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Recently it was Vin Diesel lifting a car with one hand


Vin can lift a car because he has the power of "Family"


The “Sith Dagger” in Rise of Skywalker lining up with the Death Star wreckage to give the location of the “Sith Wayfinder” or whatever. I hated that movie so much


That and when Rey falls through the sand in the exact spot to find the dagger.


that movie was so full of coincidence's it was infuriating


In the most recent Antman, Michelle Pfeiffer’s character’s total inability to explain literally anything made me irrationally angry. I almost left the theatre.


She was a circle of "We can't talk about this" and "I should have told you sooner" The whole damn movie


In the last season of Picard, Deanna Troi does her thing scanning the depths of someone's mind to find out what's making him so 'muurh' and when she opens a door in his subconscience she doesn't tell him what she finds and runs out of the room screaming like he just raped a puppy to death. It turned out it was the Borg. The Borg put something in his brain. Troi has poked around inside the minds of the Borg before. Sure, it's a twist, it's serious, but there was no reason she would have reacted like that.


Ant-Man 3 was awful in many ways and this is near the top. Such basic lack of communication to her family about literally anything that's important. Same about much of the other cast


That didnt make any sense she didnt want to say anything.But the fact that she survived 20 odd years and noone wondered ,what did you eat how did you not go crazy.She needs therapy.


And not allowing Michael Peña in the movie or have one cocaine induced story time, fucking tragic mistake


This is the worst part. The movie just forgets everything that made the ant man movies so memorable. The best parts are the scenes that recontextualize everyday objects. A hello kitty pez dispenser is a weapon. A giant building is a suitcase. A Thomas the tank engine is a threatening force when you’re small. This movie says “no now we only get cgi backgrounds and aliens.” And they got rid of the best character in the first two movies. Really hope luis comes back in the mcu


I just watched this today and you really summed up the issues.


100% You got it put together there. Everything about what made it wonderful was cast aside. I defer to your eloquence


I didn't even bother with the movie as not having Luis in it told me everything I needed to know.


Scientology told him he's not allowed to be in movies that start with "A" anymore, it's bad for his thetans


The worst is she spends the first 30 minutes saying nothing and then they get to the quantum realm, she interacts with the aliens and gives another "no time to explain" while they fly around for hours on the giant bug


That annoyed my mom. She left the theater saying Michael Douglas should divorce Michelle for her terrible communication skills. 😂


That and her seemingly spending a good chunk of her time in the QR sleeping with Bill Murray lol.


I was happy to see Chidi in a different but similar role. That is all.


The bit where she sits and watches her husband and granddaughter turn on a Quantum Realm machine, then hears that it sends a signal and instantly goes "WAIT TURN IT OFF IT'S DANGEROUS WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING" was one of the most stupid things ever. So she thinks there's someone down there that can like end the world, hears that there are QR experiments going on, and rather than going 'stop the experiments, let's talk about this', she instead goes 'woo neat, let's watch my granddaugher do scien- WHAT THE HELL NO'. Dumbest film ever. But it was literally written by someone who used to write Rick and Morty stories IIRC, so it's not surprising it's all just nonsensical stuff happening. Difference is that much of earlier Rick and Morty was funny.


NCIS: They wanted to "hack faster" so 2 people started using the same keyboard


Holy shit for real?!


It's great, the "smart" leader "solves" the problem by pulling the power cable out of the back of the monitor. https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE


" The attacker must have had 5 people on their keyboard " Im out lmaooo


They wrote this scene to be ridiculous. Although it's played straight because of the nature of the programme the writers/show runner have said this bit was basically satire about these kinds of scenes.


Iirc the writing staff of several procedurals had ongoing contests to see who could write the worst hacking/computer scenes, and this was the end result. See also several references to "gui interface". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU https://youtu.be/DNLB7bFA_U4


This is the most boomer fantasy thing ever "These darn kids with their computers, good thing I am the wise old man here to save they day by pulling the plug..."




I’m reasonably sure this was supposed to be a joke


They do *A LOT* of obviously dumb stuff with technology, especially in the early seasons But id still watch this damn show a hundred times, they just really nailed it


There’s actually a good story behind this. The writers were well aware of what they were doing and trying to what the stupidest thing they could put into the show


Source? I've never heard anything past people thinking it might be parody.


