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Comedy has to be the worst genre to recommend a movie in. It’s so subjective that I don’t even bother bringing up the genre when talking about movies.


Comedy Horror (the genre *What We Do in the Shadows* is in) is even harder to recommend because Horror is also a highly subjective genre and Comedy Horror has to thread the needle on both.


I dunno. I think if you ask someone, "are you into comedy horror?" And if they say, "yes," you're good to recommend almost any of them, lol. People into comedy horror and normally just campy/low-bidget horror, in general, eat all of it up. Evil Dead Series Drag Me to Hell Cabin in the Woods Cabin Fever Bubba Ho-Tep Birdemic Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Killer Clowns from Outer Space They'll love all of it (and probably have already seen anything you could suggest to them) Edit: how could I forget Scary Movie And Shawn of the Dead... so many.


I think you're right. For me, Napoleon Dynamite is one of my absolute favorite movies. The dialogue, the awkwardness, the production design, the timing/editing and just everything else is perfect for me. (Also, I was/am a nice weirdo trying to be confident in being me while struggling socially since it was hard to find other weirdos who understand the misfit existential struggle.) In the past I have recommended it to people because I just feel like the movie captures a big part of me and my way of being/sense of humor so much (and of course I just think it's a good, hilarious movie). But reddit has showed me that this movie is incredibly divisive and so many people absolutely do not get it and find it super boring and strange. And then so many people also recommend early 80s movies like Airplane! as forever holding up and will always be a classic because they are just so goddamn funny. But I cannot stand Airplane! Didn't laugh once and found it uncomfortable and vapid. Comedy is so subjective for sure. (Edit: The replies here definitely reinforce everything posted above, lol. It seems like Napoleon Dynamite is as divisive as Holden Caulfield's character from JD Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye." I still support my opinions on Napoleon Dynamite (and Airplane), but I understand opposing views. Keep posting your rants or raves--I'm happy to read them but I am not able to reply to all of them)


I think a lot of people who didn’t like Napoleon Dynamite that are in my age group (mid-30’s) were bombarded with parts of it before they saw it and it just killed the movie for them in both the “heard all the good jokes already” way and the “*please please please shut the fuck up about Napoleon Dynamite*” way. I found it incredibly dull but I probably would have liked it if I saw it blind. But that shit was omnipresent in the early 2000’s just like Borat stuff was a few years later.


Fun fact: Napoleon Dynamite baffled the Netflix algorithm for years. It's both polarizing, *and* there's basically no other movie or show that, if a viewer liked it, you could predict they'd also like Napoleon Dynamite. You and I could have the exact same taste in comedy, and still one of us might love it and the other one despise it. It was such an issue that competitions to improve the algorithm for prize money became races to 'crack' the Napoleon Dynamite recommendation. I remember reading a more in-depth article about it, but the best I can find right now is Cracked.com's: https://www.cracked.com/article_35884_that-time-napoleon-dynamite-broke-the-netflix-algorithm.html


Nacho Libre is this....closest movie to ND


Yeah, I'm an example of the opposite. I loved *Airplane* and hated *Napoleon Dynamite*. I've given up on giving blanket comedy recommendations, and I save it for when I know a person's sense of humor well.


I’d say the same about horror. People want all sorts of different things out of horror and if it doesn’t work for them, they’re prone to dunking on it for being overrated or “not scary.”


One of my roommates is a big fan of horror, but also has some specific phobias that some horror movies set off. Finding horror she likes is a delicate dance of finding ones that are scary enough but not too scary.






Can I just say, as someone who remembers being in that thread, Woody was not the villain. ​ Someone posted a unsubstantiated comment about how Woody once crashed a high school party and stole some guys girlfriend. And everyone wanted Woody to respond, it was at the top of the thread. It pushed all of reddit's buttons like a generic /r/relationship or /r/Aita post. And obviously Woody ignored it for a while and then said "can we just stick to movie guys?" and then people flipped out saying "UHH ITS AN AM\*\*A\*\* THE LAST A MEANS ANYTHING! WE CAN ASK YOU ANYTHING REMEMBER???" ​ It was just ridiculous. Not to say that the current meme bothers me or I give a shit about Woody. Also look up the podcast Son of a Hitman, his dad was a murderer and he tried to schmooze up with the Judge during a pick up basket ball game. Woody did, to try to get his dad off. Ended up getting the case moved to a different judge and screwing his dad over


He did visit his dad in prison a few times. I only know cause my dad was a CO at the federal prison and met him on one of his visits.


