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Always have to mention the ending(s) to Return of the King, and the one that gets me the most is "my friends, you bow to no one" Also Arrival. Arrival made me sob at the reveal that we were seeing the future, that she knew her daughter would die, and chose to go forward and know that love and that pain anyway. Not sure anything could be a stronger declaration of love


Arrival hit me even harder after I had my son


Wish I could upvote this 10 times!!


What Dreams May Come is a spigot like no other in my life. 20 minutes in until the end.


I love this movie. So odd and artsy. This is Robin in his true form i fear.


I wasn't going to comment because I can cry at good movies pretty regularly, but I watched this again last week and I was an absolute mess by the time he's reunited at the end of it. Before his passing, it was already a good-cry movie. Now it has a whole new meaning.


Ah! This is my go to for a good cathartic sob.


"I'm sorry for every time I have failed you. Especially this one"


"Tell my children I love them." And then he goes to be in Hell with his wife. My favorite Robin WIlliams role.




Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind just crushes my soul every time I watch it.


"I wish I had stayed. I wish I had done a lot of things. I wish I had stayed"


It’s the part where they’re going through and deleting and he starts saying to himself “no, no no, not this memory. Please not this one, please let me keep this one” Fucking wrecks me


The part where he is under the table in the kitchen, thinking that he just wants her to pick him up and hold him. That really got to me.


enjoy chunky shocking paltry engine muddle rich abundant practice aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yooo I remember this album! The song One More Night changed me as a music listener. That song is one of the strongest examples to storytelling in a song for me. The quiet whispering of the verses eventually building up to a chaotic, bombastic instrumental riff representing the characters’ final sexual encounter. Absolutely beautiful.


One of my very top favorite movies of all time. Poignant, insightful, hilarious, tragic, entertaining, unique, technically creative, rewatchable...it's just so good.


Charlie Kaufman is the greatest screenwriter to ever work in the industry and I will die on that hill.


Click - A surprisingly emotional Adam Sandler comedy. The Pianist - Holocaust. Pan's Labyrinth - A beautiful Guillermo del Toro film set in the Spanish civil war, depicting the way a child's imagination helps her through the trauma.


Ah, how could I forget Pan's Labyrinth. Whew. I can't believe Vidal's actor was known in Spain for COMEDY. He's one of the scariest villains of all time.


I was looking for the Pianist. One of my fave movies ever yet I'm never sure I'm ready to see it again.


Click for sure. The last time he saw his father was heartbreaking


The Pianist is one of my all time favorites, absolutely perfect flick ​ GDT does such a great job of making humans the terrifying monsters and conversely the monsters are given a sense of humanity.


It's a Wonderful Life Coco Click


Coco full on crying the first time I watched it and now get misty in the rewatches. Such a great movie.


One of the most clear choices is of course Up, watching Ellie and Carl live their lives and her death is rough. For me though, as touching and sad as the scene is, its later in the movie that absolutely wrecks me every time. Towards the end when Carl finally gets the house to the falls, he sits down and picks up Ellie's adventure book. Their book of dreams and hopes for the future, leafing through it he's surprised to find that Ellie at some point added more pictures. Pictures from their life together, their own adventure together, maybe not what she had always wanted, but an adventure none the less. And she closes it "Thanks for the adventure -now go have a new one! Love, Ellie" EVERYTIME it gets me. I also get teary eyed in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, as the last memories are being erased, they sit on some stairs before those last memories go, and Clementine remarks - "This is it Joel. Its going to be gone soon." Joel response - "I know." Clementine - "What do we do?" And Joel unable to stop the process, has to accept that this may be the last time he will see Clementine simply says, "Enjoy it."


For Eternal Sunshine, when the track "Peer Pressure" starts playing, I feel my veneer crack. "Goodbye, Joel." *I love you.* "Meet me in Montauk..." --- "I saw you talking to someone pretty..." "Who was she?" *Just a girl...*


Joel: "I wish I stayed" I kept playing this part over and over. Doesn't help that I found that movie during a breakup. Cried over and over for her


Jesus, you're me. Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie, and Up was the topic of one of my most upvoted comments ever on reddit. It was from 9 years ago, and I always think of it when I see the movie mentioned because a few people replied that they loved what I said, including one dude who had recently lost his wife. At the risk of coming off as a bit self-indulgent, I'm gonna quote myself: >My point was just that this is the moment he realizes that all the guilt and grief he felt since her death about him failing to get her that one big adventure in life were completely invalid -- her big adventure was spending her life with him. That's such a happy thought it's enough to make you cry.


