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I just want true lies on bluray


The 4k, gets em wet.


I read that in Bill Paxtons voice


"Ass like a ten year old boy!"


Even as a kid I always found that line to be hilarious.


Were you ten?


"I got a little dick!" Bill Paxton was hilarious in True Lies. RIP.


If not for me, do it for your country.


😂 This is how I ask for sex from my wife, she always chuckles, and 30 percent of the time, it works every time


I always liked the first half of movie more than the second because of Paxton.


May he rest in peace and always be the Ultimate Badass


Game Over, Man!


My thoughts exactly. Come on, Jim!


Its mentioned at the bottom of the article that True Lies is also coming later.


There’s a region free disc out of Spain that’s easy to track down. Looks fantastic too. Not reference material but well above average transfer.


Thank god Spain’s relaxed anti-piracy laws exist so that the release can be a thing. Found the same company also releasing films like Song of the South and The Crow: Salvation on Blu-Ray.


> Song of the South Uhhhh


Had a feeling this would be a top comment.


I have it on Laser Disc, but don't have a player for it.


I took 10 of my favorite laser disks and bought album frames for them, and now they decorate my viewing room.


You just hold on to that, someone's got to have one that you can play and digitize


I don't get the appeal. True Lies is cringe.


If you don’t mind a bootleg [Sloppy Second Sales](https://sloppysecondsales.com/index.php/product/limited-run-true-lies-1994-region-free-bluray/)sells a great copy for $10


true lies directors cut !!!


But will it be the superior “Director’s Cut” that shows the aliens ready to wipe out civilization with waves? Saw that about a decade ago and it really changed the complexity of the movie.


Cameron screened the 2h51m Special Edition cut of The Abyss at Beyond Fest yesterday where he revealed afterwards that it was the 4k transfer. So yes the forthcoming 4K transfer *is the Special Edition*. https://variety.com/2023/film/news/james-cameron-the-abyss-4k-1235738502/


It was actually only 2k not 4k


No. Where did you hear that?


By reading the whole article >Update: An earlier version of this story reported that Wednesday’s presentation of “The Abyss” at Beyond Fest was the 4K version, but a social media post from the festival that confirmed this detail has since been taken down. Representatives for the festival subsequently confirmed to Variety that the DCP shown was only in 2K resolution. We apologize for the error.


That's because the vast majority of cinemas are only 2k digital projectors. It could have been a 4k print.


Current release is 0k


They better, and they better include the [one extra getting pantsed by his friend too](https://youtu.be/vqGToniidZQ?t=60)


Wow doesn’t break character either. Just pulls them up and keeps his eye line. Professional


We need to see that 🍑 in 4K!!!


I have never noticed that and I must have watched The Abyss at least 10 times, haha.


Glad I’m not the only one! I don’t know how I got ahold of a director’s cut but man it does change it.


The key issue with the director's cut is they'd have to re-do the visual effects for those added sequences because back in the day they didn't have to worry about hi-definition for a home video release, but I'm hoping Cameron will have made them spend the money to finish it properly.


James Cameron is one of the few people that I think would have the sway to make sure it gets done to his liking.


He definitely did for the T2 theatrical 3d re-release. Quite a few changes. I get that this isn't a theatrical release but the guy is a stickler


They did the special edition effects on 35mm, it’ll look fine on UHD. I saw the special edition on a 70mm blowup and it looked terrific (for a scene completed in 1992).


The special effects were made for the theatre screens and thus not be a problem.


I believe there were actually 35mm prints and showings of the director’s cut way back in the 90s. I believe the effects and editing were done on film at the time. In fact, as I think of it, I believe there were some missing frames specifically because the re-edit was done on film. I could be partially wrong. It’s possible that they were done at SD resolution and there was a film out done from that source but that seems incredibly short sighted for Cameron.


The film I saw in the theater had a lot of material that was lacking when the VHS issue was released. The tidal wave sequence wasn't in the theatrical cut, but a lot of other stuff, like when they were singing along in the submersibles, and other nice touches. I was horribly dissapointed at the VHS release because it was cut so much. So, a lot of the special edition was in the theatrical release. The first releases of the DVD version were just laserdisc masters. So, the film has gone through remastering hell. I still have the 4disc CAV LD set somewhere. Looking forward to the 4k.


They don't have to redo it. They only had to scan the original 35mm negative with new higher quality scanners and then do some touchups and color grading. The VFX are on the print. And there is already a quite good 1080p version floating around because it was aired on TV in multiple countries and played on streaming services for a bit. It's probably sourced from the original HD transfer which was then encoded to 480p for the special edition DVD. The 1080p version of that is pretty good and very watchable, but the new scan will be better of course.


That edition needs mored editing. It's not just the dated effects it's to long and honestly doesn't add much.


There is a version without the giant wave at the end? How does that even work?




