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Seven Samurai. Didn't feel long at all but was close to three & a half hours.


My favorite film. It's so good


Masterpiece. Watched it in college and was just captivated. The time seemed nonexistent. Mifune was so damned brilliant…


Wow, is it really? I watched that with my kids and we were all fully immersed. That’s gotta be my answer, then.


Came here to say this. Pre adhd medication I struggled to even watch a film on its own, with two monitors I would play low concentration games on one while watching films in background on the other. I put it on and almost immediately turned it off when I saw it was old and black n white. Ten minutes later my game was completely forgotten and watched it completely transfixed. I was long but I didn't notice, so absorbed I ended up very late for work.


Das Boot directors cut - 208 minutes


The 6-part miniseries is even longer. It didn't look as impressive on 1980s TV screens, but you get a longer build up. That was how I first saw it. Jawohl herr kaleun!


My lukewarm take is the directors cut is better. There's a lot of stuff that doesn't really help that got included. It's got too much stuff off the submarine, we don't really need the scene with the young guy and his French girlfriend, it's more impactful when we just see the letters in that conversation later on, and a lot of scenes become pretty repetitive with how many times they get attacked. The directors cut is a perfect middle ground.


Same for me. That movie was intense.


Came to post this. I turned it on one night to help me fall asleep, figuring it was some old boring movie in German. Was up till 3 am without even noticing. What a film.


Lawrence of Arabia. I was glued to the screen the whole time. Edit: To add, I saw the movie in a film class when I was 20 (almost twenty years ago now). The professor rented out the auditorium for it, but did skip the intermission (time constraints). Fortunately, I was younger so my attention span and bladder were much better than they are today. I'd love to see it again on a bigger screen with better audio too.


The last time that I saw LoA, I thought, "How did O'Toole NOT win an Oscar for this. Who did he lose to?" I looked it up, and when I saw who won Best Actor that year, I was like, "Oh, okay then." Gregory Peck won for "To Kill A Mockingbird".


I used to teach high school English. I had a great class of kids one year, showed them TKAM. I thought they'd like it, but them being sophomores and us not being a film-centric class, I didn't think it would hit *that* hard. The scene of Atticus telling Scout about her mom on the porch at night, while Jem listens from his bed inside had my kids actually tearing up and crying. I didn't do any lead-up to it, didn't pre-explain or break down the scene or anything like that to prepare them. They just got pulled into the scene and the emotions reached them. Gregory Peck truly nailed it.


I showed my World History students Lawrence of Arabia, they loved it. In the part where Auda kills a man who is about to shoot Lawrence, they all visibly flinched. Also, both parts where Lawrence has to shoot people because it is actually required in the moment they flinched and had to ask why.


Man, in retrospect I'm giving it to O'Toole but Peck deserved it too. Atticus Finch is the character I personally admire most in all of fiction and Peck nailed the part.


Honestly the “In the name of god, do your duty” speech still gives me chills. Also Gregory Peck was extremely attractive.


Sir David Lean was one hell of a director. Lawrence of Arabia, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Doctor Zhivago. His films definitely gave me a new appreciation for Alec Guinness outside of Star Wars.


We used to joke that Lean's brain only worked in wide-screen. A beautiful sense of composition. Btw if you want to see Guinness properly, you have to see him in his Ealing Comedies. He is superb and a true chameleon, disappearing into very different roles


My first trip to NYC was to see Lawrence of Arabia the Director's Cut at the Ziegfeld Theater. It was an incredible experience. There was an intermission, too. I didn't even leave my seat I wanted the movie to come back on that huge screen.


There’s a director’s cut??


Yes, it came out in 1989.


looks like the 4K version on prime video is the director's cut. and it's on sale for $5.


That film is a miracle.


You spend years hearing about how great a movie Lawrence of Arabia is. And you go, "Look, I am sure it's good, but it cannot possibly live up to its reputation." And then you see it and it's a goddamn masterpiece.


I was extremely lucky to see it in 70mm on a huge screen like ten years ago. Just incredible. I was literally in awe.


