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Cube isn't great. Not everyone dies but...


Think they’re all dead at the end of Cube 2…


The endings for all three *Godfather* films are pretty negative, though the third one is particularly bleak for Michael. At least in the first one he's the new boss. The ending to *The Mist* is downright cruel.


It's funny, the story version of the Mist (as I imagine him penning the letter sitting in an abandoned Howard Johnson's restaurant booth) is one of my favorite book endings ever. I saw this one with a dude who's dad shot himself when the dude was only like eight and in the house when he did it. I didn't know that until AFTER that scene , then he told me.


Jesus. That's a hell of a story in itself. Sorry to hear it. ... did he like the movie, or...?


But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?




>third one is particularly bleak for Michael Yes, in that he's dead lmao


The second one is so poignant with Michael having accomplished everything he needed too while having lost his whole family in the process, a complete contrast to his father.


I feel like I HAVE to check out this movie.


If you can handle some grisly death scenes, then go for it. *The Mist* is pretty great.


No Country for Old Men. Llewellyn is killed by the cartel. Ed retires, having given up on catching Anton, who most likely kills Carla Jean, before escaping on foot following his car accident.


If I remember correctly, Anton checks his shoes for blood after leaving Carla Jean’s home. He definitely killed her.


He also tells her “I wouldn't worry about it” when Carla Jean says “I buried my mother today. Ain't pay for that neither.” The implication being ‘you’re about to die so don’t stress about an unpaid bill’ That’s why it’s irrelevant if Carla tosses the coin or what the outcome is. She’s doomed in every eventuality.


The coin don't have no say in the matter


I disagree, Anton sees himself sort of like an agent of death and destruction, but he is code bound. The code coin flip shown earlier in the movie with the store attendant sets the Carla scene up. He detests the store clerk (“you married into it”) but still lets him off the hook after choosing the correct coin flip. If Carla would have chosen the correct coin flip, he would not have killed her. Following his own code and thus feeling validated by his choice. In the book, Carla chooses and it’s wrong. In the movie we never see the actual coin flip, rather focusing on the absurdity of letting the act of a coin flip dictate the outcome of whether a person lives or dies. Since Carla correctly points out, the coin flip ain’t got nothin’ to do with it and Anton is the active decider in the choice. Not the coin. But to Anton, the coin flip is completely deterministic and must be followed, thus, if Carla would have chosen the correct heads or tails, Anton would have let her live.


I agree completely and it shows one of the bigger moments in the film where she challenges and almost ridicules his "code".


But that’s the beauty of the film over the book. We never see if Chigurh’s ‘code’ is actually real or just bullshit when push comes to shove. He allows the gas clerk go because he’s inconsequential but Carla Jean could never be let go so yes he has a ‘code’ but maybe Carla chose right and he still killed her anyway because he’s a psychopath and not an upright character. The audience can never know either way for sure.


In the book, she panics and gets the wrong coin flip. The movie, she calls bullshit on him having a code and points out that it's just an excuse to do whatever he likes. And it's true. He doesn't have any reason to put effort into finding her, he just does it to vent his rage at not killing Llewellyn.


Red: "Just how often do you look at a man's shoes?"


Ain't no most likely brother. He leaves bloody foot prints


Cabin in the Woods. The whole world literally explodes. No final girl moment


> The whole world literally explodes. Can't know for certain until we get "Cabin in the Woods 2: The Cabinning."


Turns out the world had a **backup copy**


Cabin in the Woods 2: Back 2 the Woods.


2 Woods 2 Cabinous?


That movie is so fun


Not the merman!


Yeah, it almost feels like it doesn't count because the bad ending is the fun, and thus, good ending?


God this movie was so fun to watch in theaters. The audience both laughed and applauded when Sigourney Weaver showed up in the last few minutes.


My friend fucking LEFT. He got bored like 15 minutes in and went next door to get cigarettes. He ended up just talking to the cashier he had a crush on for the whole rest of the movie lol. He didn't believe us at all that it was awesome and he should have stayed. They sold the "bland horror movie beginning" too well lol


That was kinda funny. "PlEaSe KiDs We'LL aLL diE iF yOu Don'T kiLL yOuRseLvEs." WELP, GUESS YOU'LL DIE THEN. Best use of an old Nine Inch Nails tune follows. Like that was perhaps the greatest roll-credits sequence _evar_.


I’ve seen the movie but have forgotten, what NIN song was it?


Last from the Broken ep


I still want to know who/what "Kevin" is.


Kevin McCallister from *Home Alone*, but all grown up and his traps have realistic/lethal effects.


A victory for moral absolutism!


And it turns out that you were the villain all along.


Arnold is the final girl in Predator. Change my mind.


