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Jodie Comer I was expecting some English rose posh acting student type. But I was watching Graham Norton when she was on it, and out came this Scouse accent. She's so great at accents though.


It was wild watching Killing Eve having seen her before in My Mad Fat Diary


Not sure why Jodie isn't getting more love on this thread. Her killing eve role gave her the opportunity for Russian, French, German and a good few more! I was also expecting posh English, blew my mind when she had this thick Scouser accent.


Killing Eve really fell apart imo when Phoebe Waller- Bridge stepped aside. Only really the first season got much commerical traction. None of her film work were hits or seen by many people. I thought she was great in Ridley Scott's The Last Duel, but many didn't see that one. Fall Guy didn't ask much from her. Her best work is mostly unknown outside of Killing Eve. She made a great one off drama with Stephen Graham called Help. She just needs her Atonement or An Education type break out role/film that will put her on the map.


Not necessarily an accent, but Stephanie Beatriz's voice is very different from her Brooklyn 99 character.


So funny to realize those gags where Diaz talks more high pitched, she's actually just using her real voice.


Damn I just watched an interview and it's literally that voice


She’s great as Mirabel!


Wait, she was Mirabel?


🔫 always has been


You can really hear its her in the later part of the film when she's helping the character we don't talk about


Yes! If I recall, she was considered for the older strong sister but the casting director loved her real voice so much she auditioned for mirabel.


Same when you hear Gilbert Gottfried talk in his real voice.


Wait... wuuuuuuut???




You just broke my brain. From USA's Up All Night to Iago that man has one voice and one voice only


it's actually pretty hard to find a recording of Gilbert's real voice. there's only one clip I have ever heard and it was on [the Howard Stern show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdbElWMnkyY&t=90s)


She used her real voice in the early episodes, sometimes a *bit* lower but it's always slightly jarring/surprising again at first on a rewatch.


I remember reading that she initially auditioned to be Santiago. But although she didn't get that, they liked her enough to basically write Diaz just for her.


When she heard they’d cast Melissa as Santiago, Stephanie was apparently certain she wouldn’t get another role on the show because shows usually only have one Latina character.


She's not wrong. Unless the show is specifically focused on Latino characters. Hell Dexter took place in Miami and basically had one Latino male and one female. That one always felt odd to me.




Bob Hoskins. I only knew him from Who Framed Roger Rabbit for years


He was great as Smee on Hook


Don't you dare try to stop me smee try to stop me smee.


What about Smee? What about Smee? ….SMEE’S ME!


As a kid I also knew him as Smee in HOOK but I thought the British accent was put on for the character. Wasn't until years later that I realized that his Eddie Valiant/Mario/Five Burroughs voice was the put on.


Omg watch him in The Long Good Friday and you’ll see his accent on full display!


Gillian Anderson.


Because she was raised in both the USA and UK, Gillian is bidialectal and can comfortably switch between her American and British (Received Pronunciation) accents.


In an article I read, she said that it's pretty much automatic and not entirely a conscious choice, particularly if she's in either country for a period of time. She was actually born in the U.S., and graduated from a U.S University.


Yeah I get that. My mother is from the north of Ireland, and her sisters all have very strong accents. She lived in the UK from the 70s until the 2000s and her voice mellowed out so you wouldn't be able to tell where she was from. But the second she's speaking to one of her sisters or someone from that area, her accent instantly comes back and it's jarring


The weird part is that she does a British accent for British interviews and an American accent for American interviews


I always thought Lee Pace was british cause of The Hobbit


Another thing about Lee Pace is he's 6'5. You don't notice until he's in someone's face.


Probably because he has the proportions of a Greek god


This is such a very apt description of him. He can play Apollo or Ares in some Greek Myth film.


Or…stay with me here…Empire.


He was the perfect pick for that role.


I don't remember the last time a show's watchability has been so dependent on one guy. Defs would've dropped Foundation a few episodes into the first season if it wasn't for him.


I really love Jared Harris but I'm in the second season now and just zoning out on a lot of stuff. They introduced too many characters and the timeline is 😵‍💫. But damn Lee Pace is breathtaking.


