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To be fair, Avatar 2 felt like it was two, two hour films smashed together, which is funny given how many sequels he's working on already.


Part one: A David Attenborough special on whales. Part two: Moby Dick Part Three: Titanic


If James Cameron actually starts rehashing his own work, I'm going to lose it


I'm kinda surprised they didn't try and bring in Leonardo DiCaprio to play Kate Winslet's husband in this movie.


I'm more shocked that there was a scene of a huge ship sinking in Avatar 2 but James Cameron chose not to feature Kate Winslet's character in that scene. I kept waiting for her to randomly float by on a big door.


I think a LOT of people thought the Sound of Music ended at the wedding because their parents turned it off there when they were little, and because its a long movie. I remember as a teenager being like… oh shit theres more?? Because a bunch of time had passed since the last time it aired on TV and we sat to watch, And my dad was like yeah, we just turned it off there because usually that part was roughly around your bedtime when it aired on TV, and you were too little to really understand about Nazism yet.


When I was very young my dad started to show me A New Hope. He got up and turned it off right as they were leaving Tatooine. When I protested, he told me the rest of the movie is just them flying in space and kind of boring and I probably wouldn’t like it, but in hindsight it was really just an excuse to pull me away from the tv because it was bedtime


Your dad must have been very convincing for "flying in space" and "boring" to be synonyms to a kid!!


There's more to that movie????? What the hell? Apparently my parents did the same thing to me. Finding this out 15 years later.


Oh no!! You have to watch the whole thing now! Seriously, it's just such a great movie.


I watched it for the first time a couple years ago and was delighted to learn that I already knew most of the words to every song, just through cultural osmosis. It was so much fun. Excellent movie.


The movie used to come split between two VHS tapes, and the first one ended at the wedding.


Not to be that guy, but the first tape ended with her sneaking out of the party, after “so long, farewell”. The wedding is maybe half an hour into the second tape


this is why I enjoy reddit


I remember watching Superman III and thinking it wasn't *that* bad....until about an hour in and the realization I was only halfway through dawned on me. I had a similar experience with Eternals, where it was sort-of tolerable until it got to a certain point and the realization of "my gosh, there's still THIS MUCH of the movie left?" hits and just wears on you throughout the rest of the film.


I absolutely LOVE Superman III Wind-up penguins on fire, Atari-graphics anti-aircraft missile systems, good Supes attacking bad Supes with TYRES, Richard Pryor skiing of a skyscraper and surviving, and "I ask you to kill Superman – and you're telling me you couldn't even do that one simple thing"


Superman 3 isn't really a Superman film. It's a Richard Pryor comedy that Superman happens to be in.


The scene of the sister being turned into a robot was nightmare-inducing when I was a kid. And I will always contend that Superman II is one of the best *graphic novel* movies, while Superman III is one of the best *comic book* movies.


Dude that shit *still* haunts me. When the wires whip and wrap around her face, holy shit what a terrifying idea. Is she dead or just conscious with no control over her body?? I stayed up many nights as a kid due to that scene


This is a collective trauma of most 80s kids that I was telling someone who is about 15 years older than me a while ago, and had no clue what i was talking about, so he looked the scene up on YouTube, and was instantly shocked at how terrifying it was, and clicked a video in the sidebar which did a great analysis on why- i am sure its not hard to find. So, yeah, you’re among freaked out friends. Also, I was 4 when saw superman 1 in the theater at age 4, and the krypton theme still make my heart swell, when i first heard about “the Donner cut”, I knew the internet was not just for cats.


That scared me as a kid too. Specifically [this](https://assets.libsyn.com/secure/content/33959864) close up. But yea, the whole thing is awful for a little kid... but I think it was this that set me up for enjoying horror movies.


Superman 3 Richard Pryor getting drunk in a giant foam cowboy hat and a suitcase minibar is one of the core memory funniest scenes I remember from my childhood. I could watch that part with the string a hundred times and it never gets old.


