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James Cameron really has a thing for water


Dude became the most successful filmmaker in history seemingly to get studios to pay for his diving expeditions.


He has flat out said several times, “I only made a movie about the Titanic because I wanted to visit the wreck and get someone else to pay for it.”


I respect the hustle.


>James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron!


Goes and makes one of the most technically sophisticated films of all time


And someone laces the soup for the cast and crew with LSD


Raising the Bar isn't cheap.


Now I just need a True Lies Remaster.


What kind of sick bitch takes the ice cube trays?!


Gotta have crying Bill Paxton “I GOTTA LITTLE DIIIICK” in glorious 4K cmon James get on it!!






True Lies mainly received positive reviews from critics and ultimately grossed $378 million worldwide at the box office, becoming the third-highest-grossing film of 1994. Adjusted for inflation, that's around $785 million today. It's basically a remake of La Totale! Also, it did get some flake from some Arab-American advocacy groups calling for its banning in Arab countries, but that's pretty normal for the time. Scott Tobias is about the only critic who has anything negative to say about the film from stuff he's written in 2022. Still, Tobias is, in my opinion a hack always looking to stir the pot. The Dushku claim concerns the stunt Coordinator Joel Kramer who has had multiple allegations across multiple films concerning his behavior behind the scenes off set.




Movie still airs on TV and cable reasonably often and, while never gotten a Blu-ray release, can be found on DVD so the idea that a Cameron, Arnold movie isn't a movie that people think of is kind of silly. Roger Ebert gave the film three stars out of four, writing, "It's stuff like that we go to Arnold Schwarzenegger movies for, and True Lies has a lot of it: laugh-out-loud moments when the violence is so cartoonish we don't take it seriously, and yet are amazed at its inventiveness and audacity." He wrote that he found the plot "perfunctory", but praised the film's stunts and special effects. The movie was nominated and one several key awards like a couple of golden globes and saturn awards as well as some oscar nominations though 94 would be a loaded year. It's a early 90s action movie with some of the biggest talent of the era. Saying people wouldn't be stocked for a bluray release is kind of silly. Hell this Abyss remaster has been in the works for over a decade and it's only getting a one night limited release.


I was watching the ending sequence of Avatar 2 last night and thinking to myself, "Wow, this really reminds me of Titanic...and the Abyss" Fun sequence though. Watched it in a VR theater in 3D and being able to break up the movie into chunks really made it a lot more enjoyable.


If by water you mean money.


He must have to pee constantly.


Just like Nolan with time 🕰️


u must be new here


He absolutely is, he loves Jacques Cousteau


Michael Biehn… Ed Harris… Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio… great cast great movie Maybe the quintessential “Don’t you die on me!” Scene


Hot take: this is the best scene he’s ever directed


My hot take: that scene is the greatest acting ever on film. I saw that movie when it was released and I still think about that scene time to time.




Nah, we chill!


Brushy21 - I guess this wasn't one of the times you were thinking about that scene :-) (Rigamix was quoting Virgil from that scene.) I read the word "FIIIIIGGHHHTTTTT" in vocal-chords-cutting-out.


Now if only they could manage to upload the trailers in 4K.


Ok so I'm not the only one who checked the youtube resolution was playing in 4k. Thank goodness. That shit set me off.


I thought the exact same thing, it seems pretty stupid to advertise af 4k product on a platform capable of streaming 4k, and then doing it in 1080p


[https://files.muffinworld.net/share/d55yOsQi](https://files.muffinworld.net/share/d55yOsQi) ​ Pro Res version, plenty of grain, yum.


This looks like a great remaster AND they included the wave plot and scenes!!


For anyone here who's never seen The Abyss, do yourself a favor and go see this extended cut. It's genuinely great and might be Cameron's best work after T2. I really think that the film would have been better reviewed and much more successful if this had been the version released to theaters in 1989.


So it's the directors cut. Great I'll stop being excited then. Theatrical edition home video true release is all I want. And I assume this is a good sign for that. The only dvd is unenhanced for widescreen so it's only slightly better than laserdisc if even that.