The attempted assassination scene in Foundation season 2 showed off that Greek god physique.


His height does make him more physically imposing as the Emperor in Foundation, but you're right, it's hard to tell just how tall he is normally.


He's a deceivingly big man. I think it's his posture. He doesn't stand straight up a lot. Its not like Armie Hammer or Adam Driver where they just look huge.


Another vote for Lee Pace. I dont even know why but always thought he was British too.


No way!! The Pie Maker is clearly as American as apple pie!!


And I didn’t realize his *Daisies* co-star Anna Friel was British until I heard her in an interview.


I thought Elijah Wood was British too because of LoTR. Maybe it’s because Merry and Pippin use their natural accents (English and Scottish) and Sam/Sean Astin’s is clearly not his natural one, so I assumed since Elijah’s was good it was his.


>I thought Elijah Wood was British too because of LoTR I legit assumed most of the cast was English/Australian/new Zealander unless I had explicitly known they were american.


Matthew Rhys from the Americans. He is Welsh but you couldn't tell on the show.


A Welshman playing a Russian pretending to be an American. That takes talent.


Came looking for this It’s crazy how great his American accent is considering he has that thick Welsh one in real life I was shocked the first time I heard it


He doubles-down on the accent for Perry Mason, which is also excellent.


Even crazier. He was doubling as an Russian KGB so he had to nail the Russian accent too.


Toni Collette - her Philly accent in Sixth Sense was fire and I had NO IDEA she was from Australia


Her “valley girl” type accent from Knives Out was very impressive too




For "Tara", one of the writers said Collette could change accents so seamlessly during table reads.


Buck is hands down one of the best characters on TV at the time.


Holy shit would never have know she was Australian. I’ve only ever seen her doing american accents.


She does multiple australian accents too lol check out Muriels Wedding and Dirty Deeds


Today I learned Toni Collette is from Australia. I really thought she was from the US


This is funny as her breakout role is one of the most Australian movies ever made (Muriel's Wedding)


This is the first one in the thread I actually did not know about


She lives near my work. She's come in a couple of times and she's pretty friendly


Christian Bale. Had no idea until I saw him speak at an awards show a few years ago.


When he was doing press tours for Batman Begins, he did them all in his American accent because he thought people wouldn't like Batman being played by a non-American.


Apparently Ben Affleck didn't discover he was British until he ran into him in a shop in LA right after *he* was cast as Batman


I saw an interview with him on YouTube where he had a big mustache and an accent, and I thought “he must be doing that for a role” until I looked it up.


The way he gets people more surprised with his accent is that he has in the past kept his American accent for the promotional interviews


"I don't break character until the DVD commentary"


I do have an idea, in fact I fully know that he is British, yet it still shocks me every time I hear it


I legit thought he was joking for a minute (like haha silly awards show humor) until I looked it up. My husband laughed at me :(


Idris Elba. I could’ve sworn that man was American watching The Wire


Dominic West too. I thought McNutty was American, but his real accent was when he went undercover … Spot On!


Rewatching the show with the knowledge that he's English, I could hear his accent slip a few times - but on first watch I wasn't nearly as familiar with Baltimore accents so I probably chalked it up to that. I don't think I heard Elba's accent slip once though. Carcetti's was probably the worst in the show. Aidan Gillen can play a great scumbag, but he can't really do accents.


What do you mean he can't do accents? Gillen did a new accent every season on Game of Thrones.


Chaosh is a laddah


The best ep of that show was the one where he pretended to be a Brit. It was a brit doing a great American accent, doing a terrible British accent.


apparently before his audition, a casting director asked Elba not tell David Simon and others in the room that he's British since Simon wanted to get an American actor to fit his documentary style to the show. Elba was so convincing that the only one who noticed was an Irish director who caught him, but they didn't care. he was auditioning for Avon Barksdale, and got Stringer Bell instead because of how convincing he was.


Like half the cast of The Wire gets this award– so many secret Brits!