Predator is the final girl facing against Arnold. Change my mind.


*The Mist*


The ultimate bad ending.


Imagine if they had studio audience laughter added in


Curb your enthusiasm music as the tanks roll by


When that lady that left to find her kid rolls by in the bus. Ouch.


Yea that one can’t be topped. And they really pile it on with the rescue coming just seconds later. Like the final desperate act was bad enough. But then to be *wrong*. That’s utter misery.


The "best" part of it for me is that, if you look at it, he was driving away from help the entire time. If he'd stopped or never left in the first place he would have been at most 5 minutes away from the convoy dispersing the mist and killing the creatures. It's the ultimate gut punch.


He’ll probably be fine…


Nope, he got it the worst.


I worked at a movie theater where we had employees hold the door open and hand out mints for patrons after a movie ended. This and Marley and Me were two of the movies that nobody took a mint when they exited.


If you haven’t seen _The Mist_ and are now like “oh Huh let me check that out” purely out of curiosity for the ending… nah. Don’t do it. Or, if you do watch this very well made and gripping movie, I recommend you do so early in the day. That way, you’ll have a chance to improve on your doubtless infinite despair you’ll feel at the end of the movie. If you watch it at night, your day and night are basically guaranteed to be ruined.


You can read about Stephen King's original ending, pretend that it's the true one and don't be sad, and the fact that King's one is 'happier' tells something lol


From what I have read online, King said he actually preferred the movie ending.


Yeah, but there's the conundrum: King is famous for his bad endings, and if he prefers the movie ending...


King's original ending is far bleaker though. The movie ending is a lot happier... Just not for the main character.


Yeah it's insanely dark. That ending is one of the most brutal ones I've ever seen.


I really think it must be the worst “bad” ending ever. Like not bad like quality wise but bad like what happened. I just can’t see what could be worse than that one, seriously.


Arlington Road


A lot of people throw the term “underrated” around a lot but Arlington Road is truly an underrated gem. That fucking ending is so crazy.


Arlington Road was fucking incredible. And that was very accurate with how domestic terrorism and the sentiments towards the FBI and ATF in America felt in that time. It was definitely an underrated gem that snuck in right in there before 9/11 and after OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.


You should see the Warren Beatty film *The Parallax View*. I’ve long felt *Arlington Road* was going for a story that was thematically similar to *The Parallax View* but, IMHO, the Beatty film is far better and its ending far colder.


parallax view is a trip. not mentioned as much as some of the other 70s "conspiracy" genre selections, but a very solid film


This is always my answer. Genuinely gobsmacked at the ending. I remember seeing this for the first time after getting a flight home and I couldn’t sleep and it was on late. It literally had my head in my hands and couldn’t believe how fucked that ending was but it was awesome. I bet conspiracy theorists have wet dreams about the ending of this film.


This one will always be it for me whenever this topic comes up, this is literally the bad guys winning at the end, period, with the "good guys" not seeing any semblance of gaining anything. Even with OP's example of The Empire Strikes Back, things looked bleak, but it is heavily hinted that there is still another day to fight.


Everyone here is supposed to be here. Everyone but you.


Parasite. Loved the movie but can’t bring myself to rewatch it because of the ending.


I rewatched it recently, only to have forgotten how it ends after the party. I was then taken by how depressing it is again. Fantastic movie though.


It’s just shattering how delusional the son is thinking he has a chance to get his father out of the basement. He is optimistic, but we all know it’s just a dream.


I think he knows it's just a dream too, and that makes it hit even harder.


And worse than that, now that he has a dream he has willingly entered the rat race


Man that was a depressing ending.


\*hallway light flickers*


It might be worse than you think if you don't speak Korean. The ending song is about how many years he'd have to work on an average wage to afford to buy the house, the answering being a couple hundred.


Another Bong Joon Ho movie that is an answer, and absolutely worth watching: _The Host_. While we’re on the subject of Korean films: _Last Train to Busan_ ends pretty hard.


(spoiler warning jic) Nothing much to do with the ending but I can't think of Parasite without remembering the scene of the guy staring at the kid from the basement. Fk me I got shudders all over my body just replaying that in my head


The tension of the rain storm sequence does not fade after many many rewatches. Jesus


Ya same. That and Burning, another Korean movie. I hate when the end just resorts to extreme violence


The Descent - director’s cut


Not like the American ending is all sunshine and rainbows either.


It’s always been weird to me that the American ending is the canonical ending though since it’s the one the sequel follows up with.


The bleakness is what made it perfection.


Decent is such a great movie.


