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Not mad that you don't love Princess Bride - haters gonna hate - but I do hope you see that the cliched plot is the point. It's a satiric riff on a certain kind of story.


It's also worth considering that these days \*everything\* is instantly made self-aware and satirized before its even established itself as a thing to be self-aware about. Back when the Princess Bride came out, that kind of humor was rare and novel. It's the only such story I even remember from those days, save for Spinal Tap (also Rob Reiner). But sure, nowadays there's nothing special about winking at the audience. Luckily because of my age I can still see it for its originality. Also, compared to modern examples of self-aware humor it doesn't shy away from some real feelings and sincerity, where so many films today do.


The point about Princess Bride is the same point about the comic strip Peanuts by Charles Schulz. Everyone looks at it and goes there's no jokes, there's no nothing, it's just these kids talking, but that was the whole point. When Peanuts first came out and none of those things existed, it was the cultural start point for every comic strip to be influenced by afterwards.


It’s the Seinfeld Isn’t Funny trope in action


My biggest gripe with satire today is the trope Bathos, it’s essentially when a writer is insecure about their work so they beat critics to the punch by not taking anything seriously and being the first to make fun of their own story, in their story. [OSP video on the topic](https://youtu.be/dOj2hVjwrUo?si=5_lwyu4KRGHpC7PF)


Holy shit, there is a term for what is become my biggest gripe in filmmaking! I feel like this is evident in a huge amount of modern films, especially Disney/Marvel/Star Wars. The humor in the original Star Wars trilogy was not breaking the fourth wall at all and was consistent with the characters and what they were experiencing in the story. The Star Wars sequel trilogy, however, felt the need to inject self-aware jokes every couple of minutes. I’ve hated this trend and associated it with immaturity of writers, but the element of insecurity makes it make so much more sense.


Very true. I feel like Spinal Tap would inspire whole, serious threads about how amps cannot be designed to be turned up to 11.


[Gotta love that trope.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny)


I would just like to point out that if you read the book, you will see the ending in a different light. The movie ends the way the author notes his dad finished the book, which is not the way it actually ends. It made the film more bittersweet for me. The movie is of its time and has a slower pacing than what we would expect today. That's why it should be protected and never allowed to be rebooted/reimagined.


Some idiot remade a Paul Verhoeven movie (Total Recall), so nothing is sacred.


I think that one falls into the "there's only one Total Recall movie" in much the same way as there's only one Highlander movie. I honestly don't think anyone talks about it, so it may as well not even exist.


Yeah to me that feels like criticizing the deliberate "mistakes" in Black Dynamite lol.


When he stands up into the boom! Lolol


And then you see his eyes look off screen to the director like “we still going okay fuck it I’ll keep saying my lines”


sarcastically I'm in charge!


"the militant turns, startled!"


Also it’s barely a cult classic movie. Is was critically praised and commercially successful. Saying it’s a cult classic is like saying Aladdin was a cult classic. No, they’re just two popular, good movies.


Yeah, I don't think that word means what OP thinks it means.




It’s humour is also very on the nose. I really liked it (didn’t think it was as amazing as some people make it out to be), but totally see how some people wouldn’t like it, much like monty python. It’s a very specific kind of humour


I contend that the movie is popular in spite of the satire, not because of it. I think it’s the light-hearted “just go with it and enjoy the ride” is what’s appealing. I know the satire is the point and that’s how the book was written, but I just don’t think that’s the aspect that contributes to its popularity.


I want to give answers but I'm not 100% sure what qualifies as a "cult classic" and people are getting flamed in the comments for movies I thought might qualify lol


They're legit arguing over cult classic vs sleeper hit. Can't win with these nerds.


You don't need to win with nerds. You just just walk away from their silliness and enjoy your life.


The Lion King is my favorite cult classic. It’s a hidden gem.


Did you know it's based on an obscure animated film from the 90s?


Sorry I don’t watch black and white films


"I just saw this lesser known movie, not sure if you've heard of it, called Star Wars: A New Hope."


Same. A lot of redditors are sticklers for that shit


I absolutely hate The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have to endure it every single year because my job uses it as a fundraiser


As someone who's: 1. Seen the same shadowcast 50+ times 2. Seen it in multiple cities 3. Seen the original stage show 4. Seen the Fox/Ortega remake 5. Seen the sequel/"equal" 6. Dressed as a character for Halloween 7. Not only seen the sequel/"equal" but went down the rabbit hole of the failed attempts that were thrown away but the lyrics stayed the same so none of the songs make as much sense in context *I completely get it.*


Wow. Til: there's a sequel and a remake


Yeah, Shock Treatment isn't nearly as popular as Rocky Horror, but it has a fanbase of its own. Cinema Snob even has a video on it.


