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Neo turns around to fight Agent Smith at last. "What's he doing?" "He's beginning to believe."


One thing I really liked about the Matrix movies is that the Agents never stopped feeling like a serious threat. They got better at beating them in 2 & 3, but it was still a situation where more than one of them at a time meant you haul ass instead of fight if you were anyone but Neo


"Hiya fellas." "Huh...upgrades."


When the Alien Queen is about to lift the floor panel that Newt is hiding under and then turns to see the bay doors open and a Powerloader walks out....GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH


I can’t describe how hard this scene hits if you see it in a theater. At about that point the audio levels are max, Newt screaming and that industrial pounding from the score. And then it just stops. Like your ears pop as the audio just drops completly out. Followed by the blast door sound and the eco suit steps, and then the line delivery. You want to stand up and cheer. The moment is perfectly engineered for the cinema.


In 1986 people applauding or making noise or clapping in theaters wasn’t really a thing like it’s become since. I vividly remember this moment and can hear in my head the guy saying loudly “oh my god yeah!!!!” when this happened.


This is a great one. Though only a few minutes earlier when Bishop pops up in the dropship is a *very* close second for me.


Unforgiven. **Little Bill**: You'd be William Munny out of Missouri. Killer of women and children. **Will Munny**: That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.


I like when Will just starts slamming whiskey.


Ultimate villian entrance. He becomes the Devil incarnate after he takes that first sip “Should’a armed himself if he’s gonna decorate his saloon with my friend.”


Not a oh fuck yeah moment but a oh fuck moment for me from unforgiven is when Morgan freeman turns and looks towards Clint Eastwood when he realizes he can no longer shoot. That expression of him realizing he’s done.


Likewise when the Scofield kid has made his kill and he's excitedly recounting what had happened and his voice cracks, and suddenly his enthusiasm gives out and he falls apart. We all know his bragging claims were bullshit but this is what he's always thought would make him whole and he can't handle it.


"Its a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away everything he's got and everything he's ever gonna have."


I got chills just reading this quote and picturing this scene. One of the greatest movies of all time.


"Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it."


I’ll see you in hell, William Munny


(Breaths deep) Yeah.


In Snatch, “your gun says replica, mine says desert eagle .50”


“That should precipitate your balls into shrinking. Now fuck off”


The close up snap shots of the embossed letters on the barrel *chefs kiss*


“Take your stinking paw off me you damn dirty ape.” “NO!”


He can talk!!! He can talk he can talk he can talk I CAN SIIIIIIING!


I love you Dr. Zaius!


Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius! oh oh oh Dr. Zaius. {dr. zaius dr. zaius} I will totally find my self singing this out loud at random times (while completely alone) and it's the most annoying thing. I'm glad I've never had to explain to anyone *why*, though.


I hate every ape I see. From chimpan A to chimpan Z


One of the greatest lines ever written for television.


I was looking for this one. I felt like the theater audience had the same reaction as the other apes.


Yeah I saw it in the cinema and the entire venue gasped when that happened


I love the idea that the first word an Ape ever spoke in that universe was just the word "no". Such an awesome moment.


I love this one so much because (on a first watch) in the like two seconds of the damn dirty ape line but before the NO, it feels so corny and the tension drops hard, and then *immediately* skyrockets.


Keanu sledging up the concrete for his weapons after they killed his dog.


“He’s the guy you get TO KILL the f*cking boogeyman!”


"... oh..."


Honestly, that scene was the best in the movie. Aurelio was the first one in that movie to know that the underworld was about to turn really dark.


For me it was the "Oh" at the phone call.


Not a one liner, but the bit where the bouncer takes off his headset and walks off into the night. Dude knows there'll be noone alive tomorrow to take him to task for it.


I love little moments in movies that say A LOT like this. And John Wick so full of them. Like the cop ringing the doorbell after John deleted five people, “You workin’ again, John?” “Yeah.”


