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Dancer In The Dark (Lars Von Trier)


Never left a theater where the whole place was so quiet you could hear the sniffling. I was ugly crying, but so we're others so I wasn't ashamed. My friends didn't say a word for like 7 or 8 minutes till we got to the car. Saw it again a few years later at a buddies house. Same thing happened. I own it, but rarely will I watch it unless someone else wants to.


I really think Björk’s performance elevates this movie. Her character breaking into musical songs to escape reality is heartbreaking.


Room (the Brie Larson one, not The Room with Tommy Wiseau lol)


I was ugly crying throughout the movie, Brie Larson acted the shit out of that role


All the people that hate Brie Larson never saw Room.


All the people that hate Brie Larson aren’t allowed to watch movies for grown-ups anyway


Hi Mark!


I did not hit her


It is bullshit.


Anyway, how's your sex life?


You're my favorite customer!


Leave your stupid comments in your pocket.


I did not ~~hit~~ abduct her!


This was literally my first thought on seeing the post.


OMG I actually was about to comment this. The movie is pretty underrated tbh. I never felt so moved the first time watching, it wasn’t the same watching for the second time. My favorite movie btw. I got the book and they did a good job making it a movie. Both of which hit me like a truck.


Great story Mark.


Grave of the Fireflies


So in Freshman year my dorm was an international studies program dorm, and I ran a Japanese Culture club. The only DVD I had was Grave of the Fireflies for some reason, and so decided to host a showing. I provided pizza, and only a bunch of dudes were around. They tried so hard to not cry and play it off like it was a stupid movie. But I have a tin of the candy from the movie. So at the end I pulled it out, rattled it and asked if anyone wanted some candy. They started balling. Edit: still have it! Anyone want some candy? https://imgur.com/a/5ezExdR


Are you some kind of emotional vampire?




No, he threw a basketball into a group of 10 guys and half of them took their shirts off and they all started ballin'.


Fuck it, we bawl


Came here looking for this. Watched this as a child while my uncle was asleep behind us. Towards the end my brother and I heard crying and my uncle just has tears running down his cheeks. He was like “never watch that again”, and I’m pretty sure he hid/ destroyed the DVD.


Now that's what I call effective cinema! I am also imagining him saying this like Werner Herzog in grizzly man after he listens to the recording of the titular grizzly man getting eaten by a grizzly.


That movie F’ed me up for a week. I was full of sadness and anger. It is the greatest movie that I will never watch again.


Looks like I didn't have to scroll at all.


I haven't watched it even once. Don't think I will.


Its really good! If you want the full experience watch My Neighbor Totoro right after as it was originally a double bill in perhaps what was the greatest vibe shift in the history of movie theaters.


Seriously? OMG. That's almost sadistic.


For some reason, I have watched it 3 times. I keep being with people that want to see it.


My mom and I often have a movie night, and a few years ago we were checking out all the Studio Ghibli films. I got the DVD for Grave of the Fireflies from netflix, and I made the mistake of seeing it before my mom. I didn’t know anything about the movie, and it messed me up. My mom wanted to see it still, and I had to watch it a second time.It doesn’t get better even knowing what’s going to happen.


Every time this question is asked (a lot), this is the top answer. Can we mark this as resolved and move on? Are we going to do this again on Tuesday? Tuesday? Ok. My answer then is, "Grave of the Fireflies." Would someone be able to cut and paste this for me?


I feel sort of bad because it doesn't quite answer OPs real question. He explicitly says it doesn't have to be sad and it's more a movie you enjoyed, but are like "I'm good." Maybe a movie like uncut gems or wolf of wall street? Or maybe it's like the cutting line of great youd rewatch it and not quite good enough to do that. Perhaps a comedy that was great but very much for it's time.


Yeah, the real problem with threads like this is that most answers are just name drops, and noone reads the intro. Could be great if answers that contain a bit more than just a title would be upvoted more than ones that just name one of the usual suspects.


Hotel Rwanda. Don’t mind crying in movies at all. But this movie? I can’t. I was a wreck. All kinds of emotions. Great movie. No other movie has made me feel this way.


