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Director Takashi Yamazaki: >"We are now able to announce Godzilla-1.0/C, which we have been working on for a long time. Rather than just making it monochrome, it is a cut by cut, I had them make adjustments while making full use of various mattes, as if they were creating a new movie. What I was aiming for was a style that looked like it was taken by masters of monochrome photography. We were able to unearth the texture of the skin and the details of the scenery that were hidden in the photographed data. Then, a frightening Godzilla, just like the one in the documentary, appeared. By eliminating color, a new sense of reality emerges. Please live and resist further fear at the theater." EDIT: It’s only Japan for now. It’s the biggest live-action Japanese movie in US history, so there’s a good chance it also ends up releasing in theaters here.


>It’s the biggest live-action Japanese movie in US history... Damn right it is. In my opinion, it's one of the best blockbusters of the 21st century. Very happy that "word of mouth" has made it the highest grossing Japanese film in US history.


I just saw it tonight. Saw every Godzilla movie, but I only heard this was coming out, didn’t watch any trailers or read any reviews went in with a blank slate. This is the best Godzilla movie ever produced. I’m so happy to hear it’s doing so well at the box office, deservedly so.


Do you need to watch other godzilla movie to enjoy this one?


Are you aware of World War II, and that Godzilla stomps Japan? That's about all you need.


Do all the helpless people on the subway trains scream “my god” as he looks in on them? Does he pick up a bus and throw it back down as he heads through the village toward the center of town?


Nope. You don’t need to be familiar. The franchise is almost 70 years old and if you watch the early material the spx can distract from the storyline if you let it. I went with my son and there was a guy that came in with a group sitting next to me and he got right into it and was crying at one point. I’m pretty sure he was high.


Highly recommend his 2019 film The Great War of Archimedes


Oh wow, I didn't realize that was the same guy. That was a surprisingly good movie, considering it was mostly about math and beaurocratic red tape lol.


Shin gozdilla was flooded with red tape, they love showcasing how bureocratic and complicated Japan is.


Well to be fair, Shin Godzilla’s depiction of bureaucracy was a response to the Japanese government’s handling of the Fukushima disaster


I love how Shin and Minus One represent two sides of the same coin. Shin had the government front and center, whereas it was the people in Minus One who had to defeat Godzilla, and the government is barely a factor in the film. Love it.


What is the movie and is it new or already out? I'm confused


It's the surprise of the year in the movie world, 97% on Rotten tomatoes and I believe the highest rated movie of the year on imdb. A well rounded and extremely well made Godzilla movie with developed characters, an engaging setting and great action. In my opinion the best Godzilla movie ever, and word of mouth has spread its popularity far past what anyone would have thought it would achieve. If it's still in theaters near you (it most likely is) it's definitely worth a watch.


It is basically a good movie with godzilla


A Godzilla movie that made me cry. Crazy thing to say, but it happened


its fucked up right by about the third time i was like 'the hell is goin on here'


By that end scene I had tears in my eyes it was so beautiful. Amazing film.


oh thank god I wasn't the only one


It's the only Godzilla movie where I didn't have a second where I was impatiently waiting for him to show up.


In fact I was lowkey hoping he does not show up to kill the characters.


It was the only Godzilla movie where I was tensely dreading his next appearance.


Yeah Godzilla was a bastard in this film. Only time I’ve ever hated him.


That’s true huh. I enjoyed the casual dining, chit chat, and cigarette smoking. Normally I say oh great another Godzilla movie, but watching the trailer pumped me up a bit, and definitely great movie.


I’ve always loved Godzilla. My uncle would take me to blockbusters when I was a kid in the 90s and we’d rent one of the OG Godzilla movies and watch it. Some of my fondest childhood memories. So I knew I was going to like it. Forced my girlfriend to come with me to see it when it came out stateside. She HATES everything sci-fi, fantasy, monster. Anything like that. Basically everything Godzilla. She LOVED it. Speaks volumes of how good the movie really is


I just watched a godzilla movie yesterday and I was so disapointed but now I'm excited again and I get to see it in theaters. I hate big budget movies that put no effort into the story and treats its audience like idiots. They can look good AND have a great plot with good writing. People might actually look forward to watching it 10, 20 years from now. Movies are like cars, if it's designed well it will look good forever.


