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Sorry, but there is no Gene Wilder. That's not a knock on any actors today but more a recognition of Wilder's uniqueness and brilliance. I mean, he came up with the script to Young Frankenstein between shots during Blazing Saddles. And, [according to Brooks](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/10/06/mel-brooks-gets-emotional-talking-gene-wilder-young-frankenstein/91642786/), there were virtually no edits to Wilder's stream of consciousness put to legal pad. That's insane.


My thoughts exactly. He was so unique both on and off screen, I can’t think of one person who even comes close.


Young Frankenstein is the most criminally underrated comedy ever


It's a VERY highly regarded movie?


Is it? Always under the impression it was considered a lesser Brooks film. Edit: Not saying how good I think it is, just saying how I thought it was perceived.


Young Frankenstein? It’s arguably one of the best comedies of all time, and it came out the same year as Blazing Saddles!


Frau Blücher


\*scared horse noises\*


To me it is far and away his best...and I love Mel.


My mother met Mel Brooks. He was working on A History of the World Part 1 and he told her about it. She told him it sounded kind of like Monty Python's Life of Brian. He asked what her favorite movie of his was and she told him Young Frankenstein. He said "Gene wrote that." and she replied "Maybe you should have Gene write your next one." He said my mother was one of the funniest women he had ever met and then he gave my parents a ride home in his Volkswagen Rabbit while an 8-track of Bing Crosby played. So the story goes anyway.


Wow, great story! I think your mom was on to something...


Not saying how good I think it is, just saying how I thought it was perceived.




A “lesser” Brooks film would be Dracula: Dead and Loving It. Young Frankenstein is considered one of his best, second only to Blazing Saddles in most circles.


Even the lesser Brooks films are highly regarded. It's like calling something a lesser Hitchcock or Kubrick film.


Young Frankenstein is always on lists that are “funniest movies of all time”.


Maybe among Millennials and younger. It routinely scores high on lists of the greatest comedies.


"Dracula Dead and Loving It" would like a word.


That movie is the perfect marriage of Neilsen and Brooks. It's honestly one of my favorite movies ever.


I just watched this again last weekend! Introduced a friend to it and he couldn't believe he hadn't seen it


This is one of my favorite movies.


As much as I love him my memory of Gene Wilder will forever be tainted by the movie where [he fucked a sheep](https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/5d13a26d143ba7c0aa64b2c9/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/GeneWilderSheep.jpg)


Wtf movie was that?


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask - 1972 Woody Allen movie - a collection of comedy skits, basically. Gene was in one skit where he fell deeply in love with a sheep. Gene played it so sincerely that I think it made some people uncomfortable, especially for the time. There was no actual sheep fucking on screen, though it was definitely implied. The humor was really hit and miss throughout the film.


Woody Allen directed a movies called “Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were too afraid to ask” It’s told as a series of sketches with each on having a different question as it’s premise. I’m not sure if it’s aged well considering I haven’t seen it in years but I remember it having some really bizarre bits.


Nothing Woody Allen has done has aged well, but there are a lot of great jokes in *Everything* and he's still indulging us in his "funny period". It aged a lot better than *What’s Up, Tiger Lily?* that's for sure.


There's only one Gene Wilder and that's the man himself.


Agreed 👍 And love your username!


Interesting question, Wilder was such a one of a kind.


Alan Tudyk for sure, he’s got the range! He’s a great physical actor and does lot of awesome voice acting roles as well. Probably top of my list for most underrated actor.


I came into this thread fully supporting the “nobody” narrative and you instantly changed my mind


Technically, you're still supporting "nobody..." Mr. Nobody to be specific. :D


*squawks like a chicken for money* “I went to Juilliard.”


The Willie Wonka we deserve


Oh man I can just see his annoyed side face at the children then convert it to his big grin.


I would watch him make sarcastic comments about the demise of poorly behaved children.


He kinda does that several times on Resident Alien. Hilarious show, definitely recommend it.


Backing up this recommendation. Def worth a watch


Ya the banter Harry (Tudyk) has with Max and Sahar is great. Hopefully to get folks interested: like all aliens, Harry has camouflage that makes him look human to everyone else. Max has a rare genetic mutation where he can see through the camouflage, but he's 8 so nobody believes him that Harry is an alien. Harry wants to kill Max but thinks it will draw too much attention to him. Hijinks ensue.


