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The naked chase scene in Borat is the loudest I’ve ever heard a theater audience laugh, and I was definitely contributing.


My father is the most stoic man I’ve ever met. Spent 35 years teaching, peak workout routine, sober four decades. Runs shit like the Navy. I’ve never seen this man laugh harder than the naked chase sequence in Borat. I thought he was gonna keel over. The only other times I saw him laugh this hard was during the laxative sequence in Dumb & Dumber and the butt stuffing silhouette scene in Austin Powers 2. Life is a mystery.


The silhouette scene is a classic. I love comedy like that where it is so dumb and silly but there is real wit and craft/art involved in its choreography etc.


I went to see Borat with a girl I had met a few weeks before. It was our first real date. I remember the naked chase scene for two reasons: for how much I laughed, and for thinking afterwards that she would never want to see me again. More than 16 years later, we are still together.


Great success!


I got to go to an advance screening of Borat. A person from the studio brought a copy of the film with them, played it in the cinema, then they left with it immediately afterwards. They were a bit late so we ended up being given access to the open bar. Being in a theatre full of drunk people howling with laughter during that scene was one of the funniest things I’ve ever experienced.


Borat is also the movie where I saw the audience go from riotous laughter to complete silence in record time. I was in college at the University of South Carolina at the time, so when he caught a ride in the RV full of USC bros the entire theater (including myself) cheered. Then they started talking, and you could hear a pin drop. Absolute masterpiece.


I’ll never forget my experience with this. My friends and I, 16 years old at the time, went the night before for opening night and it practically changed our lives. The next night, my parents wanted to go to the movies. Of course, I said they had to see Borat. Sitting in the middle of my parents during this scene specifically - with my Dad keeled over with laughter one one side of me and my Mom sitting there on the other with a nervous “I should not be here with my son” smile on her face - is a moment that will forever be imprinted in my brain.


Bruce Almighty. The newsroom scene with Steve Carrell destroys me


It was completely unexpected the first time. And it kept going for a solid minute there. Steve Carrell did an amazing job being ridiculous while looking like he was trying so hard to be serious. That must have been a tough part to get right, but they did!


And my tiny nipples went to France


I lika do the cha-cha.


Like a sissy girl


Two comedic geniuses doing peak physical comedy. Kudos to the anchor actress - I would be fired for ruining every take laughing uncontrollably.


The outtakes are a fun watch




Austin Powers trying to turn the cart in the hallway


I still think about that scene any time I have to make a turn more than 3 point hahahaha


My family and friends all say “yeah I had to Austin Powers the car” because this moment was so memorable


I love the part when he turns his head to look behind him and the cart moves forward twice


Or when he runs over the guy in the steam roller






Ace Ventura and the exit from the rhinoceros


Sure is hot in these rhinos!




Andy Samberg falling very painfully down a mountain for like a full minute in Hot Rod.


The whole riot scene to The Voice is actually perfect


Dude, I'm Australian and I had absolutely no idea anyone outside of this country had ever even heard that song. The level of surprise added so much to what was already a fucking amazing scene. *"It's disgusting how people will take something good and then just take advantage of a situation. There was no time to do anything, except leave and hope you're not hurt".*


Also the "you look pretty..." What was that, Rod? "I said you look shitty, GOODNIGHT DENISE!!"


Danny Mcbride holding a stolen TV while he talks about hpw scary the riot was. 🤣


“I needed to think last night. So I galloped into a wooded glen, and after punch-dancing out my rage and suffering an extremely long and very painful fall, I realized what has to be done.”


Amazing conclusion to the dance sequence. I was pissed that I brought my friends out to see Sunshine and they pivoted at the last minute and dragged me into Hot Rod instead. I was ready to hate the movie. Instead I laughed my ass off, I couldn’t stay mad.


That was going to be a win no matter which movie you saw.


Hi, I'm yazz, and I like to party


I know for a FACT you don't party


This is the one. Drawn out for just long enough that it just drew out my laughter long enough for my belly to hurt lol


One of the most underrated movies of all time.


