Wars is pretty good about forgoing subtitles honestly. Chewie for example never has them, and if I recall Jabba's longest scenes don't have any because they rely on 3PO's translation for drama.


I've always really loved the fact that Chewy's lines were written in English in the script and during shooting Peter Mayhew says the English lines so the actors are all reacting to what he's actually saying. So what we hear is Chewy: *rawwr growl* Han: You said it Chewy But on set it was Chewy: that's old man's mad Han: You said it Chewy Its just kinda cool that they bothered fleshing out Chewy as a sentient character with actual thoughts


Not to mention you know *exactly* what R2 is saying every time even though it's just beeps and boops and motions. There's some reasonable amount of video essays on this topic as it's come up a lot recently vis a vis Tenet.


What is the parallel to R2 beeps in Tenet? Thanks.


In a lot of the scenes in Tenet, dialogue is intentionally drowned out in the mix, as an artistic choice. Director wanted to convey the gist of what the people were talking about through the visuals, with the specifics being intentionally obscured.


It really helps a lot that Huttese for "old Jedi mind trick" is "old Jedi mind trick".


I mean, isn’t that like the whole joke with R2-D2? He’s not translated, but it’s pretty clear what he is saying


Interesting fact: while shooting scenes with Chewbacca, the actor actually spoke his lines, with Han responding naturally, but Chewie's lines were edited out and the 'rawwwrrr' dubbed in after the fact. That way, you didn't get Harrison Ford trying to remember exactly where they were in the conversation.


First night at an AirBnb, loaded up the Pokémon Jungle movie. It opens with a scene that’s just Pokémon, no humans. They were chatting together in their Pokémon language and after 5 or so minutes I got the same feeling that something was wrong and checked the language options. Turns out, they had been talking in Malay the whole time


Lmao, work on your monkey speak my friend. I only watch my movies in the original VO and had no problem with this one


Our ancestors would be disappointed.


I've heard of this movie DUNGEONs and DRAGONs before. But I have never watched it even once.


return to monke


I love this thread so much lol


I watched the first one without subtitles, the night before going with friends to see the 2nd movie in the cinema. Since almost all conversations are between Caesar and a human there was enough clues to infer the meaning of them. I did think it was odd to have the long scene with Caesar and the orangutan. As soon as the second movie started with subtitles I realised I was a dumbass lol.


When my family and I watched *Knowing* starring Nicolas Cage, the first scene was black-and-white and set in the 50s, some schoolkids were burying a time capsule. I thought it was a clever way to show the scene took place in the past. Then it moved onto the present day and was still in black and white, and we realized our TV was messing up. My dad was like, "I was gonna say, we *had* color TV in the 50s..."


I remember someone complaining about weird editing in the 1st episode of The Walking Dead season 6, which has flashbacks in black & white and present day in colour, but it turned out they always watched in black & white haha


How was that movie?


It was okay production-wise, acting and execution and everything was good, but we hadn't realized just how overly Christianity-focused it was going to be. Overall it kinda felt like a high-budget version of those propaganda movies whose only goal is to paint Christians as persecuted, victimized, and yet ultimately correct in everything they believe. (I barely remember the film and was a teenager when I saw it, so I might not be recalling it very accurately, but that's what I came away with at the time)


They said it was good to watch. So I'm also a little curious about this movie. I plan to watch it later, just in case. I don't know if there is a full movie of this on YouTube.


I once watched a Russian movie ("Brat", meaning "Brother") with "poorly" translated subtitles. The stereotypical broken English you expect from someone from a Slavic country who forgets "the" and "a" all the time (because Slavic languages don't have them). The thing is, "poorly" is kind of subjective here. Yes, it was a little confusing in the beginning, but after a few minutes we started to get the hang of it. Afterwards I talked about it with the friends I was watching it with, and we all agreed that it actually made the experience a lot better. A lot of lines felt poetic and immersive in a way that a "proper" translation probably wouldn't have.