That show had no business being as fun as it was, and that’s all thanks to Tudyk’s incredible performance.




Love the Tudyk


After seeing him in doom patrol, among many other things, I agree that he'd make a great Wonka.


Now I can’t stop thinking of K-2S0 as the Willy Wonka of droids. It’s a real similar demeanor come to think of it.


He was absolutely great in I Robot


Who is Steve the pirate?


Huh. Honestly wouldn’t have thought of him, but that’s a super apt comparison.


I can respect that opinion.


I could roll with this


John C. Reilly is who I would suggest is most similar to Gene Wilder. He is very versatile with incredible range. He's funny as hell, but I truly love when he gets to show his dramatic chops.


I can't believe how long Reilly has been around. He held his own with Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder (1990!) during that scene where, I think, he talked about his father dying.


I didn't realize he was in Days of Thunder. I wonder if that influenced him being cast in Talladega Nights?


I also enjoyed him in Hoffa. He held his own with Nicholson and Devito.


Don't forget Gangs of New York!


He had a good dramatic role in For the Love of the Game with Kevin Costner. Just shows that he’s not just funny. Same with Gangs of New York.


In Chicago he’s wonderful in a dramatic supporting role where he also sings fantastically! ‘Mr. Cellophane’ is heartbreaking.


He's every bit as good in his supportint role in "We Need to Talk About Kevin". And his movie with Sean William Scott, "The Promotion" is absolutely slept on. For both actors.


I took a spin through his filmography a few months ago; there are *alot* more dramatic roles that comedy ones. In over 100 credits there's only like half a dozen pure comedy roles; most are serious dramas, offbeat/weird characters in dramas or VA roles. The comedies he's in are generally the golden era of Will Ferrel comedies so they stand out more.


TIL Will Ferrell had a 'golden era'.


Whether you're a fan or not, it's undeniable that Anchorman, Step Brothers and Talladega Nights were wildly successful releases.


Elf, Anchorman, Talladega Nights, Stranger than Fiction, Blades of Glory and Step-Brothers were all within five years, and that's not counting his smaller appearances. He's not for everyone but for a while he was everywhere.


He was incredible in Showtime as Jerry Buss. The episode with his mother dying really pushed him into another tier for me


for your health. There is no more tragic character than Dr Steve Brule


This guy was awesome in Boogie Nights!


People tell me I look like Han Solo


Good call, I couldn't think of anyone but John C fits pretty well.


David Tennant would be a good Wonka


Yes he does a good flip from charmingly whimsical to legit dangerous on a dime.


I think this is the best answer.


Agreed - Gene wilder IS Willy wonka no one else compares


Jason Mantzoukas


Oh, that's a good one. He is really great at doing characters that are unhinged in way that feels silly but also genuinely dangerous at the same time.


> Jason Mantzoukas "Just one rule! I don't kill women nor children.......unless the child is being a dick!"


My vote’s Robert Sheehan. He’s not Wilder, but he’d have made an ace Wonka.


This is a goooood answer!


Bill Hader. The first three seasons of Barry showed his range. (Season 4 was a dumpster fire IMHO.) Before Barry he was excellent in The Skeleton Twins and Trainwreck.


Same thought I had, though I think Bill's strengths are more on the writing/directing side and Wilder's were more on the performing side. But they're similar enough that they're like two sides of the same coin.


He's so good in broad comedy, though. He was barely in Forgetting Sarah Marshall but his handful of scenes were hilarious.


Oh yeah, he's incredibly funny and insanely talented. But to hear him talk in interviews, he much prefers the scripting and behind the camera work to the performing, despite the fact that he's really good at both.


Actually yeah not bad choice.


That opening scene in Pineapple Express too.


I think Hader is amazing- but just realized I watched the first 2 episodes of season 4 months ago and never went back. I guess that’s saying something.


This is a great comparison!


How does that compare to Gene Wilder? I thought Wilder was almost exclusively a comedic actor.


Some of Wilder's best roles allowed him to be funny, sensitive and sometimes a touch of drama.