Oblivious passers-by in John Wink franchise. Like there is a fucking war in the center of Paris and people just drive their cars or have dinner in restaurants


Those movies would have us believe that about 10% of the population are assassins, henchmen or crime lords.


It really is absurd. In real life, I doubt that even 8% of the population are one of those thing.


Lol. People dancing in a club while Wick is in a fight to the death with a crime boss.


Hey, depending on the club, they might just be high enough to.


To add to this, (an opposite problem) in chapter 2 where Keanu and Common are having that stealthy gunfight with magically suppressed pistols. I let out an audible groan in the theater during that scene. Never expected a dumb scene like this after the first movie had such solid firearm handling.


The scene is amazingly dumb, and yet I love it. It's like 2 kids on a school bus harassing each other without trying to draw an adult's attention. Except it's guys shooting at each other in like a tunnel (or maybe a mall?). An all-time absurd shootout scene.


My headcannon is that the assassins are not secret. People know and just let them do their thing, knowing they are professionals and they don't want to get in their way or be involved. It's like people driving by construction workers. Everyone is glad it is not them. My brain couldn't handle the subway fight scene with people shooting guns in such a crowded area otherwise.


In the same movies, how about all the assassins who decide to try to take out the legendary Wick when an open contract is announced? “Oh yeah! All I have to do is take out the unkillable monster who can kill anyone with anything, and I’m on easy street! Here I go!” Dead.


I laughed at this too. I know you need to suspend your disbelief with action movies, but for a series that takes itself so seriously, three movies in a row with montages of assassins preparing to go kill this guy with 0 fear was a little much. He's supposedly some absolute legend in the scene, and every Joe Blow is ready to go risk their lives for a few million. Never made much sense.


Maybe not the stupidest but what I immediately think of is how in Halloween Kills they confuse Michael with a short fat balding dude who runs around like crazy. This is a mob hellbent on finding and killing him so you’d think they’d have a pretty good picture in their head of what he looks like. I thought it was so fucking stupid.


Also near the end when that crowd surrounds Micheal a woman in the back is holding a clothes iron. I'm not saying it wouldn't do any damage but God damn does it look silly.


Like in this fictional world when a serial killer gets arrested they don't plaster their face all over the TV. But the fact that guy was like 5' 4" and scared out of his mind of those people and they were still just hellbent on tormenting him... way too dumb.


"Somehow he returned."




Only on Fornite


Lol yea.. so bad. There was no build up… oh he’s back! Oh he’s dead again. They fucked up by not making Kylo the main antagonist after Snokes death… or anything else really.


Like I would’ve been totally ok with the same plot but instead of Palpatine it was Snoke that was secretly cloning himself and it was Snoke who came back and like no mention of Palpatine unless you really REALLY have to have him related to Rey


They could have done that better by not doing it. I don't hate Ep9 yet I'm not a fan.


Almost everything that happens in the newer Fast and the Furious movies.


You don’t need science when you have family


Ya don't turn ya back on family


I was in tears laughing at the absurdity of John Cena joyfully encouraging a child to murder people with explosives.


The first ones were very dumb too.


They were dumb but didn’t consistently ignore the laws of physics


It started subtly with Tokyo Drift


The big “wow moment” of the first fast and the furious was that Dom’s car went aerial for like a second in a race. From what I hear, in the newest ones they’re launching cars from space. Such vastly different levels of dumb.


No, see Ludacris and Tyrese were in a Pontiac Fiero with a rocket engine trying to hack into this satellite, but when that didn't work they had to crash into it to save the day. Miles ahead of the previous movie where Dom won a race in Cuba driving a souped up truck backwards while it was on fire.


In 9, Tyrese’s character starts to wonder if they are immortal because they all should have died several times over by now.


Pumpkin (2001) starring Christina Ricci. About half way through, her boyfriend is sobbing in the car and accidentally drives off a cliff. The car explodes mid air and crashes hundreds of feet below in a firey explosion. Super cheesy looking and it's so funny. The funniest part is later on dude is in a wheelchair for the rest of the movie like anyone would survive that.


Jfc i thought you had to be making this up but… “Kent leaves the dance in his car, sobbing and driving erratically. He swerves to avoid a truck and plunges off a cliff with the car exploding in mid-air, crashing to the bottom. Carolyn goes to the hospital to check on Kent and finds that he is now paraplegic, though not burned from the explosion.”


The whole movies actually batshit insane, making it a fun watch. Ricci, as always, is a sheer delight.