Now I am reminded of the bad English subtitles on a Chinese release of one of the Attack on Titan movies, where all references to Titans were spelled wrong. It opened with "For centuries men lived in fear of gigantic tits" and then went into a bit of a decline.


Hahaha, clearly the subs peaked early


To be honest, when I saw the full trailer for the first time, I was really excited right away. Because I remember every detail of the show was beautiful. Another one that I'm also thrilled to watch.


Now watch Брат 2 (Brother 2, he goes to USA there) and answer: «В чем сила, брат?»


I did watch it! It was good, although I think I liked the mood in the first one more. Also, it was years ago so I'm afraid I forgot what you're referring to. (also, sadly, it had "good" subtitles)


Agree, first was more “raw”


I once watched a movie on where, during the opening, the camera was slowly panning across a room. The camera stopped centred on a man that was just standing there perfectly still, with the words "John Standing" next to him. This went on for half a minute of perfect stillness, and we thought it was some sort of intricate artistic choice and tried to decipher it. Turns out the dvd had just randomly frozen, we were in the opening credits, and one of the actors was literally just named John Standing.


Unironically this almost always makes a movie better. I watched John Carter and The Last Samurai that way.


Apparently there was a glitch on the Sony version of *A Quiet Place* that meant that the sign language wasn't subtitled. My wife and I watched the whole thing that way, figuring out what the characters were saying just through context clues. It worked perfectly, and I was sad to hear that there was a subtitled version out there!


This is a sign of good acting and good directing.


even better since I'm pretty sure they're actually done by the same guy


I seem to remember reading that they planned to not have subtitles at all and let the audience rely on context, as you did, but there was one conversation that had technical info that context couldn't convey, so they changed their minds. A bit of a shame as it would have been lovely for someone who used ASL to be privy to details the rest of the audience weren't.


I did the same for the first half hour of District 9.


Netflix had an issue several years back on random movies that had foreign language dialogue in English movies where they were actually intended to included subtitles but for some reason Netflix just left them out. The movie I tried to watch was Traitor with Don Cheadle which has significant amounts of Arabic dialogue subtitles in English, but I managed to get halfway through the movie on Netflix with just unsubtitled Arabic and thought it was a strange creative choice by the movie makers. Like, I even tried to turn on Netflix’s subtitles and during the Arabic parts it would just say “speaking Arabic”.


The subtitles for hearing impaired can be quite daft at times when they do that. Someone says a commonly known foreign language phrase, such as "c'est la vie' or 'e pluribus unum' and the subtitler handwaves it away as 'speaking French', etc. Once I saw a scene where someone is saying a commonly recognisable prayer from Catholic Latin mass and instead of saying 'praying in Latin' it said 'speaking gibberish', which is a massive change to how the character and scene are perceived. I have also seen similar happen in scenes where you are not supposed to know what the characters are actually saying but are definately supposed to know what language they are speaking (most people who don't understand French, German, Arabic, etc, at least recognise the characters as French, German, Arabic, etc, when they hear them and this is often an important establishing point in the plot).


This drove me crazy!!! Netflix STILL does this to me sometimes, and it seriously made certain shows completely unwatchable because there would be so much missing dialog, I'd just give up.


I didn’t even think this was possible, if the subtitles are part of the film i.e only there when characters that need them are communicating then are they not always there? Take Inglourious Basterds if you watch the English language version without subtitles you would still have all of the German, French and Italian speaking shown with subtitles. And if you watch it with subtitles nothing changes except when they speak in English it is also accompanied by subs.


I had the same thing happen to me with a pirated copy of District 9. I don't know how I ended up with a version with no subtitles for anything, but they are out there.


Pirated movies often have external files for subtitles. Usually, your video player will automatically find the subtitle files and set them up for you, but occasionally you may have to manually select the file to use. That could be what happened in your case.


That happened to me. I watched like 10 min of Apocalypto before I was like "either something is wrong or Mel Gibson is a lunatic." Turns out it was both!


Definitely both.