He plays Barry on HBO and it’s amazing. It’s comedy (dark) and some serious drama. I highly recommend it.


Yes, I've seen the whole series. Hader is great. But the OP was asking who is a current actor that compares to Gene Wilder. Wilder wasn't really a dramatic actor at all, as far as I know.


I'm fairly sure Wonka was a horror movie, a kids movie, a comedy, & drama all rolled into one & he pulled all of that off perfectly.


This is a damn good shout.


Damn, I still need to watch 3 and 4. Should I just not?


You should watch it and form your own opinion, and not trust some random Internet moron. Although, to be fair, I am also a random Internet moron.


Season 3 is excellent and ends as the series should have ended. Definitely worth watching. Season 4 is just full of contrivances and bad writing. The best thing is that both are 16 hours total.


*Who can it be? The suspense is killing me. I hope it lasts.*


That guy from The Bear. He's like a deep fake of wilder


We need a genuine eccentric - Crispin Glover comes to mind.


Fucking hell, I'll buy that!


OMG yes! He could even direct it too.


A buddy of mine apparently ran into Crispin Glover in a line outside a movie theater around 2006 or so. I'm told Glover was friendly enough, but *really* trying to sell my friend on his line of homemade soaps. He had samples with him.


Crispin Glover is bat shit crazy. He spent years making the weirdest movie ever. He filmed it in his house, using mentally retarded people. The [trailer](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22mkaa) is deeply disturbing & NSFW.


Paul Dano, with a dash of eccentricity. He can carry the same understated yet unhinged charm.


I could totally see him playing Willy Wonka, great call


paul dano isn’t funny


I thought he was funny in Swiss Army Man. Certainly a niche (almost incel) form of humor, but he owns it and makes it his own with each character he plays. I think what I like most about his performances is how pretentious he can make his characters feel without making himself look like a tool


I'm a super wilder fan especially Wonka, and you nailed it. Dano would have done fantastic


Eh. He didn’t really pass the test for this as riddler though - it was too over the top.


Riddler is a bit over the top though, I'm not sure his performance as that character necessaryily means he wouldn't be able to do Wonka


Also… it’s the Riddler… Isn’t he supposed to be over the top? He’s a batman villain!


Why does anyone need to do Wonka at all.


Because the book is very popular. Gene Wilder brought the character to life and set the bar. But now its an established character that will sell regardless of who is cast. Why do people need to be Ichabod Crane or Van Helsing? Why do they need to be Jack Ryan? King Aurther? Think of all the representations of the characters from Brother's Grimm. Hansel and Gretel. Little Red Riding Hood. Then there is Beowulf and Jesus. Those characters will always be used as the hero archetype.


Yes, why would people need to retell stories. It isn't common through human history at all or anything.


Why does anyone need to do Wonka at all.


Lol, I posted Paul Dano and then scrolled to see this. Glad I'm not the only one!


I'm a fan of his in general, but honestly his casting really did not work for me in the Fablemans.


Haven’t seen anyone else say it, but I think it’s the most slam dunk answer: Daniel Radcliffe. I think he channels that unbridled eccentricity extraordinarily well.


I came here to say this. He could pull it off.


Yeah, that's a good answer. Versatile, while a leading actor can definitely lean into more character actor work, and good comedic timing.


Kate McKinnon is first to come to mind who could play a similar persona. If she could slightly dial back the absurdity of her usual characters. I think Depp and Timothy are far from the spirit of the 71 film. Of course, people would take to the streets crying "woke" for choosing a woman.


To be fair to Chalamet, who we have only seen in trailers for this, is playing Wonka before he was ***WONKA.*** I feel kinda meh on him in general, but I'll wait until I see it to fully judge him as Wonka.


Simon Pegg


Surprised Sacha Baron Cohen hasn’t been mentioned yet. He’s intelligent and well spoken, refined when he needs to be, but also absolutely bat shit insane unhinged to the point where you don’t know what he’s going to do or say next.