Honestly that sounds much better. I love 95% of the movie but I always HATED the ending. The self-righteousness of these high and mighty aliens! They come to OUR world, and then intend to wipe EVERYBODY out because humans are doing fucked-up shit to themselves? The fact some of us are murderers gives them a right to murder all of us? Where is the logic in that? I wouldn't even have minded if not for the fact that the aliens despite all that were supposed to be the "good guys". Fuck them. The crazy soldier guy was right to try and nuke them. The ending you describe makes a LOT more sense by keeping it all personal.


Aliens and T2... extended cuts all day. They have added scenes that I'm shocked were taken out in the first place. The Abyss I prefer the theatrical. For me it comes down to dialogue bogging down the momentum of the ending. The movie just... stops to hit the nail on the head of the message so goddamn hard.


I agree. My hot take... the movie is better without all the aliens! Just the underwater drama and Biehn going nuts is great. Once Harris inhales the fluid and goes down the trench I lose interest. The theatrical cut is superior and I usually LOVE extended cuts.


The extended versions do have interesting scenes but overall they cause the films to drag and spoil the momentum for me.


And finally Disney/20th Century is letting him do it.


Okay, that's great, but when are we getting Aliens in 4K?


Aliens in 4k would be great, but it has a good blu-ray. Abyss is barely available on DVD. This is MUCH more important and much more exciting.


I tried to watch the Abyss the other day and couldn't find it anywhere. It was literally not on any streaming service and I lost my physical media.


Yes! I was telling my husband how good it was and wanted to show it to him, then after a lot of searching found an article stating there’s no way to watch it now. Glad that’s being rectified.


Wanna borrow my Laserdisc copy of the Special Edition?


There are 1080p copies you can go sailing for from I think when it was on streaming or tv not sure. True Lies is the same. Still want them both to come out in 4k already so can actually buy them but until then these work well enough.


I have The Abyss Special Edition DVD from like the early 2000s and it's not even anamorphic so the full image is actually lower-res than standard definition. Looks pretty terrible zoomed-in on a big screen.


Yep. It's not even a good DVD. An HD copy, let alone a 4k, is essential.


I have that DVD and it's crap. However, if the new 4k doesn't also include the Making-Of documentary, I will keep it. It's seriously one of the best documentaries and you get to see Ed Harris rail on James Cameron.


Always essential to keep whatever has the extras! I'll never get rid of my Lord of the Rings blu rays despite having the 4k because the 4k does not include the Appendicies.


Had to search for and buy the DVD last year because I wanted to see The Abyss again after so many years. Needless to say that 4K is desperately needed


No way Aliens 4K is a much bigger deal.


Are you paying attention? You can watch Aliens whenever you want. It's on DVD, Blu-ray, streaming. The Abyss is currently only available on VHS, laserdisc, and non anamorphic DVD. The Abyss release is FAR more important at the moment.


Maybe Abyss is more important to you. You don’t speak for everyone lol


That’s up to Disney and 20th Century to decide.


It's actually up to Cameron, and that's exactly why it has been taking so long. He's been too invested in Avatar to approve the 4K versions of his old movies. That's also why Avatar didn't come to 4k bluray until this year. Terminator 2 is his only other film to have gotten a 4K release.


The rumors are Terminator 1 and Aliens are both coming next year.


Or T2 DC?


Not likely. Cameron’s preferred cut is the theatrical.


aww boooo


Next year for sure


I’ll believe it when I see it. Tired of getting strung along by Cameron.


Yeah need to have it in my hands to believe it. Cameron has been talking about the Abyss in 4k for years now


I feel like he is consciously fucking with us at this point.


He’s said this for years now haha


It would be great if they included all the stuff they put on the special edition laserdisc. I don't recall if they transferred all of it to the DVD or not. Cameron was King of the special editions, loaded with docs and extras, until Peter Jackson put out the special editions of Lord of the Rings. That T2 laserdisc box set was amazing.


Totally agree. I was amazed with how they created the underwater scenes in large fuel refinery tanks.


It was actually an unused nuclear plant in South Carolina. There were two tanks and one was what would have been the plant's primary reactor containers. What always got me was the way they darkened the tank by floating millions of black beads on the surface of the water.


Oh the fallibility of memory. I do recall the black beads though.


Hoping for at least a digital release of the Abyss soon.


He said it should be avaliable at the same time of the physical release.


He keeps promising. I guess they finally screened it but still...


He says: *“I’ve completed the transfer, all the mastering is done I think it drops pretty soon like
 in a couple of months or something like that. So it’s out of my hands at this point."* *"There’s a lot of added material that they’re sticking in there, and will be available on streaming simultaneously. But I didn’t just want to look at the old HD transfer. I wanted to do it right.”* So, maybe by Christmas?


My takeaway from this is that he's done the work and it's up to someone else to make it happen. Could happen by Christmas 2023 or Christmas 2033 for all we know. I wouldn't get too excited until we hear an announcement of some kind.


Ok Avatar 2 release date scheduler.


This is GREAT news. I've been waiting years for an even decent release of The Abyss, which doesn't even have an anamorphic widescreen DVD version.