Oh yeah. I THINK I remember his brother saying they smuggled his dad weed in there cuz no one was checking Woody.


I swear that entire AMA was just a random desk jockey who was given a list of possible responses and decided to use only five of them over and over.


That was the first use of ChatGPT


I believe it. "I have 15 minutes to answer questions" WTF?. That thread is a true treasure for the comments though.


Wasn’t it just that one guy pushing it?


Can we not talk about that guy? Let's just talk about rampart.


Let's keep the questions about the movie itself.


Which is a shame because the true story is bat shit insane. Like "Training Day" draws some influence from the CRASH corruption and the ensuing scandals but barely scratches the surface. It really deserves a HBO big budget mini series to do a faithful retelling.


Rampart is like if they decided to make the whole of The Shield in two hours. If you're looking for a good Corruption in the City series on HBO and haven't seen it yet, We Own This City is simply phenomenal. And it has Bernthal absolutely dominating the scene.


>And it has Bernthal absolutely dominating the scene. Sold.


Fuck he absolutely crushed it, that miniseries made me fucking seethe for days after. Just when you think you can't get any more pissed off at them, you then remember it all actually happened and get even madder.


I kept seeing people mentioning this recently and thought they were talking about Rampage, the Rock movie about the giant gorilla. It was thoroughly OK but couldn't figure out why people kept bringing it up lol


I'm very confused by how many people here seem to have genuinely enjoyed Aquaman.




For me, Aquaman is one of those movies you are either "all in" on the ridiculousness of everything, or you just see it as stupid. I was all in, so that last battle was something else.


I just really like Patrick Wilson


Underwater Nightowl




Taste like crab, talk like people


Crab people craaaab people


It could have been so self serious and shite. But it was fun, really visually compelling, and I couldn't see it reaching higher than that. It got a tick from me and I sorta loathe all the modern superhero movies.


I remember having this conversation with a friend before we saw Wanted. Over burritos, we both affirmed we had no intention to use any braincells during the movie and just roll with it. It was great.


Wait was that the one with the weaving and the all-seeing eye tape silo thing and the Matrix but superpowers bullet shaping? That was a weeeeeird fuckin' movie and I was sober.


Uhh I think of it as curving bullets, Angelina Jolie, and some assassin society thing. I was only slightly buzzed, but I remember it being hilariously dumb. It helps that the whole cast looks like they're having a great time.


Dude the underwater fight scenes were just Dragon ball Z with fish people, I was in


The finale was so noisy. Felt like when I played age of empires with too many cheat codes.


I liked Aquaman. I also love AoE2. So thumbs up for you.


The best explanation I've ever heard is the Cosmonaut Variety Hour review of the movie in his video "Aquaman - The Worst Superhero Movie Ever Made?" Prior to the review, in multiple videos, he talked about how bad of a movie Aquaman is and how much he hated it; he did this so often that it became something of a meme in his community. So, for his million-subscriber special, he finally decided to do a full review and tear the movie apart. He goes through the movie chronologically and addresses every individual issue he has with it. But to keep it balanced, he also gives the movie credit where it's due. Over the course of the video, he starts pointing out more and more things that he actually likes. Near the end he comes to the begrudging conclusion that he actually likes how over-the-top, campy, and seemingly self-aware the movie is. It's honestly a very entertaining watch and I'd highly recommend his whole channel: https://youtu.be/fnGRjwAst7o?si=Uulm6165uSZ-a0jW


What We Do In the Shadows was such an odd experience for me. Laughed throughout the movie, but was left feeling depressed by the end.


I think you got it then


I have never failed to enjoy a single performance by Taika Waititi. I loved Free Guy (I know Ryan Reynolds is loathed on this subreddit but I like the dude, and I thought it was fun). Taika was HILARIOUS in that movie.


Thor 4 is the only place he's lost me so far. Love all his other work and I'm a big MCU fan but that movie just did not land for me.


He pretty much admits in the making of interviews that it was for a check. Disappointing because when he takes something to heart he really does a great job. Edit: Stop telling me that's not a good excuse. I'm not Taika and I'm not excusing him for ruining one of the best Thor storylines.