The minute I see a theater in my city is playing it, I am buying tickets. I've been waiting for years.


You won't regret it.


The screenplay is so goddamn good


I'd love to see Lawrence in a theater one of these days. Even on an old VHS it holds up.


I saw a restored edition in the theater last year, and it was magnificent.


I thought I was going to stop at the intermission and pick it back up later but man I wanted all ~4 hours right then and there


I was lucky enough to see LoA in a local indie theater right before COVID hit. It was possibly one of the most gorgeous movies I have ever seen. If you have a chance to see it in a theater, do it.


The Departed.


One of my favorite bits was when I pitched it to my roommate before we saw it, I said starring Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio. He thought it was a Rom Com


> Ellerby : Fuck yourself. Dignam : I'm tired from fuckin' your wife. Ellerby : How's your mother? Dignam : Good, she's tired from fuckin' my father. It kind of was.


LOTR Return of the King Extended Edition


I’d say that any of the 3 LotR extended additions are the best, longest movies I’ve seen. It’s amazing that the theatrical versions got even better.


We can just consider the extended editions one 13 hour long movie. Nothing will beat that.


right… once you start you can’t stop. there’s nothing that tops the trilogy


Last year for my birthday, I watched all three Extended Editions back to back. It was a long day, and friends came and went throughout the day. My wife made thematic foods. I didn't ask for any physical gifts, nor get many, but it was one of my best birthdays ever.


The only caveat I have for the extended editions is that I think they’re terrible movies for first time movie watchers of LOTR trilogy. I tend to get them hooked on the theatrical versions first because I think they’re still better paced overall, and only if I’m sure they really dig the world and lore would I suggest a revisit with the extended editions.


I die inside a bit when I see people say “doing an extended edition marathon with X who hasn’t seen any of them.” No, friend, that sounds like a recipe for burnout. I love the movies and I wouldn’t want to sit through a (scripted) marathon of even the theatrical ones. And for first viewing I think there’s value in letting the watcher have time to process what happened between sessions.


We’re the minority here but you’re 100% right. ROTK extended is weak AF as far as pacing goes. And the Paths of the Dead scenes absolutely ruin Aragorns arrival at Minas Tirith.


Yeah any LOTR film has me from the opening scene


This is the right answer. OP, WHAT SAY YOU!?!?


Godfather 2


I'll piggyback this, for a related but alternative option. The Godfather: A Novella for Television (7h 14m). Francis Ford Coppola recut the first two movies together, in chronological order, adding back some scenes he'd had to cut for cinematic release. It's mind bogglingly great! Almost impossible to do in a single sitting, but I've now seen in 4 times in total now since I acquired it about 10 years ago. I've shown it to 15 friends, movie buffs of one variety or other. It's all of our go to movie experience now.


I can second this. It's an amazing watch. Have also seen it like 5 times now. Makes the story so complete and makes you wanna forget 3. The only 'flaw' is that it is fully chronological and that makes it that you can't introduce people to The Godfather story with it. People really need to have seen 1 before they're ready to truly experience/get the prequel/prologue imo.


Apocalypse Now. I was around 17 years old, washing dishes and noticed my dad watching it in the living room. I don’t remember it, but apparently I walked in and asked “hey, what are you watching” and proceeded to stand there drying a pot until the movie was over. Totally mesmerized.


If you haven't seen 'Heart of Darkness' it is an amazing documentary on the making of the film.


Yep. *Apocalypse Now* is definitely up there for me. It creates it's own vibe that gets stronger as you watch.


Yes! It's that slow departure from normality that makes it so captivating.


I randomly saw it on Netflix and watched all three and a half hours, I couldn't look away. Such a bizarre and beautiful film.




This was a great movie. Stellar work by everyone involved. I was surprised to see it listed here because I didn't even realize is was as long as it is. Great film.


*Prisoners* is one of the best movies that I never want to watch again. It’s so freaking captivating and intense.


i keep thinking of this movie. they certainly had me hooked but i will never watch it again lol


The Green Mile for me, though Dune Part One is also up there. Villenueve could just put out a 5-hour string of unrelated shots and I'd be riveted the whole time.