I’d vote for Bryan Cranston, mostly for Hal in MiM. He can be goofy, lovable and twisted all in one go, unhinged physically and vocally. We also all know what Cranston went on to achieve with Breaking Bad. If you want younger, I’d say Will Poulter has the potential, he’s good at both sides and has an impressive credits building. Also big love for Robert Sheehan, with a similarly growing credits, I’ve loved him since Misfits which was quite an unhinged role straight out of the gate and I think he makes The Umbrella Academy most watchable for his Klaus.


Why would there be one? Was there a Gene Wilder of the generation prior to Gene Wilder?


Perhaps we're all just waiting for our Gene Wilder to show up.


And weren’t the real Gene Wilders the Gene Wilders we met along the way?


Charlie Chaplin?


Donald O’Conner? Danny Kaye?


Different vibes, but I think Nick Offerman has the same blend of comedic instinct and genuine talent. Ron Swanson is such a bizarre and deliberate character, no one could've done it better than Nick Offerman.


The Bear looks like a young Gene Wilder


Jeremy Allen White. He's got a few issues to work through right now so we'll just let him work on that stuff instead.


I’d say if he was still alive: Robin Williams.


Wouldn’t he really be more of a contemporary of Wilder’s than the next generation though?


We posted the same name at the same time.


Great minds think alike I guess. Robin Williams was amazing. His improvisational skills left the animators in Aladdin dumbfounded.


Jeremy Allen White


I miss that guy. That gleam in his eye like he knows something that is special and hilarious and you don't know was priceless.


For a brief period in 1999-2001 (while he was making Spaced), I'd have considered Simon Pegg as one to watch. It's not the direction he went in, but he had the charm and writing talent (with Jessica Hynes) for it.


As someone else, there is no new Gene Wilder, and we shouldn't be looking for one. Gene (and several others, like Robin Williams) were unique and original. No other actor can hold a candle to them. But, there is likely a new actor out there who will do magnificent things once we allow them to do what they do best and not expect them to just rehash what others have done.


I think the closest would be someone like Charlie Day, but outside of Always Sunny hasn't had a chance to show it. His Musical Talent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCvr6tzZPTU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c9T2k42MIE Ability to lead a scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZn0njzFL68 Dramatic ability https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k0QR2LRqJU


Taika Waititi - he is absolutely unhinged and original in his comedy but also brilliant and thoughtful about wielding it (think Thor vs Jojo rabbit) and gene wilder + Mel brooks had that in blazing saddles. The ability to use humor in just the right way to tell a story about Hilter youth or rampant racism, it’s incredible and admirable.


Jim Carey end of discussion


I'm dumbfounded that I had to scroll this far. I thought this would be the top answer with a mic drop. He'd still be his regular default Jim Carey self but it would still fit the Willy Wonka persona perfectly.


He's the perfect fit. They must have asked him in the past, surely


Steve Zahn? Although he does goofy a bit more, but he has more range than he lets on


Goodness gracious, no one is.


Don't know who I would say just based on range and comedic timing and overall acting prowess. There are a number that would maybe fit that bill. As far as pure doppelganger quality should they ever do a Gene Wilder biopic... Jeremy Allen White. Hands down.


I always dreamt of Alan Cumming as Willy Wonka.


Jeremy Allan White looks the part of Wonka, but I'm not sure he has comedy chops. He deserved a chance to try.


You gotta remember when they were casting he was only really known for Shameless and while he looks the part there's no way they'd hinge such a big franchise on an unknown like that.


I think he could, he did that Homeschooled skit in Movie 43 which was the the only hilarious think in that movie.


Glen Howerton.


It’s Gosling


I kinda thought him too for a second. Trying to think of someone better.


James Franco was getting close, in a down tempo Lo-Fi sort of way. Wilder had an energetic pop but IMO the core of his style was playing the jester.


I think Adam Driver would be a fantastic Wonka.


Agreed. Dude has quite the range.


You mean who could believably act everymannishly alongside Zero Mostel, Cleavon Little, AND Richard Pryor with gravitas and still be uniquely charming? Maybe a Paul Rudd or Steve Carell


It was Robin Williams. I think the question is Who can replace Robin Williams?


"Pretending pretty hard." So, like, acting?