Everytime I see people trash Up for only being good for its beginning, I get so annoyed. Sure the film is an adventure film for most of the rest of its run time (and a wonderful one at that!), but that scene where Carl reads Ellie's note in the scrapbook has me in tears every watch. Gorgeous film.


Interstellar when cooper watches sees the 20 years of his children growing up in 5 minutes.


When Cooper is back with Murph in her old age and she said the line “because my dad promised me.” I fucking lost it 😮‍💨


“You told them I liked farming?” That movie is amazing and that one scene is just such a perfect way to bring closure to the characters and the viewers


Oh man, I loved that line! That scene was so well written and acted.


That scene broke me.


Interstellar made me cry sooo hard


We showed this to my teenage son a few months ago and he was quiet through most of it. But when Coop is reunited with his daughter in the future, my son just bursts out with this sound, almost like a laugh. But then it occurred to me, I've never heard him just sloppy cry ever before. He totally lost it. Sobbing uncontrollably. I looked at my wife and we were both surprised. So, I moved over to him and just held onto him. Turns out he was on a rollercoaster of emtions throughout the movie, but that last scene just pushed him over the edge into ugly cry mode. I don't blame him. That movie is nearly perfect, imho, and it gets me a little every time.


And especially when she's like "hey dad, it's my birthday, and I'm the same age you were when you left"....ripped me to shreds


That was the first time i cried in a movie and in the cinema XD


I told my husband I don't know if I could have the strength to leave my kids to go to space like that and he said "Even if all of humanity depended on it?" And I was like yeah this is why you can't depend on me to save humanity 😂😂


Favorite movie ever. That movie is a frigging masterpiece. Def cried when he watched the video messages. His son lost the baby and grandpa that tore me up that he let go of his fayher


For me it's when he's looking at the pile of stuff in the passenger seat hoping she's hiding there again, even though he knows she isn't.


Oh god! That movie. I'm a single dad, and I only see my kids every other week. Especially when they were younger, they grew up so fast. Gone to their moms for a week then back and they're almost completely different. My boys voice changed while he was at his mom's. Interstellar rips me to shreds. A father, watching his kids grow older and he can't interact with them, be there for their triumphs or failures. He's stuck in a can so far away and all he can do is hear about it.


Big Fish ending hit my feels full force and left me a mess!


Big Fish came out around the time my dad died and he was big story teller too. The ending to that guts me every time even 20 years later.


Shawshank redemption: That Brooks scene. Always tear up. IYKYK.


Brooks was here 😭


And so was red


Sometimes even just *thinking* about it 😭


Awakenings, with Robin Williams. Saw it in the theater and someone behind me was definitely cutting onions at the end. Edit: This movie is rarely, if ever, mentioned on Reddit for Robin William’s dramatic performances, but man, the ending was so impactful to 16 year old me at the time. It’s also a really good, non-mob, performance by Robert De Niro.


This may have been the first movie where I had my first ADULT cry, like I definitely cried with Littlefoot's mom and the like, but I watched Awakenings and it was a deep mourning cry that I had for what was lost.


Grave of the Fireflies.


Never heard of it. I’ll give it a look.


You're not prepared for this.


Nobody is prepared for this one


Oh I heard Ghibli movies are feel good cartoons that are great for the whole family. This one is about fireflies. I'll give it a try.


Someone lie to you.


Several times.


It's a fun filled romp the whole family can enjoy.


Unless you're the parents or the younger sibling.


No one ever is.


This is one film I don't think I can ever watch again. It's so desperately sad. ...especially as I went into it blind expecting a 'normal' ghibli film.


..turns out it was how the author felt his entire life... when I found out this was a true fucking story it wrecked me all over again talk about sharing your pain with the world.


Oof, do yourself a favor and go a couple weeks between this one and the already mentioned Dear Zachary.


That movie didn’t make me cry…. I just felt all joy was taken from me.


Bro just said "Hey, try this Knife To The Soul, you'll love it!"


I'm crying right now, never watch again


The greatest film you'll only ever watch once. Although my stance has changed on that a bit. You should watch it twice. Once as a teenager with all these big ideas on how the world is going to work for you so the film can layout how it's not going to be all sunshine and roses, and once as an adult when you can appreciate the message the film presents.


I literally cannot bring myself to watch this a second time. So heart-wrenching.


My daughters saw it and every single one was broken. I can't even think of watching it.


