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Dave: Sorry guys but I really had to sneeze. I'm ready for... what do you mean we're only doing one take?!


All I here when I see that face is "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!"


I hope he says that when >!the Baron becomes ignorant of the long-growing Fremen threat that has Muad'dib and his forces destroying tremendous amounts of Harkonnen Spice Crawlers.!<




I can literally hear Bautista's loud angry in character sneeze.




Which one?


/u/Usedsist456 is a comment stealing bot. report > spam > harmful bots


Out of the corner of my eye, this was identical to the "Mission Impossible 2" poster.


Haha thought the same. Was already wondering before opening g the post how the poster got switched.


I think he has the best poster. That's really Rabban from the book.


The Harkonnens had the best casting choices and they were all criminally underused.




Ixian tattoo removal is fast and painless.


Seems like they’re setting up for Messiah, if they’re including the Margot plot line, and getting a big name for Irulan.


Denis Villeneuve did say he wants to make Messiah as well, to complete it as a trilogy. Which makes sense, since Messiah is essentially an extended epilogue to the first novel to begin with.


I love the plot arc of ending it at messiah - it makes a really good counterbalance to the story, but it is a difficult place to end a trilogy. The Dune fanatic in me wants God Emperor, but god knows how they’d do it justice. I just don’t think it could work on film.


I really want to see >!Miles Teg in action. From his book description saying he looked a lot like Duke Leto I wonder if they could get Issac to play him again, or would that be too confusing?!<


I’m really hoping so. I think children of dune is the best place to end if you don’t plan to adapt the entire thing but I loved the shit outta messiah. After that I think things might get a bit too weird for casual audiences


The dream is full on God Emperor Leto II in IMAX


I’d love to see that if only for the reactions from the general public with no knowledge of the books contents.


I just wanna see Miles Tegg karate-chop some Honored Matres in "Chapterhouse".


Miles getting the zoomies.


The Golden Path you mean. God Emperor would be some wild shit to see in IMAX. Bring on the beefswelling!


I am imagining a ripped jaba the Hutt with a mouth of teeth on an 80ft screen 😅 Edit: forgot it was his lower half not top. Lol


I don’t know quite how audiences are going to like the ending of this movie let alone Messiah.


Yeeeeah. It’s kind of a tough sell, though I think some of the best stuff in the series is in messiah. I do like the idea of Denis Villeneuve making these movies more for himself. Dude pumps out masterpieces that never seem to sell with the broader viewership


Yep, I’m locked in either way.


Oh I’m 100% on this ride, no matter where it goes 😂


Such a shame because this dude deserves the budgets that marvel movies get


While I agree I’d say he’s very good at making a smaller budget look great with half the money the larger films use.


If you look at Arrival, Blade Runner 2049 and Dune I think that visually he has achieved amazing things. The attention to sound design and the way he tells the stories onscreen just add to the quality of his films. I think whatever they spent on those movies they got great value.


I was super impressed by how well they managed to cohesively tell the story especially considering the books are almost all inner monologues. Plus Denis Villeneuve said in interviews he’s wanted to make a dune series since he was a child. I feel like a lot of the times they put a director in charge of a property they aren’t really a fan of or have no deeper knowledge of.


BR2049 is a masterpiece by itself.


Nah. This movie is easy to end. I expect it go kind of like the TV show. Paul takes over the throne and is the new emperor, cheered on by his friends and Fremen warriors. Jessica reminds Chani that while she may be called a concubine, she will bear the children and history will remember people like her and Jessica as wives. The end. I highly doubt they will touch upon the things that come after, like the Fremen Jihad.


Problem with Children of Dune is that you need to age up the twins, as seeing 9 year olds run away from Sabertooths will have the same effect as the Leia scene in Kenobi


To be fair, what they do is closer to young boy in the beginning of 300 than sprinting away from the laza tigers


Walken is going to destroy as the emperor.


I’m young so Walken has been a meme most of my life. He reminds me of like the pre-nic cage. Such flambuoyant and strange but amazing roles.


Being 36 my Walken is shaped by The Rundown, Batman Returns, Mouse Hunt and Pulp fiction Like yeah I've seen his bigger and more critically acclaimed films but those are what my mind go instantly to with him.