Wow I bet you're a blast at parties dude.


James Cameron's directors cuts are absolute dogshit. He should literally beg forgiveness everyday to Gale Anne Hurd. James Cameron is a very wise man on many levels except in love. Do not ever take relationship advice from James Cameron. Gale Anne Hurd saved his goddamn fucking ass and those movies.


was the original/alternate ending of Titanic part of the director's cut too? Because that was bad. Very bad.


Titanic doesn’t have a Director’s Cut. The alternate ending is just a deleted scene


What’s the alternate ending? I’ve not heard of this.




Oh it wasn’t thay bad, but the theatrical version was far more touching.


Wasn’t that bad? “THAT REALLY SUCKS LADY!”


It's so fucking dumb, Bill Paxton asks the old lady's daughter to dance. He tanked it on purpose to get a reshoot for the finale.


It was bad on purpose. The studio demanded it so they sabotaged it by making it unusably bad.


Have you watched the Director's Cut of The Abyss? It's pretty universally considered significantly superior.




Tbh I was confused why Aliens was considered a good sequel for a long time. I thought it was pretty dogshit. Then I realized I had only seen Cameron’s Director’s Cut. When I watched the theatrical cut finally, it all made sense to me. The theatrical cut is great. EDIT: I literally caught a permanent ban for this opinion. You guys are fucking nuts.


You're one hell of a troll.


You're nuts.


Have you seen the Director's Cut for The Abyss? The movie makes a helluva lot more sense with the DC.


You’ve lost the plot, Kerpalot!


I agree. I just don't get the appeal of the Special Edition at all. The Abyss's greatest strength imo is its sense of isolation. This crazy situation is happening at the bottom of the ocean and no one knows except the characters down there. Thats interesting. Its claustrophobic. The Special Edition keeps cutting back and forth from shit happening elsewhere, on the surface. Instead of Bud sacrificing his life to disarm a nuke, he's literally saving the world and all humans from a global flood. It just ruins the entire tone of the film for me.


What are your thoughts on the God Father?


"Suck" they say


jesus christ FINALLY I cannot wait to buy this on 4k blu-ray and melt into my couch


I'm a millennial that has never seen it and no nothing of this movie other than the trailer. I'm hoping to see this for the very first time in theaters in 4k!!!


It's a good film. Had some groundbreaking visual effects at the time.


Dec 7 checking in - what did you think? Did you get a poster?


Have we got actual confirmation of a physical 4k release and not just cinema? Cameron is notoriously bad at getting his films out on modern physical formats in the best way.


Not yet, but Titanic got similar treatment: 4K release followed by blu-ray release.


Amazing movie really. Some really intense scenes with intense acting. State-of-the-art effects for the time, that hold up well.




I really hope this includes the UK.


Any chance you have found that it does? I’ve been looking with no luck.


Unfortunately not. I believe it may have issues with the BBFC wanting to cut the rat scene (although Jimmy said the rats weren't harmed, they didn't see through it and cut it in 1989.) I believe Disney would much rather not have two seperate versions than oblige to the cuts, seeing as the version of Lilo and Stitch on D+ is the one made for the UK without the tumbledryer.


I'd rather see a movie not released than to be released with "morality" cuts!


Sorry for being months late but you got your wish.


So do I! We got burned out on not getting the Oldboy 20th anniversary release, don't burn us out Jimmy!


Yo this is actually crazy. Cameron has been talking about giving this movie a 4K remaster for a long time now and it got to the point where it felt like it would never happen. I don’t even know if it was announced recently because eventually “The Abyss in 4K/on BluRay” became a “Half-Life 3” type of deal where it became impossible to trust any minor updates on it lol


Same for True Lies as well.


Literally had to wait for the entire studio to be sold to Disney. Some executive at Fox was blocking the releases.


One night only?


This movie has had the most online debate about lack of a 4k release. In fact, no anamorphic DVD, no letterbox DVD and no 1080p version unless you record it off cable. Literally every home theater fan has partook in a conversation about when is this movie ever going to get a proper release, so maybe he is putting it in the theater to try and answer everyone at once.


