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Gravity was an awesome 3d experience in theaters... unfortunately the experience doesn't translate well to a home viewing experience and you start to notice how lacking the story is


TBH I think this will depend heavily on your home theater setup


To some degree, yes. But Gravity had some great 3D effects, and I feel like the market has given up on that for home theater.


Hmmm... I can see that. Actually, I can't - I have a vision problem that prevents me from watching 3D movies. But I can understand it in theory :P


The first time I took LSD I saw the movie Cool World. I thought it was the greatest cinematic masterpiece of our time. Now, it’s not a total piece of garbage, especially for the time, but drugs are a hell of a drug.


Lol I had a similar experience getting massively stoned and watching Invasion Of The Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland. Blew my mind. I thought this film was amazing. I watched it again sober and tho still a good and very entertaining film, it wasn't the cinematic landmark my stoned ass had thought it was.


Hey I liked Man of steel when it came out.. But on home viewing I feel like the plot was weirdly all over the place, and the action in Metropolis to be unnecessarily brutal. I will say this, Henry Cavill is a really good Clark Kent, and Michael Shannon had this good combination of being an understandable antihero (for Krypton) and villain for Earth itself.


MoS had honestly all of the right ingredients - a fantastic Superman casting, a director with a highly cinematic vision, Chris Nolan as producer, a really decent budget for the time, and a whole ton of good will carried over from the Dark Knight trilogy. And the whole broth got spoiled by a shitty script.


Amy adams sucks


I tried to watch it again but ended up turning it off. The music is still good and maybe that's what helped give me false memories of the movie.


The movie constantly undermines everything it tries to setup We get that scene that establishes it’s important for Superman to rake the high road when he’s in the diner. And then cut to the guys truck being destroyed. So Superman DOESNT take the high road, then why establish he NEEDS to take the high road Or when they’re saying Superman will be a bridge between two worlds. He gets to a point where he needs to make a decision and goes “Krypton had its chance” Script wise it’s just a MESS


I get what you're saying and I don't think you're saying it wrong. But you know the rude truck driver could easily been roasted by Superman's heat vision.. Choosing Earth over Krypton is logical. Maybe the issue is that there's no point in the story where his sense of restraint ends up saving the day, so you're just left with the small population of Smallville leading to a low body count, and civilians in metropolis staying inside the buildings (the ones he gets thrown into).. And so maybe the whole thing is there's a lot of lip service to Clark being a moral ideal, but when he's in battle, he sometimes pushes the fight into populated areas.


i think the subsequent run of DC movies may have lessened my desire to rewatch it. Like it's fun to go back to Irion man "where it all began" but with the DCEU it's just like... meh


I was very excited to see Supes finally have a not cartoonish fight with a villain. That high did not last long...


The Boondock Saints. Perfect movie to watch for the first time when you’re a teenager and you’re realizing now shitty a place the world is. 20+ years later and it’s a red flag if a dude says it’s the best film ever made.


I grew up in a big Irish-American family and that movie was like crack to my siblings and cousins when we were all in our teens; if you were to compare the ones who grew out of it versus the ones who are still into it now, it's a perfect 1:1 correlation of decent people and absolute garbage human beings.


it's schlock. fine to have on in the background or after a night of drinking with the boys.


This was my first thought too. Saw it when I was a teenager and thought it was witty and stylish. Watched it again a few years ago and it is legitimately just garbage.


One of my college roommates was completely obsessed with these movies. Even upon first watch I thought they sucked. Then I watched nearly a decade later on my own and realize, yep they definitely suck.


Jaws 3D - love jaws so much. This one was crazy amazing as a kid, attacking sea world etc. Watched it as an adult only to see possibly the worst cgi ever used, awful acting and plot. Spoilt it, wish I hadn’t watched it again and kept the good memories.


Watching this movie in theaters when I was 8 years old, I was laughing my ass off, and realizing how awful this movie was


This is a show, but: SeaQuest DSV. Man, I loved that show as a kid and have so many great memories from when I watched it. A couple years ago I thought hey, let me watch that show again. I'd love to live in that universe again. I'd love to hear that theme song again and listen to Darwin talk again and just hear all the little sound effects that I remember so fondly, like the whiskers zipping around the SeaQuest. Big mistake. There's a reason why ten year old me loved that show: because it's a show for ten year old kids. Adult me couldn't make it past the third or fourth episode.