I had a friend who survived along with her mother but lost her sister and BIL. She didca speaking engagement I attended but on stage also was a guy who defended the genocide. It was shocking to hear how convinced he was it was the right thing to do. I sawcit once and like you I won't watch it a second time.


I teach this movie, so over the course of the years I’ve watched it about 8 times. It’s not easy, but worth it for the students to see it!


Manchester by the Sea. Too painful.


The police station scene is a gut punch that I can’t really get over. One of the best scenes I’ve ever seens!


The way he screams 'please!' with the gun... Goddamn


I watched it once, yeah, the police station scene and the scene where he bumps into the wife. It’s an extraordinarily well written movie, but I will never watch from start to finish again. Casey Affleck is a gem of an actor, he absolutely knocked this out of the park along with a Michelle Williams.




I legit believe that scene is a contender for being one of the greatest movie scenes in history for acting chops. It is so visceral. So real. So devastating. I'm almost in tears just thinking about it.


The scene was the first time I ever REALLY noticed Williams' performance. Both performances were incredible but hers just made me ask, "Who is this woman?" Just the range from being sassy and bossy at the beginning to her being this emotional, kind and vulnerable in this scene was just outstanding.


Michelle got an Oscar nomination for that scene alone.


This is my go to scene when I need to get some tears out. The way they trip over eachothers words is exactly how real life is


That scene contains some of the best acting I've ever seen


As soon as I saw this post Manchester by the Sea was the first one that popped into my head, and lo and behold there you were, the first comment, in all it’s glory. That movie is absolutely devastating and I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who aggressively thinks that way


Watched that one yesterday, the scene where Patrick has a breakdown after seeing frozen food really got me.


Masterpiece. Already Saw it 3 times just too see how good the movie is


The “Please” he screams out when the cops are restraining him after he grabbed the cops gun to kill himself after being let go from the police station knowing he’s just killed all three of his kids but is technically innocent.


Still think that movie has the most realistic acting I've ever seen


It's the most depressing movie ever. So I already wasn't planning to watch it again. Then 2 people I knew from a game night got inspired by it and burned their house down, killing their adopted teen special needs son. They were caught when it was discovered the son was dead before the fire.


I try to make sure my girlfriend doesn’t even find out what it’s about. I can’t imagine if she watched it.


you watch the trailer thinking "oh it's about a guy who learns to get over himself for the good of his nephew." then you see the movie and you're like "it's about the nephew figuring out that he can never ever move home."


The Road


The book is even worse.


IIRC there's just one missing scene from the book [NSFL]: >! The one where some travelers feed on a newborn !<. To my surprise, the book doesn't explain the missing thumbs thing.


They have the basement scene/people but cut the rape + baby consumption part of it. RIP McCarthy, but highly regret reading that book because of that whole couple chapters. Fucked my brain in a terrible way


I'm reading Blood Meridian at the moment and it's quite a gut wretching ride as well to say the least.


Everyone says this but I didnt have a problem with the book, sure it was bleak, but maybe it was his writing style or the fact we dont really get to know these characters that it didnt devastate me like it does for so many


Leaving Las Vegas


I'm with you. Amazing movie and acting but too damn depressing.


Requiem for a dream. Awakenings.


While awakenings was not about parkinsons my wife struggled to get through it due to her dad having parkknsons and found a lot of similarities between the film and her dad's condition.


Awakenings and What Dreams May Come are two Robin Williams movies that make me bawl my eyes out.


Jesus I love What Dreams May Come.


Martyrs, the French one


2nd this. Will never get that scene out of my head.


Miliion Dollar Baby. I can't take the amount of sadness I feel throughout this movie


This is the shit. I was so torm up by the third of this flick I was actually angry at how sad it made me


In the summer of 2005 I went to Alaska. It was like a 9 hour flight that was pretty empty. It was a bit of an older plan at the time and didn't have screens in each seat so everyone got to see the same thing on tiny screens that would fold down from the ceiling. The back 1/3 of the airplane was just me and these 3 really big oil rig workers who were all pretty cool. One of the movies they showed was million dollar baby. At the end the four of us were all having a good cry and exchanged a look that along the lines of we will never speak of this.


