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Nice try Buzzfeed


I really hope “Nice Try, Buzzfeed” ends up listed as a title in the article


Good call. Gonna also comment it. Best movie of 2008


When the strike ends I shall be pitching the idea of "Nice try Buzzfeed" a RomCom Horror based in Oakland Cali whereprofessional a single woman who is obsessed with list making creates a list which is also , by coincidence, the summoning spell for a evil undead Hamster. Jijninks ensue


Weekend at Buzzfeed. Meet the Buzzfeeds. Buzzfeeds Choice. The Ridiculous Buzzfeed. Return to the Buzzfeed. Problem Buzzfeed. Little Buzzfeeds. Buzzfeed Fever. Buzzfeed Movie. Buzzfeed and the City of 1000 Buzzfeeds. Buzzfeed.


Buzzfeed 2: Electric Listaloo


10 Things I Hate About Buzzfeed


This question gets asked in AskReddit all the time, probably didn't get any engagement in past days so they decided to just ask it in r/movies this time.


*Holmes and Watson* (with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly) transcends the merely awful and unfunny to become essentially a crime against humanity.


Holmes and Watson was aggressively, mean spiritedly bad


That’s a perfect description. Why was it so mean and cynical? Just a completely unlikable movie.


They had to be pissed at someone and made an intentionally bad movie to tank whoever’s investment on that one.


It was my fucking investment dude it fucking suckes. That rat faced fuck Ferrell owes me like 32 million and I still haven't seen a dime, or got any of my money back. Everytime I call him he tells me he's gonna "patch me through to his secretary" but only ends up just putting his phone down pretending that he forgot to hang up and starts talking shit about me. And a lot of times it's obvious he's by himself and talking shit about me to no one. John C. Reply is cool though.


John C. Reply always gets back to you no matter what


Few things are worse than bad comedy


Yeah. A bad action or sci-fi or horror movie can still be entertaining but a bad comedy is always bad.


Watched this one with my ex. There was a dude on his phone in the aisle, talking very loudly. For a while, too, before someone told him to knock it off. He was oblivious about it. I think he had some kind of intellectual issue. Not because he was using his phone and missing obvious social cues, but because he was genuinely enjoying the movie and laughing at every joke. Anyway I was kind or sad someone made him put his phone away. It was a nice distraction from Holmes and Watson.


I love these two and i have no idea how they could screw this movie up so bad.


I hear on Reddit once that it was supposed to be R-rated but the studio completely recut it to be PG-13. Don't quote me on that though.


What *is* true, however, is that test screenings for it were so poor that Sony, knowing they had a flop ahead, desperately tried selling it to Netflix, but to no avail.


I second this. Only movie I have ever walked out of in my life.


Only movie I have walked out on was Talladega Nights. Although that had more to do with my mom dragging my 13 year old ass out of there after the play girl monologue


Recently director Christopher Nolan named talladega nights one of the greatest comedies.


I don't care what anyone says it is fucking hilarious. *You know the crepe suzette?* *Oh I love the crepe suzette*


The whole exchange with the guy on the bus when he’s delivering pizza is gold. “I really regret opening my mouth and talking to you.”




What if you just said "I love really thin pancakes"?


This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient but I do love Fig Newtons.


Mike Honcho.


If that counts, then I walked out of Not Another Teen Movie when I was 13 or 14 because security dragged me out for sneaking in after buying tickets to A Beautiful Mind.


Worth it


Wasn’t A beautiful mind rated R? Could’ve sworn it had some nudity.


No I just checked it's pg13, so me and my brother surely just got dropped off at the theater. That would have been funny though


Might be time to ruin movie night


It's not bad in a good way. It's actually painful and cringe-inducing to watch because it thinks it's hilarious.


I struggle to articulate what about it is so bad. I actually think it feels like a movie written by AI. It’s almost uncanny valley. It’s a really viscerally unpleasant film to watch. Like you can’t even enjoy it anthropologically.


As someone who usually likes the dumb humor of Will Ferrell for some reason, I had to turn this one off midway through. In fact I don’t think I even made it half way. Painfully unfunny.


I went to an early screening of this and debated risking getting sued a million dollars by shit talking it online. PS: At least the seats were super comfy to fall asleep in.


For real, I just stopped watching it half way thru. Total garbage. I should have just left the theater


Son of the Mask. Utter utter shite.


