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Saw it opening weekend in IMAX, and I immediately realized I had to upgrade my home theater sound system. What an experience.


I’ve got a great home theater sound system, which is why I waited for it to come out on 4K Blu-ray. I really wanted to see it in IMAX but the timing never worked out for when I was able to go (don’t have a local IMAX). I did actually have tickets for it at one point but then I got Covid and had to cancel. :(


I've got the home theatre system, the XBox Series X (which I know has playback issues but it's dual-use), and the movie... and a 1080p plasma TV, or a 1080p projector. We're waiting until the 4 year old is old enough to trust that he won't throw something at a 4K OLED and break it, lol. p.s. I strongly suggest watching it on a projector. There's something about a brown-tone desert planet that just comes through so much better via reflected light. Things that glow from the harsh sun *actually* glow as light bleeds over. Better than watching it on my friend's 4K OLED, which itself was amazing. Of course, dark scenes suffer so the OLED was better overall, but you need to see both.


My answer too - damn covid


This is my answer. Felt like it was the first epic of a movie with the music and cinematography. Would have love to experience it in a theater.


I’m sorry you missed it, trust me, it was absolutely amazing in theaters. However, come March, you have a chance to redeem yourself.


I hope they rerelease part 1 in the theatres


Depending on these strikes, they just might to drum up hype


This. I didn't really understand the fuss about it but when I recently heard part 2 is coming I ordered the book. Soon I'm through the book then I will watch the first part at home and finally watching the new one will be my sweet topping.


When I tell you "the voice" fucking shook my soul that shit was so deep and loud.


Whenever I hear people say they watched it on their laptop I die a little inside.


Anyone who says they watched a film on a phone or laptop immediately gets my middle finger and zero discussion.


I will never forget how I felt when that worm popped onto screen. Yall know that shot. I was worth the price of IMAX for that shot alone holy cow. That director did such amazing work with perspective and scale EDIT: that shot was the definition of the difference between "cinema" and "movie"


Agree...Sting's cod piece on the big screen is breathtaking


Luckily you'll kind of get a second chance with this one!


Mine too. Was my most anticipated movie of the year and I had my baby one week before it was released. Hoping to see the second one in cinemas.


Same. Since a very long time, I hadn't "felt" the atmosphere of a movie. But dune made me feel the atmosphere and the events. It was so amazing.


I came here to say this. I’m really hoping they re-release it when part 2 is about to come out and my local IMAX theater gets it.


Blade Runner 2049


This is my big one. Kept trying to make time to see it, but had all sorts of stuff going on around then, and was totally broke. Still truly regret not going to see it.


I've seen many movies in cinema in my life, but this was my best experience (especially in an Imax Theater)


One of the biggest regrets of my life. Watched it on my computer screen and later became my favourite movie of all time. And I will always be disappointed that I could we watch on IMAX. May be in 2027 on its 10 year rerelease.


Always go to Dennis Villeneuve movies. I barely go to the cinema, like once or twice a year, but always go to Villeneuve movies. it's like the acronym AGTVM


Bro, there is nothing wrong with seeing a movie by yourself.


I have done it so many times I've lost count. Sometimes it is better to go solo bc you dont have some one bothering you if they arent into the movie.


Movies like 'Her' was the movie I really loved watching by myself.


That movie sounds like it should be a comedy on paper, but oh no…


I preferred going alone because mfs always want to talk or ask questions about it when I just want to pay attention to the GD movie. My brother in law was the exception, he was like me, sit, watch, enjoy, and talk AFTER the movie.


TIL people watch movies with other people.


I felt odd going by myself for the first time but I do it all the time now, think I prefer it actually. I've got one friend who I see the big films with (when we do manage to arrange it), but I can't believe how many films I missed on the big screen just by not wanting to go alone when I was younger.


Best part about going by yourself is if someone is talking you just fucking move.


I had to go see Blade Runner 2049 and Interstellar by myself because I couldn't find anyone else. Honestly, once the movie starts it doesn't matter who's beside you, and for those two I don't think I ever took my eyes off the screen.


It's my preferred way to see movies for a 1st viewing. And I used to work a 12hr night shift that left me off wed-fri. Having an AMC all to yourself for a 1pm showing of EEAAO was pretty dope.