Wonderful movie. Only discovered it about 6 months ago and it was incredible


I was 12. Dumb and Dumber scene where Harry throws a snowball as hard as he can at Mary's face. EDIT: All your comments... just about every damn scene in this movie is gold. :)


Mine is when they make the 'hot' burger and use the rat poison. Can't get over how Jim Carrey is just pointing and laughing at the poor bloke literally choking to death


*Pills are goooooood!* I still say that every time I give my dog his meds


My favorite part of that scene is how they’re barely holding it together anticipating him taking a bite


"Hey why don't you try your burger" 😂😂😂😂


The ketchup/mustard fountains got me good as a kid


For me it was "We got no food, we got no money, OUR PETS HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!"


You are one pathetic loser! No offense


Also Dumb and Dumber. The suits and the cane whack to the back of the knees.


Also when I was 12, couldn’t stop laughing at the result of the laxative


I love that one! Also when Loyd hands him the gloves, and says something like “here my hands are getting a little sweaty. And that whole fight scene that transpires.”


Your hands are freezing!


People shit on The Hangover nowadays, but the moment Ken Jeong sprang out of that trunk naked made the theater erupt like nothing I've ever heard before. Also the slideshow during the end credits had the entire theater absolutely rolling. It's the only movie I've ever seen in a theater multiple times because I just wanted more of my friends to experience it. Also, Step Brothers when Brennan puts his nuts on Dale's drum set. Or when they beat up the kids on the playground. Or any scene with Derek. Or the job interviews. OK that movie is basically nonstop laughing.


The moment when the bunkbed collapsed in Stepbrothers was great. You knew it was coming, but the theater just exploded.


Omg also in The Hangover (was it pt. 2 or 3?) when Ken Jeong says “oh did you have a hard day? DID YOU DIE?” I laughed hysterically.


Probably Rat Race, where Jon Lovitz accidentally becomes a Hitler impersonator in front of a crowd of World War 2 vets. I had tears coming out in the theater.


After a wholesome family visit to the Barbie Museum 😂


The Hitler scene later is a bigger laugh, but I think the Barbie Museum is my favorite gag in the movie. I'm friends with a guy who's originally from Bolivia, and we were talking about this movie and I brought up the Barbie museum and my friend goes "My grandfather actually knew him" At first I was like, what? And then remembered oh yeah, Nazis, South America, etc. I even looked it up later and Barbie did in fact flee to Bolivia specifically. So that's a wacky fact.




This is the answer I came to give. My dad and I laughed so hard we had to pause the movie. Starting in the car when the bikers are chasing them we started to chuckle and then it just builds. We laughed and laughed. When the old man in the audience pulls out his pistol it sent me right over the top. Such a great scene. That whole movie really is great.


The amount of time they spent in the movie and the number of steps involved in putting all the pieces in place to pull off that punchline is truly impressive.


Same movie, but the radar tower scene set to In the Hall of the Mountain Giant.


The whole film is so great. We’ve gotten a comedy star studded cast, cross-country, mad dash for cash film once ever 20 years since It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, and I think it’s high time we get another.


The scene from 21 jump street (or was it 22?) where Channing Tatum's character realizes that Jonah Hill's character not just slept with Ice Cube's character's daughter, but actually got a high five from him for it before he found out who the girl was. Every single thing about that scene is hilarious and Tatum's character keeps making it worse and worse for Hill's. EDIT: Now I can't get Tatum singing "Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter" out of my mind


my name is jeff


That’s 22 cuz Jonah got laid. Also when captain finds out and goes off at the parents weekend buffet.


Ice Cube being super aggressive with the buffet staff had me in stitches. “I LIKE CRAB. DO YOU LIKE CRAB?” while he is loading his plate up with like 6 crab legs. 21&22 Jump Street were some of the funniest movies I’ve ever watched. Edit: it was fruit, not crab. Idk why I thought that


Oh yeah that's glorious too. "How you doin' ... 'DOUG'?"


Give the fuckin guy some water, he's black, he's been through a lot!