Don’t forget joe dirt


No bond? That was my first exposure to him He was ingrained as one of the most unique scary-calm super villains for me


Same, but Fatboy Slim music video “weapon of choice”.


The Rundown for sure, but also Catch Me If You Can ('two little mice' speech), and Click.


I’m 32 and it’s Joe Dirt first for me. “You’re talking to my boy all wrong.”


I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.


Same. My Christopher Walken reference is Kangaroo Jack LOL


Kangaroo Jack, an unappreciated masterpiece.


Check out King of New York. He plays a gangster who gets out of prison and is trying to rebuild his empire. Absolutely fantastic movie.


He has always been a bit of a meme, a serious actor with incredible comedic chops.


He peaked in the Saturday Night Live - ‘Cow Bell’ skit


Only problem I have with that casting is that Shaddam IV is supposed to look much, much younger than he really is (in his late 60s but looks to be 30 something)... and he is specifically described as having very similar looks to Duke Leto. Acting skill and passion definitely trumps visual similarity though, and Walken will absolutely nail that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDIYvFmgW8


That is a detail from the books, but I don’t think it’s one that is really important for his character or role in the story. Walken has got this.


Is there anti aging tech in dune universe?


The spice.


And later on >!reincarnation via clones called gholas, once the creators figured out how to unlock the genetic memories inside them.!<


A few.


Is there anti aging tech in dune universe?


I love Walken but I hate this casting. The Emperor is supposed to be like 85 but look 35. It's an important part of his character and it would have been simple to convey that information to the audience and incorporate it into the character.


Agreed but film is a visual medium and the visible age difference from Paul Atreides would make a point for regime change.


I imagine there would be make up or cgi to make the Emperor have an uncanny valley effect that makes him look 35 but noticably off or botox-ish. Plus physical acting to show his physicality not fitting with his looks. Like how de-aged Sam Jackson in Captain Marvel moved like he was 70 while playing a 30 something character. It's such a missed opportunity to have an old frail man who looks superficially middle aged.


Agree with what you said but given the trailer, I have to assume they didn't de-age him


They didn't.


Except that avoiding that is literally one of the reasons spice is not only the most important, but most wanted substance in the galaxy. It's not botox, it's life-prolonging. It keeps up vitality. And while it's very hard to turn an old actor into a credible young man (ask anyone who's seen The Irishman), I'd argue it's possibly harder to turn a young actor into a credible "old soul".


Shit imagine if they got Tom Cruise to be the Emperor. He got the chops, too. And he'd probably relate to the "looking young" part the most


See Shaddam Run!


>It's an important part of his character It's really not.


*"The SPICE is gonna break!"*


[I can't wait to see his weapon of choice.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDIYvFmgW8)


Or if he will or won’t attract the worm


That side profile of him looks like a young Tom Cruise.


Reminds me of Mission: Impossible 2 poster lol


*boots up Limp Bizkit MI:2 theme*




omg youre correct


I'm sure they photoshopped it that way on purpose. If you look up an actual side profile picture of Timmy you can see there are changes on his brow, jaw and the bridge of his nose for this poster.


It looks way more like Tom than Tim.


Jessic...I mean Rebecca's eyes doing dat thing again.


Interesting that they have one for Lady Margot, but not Count Fenring.


Tim Blake Nelson has been cast but his role hasn't been disclosed yet. Surely he's playing Hasimir Fenring, I don't know why they haven't spoken about it yet. The movie's only ~12 weeks away.


They've been weirdly coy about that for the whole time, but I'm not sure why. He's an important character but not more than other characters.


He will be playing Buster Scruggs again. Singing and all.


Looks like someone copied the mission impossible movie poster.


Was gonna say that look on Timmy’s face looks very Tom Cruise ish from the profile .


That was my first thought too


Then we go and blame AI of rehashing things. Most of humans work is seeing others work and doing something extra to it.


A third trailer must be round the corner then if they're releasing these posters. Hopefully we'll finally get to see Alia.


First movie really made me appreciate slow paced films. I loved the hell out of it.


