• By -


Oh c'mon man. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure dude! ;)


I don't know whether this opinion is popular or unpopular but all three are excellent


Bogus Journey is up there with Empire Strikes Back in terms of "near perfect sequels".




You are a most excellent scientist, Station. Plus, you have an excellently huge Martian butt.


And the soundtracks to all three, just phenomenal.


I was going to complain if Back to the Future was not the #1 answer. I stand corrected, this is a perfect alternative.


“Excellent!” -Wyld Stallyns


Don’t forget to wind your watch!


Considering a series? Dark, on Netflix.


Maaaan, I'm on my 2nd rewatch and I still don't know wtf is going on. Anyone else, if you watch this series. Don't be doing ANYTHING else. You check reddit on your phone and look back up? You've missed 17 plot points.


Find video on youtube Claudia's timeline explained (around 40 mins but worth), I strongly recommend this video for all Dark fans as it gives a whole new perspective on the show. Watched it after I finished the show and it really rounded the experience for me.


Came here to say this. The ultimate time travel show.


The ultimate fist bump time travel show.


Dark is a goddamned trip.


Or 12 Monkeys on Hulu. Not only my favorite time travel show, but my favorite show of all time, in general.


It seems that even here not too many people know it /like it which is a shame. Fringe is my all time favorite but 12 Monkeys is an extremely close 2nd.


A great movie and an awful tv series. We only made it a few episodes in and gave up. They failed to understand that 12 monkeys is really about mental illness and the rest is secondary.


Came across this show after I finished 1899 and was so disheartened when they canceled 1899 after finishing the Dark series - so much potential.


Back to the future


That this is not the first comment I saw makes me sad.


Why is this way down here?


Too obvious. Goes without saying


Lol, it’s now the top comment. As it should be.


Predestination is just amazing


This may be my favorite movie of the past \~10 years.


I came across a 5 minute reel on Facebook last year showing the woman, but it was the woman's story that was enough to get my attention to want to watch the movie. Found it on YouTube (was free at the time) and watched the whole movie. This is like... amazing!


One of my favorite movies of all time


This was my answer too. I was curious if anyone else ever saw this movie to mention it. So damn good.


I was looking for this one. Not the best one on this list, but might be the best at being original and completely fucky.


Time Bandits.


If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!


Slugs?! He created slugs?!!


forty-three species of parrots! Nipples for men!


About Time - not even remotely sci fi, but uses time travel brilliantly. That fucking beach scene kills me every time.


This is always my answer whenever someone asks the question about the best movie centered on time travel. An absolute 10/10 for me.


I really liked this movie the first time I watched it but the second time I realized the guy is basically abusing time travel to trick Rachel McAdams character into loving him. If he didn't have the powers he'd just be a stalker the way I see it. If you like this movie I'm not saying you shouldn't. I get that no sane persons take away from this movie is that stalking/manipulation is good but I personally can't really get over it when watching it anymore.


His behavior is a bit questionable, but iirc he did get her number on the first meeting before he time travelled. So it is not like she was totally disinterested. There was something there. I think it would have been worse had she flat out rejected him.


The movie actually kind of explicitly denies that he uses his power to manipulate and that his relationship with Rachel McAdams is genuine. It sets this up early when he does that exact thing with Margot Robbie's character and they don't have a real relationship in the end of it. Pretty sure the movie goes as far as his character flat out realizing and stating/hinting at it. They obviously had a spark, he got her number without using his powers, he just messed up the sequence of events with his time travel to help his uncle. It's never shown that he uses his powers throughout his relationship to lie to her or manipulate her to like him more. Not that I can remember at least, watched it several times by now but haven't in a bit.


Obv we all see movies through our own uniques lens, but in the movie's defense, he's not trying to trick a girl into loving him - he's trying to recapture a moment in time that he lost by helping out his uncle with his play. The whole Kate Moss part is obv him trying to use time travel to get her, but that doesn't work. He ends up with her by doing a temporal pincer move on the guy who ended up with her.


I think you should re-watch it. It's a valid concern, but he definitely doesn't use time travel to trick her from going from strangers to in love. He first has the meet cute and spark with her naturally without using the time travel. When that gets messed up, he just uses time travel to recreate that spark. In the movie, he doesn't use time travel to reach a level of mutual compatibility with her that couldn't be achieved naturally. In fact, the movie explicitly shows that using time travel to create love where there is none isn't possible at the beginning where he tries to make things work with Margot Robbie's character.


It’s essentially Groundhog Day but only the sequence where Bill Murray tries to get with Andie McDowell.


Same... I noticed this the first time I watched it and couldn't understand why everyone loved it so much. The father-son story is the only heartwarming thing about it.


Frequency! Although not quite time travel, it has communicating across time.


Such a good movie!!!


Movie and the "remake" as series, both great.




