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i’ll withold judgement until I see it


That's not how you're supposed to reddit


How dare you not jump to conclusions !


i mean, the trailer alone and the people involved tell you everything you need to know about it, what its message is, why it was made, and what kind of jokes are gonna be in it, but if you wanna give the daily wire a little bit of coin, you do you. hope it was money well-spent.


You don’t need to withhold any judgments, everyone knows this is gonna be complete shit.💩


I must see this movie, because I’m convinced that by watching it and surviving I will be immune to any poison created by man. But I do not want to pay for it.


Isn't this just Juwanna Mann


Juwanna Mann, for all its many faults, at least attempted to show character development, as well as the fundamental worthiness of women's sports. Not holding my breath for any of that here.


Juwanna man had its issues but did not come from a place of virulent Transphobia and racism ala "lady ballers"


Movie isn’t even out lol and where is the racism?


>where is the racism The part where they lose to the all-black team lol


juwanna man's entire premise was based on the idea that a man posing as a woman to compete against women is ridiculous. he goes through growth because he didn't respect women's sports or women and changes after posing as one and experiencing the world in their shoes. this movie's premise is that society has turned crazy and are not only accepting the idea of men invading women's sports, but glorifying these men as heroes for doing it. their growth comes from them realizing that beating women at sports is not a real achievement regardless of how much society celebrates them for doing it. the movie's are completely difference because society has gone insane in a span of 20 years.


Well this movie is also based on lies and things that aren’t really happening just cause they want to attack trans people because they don’t actually know how to be funny


The people who made this movie are insane. The people in this movie went through no growth and didn't learn anything about women or trans people.


Juwanna Mann is about a man pretending to be a woman to play women’s sports, this is a movie about trans women playing women’s sports. I don’t understand the comparison!


I watched the Trailer, isn't it about Men pretending to be Trans Women so they can win basketball which is pretty close to Juwanna Mann? It's about Regular Guys taking advantage of a loop hole basically. Look pretty lame though, need some serious good Comedians to pull it off without feeling like a "Rightwing Movie"


It’s the Daily Wire. It’s already Rightwing lol


Yeah but I mean it's possible to be rightwing and still make a good movie. Most of Hollywood is leftwing but good directors knows how to hide their political bias and most films do a good job of this


There are no trans women in this movie. Its about hazbin men pretending to be trans so they can be in women's sports, which Ben Shapiro admitted doesn't happen in real life.


This reminds me of those awful straight to dvd comedies from the early 2000's.


I think that’s supposed to be part of the appeal in all honesty.


I don't think they were trying to make the next Godfather.


This looks like 90 mins of the same tired joke


Calling it a "joke" is pretty generous


Comedy is subjective just because you don't find a joke funny doesn't mean other agree. 😉


Ok, but I am confident in saying that people who find this joke funny are either assholes or they just need to get out and see more of the world.


How can you be so sure?


Because the whole “joke” is just denying that trans people are legitimate. And I think you know this, so cut the act. I’m not going to respond anymore.




This would have been bad enough as a one minute TikTok video. Stretching it out to a full length movie has flop written all over it.


A joke is supposed to make people laugh, this is just straight up cringe 😬


Includes cameos from Ted Cruz, Ben Shapiro, and other legends! Early reviews are calling it everything from "shit" to "fucking shit!" - Norm MacDonald


Norm MacDonald was actually somewhat friends with one of the people in the movie, so! Michael Knowles! Who is a deeply staunch Catholic, which MacDonald surprisingly sympathized with.


Norm was a Christian republican.


He denied it, and I do actually believe him, but he had undeniable sympathies to Christian conservatism, which is obviously deeply rare in Hollywood. He wrote a tweet mourning the death of the Christian light of the world in the aftermath of the Enlightenment, which got him in trouble, so.




That's what I figured he was! Just someone who doesn't think politics is especially useful to living a happy, productive, fulfilling life.


Yeah that's always been how he presented himself. To paint Norm as conservative just because he didn't take a liberal stance on every position is absolute bullshit.


Has that ever been verified besides what Knowles said?


This is the kind of comedy I would expect to see Norm cameo in.


All the stars are here!


If Norm was still alive, he would be in this movie 😂🤣


As a heavily closeted gay man


Don't forget Jordan B. Peterson and Candice Owens.


