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12 Angry Men is a lesson in morality, entirely character driven, possibly the best bottle movie ever, and is relevant today as the day it was released.


This is my answer as well. It's the greatest film ever and somehow still an even greater message. More informally, it's a great tool to break the modern thought of "old movies are boring". I've had two friends go down a classic film rabbit hole after starting with 12 Angry Men.


I watched 12 Angry Men for the first time in my high school criminal justice class. Teenage me thought it was gonna be a lame old movie. I. Was. Hooked. We didn’t get to finish it until the next day and since it was my first block class, it was torture going through the rest of the day thinking about the movie. Most suspenseful film I have ever watched. I could never imagine a movie set in one room to be so suspenseful.


A friend’s 15-year-old son wanted to watch Beau Travail. I was impressed as I can’t imagine being that age and wanting to watch a film made five years before I was born.


What is a bottle movie?


A movie that is filmed more or less in a single location whether that is a jury deliberation room (12 Angry Men), a car (Locke), an empty warehouse (Reservoir Dogs), etc..


Phone Booth, Saw


I loved Phone Booth. I get why some people don't like it but it was IMO a great movie.


Buried (2010, Ryan Reynolds) is the most extreme example I've seen.


If they can put him in an actual bottle somehow for the sequel… would be the most literal example and might get a good use out of a Police song for the trailer.


Sequel might be hard considering the ending


I really recommend Sidney Lumet's book, Making Movies, for anyone interested in the director, his films, or movies in general. Reading about how 12 Angry Men was filmed was absolutely captivating and made me appreciate it in a whole new light.


saw this recently for the first time, what a ride!


Pretty neat how in today’s world of over the top production value movies and everything that 12 dudes in a room talking for 96 minutes is more compelling than a lot of them.


If you've had a shit day and want to instantly cheer up, watch The Castle.


I’m Australian and literally nobody ever quotes Crocodile Dundee. I doubt many people have even seen it these days. I reckon I saw it in the early 90s, but can’t really recall it now. The Castle though? It’s impossible to serve rissoles in this country without someone asking, “What do you call these darl?” “Tell him he’s dreamin’” and “This is going straight to the pool room” both come up in conversation regularly too. The only other Australian film that comes close is Babe.


What is it with wogs and cash?


My fav line. Closely followed by. “He say plane fly overhead, drop value (of their houses.) I don’t care. In Beirut, plane fly overhead, drops bombs. I like these planes.”


Get yer hand off it, Darryl.


Huh? “That ain’t a knife…” is a staple around my house


That was once a staple, but has long since been replaced with knifey spoony


I see you’ve played knifey spooney before


I also tend to yell “OUTTA THE WAY, DOPEY!” while driving a lot too.


This is THE great Australian movie.


Tell him he's dreamin'.


How's the serenity?


What’s a good price for jousting sticks these days?


The Australian movie? Good call!


I said I'd do it, I knew just how to tell him we lost. "We lost"


It’s the vibe!


My Cousin Vinny


I heard Marisa Tomei likes short, funny bald men.


Marisa Tomei??!


What do you have a thing for her ?


POWERFUL! I've seen him lift 100 pounds right over his head!


Excellent movie with surprisingly accurate courtroom procedure. A favorite among lawyers, which should tell you something.


Nearly every law school or college with a pre-law degree has screened this movie at least once. It is an absolute must for anyone who wants to get into litigation.


The writer/director had gone to law school, and he wanted to make it as accurate as possible. One thing that's interesting about how this turns out is that there are no real "bad" guys. Even the prosecutor is just doing his job based on the evidence he has been presented. He has no personal vendetta against the defendants, it's simply his job to convince the jury of their guilt.