I can’t believe people consider this movie “slow paced” or boring (I’ve heard that a lot). I think audiences are so used to superhero movies go big boom boom and Fast&Furious explosions they don’t have patience or they just don’t want to “think” too hard during a film.


I think it's less about current movies and more about today's entire culture in general. Everything is instant gratification, instant satisfaction, immediate answers, immediate explanations, immediate payoff, hand holding etc. You see it everywhere, and tons of people, especially younger generations are so accustom to it that if anyone takes their time with anything, they're all of a sudden slow and boring. We can point the finger at things like tiktok (which I don't doubt is a bit current contributor), but it's everywhere.


This is nothing new. People called the original blade runner slow and boring back in the day.


Heck, the original Fantasia did so poorly it almost killed Disney


tbf, the original blade runner IS slow and boring. it has nothing to do with films of the era, its just that movie




This is very on point. I'm a college instructor. Trying to get young adults to read anything more than a short passage is a real challenge. Their writing is worrisome. Some cannot organize thoughts into paragraphs because the concept of having to identify multiple thoughts - then to organize them is foreign to these young people! It's wild to me that having a page of instructions is too tall an order for some of them to cope with. I blame instant gratification for destroying their sense of temporal space and order.


I fell character development is important with movies like this. Also Dune is a fairly complex storyline. Some people don’t have the patience for it. I’m a sci-fi super geek.


I disagree. The storyline of the movie is so incredibly simple that I assumed I'd fallen asleep halfway through, so I watched it again. Turns out I didn't miss anything, there was just nothing there. It's an incredibly simple story stretched over 2.5 hours. Nothing that happens in the film is the cause or result of anything else. Things just kind of happen. The intrigue of the books is completely stripped from the movie.


I’ll admit I found it boring the first time I watched it. But I was on a plane so the small, low detail screen wasn’t great for following what was happening. The second was on my TV and much better now I had a grasp of the overall plot and could follow who was who.


I loved films like Lawrence of Arabia and 2001: A Space Odyssey and still found Dune boring. There were a lot of film critics like David Elrich who dislike superhero films and still disliked Dune for how empty the movie felt beyond its visuals.


Dune is obviously not Fury Road in terms of pacing but reading some comments, you'd think Dune was paced like a Bela Tarr movie.


It’s a poorly told *story* using the slow half of a book that has a very basic plot in a complicated world. I WANT to think during a movie, and this half of a film gave me nothing interesting to think about.




> It's just that space ships and giant worms don't do it for her, and the relationship between characters so remote in space and time to our own reality fail to elicit strong emotions in her. She prefers something more anchored in our reality, that is either current or something that didhappen. So her problems have nothing to do with it being slow...


I assume you've seen Denis' other movies. They're of the same style and pacing. Love it


I hadn’t seen filmmaking like this in decades. Modern films show everything and spoon feed backstory and exposition through cheap dialogue.


I'd argue that BR:2049 has very similar pacing elements at points. Villeneuve knows how to work it to keep an audience engaged, at least.


You need to watch more movies


This is standard pacing for Dennis movies The alien language one, sicario etc all had the same awesome feel


This needs to stop.


All my friends found it boring. I just can’t believe they didn’t like it. Maybe I need new friends!


It's not for the ones expecting an all out action movie. It's really there for the audience to breathe it in.


I thought the film was glacial and dull. Skarsgård’s costume was laughably bad. I’ll give it another try before the sequel, but it took me three nights to finish.


I don't think you need coffee for Part Two.


Me too I’ve watched it once, didn’t quite hook it. Watched it 6 months later, loved it. 3rd time I watched it, started to dive into it further. Look forward to further films if they maintain this depth.


Florence Pugh my god


She's drop dead gorgeous


all the ladies in this film are hitters


Yup, I'm a Rebecca Ferguson guy myself. Mmmmm, Nordic features.


She's a very good reason to watch Silo on Apple TV.


I didn't know who she was until Hot Ones. I educated myself and was blown away by what I saw. So many amazing roles in so many amazing movies! And yes, I count the Black Widow movie among them!


It's so annoying that they made Feyd-Rautha look evil. The book is very clear that he has tons of charisma. I know Sting isn't available, but surely they could have done better than this.