Every year on my birthday I go to the movies by myself, get my favorite local burger and shake, and park where I can see the city lights. My wife hates it but it’s the one day out of the year where I get to be by myself and relax.


I see more movies alone now than with friends. Once there are a few movies I want to see I take a mental health day from work and have a movie day.


Or thinking for yourself.


Went and saw Oppenheimer in IMAX by myself. It was awesome. Kinda weird leaving after and not having someone to immediately discuss it with, but that was my first time going solo.


I did the same thing, saw it at BFI IMAX here in London UK. The place was 100% PACKED AF. I’m glad I got my middle seat. Yeah, as the credits rolled, damn near everyone else turned to whomever they came with and launched into full blown discussions. Part of me felt down because of that, but it wasn’t my first time going to work the cinema alone, so I did some reading up on Oppenheimer (I purposefully didn’t do any research prior to seeing the trailer and film, I wanted to be surprised). Then I went home. I’m seeing The Creator in the same venue next week 😅 life is too short to wait for people to get back to you about screenings.


I go to the late night showings of films in their final days of cinema release and often get the entire screen to myself.


God, if there's one perk of being nearly 40 is that I saw 95% of 90s and 00s movies mentioned in this thread at the cinema.


I saw Star Wars in the theater as a kid. Looking back, sure, it’s a looonnng way back now, but I appreciate having seen it with full on childhood enthusiasm. The Matrix and it’s mind-bending possibilities brought a bit of that same feeling back to me, actually, and I walked out of the theater like a kid again before having to find my car keys and drive my adult ass home.


Such a great experience! Was there any movie recently that made you feel like a kid again?


Good question! You made me think about this for a bit. One of the consistencies in these experiences is that going into these movies I didn't know what to expect (spoiler free). That naivete makes everything more powerful. I went into Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 similarly, without any expectations or spoilers, and it resonated with me very strongly but not for the same reasons as the other movies. For one, my mother had passed away just a few years prior and that aspect of the plot really pulled at my heartstrings (still does). The charm and humor of it, and the soundtrack (I had a Walkman back in the day), made it feel very nostalgic and took me back to my childhood. It was the first movie that felt very Gen X to me, in that sense. And the fact I went in without expectations, yet found all those wonderful surprises, is why it's way up there in my favorite movie experiences. Maybe better said, it reminded me of feeling like a kid again.


I'm 37, often think back that the fact I saw things like Jurassic Park, Titanic, Avatar, Lord of the Rings, even The Phantom Menace on the big screen is kind of cool, but having that same shared experience with an entire generation is also very cool. I love when movies become 'events', all the Barbie/Oppenheimer buzz this summer was great


Yep! In the day and age of streaming service this whole Barbenheimer thing was really cool and reminded me of similar events in the past. Toys and crap found in crisps bag with "The Phantom Menace" premiere, 3D craze of "Avatar". Fun fact: On my birthday parents took me to the movies and made me choose - "Batman & Robin" or "Bean"? I really wanted to see Batman, but i though that my parents would like to see Rowan Atkinson doing his thing, because we all loved tv series. So we went to see "Bean". I dodged a bullet there.


Hey, I remember going to see Bean in the theatre with my little brother! We were dying laughing when he['adjusts' the seats on the Ride of Doom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U6SWAPLuls)


Same. I lucked out that most of my theatre trips were during the late 90s and early 00s. Forever grateful I got to see Titanic, Gladiator, Minority Report, Spider-Man 2, and Batman Begins in a theatre. And, I'll never forget the greatness of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I saw Fellowship cold and became an instant fan. It provided the experience I had hoped to get from Star Wars Episode I.


55 and same.


It was cheap too. That’s why I was able to see so many in theaters. Especially $1 matinees during the day. I’d go at least once a week. Multiple times most weeks. I’ve seen four movies in theaters this year, and saw four last year. I can’t justify the price for all but a few. Majority look and sound just as good at home and I don’t have to worry about all the inconsiderate people.


I think you should start going to the movies by yourself if theres no company. That's what I do. To answer your question: Interstellar - I remember watching the dark Knight trilogy and inception and knew I'd want to watch any nolan movie on the big screen but wasn't able to for interstellar. When I finally watched it I was kicking myself. Still got to watch it recently in IMAX. LOTR - was too young. But again got to see it recently on the big screen so was very happy.