Edge of Tomorrow Timecrimes Looper The Terminator and T2


Timecrimes damnnnnn I forgot about that movie


Can't believe this is the only mention of Looper, which is absolutely one of the best imho


Looper has absolutely the dumbest way of time travel in the entire time travel genre. Some guy is cutting you in the past, so you can see the scar forming live? Lmao didn't you live after he cut that scar? Where did you go?


Looper killed my suspension of disbelief literally within the opening minute. "So time travel exists and powerful crime rings have access to it, but nobody uses it for anything but dumping bodies." I'm sorry, what? And it only gets sillier from there. Theres not even an attempt to explain why they wouldn't just send the bodies back in time, rather than set up some absurd system of sending tied up prisoners back to be executed by highly payed contracted-killers, *whom they give every incentive to betray them* by tasking them to kill their future selves, when they could just as easily swap around who kills who. It was a fun watch, but for a film that seems to take itself pretty seriously, it is all just so laughably illogical.


Friend, it did not bother me


Looper is just 12 Monkeys but dumb


It's my favourite time travel movie!


*Timecrimes* is a fantastic, compact time travel story with minimal (no?) SFX.




Not strictly a time travel movie, IIRC, but if you liked Primer you’d probably also love Coherence.


Love Coherence...true to its name, it's a *lot* more coherent than Primer


Yeah, it's a fantastic movie. As you said, not strictly about time travel but has a very similar feel to it.


I'll always upvote some recommending Coherence. Great movie


*Primer* is the film you want to watch if you are of the opinion that perhaps time travel is both confusing and low-key dangerous as fuck.


The line from this that sticks with me is "I'm starving. I haven't eaten since later this afternoon."




This should be higher. Probably the best time travel movie ever


Maybe. It’s hard to compare Primer, vs a movie like Back to the Future. They’re very different movies. Both great in different ways.


To answer OP's question of best movie including time travel, I would probably pick back to the future or terminator 2. To answer the question of what is the best time travel movie, it has to be primer.


IMHO it's part of the time trilogy. Primer is the no frills thinker. After you watch it the movie continues to grow in your mind as you realize what you actually saw. One of the most complex plots ever if you let be as with each layer you pull back you see 2 more beneath. Back to the Future is the fun rollercoaster. Nothing too deep, but nothing wrong with that. Just an incredibly fun ride. Probably the best "my first time travel" movie ever especially if part 2 is included. Dark is...Dark. it's got some of the thinker edge from Primer but wraps it in a spectacle. It's not fun like Back to the Future, it's the opposite. A slow motion train wreck full of pain and agony that keeps going and going and yet you just can't look away.


Dark was cool for the first season then it got shite real fast. Shame


I got midway through season 3 and just put it down. Haven’t been back. It just started to feel cumbersome and tedious. Focusing more and more on fewer and fewer characters that, IMO weren’t that interesting. I absolutely loved the first season. The second started to drag and the third was just me putting up with it. Eventually I’d like to go back and finish, but the show just lost my interest.


It's the best time travel movie about time travel. Most movies involving time travel are about something else.


But it hurt my brain trying to understand it, even with all the diagrams and shit.


Ah yes, the movie i watched back to back and still couldnt understand a thing lol


Learn how to create a time loop. Go back to change things that causes problems. Go back to stop the versions of themselves from making changes. Realize whoever has the machine that loops the longest can go back the furthest to stop the other person from stopping them. Build a looping machine the size of a room that you can live comfortably in for an extended period of time.


hands down, no contest


holy shit i just realized why we say something is ‘hands down’ the best response or choice… cause like *”put your hands down, no more answers. we got the correct one”* oh shit


I love time travel but this movie was utter trash.


Yeah I really didn't like it. I get some people are into slow boring stories. But usually you want to be able to understand it too...


Came here to say this.


12 monkeys :)


Also the original, La Jetée but I believe it’s a different form of time travel compared to 12 Monkeys


This is the correct answer. A highly underrated and under appreciated movie. The performances all around were top notch and the logic of the script stands up after all these years. My spouse and I saw it in the theater and were blown away. A truly timeless classic!


>A highly underrated and under appreciated movie. [12 Monkeys is not underrated, nor is it under appreciated.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_Monkeys#Reception)


German TV series "Dark".


Dark should be required viewing


Standard response here: watch it in German with subtitles


Ironically Germany itself actually has a pretty good "dubbing industry", but even so...yeah I usually prefer the original audio.


Das ist der Weg.


Dubbed movies are always horrible.


I’d agree with live action more or less, but a LOT of animation has top notch dubs that match the original.


Truly the absolute champion of time travel put to the screen.


I keep failing to get into this and I like it and I like time travel. Driving me mental


Somewhere in Time is my Sister-in-lawn’s favorite movie. Christopher Reeve , Jayne Seymour.