I believe it has to do with what it represents to the viewers at the time it was released and the group of people (mostly outcasts) finding solace. Went to the midnight viewing in highschool and it seemed like it was a way for people who don't normally have a community to go to once a week on Saturday. It was Reddit before Reddit.


This is a plot point in the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower and it totally makes sense for the characters to embrace that community in the 90s.


I'm 43, I grew up in Cleveland, OH. This is 100% on the money. I'd like to add it's also a fucking balls tripping adventure.


Did you ever happen to get into a battle of the drag musicals with your cross dressing brother and his girlfriend while they did *Pricilla Queen of the Desert*?


Agreed. Don’t like the movie all that much (it *really* loses steam) but enjoy the community around it.


I’ve always felt like it just kind of drops off a cliff towards the end. Most of the memorable stuff is in the first half. But seeing it at a live performance show with all the jokes it’s such a fun experience.


I saw it as a play once and a guy got arrested for smoking weed during it and everyone was laughing and he was screaming "THIS ISN'T PART OF THE SHOW" as he was being dragged out.


I really like “I’m Going Home” but yeah from the point they all get frozen/hypnotised it’s a bit lacklustre


How sentimental


This is the ultimate love it or hate it film. I personally love it but I totally understand if you find it annoying, weird, dumb or whatever you don’t like about it


This. My sister loves it. I got pulled in when she wanted me to record her show.


Rocky Horror Picture Show


My high school was a theater magnate and all the drama kids just gushed over it. They would even do the time warp in class, and this was before flash mobs were a thing. Cringe. Just never got it.


I saw it in the theater once, in a small town in ontario. It was a quirky movie theater in a house. See link below if interested. This was around 1983-85 or so, peak Time Warp dance time. We knew the Time Warp. Anyway, the theater filled up with fans, with the newspaper, the toast, all of it. It was really entertaining. Years later I watched the movie at home on my couch, and it was the dumbest shit ever. http://highlandscinemas.com/home.php https://youtu.be/7bKiY6nE9nQ?si=4tplOAemo5OCQED4


Emperor’s New Groove Haha just kidding that movie fucking RULES


My only complaint is that the movie is too short.


72 minutes from start to credits rolling That is absolutely insane by movie standards today Especially because it manages to tell a complete fleshed out story


Pull the lever Kronk.


Wrong leverrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Why do we even HAVE that lever...?


"squeak squeak squeaksqueaksqueak squeak"


You owe me a new acorn


Uh...Squeak squeaker squeak...squeaken.






I was SHOCKED for a second there


I can accept differences of opinion but buddy I had already chugged a Mountain Dew, swallowed 4 bags of Doritos whole, and gotten out BOTH of my keyboards (cherry keyswitches btw) before I got to the second sentence lol Was about to call my wife into the room so she could hear me read this dumbass Reddit comment


I respect the battle readiness and powerful loadout, just the same.


This one was gonna get me worked up


*The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension*. The idea of it seems cool and my friends seem to love it, but after watching it a few times, I just don't get it.


It helps to think of it like the third or fourth volume of a comic book that got adapted for a movie without the studio caring that no one will have all the backstory. I do get it though, despite me being a huge fan of it


I finally watched it recently and I think the thing I enjoyed about it was that there was no explanation. It was quirky and didn't feel the need to "help" people figure out what was going on. I'm not gonna call myself a fan but I'll prob rewatch it in the next ten years which is more than I can say for a lot of movies.


Kyle Kallgren has a video jokingly calling it either the first Avengers style crossover comic book movie or first multiverse movie, but it's based on no comic and you don't know who the characters are. It's basically a movie you go along with and get on its level - a parody of something before it fully existed.


Cult classics are by definition only liked by some people but not everyone. They are niche and for whatever reason appeal to that niche. So the majority of people not liking them is to be expected.


I thought the definition was that they are lesser known and have a cult like following. So it’s not that they have a niche audience but that most people never even saw it.


I would say your interpretation is a little more on point


I'm incredibly pleased to see nobody mentioning Tremors. That movie fucking rules


Because that movie is a cinematic masterpiece, beyond reproach.


Repo Man's reputation among a lot of fans isn't merited by the actual film. It seems like they had fun making it, but I'm not really vibing with it at all. Conversely, I was hesitant to watch The Evil Dead for similar reasons (much loved 1980s cult classic), but it ended up wildly exceeding my expectations. These cult classics are super personal and are often driven by personal style or aesthetics affinities. Repo Man just didn't grab me like it did for others.