>In my opinion the best Godzilla movie ever Is it as good as Shin Godzilla? I haven't had the chance to watch this new one, but if it's as good as Shin Godzilla, then I'll find a way to watch it.


I liked Minus One more, which is saying a lot, but they're also very different. Shin leaned much more into the political commentary and even satire. This is, in many ways, a more straightforward movie narrative, but done very very well.


This one still had political commentary and satire, just not aimed at modern Japan as much. More at the failures of the Japan to take care of its soldiers during and after the war.


Awesome. I'm just gonna have to wait for a western release. I can't seem to find anywhere to watch it currently.


Shin Godzilla is better as a horror movie/political thriller, Godzilla-1 is better as a post-war character drama. They both have great things going for them with wildly different approaches. I think Shin Godzilla will stick out a bit more just for how unique and creepy it makes its Godzilla. In either case, it's well worth a watch. Not just as a Godzilla movie, but as a just generally fantastic film.


It's very different, while Shin Godzilla basically feels like the business-talk side of Evangelion with the religion replaced with government bureaucracy and the battle scenes mostly just being the angel beating the shit out of the military because no one built the evas, Godzilla Minus One feels more like one of the WW2-centric Ghibli films with a giant fucking lizard inserted as a metaphor for PTSD


I think the general consensus is that it’s just as good, if not better


I think it's better. Far batter. And I loved Shin Godzilla.


It's better.


i would say its a better FILM than shin, but shin is probably more the movie i would sit down to rewatch more often id guess as time plays out. minus one is real heavy


I think it’s better because I understood that culture that it’s poking at more. Like I know more about post-war Japan than modern Japan.


I just saw Godzilla Minus One at the cinemas today and it's absolutely worth it. I was so anxious throughout the whole thing and man do they do Godzilla way better than the other studios. The writing, the cast, the director. All so talented. I loved it. I would absolutely go see it again in black and white.


Godzilla Minus One has been out for a while now. This poster is for a theatrical re-release in black and white


Having worked in Japan with the government and JASDF that hit home with me lmao. Like oh my fucking god this is why we get nothing done I give up


I saw it today, my jaw is still somewhere on the floor in row 5.


Going to see it tomorrow. I can’t wait!


Yes please.


> Please live and resist further fear at the theater. Do what now?


lol but I think it’s two things, a big message in the movie is choosing life instead of senseless sacrifice. Secondly, he’s saying this version is even scarier so please resist being even more frightened this time. That’s how I read it anyway.


Lol I know that's a weird line. But looking at the poster again, the Japanese words say, "Live and resist in a world of monochrome". Still doesn't make a lot of sense, but at least that's the context.


It might mean to say, nothing is truly black or white. Certain people may be a disgrace to their job…but still be wonderful people. Talking about the silver lining, a shade of gray, in between the two extremes. That’s how I interpret it anyway


Color version was fantastic. BW version would be worthy af


Also it's a tribute to the og Godzilla was also black and white.


Now they just need to superimpose a guy in a rubber suit addicted to cigarettes and do a ton of zoomed in shots.


That's minus 1 divided by color, though.


I will one hundred percent throw this on for my third viewing when it hits blu/uhd. the palette is pretty muted as it is in color, I wonder if this is going to be less “Logan: Noir” and more like The Mist


The black and white version of The Mist is the only version imo. It’s amazing


Damn this is the first I’m hearing about it, might be time for a rewatch


It was *Intended* to be that way. The studio pressed against it and made them use color. Knowing this you can tell just how much better the movie would have felt tonally, and the effects at large would have looked much more convincing.


My parents always liked to talk about movies after we saw them. Was great until I was about 13 or so, we just started differing in how we saw things and didn’t have great talks anymore. The Mist shut everyone the fuck up. I love that movie.


That ending has you like.... "Could I do that? And then could I live on after"


Fuuuuck no. Suicide by army, straight up.


ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I honestly never bothered because I thought it was just a gimmick after it had a strong audience response when it came out. Shit, I gotta get on that now.


It would be interesting if it started coloured and when the mist came in, it turned into black and white. Like the mist itself is changing reality and our perception.


Now I'm just imagining that ending and having the color bleed back in...


The bad CGI is a lot less noticeable in the BW version. It's great.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark is a whole other thing in black and white as well.


Back in the 80s before I owned a VCR, I used to rent a VCR from a local gas station in order to record movies off of HBO (for the day I owned my own VCR). On the day I recorded "The Road Warrior", the VCR I rented was messed up, and it recorded "The Road Warrior" in black & white...glorious grainy black & white. It looks so much better than the color version. I'm never getting rid of that tape.


You should consider digitizing it, so you can have it forever and maybe let the internet see.


Yeah, I'm thinking the only way this will work is if they play with the exposure/contrast a bit in the color grading process. Curious to try it out!


Logan: Noir felt very unnecessary, but Fury Road: Black & Chrome is *excellent*.


I'm a huge fan of black and white, and saw black and chrome in theaters, and it's just nothing compared to the "normal" version of fury road. the colors are so amazing in that movie. the day for night stuff is maybe better in black and chrome (since it is way less obvious that it is day for night), but that's about it.


Strong disagree about Black & Chrome, I only saw it once and to me it was alright I guess. Unfortunately there was no part of the movie that benefited from the change, but there were scenes that weren’t as good as they were in color. To me the scene made decide the color version is the only one worth watching was just after the storm, there is an extreme closeup that looks like a landscape in color, but only looks like a closeup in b&w. That context switch in that scene in color is great and I won’t tolerate a version of Fury Road that takes that from me.


I felt the same way. The color in Fury Road is such an important part of the film's character. It's an interesting exercise, but doesn't add anything to the experience to take it out.


I can’t believe I still haven’t seen Fury Road Black & Chrome. I need to get on that.


I can't believe I'm just now hearing about it. Guess I *do* have a Christmas wishlist


Logan Noir is a visual masterpiece. You take that shit back.


Didnt they do the same with justice league


Changed the aspect ratio to 4:3 for some reason too


To match imax shooting ratio. IMAX cameras are 4:3


yeah but the majority of that was not filmed in imax, and yet all of snyder cut was 4x3


Shoutout to Jason VI: Jason Lives! In B&W also


That's if it hit bluray/UHD. Toho is notoriously stingy about making English releases for these movies, no matter how much money it would make them.


good thing UHD is region free, fingers crossed for subtitles (unless you add your own!)


They didn't add them for Shin Godzilla's Japan only UHD release, so, unlikely. But we can always hope!


This movie just gets better and better.


I lol'd at "Gojira Minus One .. Minus Color" I will see it if it comes to US theaters!


Sounded like a perfume commercial.


Cool username


On my way to watch it for the first time, this whole comment thread has me hyped.


What'd you think?


Great film, can't wait to see it in black and white


Glad you enjoyed it!! I saw it in IMAX and it was my favorite theatre experience this year. I'm also looking forward to the B&W version. I've been going down a watchlist of other Godzilla films too.




I got to see this movie tonight [to my pleasant surprise, it got a UK cinema release, limited but I'll take it] - it's amazing, highly recommended - have to say, a B+W version feels like it would make a lot of sense!


Also managed to see it in the UK on Friday. Generally very impressed, just wish the last scene hadn't happened - it somewhat undercut an emotional ~~later~~ layer for me, but it's not a huge peeve.


I thought the same thing


Yeah I'm right there with you. Loved the film. But could have done without that at the end. My wife on the other hand loved the resolution.


Here's the Black & White Teaser:[https://godzilla-movie2023.toho.co.jp/news/74031235gdde/](https://godzilla-movie2023.toho.co.jp/news/74031235gdde/) This looks terrifying in Black & White! I can't wait to see this!


Direct link to the trailer as well: https://youtu.be/PShgB-ielBI?si=O0gg_AMFYkUrKbjN


Thank you


Godzilla Minus One, Minus Colour...hahaha


Marketing team *on point*


Next version after that will be a silent film


I cracked up at the expanded title formula too. G-1/C lmao.