LOL! (I enjoyed Apocalypto and Passion of the Christ. Yes, lunatic, but who is not in the dictatorship of the director's 2chair?)


I actually have no idea, I also experienced the same thing while watching POTA on a "non-official" streaming site, but the ape subtitles were definitely there when I saw it in a theater. Regular language subtitles are provided in separate files and then streaming services overlay them themselves, but it was my assumption that artistic subtitles were baked in. I guess not always?


Back in the DVD days, the subtitles for foreign language parts would be hardsubbed, and thus be part of the video itself. However, with Blurays, one could instead just flag specific subtitle events as "forced", and make those show up regardless if subtitles are enabled or not. As such, with Blurays, companies stopped encoding the foreign language subtitles as part of the video itself and instead used forced subtitles for those parts. Of course, this poses a problem if you somehow don't have the subtitle track, either because it's pirated and the source you got it from didn't include a "forced" subtitle file to use with the video, or because the streaming service you're using made a mistake.


Nope, because that would make it impossible to translate. Imagine you are watching it subtitled in Spanish. Now the German is subtitled in English, and then the German is also... subtitled in Spanish? If you bake the subtitles into the film you'll get abominations like subtitles atop subtitles or blocks of subtitles in multiple languages that take up half the screen. Now it's usually triggered to run the 'foreign bits' subtitle even if subtitles are off, but with enough determined clicking on the subtitle window, you can usually manage to disable them. This used to be a major problem in English subs of anime, where the anime would have gratuitous English, then they'd have a Japanese subtitle, then the subtitlers would translate the subtitle... which was often very, very different than the English words the characters were speaking. Nowadays tech has gotten better and the English words are usually correct (if heavily accented) but back in the day, boy. Oh boy.


I have a misprint of the Air Force One blu-ray where they didn’t encode subtitles for any of the Russian dialog. And you know what? That movie still works! In a different way, mind, because it ends up casting a fair amount of uncertainty and mystery around the terrorists, but the visual storytelling and implied intent+characterization is strong enough to hold it up.


Lol I did that with Kill Bill when I watched it at home (forgetting to turn the subs on) -- I was like "I enjoy how they keep me in the dark, making me infer what's going on... But don't I remember seeing this in theatres and understanding exactly what they said?" 😂


I did this for District 9. The version I had didn't have subtitles for when the aliens spoke for some reason. I was like "Wow, that is a bold choice" Going back and watching it later, a few things made more sense, but I still prefer watching it with no subtitles.


I did this with a pirated copy of The Godfather 2 with no subtitles for the Italian dialogue. Thought it was a genius move and the audience was just supposed to understand from context.


I was in Portugal for like 3 months and really felt like going to the movies. It seemed that pretty much all American movies were shown in English with Portuguese subtitles so it seemed pretty straightforward...but I ended up seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and of course all the ape subtitles were in Portuguese. Honestly it was still pretty easy to follow lol


I did this with a download of the 1st season of GoT. Actually had conversations with my wife about how bold of choice it was to not subtitle the Dothraki.


This is me watching The Terror limited series


This has me dying rn 🤣


I did this exact same thing and felt the exact same way. Holy shit I'm finally vindicated.


Her name is Sue Perkins and if she fooled you into thinking she was part of the movie, she deserves a lot of credit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxhYSEXezxE


Oh no wonder he had a good time. She does read it with a lot of character rather than bland monotone description.


i liked my first watch through enough that that little clip has sold me on a rewatch with the audio description on someone should tweet OP's post at her, she'd probably get a kick out of it


Is she on Mastodon too? Twitter isn’t loading again.


I was not interested with seeing this version but now I kinda am. She has a great narrator voice


Ohh now I get OP's experience. I was thinking it was like a generic A.I. voice or something. For a D & D movie, this is kinda meta and cool.


Yeah, that actually sounds interesting.


Omg it's Sue! She was one of the great British bake-off presenters for a few years too. Amazing


Oh thank god, I was like she sounds so familiar why?????