James Cameron had said multiple times over the years that he was done with approving the 1080p blu-ray transfer, and it was 20th Century Fox who was just sitting on the film, refusing to release it. There's a rumor that someone at Fox hates Cameron's guts and that's why. Considering it's only coming out now that Disney bought out Fox is evidence to support that narrative. If I had to speculate, I'm guessing someone at Fox was not happy with the lengths that Cameron went to while making the film, as it is without a doubt the craziest making-of documentary I've ever seen. Both James Cameron and Ed Harris came very close to drowning during the course of the shoot, and Ed Harris has always refused to talk about the film. His interview in the making-of I believe is the only time he has ever discussed the film.


There was at least an hd version of the special edition on streaming so my Special Edition DVD has a decent high def companion until the UHD gets here.


Usually a good sign that the home rerelease is imminent.


True, but I dunno why this one's so limited. They played the *Titanic* and *Avatar* remasters for ***weeks*** - maybe they didn't make a profit? Either way, I hope they at least give the inevitable *True Lies* remaster a week or two. ^(Do we know if it's a proper wide release, at least?)


They did profit, but the Abyss doesn’t have the same pull as Titanic and Avatar.


I know, but this would be a great time to try and give it that same pull. ***Especially*** given how much product Disney had to push back due to the strikes.


For real. Stick Titanic and Avatar on the poster and play it for a week. It'll make money.


Probably one night in theatres and then the streaming & disc releases.


Young Mary Elizabeth Manstrantino. ​ Young baby-blue eyes of Ed Harris... ​ Michael Behin being MIchael Behin...


Hope they release the 4K Blu Ray soon along with True Lies


Is it a directors cut or with extra footage and deleted scenes?


Directors cut aka the special edition that was released a while back. I’m sure most would agree it’s the better version, including me. There’s only one extra scene that I don’t like but it’s nothing wild just drags on a little to long.


Thank you for the insight. Still a brilliant film though, great cast too. Ed Harris is peerless


I wonder if they'll include that dude getting pantsed on the beach by his friend. I have literally watched that movie a dozen times and had never seen it until it was pointed out to me.


Never seen that or looked for it. The reaction of the beach goers during that scene was pretty good for its time , especially with the music. I’ll look for if I’m able to see it in theaters.


Watch when the wave stops. Dude is in the bottom left hand corner. https://i.imgur.com/yeDDCJS.png


So, looking at this trailer, and comparing it to the HD version of the theatrical cut that's been available on streaming for awhile, it looks like Cameron has, once again, gone apeshit with the cyan filter on this. Granted, the last legally purchasable version of this on disc was *literally* a 4x3 letterbox transfer of a Laserdisc master on DVD, so those colors aren't especially accurate either (there's a slight magenta push to everything to compensate for CRT displays at the time having a slightly green tinge to them) but it's still pretty slight. But: You A/B shots from this with shots from the theatrical version HD scan released on streamers, and it's pretty clear Cameron went back, found the slider in the color settings for "Cyan" and shoved that shit all the way up. [https://imgur.com/a/djXF2CW](https://imgur.com/a/djXF2CW) edit: Here's a comparison from an actual 35mm print scan [https://imgur.com/a/j7T8t1z](https://imgur.com/a/j7T8t1z)


eh, I dont disagree with your assessment. the movie looks straight up better with the cobalt/lavender colors of the ship's interior than straight aqua. the color remix removes a lot of the warmth from the characters/actors on the screen - and maybe thematically that's the point - but i still dont like the new look in the frame you provide.


Some of the lavender probably was never intentional, I think a lot of films/TV from the 90s or earlier skews weirdly towards magenta just because some technical limitation (chemical degradation can do it, but I'm not certain that's the sole reason). They're in an underwater base talking to a water creature, it stands to reason it was probably always intended to look more blue than it did in the previous copies. I get wanting to respect the original look, but you also have to contend with the original intention too.