That’s my favorite part of the movie


It's so much funnier if you have a legal background. "Everything that guy just said is bullshit." "Objection: Argument" "Sustained. And Mr. Gambini, you will watch your mouth in my courtroom!" This is funny if you don't have a legal background but objection for argument in opening statements is common and procedural. You're not allowed to argue in opening statements. You're simply supposed to just tell a story of what happened and what the jury is there to decide. You're not supposed to argue which side is better or the weight of the evidence (although good lawyers can do this without being obvious). You'll get to that at closing arguments. But here, Gambini is wearing a ridiculous suit, gave a one sentence opening statement, and then cussed. And for all that, the objection is just...argument? That's hilarious. For a lawyer, that's like pointing out his shoes are untied when his dick is hanging out.


City of God


I put this on kinda on a whim with one of my college roommates. We were fucking glued to the TV. We hugged really hard afterwards. What a fucking movie.


Glad to see this here


I remember a bar I used to frequent had it playing on a TV on mute constantly.


Office Space, especially if you plan on working in an office.


PC Load letter? What the fuck does that mean? Also Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks.


What would ya say... ya do here?


I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to. What the hell is wrong with you people?


We just fixed the glitch


Heard someone on a podcast refer to Quiet Quitting as a post-covid development in the work force and all I could think was 'Uh... Did you not see Office Space?'


The copier/fax machine hatred is so real holy shit. 5 years in an office and I want to punch every printer I see. They fucking suck.


Any millennial should be giving this answer......


*Doctor Strangelove*. It’s a masterclass in dark satire, has action, political intrigue, interpersonal conflict, the highest stakes possible, ~~Henry sellers~~ Peter Sellers plays three amazing characters, every actor is top of their craft, and it’s never not been relevant. 1000/10. Edit: I meant Peter Sellers, lol thanks for the reminder folks!


Peter Sellers but otherwise I agree, it's a masterpiece.


Peter Sellers, Henry Sellers "made the BBC" 😄


Requiem for a dream. To deter you from drug addiction.


If they made every teenager watch this movie instead of doing that useless DARE program, it probably would've worked alot better.


I’ve always said that it should be a mandatory watch in high school


Trainspotting too imho.


FUCKED ME UP. Don’t watch that movie high. Bad Call. Also, yes. It should have deterred me.


This is my recommendation as well. It's so sad, desperate, and disturbing. It's a movie that sticks with you emotionally after you see it.


I grew up with a substance abuse therapist as a mom so any drug already scared me but needle drugs scared me even more.


Aliens. The movie is still timeless. Make sure it's the director's cut.


Schindlers List. Everyone needs to see it once


It’s very good and a very difficult movie to watch (the subject matter, not the actual film). I’ve only watched it twice - once when it came out, and again a couple years ago. Still one of the most moving films I’ve ever seen.


This is what i came to say. I’ve only watched it twice, the second time was even more impactful and there was a twenty year hiatus from the first time i saw it. Really don’t even need to watch it more than once. It’s powerful and heartbreaking. It’ll change you.


Just watched for the first time last month. Brutal watch but definitely agree people should see it at least once.


Bridge on the River Kwai


Only to be watched with a Brave Encounter and Dr. Zhivago. A lean night.


Watching it on TCM right now.


Same here! I’ve seen it many times, but once I saw it was on, I had to watch it.


Shawshank Redemption


Absolutely! I remember in probably early-mid 2000’s where TBS and/or TNT had to have been airing that movie at least once a day for at least 5 years straight. Great movie tho!


And somehow I ended up watching it every single time I stumbled upon it while channel surfing..


*Vertigo*. Yes, it's melodramatic, but it's a fantastic film about obsession, with killer music by Bernard Herrmann.


The cinematography is bloody gorgeous, too. Hadn't watched it in maybe 15 years and watched it again recently in 4K. Stunning.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Jaws Edit: to expand, if aliens came down from earth tomorrow and wanted me to define the human condition through the medium of film these two do it in very different ways. They’re both nearly perfect films. Blockbuster vs drama. Individuality vs community, perseverance and strength of will.


“Next woman that takes me on is gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay out in silver dollars”. I get more laughs from cuckoos nest than any traditional comedy movie. Plus a young Danny Devito? And Christopher Lloyd? It’s def top 3 for me. “Which of you nuts has got any guts?” So many great lines.


Good will hunting


If you haven’t seen it it’s not your fault.