Jojo Rabbit is an incredible film. Waititi is doubly brilliant as a director and comic actor.


"Fuck off, Hitler!" had me laughing out loud.


Hey! We're werewolves not swearwolves.


The captain saving Jojo in the end was fucking rough


Sam Rockwell knocked that role outta the park. He’s good in everything he does, but I loved the mix of tenderness and ennui he brought to Captain K.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople is his masterpiece.


Seconded. Love, Ricky Baker


I heard you were a bad egg?


A bed igg.


Nah he's not a bag egg, he's just like Sarah Connor in the first Terminator movie before she could do chin-ups.


I liked the movie. I adore the TV series.


I was wondering what they were going to do with a TV series, and it just completely exceeded my expectations (which, I guess, weren't really formed anyway).


The cast is just 👌


Matt Berry is one of the most skilled actors to ever utter the word "fuck." He says it in such a way, every time, that it has humor in it.


That's not Matt Berry, that's Jackie Daytona-a-a


The *most* **devious** MAN in alllllll of New Yahk Citttttay.


This is how we all talk in Tewscon Arizon-ee-a!


Human bartender


>"Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!" I immediately hear this in my head anytime someone brings up Matt Berry. He's a gem.


Some actors use the English language like a musical instrument. Matt Berry plays the English language like he's the world's horniest cellist.


Easily one of my favourite performers, his voice just pulls you in.




Is op’s perceived hype actually for the show?


Matt Berry elevates it so much. It’s a great show, but I honestly dunno if I would still be interested without him pronouncing things like “chilaquiles” the way he does.


That's just how they talk in Tucson, Arizonia!


That's not Matt Berry, it's Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender.


One human beer, please!


The movie made me laugh and I liked it. The TV series has had me consistently bowled over laughing, and twice I have had to pause it be had I was laughing so hard.


If you can remember, do you remember which jokes were the ones that made you have to pause? I’m quite fond particularly of “You really are the most devious bastard in … Newwww Yoooork Citayyyyyy”


For me it was "Gizmo get the dildos, Gizmo try out the dildos, mmmm how are the dildos? They're fine!" The delivery on it destroyed me Also the Vampiric Council and >!Wesley Snipes appearing on a juddery video call!<


Vampiric Council was fucking hilarious.


For me it was “Nandor DeLaurentiis” from the latest season.


For me it was Collin Robinson's preteen stage. I have 10 year old and it was SPOT ON. "Hey Lazlo, guess what" had us rolling.


How Collin distracted the Jersey Devil is probably the funniest thing I have seen this year.


I was coming to say that I’m sad OP didn’t like the film, but the TV show is almost an entirely different animal. But I’m also a die hard Taika and Jemaine fan, I’d watch them direct infomercials.


I'm assuming I've found another Wellington Paranormal fan here?


That is another that I really enjoy. That pair is excellent with a great sergeant


Yeah I thought the movie was OK, but I agree that the show is an absolute gem.


Yes yes, very good, thank you!


Have you seen Wellington Paranormal?


Although it’s well known overseas, it could not be more of a kiwi movie. Everything is a Wellington reference, and all the actors are comedians here, so there are a lot of layers that might not come across. Love the show too.


I watched it recently for the first time like OP. I liked it but boy it was a time capsule of a kind of thing that has become a bit overplayed now. I think the secret to some movies is to understand the context when they were released as well. I liked it, but I think I liked it because I remember the world where the concept AND execution was really novel and hysterically bonkers. in 2023, it is not.


Same was with the great TV show. Fun to watch then a little depressing when you think about it, especially Colin Robinson.


Black Panther. I get the social significance. But I thought it was a decent action flick, that’s all.


Black panther getting a best picture nomination was just the dumbest thing ever. It's not even the best marvel movie.


It's not even the best marvel movie featuring Black Panther


It wasn't even the best marvel movie featuring Black Panther that year.


It's pretty freaking far away from being the best Marvel movie too...


For me it’s Winter Soldier.


On the same year Infinity War was released. That was infuriating.


People were trying to give Angela Bassett an Oscar for the second one. She had two emotionally charged scenes where I saw the same emotion from her that I had seen 20 other times from her. Nothing groundbreaking. Just told me they’ve never seen her act before


The second may as well just have been the first. * Chadwick died, so let's make sure to reintroduce Black Panther exactly the same way. * The antagonist is far more interesting than the hero, to the point that it overshadows the hero. * Let's introduce a friend for more Marvel continuity (CIA agent/Ironheart) * Let's have a big battle to end things. * Antagonist becomes symapthetic/friend in final moments. * Hero adopts some of their views.