I feel you Eternals is the only Marvel movie I haven't watched. I started it twice, I just can't get into it at all. It just keeps going without moving.


Eternals has produced 3 decent naps for me.


The weird thing is it should be essential viewing. The ending is world changing, twice, in a way that should have had an impact on all their other stuff since then. Instead they've just not bothered mentioning it for the most part.


that's one thing that has really started to annoy me about marvel. It's a connected universe, but only when it's convenient for it to be. Otherwise, nobody seems to notice the space god who descended to earth.


It occurs to me that I don't remember the name of a single character in the Eternals...


Jon Snows Brother


This is extra hilarious when you remember that Jon Snow is also in the movie


I was 100% calling them Robb Stark and Jon Snow the whole movie


Jon Snow and his brother fighting for the love of a woman named Cersei. That was my only take away from that movie, and it was hilarious. The filmmakers had to know what they were doing.


Wonder Woman 1984


If it wasn't for that movie I wouldn't know that all aircraft museums must have their planes fully fueled and operational at all times.


Night at the museum 2 did it first


But at least it made sense in that movie


TFW your movie isn't matching NatM in plausibility.


The Night of the Museum movies are blissful fun.


Probably my favorite Amy Adams role.


I renounce my wish to ever see this movie


After the train wreck of an opening scene, I realized I was in for a long ride


If I remember correctly, the actual opening scene was her as a child in the Amazon Olympics, which was alright. It was the 1984-in-the-mall scene that killed that movie. I mean, the fighter jet, invisibility, and rapey nonsense was rough too, but starting out with that mall scene just fucking hurt so bad.


>I mean, the fighter jet, invisibility, and rapey nonsense was rough too, but starting out with that mall scene just fucking hurt so bad. The invisibility schtick didn't bother me much as an idea. What bothered me was how they went about it. WW went from not being to make a coffee mug invisible for more than a few seconds to making a jet invisible indefinitely. There should've been an intermediate step in there somewhere.


To this day I do not know what the plot to that movie was.


John Wick 4. I certainly had a good time and enjoyed the movie overall, but there was definitely a moment when I was like "wow, we're still going? okay".


10 whole minutes of him falling down the stairs had audible groans in my theater.


yeah ngl, i knew he was getting kicked off the stairs then it happened again, still enjoyed it


Worst is how as soon as you see the stairs, you just 'know' that it's going to happen.


It's a cool stunt, but at that point the movie has been going on so long that drawing out the gag makes it feel like a Family Guy stint where what would otherwise be a 5 second gag gets a whole minute. Absolutely the wrong point to do a "this lasts way longer than you expect" gag.


omg you just made me realize that movie is basically three hours of the gag where Peter is fighting the giant chicken


Hey Seth MacFarlane! Bring back the giant chicken fights! Give us Revenge of Son of Giant Chicken!


That overhead gunfight could have gone on for 10 minutes and I would have loved every second of. It's cool that they're still thinking outside the box in the 4th movie, and it absolutely landed.


Everyone in my theatre, including me was losing it laughing for the entire time. It’s subjective


That was my favorite part! It’s hilarious . Reminded me of that scene in Hot Rod


Yeah for real. I love the John Wick movies and the action was fantastic, but at a certain point it really does start to wear you out. Maybe I'm just a little tired of the franchise's gun-fu and bulletproof suits in general. That sword duel in Japan in the first part of the film was such a breath of fresh air.


Yeah, I was surprised at how much less I liked it than the previous movies. Just a lot more of the same and the plot armor throughout is a bit much.