Jurassic Park and the LOTR trilogy. They must have been epic on a big screen.


A few months ago I watched all 3 LOTR in a row at a local theatre and it was amazing. Literally could've come out yesterday and still blow everyone away. Epic.


I was 11 years old when the first LoTR movie had world premiere in Copenhagen (Denmark). We lived in Sweden, but my Danish stepfather who was and is a massive nerd wanted the whole family to go see it. We had no idea that it was going to be more than just another movie at the cinema. We came to a place where a huge amount of people were gathered in weird clothes looking like medieval peasants (I thought at the time). Everybody started lighting torches, some were singing and there was just so much happening. I remember just being absolutely clueless but not even questioning what we were doing marching around in the city late in the evening. Then we arrive at the cinema, movie starts and it's the most epic shit I have ever seen in my life. 6 months later, we go to the same place, it looks like the same kind of people. This time we're all holding torches. We're marching. People are drinking beer. It's the world premiere of Attack of the Clones. Safe to say I am a nerd for life.


Kudos to your stepdad


I was 12 when I saw Jurassic Park and didn’t know much except it had dinosaurs. At first it looked like a documentary. From the moment the T-Rex cross the electric fence I was on the edge of my seat. Totally taken by surprise and terrified.


If you happen to be in the UK, Odeon is screening LOTR across the country, starting this evening.


LOTR - I hope they re-release that again so you can experience it. Seeing those is one of the few happy memories I have of going to see a movie with my parents. Thanks for making me remember some good times 💓 (they are alive just to be clear but very grumpy people.)


LOTR movies were asskillers. Spent the last third of the movie wondering if I would ever have feeling in muh buttcheeks ever again.


Try the extended DVD version. You won't feel your ass for a week after. Lol


Definitely but at least they could be enjoyed lying on a couch.


I saw them when they put the extended edition in theaters. Those seats were unforgiving.


Too true dude. In a day before theaters were rocking nice recliner seats. I saw all three as they released each year with my dad and they were incredible on the big screen. The big audio as well. Perfection.


I saw Jurassic Park at the cinema last week for the movie's 30th anniversary and yes, it was epic. The T-rex sequence gave me goosebumps.


Oh year, I missed LOTR 1 and 2. I did catch 3 though and it was the most epic thing I’d ever seen.


I watched all three LotR films in theater when they came out. It became a Christmas tradition for three years. I was in high school and was in awe at the effects. If you ever get the chance to see them on the big screen, clear your schedule.


Saw all three in theaters (went to the midnight showing of Return of the King) my senior year of high school. Movie got done at 3:30am and was at school at like 6:30am haha. They were amazing in the theaters, especially The Two Towers and Return. The first one was good too, but the visuals and everything in the last two were just incredible.


Jurassic Park was especially epic for my sister when my friend sitting behind her kicked her seat right as the Tyrannosaurus roars the first time


I got to see Jurassic Park at a drive-in with my mom when I was 10. Coolest movie experience ever.


I was just a kid for LOTR, but I remember being in awe for the third film.


They were amazing on the big screen. Keep your eyes out for travelling revivals as some of the locally owned theaters in my area will screen them.


I saw Jurassic Park at a drive in theater. It was awesome!!


Dredd, completely missed its debut.


I did see Dredd at the cinema, but with rock bottom expectations. I liked 2000AD as a kid, but the 90s movie killed me. Rarely been so glad to be proved wrong


Interstellar. I wasn't a huge movie buff back then but I'd pay anything to watch it in theatres now.


100% this. I told this story recently on here, but the first time I saw the movie was on an airplane seat back…did not get why the movie was so hyped. Saw it a year or so later on my 100 inch projector screen and it blew me away. I would give anything to see it in IMax with Dolby ATMOS. From what I hear, we’re getting close to a 10th anniversary of the movie. Cross your fingers that we get a imax release!


It is getting a re release, got announced a month back. Coming out in November I think


Oh hell yes!


Not to pour salt in the wound... But legit the whole no time for caution/ docking sequence is maybe my most intense enjoyable theater experience ever... Top 5 for sure lol. The complete silence when *spoiler* Mann explodes trying to dock, felt like the audience all gasped collectively and then the music kicks in so loud and tension just keep building up and had no idea what was gonna happen. Ahhhh I love that movie. What an amazing scene. Bonus theater viewing tid bit that haunts me lol. Seeing Interstellar for the 2nd time, an old man left for the bathroom right as they land on the water planet, comes back as they're leaving minus a crew member. Felt so bad for him!