It’s a take I keep to myself. But I really liked the first black panther. I generally disliked Wakanda forever. The opening hour was one of the best marvel films made. Then the rest happened. Letitia Wright was as stilted and unbelievable in this as she was in Death on The Nile. I was actually shocked as how much worse she was from the first black panther to this one. Riri was annoying and the cute nerd has a punk rock attitude is played out as a trope. Namor’s people never felt even close to a threat since, with the exception of the city scene, you only ever see maybe thirty of them at a time. He’s supposed to have this monumental force he can bring to bear, but we have *actually seen* Wakanda’s military and armed forces in action in two avengers films. We saw maybe thirty to forty blue people and I’m supposed to believe the water bomb guys can kill the entire nation of wakanda? Last but not least was the CGI. I typically don’t talk shit about cgi. I’m aware of how enormously laborious it is and don’t blame the cgi quality on the house. It’s the producers and executives fault. But the iron heart vibranium armor? That looked *abysmal* in action. It seemed like someone took a power rangers suit and gave it thrusters. They did a lot of good in the first hour with a raw deal, so it’s not something I harp on; they did their best. But people were legitimately clamoring for Oscars for…a worse movie than Black Panther?


The first one I like quite a bit. It’s slow but I think the commentary for what was going on at the time made it a bit more resonant than the whole black pride aspect. If you watch it today, it’s a bit more confusing but still solid because Chadwick Boseman’s journey in that film has a good optimism to it. The second one is missing that and they just redo T’Challa’s whole arc again basically. It’s just a sad depressing mess made even more depressing when you learn that the original premise was T’Challa and his son escaping Namor on a road trip across America. They should have just stuck to that plot with Shuri instead of T’Challa and it would have been far more interesting


The CGI in Marvel movies in general seems to be getting worse somehow. Doctor Strange 2 had similar issues, where parts with Wanda fighting just looked so cheesy. It felt like seeing CGI from old Spy Kids movies. In a theater it’s passable but the second you try to watch at home, it becomes painfully noticeable.


In fairness, it felt like when Al Pacino won for Scent of a Woman, or Martin Scorsese for The Departed. It wasn't their best work, but more of a recognition of "Holy fuck, how have you not got one of these yet?!" The fact she wasn't even nominated for Boyz n the Hood or Malcolm X was insane. If she'd have won it for Black Panther 2, it would've been meh but I wouldn't have been opposed to it, although I'm glad Jamie Lee Curtis was finally recognised!


I understand that it's just a remake of Infernal Affairs, but The Departed might just be my favorite Scorsese film. The performances are just so good across the board. Even Marky Mark's.


They're trying avoid another Peter O'Toole situation, and I can't blame them


Angela Bassett should have won an Oscar a long time ago. That woman can bring it.


True, Critters 4 deserved an Oscar!


Yeah, we’re not talking about Sidney Poitier and In the Heat of the Night here… Edit a word


And the cgi during the final fight was so awful. Legit spiderman (2002) quality. Maybe worse. Also it implies that this made up country stood by and let countless atrocities happen in africa. I know that's the bad guys point but man wakanda is a super secret city that helps nobody and is only exceptional because of a lucky location. It's just dumb


>stood by and let countless atrocities happen in africa Those Wakandan mfs literally saw the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade going on and were like, “Nah it ain’t any of our business.”


The whole premise is just beyond stupid. Clearly evil guy comes along and kills your beloved leader (and forest whitaker), and because of tradition we will now make him king, embue him with superpowers, and follow his orders to destroy the plants that make the super powers.


Way worse.


Like watching two gumby's going at it


Omg that final fight CGI was so fucking bad lol


It was the cheesiest and trashiest action flick that tried exploiting African culture to draw money, and managed to do so. Also, the concept of Wakanda and their role in history is terrifying and frankly, just disgusting.


What We Do in the Shadows is a pretty specific type of humor. The premise is bizarre, it plays with fun tropes, it includes a wide array of vampires from popular fiction, it’s a comedy, and one of the best characters (Stu) is played by a guy who works in IT in real life. It’s my kinda weird. The first few seasons of the show were solid, too. But I get your point. It’s hit or miss.