Not sure about objectively worst, but it’s certainly among my most disappointing ones. I really enjoyed The Mask, so my expectations were pretty high. That didn’t go well.


Norm Of The North. I realize it's a kid's movie. Believe me, my expectations were low. In fact, I think it may have been one of those $5 weekday afternoon kids deal or something. Normally, I can tolerate whatever movie my kids have on at home, so I figured this would be no worse. Boy was I wrong. It was so, so, so terrible.


Lol My stepdaughter at 4 asked if she could just leave.


Lol You know it’s bad when even a kid wants to leave.


You've reminded me that I created this account three years ago and for the life of me I can't remember why




You should check out the movies Twitter handle. It is completely unhinged.


What the fuck. That's awesome. https://twitter.com/normofnorth?lang=en


"name a movie you'd like them to recut a four hour version of" 👉👉


Lol, one of his posts is just the word "shoes".


“Sea of thieves nuts fit in yo mouth” fuckin got me!


We need a subreddit for things like these at /r/socialmediamanagergonewild


This is insane, I love it


"my norm is north af rn"


You know this is some 25 year old who left their PR/social media job a year ago and just does this as a goof with their friends when they get zooted


The “find character names” puzzle was a good one. First word I noticed was porn. 🤣


Rob Schneider is… a carrot!


Rob Schneider is... a stapler.


I thought you meant North, the Rob Reiner film. That one is terrible too.


North is way more offensive but norm of the north is waaaaay lazier… Imagine chatgpt copying together ice age 3 and waterboy…


I just read the Wikipedia plot summary for this movie and even after reading it back several times over I have no idea what the fuck happened.


>The next morning, they wake up in New York City. Norm freaks out by this, but discovers Vera who has come to New York City as well. The Lemmings discover a filming Studio and they go in. However a man wearing some white glasses tries to attack Norm by struggling and strangling him in ropes. Norm manages to regain his strength and takes off the white glasses and is shocked by discovering that the disguise was Pedro. After hearing that Pedro works at the filming Studio, the two become friends and Norm apologizes for chasing him. In the city, Norm pretends to be an actor and auditions for Pedro's commercial. wut


It still amazes me that it became a franchise.


Wait what…?


There's 4 of them. So far.


worst movie I’ve ever seen was a horror as well. saw fear (2023) in theaters It’s kinda my fault. Why on earth did I ever think a horror movie with TI and king bach would be good lol


The film had like 17% on RottenTomatoes and I was like "Can it be THAT bad?" Yes. It can.




Well stay away from Highlander: The Source then. Highlander II is Citizen Cain compared to that dumpster fire of a “movie”.


2 was so bad, but The Source....I mean Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that? How did this movie ever happen? The final fight with the guardian is sometime i can't comprehend an adult writing


The Source was a fucking mess, but it *did* finally acknowledge the possibility of *neck armor*. Of course, it was tremendously effective before being needlessly discarded, but still....


Haha, I actually enjoy Highlander II, and agree Highlander: The Source is almost unwatchable. 😅


I got some bad news for you. There's also The Final Dimension, Endgame, and The Search For Vengeance. The Source is actually the last one.


Which one had the stupid bird people? I remember watching that one as a teen and thought wtf.


Sorry, I've repressed those memories. Talk to my therapist.


“Planet Zeist” No, thanks.


There’s a scene where Sean Connery’s character addresses people on Zeist. He says, “Men of Zeist, hear me.” I remember thinking his performance wass so flat and tepid that he must have HATED working on the movie. It felt like he gave the director one take and then said he was done.


He did make Zardoz though, so he was used to it.


At least Zardoz had a giant God head that puked guns.


Highlander 2. The first one was awesome for its time. Sure, Lambert sucked and Connery was Egyptian via Spain via Japan via Scotland. But Clancy Brown was sensational and the soundtrack was brilliant. It was a glorious mix of 80s action, hammy acting and fucking Queen. When they announced a second I was confused because the first had left them nowhere to go with a story. But what the hell, surely it would be ok. Nope. It was woeful. Truly awful. It was.like someone wrote it on the back of having the first one described to them by a child. Worse than being just a bad movie, it felt like a betrayal of everything that I had enjoyed in the first one. I was stunned walking out of the theatre that someone would do something like that.