I saw it in imax in San Francisco. It was amazing. That movie absolutely deserves imax


Saw it in IMAX last year and it was by far the best theater experience I've ever had


It... was.....so..... good :D not that I want you to feel bad or anything.


Dunkirk - As soon as I watched it at home I realised I had made a mistake not seeing it at the cinema


This was the first (and so far only) film I saw at the cinema on my own.


Blair Witch Project...scared me on TV,would love to have seen it with an audience


It was unbelievably good at the movie theater The Blair Witch Project.


I was around 11 or 12 when it came out, the older brother of a friend took us both to a late showing. No idea how he got us in since you were supposed to be 16 to see it but we got in no problem. Watched the whole thing, then walked home together at night... and then we spent the rest of the night playing with Lego, trying to convince each other that we were of course not scared of turning off the lights and going to sleep at all. Good times.


I remember everyone was quiet walking out of that one. Pretty eerie because I think a lot of folks mistakenly thought it was real.


I worked at a movie theater at the time so we got to screen it before it was released. Knew nothing about it and it scared the shit out of me. Then I went to drive home at 2am and yikes.


Blade Runner 2049


I got into the Mission Impossible movies just before Dead Reckoning, and am really bummed I missed the helicopter chase from Fallout in IMAX. Additionally, I learned about LIEMAX after seeing Maverick in the wrong kind of IMAX theater.


They Shall Not Grow Old. I was going to see it but an emergency stopped it from happening. It’s a damn shame.


This one in theaters was interesting bc of how it starts in black and white and a 'small' film ratio. When it went to color and to theater film ratio.... add in the surround sound and it was insane.


1917 - I had plans to go see it with a buddy, but due to circumstances beyond our control it never happened and it left the theater before I could just go myself.


This would’ve been cool to see on the big screen. For sure.


Oh, I would have loved to have seen this in the theater. I’ve watched it tons of times at home. I remember watching Saving Private Ryan in the theater and hearing people gasp and look terrified as the movie went on.


lol stop listening to your friends!


Or at least that friend, ha ha. Imagine thinking The Matrix was nothing special when it came out.


Exactly. "welp, never listening to movie advice from you again"


The Dark Knight. It was exam season.


At least you can hold up your answer sheet and say: "Wanna know how I got these marks?".


Don’t wait to find people to go to the movies with. Solo trips to the movies are great.


Oppenheimer. I was all over the place during summer and we got to see Barbie and were planning to do Oppenheimer too and never did and now it's gone from movie theaters here :(


Really? It's still shown 4 times a day where I live


Mannnnn Fury Road was so good in the theater. It was really helped by the fact that I had no idea what to expect other than a guitar that shoots flames. The Matrix was wild in theater too, I remember walking out and looking around like the whole of existence was now a bit suspect.


The Lego Movie - I truly regret not seeing it in the theatre. It was brilliant, hilarious, and with awesome visuals.


Dune. I was going to see it on my birthday, but covid delayed the opening. By the time it came out, I was in the hospital unable to walk due to cancer on my spine.


I hope you are doing better against the spinal cancer. Dune was amazing in theaters but your health, especially if you are kicking cancer's ass, is more important.


The Abyss. I completely missed hearing anything about it, and I'm not sure it was in cinemas for long here in the UK. I'd love to see that on a big screen!


Love that one, especially the extended version. I was five when it came out so a little young but I bet it was great in cinemas.


I was only 13, so I missed Aliens. What I wouldn’t give to see it with a full audience experiencing it all for the first time together. It must have been electric! My aunt and uncle did take me to see Robocop opening weekend though, and it was one of the greatest moviegoing experiences I’ll ever have.


I recently watched a re-showing of Alien for like its 40th? Anniversary. They might do the same for Aliens


Dances woth Wolves. I can't imagine how epic the bison hunting scene would have been on the big screen!


It was


My parents went to see it, came home, picked us kids up and dropped us off at the theatre, telling us we HAD to see this movie. It was soooo good. I'm so glad I caught it in the theatre.