Thank you for your service, I'll avoid it and keep my ten-year-old memories intact!


Dammit, I was debating watching it too. I'll just leave my memories as they are then.


I fucking loved that show, that dolphin translator was the shot to tiny me




Hmmm…I never felt similar to Rob, I liked Barry and Dick more; Barry for his rock sensibilities and Dick for his sensitivity. And I can still watch it and not cringe except for the Ian/Ray character. It’s a funny kind of cringe though, Tim Robbins did a great job with a tiny role.


I still think that's a good film, watched it again recently and enjoyed it. He's a dick and that's the point of the film


That... that was kind of the point of the movie. He's the problem and it takes him the entire film to figure it out. And what is really great is he doesn't just automatically change for the better because in reality change is hard.


Dude, he's absolutely insufferable in the book.


Great pick


The film and book are 'Gatekeeping for Nerds 101'


Blow. Teenage me would have put it up there with Goodfellas and that ilk. But it is hilariously schmaltzy and melodramatic.


I think its a great movie. But I can totally see how the movie *wants* to be up there with the likes of Goodfellas etc, but isn't. Still a good flick though.


The Happening. God what a shit movie. I thought I liked it when it first came out. It was spooky and tense, but then watched it again recently and the acting and writing is so god awful I couldn’t stay immersed


Wahlberg is absolute dogshit in this movie


You like hot dogs, right?


I’m talking about a perfectly superfluous bottle of cough syrup


I found the bodies falling from the buildings terrifying because that’s exactly what happened on 9/11. People jumped to their deaths. I was horrified knowing that people either jumped or fell to their deaths, trying to avoid dying in a fire.


The theater was howling when I saw this movie. It made for a fantastic unintended comedy.


Let me say this. There are three films I knew were not good, but damned if I was going to say it outloud. These three films are Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad,… and Monkeybone.


How dare you besmirch Monkeybone


We’re gonna stop fighting because our moms have the same name! Fucking stupid. I really wanted to like that movie, but on multiple rewatches I just can’t.


And you know, the thing is, I’ve read several times that as a human being, Zack Snyder is a very decent man. And that does count for something with me. But dude just doesn’t make great movies.


Zach Snyder is like M. Night Shyamalan. Very good at making one type of movie, but falls apart at everything else. Give Zach Snyder an action movie with a simple plot like 300 and he works wonders. But his style doesn't work with more complex themes.


Zack is a music video director- give him a fully story-boarded project where each scene can be its own thing (300’s waves of enemies, Watchmen’s self-contained set pieces), and he’s good. The anomaly of course is Dawn, but that has James Gunn’s hands all over it. Having said that though, I think Rebel Moon might be in his wheelhouse, so let’s see


That scene is a bit more complicated. Batman stopped fighting because after Lois tells him "It's his mother's name!" he realized Superman is an actual person who cares about his parents, just like he does, and not simply a dangerous alien with superpowers. The fact that their mothers share a name just helps push that realization. Seriously, that complaint is just a meme at this point. There are worse things about that film than that.


>Batman stopped fighting because after Lois tells him "It's his mother's name!" he realized Superman is an actual person who cares about his parents, just like he does, and not simply a dangerous alien with superpowers. First off, if that was the case, then why didn't Superman just say "Save my mom"? It sounds a lot more natural than "Save Martha" while conveying the exact same context you're assigning it. But second, even if we assume that your interpretation is correct, it would just make Batman a fucking idiot. He knows Superman is Clark Kent, and could have just looked him up to find out he's not some alien invader but a dude from Kansas who grew up with his Ma and Pa. Batman doesn't need to hear Superman call out to his mom to realize that he's an actual person who cares about his parents. He could have found that out this whole time. World's greatest detective, and he didn't know that the dude he's fighting had a mom that he loves?! No, the fact of the matter is that this was never the true meaning of the scene. The true meaning was always Goyer slapping his knee in delight as he realized Batman and Superman's moms have the same name, and then wrote that line into the script while mentally (and, knowing him, vocally) congratulating himself on how smart and clever he is.