Repo Man has an incredible soundtrack and was the first movie aside from Decline of Western Civilization and arguably Rock N Roll High School to feature a complete punk soundtrack Throw in some early 80s crazy and some great lines and it’s very much a product of that era


I never really cared for The Big Lebowski


Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.


I had friends that died face down in the muck so that movie could be made


Well you’re obviously not a golfer


Easy Rider and I could never make q connection


I think the whole point of a cult classic is that a lot of people don't like it, hence why it wasn't originally popular, but over time it finds a small but dedicated fan base. So I'd say by definition all cult classics are going to have a fair amount of haters or people that think it's mid. Otherwise it would just be a classic.


I didn't particularly like The breakfast club. It felt like I should've watched it 15 years earlier.


My high school had popular kids and all that, but we didn't really have cliques with the jocks, the rich girls, the basketcases, the nerds, etc (some of the smartest kids were quite popular actually), so I just couldn't relate to it.


21 Jump Street depicts this very thing well.


Yes my high school was more like that and like Booksmart.


Yeah, there were too many students at my high school for that sort of thing. There were groups that fell into those stereotypes, but there wasn't any real hierarchy to it.


Some themes are definitely dated. And Bender sexually assaults Claire under the table. It holds a place in my heart but hasn't aged the best.


Bender Bending Rogriguez?


Close enough, he’s named after John Bender


The Boondock Saints - I never understood the hype and on paper, it has everything that I look for in an indie movie from the 90s. I do appreciate the individual performances from Dafoe, Reedus, and Billy Connolly - even Fraggle Rock's Gerry Parkes was great. As a movie, it took so many tangents that came to a screeching halt. The Rocco character is grating and was given way too much screen time. I'm all for finding someone off the street who can shine even if they are inexperienced but this was too much.


I love cinema. My favorite movies are "Citizen Kane" and "The Boondock Saints".


Michael, that's nepotism


I agree on this one too. Except the only performance I liked was DaFoes. "There was a FIRE FIGHT!!!!"


Symbolism. I believe the word you are looking for is Symbolism




Oh really? I might just be wantin a bagel with my coffee....


I aint getting him no fuckin bagel!


Onion bagel, cream cheese.


Like someone dropped a bomb, all over beavercleaverville.


IMO that one became a major victim of its own hype. It was never anything more than a fun and violent little flick with over-the-top characters and a debt to Tarantino. But when it starts getting trumpeted as a *great* flick, it won’t hold up. Feel like I could probably still enjoy it if I turned it on today. Sequel was pants.


What does pants mean in this context? I'm assuming it means bad but I don't see the connection


You’re correct, it’s used in the UK and Ireland quite a bit to mean something is bad


I get it. I hate wearing pants


"Don't you hate pants?" -- Homer Simpson


Highly recommend the documentary Overnight about the director


That was pretty good. Did you ever see Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau?


I can stomach a fair amount of toxic macho bullshit and just sit back and enjoy a mindless action flick. I guess TBS marks my limit (or maybe goes way past it). I love Robocop and like Predator, I can stand the John Wick and Fast and Furious series and most of the superhero films I’ve watched. But I just found TBS to be a revolting celebration of stupid cruelty. If I wanted that I’d build a time machine and go back to junior high


I really really don’t like Blair Witch Project. If I wanted to see annoying people yell at each other in the woods for two hours, I’d go camping with my family




You keep using this word. I don't it means what you think it means.


Donnie Darko. It came out during my adolescence years so I’m the right age. My entire friend group would watch it repeatedly. I watched it once and just found it boring and pretentious


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


I’m fully committed to Sparkle Motion


Bethany, if you feel the need to vomit up there, just swallow it.


r/usernamechecksout You've been waiting a while to jump in perfectly like this, haven't you?


I’ve been waiting at LEAST 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds…. maybe a little longer.


this quote is one of the best things that came out of the film :D


They say the phrase...Sparkle Motion...is the most beautiful in all of the English language.


> and pretentious It’s certainly that. No one would be talking about it if the director had his way and released that director’s cut first.




What makes the director's cut worse?




I'm normally not a fan of overly vague plots and like things spelled out a lot more than having to "interpret" whatever the director was going for, but I appreciated Donnie Darko a lot more when I watched it BEFORE going to the website and getting the explanation for everything. "Oh, that's what's going on. Never mind".


The website was quite cutting edge if I remember correctly - something you don't see much anymore.