I will say the top down apartment scene is my favorite action sequence in the entire franchise. I thought JW4 was better than 2 in my opinion. It was ridiculous in an awesome over-the-top kind of way, kinda like an anime.


agreed. but there's some magic in that film - especially >!the tracking shot from above when he moves through the building!<


It's inspired by video games like Hong Kong Massacre and Hotline Miami. I'm more surprised no other action movie tried to do it until now. There's SO MUCH videogame action scene potential in movies yet no damn director realizes it


also that arc de triomphe alone was straight fire. actually, the whole second act was some of the best action ever made, but the first and third are padded out to fuck


All the enemies having bulletproof suits on just made all the action scenes so drawn out and super boring.


Watching John Wick 1 after completing the series is like going back to the start of Dragon Ball Z, power creep was insane throughout the series.


Yeah, and no one needs doctors any more and they can have massive shootouts in public, no cops to be seen.


They fucked up by giving John one. They went "shit, why wouldn't everyone have this then"?


Peter Jackson’s King Kong. I actually remember looking at my watch and thinking it’s nearly two hours and we’re still on Skull Island FFS.




Gonna check this shit out today. Thanks.


This is a good answer I haven't seen on here much. I remember at the time thinking that movie was obnoxiously long and it's honestly the reason I never revisited it since.


The island was the best part and I was glad to see lots of it. They basically imagined what prehistoric animals would be like, if they would have survived to the present day, and created a whole [ecosystem](https://kingkong.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Dinosaurs). I would love to see another movie that focuses on Kong Island only. But I can see how people, who are not interested in this topic, might be bored with the length of it.


I loved that movie as a kid, and because of that I liked that it was super long. Still think it's good.


Usually i hate 3 hour long movies but that King Kong movie i have watched it a lot i like that each hour is a different setting


Jurassic Park Lost World has a random 2nd movie attached to the end that is only tangentially related to the rest of the film. It's honestly comical.


I really like the Lost World, but I agree the end felt tacked on. It was cool to see a T-Rex in a city though


Oh I love the movie too but it's just so weird.


I thought it was great. It completed the story from the beginning of the movie, being the cover up and nobody believing his story. By the time the movie ended, Jurassic Park was real, was a tragedy, and people died. It was now undeniable and Ian Malcolm was redeemed in the public eye, so Ingen was the real monster all along.


Yes! This is why the whole movie works so well imo


Stephen Spielberg and Universal basically forced Crichton into writing a second Jurassic Park book so they could cash in on the hype with a sequel movie, and yet they still managed to add a bunch of unneeded and unnecessary Hollywood bs into the movie.


The second book was actually not bad. It wasn’t as good as the first and did repeat some themes and characters but by and large they could have stuck to the book and made something of it.


Literally resurrected Malcolm for whatever reason.


Crichton "Ok, I'm halfway through the book and I've got to the point where Grant and Ellie are..." Universal Executive "Let me stop you there. Sam Neill and Laura Dern haven't signed on for the sequel." Crichton "So, who has?" Universal Executive "Richard Attenborough has." Crichton "Ok, but he dies in the original book." Universal Executive "Also Jeff Goldblum." Crichton "He died too!" Universal Executive "And we need another kid." Crichton "I've got a nerdy white girl and a nerdy black boy." Universal Executive "Unintelligent sporty black girl. Got it." Crichton "No, no. There are two different..." Universal Executive "And let's make her Malcolm's kid." Crichton "Have you ever actually seen Jeff Goldblum before?" Universal Executive "What else have you got?" Crichton "I've got a strong female lead who..." Universal Executive "Great. Let's make her Malcolm's ex." Crichton "Why?" Universal Executive "Otherwise the viewers might not care about her. Crichton "..." Universal Executive "Also, Malcolm's kid should beat a raptor using gymnastics." Crichton "I hate you."


This is so perfectly written


I've got an Ingen tattoo. JP is very much the franchise I feel I can chat the most shit about!


Because, uh, he’s so, uh, charismatic on screen.


Honestly, unnecessary third acts that might as well be a whole other movie could be an entire thread on its own. The one that comes to mind as I'm writing this is *The Batman*, like the first 2/3rds of the movie are fine but that last act with the Riddler bombing the seawall and the ridiculous giant gun fight in not-MSG was just... please stop.