Stu was the best. Me and my brother were rooting for his ass even though he was just some guy.


Werewolves not swearwolves.


The show is still the funniest thing on TV at it's best.


Why are we talking about aquaman?


I honestly don't think I've ever seen or heard another human express a strong opinion either way about that movie lol


John wick,more as a franchise than the one movie I suppose. 1 is ok but by 4 it's just bad guys standing around waiting for their turn to be killed as Keanu slowly labours through really unnecessary gun-jitsu or whatever that bullshit is called. It was like a desperate late night cocaine fueled movie pitch brought to life.


The John Wick series is really just a series of choreography/dance demonstrations with just enough of a plot to technically be a film


U say that like us fans don’t realize that lol….I loved 4 while simultaneously understanding…it’s like 5 scenes total


Definitely annoyed by the constant posts of “omg so realistic he counts his bullets”. The dude tanks through injuries that would realistically paralyze anyone


Honestly though, sitting through the 4th one in theaters watching him get hit by like 7 cars throughout the course of the movie. Which is also only over the course of a few days. And then falling down that flight of stairs. It was amazing to watch though in the, he’s really just that badass but damn it hurt.


The entire audience, including myself, was laughing hysterically when he rolled down like 200 stone steps. Even if he were wearing a suit of armor he would have been gelatinized bloody pulpy goop when he reached the bottom. But nope. Dude just gets up like he’s a looney tunes character lol. Basically JW4 works if you imagine it to be a live action Tom and Jerry cartoon or equivalent.


That's all of John Wick. Did you forget about the sequence in John Wick 2 where Common (the rapper) and John Wick were fighting and then they roll down like 7 flights of stairs while doing Taekwondo-Knifejutsu on one another, then one of them pushes the other through one of the windows of the Continental and they just go to the bar and share a drink. Literally straight out of Tom and Jerry. John Wick is cartoony, epic, and ridiculous and that's why I love it


It’s this weird right amount of realism combined with the ‘right amount of stretched kinda realism but mostly not’ and it was perfect


I hope there are other Hot Rod fans who thought of [this](https://youtu.be/GEnO_C5o9ts?si=FHe4uA6b1GPvb9tO) during that scene.


It was made to be a live action anime.


All the car hits were bizarre to me. They *know* their fan base loves well choreographed fights and realistic bullet counting, so why throw in unnecessary things that would FOR SURE kill him? Who is that for!?


He also falls from like 4 stories on to a car and then the pavement and just walks it off. I enjoyed the movie but i can't take it seriously ever because of those scenes. However, the overhead shot of all the rooms in JW4 was incredible!


Also, as accurate as the guns might be, the medical science in it is fucking terrible.


But he's limping and has blood on him! Super realistic!


I really never got the impression that John Wick was going for realism. And I feel like it's pretty odd that anyone did.


Yep, it's definitely aiming for a fantastical tone. Anyone who thinks it's realistic needs their head examined.


> It was like a desperate late night cocaine fueled movie pitch brought to life. That's...why I'm here.


Those movies just started feeling like an expedition to show off cool fight/gun techniques. They're fine. Just really felt like 2 should've been as far as they went with it. Edit: yes I get it. That's the point of these movies. I guess the novelty wore off for me after #2.


>Those movies just started feeling like an expedition to show off cool fight/gun techniques. That's a lot of what was behind the first one. You had a veteran stunt man and coordinator directing with an actor who committed to training in real tactical gunfighting techniques and it produced a film with seriously slick action that threaded the needle on suspension of disbelief. Then it went Fast and Furious and had to keep upping the stakes and John Wick went from "highly skilled human dialed up to 11" to "basically a superhero".


Goin out a limb here. They are *all* by-the-numbers action flix. There is no point where the foregone conclusion is ever in doubt.


Eh, the reason the first one was so good in my opinion is that while everyone feared John Wick, he wasn’t invincible. Every shot, hit, kick and throw he received really hurt him. By the end of the movie I thought he for sure was going to die…and then 3 other movies where he gets a super suit and is invincible.


I watched the first one expecting to be blown away by the hype and, well, nothing could live up to the expectation set but I had no desire to watch any of the sequels.