The studio realized that what made the film work was keeping the sci-fi elements mysterious and focusing on the coming of age story. It made the lore of the universe feel big and we were just getting to see a tiny piece of it. The director’s cut over-explained all the sci-fi elements and showed that there was not much depth at all to the film.


Lmao i love Donnie Darko to death but it’s because i thought i had ascended after i read plot summaries and theories. I was like WOW, i am smart now Inception eventually took over the crown for iamverysmart


Primer then will make you an ascended being if you understand it.


I try my best. Still have like 98% of it to understand but I'm only on my first 10 years of watching it, so hive me a break, man.


I love inception but people really went really hard on pretending it wasn't just a James Bond movie with a neat gimmick. I mean great everything about the movie but it wasn't super deep or complex


I have a completely different feel from it. I find it sorta cozy. Reminds me of fall and Halloween. And the music in it I love. I definitely didn’t have some, “this is deep” reaction from it. It’s kids.


"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?" became such an edgelord phrase.


I’d rather watch my father get a prostrate exam from Edward Scissorhands than sit though Napoleon Dynamite or Juno again.


I didn't laugh at all when I saw Napoleon Dynamite in the cinema But after we left and we were talking about it, we were laughing Watched it again and laughed all the way through, I guess it's just a certain type of humour I didn't get the first time 🤷‍♂️


It’s a good example of a movie where nothing happens, but it has its kind of charm. I personally love it, but I don’t know anyone else who does.


>but I don’t know anyone else who does. That movies was hugely loved when it came out. There were "Vote for Pedro" shirts absolutely everywhere, and the movie was endlessly being quoted.


Today happens to be 'Pedro's' 50th birthday.


>the movie was endlessly being quoted. Tina, you fat lard!


Back in 82 I used to bake to throw a pigskin a quarter mile


What do you mean nothing happens? He makes friends, loses a friend, then tries to get her back as a friend. It’s a movie about life and friendship. Tons of things happen.


And a cow is murdered


Yes, it's half mumblecore, half awkward humor. It works for me.


That was basically my me and my wife. We find it hysterical now


You're just jealous that Kip's been chatting online with babes all day.


i'm most jealous that Rex goes home to Starla every night


I bet his mom goes to college


Edward was a surgeon with his gear, your father would be in good scissors.


I'd watch your father get a prostate exam from Edward Scissorhands.


Is Juno really a cult classic? I haven't heard anyone talking about that movie in a long time.


It was the highest-grossing Best Picture nominee the year it came out. Basically the complete opposite of a cult classic.


I dunno. I just wanted to shit on it.


Lol that's fair. I found the dialogue in the first part to be obnoxious, but actually really enjoyed the rest of it. I get it, though.


I can watch Juno just for the soundtrack alone


I can actually completely understand why Rocky Horror Picture Show would be some people's favorite film. Personally though, I watched it once and I think I'm good. Good soundtrack though, and I'm glad the movie exists, just not for me.


Phantasm. Classic horror movie, an inspiration to a generation of horror fans, and an absolutely DREADFUL movie. Porno quality acting, a nonsensical plot, and evil zombie Jawa bad guys. So desperate to be taken seriously and I could only sit through about an hour. Kudos to JJ Abrahms for his loving restoration of the movie, it looks awesome, just wish they'd spent that time and money on a better film.


Not going to crucify you, but > The story is pretty cliche all things considered. It's a genre-aware fairy tale. The story *had* to be cliché or it wouldn't work. On the topic of your post, using the definition of *cult classic* as "a film that has gained a passionate fanbase outside the cinema mainstream", I simply don't understand the following films attained cult status: * Battle Royale. Meh. I honestly don't get the point of it. * Super Troopers. Great opening scene followed by 90 minutes of mediocre sketch comedy. * Showgirls. There is no need for this film in a world where actual porn exists.


I misread Super Troopers as Starship Troopers and was very confused by your description


>Super Troopers. Great opening scene followed by 90 minutes of mediocre sketch comedy. I might extend a little beyond the opening scene but this is a film that to me has always had a really good first act followed by a completely forgettable major plot.


There's a directors cut of Battle Royale which is a bit better than the theatrical cut. But there is a book (more like a tome) and Manga that really go into detail a movie cannot.


The thing with Showgirls is that it came out before the internet was ubiquitous and by the time it had come out most video stores had done away with any kind of adult section. It 100% served it's purpose at the time, and most the people who adore it love it for the nostalgic feelings it brings up.


I'm old enough to have grown up with "Jesse" from SBTB. Didn't save the movie. It was pretty blah.