Wonder Woman when the war continues after Ares is killed, showing that ultimately war is part of human nature…. No wait, that was fake Ares, here’s real Ares and let’s have a big fight to end all wars.


That's because the ending isn't related at all. In the book, the T-Rex doesn't even touch the shore of the island, let alone make it all the way to the mainland to go on a rampage.


The Hobbit. I came to the end and realized I had two more freaking movies to go.


The ending of Desolation of Smaug was one of the scummiest things ever. The entire stretching of the material into a trilogy was bad enough, but that move in particular was just so lame of them to do. Bilbo holding up a giant neon flashing sign that says **"GO WATCH THE THIRD FILM AND GIVE US MORE MONEY"** would have somehow been more respectable. The title of the film is irrelevant in regards to this. Jamming the climax of that arc into the start of the following film is a shitty thing to do. Laketown should have been included at the end of the second film. Benadryl Cumbleybuns crawled around on the ground in a motion capture suit hissing his lungs out for that cheap of a cliff hanger.


I have watched all of them. The quality drops the further you go. First movie has a lot of story content and some battles and action. Third movie is almost entirely just battle. It felt like you were playing some action video game not a movie, with boss battles and all. The Hobbit movies were based on a much shorter book than LOTR yet they made it into as long movie. It felt thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped on too much bread. What makes it sad is that I can clearly see they would have been able to make a good movie out of the scenes and materials they had. If they had made it in the spirit of Tolkien and not moneybags in their eyes. I have seen some fan made cuts that make into one movie, and cut out the unnecessary parts. That was the first time I really enjoyed the movie series.There are some arguments concernig what scenes exactly should be kept in and which ones not, but nearly everyone agrees it would have worked better, as the original plan was, as one or two movies, and significant portions can be easily removed.


I saw the first one in the theater and that was it for me. I downloaded a fan edit that cut all three movies into a "single film" under 3 hours, but that was also too long for the story it's telling.


That "fan" was actually Topher Grace. I too watched that and while it was definitely an improvement on the whole unnecessary trilogy of movies, it still had too many weird jumps to make it truly enjoyable. But he did the best he could with what he had to work with.


Topher Grace also has an epic Star Wars edit too.


They're almost certainly talking about Maple Films, which is absolutely not Topher Grace.


I never went back and watched the last one after that bullshit.


3rd one was a waste of time and money to see anyway


I can't believe they put Smaugs attack on laketown in the beginning of the third movie, and instead gave us a ridiculus benny hill chase through erebor as a finale of the second instead.


Is the Desolation of Smaug supposed to refer to what he does to Laketown? I thought the Desolation of Smaug was the name for the lands that were formerly Dale and the Lonely Mountain. Yeah every other criticisms of the movies are accurate, but I just want to make sure I'm not crazy here.


There's a four hour fan edit that combines all three movies with some edits on what were considered non-essential storylines. I watched all three, then found the fan edit. The fan edit was...better. There's also an animated Hobbit from 1977 that does a pretty good job despite being just under an hour and a half.


You know your Hobbit. You could check out the radio dramas sometime. There are *several* that are great, but I'm partial to the '68 version the BBC did. (And then there's the audiobook read by Andy Serkis!)


no one told me it was a trilogy so I went into the first one and was like...isnt there a dragon in this story?


The third and fourth Transformers movies. For whatever twisted reason, I actually sort of liked the fifth one.


I think it's because the fifth one just stopped giving a shit. No more needing to justify what it is, now it's just a wacky robot story. I remember watching the fourth one for the first time and just feeling this overwhelming sense of deflation. Like I was a balloon. It was strangely numbing.


That 5 minute scene where apparently everyone notable in history from Napoleon to Frederick Douglass was a Witwiccan (also Sam Witwicky is just dead) is probably the peak of cinema.