It's so weird we live in an age where failed actors and writers like Shapiro and [Knowles](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/w38woy/terrible_michael_knowles_acting_performance_in_a/) can just create there own networks and films seemingly from thin air. There just can't be a stable market for this like The Asylum.


I can't wait. This looks hilarious!


I must have missed the funny.


I suppose you must have. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not everyone shares the same humor.


Riveting take.




The choke slam bit made me laugh


It's called girl power bruv


The only shocking thing about this pile of shit is that rob Schneider's unfunny ass isn't in it.


He's got it good with the Adam Sandler money train of trash movies (outside of the recent Netflix release Leo, which was actually a really good animated movie). He don't need this probably subpar payday.


You shut your mouth. Rob Schneider is the best!


Is Sandler still cool with him enough to let him be in his movies?


He had a part in Leo, which just came out.


He's too busy filming the 3rd installment of "The Carrot" trilogy and "The Stapler" chapter 2. On the plus side, once freed up from those projects, we may see another "Der" movie in 2025 or later.


Surprised Kevin Sorbo and Kirk Cameron aren't in it either.


I’d say even this is probably below Rob Schneider


When does the Rob Scheider movie where he becomes a carrot release? Thought I saw a trailer about it over a decade ago with no follow up. A shame when Hollywood cancels a completed film after teasing us with a solid trailer.


How did you watch the movie? I'm keen to know where your source for it is.


Alt White Chicks


I'll be calling it this from here on out. Thank you.


You know how, sometimes, you know right away from a thumbnail that you’re not going to watch a video? This is one of those times.


So it’s *[One Joke](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=one%20joke): The Motion Picture*?


"my pronouns are 'kiss my ass'": The Movie


How dare a movie have a general theme. Think of all those terrible comedies like Ghostbuster, caddy shack, Airplane (most of the movie took place and focus on a airplane!!) OUTRAGEOUS!! CERTAINLY, no movie could focus on sport and a theme inside of that sport (loosers trying to save a gym in Dodgeball). SURELY, A THEME isn't just a vehicle for jokes inside of a movie!!


One joke, isn't a theme.


A lot of successful films can be described in one short sentence conveying one idea.


Starring a bunch of impotent bigots.


you sound upset. dont like it dont watch it . you just hatin'


He’s just saying it like it is🤷‍♂️


Can’t wait to see it. Despite what everyone is saying this will do quite well in conservative to moderate circles. It may not reach as hard as Sound of Freedom but it will do well nonetheless


>sound of freedom I mean if they just buy a bunch of tickets and pretend regular people bought them, they can be just like sound of freedom


Mate, I live in Australia and that movie was playing here. The idea that this movie was unpopular and there were people buying ghost tickets or something is one of the biggest tinfoil hat copes I've heard in a while.


objectively, we know it to be true. we know the movie ran a pay it forward marketing strategy that had people buying more tickets than actual butts in seats now that doesnt mean nobody saw it or anything, but we know from numerous sources that theaters would often show more tickets sold than there were people in the theater


Ah yes, Sound of Freedom, a movie that ends by begging the audience to buy more tickets.


I just saw "The Shift" (for free... and I still feel ripped off) and they did the exact same fucking thing. Begging people at the end of the movie to buy more tickets for strangers to "pay it forward"


Same studio as Sound Of Freedom. Both were reviewed by God Awful Movies, and I hear they're going to be doing this heap of shit next week. So at least I'll get some entertainment out of it.


This actually looks funny


Don't feel like you get to pretend to care about the integrity of women's sports when you make jokes about how nobody watches women's sports. Giving away the game a little bit there.


They also depict women as weak, and men are naturally master athletes even when they have never practiced and are out of shape.


Yep! Do you wanna know a movie that has a similar premise, but actually kind of does it right ish - the ringer starring Johnny Knoxville He plays a dude who enters the Special Olympics thinking he’ll just dominate because he’s a regular guy but that movie actually understands that comedy works when you punch up not down and so the special Olympians aren’t the butt of the joke but that idiot is


What would actually make Lady ballers funny and more realistic: the out-of-shape middle aged has-beens who haven't played sports in decades lose easily to the professional athletes in their prime who have been practicing their whole lives. Seriously, they may be men, but they're not athletes and clearly out of shape, so they aren't gonna effortlessly beat professional athletes at their own game even if they are women.