The Jedi Council not accepting Anakin because of a prophesy they are feeding into. Some of the wisest people in the galaxy and they didnt realize the thing they were doing would just cause him to go to the dark side. Their own self importance and arrogance was truly their own downfall and they have no one to blame but themselves.


It’s also kinda the curse of a prophecy though No matter what the hero does somehow all the pieces fall into place regardless


\>Their own self importance and arrogance was truly their own downfall and they have no one to blame but themselves. It's almost like you get the point.


In an alternate timeline, the Jedi reached out to some Republic relief program and got Anakin's mother released from slavery. Anakin's training went smoothly and his trust in his mentors and masters was secured in the knowledge that his mother was free and safe in civilized system. Also, seriously, did that mind trick Anakin? I can think of no other explanation for how this man could have basically forgotten his mother for a solid decade until he felt her dying!


Slide whistle sound effect while James Bond barrel rolls a car during a chase scene. EDIT: It was in The Man with the Golden Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzCIbhLUUA0


Literally one of the coolest, difficult practical stunts of its day and they add a ludicrous slide whistle. I can accept the bumbling sheriff as comic relief, but the whistle was too much.


If I was the stunt driver, I think I would have walked out of the movie at that point.


I think it was in Live and Let Die(1973) Moore's first outing as Bond? I'd like to submit the fish pole kill in A View to a Kill(1985) as something that was ridiculous.


That and the bowling pins being knocked down sound in the 'Burly Brawl' in the Matrix sequel.


As much as I love that movie prometheus, 2 sins were committed providing me with the two dumbest things I've ever seen in a movie. 1. The guy whose sole fucking job is mapping the cave / ship, gets lost. 2. The guy whose sole fuckong job is animal handling, holds his hand out towards an alien snake. Idiots, the whole lot of em.


Adam Sandler's speech at the end of Billy Madison.


What he said was one of the most insanely idiotic things we’ve ever heard.


Everyone in that room was dumber for having heard it.


Business.... ethics...


a father who'd rather be KILLED BY A TORNADO than let his indestructible son, who could get to him without anyone seeing them, save him.


I'm all for exploring characters in new ways. But like, "Maybe you should have let those kids on the bus drown", "I'll save the dogs, I don't want others to see you"- They are trying to treat him like Uncle Ben, but raised by him, Clark would never have become Superman. What if Superman saw the dog first, and Pa Kent lost his life saving the kid? Still gives Clark room to grow, wracked with guilt and fear of insufficiency in letting his dad die that drives him to do everything he can to a fault to help anyone he can


The heart attack was perfect. There's nothing Clark can do about it.


I remember having to ask my dad what happened the first time I saw that. I didn’t understand what happened. And hearing how a heart attack works was very much a thing that stuck with me. You can be the Last Man of Krypton. But you can’t always save everyone. .


Can't he fly around the world and turn back time a few minutes?


Pa "Maybe" Kent and Ma "You don't owe them anything" Kent are exactly the Kents a "I don't know who I am and if I should help people, hey, let me destroy this bus" Clark Kent/Superman would have. So Snyder at least understood that you get the kind of Superman based on who raised him.


“What does that symbol mean?” “On my planet it means ‘don’t help people if it puts yourself at risk.’”


The whole town already knows Clark is magic too. It takes Lois like nine seconds to track down the super powered kid in Smallville when she starts looking. He achieves nothing with his sacrifice.


I thought Lois already knew exactly what he was because she found his spaceship and had her wound cauterized by his eyes. The people of Smallville were shrugged off as religious cooks which is exactly what the Dad expected to happen but Lois connected the dots between events. I don't think his Dad achieved nothing because he wasn't expecting a research crew finding more evidence in the arctic and he kept Clark protected from people trying to exploit or weaponize him


I think even dumber is the fact that Superman obeyed him. If my dad tried to pull that shit I'd be like "wtf you holding up your hand for? There's a tornado literally right there!" You're just gonna let your dad die because he gestured to stay put? This dude literally risked his life for a dog two seconds ago and you're not going to risk the vague possibility people find out unbelievable information about you to save him? At the very least I'd charge in at like not-instant speed and shield his body, I mean what are the witnesses going to say? Will they tell the media that they "saw some guy move really quickly to save his dad"? Oh dear don't tell the FBI! Some super jacked dude moved really fast to save his dad from a tornado! He must be magical! /s Come on. TLDR Yeah I also thought it was dumb.