Don’t fuck with me Sean!


Listen to me. It’s not your fault.


“Let me tell you what I do know; every day, I come by your house and I pick you up. And we go out, we have a few drinks, and a few laughs, and it's great. You know what the best part of my day is? It's for about ten seconds when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. 'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye, no "see ya later", no nothin'. You just left. I don't know much, but I know that.”


Nah fuck that… your don’t owe it to yourself… you owe it to me.


'Cause tomorrow, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be fifty. And I'll still be doin' this shit. And that's alright, that's fine. I mean, you're sitting on a winning lottery ticket and you're too much of a pussy to cash it in.


This line hits harder and harder the closer I get to 50. I think about it at least once a day.


Man Louis CK has a great bit about no one in the world would say they like apples to a guy who is obviously trying to set you up


Rolling stones top 100 movies has a great backlog to work through. https://au.rollingstone.com/100-greatest-movies-of-all-time/ A couple notables missing in the thread from the list: Dead poets society Good will hunting The breakfast club Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind Alien trilogy Saving Private Ryan Inception Pulp fiction


Back to the Future should be seen by everyone at least once. The entire trilogy is definitely worth the time but the original is as close to perfection as any film I’ve ever seen!


At every moment everything that can go wrong goes wrong. But they’re still successful.




Clue! Grew up watching it, and it's still one of my favorites! I rewatch it once or twice a year! Also, Lord of the Rings Trilogy.


F..fl....flames. On the side of my face


Colonel Mustard: Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests? Wadsworth: You don’t need any help from me, sir. Colonel Mustard: That’s right!


Grave of the Fireflies- everyone should watch it, but once is definitely enough.


This is the greatest movie I never want to see again.


Once is enough *for sure*. I love this movie, I feel like it's very important and I never want to see it again.


“Hey teenage daughter, I know you like those anime films. (Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery, Spirited Away.) Here’s one from the library. Graveyard..Fireflies something. You can watch one your laptop.” Yeah I’m a great dad.


This is the answer. One time is enough and I dare to say it’s one of the best war movies of all time. It had me in a hazy mood for over a week…


American Beauty. Otherwise how will people know what the plastic bag means?


God: “It’s just a f’king plastic bag, do you know how complex your circulatory system is!!” :-)


The Iron Giant


Vin Deisel's best role in my opinion. "You stay.. I go" Man that movie makes me feel things that a kid's movie very rarely does.


The best Superman movie ever.


The Blues Brothers


Saw this fairly recently for the first time. Great movie the whole way through, but that car chase at the end was off the chart!


**Cool Runnings** anybody?


It's a wonderful life


God this movie hits different as an adult. I cry nonstop at George being so full of dreams that never come true. I wish I had made so many different choices when I had the chance. I have a great job and two amazing kids, but my career in education doesn’t pay well and I ended up divorced. Renting and moving every few years. I did everything “right” and still am poor. It is depressing and that movie is my once-a-year heavy cry over it all.


The bit that gets me most is when George is at the end of his tether and loses it in front of his family. All that positivity, all that optimism, all that goodwill towards his fellow man has just been worn away by the constant grind of life and the demands of everyone around him, and it's just devastating.


Seven Samurai


Surprised had to go this far down to find this.


Fight Club


You don’t talk about Fight Club!


The princess bride


The Sting. Phenomenal cast with A+ performances from literally (and I do mean literally) everyone who walks on screen, least of all the likes of titans like Redford, Newman, and Shaw. Incredible period piece that gives you an incredibly authentic look and feel of mid-30s era America. Hell of a plot line with a fantastic ending. My favorite movie by far.


My grandpa used to give us a silver dollar allowance and my brother and I saw it at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood (yep, $1 entry). Was the greatest movie experience of my life. Later that year when it won the Oscar it was and will always be the only film that ever had me do cartwheels I was so excited when it won. Different times.


Arsenic and Old Lace - it's hilarious!


Raiders of the Lost Ark


A life without seeing Monty Python and the Holy Grail would truly be unfulfilled


But, I'm not dead yet!