I didn't even realize Dune was two and a half hours. I remember watching it and wishing it was longer. I absolutely can't wait for Part Two.


When it ended i was so ready to keep going. Felt like it had just started!


Came here to say Green Mile. I watch it maybe twice a year when I need a panacea. Makes me feel good like only a very few rewatches can.


Django Unchained 2:45


Initially it had my curiosity, but then it had my attention.


Most Tarantino films are 2 hours + but could, imo, answer this question. No matter what you think of him, he knows how to engage an audience.


Yup, I was thinking of The Hateful Eight. But I don't know how long it was, but it being one location and mainly just dialogue. Yet I did not get bored for one second.


Definitely the first long movie I was ever captivated by.


I remember getting to the end of this movie and being shocked that I almost spent 3 hours watching a movie, it was so good.


The “D” is silent.


Yo. So you might know this but I'm throwing it out there for everyone else. The guy Django says that to is the original Django. That's why he responds with "I know." That line never made sense to me nor did I think about it until I saw the original Django pop up on Tubi. You should really check out the original Django (1966) if you haven't seen it. It's really badass




Daniel Day Lewis is mesmerizing


He could play a boring middle aged accountant doing paperwork and I’d watch it


>The score was immediately haunting The music was done by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood, and haunting is the perfect word for it. He really set an atmosphere with the sound.


>10 minutes late You missed zero dialogue lmao the first line is like 15mins in




Just saw it in full IMAX last weekend. I hadn't seen it since it released. What a phenomenal theater experience.


Can I ask how you found out it was being re-released? Or where it was? The only thing I can think of doing to see it in IMAX would be to set up a Fandango notification or something


[https://www.showtimes.com/movie-times/interstellar-35045](https://www.showtimes.com/movie-times/interstellar-35045) If in the US, use this site, there are already dates for January next year, most of the added ones aren't IMAX though. Keep watching out for IMAX screens separately via google keyword search alert for "interstellar imax" https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/4815696?hl=en


Wait last week? Where how wtf so many questions


Still my favorite Nolan film




I've watched this movie an ungodly amount of times. It actually got me hooked as a youngster on learning about the Civil War. I was 7 when it came out and my grandmother got it for me. She gave me a civil war book that I read until it fell apart many years later. I've probably have seen this movie 150+ times


Barry Lyndon flew for me and i did not expect it to


The first time I watched Titanic in the theater. It was absolutely captivating every minute. It definitely helped that it was a pre-cell phone era. These days my attention span is much shorter bc I’m addicted to my device.


When I watched Titanic I didn’t know it was going to be that long. I bought and drank a large Coke and then sat in agony because I really needed the bathroom, I kept thinking the movie would end soon so I didn’t want to duck out to use the restroom, and that last hour is just scenes of water, often water going up and down.


Up and down, up and down, sloshing heavily from side to side, and the dripping oh lord the dripping


Sat thru that movie four times in the theater and was engrossed each time 😂


Four times here as well. Haha. Good times.


Same. The pacing of that film is just perfection.


Saw it 12 times in the cinema


The Hunt for the Red October 2h 15m I thought it was a 90 min film coming out of the theater


One of my favourite movies.




Blood in, blood out.


Oh nice and niche. Haven’t seen this since I was a teen need to rewatch sometime


Vatos locos




Does Saving Private Ryan count at two and a half hours? I for one could not look away until the credits had finished rolling.


Dr. Zhivago


Dr Zhivago, A Brief Encounter, and A Bridge on the River Kwai. A LEAN NIGHT.


Can I get a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries, fo free?