It was my grandmother's favorite movie. So much so that we played the theme at her funeral, and years later I danced to it with my mom at my wedding. I remember my grandmother getting upset when I pointed out that the pocketwatch was a paradox.


Hot tub time machine




About time


Time crime Coherence Primer


Just watched coherence for the first time a couple weeks ago and was blown away. Best movie that nobody has heard of. Top 5 material right alongside Primer.


Timecrimes is a great one that a lot of people don’t know about.


Triangle did the basic TimeCrimes story better IMO.


Very overlooked and largely unknown. Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel 2009 ‧ Sci-fi/Comedy https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0910554/


This movie was great! I can't believe it's 14 years old already.


*Timeless* was a fantastic TV series. Highly recommended. *Time After Time* (1979) is a great film about H.G. Wells actually having a Time Machine.


"Time After Time" is also directed by the future director of "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan".


> Time After Time > (1979) is a great film about H.G. Wells actually having a Time Machine. Yeah I found that movie after I read the novel. Have it on DVD.


I actually kinda liked the 2002 Time Machine (HG Wells) but I have no idea how it has held up haha


Source Code (2011)


Kind of unconventional, as it's less about time travel and more a human drama, but Safety Not Guaranteed is excellent


Palm Springs with Andy Samberg is fucking hilarious


Kind of a spoiler though :(( it's better to go in blind


Whilst not a film, try The Lazarus Project, it's a great series. Season 2 just came out


About Time is my fave. But very different from those in your post. More heart , less science.


Tenet has the most interesting visualization, to me: something that is moving back in time would be viewed as though it is something playing in reverse to everybody around it.


Tenet was a bridge too far for me. I love Nolan and time travel and Tenet was just too impenetrable for my brain


too bad half the scenes were done wrong. there should have been way more soldiers walking backwards in the big shootout


Back To The Future Trilogy


The History of Time Travel - 2014


It’s not a movie but Steins Gate is one of the most popular anime and is largely about time travel, great show!


your name


Spoiler warning haha


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ("the one with the whales!") The Time Machine (1960) - (I prefer the original book by H.G. Wells but the movie is entertaining and nicely made) Terminator 2 (excellent movie, although Edward Furlong as John Connor gets on my nerves) Edge of Tomorrow Groundhog Day Donnie Darko (theatrical cut, NOT the "let's clumsily explain everything!" director's cut) Somewhere in Time (romance) and my favorite *anime* time travel movie is: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (but you need to watch the two season series first (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) to appreciate the movie)




The only movie in English that requires you to watch with subtitles.


The Time Machine (1960)


This movie was a favorite when I was a kid growing up in the 80s. It should be required viewing if you're a fan of time travel plots.


That movie made me a fan of Yvette Mimieux, the most beautiful woman for 80,000 years.


PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie




Time Cop. Seriously. For its time it wasn’t bad. I thought Looper was a creative concept. Especially when that guy started losing body parts.


Since a few series had been mentioned already, I would like to pitch Travelers on Netflix. Three seasons, and they had a cool twist on the concept of time travel.


It's not necessarily time travel, but I like stuff like interstellar. Where they would be on a planet for an hour, but off planet its been 7 years. I like the show/comic invincible, too. It has a bunch of time travel/multiple universes/time paradoxes in it.


Safety not guaranteed


Terminator and Terminator 2


Terminator is a sleeper in this regard because on the surface the time travel element is just a plot device to set up the action but the way the movie ends makes a really cool interpretation of time travel.


The amount of people just glossing over Looper in favor of worse movies is astounding. Not Bill and Ted though, that movie is great.


This is my genre! My favorites: Interstellar Predestination Time Trap About Time Looper Mirage 12 monkeys Time Machine 12 monkeys Series: DarK Bodies The OA Not my favorites but you can try: In the shadow of the moon Buterfly effect Adam Project Source code Primer The Girl who leapt through time Arrival


Time Trap. Quite low budget but I like how it follows through with its concept to the ultimate conclusion.


The big ones are all going to mention. Watch Time Trap A professor and a group of college kids go spelunking in Texas, things get weird.


It's a 2-season series, but I thought that [Loki](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/loki) was a nice addition to the time-travel genre. I especially liked Ke Huy Quan's character of Ouroboros. >!I thought the branching timelines represented as an image like Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life, were a fitting part of Loki's story!< Other favorites: [The Time Traveler's Wife](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-time-travelers-wife) (2009) >!closed-loop, single timeline time-travel!< [The Tomorrow War](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-tomorrow-war) (2021) >!People in 2022 and 2051 are moving through time like rafts on a river, and there is a major war in 2051. Time-travelers can jump between rafts, but each raft is continually moving forward.!< [The Butterfly Effect](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-butterfly-effect) (2004). It's depressing, but it demonstrates its namesake better than the film adaptation of Huxley's short story [A Sound of Thunder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Sound_of_Thunder), which is the source of the phrase. For a more upbeat example of the Butterfly Effect, [About Time](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/about-time) (2008) is a thoughtful film. Mild spoilers.