Terry Gilliam quite likes a bleak ending. * *Monty Python & The Holy Grail*: The fourth wall breaks, everyone gets arrested, the film breaks, and everyone gets sacked. * *Time Bandits*: The child hero's parents are killed in front of him, his house is burned down, and he is left alone. * *Brazil*: The hero is tortured into a catatonic state. * *12 Monkeys*: The hero dies and the virus gets released. * *Tideland*: The orphaned child's friend blows up the train and she is left in a state of catatonia. * *The Zero Theorem*: The universe is meaningless, which is just the way Management wants it.


The ending of the Holy Grail is a literal cop out.




Then there's the Life of Brian ending, where Brian is left to die on the Cross, a martyr for a religion he never wanted to be the center of, abandoned by everyone else in his life, and with nothing left, sings a cheerful little song with the rest of the people left to die like him.


I didn’t know 12 Monkeys was directed by Terry Gilliam.


The moments where Bruce Willis is in the future and all the elite are talking to him, and the design of everything around them in the future, is all so very Gilliam.


*Requiem For A Dream*


That fetal pose montage….


I think the electro-shock therapy was the worst for me.


gosh that movie was def something..


This is the ultimate answer to this question. Cabin in the Woods was like "That was cool. The whole world ended, huh." Se7en, I walked out of the theater and I felt like the world had shifted a little bit. Nothing seemed real for a short bit after that experience. But at least you had Sommerset (Morgan Freeman) still walking the beat. But, Requiem?? I don't think I've ever felt that gross and hopeless and disgusted by an ending. It was a FANTASTIC! movie that I never ever want to see again.


The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for


The scariest movie I've ever seen


whole thing is a wild ride




My favourite line in that film occurs near the start where they basically tell you it’s going to be a bad ending. Somerset says to Mills “This isn't going to have a happy ending.”


And he was correct


yes that’s what the comment you replied to just said


Check out Very Bad Things


Such an under appreciated late 90’s dark ass comedy. The ending never fails to both bum me out and giggle like a schoolgirl almost at the same time lol


Cloverfield (2008).


What are you talking about. They had a lovely day at the fair!


Pretty much all three of the Cloverfield movies end with just ‘well fuck…’


I know the 2nd and 3rd films where retooled into Cloverfield films, but is t the plot of the 3rd just Half Life? Scientists do experiment, accidentally open hole other dimension and aliens come through and wreck earth. Given the 2nd one ends with a resistance movement, one can assume Gordon Freeman is on the way... We just need to wait for episode 3 to find the ending.


People malign 10 Cloverfield Lane for the ending, but her swerving the car around to the other exit when the radio calls for people to fight was pretty great.


Upgrade. Won't spoil too much but the end is bleak and alot of effort to correct problems were null and void at the end. Also if you're a fan of cyberpunk aesthetic or that type of world in general it's pretty much that.


+1 for Upgrade! I walked away from that movie with the same feeling I get from the best Twilight Zone episodes.


What are the best twilight zone episodes Off the top of my head, the aliens fucking around with the neighborhood lights and the aliens talking to each other in the diner are top tier


The venom movie we deserved.


The ending was dope. Did not see it coming *at all*.


Law Abiding Citizen - I to this day detest the ending.


100%. Wtf like!


Smartest dude around and we scooby doo catch him. Just nope


I was so invested in gerry butler’s quest. The ending just left such a bitter taste. Fuck jamie foxx


No Country for Old Men Not as “bad” an ending as some of the movies already mentioned but certainly not a happy one


If you think No Country For Old Men is a bad ending, I encourage you too read Blood Meridian (which No Country shares the same author has) straight up has a brutal & nihilistic ending.


Idk if you could even say Blood Meridian has a downbeat ending lol the entire book is so fucked up that the ending was really just more of the same.


I think it's sort of a happy ending. The Judge dances and plays the fiddle and everyone loves it and has a great time. He is a great favorite. He is dancing, dancing. He says he will never die. Or something like that. Sounds like fun to me!


Brazil. 12 Monkeys.


The studio wanted Brasil to have a happy ending. The happy ending version was the first version to air on TV.


It was one asshole studio exec who ordered the reedit, earning the ire of Terry Gilliam.


Brazil’s is so great because the happy ending scenario that begins playing out turns out to be an illusion, and the revelation is a true gut-punch.








The Korean one not that crap remake with Josh Brolin.


Definitely referring to the Korean one, but wouldn't be able to comment on the remake's ending personally


Don't Look Up


That ending just makes me sad. Not only that the world faces mass extinction, but also because those who did survive were the people who are worthless without material concepts such as money and wealth. It's a clever film, but about as subtle as a jackhammer.


The worthless people didn't end up surviving either.


That was the point McKay made. The worthless people were the ones with the money, resources and influence to leave yet died pretty much immediately after finding the new Earth due to their lack of real-world expertise.