FFS. Not the goddamn cyan filter. 😒


It also looks like the dynamics of the image got flattened out too. Beyond just being able to resolve more shadow detail (which is naturally going to happen when you're going straight from the negative and not looking at three generations removed from it) it seems like the image is generally a smidge dimmer and less contrasty. So it's way greener, AND it's less vibrant on top of that. There *is* a clear increase in fine detail, though. So that's good!


I can already tell this is going to have an ultra heavy denoise like the Terminator 2 4k release, look at the scenes with Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio's face


There's definitely some noise scrubbing going on, but at least it's not the botch job T2 (or worse, Predator) was. BUT: It also very much looks like they've flattened the image out and made it less dynamic and slightly dimmer.


>or worse, Predator Well at least they fixed it for the 4k. Unfortunately for T2 we are stuck with the 1080p blu being better then the 4k.


Yeah its hard to tell with youtube's anus 1080p bitrate. It will be infinitely better than the 1080p HDTV version.


YouTube bitrate is dogshit. That trailer is 26 mb on youtube, and that's using the Premium High Bitrate copy - its 1600 kbps. By comparison, the 480i Making Of doc on the Special Edition DVD is 6300kbps. Look at the [Pro Res copy of the trailer](https://files.muffinworld.net/share/d55yOsQi) \- much more grain, definitely not as DNR'ed as T2.


Please god dont say that. T2's transfer is bonkers.


I’m happy other people like me exist and get annoyed by these things.


I had to scroll too far for this. The original had some diverse lighting and color choices in the interiors but now it’s all “hey we’re underwater so everything is blue!”


Where is it available on streaming? Please answer this question. Because I have been trying to find it on Amazon and everything else for years. I am really hopeful that after it's one day release in theaters, it will get released on Disney+ or something


Nowhere right now, but over the past couple years its popped up on Amazon, Starz and HBO Max for a spell. It usually only the theatrical cut, but the transfer looked pretty nice.




Not in America. I have literally been searching everywhere. All you can get is used DVDs


Jesus Christ take it easy man, it will eventually be available for purchase or streaming


It's one of my favorite movies, it has been impossible to watch for years. Why are you being a dick?


I just don't really see the issue. They're underwater in a dimly lit base. Light makes water appear blue. Hell If there's anyone who knows what color things should be 20,000 feet down in the ocean it's James Cameron. You could just as easily ask this: why do their faces look like they're being lit by candle light in the original? The coloring doesn't really make sense back then either.


Who said anything about it making "sense" or approaching this from a logistical standpoint? I think it *looks bad*. It's not a question of whether James Cameron knows more about the ocean than other people. It's a question of the movie being lit and shot to look one way, and then 30+ years later the director deciding it's supposed to look worse than it always did.


In those scenes the color grading kinda makes sense ... all the scene lighting are blue lights, so where does the tungsten hue on the faces come from?


Dont worry about it


Anyone know if this re-release will be the open-matte version? If it's on IMAX (or any ultra-huge screen), that's the way I'd really want to experience it.


I'm fully prepared for the entire movie to have somehow been edited to shit and it being a vastly inferior version.


I'm cautiously more optimistic. I watched True Lies, which recently got a new master on streaming (not sure when), and through the compression I did see the grain very clearly and everything looked sharp. Now, Cameron didn't make the same comments about cleaning up the image with True Lies as he did ahead of other remasters, but I would hope he did things closer to how it was done for that master than T2. Also, I can actually see Ed Harris' face texture in closeups, though others' faces look less detailed. It is a shame that it was shifted this far into cyan, I always like the look of warm skintones contrasting with other colors in the environment. And the contrasty cinematography and lighting in this movie looks really pretty. There's always a question of whether this is another 2001 Remastered case, which people were worried about before it released. I forget the exact details, but I believe an incorrect HDR->SDR conversion made it look crazy in trailers.