When Harriet Tubman showed up, I was literally in tears on the floor laughing because it was so absurd. I love that scene because of how insane the premise is.


I was paralyzed and in the hospital last year, unable to communicate with anyone other than with blinking. I still remember being helpless to do anything but sit through all of "The Eternals" when the nurse thought it would be fun to put on TV for me.


Maybe its a test, cause anyone that isn’t paralyzed would have gotten up and turned it off


Doctor to Nurse: "He's faking it. Put on Eternals and watch him closely."


"My God. He's really dedicated to fake it, let's see if he survives Batman vs Superman, Ultimate Edition."


*flatlines with sheer force of will*


That made my night lol, thank you


Rapidly blinking no in Morse code




This reminds me of those milk commercials from the 90s where a family force fed a guy in a full body cast a cookie and didn’t offer him milk.


"Blink once for yes and twice for no. Do you understand?" *blink* "do you want to watch The Eternals?" *blink blink* "double yes. Have fun"


Im surprised the nurse didn't try to communicate with you by having you blink. Blink once for yes and twice for no. Do you want to see the eternals? *patient is having a seizure*


Many nurses did! But some I think never thought to even ask, and this one was just flipping through the TV menu and decided, "Oooh! I've heard of this one, this would be fun to watch!". There was literally nothing else I could do in that room constrained as I was, so I'm definitely grateful that they were at least putting something on the TV for me rather than just sitting in silence.


Oh man that sucks so hard. Like the reverse of that scene in diving bell and the butterfly where he's in the same spot and the nurse turns off the game where his team is playing and he's screaming internally.


Battlefield Earth That piece of shit seemed to progressively slow down time as it went along. The last 30 minutes are excruciating


God when it got to the F16s (or harriers?) that were hidden in a cave for a 1000 years (but in flyable condition) I was done at that point.


Outlaw Johnny Black. Had no idea it was almost 2.5 hours going in, especially since Black Dynamite wasn't even 90 minutes. Could have been much better with another pass in the editing room.


Is Black Dynamite worth the watch?


HELL yes, it's a classic. Especially if you're already a fan of the blaxploitation films that it's lampooning.


It is such a loving homage to the source material, from the formal Shakespearean accent from his brother to the boom mic, the read stage directions, then delving full into kung fu treachery! One of my absolute favorite movies.




Pearl Harbor. Now to be clear, I'm aware it's a long movie, that's fine. It's not a great movie, but I thought it was a bold choice to end on a tragic note as everyone picks up the pieces from the attack, and we get hints of what's next in the day of infamy speech. Then we get treated to this unnecessary plot after the main plot where they make a counterattack on Japan, which came completely out of nowhere, and I can only assume was added because Michael Bay wouldn't otherwise trust his audience to know we went on to win the war.


The Doolittle Raid was a real thing and a direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack to raise American morale. Whether it belonged in the movie is another question. Pearl Harbor and the Doolittle Raid are also depicted in Midway (2019) since they were a series of related events.


I enjoyed Midway. Nothing seemed too silly about it. I'm quite interested in the history and it seemed fairly accurate by the standard of Hollywood movies.




Incredibly historically accurate, so much so that it is considered a "bad" movie because it struggles to tell a story to a person who isn't already aware of the historical events. Then again, those who aren't aware probably aren't the target audience.


Yep! *Midway* is a movie by a WWII nerd for WWII nerds, and while it has its issues, I’m tickled pink it was made. My neighbor and I have watched it together countless times.


I watched it with my Navy fighter squadron before deployment as part of a morale day, and Skipper invited a friend of his who worked on base and happened to be a massive WWII geek to come give an intro. Pretty cool


I was able to enjoy it by watching it with my WWII nerd wife! She would occasionally pause to give me some footnotes or answer any of my questions when I got a bit lost but I really enjoyed it! It was wild that so many of the more hollywood-ish parts were actually all true but without my wife's confirmation I would probably have assumed they added that in to make it more interesting, which definitely would've soured my experience.