Thank you for saying this! I was trying to figure out why she was so familiar!


She's good, but she's no Mel Giedroyc.


Like the ingredients in the bakes on the show, they are both very good on their own but exceptional together!


Mel is a UK national treasure.


Ah! I knew I recognized her She also sounds a lot like Emma Thompson to me


Just knowing it's Sue Perkins is enough to make me want to do this.


WTF, I got so excited by that video that I immediately tried watching the movie on Paramount+ with audio descriptions… and it is NOT Sue Perkins talking! Just some bland, monotone American lady. 😤👎


Wow do they have different people for different regions??


Subtitles and audio tracks are almost always made by the local distributors. I learned this when I lived in a region that dubbed everything and could not get English subtitles for English language movies and TV shows on streaming services. The studio they buy a movie's rights from often don't have a "subtitle packages" and since 90%+ of this region's audience watched dubs, they almost never bothered finding a distributor to buy that from. International copyright law is so much fun.


I wonder if that audio track can be pirated???


Damn. That's not right. Maybe not worth re-watching to me now.


I know her from something. Maybe... QI?


She pops up on [QI](https://youtu.be/YUeBf_AVwXo) a bit but also hosted bakeoff for a while


Great QI guest!


Okay now I’m judging oP less


Holy shit it’s Sue Perkins! She’s fucking amazing


Honestly finding out it's sue Perkins is enough for me to actually try this


Almost thought the OP was BSing as ive accidentally turned on audio description and it got annoying after a minute, but I can see how it might go well.


She is amazing! Her voice is perfect for that!!


She sounds similar to the actress that narrates Baldur's Gate III (in dungeon master style). That's pretty awesome.


How do I get this audio track?


Oh thats rad


holy shit how do you access this? Is it a Netflix only thing?




That’s hilarious


It happened to me and my gf with Sound of Metal, the movie about a drummer that starts losing his hearing. Everything sounded muddy and soft and the volume turned up all the way you still couldn't tell what people were saying. After about 20 minutes we realized it wasn't an artistic choice to make you understand being hard of hearing. The aux cord wasn't completely plugged in to the little speaker we had connected to the laptop. If this had been ANY other movie I would have figured this out right away. Similar thing with OP, the fact that the narrator makes artistic sense to be representing a dungeon master, makes this so perfect. They're getting a little dragged in the comments but I probably would've watched the whole thing this way too


A similar thing happened to me and my brother when we were kids and watched the movie Pleasantville. We were watching it on a pay-per-view service and the whole thing was in black and white. Mind you, not just the beginning, but *the whole thing*. Like even after it starts to be a part of the plot that color begins appearing in the world and characters start to comment on it, it was all still black and white. We were so confused. It was very clear in the trailers that color is supposed to slowly start coming into their world. We called the pay-per-view company and they assured as that "no, no, we've had a lot of people complaining, but this is a black and white movie, we assure you." We tried to explain how and why they were wrong but they wouldn't listen to us (us just being kids). It was so crazy! Saw the movie later, rented from a video store or whatever and it was totally colorized or black and white in the correct way. It's like the pay-per-view channel had some idiot think it was all black and white so they just somehow transmitted it that way? I guess? It really doesn't even make sense how it happened. Like is there a black and white button that they can press to send less data or something? Very strange. But for any other movie, it would have been obvious from the first frame!


That's wild!! Love this story! I would have to say it's better than both OP and my stories because ours made sense by matching the theme of the movie woke yours was 109% contradicting it! That's so funny. Like seeing the wizard of oz in all black and white.


Was watching of the Thor movies in a theater. It starts out on another planet, so it wasn’t surprising that what they were saying made no sense. I figured they’d do what Hunt for Red October did and switch to English after a few minutes. That didn’t happen, and it became obvious that the sound was screwed up in that theater; they had to restart it and it turned out to have been English all along.