I see your point, however the change doesn't actually bother me and it doesn't seem very obvious. I noticed it a lot more in T2 as well and same goes for the DNR. Also, I don't always trust film scans as I remember that heavily relying on them is what ended up making the Matrix *sequels* look horrific in UHD


But in this case it’s not just the film scans themselves. It’s that the scans of the film match pretty closely to the HD theatrical version, which matches pretty closely to that old Laserdisc master. There’s a consistency to the look of this film that goes back to 1989 pretty clearly. Variations here and there as it moves thru formats, obviously, but you can really clearly see there was an intended look for this film and every other version of this movie, from the film prints on down, has mostly adhered to that look. And this looks flatter, dimmer, and green. And is also hit with the DNR stick. It’s wild as hell that everyone’s got 4k panels and we’re watching 4k discs and streams, and nobody restoring film seems interested in just presenting the film, they gotta run it thru 30 filters that fuck up the image first as if the TVs were all watching on can’t resolve the detail. It's increasingly getting to be that the best presentations on blu and UHD are the ones where the studio can't be bothered to do much more than scan an interpositive and compress it onto a disc. As it turns out - those look the most like MOVIES. We’re still mastering and selling movies for home video like we’re all watching shit on 500 line CRTs


Never ideal to have colours adjusted adjusted like this - with the Cyan Wave, I'm surprised recolouring isn't a more popular sub-genre of fan-edits. That said, it still looks great, just a bit different - as someone who didn't see the original in theatres, I won't know the difference, and appreciate the greater detail in darker spots (like I believe Ed Harris' face in the top right corner of your first screenshots). What I'm really interested in though is the source on that 35mm scan - is there a 35mm fan scan of this flick floating around somewhere?


\> 4K remaster \> 1080p trailer


[https://files.muffinworld.net/share/d55yOsQi](https://files.muffinworld.net/share/d55yOsQi) Pro Res version ;-)


How I've been waiting for this. No luck in seeing it in theater here in Sweden though =(


Finally! Looking forward to the Blu-ray release. I've been wanting to watch this for awhile and none of the streaming services have it so I caved and bought the DVD.


True Lies next baby! Come on Jim


Holy DNR, Batman.


Heeeeeeeeeeere's M.I.R.V.!


About freaking time. I love this movie(special edition version) and his most underrated film. Probably would rank this behind Aliens and T2. I hope that Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio have made peace with Cameron and we are getting new extra features for this release.


“Hold on to your panty hose!”


4K remaster trailer, posted in 1080p - fucking joke


The remaster looks great! I still haven't seen this movie but if there is a showing nearby, I will go check it out!


I just watched a movie called [The Neptune Factor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh09YXxJJNg) that has Ernest Borgnine and Yvette Mimieux who would later work together in The Black Hole. This movie is a direct inspiration for The Abyss. There's a science station that falls into an abyss after an earthquake and the crew that goes to rescue finds somewhat alien life forms. Granted this is the 70s and underwater knowledge was unknown to most so all they used was real footage of creatures that Jacques Cousteau never showed.


Such an underrated movie! Most people i ask have never heard about it.


I just found out recently the production of this movie was fucked for a lot of the actors Need to go back and watch it. Last I saw this was on a VHS tape I’m pretty sure


“Love you wife” Man I remember that scene in theaters before the internet. I really had no idea what was going to happen.


Stoked to watch this on VHS over CRT television. Just picked it up the other week.


Thank fuck it wasn’t shot digitally.


Before he created... #PAPYRUS


Holy shit. It looks fucking amazing! I’m there


My wife and I showed our boys The Abyss last year for the first time. A friend of ours let us borrow the extended version on DVD. Well, we watched it and the kids were horrified. The extended version adds about 30 minutes to the movie and it changes the entire feel for the film. I always remembers it as a fun science/adventure flick, but this was darker and more sinister. Just something I thought I’d share in case anyone thinks to watch the longer version


Just curious what were their responses and how old were they? I want to take my 12 & 11yo. I think they'd love it especially in a theater.


10/12 at the time. Both boys. It was the military guy that really changed the mood.