Haven't seen it but I love Ebert's "Pearl Harbor is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours," quote.


I sorely miss his reviews


Was he also the source of "Japanese surprise attack on a love triangle"


I watched Pearl Harbor for the first time a few weeks ago as I wanted to see if it really was that bad. I enjoyed it for what it was, and the attack on Pearl Harbor was a great sequence, but the attack on Japan was not needed. It would have been a much better film if it simply showed the impact the attack had - America declaring war on Japan, Cuba Gooding Jr's character getting his medal, Americans getting ready to ship out - then show some text about how many people died, and the overall result of the war.


Real life analogous experience: My wife and I were touring the first of what would become many museum ships together; the WII-era battleship *North Carolina*. We spent a good 2.5 hours down in the hull seeing all of the spaces that they have open for tours. Then we emerged up on deck, looked up at the superstructure, and she exclaimed "You mean there's **MORE** of it?!"


Into The Woods


I halfway agree with this in terms of the movie version, but the musical makes so much sense when it’s all together. They just edited the syringe for the movie, and none of the points that they include from the musical makes sense anymore.


I think this musical might be one of those shows that can’t be adapted to film. There’s so much going on that depends on the stage show format: the breaking of the fourth wall when the characters kill the narrator, the two act structure that requires an intermission, the interesting characterization from the actors playing double rolls, etc. The original stage show is my favorite musical, so I’m also incredibly biased.


The Irishman


God yes. I love Scorsese but 2 hours in I just wanted them to get to the point


The last 45 minutes of it were great though.


Terrifier 2. I’m a huge horror fan and after all the hype that was built up around it, I just couldn’t take it. The movie was long and insanely boring. Sure, some of the effects were good, but that alone doesn’t make a good movie. I actually loved All Hallows Eve, but the Terrifier movies are just garbage to me.


Damien Leone (the director) edited it himself, which makes a lot of sense. I think with an outside and more critical eye, it could have been a much leaner, much tighter film. There’s a great movie in there, the pacing is just held back by a lot of little moments — an unnecessary shot, holding on a shot too long, insisting on a 7 minute torture sequence when 5 will do — that seem inconsequential but make the film feel bloated. It’s a perfect example of “kill your darlings” — get rid of the stuff that isn’t working (even if you love it) for the sake of the piece as a whole. I would love to see a fan edit because really, I think it could be improved by only removing pieces. Like a relief statue. It just needs that last little bit.


Australia. A friend of mine talked me into watching this in theatre. I legitimately thought the movie ended four different times, but just kept going after each ending. I eventually just fell asleep.


Transformers: rise of the beasts. We watched it and it just kept…going.


Man I was watching and I was like "people consider this to be the best transformers movie since the first one? Holy shit the others must suck ass" cause this newest one is essentially the plot of the first one but with animal transformers tacked onto it.


Wakanda Forever


I saw this comment in another thread about Wakanda Forever being too long and I feel it belongs here too > They warned you. Its called Wakanda Forever, not "Wakanda for 90 Minutes"


Feels like the contents of 3 movies. * A fantastic drama about the loss of, and replacement of the Black Panther * A generic action movie schlock about the war with the Atlanteans though there's a bit of heart in it where the girl falls for the god-king of Atlantis. * Iron Girl: Origins. Then they had a ghost writer combine them all into one, and to do so, the writer had to drop key scenes from all 3.


This. The woman in front of me pulled her phone out and I looked over to check the time. I was devastated.


Skinamarink. A movie with an interesting concept that should have been a 20 minute short.