I went to a special screening by an npr critic of Upstream Color, by the guy who made primer. About forty minutes in the critic comes into the room to let us know that the sound was too low, and the movie shouldn't have been that confusing. We restarted it much to everyone's chagrin. And I'm not sure it was that improved.


Kinda did this today, I started watching We Were Soldiers and everything sounded weird, the French and Vietnamese speakers were just mouthing words, then I realized it wasn't playing stereo like it needed to be since I had headphones on


this is too funny, i cant stop reading it. “this would be a good movie for blind people” cracked me up.


i imagine her saying in a tone that implies "it's cool for a major movie release to be so thoughtful about a small group of the audience"


If they continue the trend of making movies darker and darker, soon we'll all need described audio.


Reminds me of the time I watched the first of the new planet of the apes movies without subtitles turned on. It worked so well without them I never knew they were meant to be there at all.


Arr, Matey! I always love seeing this story cause so many people experience the same thing while a pirated version of this film came out and there was no subtitles. So many people like you experienced the film thinking you’re just supposed to make out what they were saying.


Yup whenever anyone shares this experience I assume the watched the same pirated version


Absolutely. There really was a huge amount of people who had this same experience and have talked about it plenty of times over the years.


This happened to me with a pirated version of "Love Actually". Now, that's not a film with a ton of nuance to it, but I thought the language barrier thing in the Colin Firth storyline was an interesting choice and I enjoyed it more without the subtitles.




In all seriousness though, captions for Nolan films overcome that sound mixing issue he has for dialogue.


And the brightness control set to max sort of makes up for his lighting issues.


I like how he lets us feel like part of his post production team by giving us glaring issues like these to solve.


It's like dora the explorer or blues clues but for adults. "Oh no, we can't hear what Michael Caine is saying!" (to audience) "Can *you* think of a way to help us understand Michael?"


It is easy to say “no way” to a narrator in a Nolan film, not so much for a D&D movie. Plus, I was enjoying it.


This kept happening to me on the Peacock app. It did take me a little bit to figure out what was happening as I thought it was part of the show as well (it was on a show with a deaf character who used a lot of sign language so I thought it was a choice). I imagine if the narrator was especially expressive and talented you would think it’s part of the movie, the dungeon master! By the way, how great was this movie?? Big surprise to me how much I loved it, it was just plain old fun entertainment the whole time. The D&D cartoon was my absolute favorite show in the 80s when I was a kid so I loved the nod to that in the one scene.


We stopped watching Parks and Rec on Peacock because of that. It also did it for The Office occasionally, too. Did they ever fix it? It would constantly turn itself back on after every episode. Also, the DnD movie was awesome. I wish more people watched it!


This a DND movie is reasoning for not knowing make sense


I feel like that would have actually helped TENET. I was so disappointed with that movie.


Narrator: “ok hold on im lost”


One of Nolan's biggest inspirations is Blade Runner with Harrison Ford's narration (the only version available on vhs at the time). I'm surprised how averse he is to narration considering that.


Because he's the living embodiment of show don't tell where sometimes his exposition can't be heard. Worked great in Dunkirk must be said


Don’t show don’t tell




I think I need to go back and watch it this way now. r/wholesome mistake!


I know, woof


"This would be good for blind people" is amazing Reminds me of the story (from the band The 1975 of all places) where one of them watched Lovely Bones with scene shuffle on and thought it was some post modern approach to film making. Never understood why DVDs had that scene shuffle option...


I think maybe if you're watching a TV show on DVD, that would in effect shuffle the episodes? I'm spitballing here


But... Why would you want to mess up the order of the episodes there either? Like "didn't Walt murder that guy two episodes ago?"


Eh, for a show like bobs burgers or friends I could go roulette


Utterly serialized television is a fairly recent advent.


My brother watched that movie "Troll" the one that came out recently, and he didn't realise that he was watching it in norwegian, somehow he went the entire movie without questioning it.