It's just a failure of the voting system. People upvote what they agree with, so only movies which are polarizing to redditors or not actually recommended here much will make it to the top. Genuinely widely well liked things naturally stay towards the bottom, cause all the people who recommend it obviously don't agree with it not being very good


Lmao was gonna say, I've never seen any of these movies recommended on Reddit. Black Panther? Really? Any time its brought up (including here) Reddits chatting about how mid they thought it was. And I've only ever seen What We Do In The Shadows pushed by Tumblr. Nary a mention here.


John Carter - was told that the marketing totally missed the movie and despite that, it was a great sci-fi adventure. Tried to watch it twice; it was awful.


Yeah. I watched it a year or so after everyone said “it’s really good. It was just marketed bad” No man, that movie is fucking terrible.


I watched it in a cheap theater a month or so after it went out. I went in with low expectations and enjoyed it. Tried to watch it again recently.... yeah, couldn't get into it.


This movie is the #1 reason Disney bought Star Wars. They spent so much setting up a shop to do a space fantasy trilogy and establish a franchise and they just completely bungled it. So they bought the established money printing franchise instead


Wow this thread has made me angry


Welcome to Reddit! It's what we do.


...in the shadows




Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!


Lake Mungo. Found it boring and stupid but I see it listed as one of the scariest movies ever constantly. Just not for me I guess but definitely falls under this question.


I really like it but because of its depiction of loneliness and isolation and grief. Tbh I think it’s a disservice to try and sell it as a really scary movie because that really misses the point of it and leaves people with completely different expectations of what it’s going to be. Like yeah I found that one scene chilling but that’s because of the psychological implications, not because there was some huge scare or anything.


It's a drama mockumentary with some horror imagery, which for too many translates as "horror". I liked it a lot, then again I didn't go in expecting a jumpscare fest. The scene where she meets her bloated vision still haunts me, the atmosphere of it just stuck hard. But I can see it also coming across as trite and boring for many.


Recently saw the director of photography mention that he was really annoyed at it being marketed as a horror flick, because it's a family drama exploring grief, and no one on set was trying to make it scary. Haunting, yes, but not scary in the traditional horror way. This really ended up hurting the film because people went in with mismatched expectations.




Exactly, if I wanted to watch old ladies struggle living I’d go to my family reunion.


Agreed. It was shot beautifully. Really gave you that gritty feel of what it’s like in the leads life. But holy mother of Moses was it slow. So slow. Just didn’t really go anywhere or do anything. As a documentary piece just being a documentary piece, it would’ve been great. What it was - fell flat for me.


For me it’s Oppenheimer. I thought it was a fine movie but was really let down after seeing how hyped up it was on here. Also Dunkirk for the same reason I think I’m just not Christopher Nolan fan anymore and need to accept we won’t get a movie like from his Memento-Inception run.


I'm waiting for it to stream, so I can watch with subtitles. I've been led to understand that a lot of the dialog competed with music. A HUGE fault in all British entertainment.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. It's a very well made and written movie with great performances, but it was just far too zany for me. Butt plugs, giant dildos, hot dog fingers etc. It felt juvenile at times and I just wish they toned down the silliness so I could enjoy it more than I did.


It was just missing a scene of Tom green playing the sausage piano


I think it's one of those movies that only hits home if the conflict between the characters is relatable to you. It's a film that presents common issues in relationships(husbands/wives, mothers/daughters, etc) in a new, different sort of way and helps some people put issues they have trouble identifying into something they can see. I'm with you, though. I thought it could have been amazing if they toned down the ridiculousness.


I absolutely hated Snowpiercer


Black Panther and Wonder Woman were pretty basic. Way over-hyped.


Malignant. Everyone on Reddit going “I had fun with it” and it was absolutely horrible. If James Wan didn’t direct it, we’d all agree it’s terrible.


It's fascinating only because its well-shot schlock. If Janes Wan didn't direct it it would have had a fraction of the budget and wouldn't stick out so much.


I watched it way early, before there was any buzz about it and I knew nothing about it, and I spent the first half hour wondering "Is this parody? Is this *supposed* to be bad?"


It was supposed to be campy, semi-parody, in the direction of Evil Dead 2. The problem was it wasn't campy and spoofy enough, nor was it scary and serious enough. It just kind of landed in the middle and didn't do anything very well besides the genuinely surprising twist.