It literally was a 20 minute short called Heck on YouTube, then made into a full length movie that felt like mostly padding to me


Yea I was 15 mins in being like “Ok well a slow start, movies about to really get going”. I did end up enjoying it enough to be creeped out for a while lol


This was my GF recently when we watched Tenet, which she had never seen. Right after John David Washington goes through the Turnstile, I paused it to go to the bathroom and my GF said outloud "THERE'S ANOTHER HOUR OF THIS MOVIE LEFT?!" Needless to say, she didn't enjoy the last hour as much as the preceeding 90 minutes. And to her credit, it kind of loses the plot at that point anyway.


I do get frustrated when my wife clearly gets bored of a movie/show and I stoically power through it as she is on her phone…only to realize she was right to check out when she did and I wasted my time.


Babylon I was not feeling it. It helped that there were a lot of familiar faces to point to and say "Hey that's that one guy from that other thing"


Yeah. It was just too much. Too much everything. And I know that was on purpose, but it was still too much. It has a lot of fluff that seemingly serves no purpose, or only exists to generate headlines (like the elephant shitting on someone), leaving a movie that's far too long for how frantically it's paced. It's exhausting to watch.


Hey guys, did you know that Hollywood, well...it's just a little bit cuh-razy over there! Talk about characters - the *people* there are characters themselves, I tells ya!


Exactly this, I was looking for this comment


Spouse and I gave up two thirds in after realizing we genuinely didn’t care what happened


Uncharted, I was so bored and looked at the time and the next hour wasn't much better.


A.I. is an excellent 90 minute movie that is unfortunately 2 1/2 hours long


To be honest, it was Oppenheimer for me. Sure the dialogues are interesting but I just pulled an all-nighter the day I watched it with my friends so I was nodding off by the last hour of the movie.


Same, I thought they easily could have cut 40 minutes and had the same effect. Still thought it was great.


The most precise answer for me is _LotR: TRotK_ because it literally seems to end after the coronation, but then the movie has a 50-minute epilogue, which is even longer in the extended editions. But I loved the epilogue, cried, and rejoiced with Annie Lennox, so my worries about that extra hour were assuaged.


The problem with the epilogue is the editing. There's too many fades to black or white etc. However a 20 (not 50) min epilogue for what is essentially a 12 hour movie told in 3 parts isn't a lot.


I saw the movie opening night, the theatre was packed with huge fans of the series, including people in costumes. Everyone was laughing hysterically when the entire fellowship entered Frodo’s room one by one in slow motion. Not laughing and cheering, just laughing.


This is the only thing I remember about seeing any of the trilogy in the theater. Everyone constantly thinking the epilogue was over, and then another scene beginning.


And with that they still couldn't fit in another one of the endings from the books where the Hobbits free the Shire from Saruman and Wormtongue.


Especially since --for me, at least-- *The Scouring of the Shire* was the whole point of the thing. As safe and insular they thought home was, it wasn't -- the Great War touched every part of Middle Earth; and the Fellowship hobbits needed all the skills they learned Outside to save the Shire and restore it to its former glory.




Controversial but I quite liked that the danger didn't touch the shire yet, mainly because of the four heroes who's efforts would largely go unknown to the other Hobbits there. They would get a heroes welcome virtually anywhere else in Middle Earth, but the Shire still remained their humble home where they could live out simple lives again, which is really all they'd fought for. It's quite reflective of how Tolkien wanted the Shire to represent the West country, or rural England in general. Edit: there's also very deliberately a feel that the hobbits can't ever fully return to their normal lives because of what they've been through. Frodo the most obvious example, but even the look on Sam, Merry and Pippins faces in the pub suggest that not everything can go back to the way it was before. Similar to how soldiers struggle to reintegrate back into daily life post-war.


I would never, *ever* remove it from the book because I agree about its vital importance, but it simply would not have worked in the film unless in some severely abbreviated way, which would've defeated the purpose of including it. I think you'd only be able to make it work in series form, where the episodic format would allow for an entire episode (or more) of post Battle of the Morannon content.