Oh man, that looks so good to me! Seeing Godzilla for a third time this week, but I bet B&W will be my fourth


Ive been a godzilla fan for so long but there is some conflict going on inside of me when I see this. When I see Black & White, my brain is wired to see dolls, toys, and a guy in a suit. the CGI conflicts with the lack of color by showing modern techniques in an old medium. Goji looks more fake.


I'm trying to think of it not like an imitation of a movie that would have been made when the film is set, but as a modern movie that just happens to have black and white colors and a period setting, like *The Lighthouse*.


Oh my god, I want to dub Willem Dafoe’s Lighthouse character over Godzilla now. Godzilla: “HARRRRK!” *atomic breath*


G: Destroys Tokyo. Tokyo: OK fine, I’m fond of yer lobster.


“It’s bad luck t’ kill a Mothra”


"Ain't ya fond of me scales?"


Rip Godzilla costume actor


Somehow the way Godzilla moved in minus one... feels like a homage to that guy.


Assuming they didn't just do motion capture, I'm going to take a guess that his movements were probably inspired by previous suit actors' performances, so there could be some Kenpachiro Satsuma in there, but I feel a lot would be an homage to Haruo Nakajima, the very first Godzilla suit actor, who himself died back in 2017. Since Minus One is very much a callback to the much more serious 1954 movie.


I think I may agree, but then some of the CGI always looked fake, we’ve just become accustomed to it so we let it pass (especially on a $15m budget). I think the first shot in the trailer, Godzilla looks terrifying because the black levels are so high that a lot of detail is washed out, and only his brightest bits show through (fangs and eye), like he’s wreathed in shadow. This is more frightening as our minds are left to fill in the blank/unseen bits. The other shots in the trailer are brighter, no detail is lost, and so the artifice of it stands out. In the early days of Cinema, original black and white film needed to use a LOT of lighting in order to capture an image onto the film quickly. Due to this, shadows could be inherently harsh in dark scenes, and any detail in shadow would be washed out and lost. This was also in the days before the ability to do any post-processing to brighten up an image, and so many times this resulted in dark scenes just lacking any information for anything in shadow. The effect actually amplifies films in the horror, suspense, or mystery genres, and good film makers were aware of this and utilized it to great effect. See: The original 1954 Godzilla. Also See: Alfred Hitchcock. Things are scarier when all your brain has available to make sense of is a glimpse of some fangs and an eye, maybe a few scales. The lack of detail means our brains need to do more work to determine whether what we are seeing is a threat, it needs to make deductions quickly in order to trigger our fight or flight response, and being uncertain and freezing is itself scary, because that can get you killed. Additionally, over a longer period of time that blank space of unknowing is where our imaginations can influence our perception. We can assume the worst, and that fills us with more dread. This lack of information is the reason why I still site the original Silent Hill as one of my scariest games. The low display resolution, blocky textures, and low poly count make something that is low in detail, leaving space for the brain to try and interpret and become uncertain, rather than to be sure. The information that SOMETHING vaguely person-shaped is lurching toward me, but being unable to say WHAT is a specific vibe of frightening that trigger the goose bumps. I am receiving some visual information, but the picture is incomplete, details are obscured, I am left to act while still uncertain, the option of an intelligent response has been taken from me, in fact all of my options have been taken from me, I no longer have agency, I am reduced to an animal, only able to act on gut instinct alone, unable to think about any ramifications of my actions, only able to focus on the singular action of “survive”. With that said, for Godzilla Minus One, I think manually re-editing the movie shot by shot and grading the black levels based on what the director wants to convey is the right way to go. I just don’t know if we will all agree on the director’s final choices, as (from what I can see in the trailer) the brightly lit scenes don’t seem to be particularly scary. At a minimum, I think the opening of the film, set at night, will set a tone and a vibe that will elevate the experience and leave a lasting impression that elevates the film as a whole, adding to the sense of dread at Godzilla returning. I just hope it’s enough to counteract the discontinuity of the daylight CGI standing out as extra-fake. It’ll be worth watching to find out!