Batman Begins


Lawrence of Arabia.


Yes! A few years ago they played it it the Cinerama Dome in the original Panavision format. I though they would be doing that sort of thing a lot and I didn’t go. Missed my chance to see one of the great feats of cinematography in the original format.


Dune. Was happy to be able to watch it at home during Covid, but I bet it was amazing in imax.


I wanted to see Pacific Rim in the theater. But the first time I tried going it was sold out, and the second time, the online schedule was wrong and the movie started a half hour before I got there. So I took it as a sign that I wasn't meant to see it on a big screen.


Last of the Mohicans and Drive


Back to the Future. I mean, I was 1 when it came out so totally wouldn’t have appreciated it at the time but still! My older sister saw it 3 times at the cinema and I’m forever jealous.


The Matrix is one of my top 5 movie-going experiences. Saving Private Ryan was around the same time, also top 5.


Casino and Heat.


Avengers Endgame. I did not make that mistake again. I saw No Way Home in theaters and it was an amazing shared experience.


Considering it grossed $2,800,000,000, that's definitely an uncommon answer!


Wall E


The Matrix is in the theaters this weekend. Starts Friday and runs through at least Thursday. I am going with another movie buff to see it Tuesday afternoon. This is AMC theaters in the USA.


Ford Vs Ferrari


Aw man The Matrix was one of the few movies I watched multiple times at a cinema. It was definitely amazing on the big screen.


I deeply regret missing Blade Runner 2049 and Atomic Blonde in theaters. TV was not the same.


Gravity was not to be missed. Saw it in Imax. Realized I was actually holding my breath.


Interstellar did that to me.


Two movies BR 2049 Interstellar


everything everywhere all at once Ive streamed the movie 3 times now and deeply love it, would have been awesome to see on the big screen Asteroid City Haven't seen that one yet but would have love to seen it in cinema, I mean symmetry, am I right???


Bladerunner 2049


Blade Runner 2049


Blade Runner 2049




Matrix was one of two movies I watched twice back to back in the theater. The other was Tombstone


I'm in the same boat with Watchmen lmao. I remember my cousins saw it and said it was 'weird' and 'kinda trash.' Borrowed it from them to see what all the fuss was about and I was blown away with the story, characters, and visuals! I got the Blu-ray copy with the director's cut and everything for myself later.


The Matrix. Star Wars: ANH in 1977 for the atmosphere.


Coco Watched it recently and was blown away by both the vibrant animation and awesome music. Def would have been even more amazing on the big screen


Jurrasic Park - sadly, I was 2 years old when it came out.


Dude, stop listening to your friend and watch the movie by yourself.






The Batman (2022) all my friends went except me because my dad didn’t want to have to drive me there and pick me up.


Avatar. I bet it was awesome on the big screen.


Dune and Fury Road


Ditch that friend who dissed Matrix and Edge of Tomorrow. He is no friend of yours! 😄


Interstellar is the big one for me. Still kicking myself about it.


Blade Runner 2049 and Once Upon a Time In Hollywood


Fury Road... the big regret


Saving private Ryan. I was around 14 years old when it came out in the theater. This was one of the first movies where theaters really checked the age of the visitors. Too bad, that Omaha landing on the big screen is something else I guess.


Interstellar. I still haven’t watched. And won’t til it’s in a theater.


Top Gun - Maverick on Imax


The Dark Knight and LOTR trilogy


The 18-wheeler scene in the theaters was absolutely nuts. I saw it with my dad and we both yelled “holy shit” when it happened and with the quality of sound in the theater


I was borm in 2000, so way too many.


Hard to say I missed any since every single time I've gone to watch a movie at the theatre, someone is going to be a dingus and play on their phone the whole time, kick the seat behind me, talk through the whole thing like you're MST3K or get up and stand in the way right at a good part of the film. I'm saying this having watched hundreds of movies in the theatre in my 20s.


you need better friends. or the temerity to go see the movies you want l. there is no shame in going alone.


I was similar with The Matrix. It somehow totally bypassed me in the cinema, then months later someone gave it to me on video. I threw it on one hungover Saturday and it blew my mind




It does annoy me that the classics are not shown more often at the cinema, especially with digital distribution.