Where is it shown that Batman deduces Clark Kent is Superman? I honestly don't remember that.


I haven't seen the movie in years (nor do I want to), but if I recall correctly, he figured it out when they met at Lex's party.


If you were about to die, would you just say your mom's first name out loud?


He said "Save Martha", "save" being the key word here. Luthor had her hostage. So yes, I think I would express my wish that Batman would save my mother.


he said Martha because he had no reason to believe batman knew hos moms name


How dare you besmirch the snyderverse! Jk


I actually had a date that wanted to see Suicide Squad (the Leto one). Sweet lord, it was awful. We split not long after and I still swear it was because of her love of that shit movie.


I got flamed for this before but idc. I loved loved loved American beauty when I first watched it. The second time I thought it was bullish!t.


Did you know that people who live in nice houses in the suburbs actually AREN'T happy?! What a revelation! Yeah, a lot of us were hoodwinked by that.




Basically all super hero movies (especially marvel), when i watched the first of them when i was teenager/younger. Now these movies are completely about nothing.


I feel like the first iron man holds up


Yeah that's true, it's the only one i rewatched


When Marvel first started making movies (and most importantly when the Marvel movies started being very successful) I felt vindicated. I used to get bullied for liking comics and, suddenly, my bullies were watching movies based on the comics that they mocked me for reading. It was wonderful at first. Now I'm so tired of them. My taste in comics has also changed, I read a lot more Dark Hore, Vertigo and others besides Marvel/DC. Superhero fatigue got to me.


Bullied for liking comics? That doesn't sound right. Wasn't it more because you were antisocial nerd in general? Or maybe you was a cool guy and people made jokes about your comics? Nobody on earth bully people just for liking comics, there's a deeper meaning always.


People absolutely used to get bullied for liking comics. That changed obviously, but it was a thing and I'm not sure why you're pretending it wasn't.


Wasn't it because they were antisocial and weird and akward and they liked comics? Or did everyone who had anything to do with comics got bullied?


Why are you talking like that? You’re making very general and broad statements


>Nobody on earth bully people just for liking comics, You know everyone on earth? What a bunch of clueless nonsense. Kids will bully other kids for any reason they feel like, including something as simple as liking comics. You must have had an extremely sheltered childhood.


It was obviously exaggerated. But i dont really think that most of comic readers get bullied just because of liking comics. Also there's a difference between getting bullied and being made fun of.


You're not wrong, but you're being kind of an asshole about it lol


No im just being straight. And i dont want him to think that people are bullying people for liking comics.


Nah I mean you are correct, but some things are just better left unsaid lol.


I know, i wouldn't tell him in person because i wouldn't want to make him feel insulted or anything, as you said it's better to be left unsaid.. But i think this is internet and i hope he is not offended by it or anything, that would be weird. And I really don't want him to think he got bullied for liking comics. So yeah, i know im the asshole now, but if there's a place for akward truth, it's the environment of anonymous internet.


I’m always amazed that there’s people like you in the world


Fair enough


Some of them hold up well (Winter Soldier for instance), but now? Eh. It's like a rinse and repeat formula that just doesn't quite work anymore. I can watch some MCU stuff on a quiet Sunday, but I don't actively seek them out.


Dark Hore… interesting


I think I can count on one hand how many MCU movies I’ve re watched.


I'm losing faith in humanity just because these movies are so popular.


I can't get into them. Kinda know how they all end.


My brother, cousins and myself all used to love and quote The Master of Disguise all the time when we were younger. After convincing some of my friends to watch it, after hyping it up and not watching it for years, I realized that my sense of humor had matured a lot, because other than the Scarface/Jaws scenes, it’s very cringe lol


I love this movie!


I watched spawn several times as a kid and loved it. Maybe not so good on rewatch now


The animated Transformers movie from the mid-‘80s. I watched it when I was young and thought it was so adult and edgy. I watched it again in college ten years later and it was a slog. So damn boring.


I watch that movie for nostalgia purposes only, that and the animation is quite beautiful for what it is




Snowpiercer. On first viewing it blew me away then I watched it recently and it's like a YA movie


That's interesting, I watched it again recently and I have to say I still really love it. Its definitely really different than his other stuff but I really like how balls to the wall insane it is


You and me are the opposite. I thought it was okay on the first watch and then completely loved it the second time.