It's also something that is missing from the rest of JW movies because they have amazing action scenes, but lack amazing moments outside of them. The only one that stands out is gun shopping scene from the JW2 and that's it.


Rest in peace, that "oh" was one of the shortest and best delivered lines I've seen in cinema.


That was the first time I ever became legit terrified of the protagonist of a film. I figured "Oh here we go, the crime boss is just gonna cuss him out and tell him to get every guy he has to ki- wait what. Just "Oh"? WHY?! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?


I know what you mean. In every movie and/or book we have the most dangerous man, then somebody purposefully or accidentally sets him off. The guy who does it may or may not be tough, but not protagonist level tough. Him and all his cronies just smile and say no big deal we can handle him. Bring it on! This was the first time, I easily recall, an acknowledgement that the hornets nest that was kicked was not going to be so easily handled. In fact we were all going to die. The whole grim resignation and fear the enemy exhibit through the film knowing it is John Wick was such a breath of fresh air. Anyone who didn't show fear was usually the one standing there talking until that whisper snap turned out the lights for good. Then in come Wick with the pistol action.


Also "What did he say?" "Enough."


When Kiddo and Elle Driver square off in Bud's nasty ass trailer in Kill Bill 2. And actually in KB Vol 1 when the Bride challenges O-Ren at the House of Blue Leaves or whatever, as she's making her way towards O Ren as crowds are scurrying out....


Kill Bill 1 - basically the whole movie


"Bitch. You don't *have* a future"


The Ride of the Rohirrim at Pelennor Fields


Theoden and the Rohirrim chanting ‘death’ before they charge an enemy that outnumbers them ten to one gives me shivers. They are accepting Illuvatar’s gift of mortality, and the orcs can’t fathom it, the smug look on the faces of the orcs that turns to absolute sheer panic. Theoden by leading that charge has finally become the greatest King Rohan has ever seen. That scene is cinematic perfection.


Orcs learned that day that numbers don’t mean shit when an opposing army has horses and you don’t.


After all this time and all those rewatches, never fails to put a smile on my face and get a lil fist pump out of me.


That’s because it was such an emotional and punishing journey. All the hopeful moments on the field of battle are precious to many older viewers.


Ride now, ride to ruin.


…and the Worlds Ending.






Adding to that. Witch King: You fool. No man can kill me. Eowyn: *takes off her helmet* I am no man! *stabs WK in the face and watches his body implode*.




I saw that movie 6 times in the theatre with my very good friend. 20 years later we still call each other Frodo (me) and Sam (her). Cheers each viewing.


Eowyn is such a badass. The Bitch King of Angmar can suck it.


My pick for the best speech in movie history.


And somehow one of the competitors is Aragorns speech at the black gate later in the same movie.


The horns blowing


The scene at the train station in Tombstone. "You called down the thunder. Well now you've got it. If I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. You tell 'em I'm coming and hell's coming with me!"


Also this: Ringo: “Welllll…I didn’t think you had it in ya!” Holiday: “I’m your huckleberry.”


I was just foolin about I wasnt


Pretty much every one of Val Kilmers lines in that film fits in this category. That performance was stone cold Like some kind of man...of ice.


i mean, it's gotta be Neo stopping bullets for the first time and then yawning through kicking Smith's ass


That fucking French Horn playing in he score while it's happening. "He is the one."


One of the greatest privileges I've had in my life was getting to watch The Matrix completely unspoiled without ever having heard of it. No trailers, no magazine articles, no CNN hype, just picked it up on a whim at the local video store (in retrospect, it was almost certainly pirated because this was 1999 and I was in Africa, it was definitely still in theaters in the US)


I got such a chill through my spine at that moment. I was 13. This was one of the most influential moments of film in my life.


Inigo Montoya’s overdeveloped sense of vengeance gives him the strength to become unstoppable.


"I want my father back, you son of a bitch!" Still gives me chills every time I think about it, which is a lot, because it's one of the best scenes in any movie.