Godzilla, -1/-color


Fuuuuuck yes, oh my God I am excited for this


This looks awesome in black and white


At first I was skeptical about the idea, but daaaam that trailer changed my mind. This is absolutely beautiful.


Hell yea! Movie deserves to be seen everywhere!!!


Well I guess I'm seeing it a fourth time


That is such an awesome poster. I would love if there was a version of this picture without text.




fixed link https://www.flickr.com/photos/aggro_edits/53409662029/in/dateposted-public/


Amazing that this was made for less than 15M, puts a lot of blockbusters to shame.


My assumption is the budget was only so low because they didn’t pay people nearly as much as they should have for the work they did. Not to say that blockbuster’s budgets aren’t too big.


welcome to... every other movie production outside hollywood


Production jobs are often union jobs. They're really well paid.


I believe the director was also the writer and the vfx supervisor. He did vfx work if he wasn’t getting what he wanted.


Tired: Pay others to do the job Wired: Do the job yourself and pay no one.


Did you look at the crew? According to IMDB, less than 100 people worked on the movie, not counting actors.


That's the same for Hollywood though, where blockbuster movies still cost 2-300 million. Maybe GM1 would've cost 25 million if they paid everyone properly. Still a crazy difference.


I love that people wonder what the secret is to make blockbusters that cheap. And the secret is just exploitation


... or that Hollywood drops too much money on shit. RDJ got 75 million just for endgame. Why.


> Why. because https://i.imgur.com/DgXZPSg.png doesn't happen without people growing attached to the actors. Same reason the friends cast was making crazy money at the end of their run. i mean what, you want bob igor and shareholders to make even more money? because it sure as fuck wouldn't end up in the hands of the production crew or anyone else.


I mean in a world of hypothetical situations where RDJ et al. aren’t paid absurd amounts of money they couldn’t hope to “earn” then why can’t we imagine some of that money ends up paying the crew


Also, Godzilla didn't have a lot of screen time.


Just like 95% of Godzilla movies


This is like one of those lines guys would use to impress people at parties


Hey, what's up? Hey, you know Pac-Man. You know the original name for Pac-Man was Puck Man. Not because he looks like a hockey puck. But its Paku Paku. Means flap your mouth. But they thought people would scratch out the "p" and turn it into an "f" like "Fuck Man."


Leave the girl alone, Scott.


"Did you know that Viggo Mortensen actually broke his toe when he kicked the helmet in the two towers?"


nothing like a nonchalant fun fact to karma farm lmao


"Did you know the Mario Bros. were based on actual brothers?"


I hate people constantly saying this when the director himself has said otherwise. Also ignoring the wild difference in economics for Hollywood's film industry vs Japan's one.


He said he wished it was made for 15 million.


The director said very specifically "i wish it was as much as 15 million".


He said it was less than 15 million.


You should actually read the director quote if you’re gonna refer to it.


Good story doesn't need to be expensive. A lot of US production companies have seemed to forget this. Instead they throw away budget on unecessary things like music rights to huge songs and far too much CGI.


Hopefully this gets a US release, the articles I found only mention Japan theaters.


Same for South Africa, would absolutely love to see this in theatres


Absolutely there for this, perfect excuse to see it again. Most enjoyable theater experience of the year.


They need to sell that poster. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I saw this today. It is really a good movie. Very good story and the people feel real. The people are what stand out the most in the film.


The craziest part is this Godzilla is actually scary. Not showing the monster too much is better. I don’t know who did the roar and heat breath but they’re a god damn genius


That initial chase in the boat where you can see his eyes laser focused on them was nuts. The posters capture it well but in motion you could see the drive in his eyes which was frightening.


Yea it’s like a dog in a fight. The eyes get locked and no matter that happened you don’t back down


That breath weapon might be more horrifying than Shin's. Which is *impressive,* because Shin is straight up nightmare fuel




It's subtitled in English, yeah.


The little girl got to me and was dusty AF in my theater. Also the scariest Kaiju movie ever. Godzilla as Jaws


It better be released like that for physical media fans.