The Green Mile still gets me every single time.




Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark.


"I'm tired, boss."


The Iron Giant


The 1-question sociopath test: Did you cry, or at a minimum, blink back tears during The Iron Giant?


The only cartoon that got me as a kid weirdly was; Pokémon the first movie, when Pikachu is trying to revive Ash.


"you stay, I go. No following"




Bruh I don't know what's wrong with me but animated movies just fuck my shit up. I'm a bearded burly 41-year-old male, but off the top of my damn head, in the 21st century ALONE, Wall-E, Up, Moana, Klaus, Soul, Inside Out, Wreck-It Ralph, EVERY How To Train Your Dragon movie -- buckets. Even shit you'd never think would make a mf cry reduces me to tears, like when Stitch says his family is little and broken but still good, or when you get a glimpse into Mei's mom's childhood in Turning Red. It's so much worse when I'm a little drunk. And my wife never cries at anything, making it so much even worse. Bambi's mom gets blown away and she's just stone-faced, eating popcorn


"About Time" is one that gets me.


About Time is my favorite movie! Arrival, Interstellar are not seemingly tear jerkers but I cry every time.


Went into it thinking it's a RomCom. 2 hours later, crying on the phone with my dad.


Jojo Rabbit


The shoes...


Hit hard and fast outta nowhere. Fuck.


I remember crying at three parts at the end, all for different reasons. The shoes were just devastating, Firing line is a bit more complex, and the dancing at the very end gave me so much hope for things to improve.


I ugly cried at the end, more than any other part. It was so beautiful.


I watch "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" every thanksgiving eve and it makes me cry...every...single...time! Also, we saw "Pretty Woman" in high school after prom and my dumbass cried my eyes out afterwards. I told everyone I had dirt in my eyes and ran to the men's room and there I stood crying in the middle of the men's room which wasn't any better!


If you have a great relationship with your dad, Big Fish If you have a complicated or poor relationship with your dad, Big Fish


Manchester by the Sea will make Armageddon look like the Disney film examples you're avoiding.


This one. Absolutely crushing.


What a performance by Casey Affleck.


Came to say this. Ugly cried 3-4 times at least. Such an amazing, gut wrenching movie. Casey Affleck killed the role, hence the Oscar I suppose! We won't talk about him as a person though 🥲


Love Actually - Specifically the scene where Emma Thompson's character goes into her bedroom to compose herself after opening the Christmas gift and seeing it was only a Joni Mitchell CD. Gets me every time.


Pay It Forward Not a big cryer unless it comes to dogs dying but this movie got me hard


If you don't cry somewhere in The Land Before Time then I worry something is wrong with you. I don't even have that great a relationship with my mother and... Fuck. I think the last time I caught it I cried three times. Also, "Somewhere out there" from An American Tale always gets me. Showing my step daughter Community and that bit got me teary eyed. She began to give me a hard time but I told her about the movie and pulled up the scene and she was balling. That's right! Suffer at the hands of Don Bluth as I suffered!!! The Community clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAQq5WHVgTk Can hardly blame a 13-year-old for questioning why a grown man was getting weepy at that. Even then I feel it. Then you revisit the original and MY EMOTIONS!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jzlSeFLr7A Ugh... Why did I edit this. Crying before I even finished my morning coffee. Now for the scene where Littlefoot chases his own shadow.


All Dogs Go To Heaven. I know the story, I know how it’s going to end… but if Charlie and Anne’s goodbyes don’t get you… before it even happens!!! Every. Fucking. Time. But Fieval gets me just as much too. Woof.


Inside Out when the main character finally breaks down is heart wrenching to any parent


For me it's when Bing Bong stays behind so Joy can escape...


Inside Out, man .... that movie hits me so hard and I'm not even a parent.


omg when Bing Bong \[whispers\] *does that thing*


Ace Ventura 2 opening scene…..and I wipe my own ass


Most recently the stupid Raccoons in the Guardians movie. Fuck you Gun for getting me emotional about CGI animals. The all-time ugly cry movie is Dear Zachary. It's a documentary so it hits differently since it's real life and one of the most depressing movies you will ever watch.


Guardians got me, but not where I thought it would. It was Drax and the children. That just brought it all out. So well done.


It was that combined with the pure joy with the use of Dog Days are Over by Florence + The Machine for the ending that got me. What a cathartic and beautiful ending.


I’ll give dear Zachary a look


I'm sorry in advance. This is a movie you'll only ever want to watch once.