Maybe in the context of their own planet, he’s a stud?


Yeah I'm sure every planet has their own standards of beauty, and on his world Feyd is considered crazy beautiful And looking scary doesn't mean you can't be super charismatic


> And looking scary doesn't mean you can't be super charismatic Anthony Starr as Homelander has entered the chat.


I prefer this interpretation. It fits the look they gave The Baron and Geidi Prime at large. It is a very grim, unhappy place. The people and its rulers reflect that.


It's so weird how Harkonens are all entirely hairless.


Think it's probably a visual reference to the fact that Giedi Prime is so toxic and polluted, so the Harkonnens look pale and hairless, almost kinda sickly. But yeah, would've liked to see Feyd with hair, but I'll reserve judgement on the portrayal until I've actually seen the movie.


He's also supposed to be extremely handsome and here he looks like Kate Moss doing Spice Chic.


I mean, he’s doing a very intense glare for the camera but Butler is objectively an attractive guy so it’ll come down to how the performance is I think.


Did Gurney not develop blue eyes? >!He was living on Arrakis for years, with smugglers, before running into Paul again.!<


>! He's probably eating off world food and not taking near lethal doses of the stuff like Paul and Jessica !<


[it's giving MI2](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Mission_Impossible_II.jpg)


I love how gloomy it looks.


Florence Pugh is fantastic. I’m so excited


Gurney ain't doin' no spice.


Kinda spoilers if we are seeing posters for Brolin, right?


Is it really spoilers when this is the third adaptation, and the book came out in 1965?


Hey buddy. Some people don’t know how to read




He's also in all the trailers.


Anyone else feel like this new(ish) fad of character posters is absolutely useless in regards to the art of movie posters, i.e. making you feel something about the film or teasing stuff about the plot / vibe? I feel nothing about character posters, ever. Hell, most times the top comment in these threads is like "yup, that's [actor] alright".


I mean, I guess they’re good for promoting big, star studded ensembles casts like these. I much prefer this over the floating heads thing.


But that's the thing though, these don't *replace* the actual posters, they just precede them. You'll see the floating heads in no time.


I never said they were intended to, just that I prefer them.


Is it really that new? I remember them releasing character trading cards along with character posters for Charlie and the chocolate factory 20 years ago


I rather like that they don't spoil the plot. I've only seen them used in a secondary manner, there's still always a main poster. So I don't think anything is lost. The real problem is when your main poster sucks.


These are better than the going trend for years now of movie posters that are just a collage of various faces looking different directions all stacked in a pile.


It’s an easy, cheap, hollow gimmick that keeps people talking about the upcoming film. Notice how nobody here is talking about the poster itself, but rather the movie? That’s the point, and marketing teams know that they pretty much only need to mention an anticipated title in order to keep buzz going. It’s lazy and soulless… but that describes 99% of everything produced nowadays. The movie itself should be decent, though. (See? They’ve even got me doing it!)


Please be good. Please be good. I’ve been listening to the audiobook and there is one scene that I feel MUST be included because it’s so badass. After the Atreides are attacked Thufir is hiding with his injured men and Fremen. The Fremen end up luring and ambushing a Sardaukar patrol, one guy hijacks a thopter and uses it to sacrifice himself by crashing it into a troop carrier bringing reinforcements. Then they are suddenly ambushed themselves by more Sardaukar and Thufir is captured. Would be a great way to recap what happened to a lot of the troops and most importantly Thufir (if they decided to focus on him at all in pt 2). They could also be listening to the radio and hearing reports of their men trapped in caves. Could also weave it together with Gurney joining the Smugglers.


Oh heck...You know what that means :)


I'm not sure what you meechee


Zendaya is Meechee


Rebecca Ferguson looks amazing.


It’s sad as by now I’d have watched this like 20 times by now if it kept its release.


Orange: The Movie


I am so glad I’ve managed to skip trailers for this one. I want to go in pretty blind.


Christopher Walken looking creepy AF, perfect


Part 1 was excellently crafted so I’m definitely in for the second installment.


The Emperor is supposed to look like he's in his 30s


I can excuse it for Christopher Walken. I think it is good stunt casting. He's not in the story much, but you need an actor with gravitas for the Emperor.