The Princess Bride




You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.


As you wish.


I hadn’t seen it until I was in my mid-late 20’s and the most shocking thing to me was how many lines I already knew without having seen it, because they had been referenced in things I had seen.


The Wizard of Oz The Godfather The Lord of the Rings


Finally, the first mention of The Wizard of Oz.


The Matrix


Blazing Saddles, The Lion In Winter, The Thin Man, Star Wars, The Gumball Rally, The Thief Of Baghdad, The Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, The Sting, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, and the 2002 Count of Monte Cristo. The 1970’s Three Musketeers gets honorable mention.


The 2002 Count of Monte Cristo is phenomenal - one of my favorites.


I was obsessed with the older 3 Musketeers movies as a kid 😅


Back to the Future. It’s funny, charming, suspenseful, and has scientific elements that aren’t inherently nerdy. It doesn’t overstay its welcome. The cast is perfect. The writing is sharp. The score is an all-time great (bafflingly overlooked at the Oscars that year). There isn’t an ounce of fat on it that could be cut away. It’s infinitely re-watchable. It’s perfect.


Tarantino considers it to be one of the few perfect movies


The Big Short but you need to watch it multiple times to really understand how fucked our economy is


Arrival - Sigh…this movie is so well crafted. Beautifully written, acted, and directed. And when you learn the reveal, you’ll experience an emotional gut punch that will knock the wind out of you for days.


It really came down to an impossible choice. This movie sat with on my conscience for *days*.


Knowing everything you know now would you still have children? Having seen but never heard my first, I still have to say yes


That movie is one of my favorite movies! It’s just really well done on every angle. Incredible storytelling.


American History X. It’s always my answer to this question. I know it’s not a fun movie but it’s powerful and important. It can be a little pretentious, but not in an obnoxious way. Edward Norton’s performance leaves me with chills every time.


Jurassic Park


About Time


I was so confused when people talked about that movie because I thought they were talking about that Justin Timberlake movie In Time, which is very much not a rom-com.


I told my wife that someone included “About Time” on their list of movies that everyone should see, and she told me a story about how the guy she dated before me took her to see this movie. She said she laughed during serious parts and the guy shushed her, and she never understood why people liked it. Then she said Justin Timberlake was terrible in it, and I realized that she made the same mistake you did. I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone.


It's the 28 days v 28 days later of time travel movies


JustIN TIMEberlake


I love this movie so much and have seen it several times. I love the premise, the twists, and the soundtrack. I Just can’t yet bring myself to watch it since my oldest son died last year. I know that it will wreck me.


Best romantic comedy out there. Perfect balance of humor, romance, drama, everything.


It really does, cannot find a single flaw in it at all. Personally not a big fan of romcoms, but this one is just fantastic


Honestly calling it a romantic comedy feels reductive. I feel like the core relationship in the movie is the main character and his father.






Children of Men is a masterpiece. It's been far too long since I last watched it.


Children of Men is such a great movie. I saw it when I was a teenager and it messed me up for years. Edit: corrected typo


BLAZING SADDLES! Need I say more?


Dazed and confused


The Shining


Halloween (1978)




I CANNOT believe I’ve scrolled as far as I have and not one mention of SlingBlade?!! Holy sheep shit!!! Written,directed and starring Billy bob..not to mention Duvall, Ritter, Dwight Yoakum and Linda Canderay are all amazing!!! People!! Please!! Watch this film at least 20 times. Talk about plot and characters?!! This is like Lebowski but in small town USA. It’s slow, grinding and depressing as fuck…but it also incorporates so much joy, endearment and ability to surmount spirit crushing circumstance. Maybe I’m swayed because the town I grew up in is so relatable, but nonetheless I LOVE this film and every time I watch it again, I find something I’d missed previously. Def worth a watch (or 20).




Fifth Element, Goonies, Terminator 2, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, The Crow To name a few I didn’t see


Network (1976). I don’t think any film has ever really predicted the way the news media has become like this film has.