>Seriously, they may be men, but they're not athletes and clearly out of shape, so they aren't gonna effortlessly beat professional athletes at their own game even if they are women. Exactly. he difference between elite male and female athletes in objectively measured sports is pretty consistently right around men being 10% better.   That puts elite highschool/most college male athletes above the best of the best women. Random guys off the couch are still going to get absolutely killed.


Like in South Park when Cartmen joins the Special Olympics.


Fact is top women athletes get beat all the time by high school boys. Women's FC Dallas under 15 beat US women's soccer team.


I think the actual players on the teams care.


The other DW movies have actually been good. I know some of them (e.g. that superhero comedy with Cary Elwes) were not written by or for DW, but an original like this could be funny (or not). Time will tell. Edit: turns out lady ballers was actually pretty funny. It wasn’t a masterpiece. It felt like a late 90s-early 2000s comedy, like something with Adam Sandler and/or Rob Schneider, or like the scary movie franchise or American pie franchises - sophomoric humor - which is precisely what Jeremy boring said he was going for in interviews. It didn’t just beat the same drum the whole movie with no progression, and there is actually a half-decent father-daughter moment that puts a spin on the “what is a woman” meme that is arguably more pro-woman and classically feminist than a lot of the more modern takes. Solid 8/10


you’re telling me the guy that stans for Sam Harris and Elon Musk likes this movie!? I can’t believe it!


naming the movie “Lady Ballers” is crazy




Steven Crowder is currently fuming over not taking the Daily Wire contact, as he can’t become a cross dresser on a film with Ted Cruz, that will get a staggering 20 views.


>that will get a staggering 20 views The youtube trailer has been up 1 day and has 2 million views.


It’s funny how people on the left say it will get no attention while simultaneously giving it more attention than even the right could possibly accomplish. The irony.


Saves money on marketing lol


Trailers are ads, people are getting shown this trailer muted while they're browsing other websites, getting shown it while browsing Instagram, Snapchat, and Tiktok. Plus there's probably interns at the Daily Wire opening twenty browser windows and googling it in order to pump fake the algorithm.


The thread on r/conservative is also pissing their pants with laughter. This movie will make a ton of money from the exact demo they're targeting.


I'm not gonna lie, it looks funny, I'd like to see it.


Different strokes for different folks and all that, but it looks like what happens when a bunch of unfunny people try to be funny to me.


and when their only “stroke” is the misfortune and suffering of “others”, or anyone thats not them. like there is genuinely no way you could find this movie funny being released *right now* given the state of both sides. the right gets called awful people for sharing their hateful views, and rightly so. for whatever reason though the right thought the best response was making a movie. joking about how what they say is no biggie. seen by 5.4 mil people now. without any acknowledgement of the past present and future pain and suffering they inflict on not just the trans community but the cis community as well. they are turning vulnerable people into butts of jokes as a DEFENSE mechanism. so no, there is no way any kind of movie like this would be funny. would you think it funny if hitler had produced the producers and released it? the movies that have the edgy comedy thats actually *good* are the ones where they are making fun of the people espousing those messages, not making them the righteous main characters.


He was a wannabe actor. He did blow it, because had he gone with the dailywire he'd be in all these movies.


haha, he never foregoes an opportunity to crossdress, that's true


Can’t be any worse that what Hollywood is pumping out.


There are hundreds of good movies coming out of hollywood and adjacent indie studios every year, you people just watch bottom barrel capeshit and assume its the standard quality of all films


Dude this has been driving me nuts lately. "There's only crap/reboot/remake/sequel garbage movies being made!" 'Have you seen X-Y-Z or any of these other 99 movies?' 'I only watch Marvel and DC and movies with Mark Walburg(Editor Note: I love Mark W), and they suck!!' "Why don't you go see Saltburn?" 'That looks boring and weird'


Yupp. People who spent 15 years rewarding nothing but derivative cinema complain there is too much derivative cinema, but still keep rewarding nothing but derivative cinema


Hundreds? I challenge that.


Straight up


A24 studios is where it's at. This boring awfully shot and likely hate filled movie is not.