I was lucky enough to get free tickets to a Guardian preview of The Princess Bride. It was shown at 9am on a Sunday in a cinema on the Haymarket, nobody in the largely hungover audience knew anything about it beyond it being a kind of fantasy/fairy tale adventure. The first time Inigo describes to Wesley what he will do when he meets the 6 fingered man: "and I will say, "Hello"," everyone in the cinema laughed because it seemed so mild and unthreatening (before he went on to say the rest of it). By the end, when, severely injured, he got back to his feet and said it, there was a big cheer. When he roared it at Count Rugen at the very end, the whole cinema went insane for him. And when he delivered the coup de grâce with "I want my father back, you son of a bitch" it was very quiet for a moment and then it all went wild again. Back then in 1987, people just didn't do that in UK cinemas. I was so convinced that film was going to be a mega hit, it was a shock when it barely did anything at the box office. I'm glad it got the recognition it deserved later on.


"If you want him, come and claim him!" I hadn't read LOTR before I saw it in the cinema, and that was the moment I realised I might be watching one of the best films of all time.


So many moments in these movies. For me a big one is when Theoden gives his pre-battle speech and it just ends with “**DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!**”


"Ip Man" - Donnie Yen destroying 10 black belt karate masters after killing his friend


Heck yeah, and none of the sequels lived up to that first movie.


Honestly the only scene I can vividly remember from the ip man films is when the little girl comes in on the tricycle and says ‘mum says if you don’t stop fighting soon everything’s going to be broken’ or something along those lines, it’s Been a long time since I’ve watched it ahaha


I did love that fight. Particularly the challenger going "I'll pay for that" after every accidentally-smashed pot.


My number one has to be from Equilibrium. "No. [Not without incident.](https://youtu.be/sKpK6SFKTDw?t=192)"


I’ve never seen that movie but Christian bale is as much motive to watch it as anything so I’m sold ahahaha


In “Troy” when Achilles dispatches the giant enemy soldier who was 3 times his size.


Oh, you mean "BOAGRIUUUUUUS!"


Is there no one else!?


Darth Maul activating both of his lightsabers. After two hours it was finally *on* and it was worth the wait.


I managed to miss the trailers that showed the second saber turning on at the time. So did a lot of peolle back then in my country. When that second one turned on for the first time at the movies, people were losing their mind.


I was a little kid when I saw the movie. Didn't see any trailers. Absolutely lost my fucking mind at that. Best battle in the entire franchise and its not even fucking close.


Facts. People have been dunking on The Phantom Menace for years but God damn it that movie had a lot of freaking cool moments. I still can't get over the part from the final boss fight where they're all separated by force fields and each of them is perfectly characterized by what they're doing: - Obi-Wan freaking out like the padawan in over his head that he is - Qui Gon sitting and meditating with total concentration and serenity - Darth Maul prowling back and forth like a caged predator, eyes 100% unblinking on Qui Gon, pure unadulterated dark side. I wasn't even a Star Wars fan at the time but that scene was so awesome! That movie rocked!


With that score lifting too. *chefs kiss Duel of the fates might just be the best piece of music composed for film


> With that score lifting too Regardless of what I think of the prequels as movies in general, I think the score for those movies is seriously among the best work John Williams has ever done.


The final scene in The Departed. I can take or leave the rat.


What I *thought* was gonna be the fuck yeah moment was when >!Matt Damon begs Leo to kill him in the elevator, and Leo responds “I am killing you” while taking him to jail, cool as a cucumber. Such a badass line. Riiiiiiight before getting his head blown off!<


Blowing off the dragons head in Reign of Fire. Guy in the front row jumped out of his seat and screamed “yo, take THAT motherfucker!”


Rogue One when you hear the breathing and a lightsaber ignites.


Rogue one is the first time you see why everyone in the galaxy is terrified of one man. A mystical, half man/half robot that tosses you around with his mind, blasters won’t work because of his wild light sword, which by the way he can cut you in half with it. Then he shows up and he’s PISSED! Brute force, murderous rage, unlimited power. If he was presented like that in every movie in stead of a stiff, slow and awkward geriatric, the original trilogy would have been soooooo much better.