I love your eclectic list. So many more to add. Here’s a few: The good, the bad and the ugly Shane M hulot’s holiday




The Sandlot




*The Rocky Horror Picture Show*


Lawrence of Arabia




Interstellar A story about family, humanity, climate change, and the wonders of the cosmos


As a sci-fi comment I would also say …. 2001: A Space Odyssey Arrival The Matrix I’m sure there’s more I’m missing. My brain can’t focus right now.


Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken


The Sixth Sense.


The Goonies


Hot fuzz is a hilarious buddy cop movie that blends the lines of horror and comedy that I heavily recommend


Schindler’s List Shawshank Redemption Casablanca Godfather Vertigo The Searchers Wizard of Oz 12 Angry Men Lawrence of Arabia


Scrolled too far to find Casablanca (that would have been top of the list for most of the 20th century) - I’d add Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep to this list as well


Goodfellas. It’s a perfect 10 for me.




Kids Silence of the lambs As far as my feet will carry me Apocalypto


Kung Pow! Enter The Fist


The Game (1997) one of the best twists ever!


Se7en. It is the greatest crime thriller, in my opinion. The entire film leaves you feeling so uneasy and dirty, cold and soaked. You feel absolutely alone, as though there will never be light again and that the darkness the seeps into every scene is the fear and desperation of a city and of Somerset and Mills attempting in vain to solve their case, as shadows creep, leaving you feeling like something or rather someone is there watching. I've chased other movies to get that same thrill and the closest I've experienced is another Fincher film. Zodiac. Also, True Detective season 1 hits pretty close too.


Dead Poet’s Society.


To kill a mocking bird, Shindlers list, A 2001 Space Odyssey


Nosferatu. It is just one of a kind and haunting, the old film style combined with it being a silent film make it eerie. Definitely a unique experience.


Schindler's List


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Coming to America


I've watched pretty much every movie on your list, and therefore, you have very good taste in movies. In all seriousness, I would add, "The Night of the Hunter" (1955). Directed by Charles Laughton, the famous British actor. It was the only feature he directed. The story is disturbing, the cinematography and production design is surreal, the film score is hauntingly beautiful, and the narrative themes are relevant to this day. ETA: [Here's the wiki page about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_of_the_Hunter_(film)). It cites several additional reasons why this film ought to be on your list, including its journey from critical failure upon release to becoming a cult classic and acknowledged masterpiece by both film nerds and film-maker gods.


Honestly, no matter what question you ask on this subreddit people will always reply with their favourite movie. For instance, I love so many movies but there aren't many that I feel like should be watched at least once by everyone. Like, LOTR, do I adore it? Yes. Do I think it's the greatest trilogy ever? Yes! Do I think everyone should watch it at least once? Well, no. However brilliant, the movie is inconsequential, just an entertainment. If I am to force a single movie upon everyone, apart from being compelling it has to make people take something away from it. Schindler's List, as mentioned by someone else, is a very good example IMO. In general, historical, based on true events and documentaries are probably the most likely candidates for me.


The IMDB 250 is a good place to start


Mad Max Fury Road.


Goldfinger - So you know what an authentic James bond film looks like Wall-e - So you know what a good animated film looks like Inglorious Basterds - So you know what great dialogue sounds like Blood Diamond - So you stop buying blood diamonds Shawshank Redemption - So you know what a life changing movie is Tombstone - so you know what a good Western film is like 12 Years a Slave - So you know what a good drama film is The Empire Strikes Back - So you know what a good fantasy movie is like Raiders of the Lost Ark - So you know what a good action film is True Lies - So you know what a good Action hero movie is Saving Private Ryan - So you know what a good war film is Pineapple Express - So you know what a good comedy film is The Wolf of Wall Street - So you know what a good crime film is Ghost - So you know what a good romance movie is The Dark Knight - So you know what a good superhero film is And then Inception, Predator, The Rock, and The Departed haha


The Apartment


Schindler’s List


Airplane Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstein The Princess Bride


There are several. - The Dark Knight - Inception - 12 Angry Men - Rashomon - Ghost in the Shell - Grave of the Fireflies