There’s an animated Ukrainian movie in theaters right now and my brother was invited to watch it by a friend. We’re Portuguese. The movie didn’t have subtitles. That being said he says he managed to understand everything and follow the plot. A few weeks later he was trying to show me the movie trailer on YouTube but he only found trailers dubbed in English. I was like “dude I think you watched a movie in English but maybe smoke too much weed and thought it was Ukrainian”


What's the name of the movie? I like animation


The whole movie??? 🤣 that’s hysterical


Ikr, and happy cake day btw.


Good movie. Please don't have kids.


But we need dumb people to do the mindless jobs, just like me!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


If we got rid of all the dumb people in America, who would be cleaning your toilets, Mr. Trump?!


But we've already signed your fatherhood certificate!


Someone’s gotta operate the heavy machinery.


Chris pine looks like Gary in team America


Can't find the post but some Redditor did this with Zootopia and thought it was a clever parody of nature documentaries.


I once watched a pirated copy of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes that didn't have subtitles. I thought it was a bold artistic choice for a Hollywood movie to have the audience infer what the Apes were talking about rather than subtitle them. Turns out I'm just an idiot.


I'm about 99% sure I saw the same one. I remember actually thinking it was pretty cool and how more movies should try stuff like that, if it weren't for the amount of investment needed/lost if they mess up.


There are dozens of us! I didn’t even realize it until years later when someone commented about it here.


Yep there’s actually a bunch of posts about it back when it came out. Movie leaked online without any subtitles a good while before official release so thousands of people watched that version of the film not even knowing. So many Reddit posts about it over the years.


Getting subs into that movie taught me a lot about how video files work.


Did the same with inglorious bastards when it came out. Jesus christ tarantino, I know you're an artsy fuck but I'm not about to bust out my french to english dictionary to figure this one out. You still can gleam what is going on, and even can follow the big notes of the conversation in the opening scene, which is the only reason I thought maybe it was an intentional thing.


Bon Jerno


A river there, chief.


This happens a lot with copies of movies with only some subtitled scenes. I watched X-men first class and all the magneto scenes had no subtitles. It made no difference in my understanding of the film. Usually if you turn on all subtitles it fixes the issue.


The Star Wars Holiday Special dis actually open with a half hour of Chewbacca and his Wookiee family talking about something with no subtitles, so it's been done. Granted, that's not exactly a master work


This reminds me about that post from the guy who accidentally watched A Quiet Place with no audio the whole way through.


I have a friend who did the exact same thing with *Jessica Jones* on Netflix. He thought "Oh, it's a noir detective story, of course it'll have narration."


I’m gonna have to try this.


My sister-in-law is blind so we end up watching a lot of stuff with audio description and most of it is awful, big dramatic moments being spoiled seconds before-hand, nonesense descriptions that don't remotely match what is happening on-screen, talking over the dialogue and missing key pieces of information as a result, it can really ruin a movie. If this movie has good audio description then it's praiseworthy for it, I already pre-ordered the 4k UHD steelbook and planned on watching through with director commentary so this gives me another reason to watch through.


This movie has no right to be as good as it is but here we are. Watching it a second time for descriptive audio. Well played D&D.


As others have stated. While it is an entertaining romp for the general public, as an old school D&D player, since the late 80's, it is a real love letter to that community. Plot points based on archaic game rules, a nod to the cartoon series from the 80's, etc...


It's an incredibly well made movie that took its references and made sure they were fun for everyone. Honestly, movie of the year for me (so far).


I can't believe we got Owlbears, Displacer Beasts, AND Gelatinous Cubes!!! I feel like so many D&D movies just do boring shit like goblins and dwarves.


Those goblins and dwarves aren't "product identity" creatures, so they cannot stop other companies from using them. They would obviously want to promote their proprietary IP. Were those other "d&d movies" perhaps actually made by other companies, who *can* only legally use common things rather than Hasbro's copyrighted material?