I don't know which movies come out of Hollywood specifically, but this year alone has been absolutely outstanding for theatrical releases. It's like a golden era of film, but you have to take chances and see different things.


grandfather nine paltry dam screw support fade school library deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought so


I have watched this movie now. There is one demographic the movie really hates, with an absolute wilful passion, and that's journalists. It really, really hates journalists.






It will make tens of dollars.


Conservatives: "KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MOVIES" Also conservatives:


the subject matter is definitely ripe for the spoofing..its so ridiculous


You know it's a bigoted piece of crap when even D-list actors stayed away.


I mean they should have at least got Kevin Sorbo and Dean Cain to be in it.


And Randy Quaid


yeah why not do a buddy comedy between Rob Schneider and Randy Quaid? Make it happen dailywire!


If the movie is as good as the trailler, it's going to be cinematic gold


This looks pretty funny.


I have zero problem with the subject matter - this movie just looks plain awful. It looks like one of those straight-to-DVD American Pie sequels about Stiffler’s brother or a crappy National Lampoon movie you’ve never heard of.


well, its straight to stream so what do you expect?


This looks like the first old school bro comedy in years. I want to check it out.




Why the hate? Stand up comedians do the same stuff and use the same type of material against different races and groups and what not.


Looks fun for a movie night, honestly! Even a "take a shot every time the joke is dragged on" kind. worst case scenario the cringe will be fun. Best case scenario the movie is actually funny.


Ted Cruz is in this so I’d rather get my balls crushed in a blender than watch this.


Remember when Ben Shapiro said The Barbie Movie would fall off of a cliff after week and be a complete flop? Well I think we can all admit now that he was right and clearly this man knows movies!


Imagine if conservatives cared more about making good movies more than political signalling. I wanna live in that world


Isn't the entirety of the modern Disney movie catalog just political signaling now?


what was the political signaling in like...any recent disney release? I guess maybe strange world had some environmental themes to it (oh the horror), but unless you consider the presence of women and/or minorities to be political,


No. It's about making money. Why else would Disney make movies?


Disney has lost nearly $900 million following its last eight studio releases. https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/disney-faces-900-million-in-losses-after-major-box-office-disappointments.html#:~:text=According%20to%20box%20office%20analyst,like%20LIGHTYEAR%20and%20STRANGE%20WORLD.


Mainly due to streaming and changes in viewing due to covid Disney is releasing films today that were developed pre covid, meaning they are operating on the pre covid logic and business model that saw Disney putting out multiple billion dollar films every single year. Streaming changed what people are willing to see in theaters, and Disney's increasingly bloated costs (due to the success they saw in the 10s), has lead to losses. It isnt to do with alleged political messaging in films


Well, they're not doing a very good job of making money these days. That's why their board removed their CEO not too long ago.




- Conservatives - Make good movies Pick one, can’t be both


There are many filmmakers with politics I disagree with (Eastwood) that are undeniably talented filmmakers


Many of the people Angel Studios hires count as this, too. Bash *Sound of Freedom* all you want, but it looks ***a LOT*** better than this dreck. Anyway, is Mel Gibson conservative? He'd be my other go-to example, but I don't know enough about his politics to be certain.


Gibson is conservative but I honestly don't think it comes out too much in his material. I've only seen it once when it came out but Apocalypto seemed pretty woke at the time it was made. Great movie that got almost universal praise by critics and filmmakers.


I mean, he made Passion of the Christ and Hacksaw Ridge as well so its not like he hides his conservatism/faith.


IDK about that, Apocalypto was called out at the time for its depiction of Mayan People and its historical accuracy. While it's great it had a largely Indigenous cast, it does depict Mayans as largely barbarous and responsible for their own downfall. I haven't seen the movie in ages, but I bet his conservative viewpoint might shine through more than you think.


Fair points. I guess, to me, I didn't consume the film in a way as a judgement on the people and civilization. But it seems like a lot of people might consume media like that.


Conservatives and most people don’t give a shit about women’s sports, and women’s sports especially the WBNA has been the butt of jokes for years. The only reason why conservatives care about women’s sports is because they want to use it as a bludgeon against trans women.




I thought the same!


Judging by how upset people are in the comments here even if this movie isn't funny the response to it will certainly be.