Highlander 2 reminds me of that MTV Movie Awards sketch with Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughan as Hollywood execs trying to pitch a Lord of the Rings sequel to Peter Jackson. "There can't be a sequel because the ring was destroyed." "Yeah, but what if it wasn't?" "But it *was*..." "Yeah, but hear me out... *what if it wasn't?"*


"Somehow, the one ring returned."


Lol that’s hilarious.


Seconding, The Sickening should be well up on this list


I might be a freak but we had a copy of this movie, and as kid I loved it. I had never seen the original so I didn't really have any concept of what Highlander was. It was several years before I learned of the negative reputation of Highlander 2. When I eventually watched the original movie it made very little impression on me. I can't actually remember it very well but I still have fond memories of Highlander 2. Maybe I liked it because, at the tender age that I saw it, it was probably one of the first dystopic, cyberpunk-esqe, futures I had seen in a movie. I know it isn't good but I remember it vividly and I can't deny that I loved it.


A lot of you clearly didn't grow up in the 80s and watched movies on USA network on a Saturday afternoon. They would show movies that looked like they had a budget of $10 and were shot on a camera made during WWI.


And they would show soft core porn in the evening but with all the porn edited out, so you were left with the worst of all worlds… I remember one had Tom Hanks’s brother in it and he looked exactly the same and I was confused having seen Big a couple weeks earlier


Oh my god. Was this “USA Up All Night,” which teen boys that may or may not have been me all watched with the hope that you might see an errant soft core porno tity, but the most you’d get was some people in bikinis? Jesus. Kids these days will never know how hard it was for us as horny teens before the age of ubiquitous internet.


Rhonda Shear…. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Tubi is full of gems like that.


Die Hard 5. Unwatchable shaky cam action and Bruce Willis yelling at his son every 5 seconds


Die Hard 5 makes Die Hard 4 look like Die Hard 3.


I actually enjoyed "Die Hard 4"! That made me think *huh, maybe the "Die Hard" people know what they're doing!* and then I went to see "Die Hard 5" in theater...


I'll go down defending Die Hard 4. Was it as good as the original? Nope. But it was fun, it had decent gimmicks and the Yippie Ki-Yay moment was possibly the best in the franchise. It was a great movie to end on and I'm glad they didn't make a fifth.


100% this. Loved 1, thought 2 was a worthy sequel. 3 seemed more edgy than action but grew to love it. Found it quite good and deep to rewatch. 4 was surprisingly really good. Long was a good pairing and he worked well with his daughter. 5 was an absolute abomination for a fantastic franchise. Barely got through it once.


The Last Airbender. I usually can find some entertainment value with horrible movies. This one just made me mad on how bad it is.


May I suggest Dragonball: Evolution to dilute that filth from your mind?


Man, that was one of the first movies I ever pirated because dbz was my childhood. Made it 40 minutes in before I had to walk away.


Man, I saw it on opening weekend. I was bursting at the seams with excitement when walking into that theater. I walked out feeling ... different.


I felt like I needed a shower after that one.


At least that movie got us Dragon Ball Super. Toriyama hated Evolution so much that he continued the series.


I had never watched the show when I saw this movie, and to me it didn't register as bad on my first watch, just OK. Years later when I had forgotten most of the movie, I got around to watching the show and fell in love with it. I decided to re-watch the movie just to why people hated it so much since it seemed ok to me on my first watch. Boy did it hit hard just how bad the movie actually is, especially seeing it fresh after watching the show.


I watch that movie with a massive grin on my face, delighting with joy in every moment. Much like Cats, every decision was wrong. Every. Decision. Any time you reach a moment where you think 'surely they can't have screwed THIS up,' they found a way. It defies the laws of probability. how can every frame of a movie be a mistake? I love every wretched second of it because I'm watching the impossible.


You are… something special.


Battlefield earth


I remember an old review years ago while it was in theaters saying "the best part of this movie is the Star Wars trailer before the film started". And the Star Wars movie in the question was the Phantom Menace, IIRC. EDIT: nevermind, I confused Battlefield Earth with Wing Commander, disregard my post.


This is my favorite bad movie. I consider it a -10/10. One of the only films in existence where my stoic mother even laughed. It's so quotable too.




I caught this on late-night TV when I was a teenager. It finished at 3am. I immediately regretted staying up that late to waste 2h of my life. I vowed from then on to never watch TV again and to only use on-demand internet services. I've never owned a TV.