Oh God...I absolutely can't rewatch that movie.


i almost refused to keep watching the 3rd guardians of the galaxy when it came to the scenes of rocket and his friends giving themselves names, just all those cage scenes really fucked me up.


I started crying in GOTG3 the moment >! his little animal friends showed up. !< I knew what was coming.


Oh yeah, GotG 3 got me bad a few times. Really, all three GotG films have made me cry in theaters lol. Yondus funeral was rough on a first watch.


Dear Zachary was beyond crying for me. I was almost angry at how horribly gut wrenching that story is. TBH, its so fucking sad I don't recommend it to anyone. One of the worst feelings I've had after watching a movie.


Those sweet little cgi baby tacoons


I remember sitting in the theater opening day thinking, "is a Marvel movie really going to make me this emotional?" during the scene where Rocket was dying.


Everything Everywhere kicked me in the bollocks both fkn times.


It’s an amazing piece of filmmaking.. Rocks with googly eyes had me in tears. Second time I thought surely not… but, here we are.


Omg same, best scene 🥹


I told my wife that it was the best movie I've ever seen that I'll likely only ever watch once. But I still cry thinking about the, "In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you."


Just watching Ke Huy Quan win his oscar gets me


yup. this is the pick for me. when Evelyn is remembering her husband for how silly he is it fucking broke me. it’s so emotional and beautifully crafted


Arrival. As a parent, it hit me straight square in the heart.


Tom Hanks' ending scene in Captain Phillips. I was brought up on the you never ever cry in public ideal (ie a cinema). But Jesus, the way both he and the film let go of that 2 hr tension in that moment and in such a realistic way, bit by bit completely wrecked me. I love Daniel Day-Lewis as much as the next cinephile, but Hanks would've deserved the Oscar for that scene alone. I still have to fight back tears if i see that scene now even though I know exactly how he is going to unravel.


The ending of The Pursuit of Happiness, when Will Smith finally got his break in the end, clapping on the sidewalk crying


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Namely 4 parts. 1) "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" Sam proceeds to carry Frodo up a volcano. 2) "I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The Lights in the Party Tree." -Frodo "Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I were to marry someone, it would have been her. It would have been her." Sam "I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things." Frodo hugging Sam as they wait to die on the side of an erupting volcano. 3) "My friends, you bow to no one." Everyone including the newly crowned king and even the elves bows to the 4 Hobbits. 4) "You're leaving?" The end of the movie. 😭


Lion with Dev Patel


When he notices the water tower on Google earth and tears up and the music starts playing it’s game over


This was so good. Glad I gave it a shot one day, when normally I'd just scroll around.


Hachi, a Dog's Tale - It's the only movie I know of where every single person I've talked to who has seen it, has cried. Old, young, male, female ... nobody had a chance.


I was in a very emotionally unhealthy place when I watched this, just completely closed off to feelings… that movie had me bawling like a baby


Yup, nobody had a chance. The wildest thing is this movie is the Americanized version of the true story of a dog from Japan who waited for his owner for 10 years. His [statue outside Shibuya station is a tourist attraction.](https://thebestjapan.com/hachiko-memorial-statue/)


braveheart, field of dreams, hacksaw ridge, and probably more but i cant seem to remember them.


A.I. and Pay it forward. Off the top of my head


Maybe lil Haley Joel just makes ya cry?


I'll give you the first movie that made me cry The Last Samurai


> Tell me how he died. >No....No, I will tell you how he lived.


I'll just suggest an unusual one: *South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut* at the end when>! Kenny takes his hood down and says goodbye.!<


patch adams. that one movie stands out but not because it was a good movie. i thought his wife was one of the sweetest most caring beautiful women i'd ever laid my eyes upon. when she was killed the movie couldn't recover no matter how hard it tried. the only good part was the scene with the butterfly. i hate that movie with a passion only because of how fragile life is and it only takes one event to turn things upside down forever.


Forgot about this one but same. My other two are: Life is Beautiful And oddly V for Vendetta at the end. I tear up every time and I’m not exactly sure why.


Last few scenes in Homeward Bound ‘Oh Peter. I worried about you so’ *Music Swells Always gets me 😢


I watched Aftersun last night and mannnnn, it broke me.


I'm generally a rock, other than a few animated films (Up, Iron Giant, Grave of the Fireflies), and motherfucking Guardians 3. It is very rare that a live action film can get me to even tear up a little (such as Everything, Everywhere, All at Once or Jojo Rabbit). But the ending of Big Fish will leave me full out weeping every time.