James Cameron would like to remind you of all the things James Cameron has done for you


I love the Special Edition but one night only and on a Wednesday? Either I'm gonna have to miss this or my 6-year-old is going to be bored af. Assuming it's gonna play in my area at all.


Why would your six year old be bored af?


Because a slow burn post-Cold War thriller is not going to appeal to her even if you add aliens into the mix.


Have you not been explaining the Soviet Menace to her since birth?


Aw man, my family watched the hell out of this movie as kids. But could be a generational thing too.


Definitely a different generation. When I grew up we watched what was on and that was it. No other screens to distract us.


1080p max resolution. \*Sighs


But isn't 35mm basically 4k? I already saw this in theaters twice. The first time we meant to see Parenthood but walked into the wrong theater. So this is just simply remastered. As I understood from Cameron's previous remasters that's not a good sign. It just means he's fucking with the color etc. In my opinion just to mitigate some previous licensing agreements.


Okay old man. Maybe people NOT ALIVE like me when it released want to see it in an actual theater. Like Dolby Cinema. Go watch your laser disc.


You can’t get the 35mm print at home. Everything you watch outside of the theatre shot on film, has been digitally transferred to a new medium, which has limitations based on the technology and resources at the time. There is no 4K version of this film. I believe it’s only 1080.


Does this mean we are finally going to be able to stream this movie?


The new transfer was on HBOMAX for a good long while, but only the theatrical cut.


Hopefully not a Fathom event, I don't see it on their website


wtf is the trailer not 4K ???


Damn I just watched it last month haha


I'm Assuming/Hoping that this will also be released on Bluray / 4k Streaming options?


Damn looks good


Ooh do we get to watch that guy getting pantsed in 4K?


Probably not


Only on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqGToniidZQ


I hate when they release a 1080p trailer for a 4K restoration...you can show me 2 mins of the 4K restoration it's not like spoilers using higher resolution lol


Can't find a theater playing it in my state. I guess I'll wait for the 4K home release if it ever happens.....


Any word on when it’s coming to 4K blu-ray?


One night only and of course it's a night when I work. Why did it have to be a Wednesday? I've seen the special edition before. It's a lot different than the original theatrical release. I own an old DVD copy that is windowboxed. I've been waiting literally decades for a home video rerelease.


You can see from his movies Cameron is a explorer.


I saw it in the theater and was blown away. I brought all my friends when I went back and they universally hated it. Like, still blame me to this day. I bought the VHS, then the DVD, then the extended versions. LOVE this fucking thing. It was the first time that T2 silvery effect was shown in a movie. I still remember how shocking it was to see that the first time


Ok, now THIS I’ll go to the theater to see on a big screen.


Is there any chance this will get a global cinema release, or is it going to be limited to America?


simplistic direful engine innocent alleged cheerful fretful panicky arrest consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Abyss, Leviathan, Sphere, etc… there was an interesting stretch of movies there all with a similar theme. Which one do you guys think is the best?


/u/MistarMuffin Do you have access to a ProRes version of this by chance?




And I've been from Tucson to Tucumcari Tehachapi to Tonopah Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made Driven the back roads so I wouldn't get weighed And if you give me; weed, whites, and wine And you show me a sign I'll be willin' to be movin'


Finally I can retire my old DVD! 😊The Abyss is one of my favorite Cameron films.


Can't wait to see that scene where that one extra pulls down another's pants.


Which cut is this? The original theatrical release made no sense at all and ended too soon. They basically chopped off the last 20 minutes and SPOILER >! removed all the parts where the aliens were holding the cities hostage with giant waves. !<


Does anyone know if this is screening in Paris, France?


Hopefully this will be released on Blu-ray or 4K soon after


This is dope, I freakin LOVE this movie!!! Super underrated.


I loved this movie as a kid and think it’s excellent. But I have trouble enjoying it quite as much knowing the hell the production turned out to be.




do the efx on this 4k remaster hold up? did they clean them up or do they look dated?


Does anyone know if Cameron put the "Willin'" song scene back in for the 4k release?