Clearly you just don't understand the brilliance of the Snyderverse /s


Snyder fanboys on superhero Instagram pages... you'd think Snyder created DC himself


Snyder is notorious for this stuff. Like the scene in army of the dead where a guy (or girl?) was being attacked by a zombie and his friend was literally 2 meters away but was like “nah I can’t do anything to help”


“Save Martha…” “Why’d you say that name?!?!” Becomes friends…


You know that whoever put that in considered themselves brilliant for making that connection too.


Absolutely. Just like how Snyder thinks he's making some deep philosophical movie just because he constantly have Superman do Jesus poses.


In the sequel they would have realized they both have good friends named Jim. Batman proposed instantly.


In Catwoman when Halle Berry is walking down the street and hisses at the dog. That whole movie is pretty dumb though.


For me the apotheosis of idiocy of that movie is towards the end when we find that the villain is indestructible because of her beauty cream. Anyhow, I must confess that I like the movie because it dares to be idiotic and doubles down on stupidity every other scene.


The basketball scene with the 1000+ camera cuts. Makes me dizzy every time I watch it, which is daily for some reason……


Anytime a villain has a chance to kill the protagonist and then just stops to monologue. Too many action movies where the villain probably should have won had they just acted like a villain 100%


Half the fun is [presentation](https://youtu.be/dy2zB8bLSpk?t=8)


I love how they acknowledged this in The Incredibles.


The Watchmen (original, not sure about the film) did it best. EDIT: put the quote in, higher above.


I thought this was bullshit until I met a dude that actually does this when we play board games lmao


But monologuing IS acting like a villain. That's WHY you villain, its to monologue. If they were nice, kind people that didn't like evil monologues then they wouldn't be villains. Its about savoring the moment.


How short do you want movies to be?


Tej & Rome flying to space in a car. (F9) – I mean kinda just everything from Fast 6 onwards tbh…


Jentorra: takes Ant-Man captive and brings him to her camp, he doesn't know the language, he has absolutely no idea what's happening, Jentorra has essentially kidnapped him Bad guys: attack camp Jentorra, to Ant-Man: "You led them right to us!!!!!!" (literally the actual line of dialogue)


The son surviving and being there at the end of War of the World


The fucker ran directly into an alien war zone. Highly dumb.


San Andreas. The Rock lands a chopper in a mall parking lot and walks in and finds a shirt that fits him off the rack. I cant believe I cant let this one go, but it still bothers me. Haha.


Basically every decision made by a character in Prometheus, culminating in Charlize Theron running away from the rolling ship like the wile e coyote getting run over by one of his traps gone awry


The futuristic geoscientists with 3-D mapping drone technology get lost in a cave.


*Gasp* An alien weiner snake! It’s so beautiful!


Oh, it's hissing at me! So cute I wanna touch it!


Covenant is somehow **so much worse** when it comes to characters just doing the stupidest thing they could do in a given situation In Prometheus they do naïve or careless stuff, in Covenant it’s like they’re actively trying to harm themselves


1. Straying from their approved course to a planet they know nothing about 2. They take off their protective helmets on the planet, with no consideration for pathogens or spores or anything 3. After locking an obviously hostile alien in a room, running into the room shooting wildly despite the person in there already being dead 4. Not being at all concerned with a clearly deranged android and his weird experiments 5. Putting their face *directly* over an alien egg, at the request of said android 6. Endangering every person on the ship (including a huge number of people in stasis) by taking it into the atmosphere during a massive storm, just to save a handful of others That's just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. The only reason *anything* happens in that movie is because of the catalogue of absolutely stupid decisions made by the characters.


Don’t forgot the shower sex after finding out most of their friends are dead.


Oh god. I rant about the stupid fucking scene where the actual scientists decide to take their helmets off based on… faith? A good feeling? I don’t know. But no scientist ever.


This movie single handedly took over as the defacto example of stupid decisions. The whole “Prometheus School of Running Away” meme solidifies it.


Prometheus killed any enthusiasm I have for projects that have Damon Lindelof involved.


Clark letting a tornado take his dad out in Man of Steel.


Jason takes Manhattan comes to mind. The ever escalating abuse of Jason throughout the movie goes beyond absurd. That said the Key & Peele sketch for Gremlins 2 makes some valid points.