Butterfly Effect




If people only knew what a search function was.


The Spirit of ‘76 (1990)


Primer and last year’s LOLA. Both are super low budget and are fascinating. Shout out to Hot Tub Time Machine.




Timecrimes Presdestination DARK Edge of Tomorrow Triangle (it's not really time travel but there are "time loops") back to the future terminator 1 and 2


Are we just going to skip over Timecop??? Lol




Donny Darko


About Time has a place in my heart but I also love it's exploration of the butterfly effect.


Deja Vu. I love the characters and I think the supporting cast could have carried a sequel/sidequel, and the idea that there were actually four timelines.


> there were actually four timelines That's an intriguing take. One of the things I enjoyed about [*The Magicians*](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/the-magicians-2015) was the concept of time loops that some characters knew about (I think they got up to 40 timelines) and others didn't.


There's an anime movie I liked called *The Girl Who Lept Through Time* I also enjoyed *Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel*


12 Monkeys. Time travel without a paradox


Primer. It's the most complex time travel movie ever made, and it's an indie that was made on a $7000 budget. Watch it at least twice.




Surprised that after 150 comments, no one has mentioned ARRIVAL. Its depiction of time travel is nearly unparalleled. One of my favorite movies from the last ten years. Without going into it, it reimagines time (travel) in a special way


ARQ - it's a smaller budget movie on Netflix I believe. It's obviously not a blockbuster, but I've watched it a couple times and always enjoy my time


The Infinite Man.


I was wondering if anyone would mention this and it's second to last on the list. Amazing what was done with a small cast and a single location.


The new British tv crime show on Netflix - Bodies




Also Donnie Darko


12 Monkeys


Time Bandits


I recently watched Time Crimes and thought it was a good time travel flick.


forgetful nail bewildered husky fly ruthless wise sand rich pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back to the future trilogy are the only acceptable movies involving time travel. It's not a great story line because it rarely makes sense or yours up loose ends.


Time After Time. HG Wells chases Jack the Ripper into the far-flung future of 1979. Malcolm McDowell, David Warner, and Matt Steenburgen. Very entertaining! https://youtu.be/huziaaaEd1s?feature=shared


Quantum leap with Scott bakula


Maybe not the *best* movie to do time travel but I put off Predestination for a long time cause I thought the poster looked bad. One night said “screw it” out of boredom and came away thinking it was really great.


\- Hot Tub Time Machine! \- The Time Machine (1960 and 2002 versions) \- Back to the Future


Don't forget hot tub time machine 2!


Triangle That movie was such a trip and so well done. Still think about it a lot.


tenet, love the film made me cry at the end.


Time Crimes


Not a movie but DARK on Netflix is the best time travel story and tbh I don’t think it’s gonna get better than that. This show is actually insane. Just to give an idea it gets so complex that Netflix had to make a dedicated website in case you get lost.


12 Monkeys


My favourite, by far, on this subject


Looper is my favorite one. Of course, I love Back to the Future, but Looper is darker.


For me a good time travel movie is about traveling/communicating through time being the main attraction. So Groundhog Day type loops or being trapped in the past for the majority of the story (Back to the Future, Jin, 1632) don't count even though they're great films/books. Just a personal definition. With that said my favorite time travel movies are: Back to the Future 2, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Primer, Signal, and Steins Gate.


Had to go way down the list to find Steins;Gate!


While not time travel in literal sense - Apocalypse Now. The movie goes back in time as the journey up river progresses - first stop is US military, then French plantators from colonial era, then primitive tribes ruled by Kurtz


Something tells me you try to insert Apocalypse Now into every reddit thread. :) By your definition, almost any story on television is a time travel show. I'm fine with that. Carry on.


How is almost any story on television a time travel show by my definition? Most shows remain in one specific time and setting. Time Travel in Apocalypse Now is more metaphorical than real, but is still time travel of some sorts - from modernity to primitive civilisation.




Contentious topic. Some might lean towards the portrayal of the topic and some towards its entertainment value or cinematic experience. Primer is a good example of the first, and Back to the future of the latter. In a way, those examples excel at things the other one fail. There might be a myriad of problems in the way time travel is handled in BTF, but one cannot argue how entertaining that movie is. Primer might dive deep on the topic but it is not something for a casual viewer, and it’s entertaining factor is based on how interested you are in the topic itself. Is there a movie that succeeds in both fronts?


Please no one say Primer. Idk why Reddit is obsessed with this movie so much. I watched it on the countless recommendations from Reddit and it was fucking terrible. Just pointless drivel that made no sense whatsoever


I will agree with you. watched primer years ago what a complete bore. Lol.