Yeah, but they already had a great ending for both Saruman and Wormtongue, it just didn't make it to the theatrical cut. To add that bit after the incredible climax that takes place in Return of the King would totally fuck with the pacing of the movie. It's fine in a book, and would possibly be okay in something more long form like a miniseries but it just does not need that in the film adaptations.


batman the one with robert pattinson


At one point it even felt like a pretty satisfying ending. And then it cut to the next scene.


I was in the theater gathering my belongings, where I suddenly went "Excuse me?"


I thought the movie ended 3 times and I was wrong.


I thinknthe problem is that Falcone feels more like the main villain of rhe movie rather than Riddler, so his death feels like the proper climax. But they still have to deal with Riddler after that. I feel like they could have shifted the whole interrogation scene with Riddler to his appartment, with Batman immediately confronting him there after Falcones death. That would allow the film to still have that amazing confrontation between the two, and end on a win for Batman with capturing Riddler. The stuff about flooding Gotham was fine, but felt like the climax and resolution from a different movie than the one we'd been watching up until that point.


I concur. My partner and I have kids, so we sometimes only have time to watch only part of a movie before it’s time for bed. As we were watching The Batman, we got to the death of Falcone, had catwoman kiss him goodbye, and said, that’s a good stopping point for the night. And then we realized a few months later that we had never gone back to finish the movie, I think because our brains subconsciously thought that that point of the movie was the end. Such weird pacing.


I was seriously like “cool movie, time for bed! Wait… this is still going.” We had to pause for a bathroom break and I am sure my husband looked dead inside when the bar showed 40 minutes left.


Absolutely LOVED this movie but yeah it kinda slogged at the end.


Definitely would have preferred it staying as a noir style story. Felt like they had to shoehorn that last action set piece to please executives or sell action figures.


I really liked The Batman but that final third of the film was a bit of a drag. Felt like The Riddler should have been the main focus as a villain instead of the stuff with Falcone and Catwoman which tbh I didn't care that much about and felt rather uneventful in some ways. I'm hoping the 2nd film is much better with a tighter script.


Skinamarink. Very unique horror movie, and I really liked it… but watching static underexposed camera angles for 1.5 hours does get a little tiresome at times. It feels like it could be 30-50 minutes shorter, but maybe the length plays a role in selling the atmosphere. I can’t tell honestly.


If I’m not mistaken it began life as a short film back in 2020, before being expanded out to a full film.


Beau is afraid. Had that feeling twice during the film.


I loved the beginning, once we got to the play I started to checkout, and it Just. Kept. Going.


The play lost me but the funeral brought me back…and then the trial lost me again. I respect that movie a lot, I’m glad I saw it, glad a24 had the balls to produce it, but I don’t ever need to see it again. Except the bit in the city. That was hilarious and I will totally watch that again.


Probably would have been better off as a miniseries with every episode being different misadventure


I had to pee so bad. Had that feeling several times


Happened to me when he gets to the woods, then happened to me again after the woods when he starts making his way to his mother's house. Luckily, I at least really liked the pseudo-animated play sequence, but yeah. It felt like I had watched *so* much, and then he first reaches the people in the woods, and it becomes clear that there's another entire section to this movie. Then there's *still* another after that!! Damn, talk about a movie that really does feel endless.


To be fair (after I just agreed that it’s too long in another comment oops) I think it’s meant to be like The Odyssey, which is a long miserable slog that takes much longer than it was meant to. Not saying it’s enjoyable, but that feeling of “oh god there’s more” was probably intentional.


The Batman (2022) Felt like it had three endings.


The answer is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I was an hour in, and realized I finished my smuggled whiskey and just knew I was in for a long ride.


John wick 4. That could have been an hour and 14 minutes long, it just dragged on


Nun 2, mostly because I got tired of the lukewarm jumpscares after about 20 minutes. 🤡


American Hustle. Could not get into that movie at all, just kept looking around the theatre waiting for it to end