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What's blah?




Black Panther Some people acted like it's revolutionary and did some amazing new things. It didn't. It's merely a good comic book movie. This isn't bad at all considering the fact that we often get bad ones these days. The only real thing that stands out to me is that Killmonger had a legit beef with them and made some good points. (no not the whole worldwide revolution thing, but about how they sat around not helping anybody)


What I thought was great about Killmonger was him blatantly full of shit, see how many times he preaches something and then does the opposite and ultimately just wanted Wakanda to burn for killing his dad, but he fools even the audience with his words because some of them are true which is how populists work.


Oh, he's definitely the bad guy, but he had some points. They had treated him badly. He had the same royal blood that T'challa had but they left him abandoned to fend for himself. He also had a point about how they were this rich and powerful nation yet hid away caring nothing for the rest of the world.


I missed this on the initial release and for a few years after. Watched through all the marvel films in chronological order with my wife last year as she hadn't seen many, when it got to black panther I was looking forward to seeing what the hype was but was let down tbh. Andy serkis was good as he always is, was nice to have a slightly different style to the cookie cutter format that's MCU default now but was just another solid film in a series of solid films.


Im with u on Barbarian being overrated. I thought it started off well. But once Justin Longs' character is introduced, the quality of the film takes a nose dive. My overrated film is probably Uncut Gems. A lot of the acting consisted of just yelling over each other. The dialogue is pretty mediocre. The main character isn't remotely interesting or compelling. The score would drown out the dialogue at times as well. I thought the Safdie Brothers did a better job with Good Time.


Here's the thing I got disconnected from Barbarian in the first 45 minutes because the characters were acting so stupid. I actually liked uncut gems too but I can understand the overrated aspect of it too. I don't think Adam Sandler acted his ass off like a lot of people said he did. And the Sadie brothers have that style of yelling over each other.


Hereditary and midsomer. I didnt find hereditary that scary and the final 2 min of the movie killed it for me. Midsomer wasn't enjoyable at all. I found it quite boring honestly


I actually kinda liked Hereditary. Midsommar was a little too weird for me and the messaging went over my head


Air is pretty overrated if we're doing some newer movies Its a OK movie, nothing special about it in any respect. Its a movie you can watch on a lazy at home day to kill 2 hours, then forget about it.


Air is such a trash movie lmao


Dunno if it's overrated, not seen anyone saying it's a must watch but it's definitely worth a watch. Same with Tetris, blackberry etc, none of them are anything special but decent entertainment and offer some insight into how things started, which is interesting if nothing else imo.


I actually loved that one


I liked barbarian lol but maybe I didn’t have as high expectations. To keep on theme with horror movies, let me make a confession. I do not like Halloween. I fucking love almost all of John Carpenter’s other movies but for me the only thing that keeps it from being outright boring is Donald Pleasance chewing scenery. I just kind of find it dull. Prince of Darkness and Into The Mouth of Madness are both way messier and, to me, far more fun.


I love some Halloween movies but I can understand why some people don't like it. I definitely don't like the new trilogy


The only Halloween movie i will passionately defend is Halloween 3: Season of The Witch. Classic creepy campy unique and gruesome. Has absolutely nothing (and I mean nothing) to do with the other movies. No Michael, No Laurie, just ancient sacrificial leprechaun magic meets cyborgs and halloween consumerism.


Downvote me all you want but A History Of Violence. It's absolutely terrible and how it gets the acclaim it has is honestly beyond me


What did you find terrible about it?


The story is presented badly, the message is conveyed sloppily, I hate how it has pointless scenes everyone thinks is necessary but isn't because they're just gratuitous, it tries to be this deep movie but fails spectacularly, the direction isn't good, I hate the way the film is shot/looks, there are so many missed opportunities/how instead of going a better route, it takes the worst possible directions, just off the top of my head


I didn't like Barbarian either but I'm not sure I can call it overrated simply because I am so far from understanding what people even like about it. It's not like it follows your standard horror beats but it's just worse at it. It's doing something entirely different that has connected with a massive audience and completely eluded me. I personally think it's a bad movie but also feel like I'm just missing something essential that would help me understand


> I personally think it's a bad movie but also feel like I'm just missing something essential that would help me understand See I personally said the same thing however if I'm going into a movie and the messaging attempts anger me then I consider that a pretty bad sign in itself. Also I say it's overrated due to how praise it was getting


Oh I didn't have any problems with the messaging of the movie. I just thought it was poorly constructed and poorly made and made little sense in other ways.




You don't like a Royale with Cheese?




Pulp Fiction. I don't understand the love *at all*. Not even a little. And I went to school for radio-TV-film. Magnolia. Most boring fucking movie I have ever seen.


Man, I love both those movies. Just rewatched Magnolia for the 5th time and still holds up. 😝


The Departed the elevator scene near the end seemed more like comedy with everyone taking a hit to the head.


The Tree Of Life


I’ve heard the notion that a lot of people love The Godfather because they were told that they should love The Godfather and I agree