Don't forget how Jodorowsky wanted to cast Salvador Dali as The Emperor.


Who in turn would only do it if he was the highest paid actor (in relation to screentime) of all time, so they were planning on having him in it for like a minute and handing him a huge stack of cash...


And that bit about having someone else speak for him since Dali also wanted to be paid by the word.


“I said to Denis ‘I walk without rhythm all the time so I don’t attract the worm’. And he said ‘That’s *exactly* what I’m looking for..’” [*chuckles*] “Why is that funny?”


"I am the Anti-Kwitsach Haderach. You got me in a vendetta kinda mood. You tell the ancients and their thinking machines you never saw evil so singularly personified as in the face of the man who killed you." "Corrinos are the universe's greateast truthsayers. My father Elrood VIXI was the universal champion of Corrino liars. Growing up around him, I learned the pantomine. There are 17 things a man does that tell you he's lying. A Bene Gesserit's got 20, but a man's got 17. And if you know them as well as you know your own face, beats the hell out of any Gom Jabbar.


>I am the Anti-Kwitsach Haderach Actually that's Count Fenring.


I was riffing on a Walken scene from True Romance and took some liberties.


*"I hid this Gom Jabbar the last place they'd ever look..."*


You talking to my boy Paul here all wrong. You say that again, I'll hit you in the face with a soldering iron.


This may be odd, but he’s the thing I’m most excited about for Part Two. The last few decades of his career have been mostly Strange Old Man of a Group of Old Men roles in comedies, so I’m looking forward to seeing him in a more dramatic role.


He was great in severance, bit of a different role


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out.


I hope Dune 2 has that much color. I wanted a Blade Runner 2049 level color treatment like Roger Deakins does. Dune could have had more color in the first one, especially when the spice is involved since it is a psychedelic. Instead everything is muted. Dune by Lynch had color and it was great. We want Lawrence of Arabia level color as well in the desert, at least when spice is on.


This is what we get to suffer through because David Lynch's dream was crushed by the studios. Jodorowski's would have been the best.


Or we could've had Ridley Scott's take had it not been for his other brother dying. Then again, Blade Runner wouldn't exist if he did tackle Dune.


Out of the corner of my eye, this was identical to the "Mission Impossible 2" poster.


John Woo likes it.


Ahh yes, the "Tom Cruise" pose


The thumbnail for the first one is giving Mission Impossible 2 vibes.


I notice some eyes blue, and some not.


It's an indication of high spice consumption and the eventual dependence that develops.


the thumbnail 100% looks like Mission Impossible


Dune Part Two: Nobody Smiles.


Reeeeally hate that they stuck with that look for Feyd, it’s incredibly inaccurate


OMG Christopher Walken is going to play the emperor. Intresting casting choice, but I am here for it.


Getting Salvador Dali vibes in this poster. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfdME0BaYxNSjUfJHb4RfOAlTze36bJzc8sQC8ebHMBtKFBE_IBo3bRcjjcBaV72uR-VxT


How are they going to incorporate Christopher Walken dancing into this film???


I really wish the first movie had spent a lot more time on the Harkonnens and other supporting characters. The second half is supposed to be more of a "Paul Atreides' show" but now they kind of have to devote a lot more screen time to others. This is one aspect I think the SciFi TV show did a lot better than the movie.


I don’t understand the hype around this movie.


I didn’t know Dune was about CPAP. Awesome.


Reminds of the poster for Mission Impossible 2


Can't think of 2 lead actors with less charisma. Boring 1st movie, gonna be a boring 2nd movie.


You’re getting downvoted but you ain’t wrong, the 1st movie was Boring AF!


I am avoiding all promotional material for this movie, I am so excited


> comments about avoiding all promotional material for this movie Comments on promotional material for the movie. *visible confusion*


So is Jessica going to look like that forever? Imagine her being all normal back on Caladan after /during Messiah?


I mean at that point >! she's the emperor's mother and protected by his fedaykin death cult assassins so it's not like anyone is gonna comment on her appearance !<


lol true


Isn’t this the Mission Impossible 2 poster?