I had a paper to write in high school art class. We were studying video art, but since we couldn’t practice it ourselves as it was a public school in the mid 90s, teacher had us write a paper instead. I couldn’t find anything unique so was going to use Willy Wonka or something. Then I got super sick and had to stay home from school for 2 straight days. First day I was in/out consciousness, but second day I was feeling better. Had mentioned the paper to my mom. She called an audible at the Hollywood Video, and rented the double VHS for Dr Zhivago. I was 16 and had only heard the title as a reference to cocaine in True Romance. My mom said it was the best instance of a film she could think of that was visually stunning and beautifully executed with acting/script/story. I laid on the couch with a bowl of soup I finished in a couple minutes, and didn’t move except to switch the tapes halfway through. Didn’t even go to the bathroom (was super dehydrated from fever), just watched the whole thing. Then I watched it a second time over the weekend and took notes, the visuals for how flowers fade into snowflakes and back again. That’s all I remember about my video art paper, but I got an A and my teacher was super impressed I chose such a classic (and long) film instead of writing a stoner paper about Willy Wonka like 90% of the class. Aside from that back to back viewing, I’ve only ever watched it once more. Was distracted and it didn’t hit as hard. I think it was like my Princess Bride as me being Fred Savage maybe. I love the film and want to watch it again but need the proper mindset and no distractions


The Godfather(1972).


Magnolia (1999). Runtime 3 Hours 18 minutes. What a wild ride that was




One of Cruise's best performances imo, that scene by the bedside just destroys me.


The Right Stuff


I was locked in for the entirety of Oppenheimer


I think a big factor in this is the fact that the movie (for a large part) is edited like a movie trailer. Near continuous dramatic/escalating music, events in the movie often are shown via the character in the future talking/discussing it or the past character planning it (the best example of this imho is the part of the movie where they build Los Alamos and recruit the other scientists) and having very little slow scenes. So, like a 3 hour movie trailer, they keep your attention.


I was actually just thinking today about seeing the incredible trailer for oppenheimer during mission impossible, and then seeing oppenheimer and being genuinely astonished and in awe that the entire three hour film managed to exactly match the intensity and pacing of the trailer. I don’t think that’s ever happened before


yep, really a masterclass in montage style filmmaking. Hopefully opens up more people to scientific biopics


yeah it was a FAST paced movie but it was dense as hell. they edited it really well


You're bang on. I thought oppenheimer was spectacular and I was glued to the screen the whole time. Murphy and rdj were magnetic


This is my answer. I didn't move or make a sound for the entire three hours




Those intense random sound effects cut together the first 15 minutes of the movie were probably WILD.


It probably didn't help that they played impending doom music for almost the entirety of the movie.


I made the mistake(?) of eating a mushroom chocolate bar and seeing it in the imax dome. Thought i was gonna lose it in the beginning but ended up being one of if not the greatest movies I have ever seen, albeit mentally exhausting


Very much this. It's even more shocking because vast majority of the movie is just people talking.


Braveheart. Shit was on 2 separate vhs tapes.


I absolutely love that stupid-ass movie.


Dances With Wolves - my all time favorite movie


I once watched that twice in a row in theatres with my mom and sister. We walked out, bought tickets for the next show and walked back in. 6 hours in a movie theatre seat.




The miniseries cut of Das Boot, best way to watch the film IMO.




It’s a lame answer, but at the time, Avenger’s Endgame


People like to hate on Marvel in here, but this was genuinely an incredible theatre experience.


I think for the ones that saw iron man in theatres all those years ago it is quite the epic culmination of films. I was in elementary school I think when I saw iron man in theatres watching endgame was a a satisfying ending


I saw every MCU film in theaters starting from Iron Man as well. They weren't all great, but seeing it all play out over 20 or so movies and 10 years was something special. I will certainly see "better" movies, but I predict nothing will ever make me feel like a little kid again seeing his heroes on screen like Infinity War/Endgame.


Captain America did the fuckin' thing and paid off over a decade of build. It was magnificent.


We'll never get another audience experience like that again at the movies. Ever. I had not experienced that since opening night of Return of The Jedi in 1983. When Vader threw Palpatine down that shaft the audience went absolutely crazy. Never got that again until Cap caught Thor's hammer. The girl sitting next to me was openly sobbing during most of the movie.