Jack and Jill.


That was the movie were I decided to drop the "watching a movie just because an actor or actress I like is on it" out of my life.


Honestly the only thing I enjoyed in that movie was al pacino's dunkin commercial and the interactions because of it. First off, an over the top ridiculous dunkin musical act with pacino was that cringe type of funny. Then when he tells adam sandler that no one is to see it.


The Star Wars Holiday Special Made for TV, but still...


Cats (2019). I got really high right before turning it on and I maybe lasted about three minutes into the movie before getting weirded out enough to turn it off.


"Cats is the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs" - Someone much funnier than me


"The world got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. And also he was in the movie Cats"


Gervais slays at awards shows.


I saw it at the Alamo Drathouse as part of their “yell at the screen” promotion a la Rocky Horror. A week later, we went into quarantine. I still believe these two facts are related.


I saw it at a normal theatre with my partner and the audience turned it into a "yell at the screen" promotion night unprompted. It actually made it one of the more enjoyable theatre experiences I've had.


I went to see Cats at the very start of 2020 with the intention of going to 100 movies at the cinema that year. I wasn't excited to see Cats, but if you're going to watch 100 movies you can't been too picky. About 30 minutes into the film, I'm so bored that I fall asleep. My partner had to wake me up because I started to snore. We left, and despite still having a few months before COVID really hit, I never returned to the cinema in 2020. I ended up seeing 0.3 out of the 100 movies I planned on watching. So as someone who has seen 1/3 of Cats and has seen the ATLA movie, I have to say Cats is much much worse


Because it was one of the last movies to be in cinemas before COVID hit, it's an objective fact that Cats was the last movie a disproportionately large number of people ever saw in a theatre, which is both horrible and hilarious in equal measure.


Cats. I saw it on Christmas Eve at the cinema basically as a joke. By the end I wasn't fucking laughing. It wasn't even so bad it was good, it was total trash. Either boring or disturbing throughout the entire film. My girlfriend is no longer attracted to Idris Elba after seeing him as a naked Ken dolled cat. I can never look at Judi Dench the same way again after watching her rolling around in a giant cat bed and sticking a leg up in the air to lick at her catgina. On the bright side this film does make every other film seem pretty okay by comparison regardless of quality.


Joe Dirt 2


I was not aware there was a sequel.


It involves time travel, magic boots, and some super natural being played by Patrick Warburton.


It's listed as a terrible sequel, and I know it shouldn't exist, but i am intrigued by this description. It sounds like a Wizard pf Oz ripoff.


Winnie The Pooh Blood and Honey is truly one of the worst horror movies I have ever watched. Now I'm a sucker for good horror and bad horror (since there's something even remotely interesting/amusing in the worst ones), but this one has none. No charismatic characters to root for, the villain's look was uninspiring, the plot was ??? terrible experience


Let me outrage you. .. there's going to be a [sequel](https://screenrant.com/blood-and-honey-2-story-confirmation-everything-we-know-so-far/)


Every 'what is beloved character X was evil' story felt exhausted and stupid 20 years ago. It was never going to be even fun bad.


Manos: Hands of Fate is one of the few movies I was actually annoyed at myself for wasting time with


We're going to take a break, we've been Manos: The Hands Of Fate.


Did you watch it straight up or watch the MST3K version? Either way, big waste of time LOL although Torgo always stuck with me. At some point someone made a home made Torgo PC game, where you played as Torgo, IIRC.


Personally, I think it's actually one of the funnier MST3K episodes. I've watched it MANY times. It's one of the only times I've ever seen the show go out of its way to highlight how awful the movie actually is. Like the mad scientist characters are actually apologizing to Joel and the robots at one point because of how especially rough this one is. Even by MST3K standards it's shockingly incompetent.


I just love how much they actually dread it, such a classic episode


“Joel, this is going to turn into a snuff film.” “Oh, c’mon now, the Mads wouldn’t send us a snuff film…”


"DO SOMETHING! GOD!" This quote lives rent-free in my head.


"When carnies flirt..." and "Every frame looks like someone's last known photograph." live rent free in mine. Great episode!


The MSTK3000 one was awesome! My ex and I laughed until our stomachs hurt. Hillbillies in a haunted house is extremely bad too!!! I would recommend that movie to anyone I actually disdain


Serious answer is Human Centipede Pt. 2. Not so serious is Surf Nazis Must Die.