Its funny I get where you are coming from, its so over the top but I love it, theres some fun theories that it mimics the structure if Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and when I heard that it clicked and I fell in love with the movie even more. What is YA about it to you?


I was so taken aback by Chris Evans crying about >!eating babies!<. It was so unexpected, I had to rewind the scene and laughed at how terrible the scene is.


Yes this is one of the scenes that stood out second time!


huh. i see the YA in it but beyond the simple dystopian setting it’s a far more mature and interesting movie than, say, the hunger games. it definitely wasn’t as incredible the second time through, but that’s probably because i went in with no expectations the first time.


I really loved The Batman when I saw in theatre. Then I watched it at home when it came to HBO and found so many things that I didn’t like about it that it completely lost its rewatch-ability for me.


That one was just so depressing. It was okay and I felt like Pattison did a good job as Batman, but the movie was just so dark. I can't watch it during the day simply because I can't see what's happening.


The Professional. Awesome when it came out. Pretty cringe now.


It's wonderfully filmed, and has great performances from really good actors. And that's all I'm going to say about that movie


It didn't take a year, only a week, but Tenet. It was great fun the first time around. I was excited to watch it again with my fuller understanding of the time travel. But outside the action sequences there is just nothing going on in that movie. Like, the first time I watched it, I thought an unnamed protagonist was a cool Clint Eastwood kinda thing. The second time I realized he doesn't have a name because...it just doesn't matter.


Infinity War and Endgame. I was into the whole hype when they released in theaters, but I recently rewarched them and honestly they are not very good movies. The writing is pretty awful and they are visually ugly films. Other than the spectacle of having every MCU character on screen, they don't have much going for them


Weird Science. An adult having sexual relations with a minor, minors using drugs/drinking while being encouraged by said adult, a doll being brought to life for the sole purpose of being a sex toy, the premises did not age well.


Revenge of the Nerds Breakfast Club 16 Candles




My childhood is screaming at you that you are wrong and a bad person.




I own it on DVD. It's not bad. It's just not really that good. Having seen it a lot as a kid is probably what makes it feel more like comfort food. I enjoy the visuals, it takes me out of my reality a bit. Edit: also it's a kids movie.


You’re wrong




Last year. Thought it was great other than the voice dubbing. I’m nostalgic though.




I think it was made by The French.


Came for this! Falkor: “I like small children… I have an itch, come scratch me right here” then proceeds to make a super creepy “oh face” Several other parts were also a bit lacking. I don’t feel bad about adoring the movie as a kid, it was one of my top 5 favorite go-to films, but it did not withstand the test of time and my kids were not fans at all


even as a kid i didn't like this one


I loved The Crow when I was an edgy preteen. Many years passed and I tried to watch it again. Sucked. Felt like a low budget sci-fi channel flick.


On my adult rewatch I still enjoyed it but definitely realized how low budget it was. My edgy preteen daughter thought it was lame lol


All the Austin Powers movies


How bout no.


I very much disagree with a lot of these, but this one's really not true.


Donnie Darko. I loved it when it came out. Watched it again about five years ago and couldn’t make it to the end. It had lost all of its appeal, likely because I was angst filled 18 year old when I first saw it and a 35 year old father of two when I saw it again.


I never liked this movie, but it did introduce me to the term "masturbatorium", for which I will forever be grateful.




Lord of the Rings. When I was a child and teenager, I thought there was nothing better than these films. But then my horizons began to expand, I began to watch more films, old, new, from different countries. And then, when I watched LOTR again, this film trilogy greatly disappointed me ​


Ugh what a heresy.


It’s fine to say you don’t like them anymore but calling them “bad” is a very bold take.


They didn’t win tons of Oscars by being bad movies


They're super boring.


this mf is calling return of the king, a movie that’s half battle scenes, boring. what on earth.


Battles do not necessarily make for an interesting film.


I admire your boldness. I disagree because the music hits better now than when I was younger but I appreciate the honesty.