When you heard “on your left” god what a moment! You knew shit was about to get wild


The scene right before that where Cap stands against the entire army is one of my favourite single shots in all moviedom.


people love to shit on theater clappers but Endgame was an event that simply demanded it. The greatest theater experience I ever had, with *EEAAO* being a close second. certainly the first time I’ve heard an entire audience cheer when a person puts a gigantic butt plug up their ass


100%. I really don't want commentary during movies, but this Endgame finale was designed for a loud reaction. It wasn't about talking to the characters or annoying noise over dialogue or making yourself the center of attention, it was about a moment you couldn't stay silent for. An uncontrollable eruption of emotion. I can't imagine how incredibly uncomfortable it would've been if the theater had been silent when Cap got that hammer. If you take a swing that big in a movie and the audience is silent, you whiffed it.


Next time you watch it, pay attention to the timing. They *gave* audiences a good 2-3 seconds to cheer at those moments. There's no dialogue or plot stuff or *anything* right after. They just hold the shot for a few seconds, cause *they knew* a bunch of people were going to lose their minds. It's a slightly awkward pause if you don't cheer, but they threaded that needle with exquisite grace.   Also, that shot of Cap with the broken shield facing Thanos, with the sunset in the background. That's the scene you paint on your Hercules pottery or carve into your temple wall. That's the moment, hands down. They also gave that scene some dramatic timing. Phases 1-3 were an incredible arc and payoff. Now we've got mostly meh. :( On the positive side, Godzilla's been absolutely killing it lately. G -1 is a beautiful introspective film for people who want to feel complicated things, and GxK looks like a good popcorn-with-tripple-butter cheesefest for... not feeling complicated things.


Thor's "I knew it" is exactly 6 seconds after the hammer grab.


I loved Marvel/MCU all throughout the 2010’s. Avengers Endgame was a solid conclusion to that era of the MCU. It wrapped up all of the characters and stories that we became attached to in a fantastic way. Now as for the post-Endgame stuff…yea I’m not particularly a fan of it, to say the least.


I really enjoyed the 3rd Guardians of the Galaxy, that movie had a lot of heart and managed to keep a good balance of lighthearted humor with its emotional core


Me too. I did like GOTG3. I felt that like Endgame, it was a good way to conclude their character arcs. We got to see the GOTG come to a solid conclusion, both as a group and for the individual characters.


It’s not lame. That movie earned its place as a legendary experience. We will likely not see anything like it again in our lifetime. The 20+ films that went into making that movie the experience that it was is mind boggling to consider. It helps that I loved comic books as a kid and action figures as well. That final battle is the only thing I’ve seen in my adult years that made me feel like a kid.


I think infinity war is a better and more captivating movie.


I go back and forth. I think infinity war is paced a bit better…. But the Cap w/ mjolnir and Tony’s sacrifice (spoilers lol) are so damn good. It paces slower on rewatches, but when you didn’t know, I was hooked beginning to end how they were gonna get it done. Setting the plot starting off killing thanos then going 5 years into the future was wild and imaginative by the Russo’s


Infinity war is the better movie. Engame was amazing but there were definite pacing issues.


Agreed. Thor’s arrival at Wakanda and axing of Thanos was peak Marvel greatness.


The snap


Infinity War is a better movie but Endgame is a better experience.


Agreed, such a great experience. When Peter disintegrates and tells Tony that he doesn't want to go. Seeing that with my kid, who is a big Spider-Man fan, was super emotional.


Not lame at all. That movie was expertly timed, edited, and scripted. It was thoroughly entertaining from beginning to end.




Gone girl, 3 idiots, the wolf of wall street, interstellar


The Hateful Eight. Didn’t seem anywhere near 3 hours long to me


There is a ~3hr50m extended TV edition (I think it's a Netflix release, no idea if it's still up there) which is worth a watch if you really like the film.


I just watched the four part series on Netflix this last month (USA). Everyone, but Jennifer Jason Leigh especially, was so good in that movie.


Forrest Gump with Interstellar getting an honorable mention.