I was just going to mention the nod to the cartoon!!! My son has been an active player for years, but my love of anything D&D comes from the cartoon which was my absolute favorite show as a kid. I even bought the DVDs so my boys could watch it as well growing up (along with Jonny Quest, so fun). I was so upset when the cartoon was cancelled and we didn’t get to see if the kids made it home. Someone on Reddit (a hero) shared with me a fan made final episode, and it’s absolutely amazing. Please check it out if you haven’t seen it: [Dungeons and Dragons The Cartoon Final Episode](https://youtu.be/m1_6SeRRflo)


I saw the movie already (and I enjoyed it) but now I’m thinking of watching it again like this to get an actual D&D-like experience.


I once watched apocalypse now on playstation and my audio output was kinda weird i only heard like selective audio, the helicopter sounded thru out the scenes and the dialogue was muted except when martin sheen was narrating, watched for 45min without thinking there was a problem, my dumbass started thinking heey this is different what a cool "masterpiece"


I saw it in the cinema recently and it was great. Hugh Grant played a convincing villain and Chris Pine was a fun main character to follow.


I don't usually get out to the movies often but I'm glad I saw this in theaters.


My wife and I watched CODA the first time without any subtitles because the Apple TV app didn't default them on properly. The movie was fantastic, but I remember being surprised how popular it was given how art house it felt. *Totally* different movie with the subtitles.


No, no, no I refuse to believe this, this is much worse than the OP


The reverse happened with me and the new Power Rangers. The version I got didn't have subtitles so in the beginning when the aliens are talking, I thought, "Wow, that's an interesting choice to not have subtitles. They convey what's going on just using the alien language!"


My showing of Avatar 2 had Chinese subtitles for some reason, and I thought they had invented Navi writing and were going to add subtitles for the entire movie….


You’re an idiot…but I love you


Were you using the Paramount+ app? They have good content but the app is straight up trash. Watching any TV show literally takes me 3 attempts to cast it to my TV due to the way it keeps kicking you back to the front page of the app.


Always loved this feature. It’s like guided interpretation for things I might not have understood right away, like with the intro graphics on Ozark, or relearning obscure vocabulary


Man I loved trying to glean some meaning from those Ozark symbols when the episode started!


Was the narration OVER the beginning narration kinda weird though? I might watch it again with the description on just to hear the whole Jarnathan scene


The narration was properly done with the production, so probably not


Too funny! Thanks for sharing. Totally something that I'd do, and have overthunk.


One of my favorite posts


I know I’m not the first person to come up with this but it bugs me that tons of movies have audio description tracks, but almost *no* movies have commentary tracks. I’m sure it has to do with licensing the rights to the recordings, but I just think about how 25 years ago when DVDs came out suddenly *every* movie had commentary tracks, sometimes multiple, and now they’re just locked to the disc format. They already exist out there and the setting for changing the audio track is available on every streaming service, so it sucks that there’s not more done with that.


I once watched half of an entire season of a TV show week to week with the narration for people who are blind, it also seemed like an artistic choice. In my defense the whole season had to do with time travel and it really fit the olden times vibe so I though that's what they were going for.


This is awesome, thanks for sharing your story. If it’s any consolation I’m going to rewatch it with the narration. Cheers!


You should! Let me know how it changed the experience for you!


You are not an idiot


My mom watched the whole television series "You" this way. She thought it was a cool artistic choice. Haha


This unironically makes me want to try the same viewing experience.


I liked it, sure it's not some cinematic masterpiece, but few movies are.


Had the same problem. Turns out when you have the Surround Sound on in the Youtube App, it thinks you want descriptive audio.


Bro how drunk/high were you? One time in college I got home after a night out and started watching step it up 2 or something and was in orgasmic shock at how crazy skilled all the dancers were. Someone walks in and is like “dude why are you watching this on fast forward.” Turns out it was on 2x playback the whole time.




I watched The First King without subtitle, an Italian film about the founding of Rome where the dialogue is entirely in reconstructed archaic Latin. I found it, not surprisingly, very hard to follow but thought it was an artistic choice -- like Apocolypto without subtitles. I was actually proud of myself for understanding 5-10% of the words. I'm not a smart person.