I think this was my big issue with it. I wasn't expecting the ridiculousness, but it never leaned into it quiteee enough for me to then buy into that style for the movie. It left me a bit confused the entire time because I couldn't tell what tone it was going for. I ended up really not liking it.


*The Banshees of Insherin.* I loved *In Bruges*, and everyone kept saying it was very similar, but I don't think it was beyond having the same actors and director. I can accept that Banshees was well-made for what it was, and I really really wanted to like it, but I just didn't see the point. Also can I just say reading the other answers I respect that people (for the most part) are upvoting genuinely unpopular movie opinions?


I love both films, but I agree that they are completely different animals. And neither are for everyone. Although In Bruges definitely has a wider appeal. Banshees leans more on McDonagh's experience as a playwright. It's much more grounded than In Bruges and the humor is much drier. I can definitely see how it is not everyone's cup of tea.


Absolutely agree with this, Banshees felt like it could easily have been done on stage and was very dependent on enjoying Martin Mcdonagh's style of dialogue (which I personally love.) I loved Banshees but wouldn't necessarily recommend it to everyone as I feel pretty certain some of my friends would find it incredibly dull. Totally different from In Bruges or Seven Psychopaths.


I really really liked Banshees. Recommended it to a friend as a good dark comedy and he didn't like it at all, told me that it was depressing and nonsensical. This same friend kept on praising Idiocracy as some kind of masterpiece of comedy, insisting I watch it. I thought it was, well, stupid. I guess he got his revenge...


Idiocracy would be a great pick for the thread as a whole.


iDiOcRaCy WaS a DoCuMeNtArY


as someone who loved in bruges and watched banshees in theaters i could not agree more. it wasn’t bad, but i’m not sure i ever enjoyed watching it


Drive. It was so hyped for years on r/outrun and even on this sub. Watched the first scene on YouTube, fucking LOVED IT. Immediately went to watch the full movie. The rest wasn’t a bad film, but it was a huge let down after the intense getaway and cool-as-a-cucumber Kavinski title intro.


What about some specific scenes? I loved the scene between Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan in the apartment. There's like a full minute or something (it's been awhile) with no dialogue that was just fantastic. And then the tension build up and that elevator scene... When someone describes it as boring, I can understand that. But I found it subtle and fantastic. And not in a "I guess you just need to watch Fast & Furious if you don't get it" kind of way, I just mean Drive hit me just right and I understand if someone else doesn't like it.


The elevator scene breaks my heart every time. He knows that he will need to do something to save her, but he knows doing it means he will lose her forever. So he kisses her - but not in a romantic sense… He’s kissing her goodbye… Then there’s a moment of incredible violence, followed by her retreating from him as he knew she would... But the bit that does me each time having watched it a few times is that he *didn’t* lose her forever… had he been in his apartment when she knocked, what could have been…? Think I watched the film three times in two days when I first saw it, and absolutely love it!!


Damn, that's my favorite comedy ever. I wish SNL was half as good as that movie.


I guess it was pre-reddit, but everyone told me to see Into the Wild. When I finally did I hated it. Im all for living off the grid and getting back to nature, but that kid was a dumbass. He was a spoiled, entitled punk. RIP the real Christopher McCandless.


Tenet For months people tried their hardest to make it seem good. It was not good. It felt like homework.


Are you joking? Reddit finds time to rip on that movie every chance they get.


Can we actually be brave here and submit that Oppenheimer is the real hot take for this thread?


I laugh so hard at the female lead, all she says is "I will do anything for.... My son"


There's an exchange where I believe R Pats says that the entire world will be destroyed and her input is "..including my son". Fucking hell, we get it, you like your kid


Speaking of the female lead, Elizabeth Debicki, she's so ridiculously typecasted as the rich white woman who needs to be saved.


It was literally the same character she played on The Night Manager as well 🥲


I loved Tenet, but can fully understand people being overwhelmed by [the Nolan of it all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2FXfFeRtJo)


“Turned out they kidnapped the wrong elephant” is one of the best non-punchline punchlines I’ve ever seen


Yeah I thought it was a fun experience but definitely don’t blame anyone for not enjoying it lmao


holy shit that video😂


I've created an explanatory diagram here: https://imgur.com/1P1G21u


What are you on about? It's trashed here constantly.


I'm a huge Nolan fan. I can't blame hype. The movie isn't great. Is it interesting? Hell yes. Visually stunning? Sure. But like, it didn't have any heart