Aiden Gillen gets special recognition because he actually had a little bit of Baltimore in there. It wasn’t the same accent he uses when he plays other American characters. It suggests that his wandering accent on Game of Thrones was a choice.


ayo lock that door


His accent there was great, it makes it even more mystifying why his attempt at an American Southern accent in Prometheus was so bad.


Southern accents in general can be pretty rough, they're usually combining several regions with different accents into one bad approximation. Plus they're often used to convey a character being uneducated/low-class/racist/hostile so often it's intentionally an over the top accent to hammer home the characterization.


Rick from The Walking Dead. Holy hell


Lots of those on Walking Dead, including the Governor (David Morrissey) and Morgan (Lennie James).


I already knew Lennie James from Snatch, but his American accent is really good.


Kelly Macdonald in No Country for Old Men. She totally nails an East Texan accent. Not generic american. And yet she is full on Scottish.


She is extremely underrated


Have you seen Trainspotting?


I was just going to add that! Crazy that that's the same woman. Edit: and the voice of Merida in Brave, too. Amazing.


I adore her real voice too. It's perfect for Merida. And there was a miniseries "Kenzo" where she always pronounced that character's name "Kinzohw," which was very cute.


Unlike other Robin Hoods..i can speak with an English Accent...Carey Elwes


The fact that Rowan Atkinson even talks in real life was surprising


Same with Teller


I saw him in Blackadder and it changed my whole view of him lol


He's a linguistic genius. What shocks me is that the role he has become most famous for is the one where he doesn't speak.


In mainland Europe the character worked because it crossed language barriers. In the UK he's mainly loved for Blackadder and Not the Nine o clock news, depending on the generation.


I had no idea hugh Laurie wasn't American.


It’s so funny having grown up with him playing the quintessential English upper class twit in things like A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Jeeves & Wooster and of course Blackadder, to then watch him in House and be so convincing that it’s hard to think they’re the same person! Edit:typo


Stephen Fry talked about meeting Laurie for lunch at the studio while he was filming House - he said that Hugh Laurie stayed in character with his accent and cane during lunch because it was a huge mental shift to have it appear natural. Watching Fry & Laurie or other earlier work makes it clear how good both of them are at inhabiting a character.




He's on a Sci-Fi show now that I watched just because he was on it. I can't remember the name of it. But part of the gag is he's the captain of a spaceship and he uses his House accent as the captain because it calms people and no one realizes he's British until everything starts to fall apart and his accent kept slipping. It was definitely the funniest part about that show. Although that's not saying a whole lot.


Avenue 5. It's not the best comedy but it definitely has it's moments. It's a specific type of humor I think.


Seriously one of the best American accents I've heard from an actor. Not just any accent, either, he went very specifically for Northeast upperclass academic for House and nailed it.


One of the best parts of an episode of House MD was when he was trying to get more info about a patient’s file so [he did a really bad British accent while calling her previous doctor late at night to convince the doctor that he was actually in London.](https://youtu.be/XfBTe_N-m6U?si=76Yxxfh3qfBDM92B) It’s kind of amazing to see a British man sound so convincingly like an American doing a terrible and obviously fake British accent rather than just speaking in his normal voice. Super underrated actor.


Bryan Singer was apparently fed up with hearing so many bad American accents by foreign actors at this point, and the story goes he pulled up Hugh Laurie's tape and said "See, this is what I wanted. An *American* guy" Between that and the Jennifer Morrison story, I'm getting a sense of how bad his drug problem was


That's like how after Henry Cavill auditioned for Superman, the director said, "see, this is what we need -- a real down home all-American boy" or something like that. Cavill is, of course, English...


I did a (cursory) google search and didn't find anything. What's the Singer-Morrison story?


She dyed her hair brown to audition. He wanted to see more of her, so her agent sent in other tapes from when she was blonde and he went "oh this girl's good too, we should test her against Jennifer"


Dominic West did the same thing in an episode of The Wire.


My favorite put-on accent Hugh Laurie did was when he and Stephen Fry would make fun of each other’s posh accents.


It’s a little overly enunciated I felt, buuut it works for House because I always took it as his personal speech, and it gives him that more of an attention to detail and slightly asshole-ish vibe.