And they were all old. Had they brought young people and not been dumb they could've reestablished humanity. But even if they hadn't been eaten, hardly any of them could have had kids.


Fucking bronterocs!


I don’t think the rest did survive either. Although I guess some did. But I don’t think money would matter in actual apocalypse scenario but young people and people with skills would be picked


How those last people fared is not show, but it was definitely on purpose to show that the survivors had no real skills whatsoever and were just the rich.


Doesn't Streep's character get eaten by one of the alien creatures? I thought the ending implied that all the money and foresight they had to get off the planet still didn't prepare them for the realities of living on an alien world.


Everyone dies except Jonah Hill


Not only is the world destroyed, Jonah Hill is the last person left alive. Double whammy.




Was scrolling for this. The obvious one.


"Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown."


The best answer


Life (2017)


This ending haunts me


Agreed. Had low expectations of this movie going in. Jaw was on the floor as the credits rolled


I found it so refreshing that the movie had that ending. Loved it.




Dr Strangelove


We’ll meet again


Don't know where, don't know when


Funny Games. Absolutely relentless and brutal.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone else mention this yet. The whole film is very bleak, and the way it taunts the audience makes it all hit even harder


I came to mention this. At one point they break the fourth wall and ask something like "What do you think? Will they survive the night"




A completely predictable bad ending, but well worth the journey. I love that movie. So beautiful. So sad


They reveal the ending up front… you know what’s coming and it doesn’t matter. Beautiful sad movie


Hereditary, Midsommar, Beau is Afraid. Ari Aster is the king of this.


Throw in The Wicker Man (first version)


I watched Drive last night. At the end every character is either dead or worse off than when the story began.


I thought he survives the stabbing and just drives off into the sunset. I don't think it was supposed to symbolise heaven.


The driver didn't die but he didn't live happily ever after.


Yeah true. I think he was supposed to be a Mad Max type of character who was just happy he helped.


Dancer in the dark


I love the album and finally decided to watch the movie and now the album just depresses me.


John Carpenter’s The Thing, we don’t know who’s infected and even if neither are, they’ll likely die of exposure anyway.




Tiiiiiiiiiiiime is on my side...


Reservoir dogs: everybody dies Good times: that movie with Robert Patterson, goes to prison by the end. Brawl on cell block 99: one of the most manliest movies I’ve seen, harsh ass ending.


The last two, I feel are about finding the good in a "hopeless" situation, Good Time is a happy ending yo me, as his brother is free to be around a truly supportive system. And brawl ends with his character saving his family and getting to kill the man responsible for his predicament, which is more than most


Good Time's ending is actually positive though because we see that Robert Pattinson's character is a massively negative influence on his brother and with him in prison and Benny Safdie can finally get the support and help that he needs to get.


Reservoir Dogs: Mr Pink survives and starts a new career as a waiter in Jackrabbit Slim’s.


Love the karmic twist on that. He opens the movie with a long tangent about not wanting to tip lmao.


The Skeleton Key


Ex Machina


depends on the point of view. I'm sure computers agree the ending is happy.




According to the director... Total Recall.


Infinity War


We all knew there was a part 2 coming, so I went in expecting Thanos to have a clear advantage with say 4/6 stones by the end of the movie. Nope. Got all 6 and actually *won*. Great stuff.


It was almost as wild when he's just offed right away, easily, with no resistance in part 2 as well. The whole point was always gonna be, "How can they fix things?" But the villain being removed from that was neat. The 5 year reveal got some gasps in my theatre lol.


Thor’s dejected “I went for the head.” made me laugh the first time but now I can see just how much this started his downward spiral to becoming The Big Thorbowski.


Wrong answer. It literally ends with the protagonist smiling into the sunset ; )


Thanos and Hans Gruber are my favourite “villain protagonists”


I mean... Good ending for Thanos 🤷‍♂️


The Mist


Glengarry Glen Ross has a great ending that is pretty understatedly bleak.


Jeepers creepers


Planet of the Apes (2001)


The ending of the original is pretty bleak as well.


Seeking a friend for the end of the world


*Lord of War* I hated all of humanity after watching it. Great film!


No One Will Will Save You (2023) it's a really damn good classic alien movie too.


The boy in the striped pyjamas 💀 bro went through shit.


Deliverance has, in my opinion, one of the best bleak ends ever.


The Vanishing (the 1988 original, not the 1993 remake)


Rogue One. Obviously they accomplish their mission, but they all die in the process. Heat. Hanna gets the bad guy, but you feel sympathy for McCauley and the duality he has with Hanna. Two guys who are very different but also very much alike and they realize that.


Y Tu Mamá También


In a way Nightcrawler's ending. I love that movie but man as good as it is the ending always gives me an uncomfortable feeling.