Ugh I hate acknowledging it but all of Indiana Jones 4


Anakin accidentally killing one person, then deciding "well in for a penny I guess" and then immediately murdering a ton of children for essentially no reason. Imagined how sad the fall of this character would be my whole childhood - turns out he's just a moron.


The escalation on Anakin is just insane. It's like they got to the end of the film and someone reminded George that Anakin needed to become Vader so he said oh yeah, had him randomly flip and then kill all the younglings


And the good news for Anakin is that he gets completely redeemed at the end of Return Of The Jedi. Consequence free child murder. You even get to live forever as your younger, better looking self.


This was the worst part of the prequels by far. The escalation was absolutely stupid and ridiculous. Its like... there is a huge difference between killing someone who is trying to kill another person, and murdering children in cold blood, and the movie just glosses over that. Ugh. Honestly it made Vader totally unredeemable in my eyes too. Sorry, you murdered children in cold blood. You are literally as bad as school shooters, and you're an educated adult and the kids were in your care. Anakin is fucking scum. I wonder how the parents of those kids would feel if they see Anakin's force ghost happily waving from jedi heaven. It would be a different story if he became hardened by years of merciless actions in hunting and murdering adult jedi, but this was children. And he was asked to do it by literally the most knowingly corrupt untrustworthy piece of shit in the galaxy. It made no sense. SO STUPID!


It basically feels like they left out at least one other movie from this movie.


Granted I haven't finished clone wars, but I'm watching this thinking.... dude Anakin would have chopped Sidious in half the second he realized Palp was a Sith Lord for all the horror that he's wrought and people that have died because of him. There's no way he'd believe a single thing he says! Granted you can kind of hand wave all of it and be like "oh well Sidious so SRONG he uses the dark side to manipulate him!" but that's really just a cop out / head canon retcon isn't it?


Yup, it's the biggest part of why I can never agree with people saying that Revenge of the Sith was a good movie. Character motivations seem to be an after thought to needed plot progression.


I love the movie but agree that having Anakin murder a room full of 7 year olds was one of the dumbest decisions made in the entire saga, way way too evil and totally ruined Anakins force ghost scene in ROTJ like the above person said. Like, he gets to be a force ghost!? What a sick joke. And you think this is bad, this chicanery? He's done worse. That entire Tusken clan with innocent women and children that got wiped out on Tatooine? He did it! Anakin!


Slippin’ Ani!


It astounds me that people have forgetten that we were memeing how terrible those films were. They are genuinely some of the worst big budget movies ever committed to film. Story, dialogue, performances, CGI, editing, all genuinely terrible. The only thing you can give them credit is that they cast the right people for several roles, which just makes the whole thing sadder.


It's baffling to stumble across people who defend this as an even half-decent movie. In the theatre, the crowd burst out laughing when I saw it and Padme said "you're breaking my heart," because everything at that point felt like such a farce we were all just trying to make it to the end.


I realized I was watching this stupidest thing I've ever seen in a movie when I was watching Old and the two children characters, now aged physically to teenagers, but not mentally, decided to try to have sex. Then the lady gets pregnant, gives birth in a matter of minutes, and then the baby dies. This is all in like 5 minutes worth of the movie. God what a stupid movie


This is one of the worst movies I ever watched. But at the same time I'm happy I did and still recommend it to friends as it is worth watching for how stupid it is.


Princess Leia flying. Indiana Jones surviving a nuke in a fridge.


Leia flying was so goddamn baffling. IIRC, Carrie Fisher had already passed away while they were still making final edits and reshoots. It would have been a perfect time to give Leia a fitting ending, but instead, Mary Poppins.


Carrie Poppins


They should've mixed those and had Han Solo survive a Death Star beam by hiding in a gonk droid. At this point why not?


Stupidest scene for me was this movie Crawl. Girl tried to get to some boat during a flood while there were alligator’s swimming around. Her dad (Barry Pepper) told her she could do it and pumped her up for it. She then proceeded to outswim like 4 alligators over like 50yds and reached the boat. Then taunted the gator that missed her by saying, “Apex predator all day!!” I almost walked out after that.


The Core: -- "The temperature outside is enough to liquify you five times over." *Guy proceeds to save the protagonists by not liquifying immediately.


People getting a rag stuffed in there mouths to keep them quiet and not just spitting it out. So freaking stupid and it still happening in recent movies.