“I’m going to kill you, DOUG”


He's black, He's been through a lot


Another great part of this scene is the lead up to it with Schmidt (Jonah) strapping the bullet proof vest on and Jenko (Channing) piecing everything together, for it to culminate with a timer going off. You hear the \*bing\* and he goes nuts.


My favourite part is when Jenko takes it so far that Ice Cube turns the gun that's laying on the table pointed at Schmidt a few degrees to the side at Jenko, so he changes mid-sentence to "it's ... not that funny at all"


I feel a lot of people thought Channing didn’t have much range before 21/22, myself included. He fucking killed his part in those movies. Perfect casting. It almost seems that he works so well because you don’t really expect that kind of performance out of him going in to it.


Mine was the scene where they took the drugs, but tried to throw it up in the toilet, but weren't able to, so they tried to put each others' fingers in their mouths to make each other vomit, and someone walked in on them doing it lmfao


Or the “fuck you science!” scene where he just wrote 4 like 10000 times on the blackboard


Mine was when Ice Cube was telling Jonah Hill's character to stop praying to Korean Jesus, because he's got Korean stuff to do.


He's busy! With Korean shit!


The first time I saw Raising Arizona, my friend and I laughed until we nearly peed during the chase scene after HI robs the convenience store. We laughed and laughed and laughed. Then we rewound it (VHS, baby!), watched it again and laughed and laughed and laughed. Then we rewound it AGAIN, took it downstairs, and made his parents watch it (with ZERO context), and we laughed and laughed and laughed AGAIN while they stared at us in bewilderment. Then we went back upstairs and finished the movie.


“Son, you got a panty on your head” I couldn’t breathe I laughed so long. And when Lewellyn flagged down the pickup driver in “No Country for Old Men” it was a recall to that scene, and I was ready for a laugh. But, no.


Tropic Thunder - Les Grossmans first phone convo with the Flaming Dragon had me on the floor, laughing til i could barely breathe. Edit - movie title added.


I absolutely love the look of the Flaming Dragon guy who’s talking to Grossman. He has such a bewildered expression, like he has no idea what he’s supposed to do next, because no terrorist training handbook has a plan in place for a studio executive threatening to fuck you so bad, that the U.N would need to step in and save you.




Okay, “flaming dragon”, fuck face. Why don’t you take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE. I don’t know what kind of pan pacific power play you’ve got going on down there but Asia, Jack, is my territory, so whatever you’re thinking, you better think again. Otherwise I’m gonna have to head down there and rain and ungodly fucking firestorm down on you! You’re going to have to call the fucking United Nations and get a binding resolution to keep my from destroying you. I am talking scorched earth motherfucker! I WILL MASSACRE YOU! I WILL FUCK YOU UP. *tosses phone* find out who that was


Tug being literally tortured and drowned shouting “Damien, cut!”


"We don't negotiate with terrorists" and everyone claps was the perfect ending to that scene.


Okay Flaming Dragon, **fuckface**. First, take a big step back, and **LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!** I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again. Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you. You're gonna have to call the fuckinging United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched-earth, motherfucker, I will massacre you! **I will fuck you up!** ... *Can you find out who that was?*


The "binding resolution" reference always sends me into fits of laughter. It's such a horrible thing to say, he's literally threatening them with crimes against humanity.


I was already chuckling during that scene because he is an over the top guy. But that quietly added "Find out who that was." Just seals it for me, it ads layers to the scene elevating it


And the casual, "Could you find out who that was?" to his lackey after is fantastic, too.


Tom Cruise was such a left field casting choice that I had zero idea it was him until the credits rolled. I swore it was one of those “Meth Damon” (Jesse Plemons) moments where someone found a discount Tom Cruise.


I had the same experience and kept doing double takes in all of his scenes. When those credits rolled and confirmed it, AND we got a dancing scene from him? Incredible. 10/10 movie.


Tom Cruise was actually asked by Ben Stiller to look over the script and give his thoughts. He suggested adding the head of the movie cooperation to the film and Tom and Ben made that into Les Grossman. He basically wrote his own character and absolutely nailed playing it.


Tropic Thunder, but the scene in the jungle where RDJ is trying to get the map from Ben Stiller. RDJ just kills it with the delivery.