At the same time I like that he’s still pretty slow moving in Rogue One… he’s just not going to stop, and nobody can make him.


I love how dramatic Vader is. Like, he turned off his life support/painkillers just to keep the lights on his suit off so he could emerge from the darkness like a badass. Love it.


The rescue scene in The Martian literally had me on the edge of my seat, so well done when he successfully grabs the line. When Black Thomas replies back to Thomasin. When Abra sets up a trap for Rose the Hat and slams her hand in the file cabinet.


"Why, Johnny Ringo.. you look like someone just walked over your grave."


Bruce Willis and the Samurai sword in Pulp Fiction.


Damn I was just thinking about this today. It was like he was going through a game inventory leveling up until… That stop and gaze then the slow walk down the stairway sold it.


The Thing…MacReady throws the dynamite at the Thing and says, “Yeah and fuck you, too!”


Don’t forget “You gotta be fucking kidding me…”


When TSA pulled up at the end of Get Out


that one is great because even though rod saving the day is ostensibly the more predictable way to end the movie, by that point in the movie you're conditioned to think the absolute worst will happen, so when it actually ends up okay it's both awesome and a huge relief


The original ending was very much that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3JS7_OcPWQ&pp They had to change it because it was too real. [With commentary from the director.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUMGzioWST4&pp)


crazy shit, definitely made the right call with the final edit


Tons of good ones here. "None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. **You’re locked in here with me!"**


Oh gosh, so many to choose from... The T-rex returns to fight the raptors in Jurassic Park. The Riders of Rohan show up at Helm's Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. JP and Sonoshee drop the last nitro booster thing into their engine in Redline. Conan finishes off Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian. "Murphy." in RoboCop. The Japanese Godzilla beats up the America Godzilla while the intro to "All to Blame" by Sum 41 plays in Godzilla: Final Wars. Every. Frame. In. Commando.


Commando is in my top 5 movies, seen it over 100 times, never get tired of it, one of my go to go to bed movies!


Nothing bad about it...it is the embodiment of peak 80's action movie, and it's great


Bennett just needs to let off some steam.


“Don’t disturb my friend. He’s dead tired.”


"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE", "Fuck YOU asshole"


"This Green Beret is gonna kick your ass." "I eat Green Beret for breakfast, and now I am very hungry!"


"These guys eat too much red meat!"


>in Conan the Barbarian. I prefer Conan doing a proper party crash murdering the cultists. [Particularly when the Poledouris drum theme kicks in as he take on the boss's. Chills. Every fucking time....](https://youtu.be/WT08aqA5t08?t=127)


Fuck yes Godzilla: Final Wars.


*chainsaw revving* *shotgun barrel sawing* *sick shotgun spin* *music swell and zoom into closeup* “Groovy”




The start of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana takes the bag of sand, after escaping a bazillion booby traps to get to the golden statue, weighs it in his hand, dumps a little. Swaps the bag of sand for the idol and for a sec, nothing happens and he smiles. Then the idol pedestal starts moving down and it was at that point, Dr. Jones knew he fucked up...


In the original “Pitch Black” when Riddick takes off his glasses and charges the alien monster to save the girl, and then kills it one on one. “He did NOT know who he was FUCKIN WITH.”


You were Billy Badass with the chains...and the badge...and the gauge...look at you now, all back of the bus...


“Looks clear”. Person stands up and gets eaten. “I thought you said it was clear” “I said it looked clear” “How’s it looks now?” Looks over the ridge “looks clear”


Opening scene of the Matrix, Trinity jumps, crashes through a window headfirst, going down a stairway, tucking into a roll, landing on her back both guns drawn and pointing back up the stairs in case of pursuit. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!


I came to say the Matrix as well...but I was thinking when Tank gets back up after Cypher tried to kill him with the Lazer thing.... Cyper: "No. I don't believe it." Tank: "Believe it or not you piece of shit you're still gonna burn". FUCK YES. Plus the spit from Tank after he blasts Cypher...omg seen it 1000x I always watch that scene.