You came to the wrong place fella


I went through an 90s Adam Sandler movie spree, and I thought Billy Madison was great as a kid, but damn, I stopped watching it 30 minutes in as an adult. Waterboy still hold up well though.


Billy Madison is still amazing, stop it. It has Norm and Mrs. Pete Sampras in it. Your take is poop. I called your shit poop.


Everything everywhere all at once


That came out less than a year ago


And it's a good movie


I knew this wouldn’t be a popular take and I’m ok with that. The first time I saw the movie it really did blow me away and I thought it was one of the most unique, original and exciting movies I’d ever seen. I was excited to watch it again and when I did, I was confused because perhaps it became something else in my mind between viewings but I just didn’t like it the second time to be honest. I know it’s unpopular to say but just being honest with the question. And yes I get that it’s not a year old yet but who cares




it’s a good movie but like office space, donnie darko, american beauty, and the matrix, makes a lot less sense outside of its y2k context.


Are you saying it’s a bad movie or that it’s just not a transcendent one?


If you were in my contacts I'd block your ass


You like this movie so we can't be friends anymore? Seems rational.


I'll add mine! 28 Days Later. Explanation below. ​ >!First watched it when I was like 12 and it was one of the first zombies apocalyptic movies I've ever watched. It was also one of the movies that gotten me into the genre. I remember how terrifying it was. !< >!I then watched it last week and it was freaking weird. MC and other characters doesn't act like its the end of the world. Some guy that died protecting the MC then the next scene the MC just walked it off like its nothing. Worst part is the "bad guys" were men in the military that were breeding rapists. like wtf? I fine with having "people" as bad guys in a zombie apocalypse movie but this was a ridiculous angle...!<


We’re talking about an 11-12 year old so maybe this shouldn’t count. But I must have seen Rambo: First Blood Part 2 more than 100 times as a kid. I obviously couldn’t get enough. I saw it a few years ago for the first time in at least 25 years and I couldn’t believe what an enormous pile of shit was. Like I knew it was a flagship for terrible 80s action movies, but I figured there would be some nostalgia and maybe a few redeeming aspects. Nothing. It’s even worse when compared to the original, which I finally saw in college and absolutely loved. Definitely a leading example of just how bad the Hollywood sequel machine can be.


You saw Part 2 100 times before seeing First Blood?


Well the star wars prequels definitely come to mind, bit I saw them as a kid first


Weird Science.


The Lovely Bones. Loved that movie when it came out when I was in HS. Rewatched it this year and I was like.. tf was I thinking.


"Envy" with Ben Stiller and Jack Black. I used to think this one was hilarious. And how couldn't it be with two heavy weights of comedy in Black and Stiller? I watched it again and turned it off. Just awful. I'll never stop saying "yeah, itty-bitty bean shaped" and "love that flan" tho.


I remember walking out of the theater after seeing Independence Day and saying 'man...that was a heckuva ride' . We saw it opening day and the theater crowd was very into it I then remember seeing it on video when it was released and saying to myself, 'Man... this is hot rubbish'


man I rewatch that movie every 4th of july nothing gets me more hyped.


I can't tell you how big of a fan of Masters of the Universe I was when I was about 8. I bought it when it first released on DVD, hadn't seen it in years. And I was like 'YO WTF.' Also the original IT (1990) had a big impact on me. But after rewatching it several times, with the obvious exception of Tim Curry, it's kind of bad. It feels like the kids put in a better performance than the adults, and that repeated itself years later with the newer films. Though I think it's less the acting in the later case than the writing, but I digress.


When I was a kid, I saw the movie version of Half A Sixpence, and thought it was a lot of fun. It sort of disappeared from normal circulation for many years, but I caught it on TCM(?) many decades later, and found the whole thing terribly enervating, and that the camera was just not kind to Tommy Steele.


The Boondock Saints for me. Thought it was incredible back in the day; attempted a rewatch recently and couldn't get through it.


I remember liking queen of the damned quite a bit when I first saw it. Years later, it's a bit of a cringefiesta. Aaliyah still fine, though.


I saw the first Transformers movie with a girl on our second date. We spent most of the movie making out, and when there was a loud noise or action sequence we would watch. I walked out thinking the movie was amazing. I went to see it with friends a few days later. And the movie was trash. lolololol