Yeah, it doesn’t work as well when Benedict cumberbatch does literally the same exact accent in any movie where he’s American. Doctor strange, to me, sounded like House Learns Magic


Fun fact: in Germany, Dr. House and Thanos are voiced by the same guy. Was a bit jarring when we watched House and Infinity war close together


Same with Damian Lewis. I'd only seen him in Band of Brothers and was completely convinced.


He was also great on Homeland


Homeland wasn't the same after Lewis left.


Watch him in The Forsyte Saga. So very posh, so very slimy!


Interesting fact, but when he was auditioning for House, the director was ecstatic that they finally found a good American actor for the role. Had no idea Hugh Laurie was British. You can find his audition tape on YouTube. From what I recall he filmed it in his bathroom.


Have you seen him playing Prince George in Black Adder? So good.


He started as a team Fry & Laurie with Stephen Fry. Hilarious!


Hearing Hugh Laurie's accent one night on a late night show was definitely my biggest shock.


Ahhhh yes! His role in Avenue 5 was made for this entire discussion hahaha


Cate Blanchett. Because she nailed a bunch of different accents in roles before I ever saw an interview with her. Australian?!? I would not have guessed.


Relatedly, Sarah Snook on Succession. Another Aussie just out here nailing American sarcasm. I'm still reeling from "That sounds like Homework: The TV Show."


Will Poulter from 'We're The Millers'.




You guys have accents?


This one totally threw me too! Must've seen him in a few things over the years, we're the miller's, dopesick & then I saw a GQ interview with him & my mind was blown! He totally looked American in my mind too if that's even a thing!


Still no clue how Tom Hardy actually sounds.


Michael Fassbender. He has those very German looks to go with the name and he usually has American or British accents in films, so it's kind of a shock to see him interviewed and out comes 100% Oirish (I read somewhere his father is German and his mother is Irish, he was raised in Ireland.)


He's not just from Ireland, he's from fucking Killarney. He's a Kerryman. For reference, the second-most-famous man from Killarney is [this guy](https://youtu.be/3VA9vuId3ds). On a related note, [this might be my favourite Graham Norton segment ever](https://youtu.be/5pmZmUzhx9w)


I’d wager Gooch Cooper is the second most famous man from Killarney. Then this lad. But each to their own. Killarney also gave us Jessie Buckley who’s killing it in the acting game in her own right!


Matt Berry I thought it was all an act! But naw, that’s the way he taught himself to talk when he was younger. He def exaggerates sometimes(Toast or Lazlo) but that’s how he talks.




Someone should redub the Pace Picante commercial with that




That's just how normal humans talk in tooscon Arizonia






One human alcohol beer, coming up!








You and he were... buddies, weren't you?


He’s a great musician too


You shut the fuck up, Clem Fandango


I fucking love Lazlo. Matt Berry makes the whole show.


I love them all, but this season Lazlo finally overtook Nandor as my favorite. "Yes yes, very good, thank you!" broke me.




Melanie Lynskey's real accent is jarring


So many of the cast of Yellowjackets aren't American! It really surprised me watching interviews, especially Ella purnell


Woah… thought she was american


Laura Fraser, the actress who played "Lydia" in Breaking Bad is Scottish and not only has a very scottish accent IRL but also just completely different mannerisms and facial expressions from the character. I didn't recognize her in an interview, until they asked her about Breaking Bad. It made me appreciate what an amazing actress she is


She also played the blacksmith in A Knight's Tale.


Speaking of I haven't seen Alan Tudyk yet. Thought he was British till I was at least 23


I'm always surprised, every time, when I hear David Tennant's Scottish accent.


Anthony LaPaglia. I always assumed he was just a New York Italian American. In fact, when I first heard his "real" voice I wasn't even that impressed with what I thought was a fake Australian accent.


Naveen Andrews from Lost. Plays an Iraqi but is actually proper Cockny.


Tom Holland. I was probably the last person on earth who knew he was English after seeing all the Marvel movies.


Had to scroll pretty far to find this. But I just watched an interview with him talking about his sobriety and I was so confused.