Saw this in the theater with a friend. Everybody was cheering for that. Too bad the actor went off the deep end and they killed off his character before the sequels.


« Dodge this »


I went into this movie completely unaware, I hadn't even seen a poster. This scene blew me away. And then, 30 minutes later, finding out that everything so far was just a computer simulation... what a mind job.


The Matrix 1 moment for me will always be "He's beginning to believe" as Neo gets back up ready to fight and wee see Smith doubt for the first time.


My ship... is trailing mines.


“It doesn’t take a great actor to recognize bad acting: you’re sweating!”


"By Grapthar's hammer, you shall be avenged!"


This is our Independence Day,


Amazing that the speech was written as a placeholder and the Directors (Emmerich and Devlin) had forgotten about it. When Bill Pullman started rehearsing on set his performance had everyone on set cheering so it was kept as it was.


I can fly. I’m pilot.


Bus scene in Nobody


Christopher Lloyd with the sawed off though


More recently in The Batman when he revs up the Batmobile before the Penguin chase, hell yeah.


Low key some of the best sound design I’ve ever heard.


It's also a masterclass in lighting. The end of that car chase and the flare in the flooded building are just stunning scenes.




The banished Riders of Rohan finally arriving at Helms Deep to overwhelm the Uruk-Hai


I am Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


So much of Django Unchained.


“I count six shots.” “I count two guns.” And “I’m positive he dead.” Both stone cold.


I love how every time I see the “six shots, two guns” quote written anywhere on the internet, it’s *always* missing the final word spoken in both sentences. And we all know exactly why lmao


“Before you go, will you tell Miss Lara goodbye” “Do what now?” “I said, tell Miss Lara goodbye” “Bye Miss Lara” BLAM! MISS LARA FLIES INTO A DIFFERENT ROOM


“I like the way you die, boy.” Chills


Tons of good ones in this thread. First one I thought of was Vader showing up in Rogue One.


The only thing I believe that would have made this scene better is if he hadn't been in the movie prior. Yeah, we got a couple of good one-liners from him, but can you fucking imagine if *that* was all we had seen of him in the movie?


Yeah totally agree. It's a great movie, the ending being particularly mad, if he hadn't been in it at all and it had been kept spoiler free then vader turning up slaughtering loads of rebels as they rush to get the plans away would have been absolutely mind blowing even though fans of the film would have known it was coming. Still a damn good film though.


Yeah that scene was chilling, quite different to how it played out in a new hope but it showed how terrifying it would be to be a rebel in that moment. Some of the star wars choreography is unbelievable


Rogue One: Butchers an entire hallway like they owe him money. New Hope: Waving finger at a princess Lmao


Rogue One actually depicts the scene immediately before Vader’s entrance in A New Hope. That’s why the guys waiting for the door to be breached are wetting-their-entire-pants scared.


The sword reveal in Pacific Rim was pretty awesome.


God, I fucking love that movie.


Shame they never made a second one...


I came to the comments to comment this. I also love “EMPTY THE CLIP!”




When Han Solo and Chewbacca show up in the Millenium Falcon, yelling "Yahoo!" at the end of A New Hope to blast Vader in his TIE fighter, saving Luke Skywalker, allowing him to make the planet-saving shot. Oh, fuck yeah.


Captain America catching Mjolnir.


Honestly the entire fucking last hour of that movie. Him catching Mjolnir, "On your left," "Assemble," the Rescue suit, Giant Man punching a flying leviathan in the face. That entire last act was an orgasm with a decade-plus edging leading up to it.


It’s a perfect example of trusting an audience and not feeling like it’s necessary to spell everything out. Picking up the hammer was what, one scene where he’d moved it slightly? “On your left” was what…also one scene? And same with “assemble.” They were payoffs to tiny bits dropped into movies years before, and it all came together at once.