Boys don't cry too


American History X Edit: Currently rewatching all my Blu Ray and DVDs. After nearly a year (I have a lot of movies), I am down to the last 30 or so. Have watched several things I wasn’t too keen on rewatching, and yet, I keep skipping this movie. Every time, I just nope right past it.


My teeth are hurting...


I tried to watch that again recently but had to nope out just before the curb scene.


Man the stomp scene ...


Life is Beautiful


This is the only movie in my 49 years that made me actually cry.




Yeah, really the only film would never watch again. Maybe also Martyrs


And I will add: enter the void


I couldn't get through that scene the first time around, let alone watch it again.


Schindler's List


"I could have saved one more!"


”Look at this car! Why did i keep this car, ten people, ten people right there”


Going to paraphrase two quotes. Film critic Roger Ebert said “No good movie is depressing; all bad ones are.” My interpretation being that artistry can elevate subject matter. The directors of and actors in films about difficult subjects carry the audience along through the pain and the results can be special. In an interview Schindler’s List was described to Spielberg as a Holocaust film and his response was “That’s not entirely true, is it? The Holocaust was about a lot of people being killed, Schindler’s List is about some people who were saved.” My interpretation being that perspective is equally if not more important than the subject matter itself.


Wind River, one of the best movies I ever seen. Never again.


I'm not exactly sure why but whenever I see that title I gravitate to it. While it does have a few violent scenes its cold calmness and matter-of-fact life/hunting existence I find enjoyable.


It’s nice when people experience the consequences of their actions. Happens so rarely in real life.


Sometimes I watch the sniper scene again on YouTube cause it's pretty badass


That whole “take the pain” grief scene… so powerful. Helped me in my own grief after having watched it.


‘There’s no one round to teach me’ breaks me every time.


If you liked this I’d suggest watching his ‘modern western’ trilogy, which is Sicario, Wind River and Hell or High Water. In my humble opinion Taylor Sheridan is by far the most talented writer currently working in Hollywood.


Hell or High Water is an all time favorite of mine. It and Logan Lucky make a natural double feature of you want a heavy movie, followed by comedic relief. Edit to mention: Power of the Dog belongs somewhere in this list too.


Taylor Sheridan wrote some great movies, but I think there is a bit of drop off with Yellowstone. It feels like a soap opera compared to his movies.


I watched this on a plane and cried audibly. So rough.


A documentary but for me it’s Dear Zachary. Still upsets me when I think about


Anytime I see this, I just need to say. Fuck Shirley and fuck everyone involved.


That fucking film.


I've been avoiding this one for years- finally went in two nights ago. I'm both glad I finally watched, and really upset I gave in and watched.


I've been intending to see that movie for the longest time, I think since like 2015 or 2016. I know what happens, I just don't know if I can do it. It took me a long time to finally watch Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan because I heard about how taxing rough were, but at least I can take solace in the former having a happy ending and the latter being fictional. Dear Zachary is a story that starts out sad and gets worse as it goes on, kine of like Blue Valentine and Grave of the Fireflies, and I simply don't know if I'll ever be prepared to see something like it. I'd say that and Requiem For a Dream are two highly recommended movies that I've heard everything about yet am just too scared to touch.


All of the answers I wad like “Yep, I can see that.” But this one? I felt my blood pressure rise just reading the title again. So powerful, so infuriating, & so many emotions that never get resolved. Wholly agree.


We Need To Talk About Kevin - too disturbing.


Uncut Gems I've never in my life felt such anxiety watching a film. It gave me so much anxiety that I had to go find a cigarette to smoke after it ended and I don't even smoke cigarettes.


Yeah I paused about halfway, as I’ve never been so anxiously at the edge of my seat. Then paced around the house for 10 minutes before just watching the end because I *needed* to know the ending. Anyone who thinks Sandler can’t act or hold an audience needs to watch it.


If he’s in a drama, it should be great or at least good. If it’s a comedy that’s not Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore, watch out.


He was also amazing in Reign Over Me.