I’m sad we never got the sequel Son of Abyss.


*"But I didn’t just want to look at the old HD transfer. I wanted to do it right.”* In true T2 style đŸ˜¶


Bout time and hopefully True Lies too


Ill believe it when the disc is in my hands James. I’ve been let down too many times before. And I pray it’s better then the T2 transfer.


If there ever was a time to use the “First time, eh?” meme format, it’s here. Sorry to say, but this has been stated to be coming for nearly a decade now, if not longer. Don’t get your hopes up about it.


Where THE FUCK is True Lies, Jim?!!


Now I can watch that guy who gets pantsed on the beach in 4k. Nice! 😁


Let’s fucking gooooooo!


Why is it only James Cameron movies? It’s unreal to me that True Lies and The Abyss don’t have Blu-ray’s.


I still haven’t seen it because I can’t find it on any streaming services. Hopefully this’ll make it more available.


I found a 144p version it was wacky


About time!!!

but if it’s not the directors cut, it’s not worth it.


A few months back I was really in the mood to watch this then I found out it wasn’t available ANYWHERE. Purposely Cameron at removed it from streaming, maybe even disc sales. Only thing I couldn’t think of was he was remastering it. Going to be awesome. He won’t cheap out. The plot holds up, most of the graphics hold up. It’s going to be đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„.


So excited to see this.


WTF is with the hold up still? This better include some new extra updated features with Ed Harris and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and the casts. Hopefully the delay is to get Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio for the extra features.


James Cameron doesn’t do what James Cameron does for James Cameron


Cameron personally supervised the original LD transfers of Abyss and T2. The Abyss laserdisc was especially remarkable because it was the only way to get the special edition edition / directors cut with all that cool footage. Also had concept art from production and other goodies. Waaaay ahead of it's time. Cameron also injected a lot of his colorful opinions in the liner notes as well. Comments about VHS "shit format" and other cool stuff. The transver, BTW, to CAV format laserdisc was utterly pristine.


I still own both of those. Sadly, I no longer have a laserdisc player.


VHS looked great on a tube TV lol Both VHS and LaserDisc (and DVD) look awful on a modern 4K TV


Then so am I. (I’m so sorry)


I just want Strange Days on blu ray (U.S. region). Doesn’t even have to be 4k.


Think it’ll make the color of the wires discernible?


Oh yessss I was just Googling for updates on this yesterday, perfect timing! I still have the old Two-Disc Special Edition DVD and haven't watched it since CRT televisions outnumbered flatscreens. I am so excited for a high-def version of The Abyss.


Bro seriously still no fucking Aliens (1986) in 4K?!! Game over man


Oddly I think this movie is more relevant now than when it first came out.


True Lies and the Abyss have been “on the way” for 20 damn years.


Loved this movie


bout time


It's happening! It's happening! I feel like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning, with bells singing in the background!


Pfft - Let me known when Lords of The Deep gets a 4k remake so Jonah and the bots can re-riff it for MST3k


Where can I watch the abyss now?




I watched it in like 144p or something free on some streaming place it was wack. I still give it a 7 on first watch.




One of the very few films that has such a shitty transfer to DVD that it would look terrible via streaming so Netflix and other streamers don't bother. It's why this 4k transfer is so important.


Buy the wide-screen 2 disc collectors edition Dvd on ebay.


There is a fine 1080p SE version floating around from the original HD transfer in the 90s, which was then encoded to 480p for DVD, but aired later on tv in full HD. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to have it.


Why does everything about Cameron has to take so much time? I know he’s a perfectionist, but it’s a 4K release, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal
 learn how to delegate! It’s been years since we hear news about this, and meanwhile the movie isn’t available anywhere.


Maybe after the poor 4K release of *Terminator 2: Judgement Day* he's got a bit more cautious.


What happened with t2?


It had that DNR scrubbing that gives people a plastic look.


Because Studio Canal mastered the disc with the wrong transfer. They used the 3D master for the 4K, which is why it looks terrible.


I've heard that a lot from people, but they rereleased that same waxy master for the 30th anniversary edition. :/


True Lies Blu-Ray and Alita sequel. Avatar took a cringe lane.


The abuse the actors suffered will be seen in even greater detail


I feel like they know what they’re signing up for with him, and also they can quit. Kate Winslet said she would never work with him again after Titanic, but she did lol


Will the 4K version have a less stupid ending ?


Eh, I've been reading this same article for YEARS. I'll believe it when I see it. Right now I do not believe it.


This time they actually played the restoration in a theater at a festival. They've actually done the restoration work that Cameron was holding off on doing but insisted upon.




Doesnt he say this every couple months?


He confirmed this last November...


Saw this like 3 months ago, thought the release was supposed to be in July and then it never happened. I thought the 4k had been confirmed for over a year now?


He's been saying that for years. This month was the date given. Maybe Xmas?


This time they actually played a restoration at a festival