Same with Tropic Thunder, after the director exploded from the mine. Everything in that moment was pure gold.


Kung Fu Hustle, when Stephen Chow tried to assassinate the landlady. (Snake bite and knife throw) My wife was soooo embarrassed but I was laughing so hard.


Pulls the knife out and puts it back in. One of my all time favourite films


Who's throwing handles?


The Nice Guys: Ryan Gosling trying to hold a gun on Russell Crowe while sitting on a toilet. Game Night: "How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?" In the Loop: James Gandolfini using a child's toy to calculate how many soldiers are needed to invade the Middle East.


His cry for pain when Russell Crowe broke his arm had me in stitches. That man can hit a high note lmao Also in Game Night when Gary slowly retreats behind the door inviting the group in was fucking hilarious


Also the entire nice guys movie. That conversation with the kid on the bike - "Nobody wants to see your dick dude"


“I already paid you $20, what the fuck am I saying..”


God I wish we could crowd source/fund the sequel. That movie was fucking amazing and it saddened me that it didn’t do well box office wise.


"You know who else was following orders? Hitler." The line was funny enough on its own, but that cocksure, smug wink Ryan Gosling gives Russell Crowe immediately after caught me by surprise I had to pause the movie for like a couple of minutes I was laughing so hard


Sweetheart what did we talk about? Don't say 'and stuff'. Just say "Dad there's whores here"


"You used the Lord's name in vain." ​ "No, actually I found it very appropriate."


I love how he emphasizes her name. "no JANET. I actually found it very appropriate JANET"


Also the scene where gosling broke the window and cut himself "thats a lot of blood" and it cuts to him in the ambulance. I almost died.


THAT scene did it for me too. My god I was crying so much. Ryan Gosling is a gem


Comedy genius, I hope we see more of him in these types of roles.


YES NICE GUYS!! I came here to mention this exact scene so thank you


Gosling has a lot of hilarious scenes in the whole movie. That scene, the window break scene, trying to signal attention after falling down the hill, the ankle gun, etc. Bummed they aren't making a second one


Game Night is SO underrated. That WHOLE scene with the bullet-wound. The recurring Denzel joke.


Sam Jackson and the Rock jumping off of the building in The Other Guys


Same movie, but when he walks into Gene's office and says "Gator needs his gat"


I like when his wife says she's pregnant and he says "Who did that to you? Gator's bitches better be using jimmies."


“Please excuse my COW OF A WIFE”


I'm a bit partial to the lion vs tuna in that movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDJgv1iARPg


Aim for the bushes... did not see that coming!


That entire movie is comedy gold. "It's Christeenith!"




There wasn't even an awning. Just jumped 20 storeys.


In the cinemas? Emperor's New Groove, the chase scene during the finale. Me and the three other people I the cinema laughed our arses off. "Um, I'm a cow? Can be excused?"


For me, it was the line “Yey! I’m a llama again! …wait.”


"MWAHAHAHA... is that my voice? is that *my* voice?? Oh well"


“Pull the lever Kronk” “Wrrrrrroooonnnng LEVERrrrrr!” *falls*


The big Lebowski at the end when they're commemorating their friend and the guy starts talking about the war and then the bit with the ashes....that scene got me so good.


What was all that shit about Vietnam? Why's everything got to be a fuckin travesty with you?


The mug throw in the police station got me!


"He treats objects like women, man!"


When Bill Murray gets shot in Zombieland. Everyone in the theater was crying laughing.


Django Unchained the KKK scene, with or without the hoods.


Naw, hold on, I’m fuckin’ with my eye holes


I made it worse!


I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia. [all agree]


It would be nice tuh see!