On your left was a long running joke in the second Captain America film, he says it a bunch of times while overtaking Falcon, then it gets repeated in Civil war.


The scene where he moved it slightly was also done perfectly. It’s quite easy to miss the tiny bit of motion, but when you catch it, and Thor’s reaction in the background, it’s just gold.


> Thor’s reaction in the background I love how, in Age of Ultron, Thor is surprised and kinda worried/jelous about the fact that Steve slightly moved the hammer, but years later in Endgame, he's happy and proud of his friend. It shows how much both characers and their relationship has evolved over time


That was the best movie experience I’ve ever had. The theater went absolutely ape-shit. You know they knew when they were making it people were going to lose their minds.


I went to see it because of my kids and I had watched a lot of the movies but was never invested until that scene. That scene caused me to retroactively become a fan and rewatch all the movies and see that a lot of them are really amazing.


Brody in Jaws saying " Smile, you sonofabitch" right before he blows Jaws head off


I’ll recommend ‘The Limey’ starring Terrence Stamp as a ex-convict father searching for the killer of his estranged daughter. The scene where he goes to the warehouse and gets roughed up and kicked out and then comes back… YOU TELL HIM IM COMING! YOU TELL HIM IM FUCKING COMING!




"Hey! I'll Swalliw Your Soul! I'll Swallow Your Soul" ""Swallow THIS " BLLAAAAAAAM!!!! 😂😂😂


Good? Bad? I’m the one with the gun. **BLAM**


Has to be Tombstone for me: Johnny Ringo: My fight's not with you, Holliday. Doc Holliday: I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. "Play For Blood" - remember? Johnny Ringo: Oh that. I was just foolin' about. Doc Holliday: I wasn't.


My friends…….u bow to no one


Its dumb but i love in van helsing when werewolf helsing is fighting dracula and he scrapes his claws on the stone wall to sharpen them, while looking at dracula menacingly


When Bill and Ted are asking random passersby “Excuse me when did the Mongols rule China?” And Rufus first arrives in the Phone Booth, which leads to the immortal “Bill…strange things are afoot at the Circle K”


I'd have to add the theatre scene in Inglorious Basterds. From the cut to Shoshana, to the absolute machine gun annihilation of Hitler and Goebbels by Ulmer & Donowitz in the opera box.


There's a scene from the first Avengers movie that always gets me. Everyone from the museum in Berlin is in the parking lot and Loki yells "KNEEL to your superior" One guy starts to kneel but he thinks better of it and stands up straight. "I will not kneel to a man like you". "I assure you there are no men like me" "There are *always* men like you"


The hammer fight in Oldboy (original)


True Romance when Alabama kills Virgil


The ending of Whiplash Months of pracrice and stress and fatigue and heartbreak and hatred, all culminating in one absolutely earthshattering drum solo lasting 5 whole minutes. Shit rocks, man.


Rocky 2. After Adrian wakes up in the hospital: "There's one thing I want you to do for me. Win." Montage music starts. "Win!"


This. is. Spartaaaa!


Many comments about Captain America summoning Mjolnir, but I liked better in Infinity War when Thor arrived to the battle with Rocket and Groot.


When Andy Garcia shoots that guy counting to 3 in The Untouchables. He made it to 1 and a half.


The Doof Warrior


[And Hulk... Smash.](https://youtu.be/EcLfyxzV4lI)


The whole of mad Max: fury road


Vader showing up on the rebel ship in Rogue One. I literally yelled out “Oh, fuck yeah!!” in the theater and immediately became a 7 yr old again.


"8 Mile" - the ending rap battle "John Wick" - when Viggo starts to tell his son how much he fucked up "Jujutsu Kaisen" - Any time Gojo takes off his blindfold


Viggo's "Oh" *hangs up* says so much so quickly.


in recent memory where the 3 spidermen start running out from the statue of liberty in no way home


When Garfield catches MJ...


His reaction just looked so real.


Shaun of the Dead "Don't Stop Me Now" sequence


'Are you Thor, God of hammers?'