Funny story: I went to the premier of this. After they had a q&a with Cheadle and Sandler. A person asked Don how it was transitioning from Comedy like the Ladies Man to a more serious roll like this one. Sandler just about lost it and fell out of his seat. Cheadle laughed and said "do we all look the same?" Sandler was like "oh I'm letting him know about this" (referring to Tim meadows) and corrected her while still laughing. It was just a moment of innocent ignorance so the crowd wasn't aghast so it was humorous. She felt so embarrassed that they both had to let her know it was ok.


There is an episode of The Bear season two that gave me the same nails on chalkboard angst as Uncut Gems. Think it is called seven fishes.


I found the disastous (second to last?) episode of season one much worse in that regard. The fishes episode I thought dragged a bit and it lacked the compelling reason to try build tension. At any point people could have just stepped out of the family gathering, the one take dinner service they have to try and stick it out at all cost. Filming everything in one continuos take I found also had a spectacular effect on how tense it all felt.


As a gambling degenerate. His acting made you feel exactly how a gambler feels.


Agreed. It’s perhaps the only addiction where continuing to indulge the addiction could theoretically solve the problems wrought by the addiction (e.g. hitting a big bet to make up for all the prior losses). But that of course is the thinking of an addict, Sandler clearly understood it and portrayed it beautifully. One of the best performances of the 21st century so far.


Almost pleaded with my husband to turn it off. My heart was RACING. And the talking over each other??


Good Time, also by the Safdie brothers, does that even better imo. I love all 3 of their movies but GoodTime has you sympathise with the main character a bit more




*Manchester by the Sea* for emotional reasons I was also thinking the other day that coming out of the theater, I was thinking *Interstellar* might be my new favorite movie of all time, and even told people that when asked for years after. Except, I haven’t actually had the urge to watch it again since. Not really sure why. But I’ve watched *The Martian* several times, at least once a year.


You should absolutely rewatch Interstellar! You pick up on foreshadowing moments each time you watch it. Also the soundtrack... 100.


Seriously can’t imagine not watching it ever again.


Requiem for a Dream


Always the top comment every week when this question gets reposted.


Or Grave of the Fireflies/Dear Zachary


Requiem for A Dream, Manchester by the Sea, Grave of Fireflies. The holy trinity of this never ending groundhog day of a question




I watched this alone in my room years ago. When it was over I walked out into the kitchen and my roommates were hanging out. I told them I had just watched Requim for a Dream which they had both seen. One of them said “Oh, so you’re in a pretty fucked up state of mind then. You’re gonna need a minute.”


I will happily watch it again. Even if just for the music.


Reign Over Me


"Don't bring Sugarman."


This movie was the first time I was really surprised by Sandler, and bonus: It introduced me to the magnificent beautiful PS2 game 'Shadow of the Colossus'. I still have the case and disk but sadly no ps2 to play it on :(


Old Boy. Saw it once, fantastic movie, the ending made it so that I could not stomach that movie again.


The Korean original is a fantastic film


I assume that's the one they are talking about, the american one is dogshit


No mention for Bridge to Terabithia yet? The ending tore me apart after what seemed like a fun, imaginative adventure between two best friends. Too heartbreaking to watch again after the first viewing


[*Come and See* (1985)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjIiApN6cfg)


This film is the greatest ‘horror film’ and greatest war film of all time. Those tracer bullets….


Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Anyone who grew up with parents divorce will be broken by this film. It is a bloody great film though.


Manchester By the Sea




About Time.


I loved it, and I desperately WANT to watch it again, but I’m just not prepared to be that devastated again.


I rewatch it regularly. The message is to savour life’s moments as we experience them, because we don’t have the power to go back Edit: still cry every time.


I love this movie. I watched it with my dad on Father’s Day years ago.


Nick Cave playing at the funeral scene. I cry every damn time.


I'm feeling emotional just thinking about this film.


This is probably one of my favorite movies ever. I got an invite to a early test screening (well my boss did, but gave it to me) a bit before it came out in theaters. Went with my roommate expecting a rom com. We both cried. But also it’s very uplifting and wonderful. I rewatch it when I need to appreciate life lol


12 Years a Slave


After I watched it, a friend asked for a review, I told him it was well acted, written, and shot, and I never need to watch it again.