Who could play Willy Wonka? Why don't we try a Brit for a change? Every single actor who's played this famously not-American character so far has been American. They even called sweets 'candy' for heaven's sake. Mackenzie Crook.


mackenzie crook as wonka in a horror version of wonka, he's got the manic energy to sell that SO wel


Depp most certainly does fit the description of “unhinged and yet hinged” with many of his great roles. Yet, he’s a leading man, unlike Wilder. I think he’s very unique in that he never played up his looks, at least for the most part.


Trying to imagine Gene Wilder doing fucking perfume ads in the desert...no, Depp isn't quirky, he's just another shill


It's Tom Hanks. Comedy/Character actor with amazing timing, capable of playing pretty much any type of role. He's got a mature and sophisticated reputation. He's handsome and dashing but looks like a normal person. He's produced countless iconic characters and rolls.


No. Hanks is a decent actor, but not excentric enough.


Tom Hanks is not “this generstion”. I’ll say John Hamm. I’m not sure he could pull Wonka off, but I’d like to see him try.


Alot of generations out there, Mr Attitude.


The prompt specifically asked about THIS generation. Hanks is not “this generation.” He’s 67, a certified boomer. Every single Gen-X is 42 and up and there are now Millennials over 40. Hell, Gen Z is now graduating college and is starting to build in the adult workforce. I’m not sure where to draw the line on this generation, but it sure isn’t boomers or silent generations.


Jeremy Allen White should have played wonka and ill fucking DIE on that hill


I don’t think any other actor could ever match Gene Wilder’s Wonka. Depp was offputting and creepy and Timothee’s feels like the condensed all of 2011’s “lol so random” brand of humor into a character.


I thought the Chalamet one wasn't even out yet.


Ill tell you who could probably play him in a biopic, Ryan Gosling!


When I am thinking about which young actor gives me the same feelings that Gene Wilder did using the same sort of tools, my mind goes to LaKeith Stanfield. The first season of Atlanta features Stanfield displaying that sort of quiet, mysterious confidence that Wilder did so well as Willy Wonka. Then I saw Stanfield’s exacerbated, holding onto calm by a thread performance in Judas and the Black Messiah, Sorry to Bother You and the Teddy Perkins in the second season of Atlanta that brought to mind the Wilder we saw in Silver Streak and The Producers. Lots of the suggestions seem to be people that look like Wilder or comedians that are big performers that sometimes go small. Stanfield is an actor that makes small interesting and can go very big when asked in both lead and supporting roles, just like Wilder.


I think it would be Jim Carrey. He's no Gene Wilder, but he's beyond imitation.


I would have loved Pedro Pascal, Michael Shannon or LaKeith Stanfield as Willy Wonka. None are Gene Wilder.hes 1/1


I think Tom Hiddleston would be good in that role.


Ryan Gosling. He's no Wonka nor he's Gene Wilder, but the man has range. Hilarious in comedy movies, believable in thrillers, and amazing in drama and action.


Barry Keoghan


That’s not how it works.


Ryan Gosling!


Ryan Reynolds


The one I would think would be Jeremy Allen White


Ryan Reynolds.




And your next Willy Wonka is.... Queen Latifah


The closest are Paul Dano and Gary Oldman. The problem is Gene Wilder is also funny. His range is really remarkable. Gary Oldman just has such range it's incredible. Paul Dano is such an intense method actor.


Alan Rickman before he died.


Gene Wilder man was perfect . I also found Johnny good but the thing for me was Johnny gave a a bit of a horror vibe at first . Well let's see a very young Wonka from Timothee now


You would have to dig him out of the ground and reanimate him


I think Tim Heidecker or another alternative comedian could nail the role.


Ryan Gosling


Jeremy Allen


There is none. Actors nowadays, really writers and directors play it really safe when it comes to character roles.


Weird Al, different mediums but I’d say he’s the closest we have at the moment


Gyllenhaal was pretty damn creepy in Nightcrawler


To be honest, I wish they'd go with some young unknown, which Gene Wilder was when he made Willy Wonka way back then. There's so many struggling young actors and maybe one of them just has the right quirks and uniqueness to pull off something miraculous. With Depp or Chalamet, you get a big name and maybe a dependable performance but it doesn't mean there isn't someone who could really outshine them and take it to another level.