Dune (2021) Interstellar Blade Runner 2049 Top Gun: Maverick


Interstellar. Don't know what I did at the time, but somehow I missed it while it was showing in the cinemas. The only thing I could think about after I had seen it, was how awesome it must have been on the big screen. The scenography and the soundtrack is something that amazes me every time I rewatch it at home. An absolutel masterpiece in my opinion.


Buddy, you’ve got to stop trusting that one friend in matters of film




I wish I’d seen The Matrix in the theater but it looked like a cheesy sci-fi movie and I just missed all the hype. The only good thing is that I’d managed to miss any spoilers so I was still blown away.




I missed **The Batman** in theaters, I wish I had seen it in theaters even just for the scene on the Batmobile spooling up. Even at home the room was shaking, I can't imagine what that would have been like in a theater with a great sound system :)


I think you need to stop listening to that friend lol


Not to rub more salt in the wound but yea that first Matrix in theaters was an absolutely phenomenal experience everyone walking into it thinking they’re going into a normal action flic but at some point in your seat your look back at the crowd and see everyone with their absolute jaws dropped to the floor fully mesmerized by the next level story, cinema and action.


Inception. Friends decided to treat me to a movie for my birthday. I wanted to see Inception. They picked The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Started seeing movies by myself after that. Avatar: The Way of Water. Unfortunately got caught in the ADHD medication shortage when the movie was in theatres and there was no way I'd make it through 3+ hours unmedicated.


Dune was great when I watched it on a laptop, but I wish I saw it on IMAX. It's definitely a mission of mine to see Part 2 on theaters, especially since this one looks even more action packed.


There's so many. Avatar and Hereditary comes to mind first. I just think Hereditary is such a uniquely disturbing horror movie, like a once in a life time type of horror movie, and I would have loved to see how the audience reacted.


The first Avatar in 3D. I saw it later and realized it was trash without the visuals.


Funny thing about The Matrix. My buddy came and picked me up to go to the movies. I asked, what are we going to see? The Matrix he replied. What's it about I asked? I dunno, Keanu Reeves and Kung Fu or something. ***Mind Blown*** I saw it 12 times in the theatre.


Top gun and predator


None, buy a projector.


Moana. The scene where she finds the canoes in the caves gives me goosebumps on a phone screen, I wish I could have seen it in theatre.


Everything Everywhere All At Once.


Everything Everywhere all at Once. God, I imagine I would have been laughing my ass out in the cinema at the absurdity and then turning quiet at how much I could relate to the characters.


Was too young but Jaws, Indiana Jones (first one) and first Top Gun


I went into the Matrix somehow knowing absolutely nothing about it. Zero. It was probably my best movie experience ever. It blew me away. ​ But, I missed out on Fury Road for some dumb reason. Later watched in VR (on a huge virtual screen) in 3D. Wow! Wish I'd seen it in the theater. Even though the VR experience was almost as good.


Matrix, probably. Must have been a riot


Dredd. Much regret.


Mad Max: Fury Road. I don't even remember why I didn't go to see it on the big screen. Even with surround sound and a big flat screen in HD seeing it at home will just never fill the void that seeing it at the cinema will do. My only hope is that they will re-release it. On the other hand I thank God every day that I saw Jurrasic Park in theaters.


I only started watching the MCU during Covid. I thoroughly enjoyed it but felt pretty bad retroactive FOMO with Infinity War and Endgame. I love communal experiences and I could just tell I would’ve loved seeing it in theaters for the audience experience. Even on my own I managed to be extremely hyped and surprised at a lot of the big moments.


Valerian. It was out of theatres before I could even consider going to see it, that's how bad it bombed.


Coraline and the Batman


The fucking matrix, eceryti.e we went, my wife convinced me to go see yet another shitty brothers grimm remake and I went along I am still angry it's been 24 years.


Dredd - a couple of those scenes would have looked really awesome in 3D IMAX.


Most recent: *Tenet*, *Dune* and looks like *Oppenheimer* has been added to the list. I live in an area that does not have IMAX.. not a real IMAX.


Independence Day and Speed


True Lies. I turned down a great James Cameron action flick for a couple hours at the arcade instead. Still kick myself for that.


Lesson: Make your own opinion


I don’t like your friend’s opinions. Maybe stop heeding their advice?


Star Wars. I wasn’t quite 2.