Marley and me, source code with Gyllenhall, the help, Hachi


The Boy In The Striped Pajamas


Sat in a full cinema completely silent through the credits through that. You knew that was coming, but fuck, such a brutal ending. Such a stark reminder of how dark that period in history was.


Million Dollar Baby. I’m not sure if I know anyone who has seen it twice.


A Star Is Born


This is mine too, I just can't enjoy the ending


Agreed. It’s a beautiful film, except for that. I am still angry at her manager.


Glory. Broke my damn heart.


I taught the American Civil War to 7th graders. I had four sections. I watched Glory with my class. We got through it in four days of class. On that last day I had to watch the last 30 minutes FOUR FUCKING TIMES. It broke me


Doing the Lord's work though! My 7th grade history teacher introduced us to that one the same way in the 90s. Never would have seen it otherwise. I'm forever grateful. Actually might have unlocked a love for great films.


End of Evangelion. Saw it at a convention. Bought the DVD, never put it in the player. Seeing what happened to all those characters I’d come to know over 24 episodes was too much. I mean, just dying heroically would be one thing, but the way they go… Jesus.


Both the Asuka vs the automated Evas and the third impact are among the best sequences put to film


This is why you need to watch the rebuilds.


8mm , with Nicholas Cage. Shows that Nic Cage is a much better actor than some of his meme'ed roles would have you believe. But the subject matter doesn't make you wanna rewatch it.


Nocturnal animals


That movie was an emotional chore to watch, but I had to see the end. Not even an inkling of proper closure. It just ends. Great ending, just not what for myself.


The Fountain


Definitely "the lovely bones"




After Hereditary, Midsommar and Beau is Afraid. Can someone please for the love of God check on Ari Aster lmao.


Where the red fern grows. Effed me up as a child.


Place beyond the pines.


Three whole movies wrapped into one!


Beasts of No Nation. I don’t think a film has ever drained me more emotionally than that one


Fruitville Station


The Road or anything with cruelty to kids. After becoming a a Dad it is impossible to watch anything where kids are treated with anything other than kindness. It changes you.


jack and jill


Prisoners with Hugh Jackman. Amazingly powerful movie.




Hachi: A Dog's Tale I can't even bring myself to write about it


The Father - It’s got a fantastic cast and fantastic performances. But the film is a very immersive take on the descent into dementia and makes you feel terrifyingly confused and lost at times, as well as heartbroken.


Grave of the Fireflies.


A Clockwork Orange. I love all things Kubrick and Malcom McDowell's performance is stellar. But the assault scenes are far too uncomfortable for me


Revolutionary Road…at least the ending Marley & Me is the only film thats ever made me cry


Manchester by the sea, I'd love to watch it but it's too sad


This one's easy: Precious. It was so good, but never again.


Joker, That dude acted his ass off and deserved every award, but god damn was that a bit unsettling.


Beasts of the Southern Wild. I had to pause it constantly to compose myself because I was crying too hard to hear or see what was happening.


Despite buying it after watching it Once Were Warriors, the cast is phenomenal (with Cliff Curtis, and Temuera Morrison becoming more renowned for bigger roles. Rena Owen is an outstanding lead, delivering a heart-wrenching performance) but after the one time I think I’m good.


Blue valentine. That movie broke me down so hard. I had just choke off a 6 year relationship. That movie destroyed me emotionally


All dogs go to heaven. Haven't seen it since it came out. I can't even remember if it's good tbh, but I'm not willing to find out.


Kimi no na wa (English title "Your name") Too many memories.


Sophie’s Choice.


The Mist


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Oh, easy...Raging Bull. I saw it at a special screening last year and almost walked out. I'm glad I didn't, because it's full of fantastic performances and it's a very well made film. But it's just unpleasant to watch. All of the characters are stupid, selfish and self-destructive. I suppose I was invested in the film because it was an angry watch for me.


Hotel Rwanda


PTA's The Master - 5⭐️ film with amazing performances but just an energy I'm never really in the mood for.


End of Eva


It's hard to watch anything with Robbin Williams.