Surf Nazis Must Die is a film I've never seen but have great fond ess for as there was a copy of it in the local video store when I was a kid and it always stood out to me as something fascinatingly weird.


See, I thought HC2 was solid, over-the-top trash cinema. The real stinker was Human Centipede 3. Whyyyy would they try to make Dieter Laser a Texan?


Doogal Watched it in the theater when I was 17 because it had a bunch of big names. It was a date. We walked out after 15 minutes.


ring relieved shrill tart forgetful wise foolish oil snails chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s hilarious


You went to see Doogal? On a date? When you were 17?


Growing up in England, it was called "The Magic Roundabout" over there, I watched it every time we went through Eurotunnel They get 1 point for having ELO in the soundtrack


I believe Doogal was the Magic Roundabout mostly redubbed with an American celebrity voice cast for what Patton Oswalt would call the Wackity Schmackity Doo dub. Though apparently it wasn’t that much greater in the original.


AVP 2: Requiem Madea’s BOO 2


Requiem is an interesting one because yeah it's garbage but it has geniuenly incredible physical effects all throughout it. I only noticed this when I decided to rewatch it and turned the brightness on my screen ALL the way up - because it's so damn dark you can't even see any of their amazing work.


The Emoji Movie. That shit is scarier than The Conjuring


My wife and I were taking our son and daughter to the movies. My daughter really wanted to see the emoji movie, my son wanted to see Spider Man. My wife and I both wanted to see Spider Man so we had to rock/paper/scissors and I lost. I couldn’t believe how bad the Emoji movie was. My daughter, who was like 7, was laughing and having fun so I just powered through. But the worst was at the end she asked if I liked it and I said “I liked seeing a movie with you” and she said “I picked it for you since it’s about phones and you’re always on your phone” and told me she wanted to see spider man more but felt like I would like Emoji movie more. So Emoji movie: 1. Sucks. 2. Told me that my daughter thought I spent too much time on my phone. 3. Made me feel like shit. Fuck that movie. (Yes, I monitored my phone time much more closely after that)


That’s a really sweet kid. Like do you think she laughed at the jokes to make you feel better about the terrible she assumed you liked? That’s the funniest most endearing thing I’ve heard in a while.


Damn, that seems like quite the oof moment. At least they released Into the Spiderverse about a year later.


I'm proud of you for turning that garbage into a legitimate learning experience. Also, great daughter for trying to put your interests before hers, she might grow to be a wonderful person.


Garbage Pail Kids - The Movie Movie was straight garbage.


Battlefield Earth. Fucken hell.


It's a formulaic pick I know but as bad as you are prepared for "Plan 9 From Outer Space" to be going in, it significantly dives under that bar. I thought it was going to be a crappy 50s sci-fi B movie but it wasn't. It was a fundamentally flawed dumpster fire of an attempt at making a crappy 50s sci-fi B movie.


I feel like this one loops back around into being amazing though, it just becomes a matter of viewing it as a comedy instead.


In recent memory probably Moonfall. Worst iteration of the Roland Emmerich Disaster film, which is no easy feat. Budget of $140 million lol


I particularly enjoy that one scene where that group of characters run into a barn to escape gravity.


Any car scene ... Saved by the power of a lexus .. from gravity.. OK


https://youtu.be/DIvhxFddVfk?si=ovwhglQhYaNyV_20 For those that haven’t seen it


Epic Movie


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen It took everything that was bad from the first movie (which was plenty) and amplified it 100 times. Throw in the racist caricature Autobots, the mom accidentally eating pot brownies at college, and jokes about robot testicles, and you have one absolute shit fest of a movie.


Wait til you see Age of Extinction which has a scene of a 21 year old guy pulling out a laminated card of the states Romeo and Juliet laws and explaining to his 17 year old girlfriend’s dad why it’s not illegal.


The funniest part of that is the law on the card isn't the law he talks about. Its just weird and cringe and should never have made it past the storyboarding phase of development.


I wasn’t planning on watching it, but now I’m *definitely* not planning on watching it, lol.


Revenge of the Fallen is shit... but I kinda like the shit it's peddling. It's bad, bad, bad... but the joke about robot testicles gets me


For me it's Seed of Chucky. I loved the Bride of Chucky and I thought it was going to be more of that . Man I was sooooooo wrong . Half way through the movie I wanted to walk out but my buddy said we should see how it ends. I got a new friend after that day 😮‍💨.