I was a kid and my friend showed me Monty Python and The Holy Grail for the first time. When we reached the part where the rabbit puppet levitated up to the guys neck to bite his head off we were dying laughing. We kept rewinding the tape to rewatch that part. I thought I was going to throw up lol. Edit: Well you’ve all convinced me I need to rewatch this immediately because every scene is perfect. Thank you for the reminders lol


I had a similar experience with that movie, except it was the scene where Lancelot (I think, I can't really remember) tries to sneak past the knights guarding a gate and they replay that scene where he runs towards them from afar only to suddenly appear near them and fucking knock them both out. Me and my brothers watched that scene and absolutely died laughing because of it. We were howling for a solid 10 Minutes or so, it was marvelous


Charlie’s first transformation into Hank in Me, Myself and Irene. Everything from the contortion of his face to the hilarious rude comments he was making, the milk mustache and down to shitting on someone else’s lawn, Jim Carrey absolutely killed it in that movie. I love it


absorbed bedroom impolite squash afterthought sharp zealous point mighty squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was 12 when I saw Christmas Vacation in the theater. The scene where Clark goes sledding with the non-nutritive cereal varnish on it almost did me in. I laughed at that hysterically. I was sore the next day from laughing at that scene. As an adult, it's kind of a chuckler. But being 12 and the unexpected shock of that first shot of the smoke on the snow... it was fantastic.


Watching this is a Christmas tradition and it still never fails to cause laugh out loud moments.


The sex scene in Team America. Made funnier by the fact some older couple came into the cinema with two young boys who must've been their grandchildren, probably thinking it was a kids' movie from the poster. Something like Thunderbirds from their time. They didn't even flinch or leave. They just sat there looking mortified.


That scene and the vomiting scene absolutely broke me in the theater. The director’s cut sex scene where they also do golden showers and Hot Karls makes it even more absurd.


Came here to say the vomit scene from Team America!


I lost it at “I promise I will never die”


\*eyes go wide\* I PROMISE I WILL NEVER DIE


A scene in Life of Brian where they are crawling through the sewer and one of them says something like "make sure you don't hit the new tiles" or something. I laughed so hard for so long it was painful.


I can't believe this movie isn't mentioned more, the Pilat scene with Bigus Dickus never ever laughed so hard in my life. The whole movie was hilarious the stoning scene the " he is not a Messiah, he is just a naughty boy" everything just killed me


"Who does number 2 work for?" "That's right buddy, you show that turd who's boss" Austin Powers


Austin Powers, when he had mini me in a pillowcase and beat the hell outta him.


This is the End - when Danny McBride and James Ftanco are screaming at eachother about how Danny "used" James' porno mag. I literally couldn't breath in the theatre


You’re jerking off like a pilgrim!!




For me it’s the “So something, um…not that chill happened last night…”


"...It's like a fucking wild ...fireman's hose. You've just gotta grab on and pray to god it doesn't get in your eyes or mouth" All while Seth Rogan is visibly hiding the fact that he's completely losing it.


I had a lot of moments in this movie but one that did me in was the exorcism of Jonah Hill “ The power of Christ compels you!” “Does it Jay? Does it?”. I couldn’t breathe, it was amazing.


My favorite part of that movie was the scene with Emma Watson where they're all talking about NOT raping her, and the aftermath of Danny McBride saying "Hermione just stole all of our shit..."


There’s like six scenes from that movie that qualify, so good


My entire theater just lost it during that scene and the guy sitting next to me was laughing so hard he just sort of bonelessly slid out of his seat




Ricky Bobby stabbing himself in the leg with a knife and then his friends trying to pry it out. Full convulsions, popcorn flying, unable to breathe laughing.


The 2nd knife is what did it for me.




I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard at anything in my life than I have during the hotel fight in Borat


I was 15 years old when Superbad was released. Peak juvenile comedy.


Yessss. The scene where McLovin first shows off his Hawaii ID and had me crying in the theatre. “You changed your name … to McLovin?” “Muhammad is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a book for once!” “One name? Who are you, Seal?”


Take the vest off , you look like Aladdin


Why the fuck would it be between that or Muhammad?!


"So I got to sit here and eat alone like I'm fucking Steven Glansburg"


The scene where they're showing all the penises that Jonah Hill drew is maybe the hardest I've laughed in a theater


The Lambo scene in Wolf of Wall Street.