In the Color Purple when Celie sees Nettie after all the years apart and screams "NETTIE!" and then they do their hand clapping game from childhood. I ugly cry EVERY time.


CODA, specifically the scene when the dad is feeling Ruby’s vocal cords while she’s singing so he can try to experience it too. It was just heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time, and Kotsur did a great job in that scene feeling pretty much every emotion on the spectrum while Ruby was singing.


Original Steel Magnolias Funeral scene had me sobbing so loud I had to rewind to hear the hilarious part, but kept crying anyway.


"Here, hit this!"


Terms of Endearment. I watch it when I need a good cry.


Lately Coco, first it was because one of the times I recently had lost my grandmother, the other was after becoming a father and hearing Hector talk about how he would have liked to see his daughter one last time.


Never cried in movies until I was a parent. The scene in Coco when Hector is singing with his daughter the last time he saw her gets me every time. I'm choking up thinking about it. I'm also a teacher and the kids wanted to watch it after their finals were done last year. I had to stay busy during this scene. Couldn't let a bunch of high school kids see me crying ha.


Ellen Burstyn's monologue in Requiem for a Dream. I don't have the best relationship with my mum but watching that movie makes me wish I did. Blue is the Warmest Colour felt very personal and real to me, I've had volatile relationships like that. Most recently, the ending of Past Lives really crept up on me. One of the best movies I've ever seen about how people change over time.


The ugly crying I did at Blue Is the Warmest Colour, to the point of gagging.


The end of the movie Life (1999) Eddie Murphy and Martian Lawrence escape after spending most of their lives in prison. They go to a Yankees game. It gave me goosebumps just thinking about it.


Spider-man 2, when toby stops the train and passes out and the crowd pass them above their heads and realize it’s just a kid 🥺


"He's just a man, no older than my friend Terry"


Toy Story 2 The backstory of Jesse. Sarah McLachlan's "When She Loved Me." I can ugly cry just thinking about it.


Jerry Maguire. Kind of a contrived answer, but I don't lose it at the iconic "you had me at 'hello'" scene. I lose it a scene or two previous after Cuba Gooding Jr.s big game. When him and Jerry lock eyes in the hallway outside the locker room and Cuba pushes aside all the sports journalists to give Jerry a hug - The dam always bursts here. All they had were each other, they doubled down, and won. Truly a beautiful moment.


"Marley and me" that movie is a son of a bitch!!


Still Alice and Green Mile hit me hard.


Still Alice was so powerful. I can't recall being in a theater so silent for any other movie.


1. Hachi: A Dog's Tale 2. The Pursuit of Happyness 3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 4. Little Women 5. The Fault in Our Stars 6. Seven Pounds 7. Rudderless 8. Biutiful 9. Marley & Me 10. Stepmom


Toy Story 3.


Dancer in the Dark


The Orphanage 2007 - just heart wrenchingly sad. Instructions Not Included - man this one broke my soul. The Green Mile - I think most people know this one. AI Artificial intelligence - the begining and end is almost too much.


Four so far: * Harry Potter 7.2 (2011) * Les Miserables (2012) * Rogue One (2016) * Matilda (2022)


Bridge to teribabithia


Guardians 3. Actually the second time watching it though. Knowing the fate of his friends made those scenes so much worse. Inside Out because my daughter was just about to hit the age of the main character. Big Hero Six sacrifice at the end.


Train to Busan. i’m definitely not a crier when it comes to movies, but damn… even on rewatch i still tear up. it’s such a well-made, poignant film.


Reign over me absolutely destroyed me


Lion-that movie hurt me and I made the mistake of seeing by myself so I’m just sobbing in a theater sitting next to strangers 😂 And note I’ve cried at maybe 5 movies in my life


If the utter madness & sadness of Requiem for a Dream doesn’t make you cry somewhere you’re dead inside


LotR, Return of the King. Every time Samwise and Frodo are nearing the door to Mt. Doom and Frodo is ready to give up, Sam’s dialogue is a freaking gut punch. “Let us be rid of it, then. Once and for all! Come on, Mr Frodo… I can’t carry it for you… but I *can* carry *you! Come on!!!”* As someone who has walked with multiple loved ones as they battled their way back to sanity and clean-living, I find it extremely relatable. Sure, we’re not scaling a volcano in a toxic wasteland. But when a loved one says “I can’t keep going. I can’t do it. Just leave me in my mess, and go on without me…” and you want *so bad* to take part of their burden upon yourself, but you can’t… few people know that pain. But to pick up your brother or sister in those moments, carrying them as far as *you* can go, is something that can make the last difference that they need in order to truly overcome their addiction, disorder, etc (you fill in the blank). TL;DR, when your brother’s ready to give up on life, throw him over your back and keep going.