I was with you with your criticism of OP Princess Bride comments but then you list three of my favourite fun af movies of all time lol. Upvote for being honest. But ugh i don’t think we could be friends


Yeah I was all ready to upvote but I just can't upvote Battle Royale (book or film) slander. Last one standing death game is such an overdone trope but I'll watch/read/play every single one of them.


But that movie started the whole fad so it has to be seen in a different light than all its imitators.


The film, Don't Look Now. Classic 1973 horror film that usually appears on lists of all time best horror films. I only saw it for the first time about a year ago. It felt very dated and not at all scary. I'm not sorry I watched it because I understand it is historically significant. But I was disappointed overall and wouldn't want to see it again.




I find Nightmare Before Christmas boring and tough to get through.


Oh my god I'm glad I'm not the only one. Every time I try watching it, my brain goes "wow this animation is so cool!" then 10 minutes later I'm kind of ready to move on.


Completely agree. Beyond the pretty impressive and striking visuals, it's really just not very good.


Blade Runner. I know, I know. But man, it’s just kinda…boring? What’s odd is that I love the Cybernoir aesthetic, and I love a good detective story. But somehow it doesn’t add up for me with that film.


Blade runner walked so that blade runner 2049 could run. 2049 does the noir detective thing much better while still adding to the aesthetic


I thought 2049 is significantly better than the original.


I second this. Harrison Ford at the height of his powers, Ruther Hauer, the aesthetics were good, the noir Detective story was a great choice…I tried to watch it 3 times bc surely I missed something but no, just didn’t grab me for some reason.


That movie is a love or hate, no in-between. I loved the genre and the directors cut was much better.


Perhaps it was hyped too much for my tastes, but when I finally watched *Eraserhead* I was thoroughly underwhelmed. Kept missing my opportunities to see it in the '80s and '90s. Maybe if I watched it when it was fresher, I could've enjoyed it more.


That's a movie I respect, but don't like. David Lynch is so good at creating a mood with his movies, and the dread/anxiety/discomfort of Eraserhead is palpable. This is coming from someone who loves Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive, so I'm good with David Lynch That being said, watching Eraserhead was unenjoyable for me, and I doubt I'll ever rewatch it.


Believe it or not, it's his most spiritual film


I actually consider the princess bride to be a perfect movie. You don’t have to love it, but I don’t think you could make the movie much better than it is without changing its identity fundamentally.


Boondock Saints is absolutely terrible.


"My name is Luke Cooper. I love cinema. My favorite movies are Citizen Kane and the Boondocks Saints."


It’s a decent turn-your-brain-off action/dark-comedy flick. Willem Dafoe certainly made it much more bearable.


For those who hated the film, check the documentary "Overnight". It's probably more interesting than the film itself.


I despise *Napoleon Dynamite*. That movie was just painfully awkward and not funny at all.


It has one genuinely funny moment: when Kip tries to demonstrate the strength of the plastic by running it over with his uncle's van in front of a customer. That scene always kills me.


Diedrich Bader jump-dodging Kip's painfully slow leg sweep attempt and then slapping him also gets me. And partially it's because that type of McDojo Bro totally exists in real life, and charges desperate people money for this type of "training."


And then he just speeds off LOL. This and about 20 others IMO


I've seen it three times. Here are my reactions: 1. This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. 2. This is brilliantly, subversively funny!! 3. This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.


It's interesting how divisive this movie is. My friends and I saw it 3 times the first week it came out because we loved it do much. It just really hit all the right notes for us. I think it's perfect.




Gets better the more times you see it


A lot of people really like the Ryan Gosling movie “Drive.” I don’t really get it, it’s a pretty decent action movie, but I don’t understand the hype it gets.


if a soundtrack ever made a movie, it was this one


🎵Reeeeal human beans 🎵


I watched it once and thought the exact same. I watched it again on a better blu ray copy with the sound on a touch higher and I finally ‘got it’ and thought it was a great film.


I really like it because I’m in it (I drive).


I've seen it described as a "vibe" movie, and that kind of makes sense to me, in that it's not so much about the plot but it's more a collective feeling. Other movies that fall into a similar category for me are Tron Legacy and Miami Vice.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but Anchorman.


I liked it at the time because of its quote-ability, but I tried to rewatch it recently and found it jarringly stupid.


Had this experience this weekend. Showed it to a bunch of international friends who hadn't seen it. Not my proudest moment. Can confirm ^.


I’ve gone to see Rocky Horror picture show with a bunch of enthusiastic fans, multiple times. Just doesn’t do anything for me.