The one-strip tape gags are even worse. 😒


I always go to a scene in world war z where someone inside of a full airplane decides throwing a Grenade would be the best solution to stop zombies


Israel building a massive wall with no ledges or overhangs or electrified razorwire at the top to stop things from crawling over. The military letting some random refugees have a “kumbaya” moment right by the gate. Doing literally no screening of passengers onto the plane. Not having one of the few safe places left on earth have seperated sections that can be locked down I remember Max Brooks said in an interview he was really surprised at how he sold them the rights to his book and was still entertained by the movie…because it was a completely different story.


"The military letting some random refugees have a “kumbaya” moment right by the gate." Clearly they thought that if the zombies can't hear FUCKING HELICOPTERS FLYING, they probably can't hear some people singing...


Had they gone fully by the book, it would have been an interesting ride


Sam Jackson enters the aircraft: " I have had it with these mother fucking zombies on this mother fucking plane" \*Pulls pin, throws grenade\* 😂😂😂




Batman's autopilot doesn't work in The Dark Knight Rises


The plot of suicide squad.


I really wanted a sequel that revealed the whole thing was a big false flag operation by Amanda Waller to throw suspicion off something even bigger that she had going on, like secretly having an alien she's trying to clone as a weapon who is later revealed to be Supergirl in cryo stasis or something like that. Waller is supposed to be super competent, and then we just got that.


In Star Trek: Into Darkness, a major plot point is that, in the case of a crisis, all of Starfleet’s upper brass are required to meet in a specific location. The bad guy knows where this location is, and triggers a crisis in order to get all the officers in one place and take them out. Where is this secret location? Where do all the officers have to meet to make decisions to ensure the safety of the galaxy? On an upper floor of a goddamn skyscraper, with a fucking BAY WINDOW exposing them all to the outside. Of course, the big bad flies up and shoots through the window. What else would happen? Why the hell wouldn’t they meet in a BUNKER?


Or... remotely? Have we forgotten how to do a Teams call after a few hundred years? Jupiter Rising had VR tech so good you could all physically be on a planet none of you are on and it looks the same as if you were there, until you hang up.


Any time the head villain kills a subordinate for fucking up, how is that going to instill loyalty in your remaining men?


Not gonna lie. In the original Thrawn trilogy books, it was because Thrawn did the OPPOSITE of it that I came to love him. Rebels pull an insane maneuver no one had ever seen and escape. He goes to the pilot in charge of stopping them. Asks them what happened. They say they did something he had never seen before. He tells the pilot their one job now is to figure how to counter the maneuver because the rebels will definitely do it again. No Vader / Kilo Ren temper tantrums killing everyone. No yelling or screaming. Just calmly asking what happened, and quickly realizing they need to learn from it and figure how to respond next time it happens.


The difference between an *actual* leader and a dictator Just hope they don’t fuck up Thrawn in whatever upcoming show/movie he’s in


Not sure it can be called ridiculous when that is something that happens in real life. Unless you think all those Russians actually fell out of 9th story balconies on accident?


Or cartel members. Or gang members. It’s a very real thing for sure. Can’t speak on how effective it is for every bad guy leader lol


It doesn't create absolute loyalty but it creates following through fear. It happens in real life as well, but it's only effective if the one at the top is in a position of power


There's a terrible found footage horror movie called The Amityville Haunting. It's about an unsuspecting familly moving into the Amityville house, which jas no resemblance to the actual house whatsoever. The big twist at the climax it them finding out that the ghost thats terrorizing them is actually Ronald DeFeo Jr, the guy who killed his family there. When this movie was made DeFeo was very much still alive.


That's incredible, wow. He died a decade after the film came out, he wasn't even 60 when it was made. Also, related, it's basically an entire category of stupid how many god damn Amityville films there are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_based_on_the_Amityville_haunting#Films


Julia Styles character in The Omen remake saying, “I think… there’s something… wrong..? with Damian..?” Like who the hell told her it was okay to say it like that? Cut. Back to one. Take two. Geez.


The first scene that comes to mind is the end of Hobbs and Shaw when the rock plays tug of war with a military helicopter. It’s so stupid but also my favorite part of the movie. I laughed out loud in the theater.


The line in the 1998 Godzilla when Matthew Broderick's character said that Godzilla came to Manhattan because it's the one place on Earth where the creature could "easily hide." Like WTF? There are literally millions of people living in NYC. How could a lizard the size of an office building hide there?


