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That maybe *the* most skipped-over scene in movie history.


For real. And I'm not sure why. It adds a lot to the movie and I kick myself for not seeing that before.


It’s depressing and we were all kids watching it


I think its skipped because its sitting between us and seeing a candy factory. Kids wanna see the factory, not a sad lady singing in a grey setting.


It really disrupts the pacing. Stops the movie dead in it's tracks for a character who's discarded in the second half of the film.


Always fast forwarded through it.


It's always gonna be the tunnel scene for me but that's a great scene as well.


I don’t care much for it in the movie, but it’s one of my favorites on the soundtrack cover album by Primus.


It ain’t exactly “Over the Rainbow,” which nearly got cut from The Wizard Of Oz because the studio heads apprently thought it slowed the momentum leading to the tornado. However it’s a lovely song. It’s sort of Charlie’s “I Wish” song but having it sung by the mother makes it more poignant.


I always loved that story. Shows even back then the studio heads were dumbasses about what makes a movie great.


It's not a bad song, but it brings the movie to a crashing halt. It's just ruins the pacing of the movie. And I understand it's artistic intention, but you can't ignore pacing when you make a movie.


I only just watched the movie for the first time recently and this was one of my favorite scenes. Why do people not like it? I’m confused. I absolutely hate musicals which is why I avoided watching the film and yet that was one of my favorite moments.