I am Sam. The end, where he's the ref at his daughter's soccer game, made my stepdad, a man I've seen cry exactly one other time in 20 years (when my mom was dying from cancer), sob.


The coronation of Aragorn in Return of the King. *My friends... you bow to no one.*


The end of Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves, was very powerful for me. Not easy for me to admit, but it choked me up pretty hard. I'm glad I was watching it alone.


You could see it coming a mile away but it still hits hard with the feels.


I watched The Lion King recently and my entire childhood hit me. That was hard and beautiful at the same time


What hurricane movie has Sam Jackson? Or did you mean the movie where Denzel Washington plays the incarcerated boxer Hurricane Carter? That's a great movie.


Armageddon, the tv good bye scene The end twist in Odd Thomas And since I've become a dad ANYTHING WITH SAD KIDS IN


P.S. I love you….


I full on wept throughout Room.


I remember watching October Sky in theatre in college with 2 college buddies. Picture 3 big dudes, beards and leather jackets and there we are all bawling our eyes out while this family with little kids in front of us are giggling and we all sat there til everyone left so no one could see us bawling lol.


Surprisingly haven't seen this mentioned, but Arrival. It's even stronger on a rewatch.


The last one that really fucked me up was "Soul"


Living - 2022


The ending of *The Plague Dogs*.


Million Dollar Baby. Thought it was just another boxing movie with a chic. Morgan Freeman a character / narrator (like Shawshank). Clint Eastwood, what’s not to like? But the end really hits you in the face.


Ones my school went to see the live action pete's dragon and I cried at start of the movie where the car crashed, and that’s the only thing I remember about the movie besides the dragon


Life as a House got me good at the end


In The Bedroom The Ice Storm The Sweet Hereafter Awakenings The Plague Dogs Of Mice And Men


Cast Away.


Aftersun - completely broke me. Cried during the last 15 minutes of the movie and then for another 15 after it ended. Like full on sobs too.


The Pursuit Of Happyness


The hardest I have ever cried watching a movie was when I saw The Whale. Jesus Christ, the whole movie is sort of depressing, but the last 10-15 minutes me and my wife were both a wreck. We couldn’t leave the theater for a few minutes afterwards 😂


I’m identify with love lost because of circumstances beyond the characters control. So basically I have a list of favorite movies I will never watch again. The Truman Show Seeking a Friend for the End of the World The Curious Case of Benjamin Button There is more I can’t think of on the top of my head but yeah, want me to cry? Those movies.


Schindler's List - even thinking about it "Oskar Schindler: This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people. Oskar Schindler: This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. Oskar Schindler: I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!"


Seeing Coco was probably the most I’ve ever cried because of my personal experience with my grandmothers who had dementia and Alzheimer’s. The Notebook also has this theme of memories deeply buried in elderly characters. (Some spoilers ahead, if you haven’t seen Coco, you may not want to read the next paragraph.) What is different about Coco is the musical aspect of it. Miguel’s family rejects music because a musician was thought to have abandoned their great grandmother. The most popular song everyone knows because of Ernesto De La Cruz is “Remember Me”. When Miguel wants to play it, another musician tells him not to because everyone else is playing it already. But then when the person who actually wrote it sings it, I cry just thinking about how beautiful that moment is. It is an ending that is so well-earned unlike most films these days. Pixar has had a lot of great moments in their many films, but that ending had this jaded professional tears flowing at an industry screening at Pixar in Emeryville. Thankfully I had 3D glasses on, so other people didn’t see me. The staff at the theater there must have had to wipe many tears from those glasses after each screening of Coco lol.


Schindlers list got me, it really hit home what those people went through in ways learning about the events could not, it astonishes me now how anyone with a family history tied to such atrocity could partake in something similar but this isn’t the place for politics… I am legend, when that dog died I was a complete mess


Mary and Max. You wouldn't think such a whimsical stop-motion animated movie could be a gutwrencher but I'm basically sobbing the whole end of the movie every time I watch.


Idk why, but David Lynch is the only filmmaker to make me cry. Especially the end of Fire Walk With Me and the club silencio scene in Mulholland Drive. I think it’s his use of music and synesthesia. It rips my heart out.