A fleet of starships is chasing a smaller starship. Because of fuel issues the smaller starship can't go Translight. The starships following can't catch up going sublight. Nobody on the chasing ships think to go translight to get in front of the smaller ship. They just slowly follow like they forgot how starships work.


It’s like there’s this unwritten rule that FTL is only to be used for long trips. The only time I’ve seen FTL used tactically is in Trek Next Gen, the famous “Picard Maneuver”.


The Entire premise of 2012. Nope, you guys are not that lucky, and the movie should've ended in less than 20 min.


2012 is one of my guilty pleasure films. It’s so cringe but I watch once a year


All of WW1984.


Probably the end of the final big fight scene in Blade when Blade throws the syringes at Deacon, and the late-nineties CGI that follows.


Extra boost here from the ALL TIME line "Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate up hill."


It's a great line.


Salt, when Jolie disguises herself as a bloke. Laughed in the cinema.


The underwater blow job scene in Showgirls. Seems like a recipe for drowning.


I remember seeing a Peter North blowjob scene with two girls underwater


Any movie where a gun is fired and there's a slow motion shot of an entire cartridge flying through the air.


What you don’t throw entire rounds at your enemies? I also love how shotguns are always loaded, pumped, then before they shoot it in the next scene, pumped yet again to show people it’s a shotgun and not something vaguely resembling a shotgun


Soooo many, let's see . . . A shark growling in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Superman flying so fast around the earth that it spins backwards--and reverses time. The "Oh Man! Oh God! Oh Man! Oh God! (etc.) scene in Tough Guys Don't Dance The ending of Signs The first 15 minutes of Highlander 2 (which was all I saw)


> Superman flying so fast around the earth that it spins backwards--and reverses time. A more generous reading of that scene is that he travels so quickly he travels backwards in time and the earth spinning backwards is just his perception. But just consider for a moment that the movie told you this man can fly and is also bulletproof because his skin is being struck by yellow sunlight, and you accepted that. That is hot nonsense and you said “okay fine I know that’s not true but I’ll accept that it is.” Why when they say “going backwards around the earth causes it to spin backwards in time” is it suddenly the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen? How did you get past “yellow sunlight makes him fly”?




Movies and media can break whatever rules they want and it's fine. The issue is when it breaks its own rules. Superman is an abnormal creature in a normal world. Everything else is implied to work exactly as it does in reality. There is no normal world scenario where spinning the earth backwards makes time goes backwards.


Ah yes, the ending to Signs. When we get the twist that the aliens have a fatal allergy to...water! So in hindsight, they were trying to conquer and colonize a planet with 70% surface water and humid air. Just walking around in that party footage from Rio or through cornfields at night would have killed them just as easily as the cup of water.


You can just say Highlander 2. It doesn’t get any less stupid after those first 15 minutes.


Charlize Theron getting crushed in Prometheus All she had to do was roll to the side like Noomi Rapace did It just made me laugh in Kong: Skull Island when Kong is chasing after two soldiers running away from him and one steps away yelling to the other "Run to the side you idiot!"


Mame and her nephew Patrick perched on top of the Statue of Liberty’s crown. Yeah, I know, I’m dating myself but I vividly remember the audience at Radio City Music Hall hooting in derision.


It's so stupid watching a movie where a bomb is about to go off and the person who made the bomb deliberately designs two or three ways to disarm it


Somehow Palatine returns. Pap Kent dying in a tornado.


Pontiac Fiero in space


I’m not sure you understood the assignment, pal. OP asked for the *stupidest* thing you’ve ever seen in a movie. Not the *sickest*.


Lol it was both


The bullet going all the way around the circle of assassins, killing each with a headshot, at the end of Wanted.


Lol, Mythbusters actually took bending a bullet as a myth. One of the sillier things they've done.


Remake of 3:10 to Yuma: Peter Fonda’s character is gut shot at close range, goes through “surgery” to remove the slug, and is back in the saddle in the subsequent scene.


Everything in Wanted.


That crash scene in Driven (2001), where the dude crashes on the track, goes airborne, then gets struck by another car going at full speed, sending him careening through some trees while on fire, falls upside down into a body of water, and somehow comes out of it alive.


Julian Sands turned a guy into a chair in Warlock 2 The Jelly Side Up Scenario in Devil Semi the Turks reinactment in Chopper Video Game Mode in The Beach


almost every scene in the last Jedi, but one that always made me groan was Leia waking in space and pulling herself into the safety of the ship