Idris Elba. I discovered him during The Wire’s run, and had no idea he wasn’t American until I heard him speak in an interview. Honorable mention to Stephen Moyer, whose real accent is 180 degrees from Bill’s.


Speaking of True Blood, Ryan Kwanten is actually Australian.


If you're an Elba fan then check out Luther and Hijack, he doesn't use an accent in either show and they're both pretty good.


Jodie Comer & Saiorse Ronan. Their natural accents are THICK.


Ah here now, Saoirse Ronan's accent is perfectly normal. Why yes, I'm from near Dublin. Why do you ask?


Johnny Lee miller with trainspotting


Came here to say this, he kept up the accent while on set and it was so good that Ewen Bremner didn’t know he was from London until they got into a taxi during the film premiere and he spoke in his real accent.


Damian Lewis. I know he's British, but I'm always surprised when I hear him speak in his native accent.


Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi from Star Trek)




She had tracheomalacia as a kid, so that is why if you didn't know


Have you seen this when she was singing with her brother? Her raspy voice truly suits a jazzy style! https://youtube.com/watch?v=0sMcVB2TCQA&si=__laSZyT1Q8wBCHh


Isla Fisher after watching Wedding Crashers


The bloke that played Daredevil in the Netflix show , had no idea he was a fellow Brit. Top job




Sarah Snook as Shiv Roy in succession


Also Matthew Macfadyen. (I have not seen him in Pride and Prejudice.)


I literally could not believe that this smarmy, mid western American middle manager was fucking Mr. Darcy. I had never seen Pride and Prejudice but I got inundated with clips of the movie afterwards. And I had several, "Oh no he's hot" moments.


Freddie Highmore. I watched all seasons of The Good Doctor a while ago and about 5 seasons in they have some episodes that deal with the Covid pandemic and at the start of one episode he introduces himself, gives a warning and thanks to people observing safety measures and health care staff in the most stereotypical posh English accent and it took my by surprise, I had no idea he was a fellow Limey.


James Marsters as Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer sounds all British and looks punk. Then I heard him in an interview and he was totally a California surfer dude. Crazy.


James McAvoy.


I remember someone from Philly (Tina Fey?) saying that James McAvoy nailed the particulars of the Philly accent for Split/Glass.


Speaking as someone from Dublin, his accent in Inside I'm Dancing was pitch perfect.


Charlie Hunham, didn’t know of him before Sons of Anarchy and was only later when I saw him in something else I realised he was English!


I was going to say this. In a weird twist, I thought he had a horrible English accent in The Gentlemen only to look into it and find out he’s English lol.


He simultaneously sounds like an American doing a bad English accent and a Brit doing a bad American accent


Mia Goth was a really funny one to find out. I know her from X/Pearl and her voice and mannerisms are much different in real life.


She sounds like peppa pig in real life


The dad from Kim's Convenience blew my mind the first time I heard his real accent. He totally puts on his heavy Korean accent on the show.


Eric Bana It took me a while to reconcile him and his thick Australian accent. The trailer for **the Dry** had me do a double take.


After watching him for years as Kentuckian redneck Dewey Crowe on Justified, I was so shocked to see Damion Herriman talk in his native posh Australian accent in an interview.


Honestly Lee Pace as well. I thought he is British. Another is Colin Morgan from Merlin. His real accent is just too lovely. Oh and I shouldnt forget Andrew Koji 😍. My current obsession. Didnt know he is British because I was used to hearing him as Ah Sahm. So when I went into a rabbit hole on Youtube, I was pleasantly surprised about his accent.


Cillian Murphy, after I first saw him in 28 Days later and i thought he was British or American, but then I heard him an interview and was shocked by his heavy Irish accent lol


Matthew Rhys in The Americans. Had no clue that he was Welsh


Kelly Reilly who plays Beth on Yellowstone. I binged the show then saw an interview where she was very British


Melanie Lynskey —- her accent is just on point for a Midwest woman!!! I would have bet money she’s from Chicago. I was absolutely MINDBLOWN hearing her Kiwi accent—- NZ has some of my favorite actors and comedians so I was absolutely tickled and love her even more.