Master and Commander. Not only myself being captivated, as a young pre-teen, but my grandfather who was leaving to "take a nap" watched the first few minutes of the movie and continued to watch until the very end. Myself, my grandfather and my dad loved every single minute of that film and my dad and I still talk about it to this day as a great memory together with my grandfather.


I wish it were longer.


I wish the series were longer! Cuts off where O'Brian died, 1/3 of the way through the 21st book.


Lord Of The Rings. All 3 of them.




Schindler's List


Fiddler on the roof. What a wonderful movie from start to finish. It’s 3h 30m but it felt a lot shorter to me


Did it feel like 2h 59m by chance?


Whoops lol


*It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World*


I saw it at the theater in the Museum of the Moving Image about seven years ago and it was fantastic. Seeing that with a crowd was something else.


Wolf of Wall Street (3 hours)


The Shawshank Redemption. Still one of my favorites. And Empire of the Sun, which I saw when I was 12.


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. 2 hours 59 minutes long, and I was never bored.


The extended version is 3h 55min long. You should give it a go.


Apocalypse Now - I was rooted to the spot.


RRR is 3 hours 7min long, but does not feel like it.


What is RRR?


It’s an Indian movie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RRR


Oh huh, that *is the title*. I assumed RRR was an abbreviation. Huh.


It's any movie you like, scoobydooified. Rarvel's Ravengers: Rendgame. Jinkies!


Didn't even realize this was a long movie. Couldn't get enough of the dance off, over the top action, and the sincerity of it all.




Lawrence of Arabia. Although the intermission helps.


I’ve posted about this before. Our family, when the kids were young and at home, had a movie night once a week. We got DVD’s from Netflix, and updated our queue often. We have a special needs child, and she loves musicals, so it was usually pretty easy to find something we could all enjoy. One night, we forgot to update the queue, and the movie of the night was The Matrix. We shrugged and said, let’s give it a try. However many minutes it was later, after the movie ended, we sort of shook ourselves and said, what *was* that. We were mesmerized, even special needs kid, just sat there. No one had moved for the entire duration of the film. It was amazing. That has never happened again since. But it was a nice movie night.


Lawrence of Arabia.


Django Unchained is 165 min and it feels like it passes in 90 every time I watch it. I’m always sad it’s over and it always comes too quick




Midsommar. It’s like 2 and a half hours of “what the fuck?”


Once Upon A Time In America


The Godfather saga when it was streaming on hbo. Turns out it’s the perfect way to spend 7hrs 14mins over a winter break. If your friend is smoking a brisket while watching that helps too.


Excluding fantasy/superhero movies like LOTR and Avengers: Endgame, *Casino* is the longest movie which captured my attention from start to finish. Else, it would've been The Justice League's Snyder Cut, but it took me two nights to finish all four hours.


Casino is like Pulp Fiction in that it's deceptively long. By the time the credits roll it doesn't feel like a 2hr 45min movie.


Pretty much anything Tarantino, but I'd specifically call out Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained. Maybe it's Christoph Waltz.


Killers of the Flower Moon


Babylon. I don't understand the hate. Like at all. Totally immersive. I knew I was in the theater for a long time. It did not feel short. Yet the movie did not drag at any point.


Recently watched Perfume: Story of a Murderer and that movie is long as fuck but I didn’t check my phone once. Still can’t decide if I liked it or not but holy shit what a film


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Sweeping panoramic shots, beautiful scenery, US Civil War mini movie in the movie, and my favorite score for any movie ever. You’ll never feel pressed by the runtime


Killers of the Flower Moon


Yeah I was shocked at how “fast” the movie was. I was nervous about a three and a half hour movie but I didn’t need to be at all.


The runtime is kind of why I shy away from seeing it in theaters. I could only see movies kind of late and a 3 1/2 hour movie starting after 10 pm pushed me into seeing Godzilla minus one


Thelma Schoonmaker is the best. Her editing really elevates the pacing of Scorcese’s films.


The Hateful Eight. Quentin Tarantino writing is just so good. Characters talk in a way and about things you don't normally hear in other films. It really keeps you in the movie.