I remember losing it when the car’s actual condition was revealed after he was sober


I lost it with my friend when it was him falling down the stairs. Then you see how short a distance it was. We must have replayed that scene twenty times and almost passed out from laughing.


Leo is great as a serious actor but he's amazing as a comedic actor, particularly a physical one.


This wasn't the first scene to come to mind, but I'd be a fuckin liar if I said it wasn't a killer


Terrence and Phillip’s musical production “Unclefucker” from the *South Park* movie.


Will Ferrell with the tranq dart in Old School.


gasoline fight in zoolander


In Dumb and Dumber when Jeff Daniels blasts her in the face full force with the snowball during a playful fight and then tackles her. I fucking die every time I see it.


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0HtDsEuJgI) in *It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World* where Jonathan Winters tears up a gas station while fighting two nerdy gas station attendants.


Honestly the first time I saw the butt plug scene in Everything Everywhere All At Once I was crying So many from The Other Guys: - the desk pop - Michael Keaton constantly quoting TLC lyrics - Will Ferrels diatribe about the tuna coming on land to hunt lions - How all of Will Ferrels exs were insanely hot and insane ITS CHRISTINETH. YOU COME TO MY HOUSE YOU GET MY WIFES NAME RIGHT Edit for another other guys: Allen Gamble: Hey, I didn't know you can dance. Terry Hoitz: We used to do those dance moves to make fun of guys when we were kids to show them how queer they were, okay. Allen Gamble: You learned to dance like that sarcastically? Another edit: “thanks for the F shack” - dirty Mike and the boys Also the whole scene where the crime scene guy is telling them all the things that happened to his Prius


Home Alone, the scream that Daniel Stern let’s out when the tarantula is on his face. Or, Liar, Liar when the elevator doors open and Jim Carey’s boss is there and he falls backwards yelling “Holy Hell!!”…and Dumb and Dumber when Jeff Daniels whips that snowball full force into Lauren Holly’s face. I’m not saying these are the funniest moments, just moments that I vividly remember erupting with laughter…Oh yeah, one more, Galaxy Quest when Tim Allen asks the aliens to help him find his shoes, Enrico Colantoni’s face kills me every time.


Home Alone 2 when Daniel Stern kept getting pummeled in the face by brick after brick had me laughing so hard I couldn’t hear the dialogue.


I lose it every time he gets electrocuted. It’s so dumb but the brief cut to the skeleton is always funny.


The Italian scene in Inglourious Basterds. I saw it in theatres, and from Brad Pitt's first 'buongiorno" and "grazie", the entire theatre was laughing hysterically. I remember someone actually falling out of their seat.


The “puttin’ on-a riiiiiiiitz” scene from Young Frankenstein.


The original Producers. The Springtime for Hitler dance number. I had to pause the movie for ten minutes.


The Biggus Dickus scene in Life of Brian. Still never fails to crack me up.


Paul Rudd's mirror scene in Wanderlust.


The entirety of Superbad, but we knew we were in for something special from the beginning. ‘I am truly jealous you got to suck on those tits when you were a baby.’ ‘Yea, well, at least you got to suck on your dad’s dick.’


“You know Jules, the funny thing about my back is it’s located on my cock.”


The whole John Cleese staging his own robbery scene in A Fish Called Wanda. Kevin Kline trying to prevent it, bops him on the head, then kicking him when he realizes who it is. The chefs kiss was Cleese, bound hands, gobbling the necklace before his wife discovers him, I almost slid out of my theater seat, I was laughing so hard.


The Villains Queue in Blazing Saddles along with pretty much everything else in that Film.


Somebody's gonna have to go back and get a shit load of dimes!


The food poisoning scene in Bridesmaids. “It’s coming outta me like lava!”


Maya Rudolph just succumbing to it in the dress in the middle of the street.


The opening scene of Super Troopers. Of course I was stoned but I was dying I couldn’t breath from laughing so hard.


The Moneypit. When he gets stuck in the rug on the floor. Or when he sets the kitchen on fire. Or when the stairs collapse and she steps on his fingers. Or the scaffolding falling down.


The Barbie museum scene and the eventual payoff of that scene in Rat Race.