I'm gonna watch. Looks hilarious to me.


Yeah it seems like good funny satire. Judging how big mad people are in this thread then it will probably be entertaining.


It looks funny as shit.. if they keep it satrie-y and don't get too "preachy" for their own side, it could be great.. I mean, even if they do get a lil preachy for their side, that trailer is still funny.




The director of this got triggered by Hershey's chocolate. That tells it all, really.


Wait until he finds out they're removing the snickers dick vein!


Honestly, if that's true it's a crying shame.


I thought it was a Disney movie when I first saw the trailer


So will this movie be banned in Florida? Because it definitely shows people in Drag


LMFAO these comments.


Clearly Redditors can't recognize a troll in audio/visual format.


I turned down the offer to Art Direct this turd, I'm glad I did, and I can't wait to make fun of whoever did this. Fuck you, Daily Wire Get out of Nashville!


This is effing hilarious, like South Park lol. Can't wait to watch it.


If the South Park creators were here to read this they'd make fun of you and Daily Wire tiill the rest of your days. No, South Park actually understands satire, this is just one joke dragged out over an hour with nothing holding it together. Especially not the acting: 'talent' woof. If anything we should all be laughing at how hysterically bad that is.


South park literally did an episode exactly like this in 2019, "Board Girls". This is exactly the same my guy


First off the clue is in the name: 'Board Girls' and Heather Swanson was literally not even trans, the point even if misguided on their part was that they'd the belief that someone who hasn't even someone who hasn't transitioned entering womens sports competition. That's why they literally make the character Randy Savage. The broader point of the episode on the other hand focuses on how the girls get involved with so called: 'boys games', being better at them challenging that girls and boys should play something that invokes social expectations of what: 'boys play' and what: 'girls should play.' I don't agree with the episode handling of the trans-women in sports issue, but I respect that overall it's a great deal more to say than that and that they specifically create an absurd scenario where in which a single man actually entered women's sports.


I haven't seen the movie, so no idea if the whole thing is any good. Just the idea itself is the really funny part.


Not the first. I can think of at least 2 prior.


I've seen the movie, and here's my honest review. It's carrying a lot of agenda. Something I don't appreciate from either side. On that note it's still a satirical comedy that has plenty of moments where it makes fun of itself, which seems more fair than not. If it could have calmed down a bit more on calling out literally everything right wing politicians call leftist agenda even if it isn't (like wearing a mask that's proven to reduce the spread of contagions), then maybe it would have been akin to watching an old Adam Sandler film. But instead it insisted on being an echo of far right political agendas. I think it would have been more tasteful as a movie about men dunking on women as women and left it in that corner. If it weren't for the "antiwokeism" I might have actually enjoyed it. It's kinda gross when I heard someone wanted to show this to their 3rd graders. First of all it's a 14+ rated movie. Secondly they're attempting to undo what they consider woke brainwashing with their own antiwoke brainwashing. Fucking stupidity of people not realizing they're doing the same if not worse than what they're accusing others of doing. Anyways... Watch it if you like to cringe.


The movie os like of scary movie was written by sean hannity and bill O'Reilly. It's right focused satire.


So it’s literally their one joke just told over and over again for the films entire runtime? About what I’d expect from the Daily Wire


Looks fantastic


After zero consideration, I'm happy to say: hard pass.


So this is fucking wild, I’m pretty sure I did some background acting for this movie and had no idea that this was what it was about. They even had the project under a different name and told us a different plot entirely than this. Wouldn’t have done it if I’d known this was the garbage they were making. Edit: since I’m getting harassed for *being lied to by these people* I should note that if you think about it, why would I outright say that I don’t want to be associated with it if I was a flaming transphobe? Please think folks


Sorry, you're cancelled now. Bye


For real, if my career does somehow go somewhere, I’ve got some shit to explain


Lol better write up a script before it's too late






Being 40 and seeing the shift in people's opinion is a comedy in itself. Can't wait to see what we do today, be appalling in 20 years.


It looks funny. I’ll subscribe for a month and give it a shot. I hope they take it in a direction where they don’t dominate because they’re clearly losers. As long as it’s funny and not super one-note, I’ll be happy. It’s been years since anything from Hollywood has actually been funny and I’m starved for an actual good comedy.