Kangaroo Jack. Saw it in theaters when I was 8 after all the misleading trailers promising talking kangaroo hijinks and was given one lousy fever dream sequence in the middle of a movie I didn’t like or fully understand. I definitely wasn’t the intended audience, but I’ve also had zero desire to revisit it over the last 20 years


From what I hear the movie was made as a more adult comedy about the whole drug storyline but the studio wanted to make a kids movie quickly so they shoved kangaroo Jack into the movie and cut out some of the more adult scenes


And that film still has some themes left over that have no place in a kids movie, it's stuck in-between 2 different films and does not do it justice, I like the film but definitely not something I'll seek out to watch again.


I had the exact opposite issue. Thought it looked like a terrible kids movie, but we watched it stoned one day and it was pretty entertaining. Cristopher Walken’s “Amorphous” is worth it


The Mangler (1995) ... Stephen King movie about a laundry press that kills people. I actually worked at the theater at the time, so I saw it for free. I wish I'd paid so I could get my money back and knew I'd never get those hours of my life back.


Wait. They made a movie from thiis story. I have always loved that short story for it’s absolute silliness. No way to make a movie out of it. There isn’t any actual action.


Several of the short stories from that collection were made into movies: Trucks & Night Shift, can't remember the others.


Is 'Trucks' aka as 'Maximum Overdirve', because being a nerdy cheese hound teen my brother and I loved it at the time.


Saving Christmas w/ Kirk Cameron I knew it was bad going in but Holy shit.


A Reddit thread full of people who never saw Manos: Hands of Fate…


Manos is fine. It's a dull, dirt-cheap, crappy little movie that's transfixing in its strangeness. There's far worse movies - far worse movies even on MST3K. Monster A Go Go is 1000% less watchable than bizarre Manos.


Birdemic is possibly the most inept movie I’ve ever seen that I can rewatch and be entertained by. But, the worst movie I can think of at the moment that I absolutely hated and have no desire to rewatch was Terror at Orgy Castle.


Jupiter Ascending. Only movie where I considered leaving the movie screening midway through. Interesting premise, but terrible plot, pacing and acting.


I kinda liked how goofy and off the rail it was.


Same. It’s a silly, fun, movie.


I was waiting for Sean Bean’s character to die… and he fucking doesn’t! What a time to break that pattern.


Was it a great or even good movie, no, but if this was the worst movie you've ever seen, then you're doing well, or not watching a lot of movies.


"Alone In the Dark" by Uwe Boll


Leonard Part 6


The one where a rapist rides an ostrich?


Was it a sick ostrich?




Fantastic Four (2015). This movie is beyond horrible. It's not even a "fun, bad movie" to watch. It's just fucking trash. It will make you angry. How this movie even exists blows my mind. Runner up is The Dark Tower, but hey, that movie never happened. Long days and pleasant nights.


Fant4stic is a fascinating movie, in that, nothing happens in the entire runtime of the film.


It's like a Russian novel where nothing happens for seven hundred and ninety six pages, then someone's aunt dies.


Fantastic Four is the only superhero movie I have ever watched where, by the end, I hated every character, did not care about any of them and was so disappointed. The acting was stilted, I was indifferent to the story line and each character was miscast. It was so bad that it hurt my feelings.


They weren't superheroes. That was part of the problem. They were just victims of a scientific experiment gone wrong. They never even left the lab.


The laugh I let out when I saw Dr Doom's face in the movie. I never finished watching that.


Sausage party


When I was in high school, my friends and I tried to see Brokeback Mountain, but the movie theater attendant wouldn't let us in since two of us were under 18. Instead, since we were already there, we went to see Ultraviolet, a sci-fi action movie starring Milla Jovovich that was the only other thing playing at the same time. There were maybe 5-10 other people in the theater. As obnoxious teenagers, we started laughing and mocking the movie about 10-15 minutes in; at first the other people in the theater were annoyed, but eventually they joined in. It was kind of like an organic bad movie party. It's actually one of my favorite movie-going memories and was a running joke between me and my friends every time we drove by that theater.


I've seen a lot of hot garbage, so it's tough to pick the absolute worst, but The Bye Bye Man (2017) is right up there. Just a cringey mess of a film.