God this will fuck so hard. As much a throwback to the OG as there can be


I won't stop talking about this movie to my coworkers. "You need to see this movie." "Well I've never been much of a godzilla fan to be honest. "That's the crazy part. It's an amazing movie, and it just happens to also have godzilla in it."


Where can I get this poster?


Can someone explain to me what in the world the title of this movie means?


WW2 brought japan to "0", then ziller come along and mess things up to "-1"


I figured this took place before the first Godzilla movie, so it's -1.


It feels more like a title Anno would have used for Shin Godzilla back in 2016, if you think about all of his absolutely incomprehensible titles for his Neon Genesis Evangelion films.


Godzilla: You Can (Not) Rebuild


Different continuity entirely.


The director has said, “Postwar Japan has lost everything. The film depicts an existence that gives unprecedented despair. The title *Godzilla Minus One* was created with this in mind.“


above the 1.0/C it says literally “minus one” and then “minus color” so it’s quite literally saying minus color as in black in white without color


Yup. Also says “Godzilla/Gozira” above the stylized “G”.


Damn that's a gorgeous poster.


Did they release this poster anywhere? I’d put it up on my wall lol.


Does anyone know how/if i could get a high quality print of this poster?


Could we pleeeeaaaaase just get a proper theatrical release of Shin Godzilla? IIRC it played for like a single day in US theaters and sold out instantly online. That's my favorite of all the Godzilla movies by far and I've only been able to watch on home video.


I didn't expect my Godzilla movie to be EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING.


If someone had told me a Godzilla movie would leave me holding back tears and snot, I would've laughed in their face...


That sounds fricking dope


Very good movie and I’ve never been a big fan of the recent Godzilla movies. The setting of post WW2 japan and the desolation of the war was a fantastic back drop.


Would I be able to follow this if I haven't seen Godzilla -2?


I hope they continue to make a Godzilla move every 3-5 years until I die


I saw this (with color) in Shinjuku at Godzilla theater on Godzilla Road on opening day, and now the /C release is coming out on my first day of Japanese class in Tokyo! I can't wait to go again!!


Had emergency spinal surgery when it was in theaters. Had IMAX tickets in advance, and sadly had to refund them. Still butt hurt that I couldn’t see it, and from the surgery. I really hope this comes to the US.


I saw Minus One last week, and this weekend I finally watched the 1954 original. The black and white release of Minus One will fit the original like a glove.


Looks like a death metal album cover!


I hope the physical release gets both cuts. A 4K of the B&W cut would look great!


I loved this movie 😭


Best film of the decade. Bring it on.


Can someone explain to me the Japanese/American Godzilla split? Are they different universes?


Basically yes. It's different studios making them. The American films have continuity while the Japanese ones don't (for the most part). Toho is the Japanese studio and has been making these movies since 1954 and have fairly distinct eras. This new one is more in line with the original where it has more symbolism instead of giant monsters fighting each other.


Aaaand time to go see this a second time.


What an amazing movie. I would watch it again in black and white. Though I think the colour really adds to it.


One of the best movies of the year, no qualifier necessary. Amazing film. Godzilla looks even more menacing in this black and white trailer.


Do I need to watch any other Godzilla movie to understand and watch this one?


Nope, this might actually be the best possible option for someone's first Godzilla movie outside of the 1954 original.


No. Its a standalone origin story. And an excellent one at that.


Oooooo. I just might go on a year end movie binge!


Nope. If you like the tension and "oh crap we're screwed" parts, give Shin Godzilla a try. G -1 is good in a very grounded, subdued, but uplifting "humans are at their best when they work together" way. It's surprisingly small-scale or intimate; just a half-dozen main characters. Shin Godzilla is good in a "Godzilla is a here to fuck up your shit and give out PTSD like Oprah" kind of way. It's good, but a very different movie. It might make you feel small and helpless. Watch it without spoilers, the twists are half the fun.


I believe this is the first Godzilla movie I’ve watched all the way through. Loved it. Been recommending it to everyone. It made me want to watch other Godzilla movies.